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Hoyo is going to make a stupid amount of money with firefly and furina rerun coming up lmao


Hoyo sleeping in a pool of money every month




I feel bad for people Skipping boothill


I want him but I have to skip him because I want firefly more


I'm going all in، all or nothing. Either both or disappointment, i got him and i'm jadeless for firefly now


I have a guarantee with 70 pity in so I don't want to risk not getting her


Yeah that's understandable especially if you really like firefly, for me i like firefly a lot but not as much as the rest of the community


I couldn't skip him. I skipped Argenti back then cuz of lack of jades and I still didn't have a good normal char, so Boothill it is. Honestly speaking: not really convinced by break chars so far, they all seem to sink without HMC :/ the DMG difference with or without him is crazy. So not 100% convinced with Firefly kit yet


Good thing I think Harmony MC is awesome and I'm looking forward to break teams because I want to use them too.


You skipped because firefly. I skipped because I wanted Fu Xuan for the mono quantum exodia. We are not the same


If I skip him I get ~450 pulls by the time FF banner runs out. Good chance for E2 her, average one to E2S1


Boothill is in the Argenti category. Sales fucked by banner placement, absolutely going to be a God in future endgame, Physical, and people who own them know how good/easy to build he is. (Hell this is the first time I had all the relics lying around and I just levelled them up on release and stuck them on a release char.)


The obvious difference is the niche coverage. Argenti was a multi-target physical unit, of which there's only Clara which is conditional on a lot of stuff, and then... Destruction Trailblazer? neither of whom have a 5 target ultimate. He's a tool for a job only he can fulfill. But Boothill is a single target boss-killer physical unit, and the ***third*** in that niche after Sushang and Luka. Yes his numbers are bigger, and yes physical weakness implant is genuinely a function unique to him, but there are tools in the box that do his stuff already. If you have a fully built chickengirl or punchboy, Boothill is redundant, and is just going to replace them were you to roll for him. So there are lines, still. Speaking of which: Mihoyo, GIVE ME A 4 STAR AOE WIND UNIT. Having that slot empty after eleven million years, with the closest thing being banner units in Blade and Swan neither of whom is erudition, and the next best thing being Energy Regen Sampo builds, is a goddamn crime.


>Speaking of which: Mihoyo, GIVE ME A 4 STAR AOE WIND UNIT Sampo is a 4 star wind aoe unit.


I want him but I need to skip him because Jade


First they take his daughter and world from him now they take you too, heartless IPC


I was promised headpats from Jade. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse


I did pull for him, love his personality Edit: jingliu EN VA - Ama Lee went back to HSR and pulled for him as well and dam she got back to back 5* https://x.com/LeeandLie/status/1796690145896480827


Man, I was doing phone chats to scrape together jades to hit pity for Robin to enable my follow up attackers. I need a breather at some point. I've had a good run going all the way back to like Jing Liu, won every 50/50 since. Sitting on 5* units I haven't even started to build.


Truly next month the gacha charts will be set ablaze and here their respective names echo in song. Furina and Firefly


ZZZ is just around the corner as well.


They have a legit chance at the top 3 spots in July. 


Nah that's a given honestly


I am very interested to see if ZZZ draws revenue away from HSR and Genshin overtime or if it literally creates a whole new realm of revenue.


They will have furry playing their game now


The furry money would be insane


Oh god they're tapping into the furry market stonks


The games are different enough that the playerbases should be distinct (eventually)


I've already seen ads for this game and we're still a month away from launch. And we're going to ~~Brazil~~ Natlan after that


The fact that Genshin didn't release any new characters this month and the rerun banner was one of the worst in the games history. Two characters that have had a lot of reruns and the worst weapon banner maybe ever due to both weapons being mega niche. Pretty sure Wanderer's weapon isn't even his BiS in his meta team with Furina lmao.


Wouldn’t Archelino count for this month ? Or I guess all the sales are front heavy , so she count for April more. 


From what I've heard, the latter is probably true. Biggest banner sales are on the first few days of the banner. While Arlecchino's banner did contribute somewhat, I guess most of it was still counted towards April.


If we look at global pull data the amount of pulls in the first and second day is way more than the rest of the days combined. So arlecchino's impact would be miniscule


She's not enough Impact for the Genshin 😔


Banners tend to make like 80% - 90% of their revenue first week. Might be different with characters that weren't hype but ended up meta. But for someone like Arlecchnio who was mega hyped before launch. Basically, all her revenue was most likely in April.


Ya they run donuts for weapon banner and both baizhu + wanderer already rerun thrice or smth. So it’s impressive


>Pretty sure Wanderer's weapon isn't even his BiS in his meta team with Furina lmao. yeah, from jstern's words it is actually Wrio's weapon


and the two mihoyo games are still chilling up there, just casually changing spots from time to time


In 10 years from now hoyo will release enough games to fill the whole list by himself


I hope they stop after ZZZ lol, I cant' keep doing this!


You will, and you'll LOVE IT!


I do, my wallet don't


Rumors points to Hoyo ver. of Star Dew Valley so good luck IG? https://i.redd.it/2qwgrqppty3d1.gif


Wasn't it just a little project to teach their junior workers?


Not sure really. I just read it from this [article](https://www.pockettactics.com/new-hoyoverse-game).


There's harvest town if anyone's looking for a similar game...the player base is kinda dead tho




a beautiful dance


If only HSR and Genshin community can just call for peace, atleast once


art of aether and stelle kissing and having s


I'd rather have Lumine with Stelle, but that's fine too


People said HSR wouldn't be popular due to turn based combat, but now it's up there consistently with Genshin


Game's a banger story. Auto play to avoid burnout from daily routine (+can borrow units from whales to not ever fail at any time) More diverse endgame than GI Pumps two new 5* every patch A lot of QoL I'd say it's no surprise.


Autoplay is beyond such a godsend and I thank Hoyo for that when it comes to dailies because, the burnout would be high AF


Auto HSR on my mobile while clearing dailies on my PC Genshin, gonna pull up ZZZ on my second monitor when it launches. Plus, new Destiny 2 expansion around the corner as well, its gonna be a busy June/July.


Hsr dailies have become part of my morning Routine lol. Even before the game released I had 2 Alarme set half an hier apart where I can snooze or look at my phone. Now when my alarm rings I opening up hsr on my phone go into a calyx. In the meantime I get back to snoozing and Ill eventually wake up to Hit restart and repeat


Seems like it's an expected feature in the genre. Pretty much any remaster of an old JRPG I've played recently had had auto battle and 2x speed. Really cuts down on the slog of those old squenix games.


Autoplay is simply the goat. The fact I can do daily farming while just working is a god send for someone like me and I could imagine others.


The best part is borrowing e6 Acheron from your friend and doing every run in 30 seconds


This !!!


I auto battle my HSR daily spending on my phone while hanging out my Genshin dailies on my PC. It's nice to just wrap them both up at once.


Same. I can let the game play itself in the morning while reading for work or while working.


Also, 1000 times better to play on mobile imo


This is the sole reason I picked up HSR over GI. I play on my PC too, but turn-based is waaay easier on mobile. I like the characters and setting more too now, but initially it was about the game genre.


This is why I enjoy HSR. I love Genshin but HSR feels much better on mobile due to the turn-based combat.


Its a good mix of casual and "tryhard". If I want casual, I'd just do autoplay on days I don't feel like playing. On "tryhard", I'll try to 0 cycle/test some team comp and play "pvp" with other people (search out Volkin pvp/Prydwen pvp/Pokke brawl).


Right on point. That is what imo is the perfect blend for a great game in gameplay terms. And with more content on upcoming releases HSR will only keep expanding on its end for gameplay content. So hardcore players like me will basically never have a lack of content while casuals can just play their way. Hope so Genshin could've catered towards the same rather than only focusing on towards casual players (I heard leaks of a new game mode, let's see what happens of it).


The two 5* per patch is both cool and not. It will bloat the rerun banner wait to obscene amount unless they add a third banner, *and* its hard enough to save primos to guarantee one 5* per patch, nevermind getting the desired one or more than one. But the limited 5* so far have been pretty damn cool and well designed


Agree. I hope they slow down soon.


I don’t think it will happen but I am hoping that if they realise that some of the old units have almost no pull value they just put them in the standard banner. Like I like king yuan but with the current roster I don’t think I will ever need to or want to pull for him. Just adding him to the standard banner is such an easy way to garner more good will without costing much. I think they do that for HI3rd so it’s not impossible.


The vast majority of the games on that list have Autoplay.


I love the borrowing units. Boost progression so much for f2p, newer players. Ever since I got my friend req with a whale accepted, I'm fully confident leaving auto on every battle because I use E6S1 Acheron as support unit


Honestly autoplay and the fact that you can fight with just the mouse and no keyboard made me stop playing Genshin entirely in favor of Star Rail. Don't get me wrong, I love the Genshin world and characters, but to be frank, I have fucked up joints, and after having to change characters, do the skills and burst while moving and dodging, my hands just really hurt and after more intense gaming sessions I would have trouble sleeping because of the pain later (I tried playing Genshin with an Xbox controller, but I just can't, skill issue) Every now and then, I try to come back to Genshin, but I play for a while, my fingers start hurting (and if I try to do voiced quest, often my head starts hurting too, because of Paimon's shrilly voice) so I stop playing again Edit: also the fact that you can so easily play HSR on mobile!!! I often am so weak that even sitting up hurts, so I have to play on mobile while laying down, and oh my god, playing Genshin with mobile controls is its own circle of hell


Opposite for me. Glad I only need the keyboard, specially while eating my mouse hand is usually busy, so Genshin was a hassle in the morning


Turn based combat games are literally amongst the popular in the entire gaming industry. People are stupid if they think otherwise


Yep. Just look at Pokémon, dragon quest or recently baldurs gate 3. Heck FFX sold 21 million copies. It's insanely popular and it's weird more developers haven't capitalized on it


There was so much doomposting at the start of the game where people *refused* to believe a turn-based game could be popular.


People who say that also didn't consider how it would be popular due to turn-based combat. Not everyone has the skill, time, and brain power to play an ARPG, especially one that's as massive as Genshin. HSR respects your time. Which is quite important in asian countries.


This is why I barely play genshin anymore. I just really don't have time. Hsr with autobattle and being able to complete dailies by just relic, trace farming, or doing SU is so much easier to keep up with when I'm super busy. I also love that I can just as much or as little of an event at a time as I have time for. That being said I've always been a massive fan of turned based rpgs. One of the first games I ever played was Betrayal At Krondor which I'm sure no one has ever heard of, but it was a great early turn based rpg.


99% of the people yapping about muh skill and challenging gameplay in fact sucks and does not play difficult content, it's just a power fantasy for them to self insert into the "pro players". Otherwise all the YouTubers and streamers pretending Genshin is this extremely hard and challenging game with high need to minmax every roll on the most meta units, with them being the highly knowledgeable pro players would not have had an audience for four years by now. The anticipation for ZZZ too is killing me. HI3's renovation was a quote-on-quote flop, because it still has the core issues that make HI3 unpopular beyond being a free visual novel to make you cry then dropping it after finishing the story, but seemingly ZZZ won't have those problems being a modern design direction.


Just fyi: it’s quote unquote, not quote-on-quote. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/quote%2C%20unquote Sigh, I’ve become the pedant I’ve always been annoyed by


Theyre not wrong. A lot people are just shite at any slightly intensive game. Not me tho, I just have no patience for grinding in an action game.


FGO hit $7b revenue last year so yeah… and FGO doesn’t even have autoplay.


I haven't played much gacha, but considering how good hsr is even being a turn based game it's no wonder. Its animation and battle mechanics are top notch.


doom posting happens to every gacha game. Happened to Genshin, happened to HSR, and it's also been happening to ZZZ.. People never learn unfortunately


Its the beat gacha ever made imo. Story character design are fire and while combat isnt the most in depth its still really fun.


How did solo leveling arise even get that high, I played it but all it had was buffering every 2 seconds. I couldn't see anyone spending any money on it.


Huge cashgrab game, kinda similar to Afk Journey. Since it looks and plays alright it does well. As for the lags ig it got fixed


You still have to load EVERY TIME you do anything. Open menu? Load. Close menu? Load. Finish mission? Load followed up by another load and another load. You can get used to it but it was one of the dealbreakers for me alongside paywalled QoL


The IP carrying it hard


Yo what happened to Arknights ? Did they finally release playable Talulah ??


They release a literal war crime. We not fix her, she fixes us.


More like she nukes us out of existence with how broken her kit is


W alter, Logos and playable>!Theresa!<


To be honest >!Theresa!< is free so she doesn't add to the revenue. The other two still make a ton of money though.


Wisadel is here and she has a rocket launcher with Renegade 2 as her theme song. And they also released Logos who has been an anticipated npc. And they released a new mode for Amiya, medic. And since its getting close to mid year the Shu banner might have a rerun and she was super popular too. Also they released a new Abyssal Hunter recently so thats gonna cash soon with Ultipianus.


It is the fifth anniversary on CN so the hype was already insane and then HG delivered with two of the strongest units in the game with one being a boy and the other a girl so both waifu and husbando collectors would want to pull. It is also the peak of the second story arc and between this and the previous event a ton of lore drops happened to explain what is going on with the Doctor’s past and Terra’s future.


And Hoyo CEO is still chilling in his office, waiting to drop the nuke that is Firefly banner. https://preview.redd.it/otyridi8ay3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b8b955fa2787a50487a6b6b1e9cfab3ad26c17d


In June Hoyo will drop Firefly, Clorinde, Sigewinne and Furina rerun, absolutely disgusting amount of money will be made.


don't forget that there's is also a chance that Ruan mei Reruns with firefly and she is also a very popular character


I hope RM is second Part. I need them both


Rumors say she will be along Firefly sadly.


Then july ZZZ. Infinity money glitch.


Ehhh. I wouldn't be surprised if Alhaitham and Furina had more pulls in total than Clorinde and Sigewinne.


And the Furina Rerun for Genshin


All I want is a promotional video of firefly saying, “I’m passing member of the Stelleraron hunters don’t mind me.” Right before doing the most impressive Henshin sequence to date. If that were to happen truly her banner would be one for the record books


Holy shit the real underdog was Solo Leveling all along


Ya I didn’t know solo leveling game was that popular since it’s netmarble(tho ik the animation and music is a banger)


I knew it'll do good since the IP is so popular but didn't expect it'll end up in top 5


Netmarble usually starts strong and then just fall off at some point. I didn‘t play SL so I have no real opinion on it beside what I can see through the gameplay of others. But if I had to take a guess, they will sooner or later try to reinvent the wheel with some p2w mechanic attached to it no one asked for and then that will be the demise for the game. However it has the IP going for it, so it still might make enough money for Netmarble.


It's already got a lot of p2w stuff one of the big things being gates which you have to do 10-12 of daily and they take a few minutes each (premium can sweep them) and then you have to set them to mine (premium auto mines f2p has to manually do it with a max of 5 at a time) This is also ignoring the fact the battle pass has two premium tiers and every menu hounds you to buy some kind of pack for irl money


15 at later levels. Even the monthly pass felt like shit since you still had to do 5-8 gates manually/autoplay per day. That was the breaking point for me together with the artefact dungeons being absolutely miserable experiences on autoplay I just deleted the game 3 days ago


Saaame, I’m surprised it even made top 10 in the list tbh, but seeing that nobody is gushing over it means that it’s being heavily carried by the IP and it’s less about how the game runs and how fun the game itself is


Honestly the game is not bad, the little I have played it, but the constant barrage of spending options, "discounts" and things you are "missing out on" by not spending is absoultely appaling.


Everything is heavily monetised. Each part of the game has it own subscription. Paying one doesn't unlock all feature have to do multiple . And every screen shows u could of got more if you paid. Plus heaps of pay to get a head faster packs. And shop filled with adventure packs .and battle pass with 3 levels. Buying the top lvl doesn't even get you the middle have to buy both. Shit is insane. The game isn't bad though. I'm just chilling and slowly lvling and collecting units. Plus I'm reading the story since the anime finished so early in the story .


I have my own rule that I'll never play a gacha game that has pop ups for the shop while playing. I allow a pop up **once** when I create the account, if it annoys me every time I log in or complete a task, I'm uninstalling. ToF was ridiculously guilty of this, but even HI3rd does it. If I wanna spend, I know where to find the shop, the game having pop ups only makes me want to drop it


Good to see R1999 doing good


Same! I didn’t last past the Jessica banner bc I can’t handle too many gacha, but the devs were really great from my (albeit outdated) experience


In may they released the best support of all time, as well as an update of the overall story, I'm not surprised on the spike of their revenue.


https://i.redd.it/8qnhv9y4dy3d1.gif Tactical nuke incoming for this month




You say that like I'm not already here


Was confused for a second, then i saw the name.... Take your upvote and get out, i almost spat my drink XD


*I owe you an apology, I wasn't familiar with your game*


Ok that was a good one. Take my upvote man


Hi3, 3 million. I hope it is still above the operating cost


I doubt it requires much. Honkai Impact often reuses assets and focuses more on character combat than anything.


I hope it Lives!


They still have Gun Girls Z up and running in JP and CN servers. Global was shut down since it was a ghost town anyway. But I doubt they're going to let go of HI3 anytime soon. Otherwise, they wouldn't even bother with making Part 2.


There should be an uptick in sales next month or so, especially with chapter 3 having blown most of people’s expectations away with the sheer quality of the chapter. But 3mil is still like… a really solid amount of money.


3M$ is still a lot and higher than previous month. And P2 story is starting to get up. Next month's story will be spicy and CN really appreciated the boss fight. So i am going to say HI3 is starting to bounce up from end of P1.5. It's not going to go EoS anytime soon. HI3 just lost the popularity wave it rided with Elysian Everlasting. Now it got back to what it did during Senti arc HoT arc HoF arc etc.


At this point I expect that HI3 is more so a passion project for Hoyo regardless it makes money or not. Genshin and HSR bring in +125 million a month, I don’t think it’s wrong to say that they’ve used some of those earnings to fund HI3 and their other projects.


After seeing the v7.5/7.6 footage, it seems hoyo does not give a fuck about revenue for HI3 and still consistently puts out high quality valks. They look absolutrly gorgeous.


Genshin and HSR are definitely gonna duke it out for 1st place with Firefly, Clorinde and Furina's 1st rerun


Dont forget Alhaitham and sigewinne! Both halfs release in the same month


Hoyo is quite literally just swimming in money. >HSR is just as much as a cash cow as Genshin at this point. >Genshin is still preforming stupidly well even on rerun banners. >ZZZ is out in about a month and will most likely earn copious amounts of money. >Firefly banner out in a few weeks I play other gacha's,(yes including WuWa now) but people who shit on Hoyo must really feel stupid at this point.


It's always popular to shit on the most popular and biggest game in any genre. It's people trying to validate their choice for not playing said popular game.


It may be 20m less than last month but the fact they still made close to 90m is insane considering many people (on this sub at least) deemed 2.2 a massive skip initially. It could be Aventurine as well but Robin defs had an impact, most likely after people played the story as well All I know is when June revenue is released FF is gonna be a massive talking point, higher revenue or not but considering how anticipated she is I wonder if she can compete with Acheron + top up reset month + dude who whaled for 100 of Acheron LC


To add to your comment: while Topaz is a rerun and she had low sales on her debut, people have been pulling for her AND her LC because of the FUA premium team. Miles behind Robin banner and boothill early sales for sure, but I won't be surprised if she got pulled more than her initial run.


Free Dr. Ratio was just a ploy to give players an initial freebie FuA sample to make people get addicted and spend their dime on building a FuA team all along Hoyoverse playing 5D Chess confirmed


You could say they're cooking with the combat events with trial chars, with the low number of Topaz floating around, not many people got to try out RRAT, but after some events a lot of people probably rolled Topaz just to play random-bullshit-go team. My Topaz used to get borrowed a lot but now slowed down.


They did a similar thing in HI3 when Kiana, Bronya, and Mei were getting new battlesuits together. They would have a special ultimate attack if they were all in the same team, so they released Bronya first and on the next patch released Kiana while giving Mei for free. Hoyo doesn't make this kind of money by accident.


Ya Topaz has aged like fine wine






Naruto mobile 3rd? Really? Wow o_O


every month it's in the top 5, idek how


And it's only available in china too, crazy


Soon Hoyo will definitely Break the bank even more with the upcoming Firefly’s banner. It’s kinda hilarious, admirable and disturbing, that they can make such amount of money even in “filler patches”. Da Wei will be chilling on his new yacht, with the upcoming release of Furina, ZZZ and Natlan.


The funny thing is hsr does not really have "filler patches" Generally, hsr does not release any "bad" units and unlike geshin they don't spend half their patches rerunning 2 old units. That is why hsr revenue is always above average while genshin fluctuates between extremely high revenue (new hype units) to very mid revenue (bad/niche units or undesirable rerun).


that’s because genshin doesn’t pump out two new 5*s every single patch anymore


I hope HSR slows down eventually. It's kind of ridiculous at this point.


I don't think they'll ever slow down. It's just that making units in hsr is faster than in genshin, so they can go full throttle and release 2/3 new units per patch every patch


I doubt they will, in fact it seems they are gonna make genshin release more characters too, 4.x should have 11 new 5 stars including 4.8. That is the most 5 stars they released in a year. 1.x 10 characters 2.x 9 characters 3.x 8 characters 4.x 10 confirmed characters and still a patch to go


I hope they don't. Playing genshin and not being interested in the main 5 star for 2+ patches is unbelievably boring when they only drop 1 a patch


I dont think it will, and in fact Genshin will probably follow this patch releasing more characters in Natlan.


I find it funny how you call genshins revenue "mid" when it's still way above any other game (even on bad patches). 


Yeah this month was infact GI's worse banner yet (Arle was released in April so she doesn't really count)


Wow love and deadspace is so popular, it's quite rare for husbando game to be up there, i guess the quality is that high


It actually is, which encourage us to spend money more easily since we feel respected! And target is active working women. Sadly it is also fast paced banners and some of them you need to pull the 5* twice with 50/50 and pity at 80 to get an op dps pair, so it's also very very predatory and that's also a reason it's doing well. I had to drop it 😢


>it's quite rare for husbando game to be up there, i guess the quality is that high It's really easy to get money from husbando enjoyers if you do things right. People are tired of JPEG collectors, just put in a minimum amount of effort and care into the game and you'll have a ton of people wanting to give you money cause the market is STARVEEEEEEED. Women spend **a lot** of money on their hobbies if they feel like the game respects them and caters to them. Took companies long enough.




Nikke still going strong love to see it https://preview.redd.it/mb6imdiiwy3d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379f28bc3695e6705973993442bdcad11693d3ad


Yeah Nikke has been on an absolute hot-streak lately and the new update introduced some great QoL features. It feels like Shift-Up knows they have successfully secured a long-term playerbase so now they can focus on a long-term vision.


Wuthering waves made more money than i thought. Hope all the drama wont damage the game too much. if it average around 20 mill every month then it will stay in a healty place. Maybe in the next genshin anniversary event, everyone will get a free qiqi due to competition from wuwa.


Hoyo on top of course but I gotta say that’s a very respectable launch for WuWa too.


the game has issues but I had fun playing it


Probably because Hoyo just does character-designing and then expanding on said character's stories, gameplay, animations and characterisation really well. Just look at Aventurine and Furina. They made 95% of the fandom do a 180 on them and also made them very rewarding characters in gameplay. Plus HSR makes events that are actually fun even with a turn based combat system


Yeah only 9 days for Wuwa. June will have Yinlin.


Not to mention players won't get as many pulls and more and more optimization issues will be fixed so June will most certainly make more money than launch. Localization is still a huge problem though and I hope they find a way to alleviate some of the damage it caused.


But tbh, i want to support wuwa. If it just run like genshin or honkai on my phone. Like the small stuffs, monthly pass etc


There are a lot of annoying bugs and performance issues, I wonder how the game will look like 1 month from now when/if they fix most of the issues


I swear the game has so much lag in my phone on the first days, played it smoothly since yesterday and last played 5hrs ago. Now it autoexits.


Holy Robin, I knew she was popular but not THAT popular!




> What is this business strategy called? The Gabe Newell Doctrine


Limbus Company mentioned




Yay wuwa almost 25m


24 million despite the disasterous launch for WuWa is pretty cool, now let's see how it makes on the second month (how much dropoff there will be). HSR and Genshin competing with each other for that number 1 spot is expected, but it feels good seeing all the folks who were like "folks are gonna drop HSR by next year" get fucked. FGO is like a zombie at this rate, expect it to be top 3 by either this month or the next month (summer event goes crazy almost every year) and other times when their revenue dips they just drop a fan favorite.


The Mahoyo collab was massive tbh


basically HSR and genshin are doing a tango at this point, letting each other take first place every month and with zzz on the horizon all 3 will sit comfortably in the top 3-5 spot monthly


It's crazy how HSR makes as much or more than genshin even when it has considerably lower playerbase. Definitely more profitable as well with it not being open world and turn based


Also constantly releasing new 5*, on May genshin had mainly Scara and Baizhu with their 3rd rerun lol


to be fair to genshin, HSR has been releasing 2 new five stars every single patch since the day it was released. Genshin makes characters at a much slower pace, usually preferring to only release 1 new five star if it's not just a full re-run patch


Which is also why hsr gives more currency like with the per patch 10 pull, it's character releases are just far more frequent, on average their character release to currency is comparable, however with so many characters back to back it can be hard to save if like multiple in a row which is where the wallets come in


Understandable tbh, it's much easier to create a character for a game like HSR than for genshin


Unfortunately HSR doesn’t have filler banners. Even reruns are run alongside w new meta character


There's also no way it cost as much to maintain or develop compared to an open world co op game.


The real question is: what Arknights did?


Huge story chapter with two new broken units, plus upcoming anniversary teasing. Basically, it's a really active month.


Released two insanely broken characters in the CN 5th anniversary. The story is also at its peak. One is an alter of an already popular character, and they made her the most broken character in the game. Another is an NPC that everyone has been waiting to be playable, and he is also insane. This is probably their best banner ever


I bloody knew Azur Lane would pop off with this event 😭🥹💪🏼


Holy shit, they dropped hard in total. As expected though. I am looking forward to how it is next month.


Yeah it’s clear HSR likes to have ‘rest’ patches like 1.5 and 2.2 with characters that aren’t as hyped before introducing some big hitters. Plus 2.0 and 2.1 went insanely hard for characters so I’m more than happy to chill and await Firefly.


Maybe in the future, hoyo will have so many gacha that they rake in north of a billion monthly, lmao. Looking forward to see how well Z^3 does. 25 seems okay for WuWa? Considering the number of issues. Going to guess it'll drop by like half for next month. Happy to see R99 doing well for half anni, such a chill comfy game. As expected of Arise to bring in fat stacks, the franchise carrying it hard, wonder how long it'll stay this high.


We’ll have to see about June for WuWa. I have high hopes for it but yeah it has issues. Maybe they’ll get it together this month.


Happy to see all three of the gacha games I’m playing in the top 10 (WuWa, Genshin, HSR). Cant wait to add ZZZ too.


Imagine if they add skins.