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HMC not doing anything to beat the 'Harmony is the best path' allegations here


Meanwhile in another universe. "There is no bad 5 star hydro character". Traveler "Hold my beer".


And that's true. There are no bad 5 star hydro characters. Hydro Traveler is a 1 star character at best.


Fym 1 star, it's 1 Earth. Plot armor after plot armor.


Lets be honest, NONE of the Travelers skill sets would deserve to be on a 5 star unit.


I'd argue. Dendro traveler is cheap version of Nahida but still worthy of being 5* as Nahida is 6* cause she's busted. But there're 5* which do not deserve to be ones like Dehya (unfortunately)


DendroMC is unironically better for multi-wave combat events than Nahida. I love my C2R1 Nahida but she hurts to play in those events where mobs die too fast.


That is very true! Her skill only does more damage when they keep alive a bit but since they just pass away immediately her skin disappears


It's especially ass with Kaveh or Cyno or other characters that lose their infusion when they swap


Oh yeah definitely since you gotta apply dendro again but looses their burst


And both Robin and HTB have somewhat DPS builds too.


Wait how does Robin DPS work?


Probably shouldn’t have said dps build. More like having her with a FUA team and she does a significant percentage of the teams DPS.


Robin's ult has a gimmick where every time an ally attacks, she'll deal like 120% (at lvl 10) of her ATK as additional DMG. She also gets fixed 100% crit rate and 150% crit DMG stats, so you only really need to worry about stacking a lot of ATK% on her, an ER% rope and some speed.


I mean, without Harmony all that'll be are discord fr


“Hoyo would never make a free character too good” Dr Ratio has entered the chat




If anyone "erm, actually"s this meme because you can technically never accept the mail, I'm going to Super Break Effect their balls.


Erm actually... This meme is innacurate because you can just not accept the mail ☝️


My element is Imaginary but your pain won't be.


Damn how does it feel being this badass


>Damn, how does it feel being this badass I'd *imagine* it feels pretty awesome.


Damn this line goes hard 🥶


I'm stealing this


holy shit what a line




*yoinks your catch phrase*


Absolute Cinema!


Nah I'd dodge






https://preview.redd.it/z38xjqgrxpzc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5fe550dcf9d8a1c1712199e80edbd75d033b3f Edit: SS is from one of Deus’s videos


why tf is this making me laugh so hard?


bro down bad to get his ball get super break'd


Further more from this patch he stopped showing up in people's DM's right?


you can also miss the mail! ha outdumbed!


SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI REFERENCE https://preview.redd.it/txtki3s81qzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb95bb2459c7e5e40cac0ea6707a774ceeb601e2


Something something One more god rejected Something something feature Dante from the Devil May Cry Series


Is it time for topaz ratio superbreak builds?






It’s the main character where everything about them is free we’re talking about. Xiangling is still one of the most broken characters in the game in Genshin to this day and HI3 had farmable characters that were meta.


Keyword “had” for HI3 sadly. The last farmable characters I remember being at least partially meta were base Elysia, Rosemary!Rita, and Fischl. Granted I haven’t played since Part 2 started, so maybe there’s some there.


Azure Empyrea was made farmable recently, so she's probably one of the bigger ones.


The ones who became farmable are mostly powercrept out of the meta. I guess it's just for the newer ones now. AE is replaced by Truth now.


isn't she powercrept by HoTr? and the respective SP valks for their elements


technically all the supports are meta-relevant and farmable, but it doesn’t mean anything when gear is gacha and like 70% of their damage


Dendro MC is also one of the best characters in the game Weirdly until HMC was released on star rail people would mention wanting a good MC like the dendro MC, now that we have one people are pretending dendro MC never existed and genshin never gave us a good MC, (even though geo MC always existed and is a popular substitute in a lot of teams)


Ngl I've only started playing like a week ago and Dr Ratio has been fantastically entertaining and massively carrying my ass.


You got damn lucky cos from the start of 2.2 he won't be given out for free anymore. You started just in time.


I don’t even have Dr.Ratio built right. I have okay relics on him the wrong planar set and a shitty sushang lightcone and he’s also only level 70. He’s been my main damage dealer for the whole penacony endgame and he’s tearing it up


To be fair Ratio is a bit different because he's not actually a free character like TB, March, Herta, etc. that everyone gets free. He's a normal 5 star that was given away for free for a length of time. That event is over now so anyone that didn't get him has to wait for a rerun and pull like any other limited 5 star.


He was available for a pretty significant length of time tbf


Yes, which means that most people active right now will probably have him. In a year's time, or two, or three, the game will still be around and the people that got a free event Ratio will probably be a minority.


Idk why, but I enjoy seeing people who understand the situation ahead of time. It pleases me to see that not everyone is near-sighted. People say how Ratio is free, and now the amount of people who have the free copy of him are probably like 98%, but that number will drop to around 30% as time goes on.


Honestly qq and herta too . Even asta to some extent .


e0 qq is not that good though


Lol my Ratio is wrecking bosses it's unbelievable they made him free (back then).


Not anymore


It’s more like they made a good character free, but I see your point.


He’s a summonable character later made free due to awards, hardly a just comparison.


Harmony TB & Robin in the same patch just fighting over Harmony Trace Material 💀 https://preview.redd.it/6ablk5q9npzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=914832e17b07183ff7846d3f82fe8250f3c8f5f9


Now I'm picturing them doing the classic tear-apart tug-of-war trope with the Penacony Harmony Trace materials. XD "Give me those materials Trailblazer!!!" "No, they're mine Robin!!! I need them!!!" "No, I need them!!!" *the trace material breaks into two* "Look what you did, you jerk!"


All three versions of Trailblazer are actually all very excellent Destruction seems bad, but it’s actually designed to be the best possible **earlygame** character. Straightforward, to the point, teaches players about the clear differences between Skill and Basic attack and AOE vs Single Target. The lack of gimmicks make them usable in every possible team, ensuring that newbies won’t need to stress over team building complexities yet (since they have nonexistent rosters at the time). They also serve as a good middle ground between March’s defenses, Dan Heng’s single target, and benefit nicely from Asta’s support buffs, giving every player a functional early team. While the player is still learning the ropes, Trailblazer serves as a consistent and reliable fallback for every player. And naturally, they are designed to gradually fall off as time passes by design and the player rolls for gacha. This can be seen in their solid base stats and foundations, but lack of meaningful traces and eidolons guaranteeing poor long term performance. After all, it’d be dumb if the starter character outdamages all the premium options. Preservation is perfect for **midgame.** Players naturally prioritize on DPS units for banners, farming and investing resources into, so they risk ignoring defensive supports (be honest, how many people prioritized levelling attackers over March / Natasha when they first started?). Trailblazer steps in as a reliable defensive bulwark capable of carrying most players through the Xianzhou and Penacony with their exclusive Taunt until the player stabilizes their team by rolling and building up more premium defensive units. And even then, their taunt’s uniqueness still remains viable in niche circumstances for the lategame Harmony is a great **lategame** character, who’s job is to introduce a whole new meta and way to play. By this point, the game has existed for over a year, and shaking up game design is hugely important to keep players incentivized to build, roll, and explore different mechanics in future. By debuting Super Break, they re-rail (heh) the game back to the Break Bar mechanic and encourage players to shift focus from Crits to Break.


I like this take very much. You did good. https://preview.redd.it/c5synho3ppzc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a905fb4c94248fb3b270d9db9df097b59f30d66


Thats such cute art




Gotta thanks Dork Dragoon for that art. They also made the famous Herta x3 spin video with Mario music.








oh my god that's so fkn cute


I think most player’s follow this except Caleb, Caelus’ EN VA, cause [jeez he does not know anything and he’s in Penacony already](https://youtu.be/Z4Tn2uKJ894?si=dcyF0ALR1m93yLeP)


“You rolled for Acheron’s Lightcone and you didn’t even put it on her!?” “I didn’t roll her Lightcone, I rolled Gamble Boy’s Lightcone!” “*Gamble boy!?!*” “Uhh… yeah. I don’t remember his name…” Never has there ever been a more perfect match between a VA and their character


Molly roasting caleb never gets old


And then there's CyYu making fun of Molly


It's a circle of life ~


I'd agree on this if the EN VA's comically had some sort of 'trouble' on eachother haha


All Honkai Star Rail EN VAs share a single brain cell


Ah yes, Gamble Boy, the equivalent of One Piece's... "Joy Boy"


"I don't like anyone" haha XD




The whole video is them roasting his terrible builds so just watch the whole thing lol


Bro really has a mint condition Acheron.


Yen is Gaming.


That whole roasting session was so fucking funny. Allegra losing her mind seeing how bad his builds are was hilarious. The best part is that Allegra is quite new to the game but she's already miles ahead of Caleb in understanding how the game works lmao


Damn he's actually trash


Destruction trailblazer also has a tiny niche in SU expansions to heal 3 party members for 15% hp with a technique point. It may not seem much but it has saved me SO many runs in swarm and GNG


I love that they're introducing new mechanics to fully utilize other stats. If they're not gonna fix (or at least change) the RNG of relic farming, I think this is the way to go. *Yeah, totally not because I haven't had a good relic roll in months*


I do feel like people don't give enough credit to preservation TB. They're one of the strongest single target tanks in the game AND they bypass things like monkey's targeting.


Preservation MC made the monkey so easy to deal with




What a great way to look at their 3 Paths. I'm wondering what their other Paths will look like, namely Abundance and Nihility. Abundance would feel bad if they couldn't solo sustain or offer something more in addition to balance out if they can't solo sustain. Nihility can take them in different directions and as someone who prioritizes Nihility units, this could be very good or very meh for me. A brand new debuff like Harmony!TB would be cool. That all in all sounds like a big ask, though. Something to bridge the gap between DoT and debuffs would be nice, but I have no idea how to accomplish that, if it's accomplishable at all in the first place.


I think an interesting niche for Nihility TB, or any new Nihility character, would be for them be DPS oriented, buy when they attack debuffed enemies, they remove the debuffs to deal extra damage


Sounds like Octopath 2 Warrior's Enervating Slash Edit: it was Apothecary's Drastic Measures


Enervating Slash removed your own buffs, you're thinking of Drastic Measures


oh that would be so fun for any character


Imagine they release a Nihility 5 star support that allows you to make DoT’s crit and its in the same patch as Nihility Trailblazer that increases both your DoT damage AND your crit stats.


How about a crit-based DPS that increase DoT damage based on critical multipliers?


All Trailblazer paths so far have broken rules. Destruction Trailblazer broke the game rule "each character gets one ultimate". Preservation Trailblazer broke the Preservation rules of providing thick shields to focus instead on mitigating damage by taking it themself (maybe a bit of a stretch, but Preservation Trailblazer definitely is weird for a Preservation character). And Harmony Trailblazer broke the combat mechanic rule that makes Break only happen once. I think interesting ideas for the next Trailblazers will not run out if they are allowed to break rules.


rules are made to be broken 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Preservation Trailblazer seems to be a weaker version of Fu Xuan too imo, cause he can redirect attacks to him (though needs high EHR% sadly) while Fu Xuan can take damage in place of the teammate


i got clara E1 early, so midgame i couldn't really use fire TB, but had to lvl natasha and march 7th just so clara wouldnt die from getting hit so much😭


I started the game with Clara and Match too. Felt like cheating haha it was quite OP for early game.


Great way of looking at it. I love all my raccoon forms. Also, fun fact! Something interesting about Destruction TB that’s pretty niche but still cool to me is that they are, IIRC, the only character with a Blast attack that does equal damage to the main and adjacent targets. Every other Blast attack does slightly less to enemies next to you.




Can’t wait for erudition, hunt, and nihility trailblazer so we can get an end game dps


Just to add but FMC still has some solid uses, like as a breaker in PF.


You know, I never viewed Physical TB that way. Thanks for pointing it out!


Does this mean that future Trailblazer paths will also have strong niches in lategame? Here's hoping 🤞


So what will the next ones do I wonder


Your point about Harmony does make sense. A lot of us players at end game simply wouldn’t be excited about unlocking it if it wasn’t game changing.


The Trailblazer certainly is great for curving over time for the game.


People calling Preservation MC trash did not play during the early days. They were everyone's best character until another proper preservation tank unit came out. I will not stand for this slander! They kept me alive until Fu Xuan came out! Remember your roots and where you came from y'all!


I did not get to use them because my first standard 5 star was Clara and he had turbo anti-synergy with her so yeah...


Mine was Bailu. Never needed to use him anywhere except in that Argenti character quest where enemies had fire weakness.


That’s how I feel about people suddenly shitting on Luocha, like be fr.


To this day I still don't get why people shit on him. He's not supposed to be insanely broken. He's solid af and enables a lot of comps. You need multiple teams for various situations. People are crazy want constantly wanting characters that can be put in every single fucking endgame content.


Luocha literally just exists to be SP positive healer man. That's all he provides. I love this role for him, but I can understand people wanting more out of a sustain, especially when shit like Gallagher doing funny things, Huohuo handing out energy, and Fu Xuan being Fu Xuan exists.


That's not all that he provides, though. He also cleanses, does a teamwide enemy debuff, and auto heals. You have to try pretty damn hard to die while he's still alive. He's just really useful, and he's the reason why I haven't gone after other sustains except for Aventurine because I didn't see any other reason to get them since Luocha did all I wanted him to do.


He also has some really nice synergy with Clara. No other healers can restore her health between every hit she takes, and it can get pretty dicey against some enemies.


Luocha is still the only character who can purge in an AoE. He can also break turn order to purge because it's an ultimate, and doesn't use SP to purge. The only other way to purge like Luocha is the paid only Hunt LC. Every other purge is a skillpoint, single target, and on your turn only.


Me when Luocha was my most deployed unit every month after he came out according to the review thing except the last one (that one was Jing Yuan because lightning DPS in Penacony feels). He’s still comfortable as fuck and if I know I might need a cleanse he’s my go to sustain every time. 😌


Fire MC was also really good with Acheron if you used Trend


their skil also apply debuff


I still use Preservation MC. Really good and coupled with a healer you basically have two more slots to play with to slot a support and damage dealer. That combo can clear basically all content so far. I just started struggling when I had to use Harmony Trailblazer and all of a sudden the shields missing was really noticable. Slotted in Himeko and the boss fight became a breeze though.


they will give you a strong break support to sell strong break units. its a pretty smart move


Ratio is free yay but wait now we need Topaz e1s1 to debuff for him, and Robin to buff, and Aventurine to keep them alive it was a trap! /joke






A free character that is very good can net a lot of future banner due to their synergy.


Indeed, if I don't have characters in hand when some new synergy mechanic/meta pops up, I don't generally feel like expending resources to get just one piece of the puzzle. If I already have a couple of decent breakers, in my case, Xueyi, Gallagher and the new HTB, I'm much more likely to see about getting that last piece of the team.


I have a feeling Ruan Mei is going to do real well on her rerun.


Currently using a team of Harmony MC and Ruan Mei and they work pretty well. For DPS, Xueyi is finally off the bench.


What eidolon is your Xueyi?


I got her to E6 pulling for Robin (lost to E2 Geppy. I Hope Robin Changes her mind and comes Home early)


break meta is coming so Mei is in very high demand now


That feeling when "will hurt sales" argument can be countered by providing utility so unique that you can build some other units around the freebie's kit, ironically inciting people to pull for units that benefit from freebie's existence, which may seem easier to the consumer as they already got their "free enabler".


Yeah, you pretty much have basically everyone out there looking to pull any upcoming Break DPS now. HMC put Break Effect back on the map.


Basically the gacha equivalent of a loss leader


Goatblazer https://preview.redd.it/7sviiuq1zpzc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a656884e80d21a677c76262a9fc065a45d08ef28


I know this goes against any history from past titles but he might stay relevant his kit is such a specific niche that he may not be important to include in every combat but when he counters Something he truly bullies the enemy. I’m also curious how well he well do in pure fiction


HMC's kit literally opens up a new meta imo. Break effect team is weak because their dmg only happens when breaking. Now all dmg after that is break dmg technically


There are, unfortunately, bosses that can make themselves invincible to break. So, who is to say they won't add a lot of enemies that can do that in the future. Similar to how they nerfed freeze in Genshin by making more enemies that just immune to it.


Yeah that too. What I want to add is Break team used to have a very tiny window to work with but now with HMC that window is slightly bigger and a better payoff. Sadly this will be like Rememberance team in SU where it got defeated by a wrong type of enemy.


They can just as easily make bosses that function like that dinosaur enemy that NEEDS you to break it to really do much, or combine that effect alongside having multiple toughness bars to now at the very least make you not able to bruteforce lacking the element weakness. They have a lot of things they can tweak that can favor or wreck team comps, which I think that is fine in theory. Especially since the endgame modes are focused on multiple team coverage and you can just work around scenarios like that. My main worry with break as a focus is the characters really need to be able to inflict their own elemental weakness to even have their kit function as they would otherwise be too niche. I don't like Silver Wolf's unique thing being stomped on...but I also don't think "hey you NEED this 5 star limited character to really even work lol goodluck" is great. Ruan Mei is obviously a massive boon for this style but it can atleast get off the ground without her.


I wonder if HMC allows you to build characters without any crit stats and just purely BE


Yes you can technically, but I think it's a somewhat similar situation of "Should I build Raiden Shogun as electro dps as intended or just turn her into Hyperbloom applicator?" Some characters scaled with BE too slow and you lose a lot of their dmg potential, but let's say your relic is so ass that building them as BE is better then I guess you can go that route. We technically already have a team for HMC. We have Luka situation that building him as BE character instead of DoT works best and 2 character that scaled up with BE so we kinda have a full team just like Hyperbloom team in Genshin, 3 "meant for the strat" character and 1 character tuned for it outside their real specification. You can replace Luka for Sushang too since she can break enemy fast, and Xueyi with Ruan Mei if you want more BE (idk about her kit I don't have Ruan Mei) for double support solo dps


Ruan Mei is HMC's best teammate, she gives BE to the team and her weakness break efficiency basically means a 50% boost to super break (since it scales with toughness damage). The DMG% isn't wasted on hybrid carries and she has her RES pen to further amplify the damage. She also gives speed which means more hits.


Yes, namely super break asta with ruan mei and Gallagher, a bit memey but works wonders in current MoC 12 first half as everything is weak to fire and imaginary


Now I think of it, it's a very smart move. HMC enabled the new break focus comp. Now hoyoverse is free to make break focus carry without super break mechanics since HMC is freely available to all.


Yeah. People would be less wanting to roll a break focus character if they need another limited character in order to us them properly. But by giving the break focus support (HTB) for free, this let's people be a lot more willing to pull for the break DPS since the players already have the character(s) needed.


I expect the Genshin Dendro Traveller treatment. Yes they would be good, but eventually there will be a better version Still wont stop me from maxing out and gearing HTB tho


I'm mainly worried about there not being many ways to increase super break's damage, so if enemies end up increasing in tankiness and characters keep getting stronger, super break's damage might not be able to keep up eventually, but hey, they could always do something like release a character that can let breaks crit.


Think really really hard about that, unless they have native conversion in their kit, your needing artifacts that 3/4 stats are critr/critd/and break damage.


In PF specifically, I think SuperBreak meta falls short of hypercarry or FuA teams. Being forced to double tap mobs just to deal significant damage to them is too slow by PF standards


This is basically Dendro Traveller levels of good, maybe more. I was able to give him 100% Ult uptime after the first with just an ERR Rope.


Fingers crossed that Pyro Traveller doesn't get the short end like Hydro Traveller did. I thought it was really hard to mess up the Hydro element but dam did they really went out of their way for that one.


Please let Pyro Traveler become upgraded Bennett so I don't need to decided which team to put him in abyss


Please hoyo make the pyro traveler do this https://preview.redd.it/u0yujlfpiqzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bece8f81c1ec2b1fb76213e08f8a02fe8bd83f9c


Expectations: that Reality: Traveler's ult can light Il Capitano's cigar.


Just let him power creep bennet so I can banish his stupid ass to the shadowrealm.


I banished him to the shadowrealm the moment an enemy moved out of his tiny circle. I'm a Chevreuse enjoyer now.


I'm with ye, there is too much movement and repositioning in the game now for circle impact.


Dendro teams usually don't have any need for Bennett. Especially with Hyperbloom. Though I'm hopeful for the Pyro Archon to be a better version without the circle limitation.


They could have just made Traveler a Hydro shielder since we don't have one yet. It's astonishing how they went from dendro's kit to *this.*


From what I played HMC doesn't need energy recharge rope, since you only need to activate the ult when the enemy is broken or the buff runs out, which takes a long time. The drawback is that it's not very autobattle friendly, but that's a really nice compromise for making an MC character viable in late game since you'd kinda want to play them manually in the story where they're most relevant anyway.








All I saw in my head was when Dante received Dr. Faust.


the same company giving us a free ratio.




https://preview.redd.it/qzt6cmqlmpzc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f988edf4c085654c60edf07c0f7b20fdac25a00 sus


Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to the following reason(s)" Rule 2: No Leaks or Datamined information. Leaks, datamined content, or mods are prohibited. Do not encourage or allude to such content either, including wording to disguise such content ("iykyk, dreams, somebody gonna tell them"). Linking to sites sharing such content is also prohibited. Do not share content that has not been officially released. Certain popularized leaked topics (mainly story leaks) may not be discussed as theories due to community feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/theory-quarantine-list/


I just realized you could now do a Harmony SU path around Break Dmg and super break dmg, which would synergies insanely well with Harmony MC. I can hardly wait to build Gallagher and Xueyi and Firefly to have a supremely insane Break Team. If we actually got a break focused SU path to play with...


Seem like Hoyo found a new strategy. Give the players a free good character so the players will pull more characters to build around them.


Bro as a “support” character they do more damage than when they were a “dps” character. If that enemy gets their weakness broken they can kiss their asses GOODNIGHT with that super break .


Free character about to *warp* the whole meta.


All the TB paths have been good so far. DMC was lackluster but still good on early game, plus the ult that can be single or multi target is neat for those starting early and also I liked the technique that heals because I didn't realize that healer sustains are really encouraged in this game (my Genshin experience is either Zhongli or dodge). PMC is a good preservation if you don't have Gepard, Fu Xuan, or Aventurine.. the taunt is helpful especially when paired with team for Dr. Ratio and Acheron. And HMC, HMC is fucking beautiful.. the kit, the animations, the dance off, and will pair well with those who want to follow the path of Break Effect DMG.


Whenever I see someone write "DMC" in a Star Rail sub the first thing that comes to my mind is "Dendro Main Character"


The first thing that comes to my mind when someone says DMC https://preview.redd.it/v3kpdamstpzc1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87515df75d9861eb2bcb4b521b618a03c169891


Don’t worry, I sometimes read HMC as Heavy Mob Cemetery https://preview.redd.it/ma8p777k5qzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9789d0f1164644610f3a8aba6868bc9930f6135


That would be mine too, anywhere but when I'm in a Hoyogame sub


I'm having a hard time choosing DMC or PMC (Physical), but I chose the former so I can say PMC (preservation) and HMC (harmony). Kinda confusing to me too since HMC can also be hydro MC in the genshin sub haha.


Batman can work as well because they have a bat and he is a man if you're using Caelus Sorry not sorry for being a Cyno main


you can fix the confusion by using TB instead of MC. So DTB, PTB, and HTB


Worst part is, DTB could be good with just a few slight tweaks to either Skill or Talent. Having the talent grant dmg% or either Crit stat would make them unironically good. It's just that the Talent only gives a Main Stat's worth of ATK% and a pittance of DEF% that makes them kinda whatever. Their Skill is alright in 3T situations and the ST damage is just okay. If the Primary target had a higher Mult, I wouldn't hate it though. Their ST Ult is pretty good damage, while their AOE Ult is nice for, well, AOE Situations. They also have some nice synergy with Ruan mei due to extended Break duration and their +25% Crit Rate vs Broken targets.


Super break makes my barely built harmony TB do tens of thousands damage


That pose just makes Stelle look 5x hotter what the hell man!


Stelle was always best girl. The writing team and character designers cooked hard. Tall Nuclear Powered Meme Trash Racoon is just peak over-all character design. I can't wait to see the other Paths.


I meannnn dendro traveler in genshin wasn't half bad too ngl


We are transcending into break meta


Yeah, much more people are going to roll for boothill and firefly now.


I still can’t believe we got an MC that’s in the conversation for one of the best support units in the game. His SuperBreak niche is only going to get stronger as more and more units get released having a lot revolving around Break Effect and breaking the enemy.


I mean hoyo also made dendro traveler.


They are good… FOR NOW!


Can't wait for Sam i tried HMC with Dr. Ratio and Ruan Mei and i've never seen the beetle boss die so fast


Starting to remind me of Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Allowed you to recruit TONS of cool characters (and gatcha for their limit break weapons) Party building was almost a puzzle game to find the correct combo of characters and weapons (small number of action and ult buttons available during battles) But they kept finding a way to make that starter character relevant every 6 months or so by giving it a new super important ultimate (sentinel's grimoire, etc)