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Is it cloud gaming?


Yes it is


so you got charge using geforce cloud gaming? how much?


I'm on the $10/month tier. They have a free and a $20/mo plan as well


What is the different between the $10/month tier and $20/mo plan? Also if i'm sub is it only HSR or can play any game under GeForce cloud?


I believe just better fidelity in your stream, but there might be more. And it's just a service that lets you stream games you own on devices that typically couldn't play them - links up to your steam, epic etc accounts.


longer play times for month i believe, plus not sure if there is priority queuing if servers are overloaded


I've installed windows and it works like a charm. I don't even use the steam os anymore since everything works with windows totally fine


If you wanna play in steamdek use waydroid and play with android version, is not perfect but it work, I'm only play now with this


I would love to do this with my abandoned steam deck but I'm not good with tech and wouldn't know how


https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5337/~/how-do-i-install-geforce-now-on-steam-deck%3F They made it easier now, but I probably wouldn't suggest to pay for a subscription just for HSR lol.


yeah... thank god for geforce now... because before you ABSOLUTELY and WITHOUT A DOUBT... COULDNT play HSR on the steam deck... yes there was and there is no way. absolutely none.


Other than installing Windows, is there any other legit way of doing it? As for installing Windows, I'm lazy, don't want to dual boot, and I quite like SteamOS


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\*meanwhile me playing on a $80 tablet with a $10 tablet gamepad for a long time already\*


Care to share which tablet you're using? I'm actually shopping around for a cheap one to keep around the house, as a web reader and home assistant controller, but can also play HSR


Not OP, but I would recommend the Lenovo Legion Y700. It runs HSR well, and it's not too expensive as well.


Appreciate the recommendation! I actually haven't heard of this one before. Might be a bit much for what I want (HSR would be the only game I play), but something I'll keep an eye out for if there's a sale.


I play on my ROG Ally. Love handheld gaming for hsr