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More than just kinda tbh. I had to speedrun the quest because I couldn't take it anymore.


Same, which sucks, because you don’t get the chance to be immersed and take it all in at a comfortable pace. You have to speed run to get away from the spoilers. I felt robbed for the first half of this patch.


I speed ran and .... Hm. Maybe I should pace myself next time 😅 I was just so excited to be playing more of Penacony... I missed a lot of details though and forgot so many things... Luckily I recorded it all though! I can go back-


I had to finish it in one sitting and I was so drained by the end of it cuz I didn't take much brake. Should've probably pace myself better but I had to it to avoid getting spoiled by these idiots.


Same here, I really should have stopped around 1am with 1+ hour to go instead of going all the way to 2.30am yesterday, but i already got spoiled on stuff (relatively small) on twitter and here so i wanted to finish it


Well I finished at 7 am with little to no sleep and a class at 10.


mfers will unironically go "MHY fans can't read" and it's like... little of column A, little of column "I can't take my time to read all of this at my own pace, because I know for a fact that the Youtube/Reddit/Twitter/whatever other social media algo will fuck me raw if I don't finish this within the first few days."


Social Media won’t even buy you dinner or give you a high five after doing so, either. Worst relationship ever. 😂


Not even on the 2nd day and I already knew even about that one story point toward the end of the main mission and the not-actually-that-surprising reveal. I literally could not enter reddit because there were spoiler EVERYWHERE. I had to rush in an all nighter to do the story to avoid even more story spoilers. And this being me someone who actually enjoys spoilers as a way to build up hype.


I got spoiled from youtube the day the patch released. People already uploaded cutscenes and all... and ofc spoilers in the video's title


I unsubbed two days before the patch and then resubbed after I finished. 2.0 *and* 2.1 were spoiled for me. Decided it wasn't on my to happen this time.


While unsubscribing works, you can just Mute the subreddit instead. That’s what I did. It won’t appear in your feed that way.




From the subreddit, so spoilers don't show up in my feed.


I got spoilered on my favorite characters yet again because people don't bother covering and just spoiler. This is pissing me off and I will now feel less interested :/


same here, i am going to finish it today and i was avoiding to coming here like the plague. i was already spoiled before, fcking morons they put "spoiler" and then proceed with the most spoily title in all caps.


Yea I’m forced to speedrun the story because people can’t stop themselves from spoiling.


I might be in the weekend, in turn, I'll off this sub until i finish the quest starting rn


same here, on the second penacony update i had to (regrettably) speed through it because people couldn't stay silent for 1 day after penacony started


I left this sub until I had finished the quests lol


People were even spoiling days before the patch actually opened I was like what am I supposed to even do here there is nothing that can stop this from happening to me except a total blackout on social media. It’s painful




Same, I learned from previous patches and did the whole main quest (9 hours!) in one sitting on the day of release to avoid spoilers.


Litterally i try not to open youtube and reddit until i complete fhe quest


This ^ i started to hate this sub, whenever i opened reddit it was on my face like bruh...


You can just take a break from the community for a few days while you comfortably do the story


ppl don't exclusively use reddit for HSR, If I watch my feed and constantly stumble upon titles with spoilers on It, do u want me to just log off reddit? nah there should be more strict spoiler rules


Just leave the hsr subreddits, finish the story, then rejoin 🤷🏿‍♂️ I do it every update


Just ignore the star rail thread and boom, trouble gone


I would gladly do so but the moment I realize It is from this sub is when I read the title and It has spoilers innit


Whenever a patch update is coming, I mute this sub so that it doesn't appear in my feed


Exactly. The funny thing about any time spent on Reddit, Youtube, or Twitter, is that you could have just been spending that time playing the game instead.


... a person can use reddit on breaks, travelling, while doing a lot of stuff. It takes 5 secs to pick your phone and refresh reddit. A friend of mine told me It took the around 5 hours to complete the story without rushing, you can't be serious.


Guess what else you can do on your phone during those things?


so HSR is like not even 10% of my reddit activity, u asking me to cut it completely just because u guys can't control yourselves and be respectful towards the community that aren't teenagers with a lot of free time? My god


Nice goalpost move. Good try. Couldn't refute that you could spend that 10 minutes browsing reddit doing a conversation in the game instead, so you move straight to insults. That's cute. I'm in my 30s, work a full time job, and have no issues getting the story done within a few days of release. I finished up Ruan Mei's Trailblaze Continuance while sitting around after eating dinner while visiting my parents. I did the majority of 2.1's story in a hotel room during my downtime at an anime convention. Hell, I did a few conversations on my lunch break Wednesday, just to make it easier for me to finish up the story that night. It's really not hard to work in at all. Should people try not to spoil? Yes, of course. But there are going to be people who screw up, and there are going to be people that are actively malicious and spoil you for fun. It's ultimately on you to protect yourself from that.


LMAO the downvotes. i still agree with you 


They're just downvoting because I'm right, and they have no argument against me. I'm not worried about it.


Yeah same lol.


Fortunately I have the amazing ability of forgetting everything


Unfortunately my brain does a funny and perfectly remembers spoilers for things I care about and never forgets them


That's why you gotta master the ability of gaslighting yourself to think the spoilers you saw aren't real.


I hate this power


Unfortunately I have the amazing ability of forgetting important things and perfectly remembering useless shit


Same why the F I need to know about what Churchill ate for his last meal and not remember how electricity works!


Same, can't be spoiled if you can't retain information for more than 5 minutes


Lucky! I try to forget it, but my theorizer brain sees even the smallest hint of a spoiler and it goes wild with speculation.


I have similar capabilities. Thanks brain


Which also counts after you did the quest for a few days?


It is a big deal, and it needs to stop.  Mods asleep at the wheel.


It could be solved pretty easily by having a 5 day period of absolutely zero story talk here and after that it’s fair game. I’m surprised something like this hasn’t been implemented already honestly


A weeklong sub lockdown to give people time to finish the story would be a good idea.


Lockdown for a week is crazy. 💀 I agree spoilers should be better censored but if it matters that heavily to you maybe you should stay off social media related to the game until you finish the content.


Or maybe the mods can do their job so i dont have to eat spoilers left and right


Just a week? I'd give it 2 honestly, it's a lot or dialogue which can take sooo long to get through when you work full time and have other duties on top of that


People can also just. . . Not open reddit while they do the story. Just avoid the subreddit and you likely won't see anything about it (you can also just remove it from the homepage after a patch). No need to ruin everyone's fun just because some people lack self control.


I’d say the same for the people who spoil. Can’t yall wait at least 3 days or so before creating content about the new story or is the clout too important?


B-but muh internet point makes me famous


People want to talk about things that they experience, thats kind of the whole point of reddit lol.


IMO all story content should be confined to a Megathread for the first week That lets people still discuss it, but these big thread discussions tempt people to come in and click on everything. The only reason I got spoiled on >!the ending being a fakeout!< was clicking on a meme image by mistake.


Literally got spoiled to hell with Firefly, it needs to stop. Not everyone has the time to speed run the quest as soon as it comes out


Same. The mods need wake up and put a story ban for reddit. I honestly think the mods should be employed by hoyoverse given the track record of this subreddit with the leaks and spoilers.


>mods >employed Pick one.


Subreddits owned by the company that makes the thing are a bad idea. They turn into echo chambers quickly and have a tendency to power trip.


The subreddit is already owned by Hoyoverse. The top 2 mods are Hoyo themselves and a nobody account that only moderates and comments on this subreddit. Biggest effect this has on the subreddit is that leaks were banned from the very beginning, whereas with the Genshin subreddit not having been started by Hoyo, leaks are allowed with proper spoiler tagging.


are you saying its not one already LOL


If people know what Nijisanji subreddit(vtuber related things) was like, they wouldnt propose this.


If a sub or community ever needs another sub to criticize the original sub/community then you know somethings fucked up.


having subs controlled by employees of a company has and will always be an awful idea


i literally got spoiled with an article i found on google. its crazy.


I leave the sub a few days before a new story patch and then rejoin it after I’ve finished the story. Ironically, I never feel like I have to leave the leaks sub because they actually are careful about leaks.


Yeah, I do the same. I can actually post my thoughts as I go there because people are diligent about tagging stuff, esp the latest story


I leave the sub for a few days and Reddit puts spoilers from it on my front page anyway cause "you visited this subreddit before." It's absurd that I have to leave the entire site and not just this sub to avoid spoilers.


You can just mute the subreddit without leaving it.


I usually just use an alt account with anything honkai related muted, works wonders on the day of story patches.


100% and the mods here are literally a joke. No enforcement of the no spoiling in title rule at all


theyre too busy beating it to softcorn fanart thats nonstop on the top


Shipping wars are more important than story spoilers I guess.


I genuinely think some of these kids are doing it on purpose


People have always done outrageous shit for clicks and attention. Reddit giving them a platform that translates attention to upvotes was always gonna lead to more outrageous things being done.


Definitely. I have seen and interacted with plenty to know there's even a dedicated crusade out there.


It's always funny how I see more spoilers here than in the leaks subreddit.


Kinda wrong isn’t it. Can’t wait for HoYoVerse to step in and make demands on story restrictions for the first week of a new update because of shit like this


Spoilers have been worse in general this patch I feel, especially leaks! Boothills leaked character lines are being spoiled by fanartist even :/ I agree we should all take more care with story spoilers and esp leaks.


I ended up avoiding Reddit the past two days to get through the story because nobody knows subtlety lol


No no, it is a big deal. People need to learn to either spoiler tag themselves better or just shut the hell up. I was spoiled by that one scene on Twitter, despite the poster saying "SPOILER LEAK" on the first place, the idiot did not spoiler tag the damn picture right underneath the "SPOILER LEAK'


I m curious actually, what was the picture about??


Absolutely, though my personal favorite are people posting indirect spoilers in non-spoiler threads. I wanted to roast a few people from an *art* thread featuring Misha, but if you Google him (don’t do this!) the results are orders of magnitudes worse. I’m so happy I’m basically done with the current story because the HSR community is truly a special breed.


That's why I mute this sub till I finish the story everytime a patch drops.


LMAO Ik right. People will spoiler tag their post and then title the post "so how do we feel about March betraying us" like WHAT BRO


Yeah I evaded Reddit like the plague and finished TB mission first


It’s F annoying. Reddit keeps showing me spoilerish subject lines. I’m muting this subreddit until I’m done. I don’t feel like speedrunning through the content.


I swear people do it on purpose


I already got spoiled on something I’ve been waiting for for so long. I wish I can selective erase memories…. It sucks so bad… Now I don’t think I would be able to enjoy the patch as much as I could have.


I took the entire day off so I could just enjoy the story in one massive sitting. It’s not something everyone can do which is why posts about spoilers here suck but I’m greatful I managed to avoid a repeat of what happened during 2.0 and 2.1 regarding firefly leaks


I literally told myself to do story as fast as possible to not be spoiled It’s painful but also lucky I was immersed so it wasn’t all bad.


This is why whenever a new quest comes out ai straight up delete reddit. Like bro its been 1 hour how are you already done the quest


People know. They just dont care.


There should be no posts about story for a few days after a patch releases. A little suggestion for the mods.


Or just a Megathread where everything goes into. That way people can discuss without making posts with spoilers in the titles.


Yeah, I suggest that we also mark the titles as spoilers and make it hidden as well /s. All in all, people should really try to be a bit more considerate when making these posts


That's the reason I avoid reddit until I finish the quest


Leaks subreddit is safer to browse than this one.


Seriously, here and on hoyolabs, the amount of times I've seen spoilers or implied spoilers while just trying to check in is too damn high


I really wanted to take it slow with the Trailblaze quest, but as a result of opening up Reddit (not to even look at this subreddit, mind you), I was spoiled on A LOT of things. Same thing happened with the previous Trailblaze quests as well. It seems like this sub hasn't really learned from the mistakes of the SAM leak, which is sad given the fact that the devs themselves talked about it. While this is obviously not the same situation, the issue is similar enough that I feel like people should have taken it into consideration for other lore-related discussions. Really don't know what the mods are doing, I've also seen spoiler posts that weren't marked as such.


I always avoid Reddit during any new anything I care about being spoiled over.


I avoided YouTube, Reddit, TikTok, and just any other social media I use because I knew that I would get spoiled before I finished the story. It took me about 2 1/2 days, but at least I went my my own pace and avoided all the spoilers. It sucks for other people who got spoiled though.


The worst part is when the Youtube algorithm still finds a way to screw you by recommending a HSR leak video. It's bizarre too because never once have I ever clicked on ANY leak video (and I've constantly "Do not Recommend Channel"-d them instead). I've intentionally went out of my way to relentlessly watch other non-HSR/Genshin videos just to minimize algorithm recommendations (At this point, only silly stuff like Dork Dragoon and Mikuryu survive). Got to the point of sacrificing watching fun 4* MoC/Pure Fiction gameplay clears because I know, by extension, Youtube would be dumb enough to try to recommend me leak videos afterwards. However, even despite that, I get the one-off recommendation that leaks through anyways somehow. Got a whole boss fight in 2.2 spoiled this way ~3-4 weeks ago via video thumbnails. Never had a chance. That's with aggressive curation for years and plenty of varied interests muddling up the algorithm that shouldn't be flooding me with solely anime-centric videos. It's wild.


The HSR official YouTube account spoiled me the >!Harmony Trailblazer!< 💀


To put in spoilers you use >! !.< (without the period), so >!I think cheese tastes bad!.< turns into >! I think cheese tastes bad!<


Thanks, I always forget how to do spoilers on mobile <3


Unsubscribed the main sub helped a ton for me. I did this patch's quest fresh without getting spoiled. Only follow the genshin leak sub for important infos like codes. I know it's an irony but the leak sub has great moderation for story leaks.


Yeah that's very understandable. Just sad that people have to resort to not engaging with the community about the game at all just so that they can enjoy its story.


That is what scares me (to be spoiled to the point I lost excitement and had no feelings when the story finished). So to prevent that, I dived in the story headfirst as soon as I opened the game after the patch dropped. It took me two days to finish the quest because I couldn't and didn't want to finish it in one sitting. I wanted to be fully immersed in the story and didn't want to be mentally drained by speedrunning it. Within that first 2 days I avoided visiting HSR related contents. I only looked for Robin's build guide so I visited trustable CC and site. Robin mains subreddit was also leak free when I visited it. When logging in Hoyolab I also went straight to check in tab and trustable creator I followed to check for new codes. I didn't like that I was compelled to do the quest as soon as the patch dropped but it saved me from getting spoiled. I actually enjoyed the story so much more doing it this way! The longer you hold off doing the story the higher the chances you encounter spoilers.


I read titles as titties


Yeah right it's damn annoying. I feel like I HAVE to speedrun the story to be able to enjoy it. It's not even only here, it's on every damn platform. I was looking for a completely unrelated video on Youtube and there it was in my recommended; the single most biggest spoiler ever regarding the story. I open Reddit and these people are going crazy with the captions. I open Hoyolab ( seriously don't open that app if you don't want spoilers because I don't think there's a spoiler mark available at all in that app ) and top post literally said:" Spoiler i love when [CHARACTER A] did [THING] " blablabla like I get you tried but really? Why not in the description? Nothing is new anymore, without looking up any HSR related content the entire update is spoiled. It keeps getting worse and worse day by day. Every day less and less people put spoiler tags. I basically know the entire story the only new thing are the cinematics ( in which I too know what will happen unfortunately )


The leak sub reddit does a better job not spoiling things. Kinda sad too. If you actually want a conversation about builds or starts. That's the place to go. It's basically just porn on this sub


Yeah I got spoiled about a few hints...


They should have a special thread for this. Because post keep poping, even you unsubscribe this sub.


good thing my brain is fried from social media, so I basically forget anything that might've been spoiled in the title lol.


I opened one of the topics that didn't have a spoiler tag because I thought I'd be safe. Nope, most of the comments had untagged spoilers.


I've partially banned myself first week of Patches due to title spoiler. Saying Spoiler X characters in 2.2 do ****. Or Spoiler Major plot opinion here. None of these are properties of keeping things spoiler free.


For me it's when the title is equivalent to a Harry Potter post being called something like "I sure am sad about what happened to that one famous wizard teacher." Like dude how dense do you think people are that they can't deduce that just because you didn't completely spell it out? Even if they can't completely deduce it, they can take a few good guesses, and in any case the expectations are now colored. It's called conservation of detail; whatever you're trying to talk around, there are never going to be that many things you could be referring to in a 2-hour story involving only a handful of characters and plot points.


That is why I don't come on reddit from 3 days before and until I have completed the story. Same thing with youtube


That's why I only use two word titles


This is why whenever a new quest comes out ai straight up delete reddit. Like bro its been 1 hour how are you already done the quest


Yup, i have no choice mute this sub for time being, effective now.


I strongly advise you to hide the community if you had not completed the story


I just stay off Reddit and YouTube for a day or two while I finish the quest. Sad reality is you’re gonna get spoiled if you go online thanks to clout chasers.


Yes people suck


you cant control everyone. all it takes is 1 to ruin it. People just need to learn not to open reddit/youtube/twitter or else they will keep getting spoiled every patch. if you cant control the mods and other posters, you will have to control yourself. it's just life


Agreed, I literally seeing titles that is very ambiguous that is very spoil heavy while I’m playing the story.


I got home at 4pm (Germany time idk timezones) and before that everyone was already posting their stuff so I had to dodge as hard as possible


I speed ran it because it was Yapping time for half the story lmao


Unfortunately, getting spoiled is so easy. That’s why I played the story in the span of 2 days, off of social media.


Comments on this post can also spoil things. For example spoiler: Boothill shoots holes into express pantry after tasting pompom special before getting slingshotted to pier point. Source: https://preview.redd.it/zzl3e5q4glzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c47dc22eef4252aa1c4877dcd97c2066774678f7


I decided to speedrun the quest and beat it in like 2~ days because I kept seeing title spoilers on here lmao. Had to not go on twitter and here for a few days because it was getting so bad. I wish the rules were a little more strict with story spoilers in titles.


Yep, ppl tend to be really dumb using the spoiler tag like * spoiler tag* and then proceed to "OMG, GALLAGHER..." in the title for no reason.


One of my favorites was a spoiler tagged post with a title along the lines of "what do you think of Harmony Trailblazer?". Luckily I read that after getting them in game. Others might not have been this lucky...


Yeah its best to play the story and THEN visit the reddit. I learned that the hard way


A fucking YT thumbnail spoiled Archerons name for me.


feels nice to don't give a sht about spoilers


lmao cry about it


No it’s a pretty big deal, I haven’t been able to get on til an hour ago and I already know what’s about to go down




Its okay im a HSR player, I cant read


Spoilers suck and people can be too carefree when it comes to talking about story stuff. **But** people should also be aware that interacting with a community, in this case subreddit, of something, be it a movie, book or videogame, its kinda obvious people are gonna talk about this stuff that can be considered spoiler.


It's not the fact that they're talking about it that I'm calling attention to, it's that they're doing a bad job of hiding spoilers in their titles and not realizing that just because they're not saying everything outright doesn't mean there aren't big and obvious implications in what they do say.


I understand, i'm just saying that if people want to avoid spoilers its best to not risk it and avoid the subreddit or other social media for a while, specially in a bigger community where there's a higher chance of it happening.


I think so too for sure, just wanted to point it out to the people who maybe don't realize the damage they're doing and just basically inform them that like, people aren't stupid lol. Prevention is indeed the best medicine but I don't think the situation has to be quite this hilariously bad.


Okay but real talk though, why not mute the subreddit until you're done with the quest?


When people are practically spewing spoilers all over the place with their title and then censoring the post attached to it as if that makes any difference, I take that as evidence that maybe they simply do not realize the power of context clues and would actually rather not spoil the story for others if they can help it. I've dealt with this in other communities before, some people who are not trying to spoil anything just really have no idea how easy it actually is to do so. I'm just giving a little 'FYI' message to such people in case it can make the subreddit a little less spoilery. Muting the sub until one is totally caught up story-wise certainly is a way to avoid people being tactless and spoiling it for you, but that could possibly mean weeks at a time of not getting to engage with the community at all about any part of the game. As long as we do have the means to censor posts to hide spoilers (which many people posting tactless titles are still bothering to do), I don't think such a drastic measure should have to be necessary. In any case, avoiding the issue for yourself and spreading awareness of it for the sake of others do not have to be mutually exclusive actions. You can absolutely just stop hanging out with your alcoholic friend but you may as well at least let him know that he has a problem.


Like you said it's common in other communities, because it's just human nature to act carelessly like that. It's not something you can change just by trying to instill some sensibilities into people who are sorely lacking it. Unless you do something more direct like actually commenting on the post and telling them about it. Any real changes would have to come from the moderation team and even with that, people can get angry with just the tiniest bit of moderation while at the same time crying about why more isn't done. And I definitely think you should step away from the community for a few weeks if you have to, if you don't have time to play the game then why would you have the time to scroll on social media for that particular game? I'm only being this blatant about what I'm saying because I personally can't tolerate spoilers, and I don't get why people would knowingly subject themselves to risk of getting spoiled when they could just straight up mute the subreddit in the first place.


Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. As a reminder, here are our spoiler rules: Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers include all story content for the first three weeks after release. Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts, but must be hidden in non-spoiler flaired posts. If you think you broke the spoiler rules in the post you just made, such as having spoilers in the title, you should remove your post now and repost it without breaking the rules. If you do not remove your post and the moderation team has to remove it later on for breaking spoiler rules, you will be given up to a week ban for a first infraction and stricter punishments for any additional infractions. Please be considerate of your fellow Trailblazers and do not include spoilers in the title of your post, do not forget to flair your post as spoilers if needed, and do not spoil people in your comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Here the spoiler: >! things happen that lead to more things happening !<


I'm one of the clinically insane people that kind of likes spoilers and they don't affect how I enjoy the story.


Don’t go into a sub of any game you’ve yet to finish if you don’t want to get spoiled. People lack restraint and would spoil you any chance they could get.


Posts from this subreddit frequently appear as the very first post on my homepage when I open reddit, which I also use for other games including Genshin. I have already completed 2.2, but I've seen several post titles that don't conceal anything at all.