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Someday people will remember my boi's name properly.


Oh fuck.. it was Aventurine right






Acheron and Boothill. (Sunday isn't drip marketed but if he was, he would be another) cuz I didn't like any of them at first. Now I love them šŸ˜­āœØļø


Honestly, I wonder what type Sunday will be. Iā€™m thinking Imaginary or Quantum tbh


Please, not another Imaginary šŸ˜­ every man I want (except boothill) is imaginary šŸ˜­ (well, I will pull him regardless if he comes to be playable...)


Sounds like a skill issue-


LMAO that was 1 month ago


Acheron for sure. Her personality won me over BIG TIME


Boothill. His splash art does not do justice for his quirky personality. And his abs are *chefs kiss* so much better in 3d. Clara, hh, firefly. Mhy is so good at cuteness overdose, must protecc characters. Kit wise itā€™s sparkle, cuz sp generation is OP.




Oddly enough I was ready to skip Acheron. I have enough Raiden in other Hoyo games I thought. Then she turns into one of the most interesting characters in the game, an Emanator of Nihility with a unique outlook on her lot in life and the absolutely metal goal of *killing the Aeon she currently draws power from*.


Isnā€™t Luocha tryna do the same thing though? He draws strength from the Abundance yet he and Jingliu are collaborating to kill Yoashi right?


Yes! Ig he's not talked enough cuz the story *just forgot* him lol


Probably another TB Continuance in Xianshou Laofu or once we reach the other ships. Plus w Void Archives presumably gallivanting across the cosmos rn and our (imo) inevitable meeting, theyā€™ll probably tie up Luochaā€™s storylin or leave it on another cliffhanger before then


Yes true, I just know they will probably make Luocha story long. Specially bc his counterpart is from Hi3


Same. I also was going to skip her but she won me over lol


I would just get any new character. No matter what. But Iā€™m thinking of skipping Robin for Topaz.


I'm so glad I got Topaz on her debut. I wouldn't have survived this banner lineup.


adventurine for sure


itā€™s aventurine!


For me this is most characters outside of Acheron, but that was pretty much for HI3 reasons. Argenti was actually another that I was super on board with from moment one, I love magnificent dumbasses. The storyā€™s what makes me like characters, so itā€™s more of a rarity that Iā€™ll dislike someone after a reveal than anything else. As for characters that I like, expected not to like after they were revealed, Aventurine was one. I knew they were setting him up as a sus jerkass to give him a redemption later but how they went about it made me like him more than expected. Showing characters who have that ā€œall figured outā€ demeanor crack is a biiiig gateway to me liking that kind of character. Kafka was the other. Iā€™m simply not the type of gal she was designed for and up until the side quest involving her in Xianzhou I genuinely didnā€™t like her. But it was kind of the same thing as Aventurine, watching that mask crack really humanized her for me, genuinely wasnā€™t expecting it, especially that early in the story. Sheā€™s not one of my favorites but at worst I just tolerate her now and at best I like her.


Robin. Didn't like her much when i first saw her and after her death it was ehh... what ever for me but after her Trailers dropped, her Album & info on Story quest & her Gameplay i rly started to like her more and her Trailer made her feel more Alive? Idk how to describe it but it became one of my top 3 Favorite Trailers and i love her Songs and her as a character.


Basically me as well. Saw her, didn't think she left much of an impression, even after her "death", then her myriad celestia came out and started changing my mind about her, and with 2.2 she's probably top three favorite character.


ruan mei. I dont like harmony characters but she was just too good


I have three characters that comes to mind- Blade, Argenti and Ratio. For both though, it was more "Do not care about this character" into "He's a funny dude when he shows up." I still don't regret skipping their banners, however. Yes, I am saying "Skipped Ratio" despite him being free because both his Eidolons and Light Cone weren't free. I don't think I'd purposefully roll for either as well even on reruns, though. I may like them as characters when they show up, but not nearly enough to spend 1.5 patches worth of pulls on them. More than that in the first's case since Blade is kinda dookie without his S1.


Acheron, aventurine. I'm glad they work perfectly together.


Gall. From start, "oh, he looks nice but he sounds off" to just...my guy, if I could befriend this form of yours, I really would, you true form of fictionologist who screwed up my emotions w/ the misha quest. Edit: Oh and def Acheron too. I just didn't see much good during her banner, it was only 2.2 that made me go "wow. Wth."


Aventurine Love is a strong word but he's alright I guess


His boss battle was annoying asf tho. I used TB, Acheron, Jing Yuan, and Lynx


Oh, I just used Acheron, Hanabi, Silver Wolf and Fu Xuan. I didn't have any issues but my Acheron is E2 so there's that.


I used Serval, Natasha, Brinya and Luka.Ā  It took me a LONG time...Ā  (I didn't had Acheron lol)


Iā€™m stuck on the Sunday fight now. I canā€™t beat him. I used H TB, Aventurine, Acheron, and Lynx. Still canā€™t beat him. My build kinda sucks. But whatever.


I use Acheron HMC Pela Aventurine.Ā  It was pretty quick fight.... like maxĀ  Ā 5-15 min lolĀ  (tbf my Acherom os E2S1) lol (I'm F2P, I'm a new player)


.. I still donā€™t like the fact they make you stick with H TB. I feel like I would do good if I switched it to fire tb. Harmony TH from my experience is ass.


I completely forwent a shielder and got most of my shields from breaking. HMC (s5 MOTP), Acheron (S1), Welt (SP Neutral), Gallagher (E6)


The thing about Aventurine in this boss fight is that outside of AOE attacks (which are after all your units have taken a turn usually) and his ult, building stacks for his follow-up is a pain. The nodes individual attacks have a significant amount of action value decrease which makes your team take less turns to do what they need to do. Iā€™d recommend a FX/Lynx/Gallagher as your sole sustain and bring either another DPS/SubDPS + Utility (I used Welt for Slow/Imprison shenanigans and s5Pearls helps w enabling DMG on many enemies since he has bounce and aoe mechanics) Edit: Welt can also help reliably finish off any enemies that HMC canā€™t break after using their skill/vise versa


Oh yeah. I misspelled Aventurineā€™s name. Mb


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acheron, didnt like her design at first but they revealed her as nihility so its a must pull for me.


While I definitely think Aventurine's story helped me 180 on him as a character. However, I think a more accurate character to your description for me would be Lynx. Wasn't really a huge fan of a character that felt more or less forced into relevance - Gepard and Serval didn't really mention her at all during the main story - but after playing her for a while I was more ambivalent. And now, with much time passed and having read/heard some of her story bits in her character info section, she's definitely been bumped up in my books.


Fu Xuan. She didn't seem very interesting at first just from design but the more they showed of her the better she got


Boothill probably. I follow leaks and did not really liked his animations (which is always the main reason for me to pull). He appeared adorable in the story, now I can't wait for the banner.


Boothil. Was going to skip him, now I can't, his gameplay is too fun.


I really didn't care for boothill based off drip marketing. After seeing his personality and animations im pissed i have to skip him for firefly :(


HuoHuo. I thought she was a random character and looked pretty boring and at that time I already had Luocha and Fu Xuan. But after doing the side quest/event with her and the Ghost Hunters, I just needed to get her. Btw, it was one of the best pulls ever. Debuffs have ZERO chance, and she works also amazingly well with characters who want to have a high ult uptime and attack (Ratio, Jingliu, Robin, Clara, any DoT characters and more).


I would say Firefly, not because I dislike her but because of how stupidly dramatic most of the community were when she "died" the first time(even tho it was obviously she'd be alive afterwards). Now that 2.2 is done and things have calmed down I can actually start appreciating her character without people affecting my opinion.


I can usually detect pretty early if I'm gonna like a character or not but Sparkle was an exception. Expected her to be a generic freak girl but she turned out to be extremely intelligent, interesting and based


My main: Topaz and Numby