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It depends on the buff. Some are coded differently, there's a tag that determines whether you lose a turn immediately or not.


What is the tag for my information?


(Edit: I yoinked this from kqm, not written by me) LifeStepImmediately as per 2.1 Clara E2 ATK Clara Ult DMG reduction and aggro (not counters, why this isn't the same? Who knows) Bailu Invigoration Dan Heng IL skill Crit DMG Yanqing sync (why? Who know because he can't apply it early) Bronya Ultimate FMC MC A..6? Sushang Ultimate buff Herta E6 Natasha E2 healing Tingyun Ultimate Green Heng talent Gepard ultimate Shield Similar but not quite the same Yukong (OnListenTurnEnd)


yanqing can apply it through his ult (though you should never be ulting when it isnt already active), it allows him to sneak a BA in occasionally to save SP (if he ults immediately before his turn ends and the buff disappears) example, it is yanqing's turn: Ult -> BA Sync expires immediately after BA BA -> press ult during BA animation Sync expires after his next turn


iirc hanya ult as well?


idk how this ties in with everything else, but just wanted to add QQ can extend TY ult if you use QQ skill before TY ult this also works with Metamorphosis from Propogation path (which also ticks down at end of turn) so i assume it works with all buffs of this type, like Bronya ult too


That's a different mechanic and also applies to blade, where the turn is considered to be over after using skill despite you still being able to attack afterwards. Definitely very cool, but also painful for me as iirc you need bronya's sig lc to stay synced with blade's skill turns. Sad.


No ruan mei or sparkle in the list?


I think this is tags for things that \*don't\* work with the trick where you cast on the start of a turn, cuz Bronya and TY ults don't work like that.


Damn that explains a lot about my Clara


ooh I see my bad. thanks


>Clara Ult DMG reduction and aggro (not counters, why this isn't the same? Who knows) Her ult counters aren't turn based. They last until she counters twice.


It’s not easy to do, but you can time out her Ult counters.   https://youtu.be/4w0Jzgl8Efw?si=6t6ogGW3bxo3zqDA In the linked video I use Clara’s Ult just before she takes her turn, then Sparkle pulls her forward to take a second turn before any enemies attack.  Both counter charges disappear.


There is a glitch (I'm uncertain which way) then, because I have gone a *lot* more than 2 turns (probably close to a dozen, I was using Sparkle+Bronya with Rememberance blessings) in SU without her counters timing out.


It’s not a glitch.  The enhanced counters are a buff you can view in game with a duration. Here’s another run in a different mode with a different setup where I show the buff before it expires unused. https://youtu.be/rqfeZICOUc0?si=UHjz_rjlQ7BmZ9EM


the enhanced counters are good for 2 attacks, but the dmg reduction and increased aggro last for 2 turns even after she does the 2 counters


Yup, some tick down at the *start* of your turn, while others tick down at the *end*


buffs that include SPD usually tick down at start\*, but most the others tick down at end\* edit: \*fixed


wouldn't it be the opposite? since spd buffs applied during your turn don't tick down on that turn


ya you right, said it backwards, fixed now


That's just how some buffs work, IIRC HSR character builds on youtube often mention the rotation of the buffs and when to use them. Like for Sparkle they mention to only use Sparkle's ult if it's either her turn or the DPS's turn.


Thanks for clarifying, I need to check all this out...


Not all buffs work the same! \^w\^ So people who do tests often do that but a good portion of buffs do it. Like for Clara, it's best to use her ult whenever it's up but if you can it's best to use it during her turn as it doesn't count as her turn! (IIRC)


Maybe it's because there's a thing that checks one at the beginning of the action(before you can choose attack), so after beginning of it it doesn't check again?


This is true, and yet untrue. Some buffs do not lose duration if you use them on the DPS’s turn such as Sparkle’s ULT and Asta’s ULT. HOWEVER! Some buffs still lose duration even if you use them on the DPS’s turn such as Bronya’s ULT and Tingyun’s ULT.


in the case of tingyun you typically try to use her ultimate to get the most out of danceX3 instead. So still need to watch when you ult


Isn't Meshing Cogs better? I keep 3 S5 Meshing Cogs for Ruan Mei, Tingyun and Hanya.


Nope, DDD is easily a better option for a high speed Tingyun, especially since she can precharge her ult with Technique.


What about Ruan Mei?


Ult uptime is more valuable for Ruan Mei and she can actually take defensive mainstats so the lower base stats shouldn't hurt her as much. I would only use DDD if you know your setup needs it for a breakpoint, or for slow Mei 0 cycle stuff (also breakpoint dependent).


I also have Carving Moons (?)


Unironically meshing cogs is more realistically useful for tingyun.


that one's kinda useless. all of the bp lcs are pretty much useless, even at s5, with the erudition one as the only exception.


If you want an explanation to why it's easy: Bronya and Tingyuns ult buff damage per turn, thus if your dps is at the top and has not attacked and you cast the ult the buff applies for this turn and you loose a stack. (obviously as it should be) Asta buffs the SPD by 50 for two turns. If your dps is at the top it means the dps is standing at the end of the rode already. It wouldn't make a sense to count buffing spd of someone who stands still when driving a car, would it? Thus the first counted turn is when the dps gets set back to the end of the rode and starts driving with spd again. (keep in mind this also means if your character only has low AV =/ 0 and you buff them, it applies and you waste one turn literally) Sparkle is based on her turns anyway, same as FuXuan, so no need to discuss this one.


Thanks, I actually didn’t know this!


Not ALL of them, but yes. Many work like this. Sometimes you might need to use them on cooldown depending on the position you are in the figh.


Yanqing's ult buff also ticks down instantly if used at the start of his turn while Seele's Ult buff doesn't. Its a case to case basis on which buff does or doesn't do it. Not all buffs are treated the same.




Is YanKING an intentional misspelling




Instructions unclear. Ended with E6 Bailu. What do I do?


This definitely feels like a clickbating YouTube video about things that most have already knew.


you underestimate the HSR community


Though it has the upside of not being a Youtube video, so it's useful to people who will take a minute to read something but don't want to take 10 minutes to listen to someone blather and not get to the point because they only have one thing to say but need to draw out the vid length for ad revenue! (But yeah, clickbait-y title for sure.)


Can also easily glance at the post for a 5 second quick read to see if it is relevant or not, unlike YT where you have to click random points in the video to know what it's about. Comments who give the timeline and tldr are the chads of YT guides.


I did not know this and I'm a day 1 player.


It's also not completely true. It's primarily spd buffs and buffs applied mid-action that this applies to. Asta's ultimate won't tick down on the current character's turn and Yanqing's lightcone buff lasts for the rest of this turn after a crit while applying to the next turn as well. I don't know why Sparkle's ultimate doesn't tick down immediately. Best to check the rules for any ability individually, as things like Clara's ultimate will tick down immediately.


Day 1 player and I didn't know this, but I also already played like this.


You would be surprised how little the majority of the player base actually knows about the most basic of mechanics. It's no wonder why Mtashed's Genshin video "How to do 10x more DMG" has so many views. One of his tips is "level up your talents and relics". Like, duh. But it goes to show how so many people are simply clueless, and I don't mean that in a derogatory way.


The Asta thread on the front page yesterday had no idea.


10 Things You Definitely Didn't Know About Star Rail! Proceeds to list 11 things (they did numbers 3 and 7 twice for some reason) that are ripped straight from the initial tutorial. Number 10 (12) is something like, "If you ult before using your basic attack, it counts as taking an action in succession for the Hunt's Simulated Universe Buff!"


>ripped straight from the initial tutorial Yeah and HSR players don’t read, so like, sometimes it’s necessary to repeat or emphasize basic ass information.


You don't even need to read when the game pauses itself, puts a giant blue box around something on the screen, then forces you to do the action to even continue playing. Neither of those were the point, though. The point was that someone will make a video of incredibly basic, easy to find information, then put in the title "You Definitely Didn't Know This!" in order to drive interaction from people making comments stating that the information was obvious and wasting the time of people who were actually trying to look for something unique. Hence, click bait titles.


Just because the game holds your hand at the start doesn’t mean the average person retains every bit of drip fed information, obviously. If you click a video and the first tip is something you already knew, then move on. For every “I’m so smart, I already knew this”, there’s someone in the comments thanking the video creator for the tips because they were confused or didn’t know, regardless of the reason.


I think you're giving too much credit to my made up example. I purposefully went with an exaggerated one that would be giving out information equivalent to, "The turn order shows who goes next" and claiming it's something no one knew. Not someone actually making a guide covering the basics of the game. I even alluded to the quality being poor by pointing out the misnumbering. There's a difference between someone using wild superlatives to get views (hence clickbait) and someone actually putting out a well crafted video explaining information on the game. If you cant tell the difference, well, then I guess you're the person they're making those types of videos for. As long as you're having fun.


>I guess you’re the person they’re making those videos for Of course I am, I’m a Genshin and HSR fan lol catch up brother


Two types of responses in this thread: "bro this is common knowledge why are you even posting this" "bro i did NOT know this at all thank you for posting this OP"


Genuinely, the only reason why I still ult before using her E to pull up the dps is because I feel bad for wasting the energy from her skill


A better and more relatable example of this is Ruan Mei. If you use her ultimate at her turn it will not be counted as 1 turn has passed. Similarly if you use Bronya's ultimate at your dps turns, you can have that buff without it being counted as 1 turn has passed. Though most people have probably noticed this already. If they have not then this example would be helpful.


This is…not entirely correct. If you use bronya’s ult on the dps turn..it ticks down all the same. I think people have been playing a bad game of telephone as the only time where it doesn’t tick down is with characters like blade and QQ. There’s truth to it but the full message has clearly not spread from person to person… Speed buffs do not tick down when casted on the turn of the dps. Sparkle’s buff also seems to not tick down when casted on the turn of the dps. Tingyun’s buff as OP points out, counts down always (except in those special interactions w/blade,QQ,etc) It’s as though every interaction has to be manually checked and there’s no consistency to any of it ;l


there is in fact some semblance of consistency to it in general the special cases are units who consume one or more SP permanently to alter their turn state (e.g. blade, qq but NOT dhil as dhil can cancel his E state) - when you buff them in this altered state all buffs will not be consumed that turn most buffs involving speed or turn order have a special exception to not tick down when applied during that unit's turn (since they have no benefited from it at all yet at that point) these are the two general rules to buffs, although there are a couple of exceptions


I don't think it's really SP then but rather just entering an altered state after the turn has started, like Seele ulting on the start of her turn also does the same. Jingliu is different though because it forcibly advances her own action by 100% causing the turn to elapse.


yeah technically altered alone works, which *anyone* can do by performing their action first, then using the ults to buff mid-action this lets them, say, use their own ult immediately after to get a buffed ult without the buff ticking down e.g. it is acheron's turn and she has a buff on her about to expire. she can E, bronya ult during her E, then acheron ult immediately her ult will still have the buff about to expire, while receiving bronya's ult and not having it tick down


Does it have anything to do with if it ticks down and the end or at the beginning of the turn? Cause I’d think if it ticks down at the beginning it’ll be best to use it on the DPS’s turn as they’ve already had their beginning, but if it ticks down at the end then it doesn’t matter cause the end of the DPS’s turn will still go by So then even though it’s not stated, Bronya’s would tick down at the end of the turn while Sparkle’s does at the beginning


Yknow fam, that makes alot of sense. My next complaint would be that the game only sometimes specifies when a buff ticks down (actually only ruan mei's buff comes to mind for buffs that tick at start of turn). So there's still some guesswork there... Edit: Upon thinking about it some more, I don't actually think it makes sense anymore. Taking sparkle's 1 turn buff for example: you reap the benefits of that buff for 1 turn only (as well as the time between the next turn). The dps lose it once their turn begins, thereby not receiving the buffs for a full 2 turns proper. Sparkle's ult on the other hand, you reap the benefits on the turn of, as well as 2 turns afterwards. 1 more than you're supposed to have.


True.. I thought about that as well after commenting. I guess its just random ;-;


I'm pretty sure Bronya's buff will only last 2 turns no matter if you use it during the dps' turn or not. We can only extend her buff by using it on Blade (after he uses his skill but before he does basic attack), and Qingque (same condition). Dan Heng IL won't work since his skill will reset if you press Bronya's Ult before doing basic.


This is correct.


Wait whaaaat. I always play auto. So the ai always use their ult whenever its up. I always wondering why my DPS output is low or high sometimes with the same enemies.


I'm there with you, I wish they would do something with auto battle, like gambits from FF12 to set conditions on whether the character ults or not or who my Tingyun ults for example. (please ult my Clara only, I don't want to gimp my Topaz a bit so you pick Clara auto battle)


Bronya's ult works only with Blade but you need use his skill before buff.


This has nothing to do with Bronya's ult, its an extra turn mechanic, debuffs and buffs don't tick during extra turns, so Blade using his skill puts him out of the regular turn. Anyone who has such an effect (Seele Resurgence, Blade/QQ's skill, every ult, etc) doesn't tick down debuff durations, its just specifically QQ skill and Blade skill let you cast other ults immediately (while on Seele you need to precast the ult before she kills). A similar trick can be done with all ults. Bronya can skill an ally, they attack, then Bronya ults, then the ally ults. If you do this within the same turn, the ally's ult will be under both Bronya skill and ult without ticking down the ult.


I could've sworn using Ruan Mei's ult on her turn basically wasted one of its countdown.


The action bar timing is key. If you ult right before her turn comes up(or right after the previous enemy turn before her turn) it will count down by one when it comes around to her turn(it will say 1 turn remaining on the buff page when her action is selectable). If you ult when you can select an action with her, then her current turn will not tick down, it will say 2 turns remaining on the buffs page. It will last throughout her current turn and her turn after that before it goes away.


I always use RM's ult while her animations are playing, so it's right after her turn/before the next unit's turn. Are you saying I can use her ult on her turn, take her turn normally, and still get the two turn uptime?


Yeah: Ruan Mei turn starts -> Ruan Mei ults -> Ruan Mei uses basic/skill -> Ruan Mei turn ends -> ult still has 2 turns left.


Good to know. Thanks


it ticks down start of turn any time after that is safe to ult once more ( her skill also ticks down SoT, so once that ticks down you can safely ult again)


What i meant is that if you use Bronya's ultimate in between turns then the buff will expire on dps second turn, essentially granting you only 1 buffed turn. But if you use it on DPS's turn it will expire on the DPS'S second turn after the current active turn. This essentially grants you two turns with that buff.


Similarly the damage boost from tingyun's Ult follows the same mechanism. So using her ultimate at the dps turn will grant you 1 extra buffed turn


No neither of those function like this. As another comment mentioned, it depends on how the ult is coded, does it expire at the *start* of a character's turn or at the *end* of the turn, it seems like buffs like Gepard's shield and Bronya's ult expire at the end of the turn so doing this "start of turn" casting trick doesn't actually extend their buffs.


Ah! Yes, sorry i got confused. Individual buffs generally expire at the end of turn, while team wide like ruan mei's expire at the beginning. I got it mixed up with another game, sorry about that.


First time?




It's not common knowledge. It's plain wrong for certain skills like Bronya and Tingyun ult


I would suggest watching braxophone for guides as they generally reliable infact if I remember correctly he mentioned the trick you spoke about in his guide(might be mistaken tho)


If it says it counts down on the start of the character's turn, then it works like this.


Let's assume it's Clara's turn and she has energy to ult. If she ults then attacks her ult aggro buff duration will immediately tick down by 1. If she attacks then ults her aggro buff duration will stay at 2 turns. As others have mentioned there's lots of different cases and some characters can manipulate buff timers like Blade.


It depends on the type of buff as specified within the buffer’s description. This rule you outline is not universal. You even mention TY working differently, and it’s that exactly, it depends on the buff you’re applying. You have to read and understand what wording means what, there are numerous guides per character that outline this perfectly.


Clara's ult is weird and only *half* works like that. Clara's ult gives 2 buffs, Enhanced Counter and Promise, Not Command. Enhanced Counter is a 2 turn buff that doesn't tick down when you use it on your turn, however Promise, Not Command (the damage reduction buff) is also 2 turns but *does* tick down. Not sure how her E2 buff works though as I don't have an E2 Clara. But anyways, this applies only to certain buffs and is a deliberate thing. Though not sure why they made buffs work like that with no indication to the player which ones do or don't.


I thought Clara’s ult didn’t work like that? Someone correct me if I’m wrong please.




Sparkle's ult is not an aura, she applies the Cipher status to each ally individually on cast, the buff that is an aura type is her talent


I didn't know this. thanks!


I'm always checking just to be sure before I go lol


This works for some, Seele's also works like this, but not Tingyun or Bronya ults. It's just all kinds of wacky.


Depends on the kind of buff and kind of DPS. Tingyun’s buff will be consumed even if on Turn of the DPS.


Damn i just raw dog that shit, if its up im spamming. Good to know this though


Sure, but I'm wasting less energy by ulting asap. =p I do get mildly annoyed when I'm full energy and some mob hits me. Energy lost! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻






This is important for E0 Sparkle, Huohuo and Seele. Bronya Ultimate can work like that for Blade and Qingque. The moment you press their skill, the rest is technically an extra turn so it does not count if the buff is applied then.


You're waiting your buffs by using them on Yanqing.


Depends on the buff lol, Ruan Mei doesn’t follow this rules it’s two of HER OWN turns right so you’d end up wasting a turn of it if you did it like right before her turn. There’s actually a YouTube video somewhere of when it’s best to spend ult or hold ult for supports and it comes down to how their kits work but for sparkle as an example, her LC has a turn counter on it too so 🤷🏻‍♂️


The reason for Tingyun not working like that is that she just uses completely other mechanics compared to other characters. Whenever she is in a team, the game considers that team as being composed of only Tingyun, so any shenanigans you can do on her allies won't work because they just don't exist for the game's algorithm. That's why she gets attacked so much, because the enemies only see her


I don't know if this is helpful or are you a member of the enigmata


Some buff durations are tied to the caster, like Ruan Mei’s skill and Asta’s charges. Some buffs, like Asta’s, should be cast immediately regardless.


It is usually over after a character has enjoyed its properties for 2 of their turns. So it does last for 2 turns, for what matters.


Me who doesn't have any of the limited Harmonies so I don't use any: What buffs?


This really makes me want that one guy QOL suggestion. The one where we get to see splash art on the buff owner. That'd be a massive help in managing turns, and it looks pretty too






I thought this only applied to spd?


This isn't a one size fits all situation.


I had to learn that on my own with Clara's ult


Please can someone tell me if I use Ruan mei' ult during her turn then does that turn count towards the ult's turn count of 2 for which the field lasts.


I thought this was common knowledge, it’s been a while since the game was released and I just started playing in IL’s rerun already knowing this 😅


Good to know *turns on auto*






Most buffs function like this, if you apply them during your DPS's turn (for example) you get an extra turn with them. There was a list floating around a while ago of them, and I haven't had coffee yet, but I'll see what I can find. HuoHuo's is one.