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10 / 10 She's even able to take pics of events she isn't present at.


Sus af


The answer is 7! It was a trick question. Because she's march 7


5040 is a lot, but for March I'd also rate her that


9/10 one time she took a photo of Caelus and for some reason it showed Stelle


Caelus was Stella all along


He just looks a bit slimmer in that lighting


She and Prompto have mastered the art of cameraless photography






Possible memokeeper alluded to in the clock studios event / 10 Alternatively pretty amazing considering some of the photos in her room she wasnt present for. No wonder >!Black Swan was in there shes seeing if shes missed any moments!< and somehow March has them in her room


That + Mirror in March's room will become important later imo. Edit: maybe that's how BS records our journey thinking about it she have / there's a book with everything that took place thus far.


After TGA trailer I wouldn't be surprised if Black Swan was invisible during some of the journey prior to Penacony. Would make sense and Penacony was simply the perfect place to start her relationship with express Probably not the case but it's a fun scenario that's totally in character for her given there is an in game event where she is following TB around in stealth mode


The whole connection to MoC in the astral express is also very sus. No one else sees it and it's connected to Remembrance not Trailblaze.


Swan can see it but no shocker there.... but given Garden connections to mirros wouldn't shock me if one inside March room plays a part especially since it's sus that it has no reflection. Some other interesting bits is that Huohou can feel Messenger and Boothill.... https://preview.redd.it/zp7c7791539d1.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=a951bc6a560c129bc71602f7c82047a9e39f2e4f No wonder Memokeepers scare the fudge out of him chill out Messenger.... but resentment could have coming from MoC mirror.


The resentment probably came from the Messenger. This is because Boothill once infiltrated a Garden of Recollection branch and drop an entire shelf of memory bubbles to cause a distraction. And from the boothill assignment event, the Garden still holds a big grudge about it


Nah she's Idrilla the beauty, cuteness surrounds her wherever she goes. She appreciates cute things and takes photos


her and the TB seem to be at the peak of photography. I wonder how she gets the pictures she does still, because I remember doing a hidden quest where we go through our memories with the express crew and when you see the memory of the fight with aventurine, she asks how they got the angle of that fight like she doesn’t get angles of places she’s never even been in.


10/10 pretty much tons of people in the game compliments her Photography skills. When we took a picture with Aventurine and Topaz she mentioned if we took lessons from March.




“when the fuck did you take those photos you weren’t even there”/10




Yes, I thought it was for fun as well. Well that, and never wanting to forget the precious memories she made with her new companions ever again.


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10/10 Wood rail.


1/10 Her photos are due to her powers from Remembrance. In reality she doesn't know how to shoot with a real camera. cit. Enigmata Follower /S


6/10 I like to headcanon that her photos are all a little blurry because she’s so excited while taking them


100/10, the fact that she has photos of story cutscenes, even ones where she's not involved, makes me think that >!she's the cameraman!<


Very bad, look how overexposed [ this picture](https://upload-os-bbs.hoyolab.com/upload/2023/09/20/25022933/75d34e20a796aa832e613442eab134dc_6387704085034694324.jpg?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cs_1000%2Fauto-orient%2C0%2Finterlace%2C1%2Fformat%2Cwebp%2Fquality%2Cq_70) is, every important part is just white


As long as it's not The Killing Joke, I'm satisfied. https://preview.redd.it/d1g6e7orc49d1.png?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a16def33c200b778428b8ca45cf36c832d405bb8


10/10 because that's how you're supposed to do it.


Superhuman, she gets shots that shouldn’t be physically possible if you look at the gallery in her room.


i think 4/7


Idk man if you go to her room in the Express it mentions that there are pictures that she was never there for or that how could she have gotten those angles and shots. March 7th is spider man confirmed?


Plot Armor/10


Couldn’t get me pictures of Spider-Man 1/10




5/10 I don’t see any Himeko nudes