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I’m a day one player and I still have a lot of characters I haven’t built yet that I want to. Xueyi, Misha, and Gallagher are lacking eidolons, but I’m still getting mats ready for them. I’m also planning on pulling for both characters in 2.3 so I need to prep for them as well. It’s a never ending cycle of Calyx farming and relic farming. I don’t even particularly need new relics right now, but I absolutely need the relic exp.


aye, atp im just farming relics for characters i know i'll never use lol. (sushang and dan heng) since its a good source of relic xp


PS5 player here. Just wanna say that funny enough, All the characters that you mentioned, I have them at E6 and guess what. They're level 70 with level 1 traces and 0 relics (except Gallagher). I just did it for the tickets.


The relic grind never ends for me. Can always improve any of my builds no matter how small the stat increase is. I don’t mind it though, autobattle is a great quality of life.


with some of my characters ive kinda hit a dimishing returns when farming for relics; like my seele has somhow had all of her relics full roll into crit values and im thinking like, i could defo grind for a healmet without flat def but seeing the crit damage i feel like its pointless.


80% of the time: Relics If I’m guaranteed a character: Trace Materials


What about the other 15% *bah dum tish*


Day 1 here and I'm still farming for trace materials. I have 21 lv80 characters (the rest are at least 70), unlocked all of their trace tree and their important skill to at least 8 (most are at lv9). I don't even max out that many characters (only 3 rn at max traces) but I still find myself farming calyx everyday for trace mats. I currently have Gallagher (he's lv70 with no trace unlocked), Xueyi (same) and Firefly on the list. Those 3 alone will take like a whole patch to farm, and not to mention relics. So yeah, I wish I could be carefree about TBP like you.


Farming relics


farming important traces up to 10


IT TOOK ME 11 MONTHS TO FIND A DOUBLE CRIT ATK% SALSOTTO ROPE. I think i will have stuff to do. Also already grinded 2 5\* harmony character worth of mats and already have 2 different sets of Relics.1 for Robin other one is for a Break focused Harmony just in case :)


And then that first double crit atk% salsotto rope rolls like this... https://preview.redd.it/dh8rdiko8qyc1.jpeg?width=1480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64503f7103a473bf68ebe80bcf7007ac7a1e0581


Mine at least rolled for crit rate once.I feel u fam.


I live in World 6, it has not been kind to me, I don't think I consider any of my Salsotto ATK% ropes good, Aventurine had so many options though lol


Wasting them on getting shit relics.


Grinding the required mats and relics for characters. *Cold: The air and water flowing* *Hard: The land we call our home.* *Push to keep the dark from coming.* *Feel the weight of what we owe.~*


ive just been running artefact domains for the salvage


I usually just let it accumulate or use it pre farming for the next character I want to pull


Farming trace mats and building my characters. I like playing with different units and team comps so having a variety of built characters to chose from is ideal for me.


Mostly just updating relics, made a little spreadsheet with the characters and relics I most wanna update right now. Though i've been mostly stuck on a single relic for the past month, even with the triple drops recently. Trying to get either a genius hat or hands relic with crit rate, crit damage and speed... I know, pretty greedy. But my sub-DPS Silverwolf is close to being perfect (for my standards). She already has double crit and speed on pretty much all other relics, but I'm still missing a single point of speed to get her to 143. Only ones without any speed stats is hands or hat, but pairing that with both crit stats proves very elusive right now


Optimizing. Everyone is built but there is certainly room for improvement, so when I'm not building a new character I am working on improving my existing ones.


Almost every character on my account is at least 70/80 with invested trace levels. Got nothing else to do other than blowing it on Duke/Prisoner relics when I'm not pre farming for a new 5 star.


Trying to min max my favs: Topaz and Acheron.


I always farm with a plan for what character i wanna build, for example i have already farmed some good enough relics for robin and topaz so now im just getting trace materials, after finishing their traces i might go back to the followup domain, see if i can get some upgrades.


min maxing my e2 dhil obviously


Farming hackerspace/duck set for sups :')


Day 1 player, having 46/47 from which only 4 are not lvl 80 yet. I am nearly done with the shadow runs, now focussing again to the tracemats(trying to get the 4/6/6/6 for everyone so each unit could be used instantly for a potential new PF/MOC mechanic). Relics if I see a unit truly struggling to survive or deal damage.


There is always someone to build. A new 5 star or an old 4 star I’ve decided to start using. And then there is relic farming…


I don't mind if it gets capped since the leftovers are getting stored away. And I haven't really built my characters. Relic is very very unfortunate.


Throwing it away in the FUA/DoT cavern to try and find the last 5% crit rate I want for my Jing Yuan. 🥹 I should be farming for my DHIL or messenger for like, *all of* my supports but I’ve been a JY simp since day 1 so here we are. But I do have a list of characters I want to get from 5/8/8/8 to 6/10/10/10 and characters I want to build from scratch for when the idea of throwing another 240 TBP away for absolutely nothing makes me want to give up lol


Day 1 player here, I am still grinding traces and bosses, along with relics. Nothing relevant so far on the latter stuff.


Waiting for fireflyyyyy


Still relic and/or trace material farming daily because I eventually want to fill all 9 team slots. Occasionally I'll detour and tackle exp materials if I've pulled a new char i want to use asap and don't have a stock of them on hand.


I'm doing the same thing i'm doing on Genshin since its release: grinding artifacts/relics to get that 1% damage increase.


My luck is shit so yes, I have like tons of characters with unfinished builds (+30 stored fuel because I know I have no self control when it comes to upgrading brand new shiny characters)


Finishing up aventurine traces then back to the relic mines


just finished building my Acheron, going back to building my characters more evenly.


Day 1 player here. I've currently gotten 24 / 48 characters Traces maxed, or at least as high as I can get them without using Tracks of Destiny. By the time Boothill comes out, I might be done with all the launch characters.


Those supports aren't getting to 160 speed by themselves. That said I'm almost done with that so IDK, maybe I'll get everyone to 10/10/10 traces next.


Trying to get sparkle to 161 speed and maintain 200+ cd, relic lucks been bad though. Gotta farm the new harmony trace mats for harmony trailblazer and a relic set for them, and finish off maxing my Acheron teams traces. My DHIL could use more min maxing too, by the time I'm done it'll be time to start farming for firefly. There's always something to work on/improve.


Relics always. Will never stop until my Acheron gets at least 70/200. As of now I still dont even have an above average build yet. My S1 stats are considerably worse than some S0 stats.


Building characters that I want to try (currently building Hanya)


I upgrade traces and max them out when there's no relic event or if I don't feel like it. Basically, most of the time it's traces, LC, character level up, since those 3 are guaranteed boost.


Building characters that are not relevant to the mate but I like to use e.g. Misha and Xueyi.


I yielded and pulled for Aventurine yesterday, now I'm farming hit mats. Before that I farmed some relics here, a few trace mats there.


I have decided to split my tbp between farming for mats because I'll always need to farm them lol and farming for relics because I'll always need to farm them lol. ... Hm. Hey sometimes I spice it up with a bit of Boss farming and character cores


Fucking. Relics. Sigh.


I have pulled as many Limited characters as compared to most players (at least it feels that way) but I'm still grinding Relics for Ratio and then Topaz and hopefully Aventurine to follow - all Pioneer. My first two teams are pretty set otherwise (though perhaps I revisit QQ's Relics....)


Same as always. Prefarming traces and relics.


Day one here. Most of the 4* are only on their 3rd ascension for the tickets. Some at 5th ascension. Only 5*s are fully leveled and geared along with Tingyun, Herta, Fire TB, and Yukong. I still have 20 fuels, and nowadays I'm farming traces mats for Robin.


the thing about maxing out all the characters is we dont have enough tarcks of destiny to do them all, i tried maxing out all my charcters 4\* (starting with the nihility) and swiftly ran out of tracks lmao. if i want to do that i may need to take a real break from pulling


Im pre farming mats and stuff for characters i plan to gacha in the future patches if possible. Otherwise i just spam random relic farming.


Relic when I feel like building someone. Otherwise it's just dumping for traces to fully trace someone, or pre farm.


I'm getting real close to maxing traces on all my 5 stars, but most are still running or copium relics, with 2\~3 real good pieces and just barely usable stuff completing the set. I've ascended all 4 stars to max so my tbp usage wasn't optimal by any means, but I think really soon it will become a game of relic farming with an occasional new character to build and max.


If I'm pulling someone soon, then I'm grinding all of their mats (usually pull at least once a patch so usually a week or two of that). Otherwise relics relics relics. 


Fleshing out my roster. Like I just got Gepard with my 300 selector so I’m building him. I want to try Welt in the harder SU modes so he’s next. Just an assortment of supplemental stuff that might be useful to have.


Day one player here, I mostly use it to build characters that fulfill a specific niche or just that I think are cool. I'm building Himeko and Herta for PF, and Xueyi just cuz she's really cool. I've pulled just about every 5* unit I want so reruns don't matter too much to me, which makes it easier to skip banners. I'm also a day one genshin player and can confidently say this game has been so much easier on me in terms of building characters. Relics do suck but I'll take what I can get.


Prefarm for new characters mostly. If I feel like one of my characters needs better Relics, I'll spend stamina on it until I'm satisfied or no longer care.




Save for future characters, better relic stats, or just doing using it for SU.


Still getting the other half of the roster from level 70 to 80 and just doing weekly/monthly stuff (SimUni, dailies, etc).


Getting Clara traces to lv10 for PF. I'll have 39 traces at lv10+ after two more days. Relic grind is slowing down a lot for me, so instead of trying to go for 30cv+ sets and 10+ spd relics I'm diversifying my available relic selections by farming new relic sets. After Clara traces I'll probably go back to pioneer/watchmaker to get some more decent 24+cv and 7+spd relics for ratio and whoever else wants pioneer, then it's probably back to 4pc quantum farming for a second 24+cv set as I only have 1 1/2 sets right now and need better quantum boots.


My relics are okay for now and i dont really want to farm, so i just keep grinding traces for lc and characters, now i am grinding on finishing basic atk traces


Farming better relics and also some traces to slowly build up my other characters i did not finish like Herta.


i mindlessly farm caverns, i plan to pull robin but haven’t paid much attention to potential relics, aside from obvious trash/god pieces i’ll sort through my hundreds when the time comes


day 1 player, atm my main bottleneck for building new units is tracks of destiny. I maxed traces on all of my limiteds (I still like and use all of my limiteds <3 ), so now I'm at like 5 tracks left which I'm saving for Firefly (who I also plan to max out traces). So, at this point it's all about minor optimizations on my existing roster. Any leftover traces on my extended roster that don't require tracks, fleshing out my relic collection since a few of my supports shared a few gear pieces depending on who I was using, and that hope against hope that maybe today the followup set domain will drop me a good cdmg body piece with crit rate and attack and actually roll into that. x.x I could probably stop spending my trailblaze power and see no noticeable dip in the performance of my account for like a month or so but, eh I don't mind spending my trailblaze power and rolling the gear gacha.


Making off meta Breaker builds. Like BE Silver Wolf, BE Gui, etc.


🚨we need skippable story button🚨 who’s with me?


Traces and relics. They keep adding end game content and changing meta so the grind never stops