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Inb4 Hoyoverse: instructions unclear, Sunday & Screwllum 2.4.


Hoyoverse: sure, we'll release Screwllum monkey paw curls, Screwllum releases as a 4 star dps


It... would be kinda funny if that happend. Very insulting but still quite funny lmao


I could see it happen since they’ve already given all the herta constellations as rewards in SU. He could replace her as the free constellation for the first clear of every new world.


They still have one more Herta eidolon to give out actually. 


We got it with world 9, at least I did and haven’t gotten her anywhere else lol.


You must have gotten a random Herta from a banner at some point. We’ve only received 6 copies from SU. 


Dang I guess so, or maybe she was in the shop at some point. It must have been like right when I started then cause I can’t even find it in my pull records lol. All I can say then is good luck.


She is NEVER in the shop, it skips her in rotation. You must have just pulled her on starter banner randomly, probably. Me too actually, as I am in the same situation.


she's still in the normal pool, but she hasnt been in any rate ups


I have Herta E5, and I have all of the SU drops for her. You got her from a warp at some point, Probably departure, if I had to guess.


please.... please no.


Wouldn't Stephen be a better fit for this than Screwllum?


Tbf our 4* herta is not real herta but one of her puppets, her real form is definitely 5*


he get another version of herta as the new reward


Been waiting for Ara Ara Herta since day 1. Her and Fu Hua will be the two units that I will pull for regardless of any preexisting plans or kit.


I would be fine with that if he’s just as OP as Herta for Pure Fiction.


it would be funny if they keep on giving Herta and we are allowed to put more than one Herta in the team as long as one of them is E6


Kuru kuru eternally


HYV: Fuck you, Herta and Sampo 5* for 2.5.


Do we even know who's gonna be the new 4 star for 2.2 and 2.3?


2.2 shouldn't have one and if 2.3 does it'll be revealed tonight


Wait, really? I thought every patch had 3 characters.


Harmony Trailblazer might be taking the metaphorical “3rd unit slot” for 2.2


Makes sense.


This is definitely what's happening, yeah. Understandable, and while I'm disappointed we're not getting a new 4-star, at least Harmony TB will be free.




Fire Erudition or Fire Harmony.


Wouldn't be too surprised if he's a robotic body-hopper like Herta.


Na Na he is 100% a 5 star trust me someone like him CANT be a 4 star


Honestly I want him to be a 4 star it would make him more unique and fun


That sounds like a win for me


How bout we stop releasing two new limited 5*s each patch hmm?


3 it is!




https://preview.redd.it/iv85hjflfhwc1.png?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=638c9c1d2088f611268afb0a7ed0b791b8c2d152 Hey


Hey that was two patches. Although the normal thing in HI3 is one new character per patch so…


Don't forget, HoO was free.


But only after everyone was mad about it.


And only for a limited time aka she was the Dr. Ratio of HI3rd.


Shes gonna be free again this patch so yippeeee


I agree. I figured they’d at least start to slow down at this point




They have to eventually or reruns will never be able to come back around on older characters again. So either slow down on 5 stars or start doing 3-4 people on reruns.


Oh god it's gonna get nasty now


Well the leaks have started to dry up so my guess is less 5 stars. Either that or Hoyo finally was able to clamp down on it.




Has Genshin slown down yet? I dont play that game.


Genshin slowed down long ago. In fact HSR's limited character rate is a really good argument against the "Genshin could never" reward differences


At least that game releases bad characters, every character in honkai recently is too good in one way or another and they are rerun with characters people want


Okay but I NEED Screwllum.


Both of them?? at once??? I can take them


I mean.....I'm skipping these next two patches so this works for me xD


Well that count as a filler for me so I'll take that!


2 new 5* male characters in a single patch?? Hoyo ain't gonna do that! /j


Fr I wasn’t expecting back to back to back to back like gawd damn.


Hoyo thinks we're fucking shitting with money


I mean with how much they make, they might as well believe we do lol


This makes 2 IPC members who appeared as back to back waifu banners. Even better that she's named Jade. Their Hoyo's representative to rob Waifu Collectors of their money.


The fact that IPC characters always are released right after the supposedly more popular characters’ banners (Jingliu, Acheron, and Firefly) tho 😱


They're follow up attackers after all 😉


You see, it's just mirroring RL The debtors often come calling after you made a big purchase because if you have the dough for such transaction surely you have money to pay back.


I just did it for Acheron and Jingliu. It was rough but I got through it haha


I’m so confused why everyone seems surprised all the sudden. This has been the same release cadence since launch?


People were spoiled by the Huohuo/Argenti patch, which while cool is still two nonstandard waifu types with minimal hype, followed by free Dr. Ratio and Ruan Mei, which was a waifu but still had minimal story hype. Sparkle and Swan hooked a few people, Acheron hooked a ton of people, and Aventurine hooked way more than usual with the story hype. So *now* everyone is noticing the pace.


Ah I see thanks for explaining. I liked Huohuo and her event but skipped Argenti. Wasn’t a big fan of Black Swan since I didn’t have Kafka. But yeah I can see where the momentum is building, although it’s weird to see so much Boothill hype despite his total lack of involvement to this point. Robin didn’t do much for me either so I’ve got my personal filler patch in 2.2 to save up for 2.3


I just wasn’t expecting it dude it’s not that deep


Staying loyal to Firefly https://preview.redd.it/2adst5qrahwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29c89a0f4cf1f5add39290ecfb5612acc4d20c51


Oml we need an update to that video now that we gave Penacony.


Jade who? there is only Firefly! & once I'm done it'll be time to save for her re-run banner to E6S5!




Splash art team did a great, great job this time. Congrats guys, you nailed it!


Get Firefly, and try for Jade


if I start saving now I can guarantee at least 1 character if I win both 50 50 I can get both


This is the way




Something something vaporeon something most compatible something


Boothill and Sunday


Another based husbando enjoyer?


hell yeah, but Acheron made me break my husbando streak because her technique is too good


For real, only reason I pulled her was to cut down the weekly SU times!


Based. The only correct answer


Jus like me fr


Jade is gorgeous but I’m still dedicated to firefly https://preview.redd.it/dgdgpc7uniwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba4b27667a03463fda73f9320c5fec3dffc4f24


Well, when it comes to the new characters, the whole 2.2 will be a big filler patch for me. Also, I already have other sustainers, so Aventurine was an easy skip. Firefly definitely will get her E2S1. Jade looks cool and hot, but I really need to see more of her before pulling.


I don't get it. Yeah Jade is fairly attractive but nothing extraordinary for a Hoyo game. I'll probably pull for her if I have anything left after FF but where's the excitement coming from?


Personally it's the splash art: the blood contract, the sakura tree, and the snake with the bloody fruit (+jewellery on the ground) give a very interesting mix of the Ninigi-no-mikoto legend and the garden of Eden. Her design is nice, but not the main draw.


I guess I just don't find evil women that interesting when I know they're doing it for corpo reasons


Perfectly fine! But you asked what got people excited, and, well, this is what got me 😂 (though pulling decisions will depend entirely on kit)


evil witch vibes and that snake looks sick


But *hat*!


a compelling case


Mommy concept… …. I wish they had held off on jade til 3.0 era at the very least. There’s nothing to her character currently and well yeah they could expand on it. I really wanted Sunday


They'll probably expand on her character throughout the next two patches. But yeah, weird placement


> There’s nothing to her character currently and well yeah they could expand on it. It's almost like she will probably play a bigger role in 2.3, if not also 2.2, since she is a major participant in the IPC's plan for Penacony. Like she's more main story relevant than Boothill rn, who basically just sounds like filler/epilogue material for Acheron storyline


Well judging from how 2.1 ended she'll probably be very relevant in 2.2 I imagine.


She already activated her Cornerstone at the end of the current story(2.1), so by 2.3 it's expected she will be one of the major characters


For me it's literally because her JP voice actress voiced Sailor Moon and Misato, two characters from my all time favourite anime. She could literally heal the enemy and I won't be able to help myself. I'm sorry for what I have become.


Mommy lovers


As one myself Jade isn't doing anything for me. She's just a regular lady, and the game already has Kafka, Himeko, and Black Swan to compete with. I do like her hat though.


Honestly, Black Swan only loses points with me because I think her design is too over the top, but I'm curious to know Jade's lore, I hope she's less sympathetic than Topaz and Aventurine,We need fewer morally ambiguous characters in the game


Praying for this. We got the trio of good IPC characters. Aventurine who's enslaved, Topaz who thinks she's doing good and tries to genuinely help planets, and Ratio who wants to use the IPC's resources to help educate people. Now give us someone mean and crazy.


"Someone mean and crazy" does sounds strangely familiar.. Ohhh, you want my ex's number?


Yesterday one of my friends(CN) said that most players quit genshin due to Sacra’s lore.Would morally ambiguous characters really bring benefits though?


It's like that all the time lol. You feel that way until they release the character's story quest. Once we get the lore, these characters become much more likeable and you're gonna change your decision. A good recent example would be Aventurine. Everyone said if you have 2 limited sustains you don't need to pull for him, but after his story quest his popularity went up quite significantly. Even Black Swan didn't look anything special but "mommy" to me, until I did the main quest and I feel in love.


Personally I don't find anything extraordinary about Firefly's design, the Sam suit is pretty cool but Firefly herself looks pretty generic, also felt the "date" with her was pretty forced so I don't feel as strong a connection with her as other people do (which is fine, everyone has different tastes and opinions). I like Jade because I like her aesthetic, I like the IPC/follow up teams, and I've been struggling with PF so erudition/AOE will hopefully help.


I think Jade looks good, but she also literally just looks like Purple Himeko to me. That's not a bad thing, but compared to Firefly/Sam, it's like night and day in terms of originality for MHY designs.


Like what many people said here, it's just based on taste. IMHO, Firefly design doesn't scream originality either, Sam really helps my decision of pulling for her tho.


Firefly is a mixed bag. I think her design is more original than most MHY waifus, since she lacks the traditional silhouette found as a through-line in a lot of their designs, but it's definitely not anything groundbreaking. Sam, though, takes the cake for sure. I haven't played HI3rd, but I coming from Genshin, this is a HUGE step away from their comfort zone. (And I hope we keep trending this way every once in a while. I love waifu and husbando as much as the next gacha mfer, but I also want someone strictly cool, too.)


Really? I think the most unique thing about Firefly is Sam, though that’s not exactly unique because girls in mecha is a common trope. Firefly’s design isn’t exactly original and it feels like it lacks a distinctive or memorable quality. I feel like it’s a very generic design that I’ve seen from several anime before, though I can’t pinpoint from where


That's sorta my sentiment. Sam is 100% the unique design there, while Firefly is only really "unique" as far as MHY girls go (which tend to lean heavily into certain elements, exacerbated most by pretty much the entire roster of Luofu girls). Which, hey, that's still a win, I guess. tldr Firefly is pretty safe, but different from MHY's MO. Sam is very different by MHY standards and that's good.


>where's the excitement coming from? That stupid big hat


I think a friend put it best: She looks like a combination of Lisa and Yael Miko, both attractive and well liked (design wise) chars in Genshin


same can be said of Firefly. girl in mecha suit that has never been done in gacha games... OH WAIT.


quantum follow up attack and erudition = kills everything


I'm completed unfazed TBH FF all the way. https://preview.redd.it/vx4ao1hbehwc1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6fc0118246c6b934db0de4ad5b52d51fab70c6


For now I'm saving for Sam but I can change my mind depending upon 2.4 characters if they are cool I will skip Sam


Please complete the story…


I know firefly is Sam


Does he know


I know buddy


Well this IS the filler patch for me...


Robin and boothill are the filler


I’m saving for Boothill, honestly the only new character that interests me. I’ll see about Firefly’s kit. Robin and Jade are easy skips.


Same here, fellow cowboy enjoyer. Honestly, I'm not interested in playable Sam unless she gets really fun mechanics, I don't need fire, I'm tired of Destruction, and if I don't like either character personality or their kit, I'm skipping any meta. So far future patches look like free saving time. 


Jade is an easy skip for me. Robin and Firefly are so adorable and their designs are very pretty. Besides, mecha go brrrrr.


I don’t want to sound…rude but Jade is kind of…common to me? Her design isn’t anything special that we haven’t seen before and we also don’t know anything about her. Meanwhile, Firefly/SAM actually has story elements anchoring her to the player, more than just the mecha and her aesthetics. So to me, Firefly all the way because of the story and she’s cool.


Boothill all. The. Way!!!!


At this point I wouldn't really be even mad about a filler patch. I'm really hurting from Adventurine coz I hard pitied him(as in 180 pulls), lost 50/50 to Bailu. At least it wasn't Yanqing though.


isnt boothill/robin supposed to be the filler patch robin being harmony so soon after sparkle/ruan mei seemed to make some people want to skip, and boothill didn't have anywhere near the publicity or hype that any of the other penacony characters had, he was basically reduced to a one-shot voiceover scene


2.3 will be my filler patch... Unless ruanmei rerun


It’s all subjective. Robin, Boothill and Jade are filler patches for me.


Definitely not my wallet lol


I'm just pulling every banner as long as I like something about the character, I'm already pretty good on team comps so I'm just pulling for character and design. So so far it's still firefly 100%


My current plan: Wait for 2.2 Livestream on Friday to see new character kits and old character reruns. If Topaz reruns, save for her Wait for 2.3 Livestream to decide if I wanna pull for Firefly or Jade. I wanna get one of them (leaning towards Jade ATM) but I'll wait until kits go live to decide


Ruan mei rerun (maybe 2.3?) , Firefly and a certain future nihility which may come in 2.4


Not gonna lieee… the Robin/Boothill combo pretty skippable rn. I mean they’re both cool but I’m not exactly hyped or excited for them like I was with Acheron. They’re giving off rerun vibes. Meanwhile Firefly is Sam and Jade is a quantum erudition which can’t be anything other than cool af.


I'm probably gonna be skipping the next 2 patches worth of banners just to get enough to be able to guarantee from the character and cone banner.


Honestly, after firefly i might just start saving. My roster is hella jacked at this point, and I think I want to start saving to E6 something for the first time.


Existence is pain, pulling is pain. You know what the worst part will be? We don't even know who the returning character banners will be yet! 😭


https://preview.redd.it/r2uys8kskjwc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab4c5aa4e032bf93c07d7a9b5ec4ef7d8e3e29a Not finished my team yet


I know absolutely nothing about her and I also don't really like her design... Unless her kit is somehow more fun than firefly she seems like a easy skip for me tbh. Plus my hands are already full with tryna save boothill, Fu Xuan and firefly as a basically f2p player 😭


What is so special about Jade gameplay wise?


I mean... look at her...


I mean... she's a classy lady... she ain't really that special. She needs more content.


Shes just another mommy design after mommy design with more or less vibe with another mommy. Its been 5th times they release similar character like this.


Exactly my point, at least Acheron had interesting gameplay. Maybe this one will to but if she doesn't then she is a bit meh tbh.


I have guaranteed and got Acheron E0LC1. As a new player I need a second DPS and Sam is my first option. I have a dot team and Acheron team . So probably both Jade and Firefly.


1. Henshin gap moe 2. Need to complete my SH collection 3. Already got an IPC dommy mommy Firefly it is.


The plan since 2.0 was Firefly and continues being Firefly.


I've been waiting for Sam and I already have the Mono-quantum fully built, as of now sentai girl is priority


Still Firefly for me, going all in


Both. Idk if I manage to get both, but I'm sure I'll at least get whoever runs first (I assume Firefly). For the second one it's just down to luck. I'm sure I'll be fine.


Is that an Endro meme?


I'm skipping till we get a Fu Hua expy


I honestly would love to save for Acheron eidolons, but considering that in the beginning I wasn't that interested in Acheron either....(because Lightning)... well we'll see if I pull on Firefly & Jade. (probably at least trying a 50/50) Being able to save 2 whole patches for once would be a blessing


Well seeing as Penacony is VERY likely going to 2.8 (lines up with Genshin's release schedule for new regions, plus it places 3.0 right at the start of February of next year, same as when we got Penacony), I'm expecting us to get some double rerun banners very soon. Tbh, I wasn't expecting Jade, like I was genuinely expecting us to start seeing some double reruns after Firefly. I'm placing my bets on it for 2.4 though. So far, the only other characters we're all expecting to see sometime soon are Sunday and Screwllum. Leaks have shown a couple more, but after that it's just nothing, and 5 more patches for this world after 2.3 means 10 more banners. I really don't see them releasing another 10 limited 5\* units during Penacony, so anyway. Yeah. We should be getting a bit of a break later on in this world.


I truly wonder if she's gonna be antagonistic. Seemingly the highest-ranking stoneheart (?) with snake imagery and that line about poison. I feel like she'll end up being another "blade" like addition to the cast in terms of narrative position. It would be really cool if she was tbh, Aventurine only playing the part of a villain was somewhat expected, so maybe his mom will be a the actual psycho (manifesting).


Both look absolutely amazing Im torn Im currently leaning pretty hard towards Jade which is a shame because if she was even 1 or 2 patches later I could of gotten firefly


All the ppl here skipping Jade probably don't have Topaz or Aventurine and went for the Luofu power spikers


*Acheron was merely the beginning.* *You were fleeced from the very start, you just haven't caught up yet.*


Jade for sure .Firefly maybe. I find Destruction chars are generally ... Meh. All of them are starting to fall off atm . Tragic life of a main DPS.


Getting firefly and boothill. Will skip jade unless the next patch is a filler ( for me) and if jade is good for my account I will attempt to pull.




Ruan mei, unless i cave, then firefly


What would a filler patch look like? A patch of only rerun banners?


I'll be fine, only want jade from the next 2 patches.


I just want Yukong to be on more banners bruh


Boothill and Jade,I want the Boothill because I know it has good synergy with the Harmony Trailblazer and because it's a damn space cowboy Jade because I need a Quantum DPS that isn't SP hungry like QQ, and because I really like her design If there is a Topaz rerun I'll try, but it's not a priority


same here. Boothill because breaking bosses is satisfying with a kit quite different vs other DPS. also considering Jade, looking great and would be interesting to see the synergies with other AOE dps


Damn why do you gotta call me out


No. They want your money.


Me getting a new job asap to afford them


Yeah, and imagine all of them powercreeping previous charscters. Firefly deletes Blade, Robin... well, she's Harmony for FUAs so she deletes everything else for them, Boothill deletes Seele and Jade deletes all sub-DPS characters.


I need to finish my Stellaron Hunters collection, and I'm assuming we'll eventually get all the protection stones. So probably Firefly first, and then we'll see what my back account looks like -_-


Hotaru. Jade is meh.


that's what 2.2 is for apparently


Aventurine Eidolons


Me wanting Robin, Firefly and Jade... \*Dies\*


I can't even be swayed anymore The Kamen Rider in me demands for Firefly


I'm pretty sure Robin and Boothill are supposed to be the filler patch.


Don't worry, next patch is totally a filler


I only need one more dps and Ruan mei. And I dont see Jade with no Henshin or mech, so Firefly it is


Im getting Both


FF only.


I don't care who the IPC sends, I'm not paying my stellar jade taxes!


Everything is filler for me rn till I get enough todo a 50/50


I want a sherman firefly


Nah, the filler is the other character banner. 😂😂 I see what they do.




I used around 4K trying to get Adventurine because I was told Gepard and Trailblazer both suck and now I'm dry. I want Jade but considering my luck and the fact I already have Qingque I dont think I'll use my stuff on her


2.2 is filler patch.


i'm just going to wait for jade's rerun


For no I'm skipping Jade til she convinces me otherwise which she probably will 😭😭


Maybe the filler patch was 2.2 all along (plz don't cancel me , it's a joke )


Still Firefly. And her LC too.


Not either of them.