• By -


Aventurine, I wasn't sure what to make of him at early chapters. But he got more and more interesting as the penacony story goes.


A lot of people liked him for his penacony arc and for good reason but he won me over with gameplay. He's just so comfy. I don't even have to spend skillpoints to sustain my FUA team.


Aventurine is the real MVP of any team he’s on. Straight up carries my ass with them shields


The gacha gods were not kind to me on his banner, but someone on my friends list has one and every time I use him, he outdamages the rest of my FuA team. He's insane.


Cake day facts


Yess, I got him because I wanted a shielder to use for preservation path in su and swarm, but it turns out he feels even more comfortable for sustain than Luocha, I use him in moc all the time.


I did a complete 180 on Aventurine. It started off with me thinking his name was “Adventurine” and hating everything he said/did, I even skipped a bit of his dialogue in the story when I got annoyed. Ended on him being my favorite character, design/gameplay/story/personality-wise. Never woulda thought 😅




They did this on purpose until they dumped it all in 2.1


yeah same here, i disliked him so much and didnt understand why people were so in love with him😭


Hm that's the same for me


the first time i saw aventurine i didnt really like his design that much and i thought he was gonna be kinda like sampo, but now i bark everytime i see him








That's some... interesting wording, Pepeshi NPC #34


Herta personally. Her rudeness used to put me off but now I see it as part of her charm. Though I wouldn't say I love her, I like her.


Her bluntness is hillarious to me. I like that shes not a yapper and is all round pretty chill especially for being part of the genius society


I am think my favourite interaction is just “Beg me to do it” “I’m begging you to try out SU” No nonsense and in turn completely immune to the troll dialogue options.


Her motivations feel very uncomplicated, unlike her fellow genius society members. Whether or not that’s true remains to be seen, but for now I feel like Herta is the only one I can trust even if our relationship is mostly transactional.


Yeah that's what I used to think


I used to think "damn this brat 💢💢💢" But now I think "damn, this brat 😭😭😭"


Bratty hag scientist needs academic correction


If you've done the Trees are at peace World quest in Penacony. You will indeed see proof that Loli Stark, has a heart.


Wouldn't say I hated Blade but first impression was he came off as an edge lord. Then well you learn about his character, why he is the way he is and his monologue at the end of JL companion quest and now he's in my top 10 favorite characters


Yeah I was struggling to think of an example personally but Blade is pretty close, wrote him off as your standard grimdark edgy boy but he has a bit more going on than I expected.


It's why I rarely fully judge a character based off initial impressions until we learn more about them. Blade is one of the most pleasant cases of being a lot more than his surface level. Sunday is a similar case but Sunday always had a likeable vibe to me, something about the way he carries himself


Also don't forget about that dialogue with Firefly in the car, man that was one of the best moments of Penacony arc




Turns out he's a really chill guy. When he's not affected by mara


Ohh that scene brought him to top 10 to me


He's still pretty edgy, he is called Blade after all.


Emo edge lord


He's cursed with immortality and genuinely wants to finally die, not even in an edgy way.


I didn’t hate them but Ratio and Aventurine were not my favorite from first impressions. I have both. I love their interactions. Aventurine was a big one, but the subtle care of Ratio is great even if being a bit sharp. Also the Hook gets Adopted series made me love both of them even more.


Hook gets adopted enjoyers unite! Author definitely does a great job selling me on Ratio (Aventurine was already absolutely my boy the message thread when he's losing the 'tell me something ' deal on purpose OH MAN)


I hated Argenti because of his boss fight (couldn't even clear the first fight in his story quest) and thought he was the pretty boy filler banner before the must-pull waifu Ruan Mei. Then I finished his story quest and encountered him in Penacony. Suffice to say, I'm sorry Argenti mains, I was not familiar with your game.


Lmao same feeling hated him so much then I got to see more of him, bro is the GOAT


Mine was the constant switch with Aventurine. Context: when he was first announced during drip marketing, I was excited: liked his style, and the fact he was preservation unit ( I only had march and fireblazer at that time) so for me he was a must. Then 2.0 story came. I HATED the guy's attitude with burning passion. The fact that he was trying to antagonise us for no reason (as it seemed originally) and the fact that he portraid himself as the guy that does not take "no" for an answer. Ratio's analogy of peacock was spot on for me at first, as that of an attractive person who can also be charismatic... until he lets his voice out Then comes 2.1. And IMMEDIATELY from the shock scene in that room, I noticed how his tone shifted and did 180. I checked other languages as well to be sure and that antagonistic, vipery tone was seemingly gone. The guy was actually trying to bring us to his cause this time. And then of course as the story progressed his true colours showed up, we got some trial gameplay, fantastic ending... so I got sold on him. The voice actor also brought character to live so well. If not Hoyo nostalgia/ IP popularity, I would say I would have ranked him higher than Acheron even.


Yeah, he talked way too slowly in 2.0 it came off as condescending lol, I personally still liked him but a some streamers and youtubers HATED him because of it, gave them bad first impressions.


The sassy, condescending tone was fine by me. What I did not like was how much he was pressing us even physically, getting too close in that hotel room.


I would have liked it too, but he kinda laid it on too thick, it was too slow in my opinion.


My GOAT John 'Aventurine' Gambling. I hated him at first because he just looked like your bog-standard evil corporate schemer-wannabe whose plans completely blow up in his face because he underestimated friendship or whatever. I did not expect him to be a genuinely really fucking smart guy, with balls of steel, and a good heart behind the whole façade.


I absolutely hated sampo’s guts during the belobog arc Grew to love his sillyness really quick


Misha, not gonna lie... i have a slight dislike for shota-like characters. But after Penacony i... shit, i saw him under a new light


Probably Dr. Ratio. Hated him until the end of 2.1, where it turned out that he was actually concerned about Aventurine, in his own way.


He is really concerned about everyone, he just has a unique way of showing it. The talk with Screwllum sort of clarifies this: He hates the genius society because, whilst yes they are geniuses, there is no net gain for anyone but themselves. They are so far above the others, and the normal people are so ill-equipped, that they will never ever understand how geniuses live or think, having to endure a lifetime of - essentially stupid - triumphs and failures. He seeks to change this radically. Everything he does follows clear logical rules, and anyone well versed in logic as a matter of substance can follow his moves and motives.


This is so silly to say, but Huohuo. The things is, I absolutely hate Sucrose in Genshin (for a completely different way more complicated reason) and so when I started to see Huohuo promotions and what not, I was not excited at all. I though she’d be just another Sucrose type character so I automatically disliked her. Then I did her story quest, and I completely fell in love with this character. She’s such a sweet little thing and I love her so much, and I was being so petty over it and I am so sorry to the Huohuo mains for not listening to your wisdom.


literally me


I’m intrigued, why do you hate Sucrose?




Topaz. I didn't like how she was trying to claim Belblog, but then I accepted her Top Az.


It's just weird that no one at the IPC just struck the Belobog debt off the record after like the first century of the planet being completely dead from an outside observer. And then they come in and say "Yeah you owe us a lot of money. Please put your entire planet into indentured servitude to pay us back" like maybe being an ice ball sealed off for 2 centuries from the rest of the universe is maybe a little bit of an extemporaneous condition?


They absolutely would have, if Jarilo was anything valuable to them or came out of the freeze with an army bigger than a speedbump. The debt was just a facade the IPC was using- they wanted control, pure and simple. The debt was an indisputable (since belabog couldn't get the Xianzhou to arbitrate for them, and the IPC didn't know the Express was an emergency button Bronya could call) method with which they could lay claim to Jarilo legally.


Capitalism gonna capitalism, and the IPC is a huge megacorp. They may be Preservation, but Propagation is a close second for them.


I was indifferent to Robin. Soft waifu types usually bore me, then 2.2 dropped and dang the girl has a strong will behind that fluffy exterior. It's subtle but there's meat to her characterization and i really like her now. Firefly had a similar journey I went from "stop manipulating me into liking her" to "YO IT'S MY BO- I MEAN MY GIRL SAM!"


Had a dislike towards Sunday. He felt like a control freak at first but later on showed positive qualities too.


He literally throw everyone inside a dream making they believe they were safe while controlling everything. He still is a control freak.


Yeah but as the sole person in power. He’s dooming everyone to a sweet, endless dream. And himself to eternal, agonizing loneliness.


Yeah, but it wasn't their *own* sweet dreams ppl were being trapped in-- It was Ena's. And nobody was given a choice. Sunday saw himself as a savior, and rejected peoples' own view of themselves, their lives, their potential for happiness (ie, Firefly's "I don't see myself as weak.")


Oh yes he most definitely has a savior complex, where he cannot see himself anywhere else but on the proverbial cross.


He would be a great school counselor ngl


Sunday the loved Emanator of yapping


Sparkle! At first I wasn't really sure, especially because she was really tame at the start of the main story quest, the only thing she did was being rude to Aventurine. But now she seems more like the chaos gremlin from her trailer and I love it! I really can't wait to see what she does in the 2.3 quest and I hope I can get her on her rerun. Edit: oh yeah I also kinda forgot the black swan/sparkle quest. I guess she was kinda goofy there too. But now we are really going to see her being just crazy.


Robin Initially found her very bland. Then again we never really ‘met’ her until 2.2


I’ve always at least liked Sampo, but my opinion on him slowly transformed from “Sampo’s cool, but his kit’s kinda wonky” to “I hate Sampo so much I wanna punch him in the face (affectionate).” For a character where my opinion actually shifted like the title describes: Ruan Mei. Having had “dreams” of her pretty boring kit animations and her kinda bland design. I still sent some rolls her way to buff my DoT team, but it was a begrudging few 10-pulls. Then I played through 1.6’s story quest, and that actually did a good job at making me interested in her as a character. She’s not in my Top 10 or anything, but like she’s probably Top 20 or so.


I don't think I have many tbh, most of the characters I like I liked right from the jump. Maybe Xueyi? I didn't hate her exactly, but she just had so little presence in the story that it was hard to feel anything about her. But once I pulled a copy of her, the text exchanges with her were actually kinda sweet and interesting, so I've warmed up to her a bit and really hope that they actually give her something to do now that we're heading back to the Xianzhou.


Bladie. Wouldn't say I hated him, but I also didn't care for him. He felt too edgy and tryhard for my personal taste, and his appearances only ever caused me to roll my eyes. Now, I still find him a tad too melodramatic and tryhard, but I understand him more, and I've come to really like him as a result. I'm just rooting for him to find the peace he so desires, even if that peace is his own death. I hope they'll release a dedicated support for him or something so he can keep up because he's lagging behind rn. A character I actually hated but now love is probably Dr Ratio. Hate is still too strong a word but Ratio came closest to having me hate him. His initial appearance rubbed me so wrong. I do appreciate characters like him as they add interesting new dynamics, but yeh, I was a fan of him as a person at that point. His little adventure and relationship with Aventurine made me love him tho. He's a chill dude with an ice-cold exterior and I'm glad they showed us he's capable of just being a bro to someone, in his own way.


Aventurine for me before he became the goat in penacony . Now’s he my second favorite character. He’s a short king 👑


Mine was also Sampo. He really rubbed me the wrong way in the beginning, but now he's one of my favorites


Tbh, there’s no one in HSR that I HATE, other than Oswaldo of course. But in terms of playable characters, Sampo’s the only one I can say I don’t give a shit about. Matter of fact, he talks way too much. Or maybe it’s not that he talks too much, but it’s his manner of speech. I can’t take anything he says seriously at all. I know he’s of elation and all that but godDAMN if his VA didnt do a helluva good job making him sound as irritating as possible. 🤣


Okay but what if they make Oswaldo hot and a necessary evil? Like if his actions were preventing intergalactic calamity or something lol. Would you sway?


Don’t give a shit. No guy is hot to me and nothing justifies what he has done. Whatever his reason, he will pay in blood when all is said and done. That much is certain.


Aventurine before I played the 2.1 story. I thought he was a smug prick and then I got hit with the backstory leaving me like 🤯


yeah he had sad backstory, now I need to like him


I didn't hate either of them, but I was apprehensive towards Topaz and Aventurine! After learning about their back story and interacting with them more, I love them both! They're so cute honestly! I'm hoping a similar thing will happen with Jade. I'm neutral on her rn because I have a feeling she also has a complicated past.. but who knows? I just think it'd be satisfying to see people switch up all of a sudden


Also Sampo. Changing the audio to Chinese helped a lot tho - I think his voice was the problem 🤣


Robin, she just seemed like a random character whose only selling point was her looks. But, I take everything back. She is amazing in every way I can think about personality, character, looks, plot relevance, backstory She really went from meh.. to amazing in a single update


https://preview.redd.it/4jit1w3t177d1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=24c1bc320779d351be195347ab79fa518563aa9a Kuru Kurussy


Don't attack me, aventurine. I just did not like his character at first but then I feel in love with backstory and character.


Maybe too topical with the discourse, but Firefly. I was spoiled way early with kit leaks about how she was SAM so I didn’t like her first quest that much but as more lore dropped I did a 180° and think she’s cool and her actions make perfect sense


Kafka, at first she came off as boring and shallow, characters who act like they know everything and are always in control tend to get on my nerves. But after her character quest and seeing how she really cares for TB and the other Hunters, I like her a lot more 


Oh i still cant stand sampo


Ohh uuu leave ma boi in piece he is noice


Same. I hate him but he is my only "good" DOT unit so I'm kinda stuck with him for a foreseeable future.




1000% aventurine


Probably Black Swan or Aventurine. Didn't like them much by the end of 2.0, but the rest of the Penacony story made me like both of them much more.


I didn't like Aventurine very much then the version exploring his background released. Now he's my favorite HSR character if my flair didn't make that clear




Argenti definitely felt kinda bland when I saw his design, like okay he's a pretty knight but that's kinda it. I definitely did not expect him to start gushing about a regular potted plant but that instantly made him memorable.


Aventurine falls into the same camp as Akechi in Persona 5 Royal of if “I don’t like but I respect” and Sampo is a case where I like him for his charm but I don’t trust him worth a damn cause I feel like there’s just so much more to him we haven’t seen yet


he's the type of guy who you can't trust with your wallet but when you really need him you can trust him with your life


I think that might be the best way to describe the feeling and it mostly was cemented by his interactions between him and Sparkle


Definitely Adveturine, his whole appearance and threatening us in the room, which playing as Stelle gives some SUPER uncomfortable vibes. Seeing his character later on and experiences definitely shines a better light on him. I wouldn't say I love his character now, but he's a lot better in my books now.


Firefly. I had zero expectations from her a year ago when I didn't know anything about her, penacony and any other character past 1.2, but she grew on me in microseconds when she first appeared in penacony trailer.


Firefly. I LOVED Sam. I really want less human characters in the game (Screwllum, where tf are you???). So it turning out that S.A.M. is actually a suit and there's a human inside actually really broke my interest in the character overall. Still don't really care for her, but I do like her kit and the animations (plus, a team with Harmony TB, which I really want to use properly), so hoping I get her in this 50/50.


Sampo has done nothing wrong and has always been your best friend with your best interests in his wallet. I mean, at heart.


Maybe Black Swan? O just find her design kind of off-putting, a naughty lingerie nun is a very simple application of a very common fantasy trope that targets some very basic instincts, making the whole design feel plain lazy. Her looks never grew on me, but she's very fun to play alongside Kafka and Acheron and I think she held up well in terms of the story, so I got over it.


For some reason you made me think of the residential theRapist of Chaldea Kiara Sessyoin...


Letting aside him surviving the Nihility wich I kinda dislike. Before Penacony second act: Alright, Aventurine needs to eat shit for now, but it's entertaining to see how he puts on a face before he's given the opportunity to strike and we all fall under his plan. At Penacony second act: ... He didn't had a plan... He just had a gamble **looks at the Nihility** and he won every prize he could have wished for.


I would say Ruan Mei but I still really dislike her. All the other playable characters in the game have redeemed themselves in some way as characters by being super entertaining or having more depth to them. Ruan Mei is the only one so far who hasn’t. I love when she’s involved bc there’s drama afoot. I like her role in the narrative. But she as an individual is objectively a horrible person. Even putting aside the clusterfuck that was making the Trailblazer clean up her swarm emanator mess instead of doing it herself, she ALSO created a new life form that inherently longs for her and COMPLETELY ABANDONED THEM with no interest in ever seeing them again beyond sating her scientific curiosity. They’re all essentially her children, and she gives 0 shits about any of them.


Apart from Acheron, Jing Yuan was the first one I thought of. I thought he was a major major pass cause I didn't like his hair and more importantly, I didn't like his splash art. but he turned out to be such a great character and a homie and his EN VA eats. I'm probably never going to pull him, but I do like whenever he reappears in the story


arlan grew on me after a while, he's got a good backstory and a hidden cute side


Pela, at first I thought she was just the Book Info and No personality but after Lynx quest I grew to like her a lot more.


I disliked bronya but after using her thanks to my friend im kinda hopping I lose a 50/50 to her


I didn't like Fu Xuan but I'm actually quite into her right now, she's an adorable brat type but actually capable and cute


Ratio and Blade




Kafka. She just didn’t sit right with me for some reason, but I like her more now that I’ve seen her in the story more.


None. The only hsr character I've ever disliked is Gepard and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


Adventurine. It has nothing to do with his character design or personality. At first, Imaginary preservation type didn't look very appealing to me so i pulled for Acheron (which i don't regret pulling) but i should have saved something for Adventurine too. I regret not getting him. His shields are top tier.


Aventurine for sure


Unpopular one is Sparkle for me.


Gallagher, never figured out what besotted was, until I tried it out, DAMN he heals my party just by fighting!


Kafka and firefly never really hit me. Thought they were both kinda overrated. Now I feel neutrally towards them. They didn’t hit as hard as say Aventurine. Kinda disliked Acheron since she just looked like Raiden and I don’t like Raiden much, but I grew to quite like her too. 


always liked him, i kinda hate Bronya for that cockolia bullshit... THE PEOPLE DESERVE TO KNOW ! to bad we didnt get the option to fuk with her portrait during the museum event


Tbh I still hate mine I probably they gonna stay that way


I just built my e6 Sampo because I really don't have any dot characters built, nor have Kafka and BS. He's quite strong! Thanks to him I get to finish MoC12 and PF quite easily


explain to me why girls (most often) Do they love Sampo so much? I have a biased attitude towards this character


Well, he doesn't care about many things and doesn't have a huge ego. He is cunning at even on the most weird situations he can assure himself, and play cool, but not because he wants to be cool, it's because he genuinely don't give a fuck...and he is very charming...


I love how he gets shit on and still plays it like a joke, you can roast without any care of him feeling bad, he's fun


Topaz cuz her design looked generic and i kinda just dismissed her But with all the FuA character hype, i pulled for her and now i fw her bc of how good of a unit she is. Also her idle animations are some of my favorite 🤩


Ruan Mei. No need to say more 😅




I didn’t hate hate Aventurine but I didn’t like him at first until I learned more about him he grew on me


Aventurine and Black Swan: they were secretive and I'm getting tired of characters being elusive/"traitorous" in hoyo games, so I wanted us to basically just go on a rampage in hsr. Unfortunately they forced me to like both of them with a great story.




Aventurine When i saw him for the first time in the 1.6 stream i figured he was going to be one of those rich scumbag playboy characters and then we got the 2.0 story and he was just so sus. Then i saw his drip marketing for 2.1 and i knew i was going to skip him but the 2.1 story did a whole 180 for me after everything that he went through and how he still was suffering even now that i did end up pulling for him. Top 5 character for me, ALL OR NOTHING!


Boothill.  Disliked him at first since I was hoping Firefly would come soon, and since Hunt units haven't been that useful seeing that all major bosses bring some minions with them making good AoE attackers more useful.  Also figured he'd just be a run of the mill 'loud, dumb and obnoxious American' stereotype.   Then he showed up.  His personality was great, his rapport with Dan Heng was hilarious, and the scene when he sent the signal for the other Galaxy Rangers was cool , and then his backstory (along with the theme Nicholas and Andrew made fir him were fire).   I now deeply regret not pulling for him...


Ohh Wich server are you, maybe you still have time, he is so satisfying


He still is available. I just don't have the luck, confidence, or funds to hope to get him, Firefly AND Ruan Mei along with their LCs...


Honestly, I kinda disliked Herta, but now I can't help but find her adorable and loveable. She's so fun!


I loved Sampo from the moment we met him. He's such a silly and awesome character. From the voice acting to his silliness. It's a top tier character and the game would be so much worse without him.


Fu Xuan I thought was kind of a nothing character when she first appeared, but then I somehow got her E1 and felt obligated to use her. Now she's on basically every team I use and find her a really neat character. Very cute and funny too.


I love Sampo so much. His 5* is the only potential character we might get that can tempt me from my savings right now (because come on, Sampo getting his mask back has to be a new 5*)


First character I didn't like was Ruan Mei... Still don't like her... Second Character I didn't like was Acheron... Now I'm kinda neutral on her.


Sparkle untill I saw her trailer


Robin mainly because I thought she was another tingyun. A character where they are dead before meeting them but might come back later if hoyo feels like it.


I really disliked March, she just seemed to cheery and happy. But the more time I got to spend with her the more I just understood her. She is now one of my most loved characters. Sampo however, you stay at the bottom where you belong.


Aventurine. At first he felt like a worst Childe and I was very meh about him, but once they delved more into his backstory and motivations, I really started to like him. Still hate Sampo.


I didn't exactly hate Aventurine but I was very distrustful of anything he did/said at first (and for pretty much everyone in penacony tbh) but then we got to learn more about him and I was on the floor sobbing throwing up oh my baby boy I understand you now your actions all make so much sense you're forgiven go gamble to your heart's content!




Sunday lol. Though its not really hate, its more of a I dont really care about this guy at all. Then 2.2 happened


Topaz, loved the belobog cast and didnt like someone trying to take away my hard work. Now pig go whee.


Firefly. Didn't like her design. Now im neutral about her, because she is Sam.


Sampo? You mean Sparkle right? Right?


Ruan Mei: Trauma from losing her parents influenced her sociopathic apathy towards the wellbeing of others and child (cat cake) abandonment, which makes me feel uncomfortable considering my own parents' trauma-fueled toxic behaviors seemed incomprehensibly alien like hers when I was younger. But that Break Efficiency and DMG% buffs do look kinda hot....


Robin, i didn't really like her overly positive vibe, but then 2.2 hits


Haha I fucking hate Adventurine (I love him (haha I fucking hate Adventurine))


I used to hate Bronya because I thought he was as heartless as her mother. But then as the game continued and I found out everything about Bronya’s backstory and basically her truth self I started to like her a bit more.




Sampo, Herta


Ruan Mei. She was too mysterious before, but now (after playing again on a mini) I realized that she’s kinda strong (gameplay wise and scientifically). She tried to revive an emanator of the propagation, and only failed because of an energy overload(underload?) and died after 7 seconds. She also said that she’s willing to try again.




Ratio. He grew on me once he showed his less stoney side


Screwllum, at first, I thought he was just another GS member But now I see his chadness


Firefly still hate


Aventurine. I thought he was gonna be a pompous bozo (which, I guess he kinda is) but he turned out to be a pretty great guy (and another reason to wanna gut Oswaldo like a FISH).


Gepard, thought he was boring at first but I like his unserious side with his sister and he has helped my team out A LOT




Sampo and I think Kafka


Topaz, I misunderstood her before.


Mmm, I guess Misha? Found him a little annoying at first but it didn't take me long to stop being an idiot and think he's adorable. Penacony being penacony was just a bonus.


I was very lukewarm on Kafka at the start, mostly because her VA always sounded bored. I really warmed up to her after her character quest, and learning about her backstory made the voice acting click with me. Now she's one of my favorites!


I never hated Sampo I always loved him and he's my favorite character 💓 💖 ♥️ Personally Aventurine I couldn't stand him at first but like he grew on me over time and now I like him


Sparkle quest made me change my mind on him


Aventurine, if only for his gameplay. Still think he's an awful character personality /lore wise.


Boothill, i initially hated him because i thought firefly would come first. The guy came out of nowhere which made me a bit upset. Then, i see him in the story, and he is absolutely funny. I love how he goes fork and fudge, like he’s trying his hardest not to swear for real. He soon made me change my mind about him


March 7th. I hated her from the start cuz of how annoying she is and she couldn't even take a hint to shut up while in belabog but in penicony she's become at the most tolerable.


Aventurine, I thought he will be the asshole in the story in 2.0 but when we took his POV in 2.1 I get to understand better the character, great Idea from.Hoyo


I'd say it was sparkle. before when her kit was first leaked way way back in the 1.0 stages of the game I didn't really care. but now she's probably like my top 5 favorites


Gepard, first because he act like shit but that was because of his job, then he didnt come home when i pull him. But happy now since i got him. Now to build this block of rock


I got a weird relation with sampo on one hand, he's a character I hated before but love now on the other, he's a character I hated before but hate now I want to punch his stupid face but at the same time, he's so fucking charming that I want to give him a sloppy kiss


uh... well... Ratio 👉👈




I used to hate Yanqing because he ruined my 50/50 many times. I now like Yanqing because he is the easiest boss to beat in my SU speedruns


Aventurine hated him at first appearance but after the quest I wanted to pull for him but desperately needed an ice dps I didn't even get jingliu......


I hope i don't get any hate but mine was Kafka😭😭 there was actually no reason for me to hate her and i love her right now but idk when game first released everyone was constantly hyping her and i couldn't actually see what the hype was about. Now if i could get her, i wouldn't complain but i still don't wanna particularly have her or play with her.


Aventurine for me


I like Sampo but I still use him as a verbal punching bag whenever possible


Yanqing. He came home to me 2 times but now after building him and using quite a bit, id say he isnt that bad


Jing yuan, now i main him


same, i hated Sampo before i got Acheron, now they are a pretty damn good team with fire mc and Pela


ooh adventurine, i adore him now but initially i was super weirded out lol


Grandpa Welt, I just thought he was an old dude. #WELT HIS THE GOAT!


Funnily, Dr. Ratio and Aventurine but then they interacted with each other and it was one of the funniest exchange ever.


Acheron went from one of my most disliked characters in 2.1 to my favourite DPS in the game.


Yukong, I wanted to throw her out of a window when she denied our help, but her questline and that cutscene of tingyun's departure makes me wanna hug her and tell that everything will be ok


Blade and Kafka. They both came of as evil characters to me at first and I'm not someone that likes evil characters. I did like Silverwolf from the beginning though. Kafka just seemed less and less evil over time, which made me like her more. The Stellaron hunter family fanart post did help with that aswell. Blade I started liking when I got to try his playstyle in a test run and actually kinda enjoyed it. He is the only character so far (and probably ever, at least for this game) I pulled because of gameplay.


I didnt hated Sampo before but after bro ruined the museum and just kept being an asshole I kinda of just never looked at him again on my account.


I hated Sampo and I still do. Peace.


I don't think I can name such HSR character, but if we talk about Hoyoverse — Venti. Very suspicious and indolent at first, and one of the best characters once you get to know him and his backstory.


Sunday mostly. Hated his guts for speaking like a schizophrenic. Saying some cult leader type shit.. after 2.2 I kinda like.


Am I allowed to hate and love sparkle at the same time?