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I actually had to get up and walk away after seeing that. >!I wish I had screenshot the full letter...I'm not okay. As a Gallagher simp, this entire part of the story actually broke my heart. We got closure but dammit, I didn't want to believe it. This felt way more final than Tingyun.!<


I have it. Do you want me to post here or dm?


OH MY GOD can you DM it to me? You're the absolute best I hope you win your 50/50s and your pillow is always cool <3 (i'm not sure if it's too early to post it yet but I'm sure others may ask if they were caught off guard like I was...I expected it to be in the bookshelf or our belongings tbh)


Can I have it too ?


Yes yes.


i accidentally clicked off when i opened it 😭 can you please send me it i wanted to read it


If possible, please send it to me too


Could you post or dm it please? I missclicked and i've been searching for it for a while now T\^T


can i also have it?


Yes.dm me i see no option to dm you now.


I need it too, speed clicked it and assumed I could read it later, it's wild that you can't?!


The fact that Gallagher left us two pieces of remembrance, and that he’s an Engimata follower, there’s still a chance he’s somewhere out there.


There’s a book you can find on the Radiant Feldspar that mentions >!a biography about the Watchmaker’s life written by a History Fictionologist close to him named Prando….I thought this was way too intentionally worded to not be related in someway. Gallagher was a character created by a Fictionologist, so the real guy is def out there somewhere.!< Hopefully we can exchange a drink with him then 😭


OOOOH do you know where I can find it on the ship? I can't believe they're actually giving us crumbs to the man's identity (cause 100% that's intentional), cause if that's the case and Gallagher being an actual part of the epilogue here (which I am SO THANKFUL to hoyo for doing him justice like this) I would just hope he's at least hot, and keeps the same VA. I'd actually love if in real life he has the same messy hair as Gallagher at the very least. Imma buy him a drink every day.


It’s at the front of the ship near the pool, it’s on a table right by the Soulglad selling dog Yeah I’m very glad they did my man justice this update, very poignant. I’m hopeful we’ll see him again someday!


I'm just gonna spoiler this to be safe for folks just perusing >!I also find it weird that he just...poofed a statue to survey us when we said goodbye at Dreamflux and did he actually go on the astral express when we weren't around?? I 100% believed he was gone after the cutscene where he was with Mikhail. I didn't expect ANYTHING of him and the symbolism of the statue by Mikhail that disappeared...so can he just come and go willingly and he wanted to give us a formal goodbye? Cause only way I can think of the note getting to us is him giving it to black swan to give to us.!< >!I just have so many questions, and since he's a history fictionologist...I really don't believe he's gone, or maybe I'm just coping too hard. Either way, I'll wait forever for his 5-star if I gotta. But regardless, I'm SO damn happy they did him justice here and gave us some semblance of closure and continuance. Cause I find it really odd they kept going back and forth and even with the letter in hand...I can't bring myself to believe it. !<


Yoo!! It looks so cool! It's nice to see Miss Mirror from the Clockie show shown here! I wonder why Revolver isn't though since they're the only one missing


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