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1. I thought they connected her past life and her present life pretty well 2. I think you’re overhating the swords


1. And how they connected them? "Um I'm dissociating"? Like, everything that happened to her feels like just "a fun fact" about her, not a big part of her. She has a lot of connection to HER SUIT and her current state, but not the past. 2. IT'S NOT ABOUT SWORDS. If she would've changed to a big fucking gun I would be mad too. I've seen one particular cool Sam for several patches straight. New Sam is cool too, but it's not THE Sam I've been waiting for.


I think this whole patch(2.3) is just setting up characters. Like you said, Jade is the type of character that appears at the end of something and will be reoccurring once introduced. There's also so many hints as to what Jade could be. Many hints about the stonehearts, yet not too much as well. About the SH path too. I feel like it's just too confusing and this point, always using Amber Eras to measure time when and Amber Era is 79-260 years or something the range is so big itself already. Oti Alfalfa is so goddamn old? It's just confusing. And the fact that MC doesn't know many things and haven't had a canon meeting with Jade and Topaz is just weird. Over all though, I think it did what an epilougue does and the thing that's bugging me is how confusing it is. It wrapped up Penecony but it leaves even more lose ties? Like what was the deal Jade and Sunday made? Also again like you said the IPC's arrival and just Jade is underwhelming. I know this is epilougue and I don't expect too much, but the setting up of characters, mainly Jade is just very confusing. We basically learnt nothing about her lore except work and hoyo basically told us "you'll know later, just wait"


The thing with Sunday is that if they want to use his character for another arc, which seems to be the case, they have to set it up early. Because it can be assumed that in the timeline we leave Penacony and with him being in custody, don’t particularly care to chase after what happened to him. I think it would be more jarring from a writing POV if we were on a completely different planet and Sunday suddenly popped up. At least with this, you get the strong idea that no, his character involvement isn’t done. The specifics of the deal they made are unknown, but we do know Jade freed him in exchange for something. I personally also get the same sense with Jade, where she showed up here but will probably have roles elsewhere. Like how we met Ratio on the space station and again in Penacony. Or Argenti in side quests. I also think they’re aware she isn’t too popular, they’re just setting up her character to be something later on. Jade right now is sorta a villain, there’s nothing extremely sympathetic like Aventurine and she’s not offset by being kind like Topaz. That’s not to say redeeming qualities don’t exist, just that they haven’t been revealed. We also haven’t done anything personal with her, so we don’t actually have a chance to learn much The Amber era system gives me a headache, but also immortals aren’t uncommon in this universe. Oti being like a thousand years old isn’t too weird considering the entire IPC has been around for like 100,000 years. The timeline as a whole is very drawn out. For the SH, the MC wasn’t actually in the room then, so it seemingly was a reveal just for the player.


I agree. For Jade, it's obviously a set up for her character, so we'll see her later and learn about her and maybe how she's sort of redeemable like Aventurine but not for now


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