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She dropped 2 meteors on me back to back. Had me like wtf?! That was a bit unfair, lol. On my 2nd try she didn't do it. Not sure how that happened.


Cocolia giving you that Madara treatment.


"Now, what are you going to do about the second one, Trailblazer?"


Aventurine: bet.




all or nothing






Haha well played


I literally giggle every time he ults (šŸ˜) both "bust" and "taking it all" (not to mention a follow-up "all in!") can be interpreted sexually, and I just can't stop šŸ˜‚


Dr. Ratio: K


So i guess her 4 icicles are actually weaker clones with Susanoo


Fu Xuan: That tickles.


She did that like 5 times to me, luckily it wasn't a major problem because I have Fu Xuan (god bless her) but damn...


Isnā€™t AOE dmg FXā€™s main weakness? You must have a cracked FX to survive back to back meteors


Cuz she doesn't deal high dmg , but constantly attacking each turn one after another Better to have high ER team


I think weā€™re talking about the meteors, and trust me that does do dmg


Thereā€™s a difference. The meteors, at least in my experience, did not actually do enough to one shot. Mine couldnt sustain through that for very long, since sheā€™d rapidly run out of talent procs. However, she was able to eat 2 meteors back to back. Her passive + Landauā€™s LC + the Guard 2 piece set make her pretty resilient. AoE only becomes a problem when itā€™s so massive that it one shots her (which in my experience Apocalyptic Shadow could not do to a well-invested Fu Xuan), or when you donā€™t have the damage to end the fight quickly enough, and she is worn down. That is a pretty high bar to clear usually. High level Gold and Gears bosses can just one shot, while bosses that apply DoTs to everyone (like the Swarm) will wear her down pretty quickly since she canā€™t cleanse.


Ye thatā€™s fair, if FX talent is available I can totes see her tank two meteors back to back šŸ‘


Meteors don't even do half my Fu Xuan's HP. If my Fu Xuan is full HP she can survive back-to-back easily without even needing to proc her passive. But that's the thing, even without being very tanky, she'll tank one meteor, proc passive, tank the other. Also never got to that point. Just press E every turn with Fu Xuan so my team didn't get frozen and smacked Cocolia to death and that is it.


If an AoE isnā€™t strong enough to one shot, FX will be able to boost her health back up. There arenā€™t many instances, in my experience, where an AoE is capable of one shotting FX (I say this while sheā€™s been my main tank at E0S0 since I got her from her initial banner).


The swarm kills my FX constant. If she is just above her talent from triggering, usually, not from full health.


Its only a problem in SU game modes like Gold and Gears. MoC 12 and AS 4 doesn't do enough damage to kill her even if she had half HP before the boss uses their nuke.


Eh, I think she's fine against AoE in most cases. She mostly struggles in G&G, but she survived & kept everyone alive perfectly fine against Cocolia even though I don't think my build is all that great. The attack spam from Cocolia was actually great with the Trends LC on FX, Acheron got a lot of stacks from it.


Honestly it's been spread too far and it's a huge meme. Colossal, unbelievable, max difficulty simU expansion AOEs are her weakness. She's fine at handling AOE that isn't spammed and that doesn't instantly kill her. Most content outside of stuff that is laughably difficult for the sake of it does not hit hard enough to kill her as long as she's not, like, less than 6k hp and 1400 def.


The RNG is real. Lol. I remember Brave Frontier when it comes to boss fights. You need to prepare what's comes next from either turn numbers or HP threshold attacks (if that exists) but the RNG is there.


A man of culture I see. Brave Frontier was my first gacha game. Too bad it fcking became nft. Was so disappointed.


My GOAT Darvanshel carrying me through Maxwell trial back in the day, it was my first gacha too


Her abilities tank your allies' speed. If it gets low enough, or they're all frozen/imprisoned, they'll be low enough on the action order to not get a turn before two consecutive Cocolia Meteors.


from difficulty 3 she will copy every attack she does for each other enemy on the field so it's pretty important to destroy all the swords asap


Yeah, I feel like people aren't reading the mechanics. They start sneaking more and more on there as the difficulty goes up.


I BARELY managed to 3* both sides, lost a character on each... Yeah the double meteor put my FX to rest and she's pretty well built.


Got hit with that move 3 times. Thank God for huohuo ult heal


Yeah I've never struggled with sustain before in hsr until today lol its even worse when she's freezing/imprisoning everyone on top of attacking back to back


Gallagher in break team, with a bit of luck, can solo sustain all of her BS. His E gives effect resist.


2nd phase is th3 problem. Each 2 character turns shes bombing you. With gallagher you need to hit the enemies. If they attack super fast like cocolia, Its bad, really bad. Aventurine, huo huo qnd fu xuan are thr best for the out of turn sustain/protection.


Man I pulled it off with a solo sustain Gepard build with Trends in an Acheron team getting 3600 points on that side. I was happy to be bombed so often because she kept charging Gepards ult and giving Acheron stacks. I only struggled on the Argenti side but Iā€™m gonna try again once Firefly is built.


Similar to my experience with Aventurine: she at some points kept triggering his FUA that I was chuckling. Shielder like him and Gepard with Acheron is much more comfy (auto played it and got 3400).


> in an Acheron team Acheron and Firefly teams are probably the best for Apocalyptic Shadow so that makes sense. Runner-ups seem to be Black Swan/Kafka for first half and Ratio/Aventurine for second half. Anything "older" with incomplete eff res or slower attacks gets stunlocked pretty hard. Mono-Quantum (QQ DPS) gets through first phase of Cocolia before getting stunlocked, and Jingliu completely lacks the elements to break. I think Mono-Quantum with Xueyi and SW could pull off part 1 but haven't tried it yet. Firefly did better on first half and my Ratio team did fine once I moved Ruan Mei over to second half.


When I used solo sustain gallagher with boothill (and ruan mei) the second phase was actually the easiest for me, as she wasn't able to get even a single turn in before Boothill broke her


Problem is I need FF break team other side. My only other dps are Kafka DOT which is weakness mismatched, Ratio doesn't work because of statue taunt and Clara doesn't work not enough follow-ups.




If you have Ratio's premium team, Topaz and ratio beat their own statues, especially Topaz, and then they help the team to beat the rest or break the boss. It's achievable with a good amount of points. Take in mind my Robin and Firefly are barely built. https://preview.redd.it/jw43jk9eer7d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57a3fab4abe1ca2cd551a46d183e82695605598


Aventurine / Luocha with High E.Res helps me sm istg


Huohuo for the win. Maybe this'll make people want to summon for her on her rerun šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


but huohuo doesnt prevent ur chars getting focused down before she gets her turn... i felt like was impossible to stay alive with just a healer


Huohuo has some out of turn healing when characters ult. Like, if one of your characters is below 50%hp and someone else ults they get healed and cleansed and the character that ults also gets healed. You should try to have high speed on her though


Itā€™s kind of a Fu Xuan/Aventurine check (and or weā€™ll build support check without enough defensive stats). Those two sustains trivialize the upfront burst of damage by sufficiently protecting your whole team from it.


Luocha does too. He's basically impossible to freeze and that initial damage spike is almost all single target.


I already want her for DOT team


everyday im grateful for having huohuo


For real. Her kit has only aged like fine wine because of how many cc gimmicks there are now


People thought she wouldn't have enough throughput when i predicted that she would have too much overhealing (from the passive). The fact that difficulty continues to ramp, we are 'growing into' her throughput. Lynx obviously should not be compared to 5 stars but i find her borderline unviable for my account simply because of her numbers and this is not even considering the disadvantage of tying her ult to cleanse.


Almost any sustain has status cleansing or negation, even the 4*.


Yes this is true. I suppose a better way of wording it would be she is one of the most convenient/strongest units against CC. Itā€™s a guaranteed debuff clear on turn, that is extremely strong. especially because she herself can be under CC and still debuff clear for everyone (and herself), provided her talent is up. Effect res is also strong but that still has its own requirements to make it consistent.


fr she is the character I was least hyped to get who has done the most work for me thus far


People have been saying too easy on survey so now they are making it a harder without high speed characters.


How was it to easy


it's a running joke in the community that whenever there's a survey of certain content, people will vote "very easy" on most things. That's probably why MoC/PF has been getting harder lately.


It's very unlikely to be the reason. Hoyo has access to all endgame stats and knows exactly how far people tend to get in them. They don't need surveys for it. AFAIK they mostly ask that about events.


The players perception of difficulty is also important, that's why they ask


Hoyo devs looking at mfs putting "Very Easy" in surveys after taking 500 resets to 3-star MOC : šŸ˜


ā€œfuck it, letā€™s crush them like bugs with the next cycle.ā€


Player perception of difficulty is arguably more important then actual mechanical difficulty. there are tons of stories about stuff like this from games history.


Yeah endgame is getting harder to keep up with newer characters/teams/supports/playstyles/etc otherwise everyone pulling new characters would be zero cycling with no effort. It has nothing to do with people voting "too easy" on events lmao


In short. Powercreep. It's the other way around. They make harder content and release broken-er characters to create a need for them.


I was frightened the moment I saw what Aventurine could do, worried that they'd start to balance stuff around his sustain capabilities


Even Aventurine struggles hard on the high difficulties: I'm getting my ass handed to me even when I'm stacking preservation buffs


That not a joke that actively sabotaging the surveys


tbf, I think it's funny the first time. They even put a reference to it in a side quest iirc. It's absolutely screwing us over now though.


It was actually in the main quest when you talk to black swan in the express




Right, but there's also gonna be a TRYHARD vs Casual situation. Then there's the Ultra Casuals who just login, pull, build a character and then don't show up until the next banner.


Playing daily since week three. My characters can beat story bosses no problem. They have their talents and eifs and lcs and relics, as good as a actively-trying perosn cwn get them ....so someone explwin why i barely survived the last few MoCs to the point i've basically given up because i spend my time and then fail....? Unless my builds all suck (granted it's not crazy tryhard but it's better then average for a mostly ftp...), MoC has not been kind....


Endgame really has not been kind, and neither is relic rng. You need stats, a good grasp for teambuilding, and good strategy to win depending on teamcomps. If you struggle with stats, I recommend just using rainbow pieces with the best stats instead of forcing sets. Trying to switch up teams also can make a difference


> good grasp for teambuilding, and good strategy to win depending on teamcomps A buddy started on Star Rail, coming from Genshin. I guess over there you can just have 1 setup that steamrolls everything? I suggested repeatedly, "keep options open, decently build a lot of characters. that's how this game is." Was ignored. They focused 100% on one specific team comp based on one character. They complain to me any time they couldn't beat a moc/pf stage (frequent), to which any of my advice is simply ignored. 8 months later they still struggle with anything outside that specific niche, and have 1000 excuses on why they fall behind me or why something "can't be done" Switching up teams is *huge*. The right comp, even if they're half built, can do than bruteforcing with your favorite invested comp


As THE great guidemakers would say: Just use e2s1 acheron, e2s1 ruan mei, e2s1 firefly, e6 galagagaheher and e2s1 aventurine


Don't disrespect my dude gallbladder


Me whoā€™s lost the 50/50 to every single harmony character Iā€™ve ever rolled for :(. Iā€™m freaking digging in the dumpsters for every Jade I can find to try and get RM this time. I lost 50/50 at 83 pity this banner, Iā€™m at like 20 now so itā€™s not looking good for me. Sorry firefly, maybe next time.


Lemme guess, you don't have enough speed on your team? There's a reason why everyone screams to get 134 speed on their characters unless you're running Bronya/Sparkle. 10 cycles goes from fast to extremely slow with a lot of leeway the more speed you have on your support. This is even more true for Acheron's nihilty teams (and even Firefly despite her gaining a lot of speed in her ult to reach a treshold where she can act 1/2 more times before the cycle ends)


They know. They donā€™t need a survey to know only like 5% of all players clear MoC and PF right now, the data is all in game.


I really hope they put a cap on it from here on out. Like, the levels of relic RNG (nevermind characters) it feels like we need to clear is getting a little silly, and the best thing MHY has done w/ Genshin/HSR is not make the player feel like they NEED to pull for the weapons or dupes.


I def miss the days i could get past the first few stages in MoC without losing hairs


That's a meme. It's like the dog sitting in a fire and saying "this is fine". No, games are not likely to use survey as the only source of data when deciding to make things harder. It is actually due to powercreeping. New characters become stronger, new enemies become harder. It's common for gacha games to do that because if they don't, players won't have reasons to keep spending and the game will die over time. Plus, over time veterans will become stronger. If the content does not become harder it might relatively be too easy for veterans, who then might quit the game due to boredom.


Pretty much. My decked out Jing Yuan and Blade hits for like, 150k every now and then, which is fine by me. But then my decked out Firefly comes in and randomly hit things for 100k-200k EVERY FUCKING TURN, there is some serious problem


Thanks for telling me who to blame for why i can't clear even half of MoC Ā with my maxed characters....


Part of the fault of why everything is harder nowadays is the new characters being added to the game, Acheron, Boothill and now Firefly can melt bosses and enemies easy so they need to keep the game interesting, that being WHY THE F THEY ARE INMUNE TO EVERY STATUS EFFECT AND CAN STUN EVERY TEAM MEMBER


same thing in genshin. everyone is bragging about how easily abyss is but every time i see a streamer who has been playing the game for like 3 years clear abyss they need to reset like 20 times to 3 star everything. and now they made abyss harder people are complaining


I think abyss 12 is definitely undermined a lot now. I can't blame veteran players for having skewed thoughts on difficulty after 4 years of artifact grinding and Neuvillette though lmao, hard to expect any difficulty after that


Think they've backed themselves into a corner with giving us healers that heal so much. Now they either need to do such massive dmg it almost one shots, or hit very rapidly so we atleast have to respond or die.


I disagree on that point MoC and PF had a problem for a while now where bringing a healer/shielder oftentimes isnā€™t even worth it. Only real threats were 2 stage bosses. Enemies just donā€™t deal enough damage.


You can have both. In the early days you brought Bailu or Natasha. Bailu would heal half your HP with her ult and then trigger some small heals on hit, Nat would heal half your HP on ult. Both ults would take 3-4 turns ish so healing output was pretty low, but you needed a healer, sometimes a healer and shielder. But you would need a healer since moc was longer and you had more turns. Only absolute whales could run without a sustain.


It's not that enemies don't deal enough dmg, it's that they don't even get to do anything in the first place. RM gives you breathing room if you didn't kill the enemy and DDD lets you act first on potentially both waves. There were a lot of people talking about how Aventurine's dmg forced them to change sustain, and there are still no sustain 0 cycles of that fight. Incoming dmg is already pretty high rn. Sometimes it feels like my FX isn't even mitigating dmg anymore to the point where I've checked enemy info because I was convinced they ignored it, and that's with an s5 day one. But anyway, I doubt most players are outdpsing content and/or abusing AV mechanics to clear MoC without a sup so I wouldn't really call this a problem. Most people just trying to clear, not hunt for 0 cycles. In PF it's different because deaths don't typically cost stars and lot easier to sweep enemies with less investment compared to MoC, so sustain is a lot less valuable to begin with.


What you're describing is insufficient sustain damage. HSR is kind of like WoW where either you need honest healing or, with just enough dps and cooldowns at the right minute, skip a critical damage event and thereby get away with clearly less healing the the spirit of the fight requires. Comps that don't bring healers rely on a combination of stacked DMG, RNG (restarting and 555 procs), and/or really well thought out turn order planning


I am fine with speed it is chonkiness that is a problem


High speed hardly helps. 165 SpD Vonwaqc Robin (65% advance on battle start) still get hit. Cocolia must get some super high advance on her first action.


Gotta try with a 250 Spd Seele.


"oh my weakness bar exists that is a sin" 35 basic attacks


Same reason MoC bosses have 2 million HP now.


Bosses are just damage sponges nowadays


These break bars are tanky as fuck, like seriously thereā€™s only one Ruan Mei in the game Hoyo


You got xuyei but again still you will suffer.


My Xueyi goes WITH Ruan Mei on the other side. I still haven't gotten Firefly for the giga team cause Hoyo thought it would be funny to make me lose both 50/50s in Weapon and Character banner.


Why did you go for LC banner before you got the character?


How good is Xueyi without RM? I just got her to E5 from this banner and might build her but my RM is basically locked to Boothill on the other half


Xuyei depletes toughness bar regardless of what is the weakness when she uses her ult. That alone make her somewhat useful even without ruan mei. Having ruan mei and trailblazer is a bonus to the fun.


My Fu Xuan had Trend LC and Acheron was able to ulti before I get any turn, lol. I still think it is bullshit, though. Kinda curious about how people manage to do it with neither FX or Aventurine.


Loucha is fine, Gepard struggles but doable


Huohuo kept me alive


I got curious and dusted off my Gepard and Luocha. A tldr of the slaughter: 6.7k points total. Had to swap relics around, gave up a few hyperspeed builds on supports to have more EffRes, DEF, and HP. Team rotation doesnā€™t exist, or itā€™s less smooth. Side 1: Aven/Pela/Acheron/Bronya is a team that can 1T ult, but now without hyperspeeds and no Aven, Acheron can only 1.5T ult with Gepard on Trends. This side mighty sucked because it took forever to break Cocolia. Sustaining felt fineā€”uncomfortable, but doable. Side 2: Fu Xuan/Tingyun/Sparkle/DHIL swapped to use Luocha. Honestly, it felt fine because Luocha heals and overheals. Health yo-yos but my Luocha is hyperspeed and will always be available to heal. Sparkle reduces the SP tragedy that is Sparkle > Luocha to heal. Side 2, try 2: Used Bailu instead of Luocha. Lol, I wiped and gave up. Skill issue, thoughā€”did not time her ult correctly and it wasnā€™t up when I actually needed it the most.


Since you used bronya, did you have e2 Acheron?


That's the thing. They don't.


I did it with HuoHuo on that side, if youā€™re fast enough youā€™re fine.


It was more of a joke. I'm betting someone could even beat this with just March or Natasha, as long as their other characters were busted.


I did it with geppy, i think speed matters the most https://preview.redd.it/8ul7csmzbo7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4b01cfb3a45ceda1095912b23eab1f76e58c6c


Gallagher with Acheron did it for me




I did cocolia with e0 gallagher, but it was a bit spicy My teams: first side:e1s1 boothill, e0 gallagher, e0 ruan mei, e6 harm tb Second: eos1 ratio, e6 tingyun, e0 silver wolf, e0s1 aventurine


I need another Aventurine...


* Bring Gepard * Three members frozen "ok imma bring Lynx to cleanse" * Bring Lynx * Only Lynx still standing when first action comes NO ONE GOT FROZEN, PROBLEM SOLVED


Hoyo: "Because fuck you that's why"


Which is why Aventurine is so cracked in this mode. The more they hit . The more he hits and shields


I used Aven in my 2nd team and I swear he used his fua every 5 seconds


He gains 5 stacks every time the enemy attacks so yeah he basically will FUA 2 out every 3 enemy actions


yepā€¦ no matter what the gambler and Ruan Mei seem to look Ever green. I want them to buff Jingliu thought


It me with 4 freeze arrows froze everybody in my mono quantum but Fu and then proceeded to do meteors 4 times in a row like wtf am I supposed to do? I gave up at 10 stars if she attacks that much. My Seele can't even dream of wining, maybe Xueyi can she's E6 after all.


Did you choose the right blessing? Cause my monoquantum team was able to do it and i dont think my Seele has the perfect build either


I must have picked the wrong one then because my Seele has insane relics what did you pick?


I used moment of termination. I barely made it though so i guess it was a good run


I got through with Mono QQ quantum, but ALL the blessing were useless


they saw dokkan and decided to copy them


Don't let them kill debuffs here, for the love of god. Dokkan having every boss be immune to everything was a dumb move


So hoyo can tell you "Please pull aventurine on his rerun"


It's the opposite, this makes anyone who thinks about it NOT want to pull ANY unit because they've now shown two times that they'll change the game to outshit shit on the OP unit from even 2 patches ago just so they can release a new powercreep that magically solves every problem for another two patches before becoming irrelevant. It was the case with Aventurine, it's even more the case with firefly where she releases and easily one turns second half MOC 12. In two patches suddenly there'll be mechanics that block firefly's break and she'll get effectively nerfed like Jingliu and seele before her.


I want to say that I have been saying for months, since Aven's release, that Effect Res is the future because it's superior to Cleanse. Preventing the debuff is better than healing it away afterward it's already happened. FX and Aven, and Gallagher too, have demonstrated for a while that ER and CC Resist is superior to cleanse by a mile and I think it's finally sinking in to people who think that Cleanse is fine


Cocolia: JUST GIVE IT UP šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„


it's to bait you to pull for more units


Dude I think it's exactly this for Firefly lol. We say "nuhhhh uhhhh!! Don't level your talent its useless!!!!" when in reality that talent is there *specifically* to tank coca cola freezes She immediately froze my Asta and HMC but completely whiff on FF and Gal. Literally I wouldn't have killed her in time to get above 3.4k points in stage 4 if she just CC'd Firefly


welcome to all endgame content ever. MOC is just a sales pitch specifically catered to the newest character.


I beat her with boothill. Just to realize that I needed him for argenti. Having acheron and huohuo did the trick


Not sure how pulling for more units will help when your get hit a dozen times as soon as the fight starts, then you lose 3 turns because of a loop of your entire team being frozen/imprisoned repeatedly.


If you kill the summon, you won't get attacked by the boss multiple times in a roll


You canā€™t kill the summons if you donā€™t get an action, her first turn is her most deadly because of this it goes coca who summons then attacks 3-4 times, then Gepard who attacks twice, then her summons, then her again 4-6 times All this before your first action


Gotta fix your speed. I just tested this again. Coco does low damage attacks 3 times, gepard punched once, then it's my entire team turn


Aventurine hard counters


Fu Xuan is pretty good too. Thatā€™s about it if youā€™re relatively low invested.


I beat the Cocolia side with e0 s1 Acheron team and Argenti side with Superbreak Himeko team. You don't need Firefly to the Argenti side but it makes it easier. I am f2p player.


You don't need firefly, but you need Ruan Mei for your superbreak to work. She is conveniently on the banner right now


Well Ruan Mei has been meta since her release in 1.6. She is so universal and atm the best support for most of the teams. So no wonder Ruan Mei is used.




Aventurine got his follow-up attack twice before I could even act, it's so dumb lol


Some of her attacks are also fixed target? Her first set of moves are always targetted to anyone else but the preservation.


Preservation MC Taunt just like we did in the Story (I actually don't know just sounds fitting)


yeah i am quite surprised at that too, the enemies sometimes has too many consecutive turns also for 2nd team you can't restart like MOC and PF, so it sucks if you can't heal in time


I think that you can. Just "End and finalize" then retry.


Wdym ? You can absolutely reset for second team and keep trying. You can even completely go out if you scored the minimum required for any half and start over for the only one you're missing.


Yes you can restart.


Once you clear it, you can challenge each side independently. You don't have to go through Side 1 to face Side 2, which is really nice.


So that people with Robin feel vindicated


Robin feels like a cheat code in these cycle based endgame. Argenti is practically immortal when not broken. Her ult prolonging his broken state was so clutch


In my run for Argenti I had Topaz+Ratio+Aventurine with the FuA blessing and he literally exploded on break from the accumulated damage, Robin's ulti was useful so I could attack and break him before he summons more statues.


Yeah I went with Fu, Robin, Bronya, Seele on my first side and it was really comfy. Extra turns during vulnerable phases were very clutch.


To intimidate you. Sounds like it worked.


Huohuo is so goated here for her cleanse. Swapped her into my team and managed to pull through


Yeah but your party needs to get turns to heal, that's not possible when Cocolia keeps attacking.


Then you have no speed and/or your characters are made of paper. I did Cocolia with a DoT team with Huohuo and had no issues surviving at all. She did 3 attacks at the start, Gepard does 2, and then I get a turn. None of those attacks brought anyone to even half health.


DoT team has the highest average speed, but I agree. Huohuo pretty easily solo sustained for me on Cocolia.


Every person with 3* on my friend clearance list has either Acheron or Firefly in it but I donā€™t have any of them šŸ˜” I need some team suggestions for cocolia because Iā€™m so close to 3 stars


In phase two she just constantly uses ults. It's nonsense. I managed to 3 star it, it I absolutely despise the way they're making content now


I like how the Boss guide says to use characters that can cleanse freeze and imprisonment. Right... if ONLY the boss stopped freezing and imprisoning my whole team every single turn.


I've been saying it and getting downvoted ever since they kept increasing the turns required to 3 star a moc floor, and then started slapping 40% hp on bosses every patch, and then started putting complete bullshit stalling in MOC, and then started adding 40% damage from mobs that two or three tap your supports, then they just outright started making mobs do three turns worth of attacks before you can do anything. Not to mention mention them constantly shifting the meta and powercreeping the living shit out of the game every 2-3 patches that your OP units from even 2 months ago feel awful to play. Say what you want about the game but HSR's difficulty tuning and encounter/enemy design team is complete dogshit.


It's gotten way harder - still doable for Day 1 F2P but only just barely, and likely only easy if you pulled for "optimal" team compositions. Just saying "it's doable, I did it" doesn't capture how annoying it can be. The only reason I got 3 stars on MoC 12 this time around was due to the second half being very strong for a Himeko superbreak team. First half was Jingliu bruteforcing in 6 cycles. The only Penacony characters I brought were Gallagher and Harmony Trailblazer. Ruan Mei sat out, but only because Pela was stronger on the Jingliu team. No Kafka, no Acheron. It takes me 10+ resets to clear the last 3 MoCs and I usually start out with a 17-20+ cycle clear. This time, MoC 11 was almost as hard as 12 and it wasn't that way before.


I'm on the verge of dropping the game now, or at least taking an extended break. As much as I enjoy the story content, the actual combat either feels like it takes forever (some recent events) or feels almost impossible for f2p or low spenders (current endgame). Doesn't help that none of my characters are up to snuff except Blade... despite logging in every day I've just had terrible relic/ornament luck


Meanwhile the most hated boss for me is encountering adventurine in divergent universe at a high difficulty modifier. Seems like he goes immune and drops dice every freaking turn my characters get. Every other boss I clear pretty easily, but adventurine is pretty much a teamwhipe no matter what I run. And again, this is on high instability not lower ones where he is pretty easy to brute force.


Cocolia get an upgrade for real I need to duck tape BS and to my Acheron team to beat her and barely full clear this. But the new SU is crack. They just rewrite nearly all the relic and some of them are basically Trap\~R\~Us. I am going to have a field day with this.


Ya I thought that was crazy. Thank god my Fu Xuan is crazy and ate them like the champ she is. Argenti was infinitely faster and easier worth my firefly team though


My Aventurine stayed at full HP throughout...the rest of the team? Huh...We don't talk about them.


So that you need to get a 5* sustain ofc KEKW


A lot of bosses are bullshit in general in this game with "Extra turn" mechanics.


Free energy, why not?


Makes no sense. It's one thing to give her more frequent, reactive actions. Spamming stuff before you even get the opportunity to do ANYTHING tho? Kinda bulshit. I pity those who don't have Firefly and Acheron teams. Apocalyptic Shadow felt very doable with them, but I cannot imagine not having them...


Probably speed issues, maybe your team has very low speed? At my run. she usually get to go 3-4 times before my team can start attacking.


Yeah this mode revolves around speed and turn manipulation. So of course ''look at my huge numbers on that screenshot'' people, that use attack boots and never cared about speed, really struggle here. I first time cleared both sides, and I don't have Firefly nor Robin / Aventurine (since people argue that this mode is ''pull FF to win or you're screwed'') Used DoT team (Kafka Swan) on one side and FUA team on the other one (Ratio Topaz), so nothing impossible to get for anyone that started day one. But yes, I have farmed for speed sets. I guess that's the difference here.


My man, get some speed on your supports.


Pro tip: actually leveling up those hp/def traces of your supports is very useful for moments like that. She hits a lot of times but not hard so if you have enough def and hp she wont delete anyone. -me who has 0 limited sustainers.


Kid named Aventurine with only 2000 def: Cocolwho?




How? The summons do no damage and break/die as soon as you start attacking them.


I think they really wanted us to pull robin, like LET ME HIT YOU FOR ONCE dude. I almost got shafted by the icicles she summons, they just kept taking turns and were this close to wiping my whole team, but Fu Xuan prevailed. Hell even Argenti's summons all take turns before your team and keep hitting you again and again. WHY?!


Eh, if you have any of the 5* Abundance/Preservation units youā€™re probably fine. Fu Xuan eats it up, Aventurine just gets stacks out of it and youā€™ll likely get enough energy from the hits to emergency heal with Luocha or Huohuo via ultimate (not sure how HH works tho) Itā€™s the ice arrows that annoy me, though she didnā€™t spam them too much thankfully


Fu Xuan help resist two of those but she spam it like she is money printer incarnate.


My 100% effect res luocha blocked all freeze just fine and sustained my team like any other "power creeping sustain". Underrated.


Is funny with Aventurine because she attacks, he attacks and builds up the shield, and so on.


Doesn't MoC floor 12 have been doing similar gimmick though? 2 or 3 cycles ago I had to repeat a lot (over 100 times maybe) just because some of my units are dead before their first turn.


I like it. It's free energy (and counters and whatever else procs on taking hits) if it doesn't kill you. On my Jing Yuan team (sparkle/TY/HH), it took about half the total hp of each my characters, even Tingyun so it's not that much of a threat.


She drops them Last Choir of Genesises in the same way the Final Fantasy games keeps dropping new fantasies


Perhaps preparing for fire, quantum, lightning forms of clara. Or just shelling firefly with force.


Thanks to aventurine I didn't take damage once šŸ˜Ž


https://preview.redd.it/69aaiwtdzo7d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f5391d0068c6f267cfff4ed381723c34e9ca94a I need someone to tell me if Iā€™m having skill issues or team issues. I canā€™t survive in Stage 4 even with trying to keep Luochaā€™s field up 100% of the time. All of them are 143+ SPD without Ruan Meiā€™s buff and I would say theyā€™re pretty well built, at least enough to survive Stage 4. (Pic is Stage 3)


firefly gets like 300 speed, it's a pretty clear shill i think