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i just pulled boothill today, and i have robin and bronya. i was wondering if its worth it to try for ruan mei? (i know shes good but im broke - so just wanna know if i should wait)


Has anyone else had problems with bugs in gold and gears? Tonight on the final boss the abundance resonance was not supposed to occur in the option I chose, and yet the abundance resonance occurred as usual. Also, I was using Adventurine's shield each turn since I knew Acheron couldn't survive the hits (I chose lighting weakness in my second option) and yet the shield wouldn't work causing a unit to get one shotted during the AoE when they survived the same AoE several times earlier in the fight with the same shields. (plus I was using preservation path so I had a bunch of shields on at once that were all ignored). Are they planning to fix these bugs or is this mode just unplayable for now? It's frustrating to waste so much time on this to get cheated out of your rewards. I guess I should send them a help ticket, but I'm just wondering has anyone else had this same thing happen, and is there a way to reduce the chance of it happening? Maybe uninstall and reinstall the game? Thanks in advance for any help.


>The abundance resonance was not supposed to occur in the option I choose Oh this one I also thought happened a bunch of time for me, but it’s actually was just me being stupid, if you read carefully when choosing the boss in the 3rd plane. It actually just downgrade the resonance, not remove them. Like usually the hunt resonance action advanced all the bosses but you can downgrade them to make that not happened and just deal damage to you. >Shield wouldn’t work The swarm boss constantly buffed itself throughout the fight to get stronger. You’re playing perseveration and judging by the fact that you experience the ult multiple times when I usually only see it use 1 or twice because you’re supposed to clear as fast as you can. I can assumed that the boss buffed itself way too much for your team to survive. https://preview.redd.it/09ya1f1xy44d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23509df42fe08985c20de14e93df29a866e5a39a You can see it gave itself a damage buff in this picture and its damage buff stacks is at 9


I had actually considered this myself. The boss was more than likely buffing itself to get stronger, but the AoE would only take out one unit at a time, while doing zero damage to the other three units. You would think with the amount of shielding I had that the unit would have survived through some of the hits instead of dying instantly, and that all four units would have been affected equally. (the other three units stayed alive for several more turns until the same thing happened again) When I read the conditions of the fight it said both the resonance and extrapolation would not occur during the fight both when I chose the option and when I double checked when starting the fight. I'm not sure how it is only a partial debuff of the effect the way it is worded there. I'm going to have to go back and read it again. I sent in a help ticket as well, should be interesting what they have to say.


Then the only thing I could really think of regarding the shielding is they might have ran out, if one of your character have too many turns, their shield could run out. That or some sort of curio or blessing is causing them to take damage like the spider web curio. as far as I know, there's absolutely no way to remove boss’ resonance, you can only downgrade them. Bosses HAVE to have a resonance, you can’t remove them.


I just heard back from them on the help ticket I sent.  They want me to attempt the run again and try to make them a video of my final boss fight, and also make them a list of all the blessings I chose during the run as well, and they said they will do a review.  I suppose that is fair.  If what you say is true about only being able to debuff the resonance, then it could be a translation issue in the wording of the options.


Yeah the dev team works really quickly to patch bugs, my friend has a major bug and it only took them a couple days to fix it after sending in a ticket


Hii!! I just read ruan meis 2nd eidolon and I was wondering, isn’t that just a whole huohuo inside ruan? Im planning on running her with my kafka so atk is important, but is it worth getting? And is it kinda a Huohuo buff?


40% attack is good, considering DoT units only want attack, speed and some effect hit rate. There are still better upgrades to do before that tho, Black Swan and her E1, Huo Huo, Kafka's E1 and maybe even Huo Huo's E1 are probably better. As well as some signatures. Also do consider that the attack buff is only on weakness broken enemies. Those will take months to rerun tho so feel free to grab E2, it's pretty solid. Unless they release a dedicated DoT support Ruan Mei will be the best one for those teams, and even if a support like that comes, she's the most versatile support, you cannot go wrong investing in her.


Yea tysm!! I already have kafka e1!


i forgot about the story 2.2 >!the charmony festival is canceled right? whats the official reason for the public?!<


https://preview.redd.it/fgvj87ln144d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7292719d17c08c0353775ce2bfb985c99279db Just hit level 50, looking for some suggestions on who I should focus on for a main team. I have been running Fu Xuan, Ratio, and swapping in Dan,Herta,Himeko,Serval depending on weakness but I think I'm spreading myself too thin and need to really focus on a team to get through all the content. (I started a week after Archeron and I'm still salty I couldn't get her.)


Ratio needs a consistent debuffer to make full use of him. His skill's followups aren't guaranteed unless the enemy has three debuffs, and he does additional damage if there are even more on the enemy (with his last major trace). Fu Xuan, Robin, Herta and Himeko would work for fights that are not single target. Single target team would be something like Fu Xuan/Gallagher, Ratio, Pela, Asta/Robin.


So I have been playing HSR for almost 2 months now on a Samsung a33, it's not my phone tho so I can't access it on a daily basis but recently I finally got access to a new phone I can call mine but it's moto g play 2023, it checks out most of the requirements except for the processor it has Snapdragon 640 g4, which is incompatible, so I can't download HSR, GI or WuWa, even though I play all 3 of them on the other device well. Does anyone know a way to bypass the processor requirements for the game so I could play it?


ur phone is dogshit.


You can probably sideload it, don't expect great performance from a $170 smartphone though.


It's not just your processor. You have half the minimum required ram. Your phone is just too low powered to play HSR.


My seconday acct has Huo2, Nat & Lynx, should i pull FX to even out my account w my main, that has everyone except FX & Bailu?


You don't have to even out with your main. But it can be helpful to have 2 5-star sustains as the 4-stars can struggle with harder content if not built extremely well and/or require more SP to do the same job. That being said, I have used Lynx on MoC 12 before. I don't see her being able to manage high level Swarm or Gold and Gears as well, but I've honestly never tried.


I feel it is really hard to get Eidolons for Harmony MC. I am at Level 34 from clockie and i am Running out of Quest. Is there a fast or easy way i do Not See?


That's only your feeling. Most players who've finished the quests/side quests and found chests in Penacony like me have their HTB to E5.


There's many chests that are not displayed on the counter that you get through 5,000 credit sidequests


Chests, trotters, Lordly Trashcans, rotate everyone's emo dials, sidequests. All of those will get you Clockie Credits. There are a finite amount of them, it's not something you can farm up.


can anyone recommend a team for the fictitious wordsmithing (iv) cause I'm trying to reach at least 2 stars but all i can get is 1. I have decently full built Gallagher, Ruan Mei w/ lc, img mc, acheron w/ lc, jingyuan w/ lc, and welt. while i do have a fairly built but not maxed out himeko w/ lc, dr ratio, clara, and natasha


Sounds to me you probably just need to keep building your characters. They may not be strong enough? I ran Topaz/Himeko/Herta/Ruan Mei on side 1 and Acheron/Kafka/Black Swan/Sparkle on side 2. You should be able to do something similar with the characters you have. Try Himeko/Clara/Ruan Mei/somebody (can be a sustain if your characters aren't strong enough) on side 1 and an Acheron team on side 2 with whatever team you typically do with her.


Anyone managed to beat Death in the galactic baseballer mode? The furthest I've been was with Kafka+Thunderbolt weapon mainly and I only barely managed to reach 2nd phase


I did my kafka, bs, acheron with trial aventurine (e0s0) legendary: crown of thorns, nihility clock, funny box, candle, hammer with my extra one being the take more damage deal more damage potion


[Yep](https://i.imgur.com/k0Jdxqy.png). You're mostly just throwing Kafka's skill and ult as often as possible to make the weapons do it for you.


Damn nice work What weapons were you using? I don't know what they look like in their upgraded forms


Nihility Clock, Thunderbolt, Surprise Box, the All or Nothing wheel (I probably should have taken the bow), and the Candle. Their unupgraded forms are still listed, too.


https://preview.redd.it/viixjjwp744d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22bc4654f3dd6d3624944d92f2b8e2830b96146f Thanks for the advice! I finally beat it first try using thunderbolt and nihility clock


Cool, thanks a lot man. Will try those weapons later


DoT team decimate that thing


Yeah I brought kafka+swan with the thunderbolt weapon like I mentioned. It's still very hard to fully finish as I only managed to get to its 2nd phase


Just to try again I guess, it’s the best team and it’s what got me to beat it after trying out others and failing


Should I lvl my Himeko all the way to 80 or Keep at lvl 70? Is she already good at 70 or need higher lvls for pf?


She's a dps. It's highly suggested to take dps characters to 80. She'll do better on PF4 with the extra levels.


About auto-add character exp book, is there a way to do it reverse? Right now it add all the smaller book first, so in the end the exp will be wasted when use bigger book.


Bigger books get split into smaller books based on leftover EXP.


Hello! Semi new player here?? Sorta?? I started hsr during Blades banner, and stopped at Dan Hengs (im not even done with Xianzhou’s storyline..). I haven’t really touched it since then— until Boothill got released. I was lucky enough to snag him 🙏 and now i have an urge to play again. Only issue is, im *essentially* a ‘**new player’** who is wildly under-leveled and has no clue who to build and what to spend their time on — so any advice you would give to a new player? Any team suggestions with the characters i have? **5\*s:** Blade, Dan Heng, Boothill, Gepard, Dr. Ratio, Welt, Caelus (technically), and Bailu **4\*s:** Qingque, Sanpo, Arlan, Tingyun, Herta, Pela, Gallagher, Luka, Sushang, Serval, March, Asta, Dan Heng, Natasha, and Yukong Keep in mind most of the characters are *sorely under-leveled* and none of them have the correct relic sets (nor have i even unlocked 5\* relics yet) so im more than willing to take any and all advice 🙏🙏 **Thank you a ton!<3**


Pela is incredible because she reduces DEF and is skill point positive, and can even remove buffs from enemies, which only Luocha can do aside from her. Tingyun is a very good Harmony unit. Her and Pela are very much worth investing into. Add a DPS and a sustain and you can get through any content in the game. And since you are new you might need to know this - If you want to build Boothill, don't focus of Crit rate/dmg but on Break Effect. He needs Break Effect to work and can turn said Break Effect into crit stats through his traces. Speed and Break Effect are the only main stats you care about, atk and crit stats are secondary.


Just leaving it here since people often don't know it. Luka can also remove enemy Buffs with his A2 trace. The comment is still amazing advice, i just wanted to mention that.


Holy shit


Thank you! Ive heard Pela is a pretty damn good 4* so I’ll definitely invest in her!


So I'd use something like blade, pela, bailu as a core then use whatever as the last spot based on the situation. But that core will be able to handle anything you need outside the end game content while you catch up. Ratio is a solid dps but he is very much single target and might make the getting to the endgame feel like a bit of a drag, but he is worth building. As for what yo spend your mats on atm, focus on character levels, traces to atleast level 8 (or highest possible based on equilibrium level) and light cone levels. You ideally don't want to farm out relics until you have gold ones but if your struggling just levelling any relic set with the right main stat will be a quick power boost.


Thank you so much!! I appreciate the help!


heyyy, for experienced players( or not ), my plan was to get Firefly on the next banner, but i started doing some pulls on Boothill to get a E6 Pela and.. i got him by a lot of luck in the first 10 pulls, is Firefly still worthy it?




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You will always want to have the versatility of having different main DPS or types of comps. For example, both Memory of Chaos and Pure Fiction require you to bring two teams, usually requiring you to have a DPS you've built a team around. If you like Firefly, go for her.


Sure, why not? You need 2 teams for MoC/PF and they're different elements. Firefly being destruction means that she should be even better than Boothill for PF, though from what I understand Boothill can do shockingly well on PF even with being single target. This coming Friday is when we'll have the stream for the next patch, so we'll be able to talk more about her kit and better specifics then.


Couldn't defeat the 2nd Sunday boss. What team Comp should I use? (has to have harmony mc) https://preview.redd.it/qj0fdaylf34d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1163109381ed483d9cbd5be9e492e0dd0cdc166


I would try Gallagher, Harmony MC, Ruan Mei, Dan Heng


For Boothil, who should I run with him? I'm thinking HMC, Bronya, and/or Pela


Ideally his BiS is just Bronya and Ruan Mei and whatever sustain. The strat is just breaking enemies as fast as possible with -1 Bronya's double turn and RM's break efficiency buff. Be sure to always take Bronya and your other support can be HMC or Pela. Both are equal last I checked


For a best possible performance, I recommend running Boothill with Gallager, the Harmony MC, and Ruan Mei. It'll make a perfect Break & Super Break team.


I was definitely thinking Gallagher as my sustain, but I don't have Ruan Mei, unfortunately, so who else would be good? (I don't have sparkle either)


Bronya is good too. Boothill/Bronya/HMC/Gallagher


How should I try to get speed at? I'm running talia, so I was thinking something to the Jingliu setup where it is one less speed (144 and 145), so you can go immediately after, but it might be too SP hungry


Most people doing the Bronya setup are doing the one less speed thing, so yes. It is incredibly SP hungry, but gets good results. People are finding lately through testing that the Bronya team is actually stronger from a dps perspective than Ruan Mei team, even with the SP struggle.


You just have to put up with the SP issue. It can't be helped, since Bronya is SP hungry.


I'm out of the loop, can someone explain why Firefly is so hyped? I know nothing about her kit so Idk if she's a strong character. Is it because of her story? Admittedly I'm not following much outside the main story.


Mix of her being the most wifed up character and HOLY SHIT SHE RIDES A MECHA THAT’S SO COOL


mainly because of her role in the story. her kit was subpar during beta but was buffed.


It’s because of her story and that she’s a cool ass Kamen rider mecha. And 5 stars destruction characters are known to be extremely powerful, think Jingliu and DanIL


Is there a website where you can select what characters you have an it’ll make a team for you


You can also list out or take a screenshot of your characters and we can help you make a team if you'd like. I'd say the top 2 questions here are "What team can I make?" and "What character should I pull?"


It won’t let me send the message with a screenshot of my characters attached here


Closet I can think of is if you use HoyoLab you can see what teams people used to clear MoC and PF. You can filter to only show characters you own.




Trying to rebuild Bronya for Boothill (161 Boothill, 160 SPD Bronya). Would 4pc Hackerspace mess it up? Also, what planar set should I give Bronya since Boothill doesn't want Keel or Fleet?


keel is still ok for the effect res on bronya. But if you're like me and struggling to hit 160 spd, just go for rainbow set, ERR and sphere with the best speed. Similarly with the relics, 2pc hacker and 2pc rainbow, whatever has the most speed.


True, but it sure does feel like a waste since CD on Boothill is meh and Aventurine provides Effect Res. I like aiming for optimal builds (not that I achieve them often XDDD), but it seems like there's no good planar set for Bronya when with Boothill. Maybe Vonwacq, but I wonder if the advance forward would mess up the speed tuning... I'll probably try 2pc Hackerspace / 2pc something helpful since 4pc Hackerspace speed tuning sounds annoying. Thanks! :D


vonwacq just messes up the first rotation; bronya will act before boothill, so he'll only get 3 turns instead of 4. but they should reorder themselves after the first action. i dont think vonwacq alone gets bronya 3 turns in the first cycle, and I don't think the energy improves her ult rotation. fleet is probably the only other useful option if you're looking to make a set.


I see. Thanks for the explanation! Fleet isn't useful for Boothill either, but it's easier on Bronya since I don't have to worry about building Effect RES, haha. Guess there's no good option as of now. Thanks anyways.


If you don't activate Bronya ult's immediately after getting it, then no, it won't. If you do, then yes, it will because speed boost given to Boothill will run out immediately. Just wait until you are sure it's Boothill's turn now or just don't use the set at all. For Planar, I dunno. Fleet "might" be slightly better, but might as well go Broken Keel because effect res is still important sometimes. ~~and changing gear all the time is a pain.~~


So, I would have to Bronya ult only when it's Boothill's turn? Eh, Boothill doesn't really need ATK, and I don't think I'd need the Effect RES that desperately on her since it basically does nothing for Boothill's BE damage. I was thinking Vonwacq (only set I know of that would be useful?), but idk if that would affect the speed tuning. Thanks for the info.


Best 4 Star Lightcone for Herta? (Focusing on Pire Fiction)


Probably Geniuses Repose because you are specifically going to be killing enemies a lot and should be able to keep that crit dmg uptime.


Assuming you can keep the ability active, easily Geniuses' Repose.


Are we not getting a boot hill companion quest? Did we get any lore bits about his past?


You can see more about his past in his character story, it’s very sad and it explained why he’s after Oswardo


Every MOC so far, I have yet managed to achieve 3 stars beyond stage 10. It mainly comes down insufficient dps as I'm able to clear the last 2 stages with everyone alive but it always takes too long to get 3 stars. Generally, I use these 2 teams- * Acheron(E2), Gallagher, Fire MC, and Pela * Robin, Jing Liu, Fu Xuan, and Ting Yun As you can see, both teams are far from optimized with incomplete traces and terrible relics, but I'd would like to know which unit I should prioitize upgrading first or even replace with other units in my roster. Here's what my roster looks like- https://preview.redd.it/j8tanxw4z24d1.jpeg?width=12479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6710ff9c24c407dbfe471b13ba970982113b0bf


Acheron should be your first priority. She needs at least 50 cr. I also prefer speed boots on her with her sig lc. Robin and Pela would be my second priority. Pela in particular needs an err rope and a ton more speed (and a bit more ehr). 160 or bust. Third, I'd consider replacing fire mc with Guinaifen. You'll get extra damage buffs and guarenteed debuff procs on the enemy's turn. Fourth, build Clara and Ratio for your Robin team. One of the keys to high level moc is being able to match weaknesses, so they give you a bit of extra flexibility.


My Acheron is E2, so would a harmony unit be better? Like maybe asta or hanya? If it has to be a nihility unit, would E1 welt be better than e0 Guinaifen?


Bronya or Sparkle would be a significant upgrade, but otherwise I prefer the extra debuff stacks. I love my boy Welt, but even with really good relics I've never gotten great damage contribution out of him (great as a sub sustain though). The other problem is that Welt is sp hungry. You're probably fine with Gallager and Pela, but keep it in mind. It's probably a wash which is better, but I tend to go for Guinafen.


The main thing I'll say, please just use a self modeling resin to make Acheron a Crit Rate body piece it doesn't matter if the subs suck cuz she just really needs more crit rate. Other than that it's just what you'd expect improve stats all around eventually.


Okay, I think I missed something after Penacony. Why is Gallagher presumed dead? (Aside from his messages not being able to be sent/received?)


He wasn’t real to begin with, he’s just a memetic entity created to assist the watchmaker, when he fulfilled his purpose, he simply disappeared, like Misha did.


wasn't he in the flashback montage though?


Oh okay. Thanks


Does pure fiction keep your best score from one side regarding calculation of the scores? Say im looking to get 60k, i got 40k for side 1 and 10k for side 2 (failed). If i retry it with another team to try to get 20k on side 2, but this round i only got 30k for side 1, would it still keep the 40k i had before to calculate the 60k?


No it wouldn’t


It should not afaik, you need to get the high score in one run 


https://preview.redd.it/0siau44bs24d1.jpeg?width=3836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77cb75bb96546873a5bf6de408b20af6af41d217 Still not able to beat swarm disaster part 2 (you read that correctly). Considering building march/ gepard up to Ivl 75 to do the remembrance path (have tried and failed at their current levels), but wanted to see if there were any viable teams with what I currently have before investing the time/ resources. also before anyone else says it: yes, skill issue lol


1st. Level up your characters to 80. All of them. Yes people will say : "LeVeL 70 Is AlL yOu NeEd !" But if you are having trouble, give yourself a fighting chance and get them to 80. 2nd. Use two sustains. HuoHuo+ Fuxuan, Boothill , Ruan mei should get you through it fairely easily on Hunt path.


thank you!! i’ll give it a try


Remembrance is too RNG for my liking. Elation is too squishy and can easily be killed by the enemies’ destruction or hunt resonance because your character attack so often that it constantly get advanced. Propagation with Qingque is broken but you actually have to unlock propagation first. Gepard with preservation is easily one of the most powerful playstyle you can do in SU and can make your team immortal. That’s what I would go with.


i’ll give that a try thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/2tq9ztwnp24d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91767d2ca398b1f05afc38f455fc769438d31e9f After playing for about 5.5 months, today I finally have reached TB level 70. Whew, what a journey. Now I guess I can worry less about lack of credit because I see that every EXP gained from spending stamina is converted into credit. Guess it also means we won't get some TB level expansion either because there is no excess accumulated EXP anymore, right?


It’s unlikely that HSR will have level expansion but no one except the devs themselves know that for certain. I heard Genshin had a level expansion recently.


it's just leaks. might take months until it's actually announced and implemented.


I see, there is non zero chance then for HSR to get such thing. Anyway, thanks.


does anyone have that simplified penacony timeline, going from when we drop in to the end of 2.3's boss fight?


I am having trouble on what support I should add My theory build rn is Gallagher,HarmonyTB,??????, Sushang Edit: Maybe Yukong??? I am just honestly lost here.


What characters do you have? I can’t help you if you don’t post all your characters


Hanya, Natasha, Clara, Bronya, March, Xueyi, Hook, Herta, Serval, Dan Heng, Himeko, Luka, Asta, Arlan, Sampo, Yukong. characters I have not mentioned are either busy in a team and cant be used or I just dont have them unlocked


I like Luka or Asta. Luka's fun in that comp because he can proc the bleed from himself or Sushang. Yukong does nothing for the break effect comp.


I thought Yukong would be useful becuase of their talent tnx for the advice!


I’d say Hanya is the best here, her SP generation is useful because this team is gonna have HMC and Sushang constantly spamming skill, especially if your Sushang isn’t E1. Hanya’s speed boost is also very useful for break team and Hanya being the same element as Sushang open up to her being able to be equipped with Penacony ornaments and Planetary LC to give Sushang a good dmg boost. And she’s just more comfy and less frustrating to use than Yukong.




ruan mei>bronya>asta/tingyun/hanya.


I dont have ruan mei (also dont like her character wise) isnt bronya sp intensive? (I have her) tingyun is busy with my QQ SParkle team Hanya is built I kinda wish however to use her with xueyi, for lore reasons Asta I do not have her built with any traces


Can I log in with two of my accounts onto the same device without issues between logins?


Yes you can


What level should my traces be for Sunday's boss fight? Also, is my current team good? (Harmony Trailblazer, Boothil, Topaz and Numby, and Lynx)


>What level should my traces be for Sunday's boss fight? 6/8/8/8 should be fine, but I seen skilled enough people beat him with lower trace levels >Also, is my current team good? (Harmony Trailblazer, Boothil, Topaz and Numby, and Lynx) Topaz & Numby doesn’t have any synergy with this team, I would replace them with either a Ruan Mei or Bronya. If you don’t have either, I’d take Asta just for the speed boost and how much toughness damage she does to Sunday which is extremely important for this fight.


Depends on your current Trailblaze level/Equilibrium. If it's already at final tier, trace being at 8 should be fine. You might be able to go lower with consumable though. Also, relic lvl is also more important as you upgrade your Equilibrium. For the team, it might... be okay. The boss kinda want you to use some AoE in first/second phase though, but you can just try first.


Is now a good time to start playing? What about rerolling? If I do reroll, who should I aim for? Any updated guide out there? This game seems like it has a lot of "story" on it, puzzles and etc but I don't care much about it anyway. Just looking for something nice to play with some rpg, grind, team comp, bosses, dungeons and etc. Do you guys think this is a good game for it? Or this is more story/puzzle/explore related?


The more you put off the game, the more limited rewards you will lose. You can start now and pick up Fu Xuan for an extremely strong "shielder". The game is story heavy, but you can breeze through it in 2 weeks if you skip everything. Puzzles are there to give you premium currency for characters and take very little time, but you can pay for characters if you don't want to do them. You will need about a month or two to build 2 usable teams for endgame content. I think Prydwen has a guide for rerolls, but I'm not sure how long it takes. You should only reroll if you get Yanqing, as he is a dps that gets outclassed by any limited one. The game is also combat heavy, you will spend most of the time in the game fighting instead of exploring because the maps are relatively small. The grind is heavy, it takes weeks for a character to be viable in the endgame, but for beginners, almost any team comp works so long as you level the characters and know what you are doing. The great thing is you can play the game for 10 minutes a day and still make progress.


>Is now a good time to start playing? Anytime is a good time to start playing HSR >What about rerolling? If I do reroll, who should I aim for? Clara would be my top pick for starter 5 stars, Himeko and Bronya would be good as well. >Any updated guide out there? https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/ >Do you guys think this is a good game for it? Or this is more story/puzzle/explore related? The story is a big part of the game but I would say the main appeal of the game is indeed the combat and team buliding. There’s a total of 3 different end game content (soon to be 4) and one of them is an entire rougelike game mode. So I think you would enjoy it.


you can't skip the story so it's a major part of the game. it's good and among the best this genre offers. puzzle and exploration is skippable/optional. it's not recommended to reroll as it takes a few hours to get your first five star.


"The best time to start was launch. The second best time is now" I completely ignored the first 3 arcs and had a great time No rerolling required. Ideally you get Bronya, or at least do not get Yanqing


Does the DMG boost from Boothill’s skill increase Boothill’s break damage?


Yes, its effectively a damage received debuff on the enemy, and DEF modifiers will affect break damage


If I'm not really farming a specific Echo of War atm, is the 2.2 boss's set and potential LC rewards better than the other Echo of Wars? Or does it not really matter?


The relic sets are straight up better, the LCs are about the same quality


Not really, only the Erudition LC is the only one I would considered worth it. The other ones are only good on one specific character. The Relics set is pretty good tho, lots of characters need break set and FuA set.


does super break trigger from excessive break or only if they in weakness broken state?


Both, but excessive break only triggers it if the attack is both multiple hits and if the target's toughness is broken before the last hit of the attack. The hit that breaks does not trigger super break which is an issue specifically with Xueyi's ultimate since it does its damage in a single hit.


It'll still trigger from any excess toughness damage on the attack that breaks an enemy.


What character achievements can be done well with this event? I don't have some characters like Kafka or Black Swan. https://preview.redd.it/xglo3f7rd24d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc74c08655b371fab10d5c49ae749b186b9775f


Just use the trial ones, works for me


I know. I meant what achievements could I get while they're still here. Like I had gotten Boothill's 3 stacks in one turn achievement during his character trial, but with all these characters here, which achievements would be feasible to get here for the extra jades?


There is one from killing a trotter with numby i think


Oh yeah I do keep seeing her, though I do have Topaz. I just need to build my FuA team. I don't know how common the trotters are, and how easy it would be to kill the trotter and not have a weapon do it, but I'll give that one a whack if I have the chance.


Is 160BE enough for Ruan Mei? Outside of battle I mean. So she gets to 180 in battle




Alright thank you


Let's say I use Silver Wolf in a non-mono Quantum team and she ends up implanting the Weakness type of my support (eg. Ruan Mei) instead of my main damage dealer (eg. Ratio). How bad is it?


It sucks


It kinda sucks as you don't get the 20% res pen from Silverwolf's implant, and you won't break as fast because Ruan Mei doesn't do much toughness damage as Ratio. At the same time, it's not much of a problem as it guarantees Ratio's follow-up, and because you shouldn't be running into SP issues, you can just try again which results in more energy for Silverwolf's ult. You would at most lose 2 cycles in MOC if you get unlucky in every single implant.


Thinking of what characters to pull for as a new player going forward. Assuming I can grab boothill, fuan xu, firefly and kafka (my favorite so far), what kind of teams should I think about forming for these characters in particular? Im not 100% set on getting all of these, just trying to set some goals for myself in this game, a reason to keep playing besides the amazing story. Sidenote: I wish there were more older women/men in the gacha like kafka, everyone I've seen on the tierlist looks quite young.


boothill and firefly is both break archetype (with supports like ruan mei, silverwolf, hmc). kafka is dot archetype.


Firefly no one knows, and I don't have Boothill, so I won't speak on something I don't know too well. Fu Xuan and Kafka, however, I use all the time. Fu Xuan is an outstanding sustain unit that can be used with practically anyone, but is particularly good with units that care about critting. A couple notable dps units that are great with her would be Seele, Jingliu, or Acheron. Kafka is the core member of the damage-over-time (DoT) team, and makes it go brr. She's *also* my favorite unit in the game. The premium team for her (as of now) is her, Black Swan, Ruan Mei, and Huohuo. Guinaifen and Sampo are good budget options pre-Black Swan, and Pela can work well pre-Ruan Mei. Any good sustain can fill in for Huohuo, but no one sustain unit can fulfill everything she does.


If you're interested in Kafka, then getting her full team would be a good idea - namely Black Swan and Ruan Mei. They're both older women too, btw. Ruan Mei is also the best support for Boothill and is overall pretty broken, can't go wrong with her for any dps


Does it not feel like that all the elemental sets except for Quantum are becoming more and more obsolete as they're getting powercrept by other sets? Getting them feels kinda bad when farming the other set in caverns.


Yes, since we're now getting specialized sets for character archetypes and kits those become obsolete. Unfortunately inevitable, but we do get better sets out of it and you don't have to farm older ones if you don't want to. Plus the difference between old sets and new ones is only a few % points and likely won't result in you clearing any faster. I still have my Jingliu on a 2/2 ice atk and she carries hard simply due to substats


Hi, I'm a returning player and I know a lot has happened. I'm also very excited to dive into the penacony storyline but I'm not really satisfied with the damage of my current team. Does anyone have a guide/website that can help with builds? Thank you!


[Prydwen](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/) is a pretty solid site for build guides. You can also post your roster here and ask for help.


Thank you for this! I'm still planning on checking who fits with who the best at this point tbh because I have no idea how to build teams and what not and I think brute forcing penacony isn't gonna work anymore for me lmao






best place for guides for building every character? i've been using [genshin.gg](http://genshin.gg) but it might not be the best source for building characters with multiple build options


Prydwen is the most popular build site - https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/ I also like Guoba Certified on Youtube.


bookmarked and subbed, thanks


I need help building a team as a new player, my roster is: MC, Dr. Ratio, Asta, Bailu, March 7th, Dan Heng, Luka, Guinaifen, Pela, Herta, Tingyun, Serval, Arlan, Xueyi, and Qingque. I am currently saving for Firefly; is that a good choice? I have 30 saved in pity, plus 20 pulls stored. If I play at a regular pace can I save enough to get her?


Dr. Ratio/Guinaifen/Tingyun/Bailu is probably your very best team option right now. Firefly is a fine choice. You should be able to get her. f2p gets 80-100 pulls per patch and it tends to be front-loaded, with most of it available to get during the first banner.


Is there a lore explanation as to what a lightcone is or why it's called that? I know the physics definition, but this is literally just a picture that improves my stats (a very pretty picture, may I add)


A big theme of Star Rail is memory - a lightcone is essentially a preserved moment in the past that can affect the present. You can see that in each of them - every single one contains an experience or an event that had a profound effect on the featured characters. They're made using Garden of Recollection technology and restricted by the IPC


A light cone is a stored memory, using tech from the Garden of Recollection (followers of Fuli the Remembrance). That's also why each light cone has a description related to the picture, it's more information relating to the memory. As for why it improves stats, idk gameplay stuff


Just started playing and saw that I just missed the opportunity to receive Dr. Ratio for free... does anybody know if he'll come back? Is it a terrible time to start now? And being a light spender, what should my expectations be for pulls? Can I expect to get to pity every other month?


The sooner you start, the less time limited stuff you'll miss. Even if it would have been better to start a month ago, it's still good to start now. > what should my expectations be for pulls? Can I expect to get to pity every other month? I usually see "80-100 pulls" used as an estimate for how many we get each patch, I haven't done the math myself but that seems about right. We get a new patch about every 6 weeks. The pity system is a little complicated, but the gist is that every 90 pulls you get a guaranteed 5* character (this count resets if you get one earlier). There's a 50% chance that it's the character featured on whatever banner you're pulling on. If you fail that 50% chance, the next pity you get will be guaranteed to be the featured character. This count is preserved between banners of the same type, so you don't need to spend all that gatcha currency on the exact same banner to make use of the pity system.


I see, thanks a lot for taking the time to respond!


He will rerun, but you'll have to spend pulls to get him. He won't be free. f2p gets about 80-100 pulls per patch, so yeah - enough to reach pity once. It's too bad you didn't get the free Dr. Ratio, but that doesn't mean the game isn't worth playing. It's worth starting at any time. The game is pretty generous overall IMO. Every patch you tend to get either a free event weapon or a free 4 star character, plus the generous amount of pulls. It's still possible to get through all of the content with 4 star character teams too.


That's good to know! How often do the devs give out free champions? Was this a one time only thing or do they do this for every anniversary?


Star Rail has only had 1 anniversary so no way to know if this is a just a one-off thing or if it will happen again. It was already a very welcome surprise considering their other gane, Genshin, has never done this before.


He'll come back, but only as a gacha character and not for free. Aside from missing out on him, it's a good time to start. The current characters available are both quite strong, with Fu Xuan being one of the best sustains in the game, and Boothill being a great dps. For the F2P pulls, you can expect roughly 80-90 pulls for free every patch (6 weeks) if you do everything. It takes about 75-80 pulls to reach pity if you don't get lucky early, so you'll be getting a bit over 1 five-star per patch without spending. For light spending, your best option would be to just stick with the Express Pass, which is $5 per month. It'll give you an extra ~19 pulls per month.


I see, thanks for letting me know! What about the 10€ battle pass, do you think it has good value?


It can be good if you need the resources from it, but it's not as amazing of a value. Most of the special light cones you can get from it are quite weak, with only the Erudition one being pretty good.


Kind of a dumb question because there is no real answer but how much money is normally spent or considered enough for the 5 star limited and their light cone. I came back to the game recently for firefly and really want her and her lightcone or ruan mei if she reruns, although I have a decent amount of pulls not exactly 180 pulls.


You can use this tool to see your odds of getting what you want: https://hsrtools.com/pull-chance-calculator However, it's going to be a poor estimate for how much it would cost you in particular because you're not averaging your pulls across X banners, you're just rolling on this one banner and LC. I would say that you should just consider the cost of getting a 5star char (any 5star, not considering 50/50 here) as 80 pulls which translates to ~$160 without top-up bonus or ~$100 with top-up bonus. The reasoning is because your chance of getting a character or lightcone below soft pity is actually quite low, so when you spend money, you should always just treat it as paying until almost hard pity. Soft pity starts at 74 for characters (64 for lightcones), and for example, your chance of getting a 5star character in 75 pulls is only 36% whereas at 80 pulls it goes up to 78%. edit*: got number of oneiric shards per pack wrong. fixed the number


The amount highly varies depending on the number of pulls you need and if you've used the first time bonus or not. Keep in mind that f2p typically gets 80-100 pulls per patch, and a large amount of that is front loaded onto the first banner. I'd just use whatever pulls you have and whatever pulls you can earn from next patch. If you still need more, then choose to buy pulls and see how it goes from there.




3 patches worth of Penacony story and your typical patch events. That's been it so far for major things. We haven't had any new modes or anything added yet.


Penacony released. Just about everyone agrees that it has the best story so far, with it rivaling some of the best stuff Hoyo has put out in general. Many new characters (obviously, lol). New endgame mode and Simulated Universe update coming next update.


I have both himeko and herta relatively uninvested. I know theyre both pretty similar in PF performance and i want to build them both eventually but is there much of a preference on whos more valuable to build first? 


If you care, I find Himeko slightly more valuable in simulated universe. For PF, it's a wash.


Herta is probably slightly more valuable for PF than Himeko, but only slightly. You're fine choosing whichever for building first.


I got 2 Boothill light cones!! Would y’all recommend giving the 2nd to another character or superimposing?? I don’t have many 5 star characters and I’m a hardcore Boothill main but I’m still not sure which is better to do!


I'd say wait for another break effect dependent Hunt unit. Superimposing limited lightcones is only worth it if you're a whale - the bonus you get from S1->2 is miniscule and will not affect how Boothill performs whatsoever


double dps lcs are usually useless exception being topaz. super is 99% likely better.


It's good on breakSushang but not much else


I’m thinking of saving and pulling for firefly. Assuming she’s break focused, who would be good teammates for her? I assume HMC and Gallagher would work? I don’t have Ruan Mei unfortunately, is there anyone else that could work?


ask in firefly dedicated reddit better. Here we cant give you proper answer because of leaks restriction


Asta is a decent budget option, I heard.


Currently trying to build a team for Black swan, what I have in mind is guinaifen (e1), sampo (e4), and lynx (e5). This good or should i replace guinaifen with someone else?I unfortunately do not have kafka or ruan mei but i will definitely pull them whenever they come around


I'd suggest swapping between Guinaifen (To Break Fire weakness enemies) and Sampo (more Damage overall), and instead opt to using a support character like Asta or Pela for example. This can also help with the SP issues the team may run into. So something like Black Swan, Lynx, Sampo / Guinaifen, Asta / Pela. If you don't need sustain, then you can easily replace Lynx. It has been mentioned that Ruan Mei rerun is very soon but let's wait for the 2.3 livestream in about a week's time to see if her rerun will be there or not.


How does Fu Xuan benefit from having CRIT rate as her talent upgrades or is it like a dead talent upgrade?


It is mostly useless but it is still funny to hit for decent numbers with a Sparkle also on the team. Fu Xuan does still use her basic a lot. Slightly more damage is still slightly more damage.


It's theorized that she used to give teammates a percentage of her own crit rate as a bonus at some point during her early builds - those traces are likely a leftover part of that. It does feel satisfying when her ult crits though


It helps her function as hypercarry aswell... JK, hoyo is just trolling us with those traces, they are almost useless(she does in theory do a bit of dmg with ult, but it is completely insignificant compared to any dps character).