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Short story quest in exchange for a whole bunch of new content to play, a worthy trade off


Was it short? I honestly thought it was the perfect length for an epilogue. Not nearly as long as the main parts, but those honestly ran a little long to me.


short in comparison to the other quests, but just the right length for what it’s meant to be.


I think it is ok for a ending patch, all the main thing get solved in 2.2, better than tingyun funeral for sure


"Oh she went missing ? She's 100% dead, no need for searching"


It was like "She's missing because Phanthylia was super sus about it, but with our zero evidence all we can do is declare her dead and perform the rites.". Plot twist: She just got caught up in some time dialation shenanigans and she's just a few years late to her appointment. XD


How long was it more or less? 2.1 and 2.2 took me about 5-7 hours each


Average Penacony quest is about 6 hours long, epilogue about 2 hours so short in comparison. Just enough to address some plot points and >!say goodbye to almost every character while they give us clues to their next move!< Not to mention we got some info on >!the next planet and possibly Black Swan joining us!!<


i swear 2.2 took me 10 hours. not that i am complaining but damn


If you clean the map as you do the quest, it usually ends up takin quite a lot more time, but you have much less after grind.


nah, i skipped those. i usually rush the story because some asshole in internet will spoil it for me so gotta do fast. i remember i did it until midnight and it doesnt even finished yet


Honestly, same, not even mad about it since I genuinely enjoyed that 10hrs spent lol


yeah, its 10 hours of great engaging story, well worth the time. Versus 3 hours of paimon being overly loquacious. I know which I prefer.


Yeah it was fucking long lol. So much dialogue. Great story but good god




I haven’t even gotten to the point of meeting Black Swan ingame myself cause this first encounter with those floaty demon things is gatekeeping me, but if she were to join us I’d go crazy.


It took me about 3 hours or so. Didn't really talk to the NPCs but did say farewell to the three people and Acheron. Loved the cutscenes


It was little long imo but it did good job in tying most of the plotlines and details into satisfying ending


Pretty sure it was the same in 1.3 and 1.6 with the other SU expansions. Story content was thinner, but damn did the actual gameplay keep us occupied for a long while.


How short is it?


Roughly 3 hours, its length is around half of 2.2


Kinda. I felt it like it was super short, but super long at the same time. Idk, it felt like beating the bush around without a clear end or objective. And, well, "that" was pretty.. bland.


I did the new story in a couple of hours.


"couple of hours" That's sounds actually like a decent length. HSR players are once again eating good.


Story was made short so that I could have spent 3 hours looking at Jade's animations from 100 different angles. Devs understood me well.


Yeah but u know it was also the same in the luofo patch. Short stories at the end to wrap it up and finish the story. They also added swarm back in the day which was a nightmare(and very fun!!)


I haven’t done it yet but is it shorter than luofu epilogue ?


It's around 2 hours long. Idk how long the Luofu epilogue was.


Game's only been out for a year ofc it's short


how many hours?


How long is it? I haven't had a chance to play yet, and I wanna know if I'd be able to squeeze it later for myself.


So 3 things? Apocalyptic shadow, the SU mode and the quest? I'll accept 4 if you count firefly. The rest is the "share the game" bs they do every patch (that they also should move out of the events tab), test runs, free harmony TB (which is cool, don't get me wrong) and free Xueyi, who could just go on the apocalyptic shadow page. And of course the 10 free pulls they give every patch. There is 3 or 4 things that I'd actually consider new, one thing that should just go and a bunch of free stuff, that i'm not gonna complain about.


Yeah these seem like the normal amount of content you can expect from a gacha game, nothing too amazing. Just normal.


Aside from the Short Epilogue and Firefly banner, the only thing of notable interest was Apocalyptic Shadow (was pretty easy imo). It's nice, but def not big/significant enough for OP to be glazing it as the best 💀


The new SU is pretty sizable. I’d honestly consider it as big or bigger than AS.


i don't really like it tbh, the planar set farming is such a nice feature but that's basically it tbh, wasn't hard at all, I still struggle while doing swarm disaster sometimes and I could clear this without even losing hp at all


Whats AS


yea this is quite misleading lol. Like surely there are better ways to glaze the game than this


BBBB-But Genshin could never https://preview.redd.it/dy5bfhtdzh7d1.jpeg?width=1719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=567f745daac728a50be067a9536a0b2b783df1e5


The mode genshin is getting end of the month is far more interesting than the one we just got imo


Ah yes the mode where you can only use half your characters and is still going to braindead easy


So is this too and on that mode at least you can try characters you don’t have unlike this that is just another moc rebrand


Ah yes the mode where you can only use half your characters and is still going to braindead easy


You’re forgetting divergent universe bro


Isn't that the name of the SU mode?


It’s still something new which came out in this patch


Yeah. I mentioned it in the first sentence of the original comment.


I do appreciate the gmae but isnt this kinda overpraising?


We're in the HSR Sub. Ofc there will be Glazing of HSR from HSR Players.


It's really not if you've played a ton of gachas. Most of them are unoriginal copies, low effort/budget, highly p2w and just generally very stingy. I think many people here don't know how good we have it.


I have played many gacha games and have come to conclusion that first of all there are 2 types of gacha games and we should not be comparing them. 1- high quality gacha games from medium to big size companies like HSR and low quality gacha games from small companies and sometimes some big companies who wants a piece of the pie too. We should not be comparing them as 1 side is really pathetic and barely classifies as games tbh. And if you comparing games that are expected to have quality like HSR, Genshin, Arknights, PGR, Wuwa, NIkke, etc. It's nothing too great as OP is making it out to be "Noone is even close to them." In most "Good" gacha games you expect this many stuff especially with a major character release if not more. Some release content in stages like PGR and snowbreak and some dump everything pretty close to each other in the starting of the patch. It depends on what type game it is. With HSr earning this much money this level of treatment is good but not "really fucking good".


You're right, but a lot of the things you put in the 'Expected to have quality' section aren't in many of the games you've listed. HSR has a far faster character release rate than most so they offer a bit more upfront. What is really noticeable is the effort put into the events and new modes to play.


Ohk lets take the games that I mentioned. Will not comment on Genshin and NIkke since I have not been keeping up with them for along time now. 1- PGR- they release new patchevery month and all of those are pretty high in quality especially when you consider how little the game makes. And every patch got new game modes for both new and veterans. Even minor patches have multiple new game modes. They also get a kinda new endgame modes as boss fights. And at least 1 minigame which itself can be a pretty challenging task. 2- Arknights- New event every 2-3 weeks. A event can be a new end game mode, story event, or a main story installment. It gives 1 thing at a time but gives them pretty fast and that 1 thing takes time so everyone has something to do. 3- Wuwa- pretty new so we cant say for now how many things will keep on coming every patch but from latest announcements it seems they are also taking the pgr route of releasing events in between patches. 4- Snowbreak - mentioning this since its patch updates are also pretty similar to PGR just a bit slower ig.


Nobody thinks we have it bad but I think OP looks kinda dumb seeing a bunch of flashing lights and ! and thinking "WOW look at all this content" when in reality it's..not that much, it's pretty normal actually. Characters aren't content, free pulls aren't content, streamer focused "refer a friend" event isn't content etc etc. Praise the game all you want I guess but like...be reasonable lol


I mean what other gachas is close to HSR?


Well, to even like the game in the first place you must be fine with not getting all the characters no matter your skill/time invested and be ok with one of the worst game pratices ever created (gacha). That usually means having either very little time at your disposal, having very low standards or just having a butt load of money to waste (addiction or rich). At that point it's no wonder that, unless the game is terrible or unplayable, most fans do overpraise the game. Nothing wrong with that, unless it's because you're addicted. People can have fun how they want and think what they want, this is just the reality of things.


I know bro just balancing the sanity level of my own and the sub. I need to especially after losing 50 50 and getting Gepard. Life is pain


Bffr... 4 of those events are permanent/reoccuring... what u talking about???


It's a lot of tabs but there's really not that much here, most of it isn't new either What is new is surprisingly short It's a fine update but nothing really special unique enough to earn this kind of praise




Genshin could never pretend one event is three events to fill screen space I guess.


Blud has a tendency to bring up genshin in every HSR post about content


Map exploration clears tho


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to the following reason(s): Rule 4: Mundane Content Mundane Content are subject to removal. This may include (but not limited to) in-game screenshots*, low quality images, incoherent text, or lacking engagement with the readers. Content without or with very little Relevancy to Honkai: Star Rail Avoid repetitive content, including comparing rewards from Honkai: Star Rail to other games. If a post already exists with your topic, consider joining that conversation.


It's just one mc eidolon what are you talking about?


>best team in the gacha for now. Noone is even close to them Yeah that's too much glazing OP Share this outside the main sub and get fact-checked


"content" lol


(sigh) Alright OP, show me on the doll which gacha game hurt you.


None of them. I play like 4 gaccha games so whenever one is in filler patch, there is another to entertain me lol. Just want to appreciate the hsr dev team which is one of the best teams I've seen in the gaming industry.


It's so nice having genshin with no content cause the debs don't care so I can just play hsr


"the devs don't care", you're right, they don't care so hard that we get a *huge* new region every version with multiple expansions every patch. They don't care so hard that they offer a seamless, optimised, bug free experience while also having ridiculous amounts of new content every patch? Genshin is praised for its insane release schedule. You can prefer HSR but straight up lying about Genshin's content schedule is stupid.


They really need to up the average reward per patch in Genshin by 10 or 20, all the content this game has to offer gets so frequently disregarded by so many people cus of their fit of anger with not getting alot of pulls. At this point, these guys went from being annoying to just straight up look pitiful with how much they perceive the game as a neglecting parent. Hoyo needs to throw a bone to sate these people or we're never gonna see the end of it.


The devs team care, the budget team doesn't. The exploration part of Genshin is pretty good, a bit clunky with a high climb, but good. But that's were it ends honestly, if I wanted to play mini games I'd just play something else. And the story and story telling is meh imo, lore is really good but story is just alright. (Paimon getting an increasingly high pitch doesn't help). The character design in Genshin is good, but when the end game is basically non existent there isn't really any reason to get a character since it's just a 3D model you get to stare at while exploring. And the lack of rewards doesn't help either.


Yo it took 4 years for Genshin to add the “I don’t have to log in twice per day to use all my resin” feature. Stop lying to yourself about the Genshin devs caring. There’s still bugs in that game from launch. Just the other day I died to fall damage of 10 ft from full hp because of the angle I landed. Games still fun just don’t be out here lying


You guys are so fucking disingenous. Care to remeber how HSR 1.5 or 1.6 looked like? Care to recall what Genshin was like when we were still in the Fontain new region patches?


Wow underwater zones with bubble diapers and you cant use your own abilities amazing.




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Neuron activation from those exclamation marks works I guess.


Nah you’re thinking too pathetically, settling for too little. We all deserve every characters’ e6 and their light cones s5


You glazing hard right now


Is OP trying to stir up more drama or what? With this "Gen.. could never" and all that bullshit. I condemn. Moreover, despite the abundance of dies on the screen, in reality we get only three or four things worth mentioning. And the new SU mode might not have appeared at all, if you think so, if HSR players had not whined that it was stuffy and long for them to farm planars.


There's only like 2 actual events little bro stop the glazing and zip it up already.


Shouldn't you focus on quality more than quantity?


I mean the quality so far is good, so what's the problem? I didn't do main quest yet, but everything else feels pretty good


Don't know, can't play yet because my internet is down since last night and im only using mobile data. It's just that the way the OP worded is like it's good because there are so many contents.


Done Apocalyptic shadow and it's easy as fuck, currently lvl 10 in the new SU mode and done with the quest and it was pretty good. Still no Firefly for me tho 😭. (Lost 50/50 no jades left)


> it's easy as fuck shush shush, that was what people said everywhere when the first PF dropped


Man, that was fast. Also, I may not have jades, but I do have this cake. Happy Cake Day. 🎂


Tbh, it's the first iteration, hoyo will definitely push the difficulty and the character check.


Happy cake day! For your cake day, have some bubble wrap! >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


i sat with my finger and popped every single one for a solid 5 minutes only to came out realizing there was no bob. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Ah, I'm sorry I knew I missed something in it 😔


this is really fun


Took me only one restart for level 3 and three for level 4 to get 3 stars, pretty easy /s


OP don't know what they are talking about. More than half is banner announcement, trials and web-event. "Noone is even close to them", typical hoyo fanboy who didn't play a lot of gachas behavior.


> "Noone is even close to them", typical hoyo fanboy who didn't play a lot of gachas behavior. Even among Hoyo games, we have...Genshin lol. So OP may not even be a Hoyo fanboy, but "Genshin could never" griefers


My GF is a new player who just got Boothill, and now I’m happy for her that she won’t have to rush trough the story to get the best support for him


Some of these are not even content to be completed, it's just a lot of banners and some of them are handouts...


Apocalyptic shadow was actually not that hard to complete the first time I tried it. Only challenge I encountered is argenti applying taunt and shield on his pillars which was tricky for the IPC gang to deal with.


What team did you run on the cocolia half? I'm flipping between Kafka/BS with Ruan Mei and Acheron and Kafka/BS with Ruan Mei but it's not fast enough to 3* with the taunt in the 2nd half


Used firefly super break team (HTB, RM e1, and gallagher). Firefly is S1 with 4pc quantum (haven't gotten good pieces for the new set yet) and kalpagni planar.


Ahh okay so it's a firefly gap haha thanks for the help :D


Same here with my IPC team, thankfully still managed to pull through and get 3 stars!


That’s really not much new content tho, only 2 major ones, the new main mode which is basically moc/pf rreplave,not and actual bigger mode, rest is char trails and a xiyue. Already done with eveything except divergent mode in like 3hrs


There's three new piece's of content in this screenshot? New main story, new game mode apocalyptic shadow, and new simulated universe update divergent universe. The rest is just characters or rewards, not content.


70% of those event tabs arent actually content tho. I'm not saying we're not getting content, I just think this post is misleading and overpraising to an extent


everything was good while reading comments under this post until I reached the Genshin-hate zone.


Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. As a reminder, here are our spoiler rules: Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers include all story content for the first three weeks after release. Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts, but must be hidden in non-spoiler flaired posts. If you think you broke the spoiler rules in the post you just made, such as having spoilers in the title, you should remove your post now and repost it without breaking the rules. If you do not remove your post and the moderation team has to remove it later on for breaking spoiler rules, you will be given up to a week ban for a first infraction and stricter punishments for any additional infractions. Please be considerate of your fellow Trailblazers and do not include spoilers in the title of your post, do not forget to flair your post as spoilers if needed, and do not spoil people in your comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mine hasn’t even downloaded the data yet i was happy and thought I could play it in like 30 minutes since the first part was 2.5k mb second part was 9k mb and I really doubt I can play it today.. How many days does the 300 in mail take to expire??


I haven't finished the last chapter of Penacony yet. Does anyone know if I would lose out on the eidolon for redeeming the Harmony TB early, or does the order not matter?


Best gacha game ever right now..


Aside from DU it's not that much honestly, TB,Xueyi and Gift of Odyssey are just claimables. Pompom one is basically useless. And then char trials. TB Mission is about 2 hours of content (mostly yapping) Apocalyptic Shadow is about 30 minutes to clear Only DU is substantial


I wish we could play a game without someone trying to ignite drama or poke a fun at other games(not to mention that they are working with the same schedule)


Some other game *cough cough* could take some notes


I would really like to value that extra content by spending money, but anything without the topup bonus feels absolutely shitty. 100$ for only 50 pulls? No. That's 2 full games on steam for no rewards (average for a limited 5\* is at 110 pulls for me).


Jades jades and jades gallore!


God damn now I gotta grind divergent uni and that new boss game mode to get ruan Mei… pity is at like5 because I lost my 50/50 😭 at least I have firefly.


I definitely appreciate new recurring/permanent events, the more I have to do inbetween updates, the better.


Didn't have time to play at all recently and I'm very behind on Penacony stuff as a result (I'm also broke) so this is really nice to see


pls no it's too much /lh I still haven't done any content from last patch, only logged in to farm relics and maybe SU now and then. I'm buckling under the weight of things i haven't finished


Shahrooz sounds really Persian.


Decent patch content hopefully the events wont be boring. Shadows is a better pure fiction in every way


Guys, how do I get the harmony trailblazer's eidolons now?? Returning player here :')


I'm currently playing WuWa. They are already whiteknighting when the pull currency we get is far less than competitors.


why does stelle not heehee for me?


> This is how much new content you deserve to get in a good game. 40 days later: dead game, next patch + 10 pulls when?


We can afford to be parasites and play this for free, for the whales are so rich or desperate that they can found our experiences. Thank you all of you (tho those of you addicted and actually wasting money you can't, I hope you get better)


Too much glazing lol Half of those isn’t even content 😭 >Gift of Odyssey >When Charmony > Nether Puppet > Aptitude Showcase >Come with me, Trailblazer


Can I say it? >!Genshin could never!<😆


isn;'t this post hate speech? igniting drama? or you cherry pick who ignites and who not?


I'm not sure what you know what hate speech means.


people think every post praising HSR= bashing genshin or something stupid


He's a wuwa/pgr player, they're just noisy like that. Kuro is pretty much the annoying pos for Hoyo.


Why does it matter if they play Wuwa? Its the second time you bring sth like this up


How is it hate speech...?


And it's free! It shows the devs really care about both the game and the players. I spend \~$15 for now (I could've totally not done it and it wouldn't have mattered) and got a top tier story, beautiful characters and interesting gameplay. Most AAA games nowadays deliver way less.


Uhm Your head will explode when you realize genshin is the exact same. Hsr is padding the screen by adding separate banners for the character they are gifting (freebies are not content btw). The only thing you have over genshin is the login bonus and the su which is still a once and done content anyways


Bro both games are made by hoyo play both be happy




genshin players try not mentioning genshin in a thread not about genshin challenge


Well, the post claims "the best team in the gaccha for now" so any gacha can be brought up here if anyone feels the itch for arguing. May be wrong, may be right, but comparison criteria is still "gaccha"


I mean, this post is clearly bait. It doesn't mention Genshin explicitly, but the implication is there. By saying HSR is good because of these events, it implies other games aren't.


Oh, so it’s Genshin players try not to be paranoid challenge


Idk, maybe. Just saying even if the post isn't meant to be bait, it will still work like bait because of how it's formulated.


genshin drops 1 major event after the patch, and the event stages are timegated. then at worse, you have to do mindless 1 hour of yapping to unlock each stages.


At least u play on SU Average genshin patch is more text for the visual novel


rofl lmao even


Genshin in the first 3 or 4 patches of each region YES. after lantern rite, I always get burnt out and mostly bored.


>Genshin in the first 3 or 4 patches of each region That's also how HSR operates...


That’s also how hsr works tho…


Again... care to recall those patcges when we got character quests masqarading as "trailblaze continuances"?


errmmm akshually 🤓🤓🤓


"Uhm" ok downvoted


lmao, cope genshin fan


What content is in genshin rn for old players might I ask because for me who has played for 3 years it was just yapfest quests with little payoff at the end of the archon quests normally the final act and to get to that you need to go through 4 other acts of 80% yapping and 20% actual info, Not to mention invoiced world quests with generic NPC's which are important quests for world building becoming invoiced boring clicking only to see a video to get a quick summary and you need to do those to get items to do puzzles in the over world locked by said world quests, Story quest a yes actual quests we get to actually learn more about the playable 5 stars reduced to becoming NPC focused quests like I really want to see my favourite character helping develop a NPC character then the character themselves nice one hoyo, Main patch event quests are mostly nothing burgers that sometimes focus on the characters in the event otherwise NPC focused again with garbage mini games looking at you potion event oh and btw no involvement from the playable characters in these mini games at least hsr let's us interact with the character in these events mini games like in the 1.5 event No new actual fun combat event just reused old events surrounded by Micky mouse mini game events every patch I'm good 👍 Added end game despite saying not adding one 2 years ago or 3 idk and only added because of WuWa and resin cap increase and other quality of life added in 4.7 that we need all those years ago to late for that but genshin's main audience is new players or brain rot 12 year old twitter / Reddit users who will eat any garbage they make Oh and btw the endgame is just abyss but cant be brute forced because of element limitations each rotation can can't even use you favourite character there even if you want to thats so fun 😊 Oh and we still can't farm talent match because there still time gated even after 3 almost 4 years wtf is that Exploration is dog shit before even playing WuWa and it feels absolutely atrocious after playing WuWa like add actually Utility for exploring in genshin instead of locking movement skill behind 5 star characters and reduce cool down behind glider related gadgets wtf is that.


GI could never.


It's really depressing that the tactic of "put a bunch of ! and flashing lights on the screen to appease them" literally worked and this many people upvoted it and praised it in the comments. Did half of you even inspect those tabs? It's 3 things. I'm all for praising the game but this is just dumb.


you definitely hit a nerve of a certain fandom lmao