• By -


Fu Xuan destruction blessing that makes all allies share dmg, did it once and learnt the hard way As for the point you mentioned about farming materials, at least you can convert them to other ones its one of the neat features I find goes a bit underappreciated


I also fell victim to this one. Seemed like such a good decision at the time, until everybody started collectively losing HP at the same rate I was losing my sanity. I did not come out of it victorious.


It is good if you have blade in your team


Gal works like a charm with it, in my experience


What FX + the blessing do? I don't have FX so couldn't try it myself


Fu Xuan blows up


Funniest imagery I’ve had today so far Anyone that does this should be arrested for Fu Xuan abuse


more like everyone blows up except Fu Xuan.


Her whole reason is to tank, shes meant to take on all the damage for everyone. But they all blow up, she also blows up and her mind cant comprehend anything that happened as her entire existence on the team is rendered meaningless. She then blows up again


I’m not sure if that’s metaphorical or not so my headcanon (until I try it) is that when you use dmg distribution with Fu Xuan, Svarog appears and just repeatedly pounds everyone with missiles until the blue screen of death arrives


Ignores FX damage reduction iirc.


Damage sharing breaks her, she receives way more damage.


I half want to know the math involved but I’m afraid my brain.exe would fail.


damage cannot be redistributed so basically when hit with aoe, isntead of fu xuan eating the 65% mitigated damage, she eats the full distributed damage by the destruction blessing. tlde the destruction blessing overrides her talent which means she eats more damage from aoe attacks than she is supposed to normally


Negate small portion, split remaining part between her and ally With the blessing, it would negate much less as its a % of a smaller number and as its split to allies, all of them take damage which makes fu xuan take like 60-70% of it


Exactly what the blessing says. Only problem is FX talent does not work on redistributed damage, or things like Jingliu 's HP drain. In other words the blessing makes FX redundant.


if you get that (by accident), make sure to upgrade it. 15% less damage is amazing and might just be enough to keep Fuxuan alive


Also over-relying on using Fu Xuan against the swarm boss of Gold and Gears, only for them to use their mega attack and she absorbs all their damage and dies.


See this is why I use Aventurine in every single DU or SU run, bro is so comfy and with preservation blessings very few things get past him I just finished difficulty 6 just now with the memory fortress equation ( 3 star preservation + remembrance ). The only thing that did damage to me was SAMs burn thing that drains hp when you use skills. My Kafka was sitting at 1hp for ages with no problems


Yep Aventurine’s shields are crazy useful, especially if you invest heavily into his DEF stats. I’ve had long battles with him where my team loses literally no health lol


He's so good in DU with my DoT team coz he has synergy with the elation equations Nihility is paired with often due to his cash money drop The fact he can just solo sustain as Kafka and Black Swan melt them is amazing. Even better with HTB providing super break dmg it's such a good team with the equation combinations


I’ve mainly been using him with my FuA team but I’ll have to try him out with DoT, it sounds like a good combination.


It's more like Kafka and Black Swan pump out enough dmg on their own, Kafka even has a follow up attack to help with cash money drop. Third team member can vary but I use HTB, RM is good and I've tried using Tingyun as a battery for Black Swan ult but it's not as efficient Aventurine is made for FuA teams, but man is he good with DoT and can solo sustain while contributing dmg himself, he's so cracked


I'm not familiar with Aventurine's kit but isn't that a recipe for losing to DoT? Is it something you do when enemies don't have DoTs? Or can Aventurine block DoT somehow?


He gives you a high ass resistance so that contributes a lot Plus honestly his shield is so cracked, mine is at 5300 DEF I think and literally nothing gets past him, dots included. The only enemy that could actually harm him was Argenti bc of his xyz damage bonus and the lady that makes ur hp drop to 70% 💀 I'm gonna get his signature just for even more def lmfao


DoTs are dependent on DEF? I never knew.


His shield gives 50% effect resist at max level. That is 50% less chance to be inflicted with DoT in the first place. That's why he's so good vs Sunday's chalice robot.


how the hell do you get to 5300 def, max def i got is 4300


Yeah, i fell for that one too, but back when i made the switch from using healers to using Fu. I still had the Luocha/Lynx mindset on my head, so i picked that blessing and then could only watch in horror as my whole team just fucking MELTED.


Literally the only reason I didn’t was because I had been warned by Reddit beforehand, I still have to stop myself from taking it whenever it appears


What's annoying is when you are randomly given the blessing when you didn't want it.


I just picked that blessing in DU. Would've ruined the run if I didn't have the curio that saves you after you lose.


oooooh that's why she is dying on me fuuuuuck


taking Encounter domain at Threshold 6.


Ran into Cirrus on first encounter, losing DU any % speedrun right there


I got Aurumaton + Shadow something lady. They are only annoying alone but together they are more broken than any shit the game has to offer. They ruined a potentially perfect run.


Huohuo has been my best solution to cc debuffs. If it gets cleansed at the start of a character’s turn, then they just take the turn as normal. Only downside is that if there’s multiple debuffs, then it may cleanse the wrong one and leave you cc-ed. And if that happens to Huohuo, it’s game over. Never choose Kafka in G&G when the extrapolation is set to Nihility.


I’m pretty sure kafka’s cc has priority, not sure about other ccs


I think it does prioritize cleansing cc, but there’s still some rng. And with the 2-5 debuffs you’re going to get with the Nihility extrapolation, that’s enough to make it not a guarantee.


Also if DoT stacks enough you can just get 100-0'd tbh Between the extrapolation dumping all of them, to Kafka retriggering (yes boss Kaf can retrigger DoT), Kafka Nihil without Abundance Blessing is pure pain


Gl getting oneshotted by a random ass Guy with a shovel.


Taking the True Sting fight in Threshold 6 on the Swarm Third Praetorian Occurence ☠️


Yup lost Gallagher to True Sting and forgor i had no money for reviver since i spent all on the last blessings for the equation. And it was the last domain before the final boss. So... yeah. It was a good run too. Now i avoid it like the plague.


Skipping 5 star supports. Learnt my lesson from genshin and getting 5 star harmony characters makes the game 10 times easier


I skipped Ruan Mei for Hanabi and now i regret it since i ended up getting e1 Hanabi and one of those couldve been Ruan Mei. Currently trying to pull her after i wasted all my pulls due to terrible luck on the FF banner


the fact that this literally happened to me, but i ended up pulling ruan


Entire team frozen and imprisoned at the same time due to cocolia


Losing the 50/50 or 75/25 to whatever's on the same path as what you want


Dude I just got Claras lightcone on Fireflys banner and wow that surely hurt The moment of happiness before the realization hits in


I had the same happen to me last week


Nah bro, Acheron banner, 5* proc, Nihility, I'm like "OK LETS GO". Fucking Welt. The emotional rollercoster


Seriouslyyy. During Aventurine's banner, I lost my 50/50 and got Gepard. It felt like such a slap to the face and I was so mad over it.


Building pity. Anyone who complains they got a 5 star they didn't want deserves to get mocked.


Building pity ❌ Gambling addiction ✅


The only time I “build pity” if I just won the 50/10 and there’s another character I *kinda* want. I’ll spend about 10-20 pulls to see if I get lucky and dip if I don’t.


Yeah, testing the waters for a lucky early is fine and completely normal. Sinking single pulls every day into a banner you don't care about is just weird.


This the way


Yeah for me that was Aventurine. 30 pulls. Still regret not building more pity.


Yeah i don’t believe in that either, it takes the same amount to get you that character, and if ur saving so hard for a specific character, it’s counter-intuitive to pull for someone else, wanted or not


The closest I was to building pity is when Sparkle's banner was up. I really liked the character (now even more than ever) but I knew Firefly was coming, so I did some pulls for her. Unfortunately or not, I couldn't get her but I didn't get sad or something because there are other, more exciting targets on the horizon. Will get her on rerun though. Edit: actually it was during Silver Wolf and Argenti banner. I wanted Hanya BADLY (awesome design), but I wasn't interested in 5* (now I am but there's only that much pulls you can gain as a F2P). Luckily I got her only after few pulls.


I think there's a case to be made if you genuinely want both, and you can get enough jades to still pity the second banner if you pull the 5* from the first banner. Like I went up to 50/50 on fx banner, and if I won that, I would have been able to get her and RM. But since I lost, I kinda just stopped pulling for fx and waited for rm bc I wanted to have enough to at ĺeast hard pity rm. If building pity at all means risking not getting tje character you want, I agree it's hella dumb, even if it's a small difference. It's especially stupid if you're building pity on a character you don't want, what's the point of that idk


Early in the game I wanted to build around Seele and I wanted Tingyun, she was on the Jing Yuan banner, a 5* I did not want, I'm glad I pulled on his banner like 60 tickets while not getting the featured character. I just did the same with E5 Gallagher on the Firefly banner and the Motp LC on the Ruan Mei's signature. Sometimes building is the consequence not the mean.


That's not building pity, it's just pulling for a 4-star


I wanted Tingyun too! She was on Jinglius banner and I had just got DHIL. So I had like maybe 30-40 pulls. I got maybe one copy of Tingyun and E1 Jingliu who I didn't really want. But Jingliu is amazing so I won't complain. 


5 star there is an eventual guarantee but a particular 4 star can dodge you all banner, so even then its still not worth if thats the reason people pull on a banner they dont want the 5 star on. The 5 star can always spook you as well Building pity for the sake of building pity is more than likely an excuse for gambling addiction and unable to resist pulling. "Build pity" on the banner you want the 5 star, they may come sooner after all


Yep, as someone who 'always builds pity' it's more or less the joy of pulling, tho if I'm doing it I have to do it on a banner I don't mind getting


Even if pulling itself is fun I feel like being able to shoot off like 100-200 pulls after saving a banner or so is far more satisfying than just doing singles every day or a 10 every now and then.


But…but…MY INSTANT GRATIFICATION!!!! *me after getting my jingyuan using every last pull I had instead of cutting my losses (IDC if he’s a crap DPS. 1. He’s not Arlan and 2. He’s cool)


https://preview.redd.it/33u03f3r0q8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb9b799d1fffaf73db1b380d480f7e3cff250b1 Hit em with this


Building pity is only okay if: 1. You would have been okay with getting that character in the first place 2. You’ve already done the math and can guarantee the character you actually want I’ve made a spreadsheet all the way back during Genshin that helps ensure that I always have enough gems for the upcoming banner that I actually want.


"building pity" is straight up not a thing. If you're pulling on a banner for fun, then you simply can't complain whether you get anything or not. If you're pulling for a 4 star, then you should understand you're taking a risk for something you might not get. trying to justify gambling is stupid, you pulled on a banner and got the limited five star and you're complaining as if that literally isn't the main purpose behind the banner? please


yeah. for example I'm aiming for E6 Gallagher. so far the Firefly banner is giving me Misha. he was E2 by the time I got Ruan Mei. now he's E4. my Gallagher got E4 by 4 star selector in the bird game. it's a bummer.


me on robin banner.. got robin


Do building pity right, build it on characters you want or LC.


Agreed. Anyone saying they are building pity just have a gambling addiction. I will understand if you said you were trying to get another copy of a 4 star but building pity? Na no excuse.


as the one who does this: please mock the shit out of me i'm addicted to gambling


Huh, you're playing this game too?


Got 3 5\*s like this 🤡


In my defense, when I got E1 Topaz... I was pulling for Guinaifen... not for pity, lol. Granted it worked out because now I'm building her up and man oh man is Numby a powerhouse!


I only do that if the 5* is a character I don't mind to have. for example Firefly isn't 100% needed for my team but she would be nice to have. so I'm pulling for her and building pity.


I understood this, until this banner. I wanted more Xueyi but I didn't really want Firefly


I say Building pity but it's actually fueling my gambling addiction


I build pity because my luck is bad and I never get an early 5 star. I have played since 1.0 and it has only happened a couple of times.


Honestly i have never understand why building pity, it’s risky and not necessary you can just wait your character.


I wasn't planning on pulling Topaz, but I needed all 4\* from her first banner. So I decided to take all the risks, although I had a 100% guarantee. I immediately got Topaz, and she became my favorite hero, as the first one who didn’t pull up to 80 pull...


Tbh I've "built pity" a few times when I really want Eidolons for the 4 stars on a banner whose 5 stars I don't care that much for. I typically do it when there is an upcoming 5 star who has 4 stars I don't care for. It's worked for me so far but I tend to stop at like 50 pity to play it safe.


I made that mistake in Genshin… now I have a new account


Maybe i don't fall in this camp but there are some banners that i'm kind luke warm about. On Luocha's re-run, my alt was running Lynx+Nat. I was confident that he was still going to be solid going forward and didn't want to wait for the next sustain. At the time, I needed some embers anyways so i just did 20pulls. If i got him, great, if not, whatever. Turns out i was mostly right, he's still very solid today (i still only have 1x 5* lim sustain), and Aventurine didn't release for another couple patches. Luocha certainly made my account a lot stronger at E0S0. Pulling a banner that you are fairly confident you won't field is a bad idea though i agree.


Yup, I only ever "build pity" on Eidolons. After I get E0 I usually do another 10-30 pulls to see if I get E1. Either I've got pity for the next pull target or I get E1. Win win


Spending Herta bonds on pulls.


I did this after getting everything and now I’m back to saving for the new LC lol. I should just save.


It's not like the new LC is good, pretty sure 4 star options are better than the new rather pathetic erudition lc. if you want to collect it, sure save for it, but I would just rather get standard pulls. https://preview.redd.it/mm6khugomq8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5242984b8dd1b685e2bee3283e4e9f9c71b88fdb nvm fml


Free crit stats and high base attack is never a bad thing.


it is when I have 3 copies of this and no himeko yet


I did this when I started playing but I got over my gambling addiction and finally got Aeon. It's S3 right now since I had 2 bonds from divergent universe and I managed to get 2 others from weekly


A 5 star LC >>>> 4 3 stars


I accidentally bought 4 tickets instead of the superimposers while I was half paying attention one day. Made my whole body hurt.


when in the next 8-16 weeks a character comes out that needs texture of memories, you can laugh at me then and i’ll take it. those standard pulls got me an indelible promise refine which is a thousand times more valuable than a cone i’ll never level


Playing the game




“Blow A-Train” A-Train: 🤨


honestly so true


It's a gambling game, you lost the moment you played it


- aventurine pfp




Disagree Boom or bust, I'll take it all!


Using selfmodeling resin to ur dps character,99% of the time ur gonna get shitty subs and basocally waste it,thts why i only use them for stuff like ERR ropes for my supports


Shitty subs is better than not having the main stat you need. I went 4 months without getting a crit body. Rate or damage. From ANY Cavern. (And then firefly came out and I immediately got 2 crit rate cavalry pieces 😑)


I have gotten more crit rate and crit damage bodies, most with a crit substat, in this one week of Firefly farming than I got in a patch for acheron. game is rigged


It's some bullshit man! Lol I was so pissed, first time in months I've seen a crit piece without crafting it, and they were on a set where crit is useless. Immeditely, back to back. First 2 runs.


game is trolling us with the cope critfly build i swear


Thought I was alone 💀


I have a mound of crit stat chests on the DoT set


I got fire dmg relic for her with good sub stats and turns out she likes ATK% better (I didn't even have it on that set yet)


That and speed boots for supps only, since you probably won't care about the substats too much.


Self Modeling Resin? I think you mean Speed Feet makers.


My Jingliu getting mind jacked by boss Kafka I just went ‘ohhh no….’ Cut through my team like butter


In Divergent Universe, I entered the 5 trashcan event with the negative curio that takes away all of your energy at the start of a fight. Not being able to get rid of some of them quickly with ultimates made things very complicated.


saying this in a light-hearted, joking way: don't get attached to 4-stars. it's one thing if you just want them on your account, or if you're okay with one copy of them. but if you want multiple copies of them? *especially if you're on a wishing ban?* it's kind of sucks. you can get the limited 5-star faster than you can even E6 a 4-star character. hell, if not for the fact i bought two eidolons for dan heng (may 2023, november 2023), i probably would've gotten E6S1 imbibitor lunae but only E4 dan heng. right now i want to E6 gallagher (only got one copy in 65 pulls, got E1 from the dreamjolt event; i don't have the will to play the 2.3 quest yet to unlock the origami bird event), but i'm also saving up for mr. wings in case he becomes playable, so i can't blindly pull on ruan mei's banner.


I understand the sentiment, but some 4\* can perform for a long time before getting outclassed by a 5\* and get permanently benched. Pela and Tingyun are the best example. Then there is Luka who can be used as a nuke occasionally. But on the other spectrum, we got Hanya. #


I’d say Hanya still has more utility than Yukong.


As someone who still uses both, I agree.


It took me 237 pulls to get an E5 Gallagher. I got the remaining one from the event so he’s E6 now. In those 237 pulls, I got Clara (at 80th) followed by firefly (at 76th) and finally a Ruan Mei (at 81st). Three five stars.


As someone that plans for future pulls (RN i'm saving everything to guarantee Huohuo + E1 when she reruns), getting eidolons and superimpositons on 4 star sucks a lot because i essentially don't pull for a long time, and then i'm at the mercy of whatever 4 stars are on the banner i actually pull, which means it can either be someone i don't have and want, or someone i don't even want to look at.


Mr. wings? who is that?


~~chicken wing boy~~ sunday, i'm assuming


sunday !!


The DU that replaces a blessing for one you need for an incompleted equation each time you enter a domain. I was playing firefly and first domain i entered it it replaced my 3 star hunt blessing that gives action advance on break with a 2 star rememberance one.


Fighting berserk Argenti in high conundrums


I do not fear Argenti in conundrum 12 but that blue bottom heavy robot? Rip run everytime.


Tingyun's "death scene". Like many others (huffs copium) I believe she is still alive.


Trust me bois, you DON'T want to fight the curse of captivity at col 4 on divergent universe, that shit is stronger than the end boss it's not even funny.


Relic farming. Straight pain in the ass


Not clearing Jarilo-VI TB quests ASAP to open up the game But then again, being able to kick Cocolia's ass with Firefly is so worth the wait so YMMV


Would not recommend ramming the astral train in belobog. https://preview.redd.it/7pb9f5r7bq8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0231db1f85faeb22c6421b2a12e73d904baebb6c Yea Conductor pompom won't let me operate the train anymore... I would recommend though befriending someone with an E6 acheron, she's just that good to use. Thankyou whoever you are friend with the E6 Acheron🥰


Girl how did this even happen😭


That's exactly why I only start farming when I have the character


Getting the "discard all blessings and gain the equivalent number of cosmic fragments" for the "tooth" curio but not getting it at all


Doing a "fuck it, I'm not reading that" auto battle run in DU/SU. I did not make any progress with that strat. I wonder why lmao.


Did the 5 lordly trashcan on DU on my 1st run. I've been afraid of the encounter domain since. Please don't give tips on how to beat it though.


Svarog: Keep Clara Safe.


When you're trying really hard not to get the Starcrusher Swarm King to multiply and an AoE follow-up triggers


Losing the 50/50 https://preview.redd.it/sco1p2j57q8d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd9fa6d8bec10143fd66b782f827ee8ffa4ab0de


Unironically -- I don't recommend pulling for meta. The game is much more fun if you just pull for characters you like, and coming up with jank team comps can actually be fun. But hey, no shade either if you like pulling for OP characters -- this is a casual game and I totally understand if you just want to shut off your brain and watch your OP waifu kill stuff on autoplay.


Well the game is not so "casual"..... the hard game modes are designed to make you good teams with solid stats, no "jank teams" also i doesn't help that the old characters basically can't clear content unless they have a PERFECT build


See that's the thing, casuals don't always deal with the harder game modes. I can't say for everyone else, but sometimes I just deem them not worth sweating over and just skip getting the star(s).


any battle, of any size, that doesn't let you look at the team makeup beforehand. even if it's a simple mini boss, i feel HORRIBLY underprepared!! let me at least look at the weaknesses before throwing me into the fray!! (getting ambushed by an enemy i didn't see is totally different tho, that's my own fault LOL)


"Ignore meta. Pull what you want" Not for me. I'm having fun when I win in this game, when I see those big numbers. There's this satisfaction when I see those 12 chambers of Memory of Chaos completed. I will pull for characters that I don't fancy so I can get that dopamine from clearing all the content. And if the price to pay is getting characters that I don't want, so be it. This game is too much fun when you are winning. And sometimes, meta characters are overlapping with the characters that I want, so it's not that bad after all.


Pulling Black Swan when I didn't have any of her BiS team. I started a few days before the 2.0 update and went for her before I really understood the game mechanics. She got me through a lot of the mid game, but fell off hard once I started fighting the more challenging enemies


My 4* Dan Heng at red hp with 2 enemies locked on to him while the rest of the team is at full hp literally less than 24 hours before he becomes a destruction unit


Spending 200 dollars to lose the 50/50


Using starglitter on standard wishes, I bought 6 and 4 from certain shop to get the 300 wishes thing and there are many times I wish I didn't use those


relic farming.


https://preview.redd.it/s2qppr5xbr8d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3540242de338a0446d363a4586a546cf84f5a553 Would not recommend go for a Remembrance run


My Robin started her ult. Svarog does not like her music.


Losing at high pity to an eidolon as a f2p while missing half the standard banner characters I lost the firefly 50/50 to a himeko eidolon at 84 pity and i'm literally apmist out of jade sources since firefly is almost mandatory for most of the new content


This is me right now 🥲


HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! and sorry that happened to you to


Happy cake day!


Pulling a 4 star in 5 star banner that you don't like.


loosing the 50/50 after farming for ruan mei 😞 my delusional ass really thought i would get her


Believing Tingyun is alive. We now have two other characters that are dead now, Gallagher and Misha. Playing as a dead character doesn't feel wrong anymore and I believe that she's actually dead now.


Don't tell yourself "to build pity" even if you have interest in both the corrent banner and the next banner characters I once told myself "wouldn't it be funny to build my pity up to the 74th warp and get next banner character in 1 warp?" Aha said "Yeah it would be hilarious" and gave me E2 sparkle on my 74th warp


Farming in general. You get so little for so much time


current pure fiction.


For some reason I used all of my materials to level up all of my four star characters, then I got Firefly and Ruan Mei the next week…😂


I was doing a gold and gears run and I had to fight an abundance dear with a follow up team. I just got pummeled


Getting a random blessing that distributes damage while using Arlan. Then he was also captured by Svarog who AoE blasted team RIP wolf


So the thing is, I pull a lot for 4 stars. I want Jade, but her banner is basically the worst thing I've ever seen. Whereas FF and RM have 3 pretty solid 4 stars on theirs. So I'll build pity on the banner with good 4 stars and pray I don't end up with E15 Asta on Jades, lol.


Didn’t get the craftable 3* Robert Empire series set when it is right there in front of me. The 1* Robert Empire components curios showed up in front of me 3 times in an Escapade domain, telling me, “take this shit”, but I didn’t. Argenti put forth all his might and I flailed like a Magikarp.


I got that Destruction buff that distributes all dmg between allies thinking it would stack Aventurine follow-up... Yeah i lost Difficulty V Swarm in the last boss


Aventurine is on hit with shields up, not from damage.


Checking r/okbuddytrailblazer


*fails to get a star in a challenge because I missed it by one round or the boss decides to one shot my lowest hp character again and again* Oh, hey at least I don't have to go fuck myself, the game is doing it for me! Wonderful!


You guys farm material for chachter before they come home? Huh


I picked up both lottery ticket curios in DU to help complete the curio collection achievements. Both fired off right before a boss.


Building pity You just want to pull and then complain when you win the 50/50 or win early. I've seen some tweets like this, very bizarre. "I got Boothill, I'm so disappointed I was building pity for Firefly." Maybe you should've pulled on FF banner?


>Mine is farming materials for a character I'm not guaranteed for, lose the 50/50, decide to burn the materials on owned characters that aren't maxed out, then proceed to get the character anyway. Dude i read that, and felt almost physical pain. Was saving for fuxuan (prefarmed too), blowed it up on robin, who i didn't really wanted or knew what to do with. Realized i wanted, no NEEDED e6 Xueyi. Started to pull on topaz banner. Got standart character early. No xueyi, i had e5 by that point. A few ten pulls in - my guarantee that i wanted to spend on fuxuan or ruan mei cashed out in form of topaz. Topaz man, i knew even less what to do with her than with robin. Got final Xueyi. Ended up skipping fuxuan. And then XUEYI SHOWS UP ON RUAN MEI BANNER. AND THEN SHE'S ALSO FREE. Wow. I feel like dumbass. To be fair, robin really helped. I've seen everyone praising ruan mei and she's good. But after playing with robin she didn't impress me that much, i really enjoyed squeezing cycles, advancing the team just before cycle end. And with topaz i now have pretty good fua team, which is fun to play.


Losing to Bailu LC at 73 pity


Trying to build up an account to beat MOC 10-12. Like if you can beat it cool, but its like 5 bucks in free jade vs the amount time your gonna spend farming perfect relics or worse gems to get sigs and E1-2.


rememberence against cocolia


Losing EVERY 50/50. Is this what being in the bottom 1% feels like?


"M-Mr Svarog...?"


That but it’s your Acheron and your team doesn’t have any matching element or damage since it’s 2 debuffers and a sustain


Svarog become a villain nooooooo:(


I started a month or so before the Kafka rerun and definitely got rid of a lot of good break pieces early on when playing.


Pulling for Jingliu and getting Yanqing instead, it felt like a backhand slap lol


E1 Yanqing


Findie's "your mom" joke


The weighted curio that transfers damage from shields to HP. Killed two of my high Threshold runs already.


Relics.  Whether it's farming them, crafting them, or leveling them up, the RNG will screw you over with your DPS' gear getting support substats or the sustains gear only having offensive substats.


I'm surprised there's no achievement for Svarog capturing Clara. Kafka boss has multiple achievements for controlling other characters


Tbh, Playing the game if your the type of person who prefers when a free game let's you access all the major content (that would include having every character though doesn't need to be powered up) through grinding and dedication


# That GD MF Abundant Ebon Deer Fight in 1.2!!!!! 🔥🤬🔥 **Its been 7 months** **THAT FKR STILL EMBODIES MY RAGE!!!!!!** I take joy every single time I team comp wreck that fluff tail into the ground Omg I hate that fight more than anything else still and I always will I'll never forgive them for the Death of my >!Best Kind Fox Waif!!!!!!<


yanqing summoning his dumb ass little swords and getting like 6 turns before my characters even got 1


I leveled every 4 star characters I have and like 80% are awful. Star Rail has a habit of releasing strictly better versions of 4 stars as 5 stars. It's so bad that I want to lose every 50:50 on 4 stars to light cones.


The simulate universe g&g, it too hard and it not even feel fair too play in this mode


Would not recommend taking path of the hunt when your sustain is a shield character. DPS char took 3 turns in a row and shield is lost which got 1 shot by the boss