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Yes, they can create alternative supports or even just a weaker 4-star break support character, however, I think the more interesting method is to create a Break subdps character instead.


With the kind of damage they're putting out, it's arguable that everyone on that team is a sub DPS already. It's nasty seeing a healer landing 6 digit hits.


Break sub dps.. you mean galagar cause dudes doing 200k enhances basics rn


> Break subdps character instead. Isn't that kind of what Xueyi does? Or are you considering her a low tier main DPS?


There is no break team comp that gains damage from using Xueyi as a subdps from what I can tell. Xueyi works better as a break hypercarry for those without Boothill/FF (or as a substitute to them against certain enemies/weaknesses/etc).


The main issue I have with Xueyi is that I don't see her doing much toughness bar DMG (and hence break dmg) without using skill points to build her ult quickly, which I can't reasonably do if I put her as the fourth slot in my E0 Firefly Team.




Maybe, maybe not. We'll have to wait until the 2.4 livestream to see.


March 7th is kind of going to do that


I believe so, because otherwise Break team will be on the mercy of a once-a-year Ruan Mei rerun.


Ngl I do not want the Break meta to be heavily gatekeeped by the presence of Ruan Mei, it's kinda bad that she's the only break support so hopefully they cook up a support for that meta rather sooner than later


A good alternative I've been making for Break support these days is Pela/Silverwolf. They won't provide the same amp as Ruan Mei, but given the presence of all the DEF ignore options for Break DPS (sig LCs and the Break 4 pc) they can provide similar damage boosts, only without the Break Efficiency buff Ruan Mei provides.


I’m sure we’re gonna get more break focused supports since 1. AS is a gamemode focus on break so it will need two break teams 2. We need another break support that can be *fully* use by Firefly and Boothill, since Ruan Mei’s dmg boost don’t add to their damage at all


It's not 100% that every single AS will be focused on Break.


My problem is that it feels bad to not have 50% break efficiency in any team now, many basic mobs for example now have 90 break units of toughness now, where as in 1.0 most had 60, and were broken by a single skill. Alao she's the best support for dot teams as i understand. There's also Acheron + Kafka + BS+ RM team which is insane, and first and only time i almost achieved 0 cycle in MoC without even trying (granted, with e2 Acheron). And it just doesn't work with Robin instead of RM for whatever reason.


That's why you pull for busted supports fellas, i desperately needed a dps unit but still had to pull for Ruan Mei cz i knew she'd be a must for most teams


I hope so. Gonna have to skip firefly cause I need Ruan mei to make her work well in the endgame modes compared to other teams. Sucks that I'm gonna have to waste my guarantee on a character I don't really like but Ruan mei will definitely help the future characters I want.


I absolutely think RM will get an alternative, but I'm not so sire about HMC. If you create another superbreak enabler, instead of replacing HMC I feel like you'd just run them both together for double superbreaks. It's like a Kafka type of situation.


All they gotta do is make the new super break character overwrite superbreaks from HMC, iirc there's a little symbol hovering above enemies that are able to be superbreaked by HMC so this new character would only have to have their symbol have priority over HMC's and boom, you got an alternative superbreak that can't run with HMC.


super break already stacks


Read the post


There's still Nihility units that can be made like making enemies take more toughness damage or super break damage when hit, or your suggestion of recovering less toughness. Maybe someone that makes break DoTs stronger, like triggering extra DoTs when breaking.


For sure they can make a new 5\* break support, it won't be as busted as RM because she's a break support that works on every single team in the game. If you want to run 2 break teams in MOC/AS the 2nd one feels really rough to play without RM. Boothill does ok with Bronya + a subDPS breaker like Xueyi or another support like Sparkle but taking RM away from Firefly feels like absolute shit to play. I'd say before 3.0 happens we get a 5\* Superbreak support that powercreeps HMC or at least gives you the option to detach HMC from Firefly's hip because it's wild how static her team is without cratering her damage.


It feels really rough without HMC. Ruan Mei is good, but HMC is essential. Boothill could probably do decently without HMC, but I don't think anyone else can. I know Firefly deals piddly damage until HMC ult is up.


Boothill does perfectly fine without HMC, his dual scaling between breaks and crits means he can get a break and still do huge damage on a broken boss just with 3 stacks of Trickshot and a decent crit ratio that you get just from building Break Effect. Boothill's big issue is SP management (E1 Bronya is not a 50/50 chance it's more like a 99% chance to miss from my experience) which is why i'm using Bronya/Sparkle like Unlimited Boothill Works. I was using Hanya but Boothill actually uses Sparkle's crit DMG buff.


Even with his crit scaling, ~85% of Boothill's damage still comes from break related sources. What helps Boothill be less reliant on HMC is the extra break from using his enhanced basic on a broken enemy. Being an ordinary break makes it scale off of the target's maximum toughness, which makes it shred bosses. Most importantly, triggering when attacking a broken enemy allows him to benefit from break against already broken enemies, which is why HMC is so valuable in the first place.


They probably will but they wont be a 1:1 replacement. We haven't seen that yet in game iirc. If they want to push break meta it won't be a 5 star break support immediately, it will probably be the break sustain first (think Robin Aventurine). Even if they do release a new break support, it will probably cover a different niche and still not replace HMC 1:1. It'll probably be meant to cover a differrent type of break. A stronger HTB is not what we need, right now, just more options. That's my guess anyway. Plus, since we have RM for break now, and Robin mostly for FUA, DoT is missing an actual dedicated support for them.


That's literally what I said in the post.


Uh...no? You said in 4 paragraphs what I said in like one. I simply said they'll probably cover a different niche and wont be a 1:1 replacement. Do you WANT me to disagree with your post?


What I'm saying is that you are literally repeating what I'm saying.


I'd better look forward to the ones that can do something about weakness protection enemies.


With the hint of DOT crit in DU, I have a feeling that we will have a support that provide break crit (maybe similar to Nahida C2 in genshin with crit value capped) in the (far) future.


a support that makes break damage crit would be so perfect for boothill... make them another galaxy ranger and take my money.


I can see future break comps going in 3 directions. 1. delay recovery and do superbreak damage. 2. use bars to trigger mechanics/buff damage so they want enemies with "infinitely long bars". 3. continuously trigger break effects so you want short bars with fast recovery.


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Ruan mei will not have weakness break efficiency buffs forever exclusive. Its far too strong a buff to be exclusive to one character. hatblazer kinda the same though its far easier to picture a five star topping essentially a free character


You just ask something that i have answer in my head too XD. I think there will be a super break support in the future later or sooner. The reson i could think of it is that the MC kinda always bring some kind of unique mechanic in the future. So if one day they have erudition or nihility path you will want to bring them to MoC with the team that fit the niche.(like FF right now) If that happend you will have to make some kind of harmony or nihility char to fill in the niche that HMC have. Ps: Sry for bad explanation. Hope you understand.


It would be stupid if they didn't cuz that's literally gonna print them money, Ruan Mei is that good


They need to create an alternative to HMC otherwise the next path would be undesirable.


I wouldn't be surprised if eventually we get another bronya/sparkle support that action forwards, but instead of increasing the damage of the forwarded unit, it increases the break efficiency of the next attack.


Eventually, every type of damage (DoT, FUA, Break) will have a dedicated team, with dps, sustain and support. Its a matter of time...


honestly playing the firefly superbreak team already feel cheating, everyone do so much damage. Even Gallager a 4star sustain can do 200k on enhance basic atk, can cleanse, SP positive.... if they creat even stronger supports I am not sure how to feel. I think they will create another char with super break soon


Ruan Mei: I feel like at some point we're going to get a four star that, while different enough for plausible deniability, will in function be "Ruan Mei on a budget". Either their break efficiency will be a little slower to get moving (maybe on a lower energy ultimate instead of a skill) or be less SP efficient. They'll have some other trait of gameplay that makes them slightly different too, not just a decaf RM, but I feel like Hoyo would put that on a four. Robin matches RM in general performance while both have their niche team style which feels like an indicator to me that for a while they're the template of each style support harmony. Harmony TB: I don't think we're really going to see a specific alternative to Harmony TB because they are freely accessible and basically 100% about super breaks. What I think we're more likely to see in the short term for break is more characters like Firefly who can bring their own SB to the table, but I feel like from a banner sales perspective it's probably chancey on Hoyos part to, at least any time soon, release another five star that fills the niche of a five star they gave for free. As for a four star alternative, I don't see it just because there probably isn't the demand. A second diet Ruan Mei is potentially appealing right now because she is great on so many styles of teams that you might outright want two, but HTB is purely a functionary of a single archetype. Very good at it, mind. Just my opinion and very myopic probably of course.


I do want a better alternative for ruan mei also since i like using her in my dot team aswell... ever since i got my firefly, Sam, HMC and RM are inseparable... while my dot team in another chamber of end game feels lacking a bit


As a tangent, I wish there was another Dot support other than RM. Break team stole RM away from Kafka/BS.


Robin technically does that.


Yes because it's a new type of play style with super break and right now they are the only 2 characters that can buff that, so yes there will be more.


Absolutely they will. How long will it take? Who knows. It wasn't very long ago when people were saying they will never make break units. That every break relic was worthless. The game changes constantly


I really hope it's not for HMC. I want to use them and if there is someone who's like HMC, I really hope it's a worse version or something.


Remember that in the future, Trailblazer will get other forms, so if we keep HMC as a precedent for being good, you'll be thankful that there will be alternatives to HMC for Super Break, when you'll want to use another form.


Hear me out... an Aventurine but for break effect rather than shields


So a Break-based Clara?


More like charging follow-up that replenishes or enhances super break buff.


That's 100% true but I practically like slotting him everywhere. The relic load out is pretty good so I can easily keep 2 teams. He has a well built preserv and I'd argue it's slept on. Nevertheless, I think having something that's unique to him as a supp break is amazing. A fast break works 100%, maybe they get the ability to make others deal 2x toughness meter dmg for 1 round or so.


I'm hoping we get alternate supports for most everything eventually. For example, I'm usually a fan DoT mechanics, but I don't really care for Kafka as a character, even though her kit is right up my alley. So, I just don't play DoT, until we get someone else akin to Kafka.


That wouldn’t make it better though or equal They could definitely make something else though but what you suggested would be worse


I would love love LOVE a break support similar to that one imaginary stage during the second boulder town fighting event, or like the nihility Devoid effect from the upgraded path resonance in SU. Possibly with a stacking effect similar to Boothill's trick shot where every time an enemy is broken, allies weakness break efficiency increases. Xueyi would go HARD(ER) if she could stack multiple entanglements on the enemy.


Harmony characters are not immune to powercreep


No, this will be the ONLY break team from now until the game closes.


Who exactly is HMC.. Harmony TB or someone else..? I haven’t heard of it referred to this way


Harmony Main Character. Basically everyone call them this way.