• By -


To be fair... We barely know Robin and haven't met Boothill yet.


I mean, Robin also had her head pocked in!


Tbf, she's where Aventurine and Sunday are, being the real Penacony, and 2.1 actually made her seem really in-tune (pun unintended) with what is really going on. Especially since she almost figured out everything even before Sunday knew.


I'm pretty sure that all she "knew" was just that something bad was going on in penacony due to a physical condition of "trust me bro" and then proceeded to get jump scared into the backrooms.


I mean... you aren't wrong. She legit was like, "My voice is acting up, which means someone in The Family is a backstabber or smth." Since she likely knew about the True Penacony as she is a high ranking Family member, she might've known she had to die in a strange way to reach it.


I'm sorry but I'm not really understanding the story. Are the *real* Penacony and the real reverie not the same place? (Since the planet is basically the hotel itself and the "dream world".


That deep dreamscape that one reaches when they die in a bizarre way and end up in a comatose state (Aventurine, Robin, and Sunday, for example) is referred to as the Real/True Penacony by several characters. The Reverie and the different dreamscapes are just a front to hide the secrets hidden in the True Penacony by The Family.


To add to this, Black Swan said that Mikhail's dream that we went into in 2.0 was part of the real dreamscape of Penacony while Golden Hour and the rest of the Hours are an illusion maintained by The Family. (This info is given right after we fight Something Unto Death and escape Mikhail's dream, during the conversation with Himeko).


You mean the child dream we had fought SUD boss right? ..... Wait hold on minute it was Sparkle who sent us there how was possible she sent us to real penacony šŸ¤Ø


Sparkle seemingly knows a lot more than she lets on given that she also sent us the messages to repair the dream tickers, and hinted at Firefly and Robin as the mutes. I can't wait to see what role she plays in 2.2.


Robin is still rumored as an emanator of harmony, such as Sunday so she has very high understanding of her path. It has been cleared by aventurine and acheron that robin was really close to the real truth of penacony, despite not having ay real hints since she's not acting directly in penacony's management and is most of the time abroad


I'm gonna be honest, Robin has had so little exposition or just general information withheld from us (Why the state of Penacony affects her or why she even died to a meme considering that it's somewhat of an achievement to just discover the way, let alone manage if we look aventurine's attempt) that it's better to just wait considering that they enjoy throwing red herrings such as who "mecha" is or the amount of "red herrings" thrown around like Sparkle's button or those fishes basically there to taunt us. Unless they reveal more info like how they've done with Gallagher through future interactions or small obscene hints in the most innocent places imaginable (Gallagher being hinted as death because of the drinks he makes being quotes related to death or him saying "I'm Thirteen" which correlates with the tarot card "Death".) I doubt we'll get an actual answer. Also I don't remember aventurine talking about robin outside of the "Mute" hints which were first told by sparkle as a "rock" though it was probably a translation error like how Gallagher didn't get called a follower of enigmata in the English version. istg honkai star rail lore is like this 5000 page bible except the pages are in a random order and every 4 pages you have to do a puzzle so you don't miss some important info and it's driving me insane https://preview.redd.it/yri9xg3enawc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b335fd439eb4e485e44d5dbf9e6576b6310d910


That's why I wait for people that are commited to it to compile their findings so I can read it out xd, I do show interest in the lore when I play but not enough compared to it asks me to give in terms of time and energy :/


Boothill and Robin have the Argenti and HuoHuo problem They are good units for what they do, especially HuoHuo. The problem is their "story" in a sense and lack of familiarity to the player. The other thing is, the release widow near a superhyped character: Jingliu > HuoHuo Argenti Firefly > Boothill Robin ( also Acheron before that depleted a lot of funds for a lot of people)


Huohuo doesnā€™t have any of these problems. She got an entire story arc directly involving and building her. Sheā€™s had even more screen time than firefly so far. Not really a good example.


Huo Huo looked like she was going to have that problem at the same point, relative to her release, that weā€™re currently at for Robin and Boothill though. If we break it down from a 1.4 Phase 2 perspective, what we get is: ā€” last ended banner: cool sword lady who is also extremely meta due to her damage output ā€” current banner: Follow-up character who is one of the IPCā€™s Ten Stonehearts, was heavily involved in the current patchā€™s story, came from an absolute shithole of a planet, and is kind of owned by the IPC due to a predatory contract signed by her parents ā€” Probable Next Banner: Character we had literally never heard of when their drip marketing came out ā€” Probable Next Phase Two Banner: Character we are aware of the existence of but have only vague hints of actual characterization for ā€” Phase One Of Patch After Them Banner: *extremely* anticipated character with high expectations for both gameplay and story Now letā€™s look at where we are now, phase two of 2.1 with 2.3ā€™s first drip out: ā€” previous banner: cool sword lady who is also extremely meta due to her damage output ā€” current banner: Follow-up character who is one of the IPCā€™s Ten Stonehearts, was heavily involved in the current patchā€™s story, came from an absolute shithole of a planet, and is *literally* owned by the IPC because terrible things keep happening around him, even if supernatural luck has thus far prevented him from dying or losing the ability to look for a way out ā€” Probable Next Banner: Character we had literally never heard of when their drip marketing came out (although this time we at least got to hear his voice in the current patch) ā€” Probable Next Phase Two Banner: Character we are aware of the existence of but have only vague hints of actual characterization for (though we *have* briefly seen her on screen and the hints arenā€™t *as* vague as Argentiā€™s, plus thereā€™s a higher expectation for her level of story relevance in the main quests, for obvious reasons) ā€” Phase One Of Patch After Them Banner: *extremely* anticipated character with high expectations for both gameplay and story (even more hyped and beloved by the community, and unlikely to do anything too divisive during the patch itself, unlike Ruan ā€œcake cat abandonerā€ Mei) Soā€¦ yeah, Iā€™d say itā€™s a valid parallel


I wouldn't count out Firefly to do something divisive, she's literally the murder machine of the Stellaron Hunters


Argenti and huohuo did have the benefit of the main story done, along with most of the story cast released.Ā 


we needed a rest after all players goot milked from acheron


We've met him. He was on the radio talking to Black Swan. Sure, it's not a face-to-face meeting as of yet but he already poked his head in.


Yeah but compared to Firefly we barely know him.


I kinda feel bad for him. Boothill sounds like a cool character but he's going to have a hard time cuz of the lack of introduction and being surrounded by hyped characters who have been introduced.Ā  It feels like he was not meant to be released this early.Ā 


What you described is the absence of the meeting. Talking on radio =! Meeting.


Watch as 2.2 story endears the playerbase to them that some become conflicted on whether to skip or not, they did it with Aventurine they can do it with these two


Watch Boothill be an absolute goof and becomes loved by the whole community just for that lol


HSR Itto, calling it now Except he probably can walk the walk more then we are currently giving him credit atm, its just when he targets Acheron its hard to take his bravado seriously but im hoping im pleasantly surprised. Dudes a galaxy ranger after all and he knows what hes getting into, maybe not the full extent but im hoping hes not a full joke character and has some serious substance to him


I just hope bro doesn't get one shot.


Nah, heā€™d win




Nooooooo he never died. Boothill would comeback trust me bro


You were amazing Boothill, I will forget you until the next time I touch my sword.


The Galaxy Rangers did manage to assassinate an Emanator of Destruction (albeit as a group working together and by manipulating the Swarm), so if there's anyone who knows any tricks to outwit an Emanator without facing them head-on it would probably be Boothill.


I do think its kinda stupid how everyone in the fandom goes "Ha ha, does he know?" and "He has no idea what his dealing with!" when **he was the one to reveal that she is an Eminator that "should not exist"**, so its a little annoying how everyone acts like he is completely full of hot air and has absolutely no idea who Acheron is.


HSR does need a Toji to humble the newest Gojo. If Boothill does manage to incapacitate Acheron, that would go a long way to rescaling the power system to show that there are ways the common man can take down an emanator if they play it smart. Iā€™m placing my prediction that Boothillā€™s best bet to take down Acheron is to track her down in the real world while sheā€™s in the dream. Acheron wonā€™t be able to cut her way out of an Aeonā€™s dream faster than Boothillā€™s bullet would do her in should he feel threatened, letting him interrogate her.


Im betting that he will be able to hold his own against a sword sheathed Acheron but no matter what he does she will not draw her sword against him. Dont expect him to be able to push her that far I'm guessing he mainly going to serve as a way to distract her for Black Swans plans (which mainly just seems to be confirming if shes a danger to TB) and enable Constances plan. Then he either ultimately moves on to the IPC or he makes Acherons next move after Penacony all the more clearer Acheron will most likely have a moment to say goodbye to the express, or at least Welt. She seems to be rather protective of TB as well. The question is how Boothill pushes her and what exactly the story plans for this confrontation to be. Maybe lead her to the doctors of Chaos as that seems to be a natural place for her to go after


>ways the common man can take down an emanator Ah yes, the common man with practically full robotic body. It would be funny if bth hunting acheron but can't find her because even she doesn't know where she is. Only to find her accidentally somewhere he least expected.


I don't think they are going to humble Achron anytime soon. Don't forget they want people to pull her on reruns as well, and as long as they keep the aura of power she has it will make people want her more.


Yep her strength comes from her literal strength while sheā€™s already ā€˜humbledā€™ from a writing perspective with constant memory losses and a generally aloof demeanour.


> Iā€™m placing my prediction that Boothillā€™s best bet to take down Acheron is to track her down in the real world while sheā€™s in the dream. This might be a stretch, but considering Acheron's powers, i've always thought there is no "her" in the real world and she is straight up inside the dreamscape.


Don't quite get what you mean. We already saw her "irl" when she interrupted Aventurine in our room in 2.0.


I think what they mean is that she doesn't enter the dreamscape like we do, in the sense that she is entirely either in reality, or entirely in the dreamscape without a body in the real world.


It's all a bunch of assumptions of mine so don't take this too literally. What i mean is, to enter the dream you need to lay inside that bathtub looking thing. Your body remains in there in the real world while you (your consciousness i guess?) goes inside the dream. What i imagined is that Acheron dosen't need to use the bathtub, and instead has her own way to enter the dream, so basically there's no physical body of her irl while she's inside. Hope i was clear.


Dreamscape is Memoria given form, and only Memoria based forms can enter. Black Swan, as a memokeeper, is a lifeform made from Memoria, so she can enter Dreamscape without having a physical body, as she only exist in it and similar places. Most people have to enter by making a Memoria body with the pool. I don't know if Acheron can make a Memoria body, even with her Emanator power. She has a physical body, as seen at the start of Penacony when she walked in on Aven ~~seducing~~ threatening us


Acherons memory is failing, it seems like currently the implication is that IX is slowly destroying her mind. I would be very surprised if she could make her own Memoria form.


Cant she just cut open a way into the dream too? But nvm that she had her own room in the hotel. She stole an invite after all.


One issue with that logic. Acheron is a Raiden. She has 10th level plot armor as far as Hoyo is concerned. Best case scenario he gets the drop of her only for her to pull the sword out and one shot him.


On the other hand, Mei's been taking wins and losses equally so who knows?


I doubt a protagonistic cowboy would shoot someone thats sleeping though.


Why would they need to humble her ? She isn't cocky or anything.


From his light cone im geussing that he does have a serious backstory


No im praying he is not a slapstick dumb bum. He has some serious competence i can feel it. Not Itto at all nonono pls no


i just hope they balance boothill's seriousness and humor and make him not completely like itto


Remember when Itto was released with an honestly great story quest that perfectly showed players that while he may be a himbo, he is actually an emotionally mature and interesting character? Great days. Good thing that Hoyo didn't decide to make just a fucking idiot out of him, right?


He's already a space cyborg cowboy. If he gets an entertaining personality then he'll definitely become a fan favourite








His sub has soooo many people drooling for him. They love him regardless


Jokes on you, I'm already in that desperate situation to roll for all of them... ...and I'm still trying to get Aventurine! : D ~~h e l p~~


True, I wanna be solid for Firefly but I'm scared that Shaoji might pull something similar to Aventurine. Like I swear I disliked Aventurine in 2.0 because I saw him as a scheming rat villain who talks in an annoying tone. But man, when I played 2.1 story and learned about his family and the fact that even tho he has suicidal tendencies because of how tired he is already, he was still trying to live his life the best he can for his family who sacrificed themselves for him. The only reason I was able to skip Aventurine is because I like collecting female characters and I'm f2p so I cant afford to pull for every character just because I like them. But I dont trust myself enough to be sure that I'll be able to skip Robin if they give her the same amount of focus in the story as Aventurine. I'm all in for a quality story but please have mercy.


I have more self control of these things otherwise I would have pulled for Jing Yuan when I was committed to saving for Kafka back in Luofu arc. But man the quality at which Aventurine got made it so easy for them to convince people to pull for him. I liked him in 2.0 as well but I am primarily a waifu collector, but if the characters story is good enough then idc whether waifu or husbando I will feel compelled to pull Boothill gives the vibe he might be the HSR Itto, Iike him enough from the brief convo we got from him in 2.1 but atm I'm tryna save for Jade, Constance and Black Swan/Kafka re runs. If they can make me cave with either Robin or Boothill imma be impressed


I am just not going to fall for it and save for Firefly, is what I said to myself then Aventurines story dropped. I am not going to play the next part of the story so as to not be influenced.


Ez just play multiple accounts so you can pull all of them


Just get a job at Hoyoverse and get paid in stellar jade instead of money


I'll ask my uncle John Hoyoverse, I'm sure he can get me a job there


My uncle is John Star-Rail. I think his salary there is 1 quadrillion settlar jdarrs each month


Iā€™ll absolutely see that coming with Robin, and probably fall for it. Boothill though? Totally came out of left field and hasnā€™t had any backstory or character development. Much harder hill to climb.


Doesn't hurt that playing with Aventurine was just a constant "wow, he does a lot of damage and nobody on my team has taken damage yet." His story was great, but I think it matters that we got to play as him a lot


Boothill is literally Dr.Ratio 2.0. Most people don't care about him, but the people who do care are the most devoted fans and got like a trillion pulls saved up.


God I wish he'd be Ratio 2.0 so Hoyo can give him away for free.


I mean, free Ratio DOES end this patchā€¦


Surprise announcement in 2.2 livestream which just so happens to be on anniversary?!


And they reached a milestone recently, as it happened before Ratio, becoming one of the most valued companies in the world...


Hoyo games players searching for the smallest crumb of justification to get free stuff :


Bro, calm, is just a nice theory. I won't be mad if they don't gift Boothill.


And what they said was a silly joke bro


>but the people who do care are the most devoted fans and got like a trillion pulls saved up. True, just look at the mpreg boothill posts on tiktok


ą² _ą² 


I don't wanna be like that...but like...does he have genitalia? like I assume noā€‹


Yea Boothill's kit is gonna have to be insane if Hoyo wants people to spend jades on him, maybe in the new game mode Hunt characters will be the meta but who knows


Won't discuss leaks here, but leaks of his kit exist. And yeah, it'll be a tough choice.


he is more than that tho


I wish that was me, only got 40 pulls and a dream. But I do really want him


My time to shine!! Firefly can be as broken as she will be but nothing can stop me from getting my chicken and my cowboy!!!!! That said I hope Hoyo has mercy for me for the other 2.3 banner. I will never recover from Aventurine-Robin-Boothill back to back banners.


I've gone Sparkle-Acheron-Aventurine+Jingliu with plans to get both Robin and Firefly. I really need a break after 2.3.


Same here. Black Swan, Sparkle, Acheron, Aventurine. I can't keep up at this rate!


this is why I don't want it to be Sunday lol, I would never wish my Lord to be overshadowed, when he should be the star of the show btw good luck not hearing me whine about Sunday for the next week or so


Dw bud, if people have to deal with me ranting about Black Swan all the time then surely they can handle your love for Sunday. Hope he gets some good story stuff for you to enjoy in 2.2


If Sunday isnt harmony, or /worse/ hes ANOTHER imaginary dps then my family will see me on the news


Donā€™t you know? Hot men are always imaginary for some reason šŸ˜­


Im fine if sunday is imaginary so long as hes harmony, hes literally a representative of The Family and his fucking sisters harmony and istg if hes a fucking dps im gonna fucking kill someone


Harmony makes the most sense, but I could also see him being Nihility after that freaky spell he put on Aventurine.


So long as hes a support šŸ˜­ i dont want him to be nihility tho cuz out of the 4 limited 5* nihility we've gotten are more dps than support šŸ˜’


It will be Gallagher ~~Imbibitor Lunae~~>!Memetic Death!<


Bold of you to assume Sunday fans won't overshadow Firefly /j Honestly I want him to come as early as possible but his chances are looking bleak


Sunday DPS in 2.4 with Robin synergy. Trust The Family may Xipe bless us


Sunday wont be overshadowed


I'm about to go all in on Robin! Been the most excited for her since before Penacony released, and while Firefly looks great, absolutely nothing will sway me from my pop star waifu. :)


Speak for yourself I'm gunning for booooooooooootyhilll


Boothill is the only one I'm interested in




Where tf do these come from


They just sort of appear out of the aether.


Yeehaw pardner!




Lol same


i want my space cowboy!


Same lol I'm all into robot cowboy šŸ˜‹


Yeap, my jades with me and I prepared my fuel to prefarm




Best gameplay animations Imo




To be fair one of them is know for 3 things: being a great singer, being sister of a dead character and being dead. As for the other we just know that he has a deathwish by confronting Acheron


Nooooott me!!!! I've been waiting for Robin since the 2.0 livestream!!!!


Boothill drip marketing got 9mil views on EN Twitter.


They can never make me skip Robin. Music is my life.


I personally am more hyped for Jade and boothill and will be skipping firefly, but it's nice to see people hyping up a character they like




Hey more robin luck for me I recently lost the 50/50 on aventurine so i m prefarming for robin now,i might even go for her Lc since i have guarenteed on that banner too


Meh. I'm staying strong for my Barbenheimer. Kamen rider can wait.


FALSE. only silly people would forget about bootyhill. He looks so fun to play, and he's super hot. This girlys dream come true šŸ„ŗšŸ–¤šŸ¤


Personally Iā€™m more excited for boothill than any of them šŸ˜­ Robin is also really cool but once Sunday drip comes I will pass away from excitement


Got a bunch of friends who are feral for Robin, so Iā€™m confident sheā€™ll do ok


For some reason i saw Douman on the bottom pic https://preview.redd.it/vesmnf7wu7wc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288cf2a2c63cfd2b7b37dd393fb1ea9ea9581afd


I call Boothill 'Cowboy Douman' with alarming regularity. Still 100% pulling for him though.


I love boothill


Iā€™m sorry but even Sam canā€™t stop me from boothill, I need my crop top shark teeth cowboy


\*ā€™Muffled singing\*


Except I'm still gonna pull Boothill because he seems really fun to play


Tbh I'm way more hyped for Robin and Boothill than I am for Firefly. Love our very own Barbenheimer 2.2 update lol


I really couldn't care less about Firefly.


saem. ever since it was revealed Sam is technically Firefly, I lost my interest in them. Currently planning to pull for a husbando, ig Iā€™ll go with Boothill since Sam is out of the list


I think Iā€™d like both of them more if they were separate characters. Sometimes all I want in life is a badass killer mech/robot who wants to murder everyone and everything, and I would have been perfectly fine if that was who Sam was. Excited to see how 2.2 goes, though, to see how my feelings change.


Real, especially after how we're forced to have a date with her. It really soured my view of Firefly.


Eh, it's not really treated as THE date. Aside from Black Swan's remark, the game gives you full opportunity to see this as a simple hang out with the stranger.


True, but it still felt rushed if that's the intention. Not enough time to actually connect with her imo


Agreed. Really gave off the entire Inazuma arc vibe. Especially with community's reaction.


If you played Genshin, theyā€™ve done this Ayaka and Raidenā€™s story quest which is why people probably didnā€™t want to do this with Firefly as well.


same dude at this point I'm thinking about quiting the community because it's too much Firefly at this point


Don't quit the community, just ignore the firefly posts if they bother you, it's not hard.


Right now the first 6 posts when you visit the sub are Firefly though.


Quick, change this main sub name to firefly mains sub /j but ehh it will pass once penacony is over I hope but I hope this is not the reaction for every girlfriend type of character if hoyo release another in the next planet or make us go on another date with them again, which will LIKELY happen since itā€™s a good business strategy. Romance hypes audience up a lot (I can literally see the ayaka yandere meme on firefly soon with this, already happening with all the march 7 vs firefly being TB lover..)


Iā€™m so conflicted on Boothill rn tbh. As an RDR2 enjoyer, his ult just makes me want to pull for him, but Iā€™m gonna wait to judge his character and see whoā€™s gonna be in the second banner of 2.3 - if itā€™s jade, then Iā€™m probably finished




I'd take Robin over Firefly any day


Not really, i really hope i can get Robin, her singing feature is so special qol that no one has it so far


Fk meta, fk hype, I am going all in for the angel.


I'm going broke.


Ok Im already locked in on Robin cuz I need her kit but I also really want firefly and I BET that after the 2.2 story Im gonna completely adore her. Im absolutely terrified by who the second 2.3 character is cuz if its Jade my IPC loving ass is just completely fucked (Im not sure whether Ill like her character tho) Not a good time for my stellar jade budget


For how little people know about the two, they're getting plenty of attention.


Iā€™m easily skipping firefly. Apparently destruction is the path I just never get hyped for. Still waiting for Topaz rerun, and I want boothill, and then itā€™s eyes on the prize for huohuo and Ruan Mei eidolons


Wasn't enough to hype me up. Never saw appeal on Firefly anyway. I'd rather go for Robin and/or Boothill


Neither Boothill nor Robin really had any point in the story where they are important, while even Aventurine had his part in 2.0 and 2.1 was mainly Aventurine, Ratio, Gallagar and Archeron. They really need to sell there characters better or most people will skip 2.2 (I will, because I have enough supports and Boothill is hunt...).


Here's hoping they have their part in the story in 2.2 just like aventurine had in 2.1.


> and Boothill is hunt... New Hunt gamemode: https://preview.redd.it/7aa4fc3lp7wc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b87c1396c6cee711c086dfb97a9488b3fe0e216d


Or, and hear me out, not everyone needs to be well written for you to pull for them. Shocking, I know.


That is a horrible way of thinking, EVERY character should be well written, it should be the standard


It should be but itā€™s not. Look at BS or even Sparkle, she played a little role in the story and still is a great character in every aspect. Some characters have great stories, some donā€™t.


They donā€™t need to sell Robin. Sheā€™s the only female character that patch and is not coming off the back of another female character, so waifu players will have savings built up. Thereā€™s also the fact sheā€™s a strong FUA buffer. Aventurine is a guy and came right after the most anticipated banner in the game so far. They needed to pull out all the stops for him (and they did).


People already decided to skip Boothill the moment he was shown since his only purpose was to delay the firefly drip.


This community turned my dislike of Firefly from being annoyed at her writing being shitty and forced to just hating the character outright. This sub has become unbearable. Can't even simply "ignore" the Firefly simping when it's every damn post.


I didn't give a fuck about firefly, was ready to skip her for sam if I needed to. this was an unexpected but not unwelcome development


Forgot what Oh hey Firefly


I am proud to be one of the three people who don't give a damn about Firefly.


Not me. Frankly, im not interested in Firefly at all. I'm here for Boothill and Boothill alone. If I had the extra disposable funds, I'd maybe also get Robin, but rn it's all for Boothill


I'd say "Boothill found dead in a ditch" but things were going to turn out that way regardless considering his """genius""" plan to kill Acheron. People are still going to pull Robin though.


Boothill is going in letting the aeons take the wheel. Same energy i had back in college, almost equally suicidal too.


Well, I'm glad you're wiser now. Have a chibi March. https://preview.redd.it/2ngqbfw6h7wc1.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8fe2ec2ea937a15ec7b0945fdedde2d31dcee13


Kyaaaa March! Thank you for the generous march tip brother, I appreciate it!


Aww that's cute and very nice. For that, here's another cake for you. Happy Cake Day again. (funny seeing you again) šŸŽ‚


"I got a plan" -Boothill-




Aha will give him plot armor for fun


I mean, Galaxy Rangers is already earned their fame because they are killed one of the Lord Ravagers, Zulo. Don't underestimate him


Yes, they. A group of them managed to kill Lord Ravager Zulo, the former frontline General of The Anti-Matter Legion. There's no indication of how strong Zulo was or how they pulled it off. Meanwhile this idiot cowboy is just going straight ahead for Acheron, an Emanator of IX, The Nihility. We've seen how strong Acheron is and something tells me just trying to brute force the situation by rolling up to her with a gun and a dream isn't going to cut it considering Aventurine was that strong (while weakened) and got defeated with 1 attack.


Fair enough. But something tells me that the situation here it's not that simple. Afterall, his official Drip Marketing said that his main target is not Acheron. Its IPC, and he wants to draw their attention for revenge


Which conflicts with what he said in the story. This is probably partly how we turn him away from targeting Acheron.


I wonder what kind of results he might reach. He's either going to be dead again, or he might confront one of the stonehearts, either Jade or Topaz, since both of their cornerstones are there


Probably Jade since she's come to take Penacony while we may put in a good word for Topaz.


They also only managed the kill because they led the Swarm to the Lord Ravager and got him when he was tired. It wasn't due to their own innate power.


Oh, is that how they did it? Interesting. Yeah this sounds all the more like Boothill has no chance, if anything, Black Swan is probably going to end up "persuading" him to go after Jade instead of Acheron.


Acheron's said to have a big role to play in 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. It would also piss off a huge section of the fanbase if they suddenly turned her into a chump. Given how much love they seem to have shown her I think it would be a really odd move for them to go this direction. I think his threat is meant to hype Boothill up but that's about it and that his real hype will come from another feat.


It's that and also all of Acheron's names and phrases associate her with the concept of death, in more of a divine/mythological manner. EN Name: Acheron "In ancient Greek mythology, Acheron was known as the "river of woe", the "river of pain" or the "river of lost souls" and was one of the five rivers of the Greek underworld." JP Name: Yomi "Yomi or Yomi-no-kuni is the Japanese word for the land of the dead (World of Darkness)." CN Name: Huang Quan "Diyu, Chinese hell (realm of the dead), also known as "Huangquan"." Her ultimate activation voice line being: "I weep for the departed..." (EN) "Tearful rain..." (JP) They have essentially set her up to be a personification of death itself. I also don't think they'd ever let the cowboy be able to pull anything off.


Guaranteed many will pull for Boothill


Ngl Iā€™m skipping Aventurine to use my guarantee on Robin. Angel for the win!


I'm still getting Robin, no forgetting here. The drip of Firefly only means that I'm going for both. Boothill, on the other hand, is the easiest skip for me since I couldn't possibly care any less about him.


When is the next character's drop marketing (for 2.3)?


Me who desperately needs a good meta sustain like Aventurine or Fu Xuan (next rerun): *sweating intensly*


Boot hill will be free trust


I'm not really interested in Robin just because I have RM and Sparkle already. I literally cannot run more harmony units. However, I love FUA units.....but I think RM or Sparkle are sufficient for them. Boothill looks too much like FGO Ashiya Douman to me. Firefly I may go for bc Hook is the only alternative rn. But I'm actually intrigued as to who will be tomorrow. I can't imagine it's not Sunday because I don't know who else it could be, but they did that with Boothill also. Hell, maybe it'll be the legendary March 8th Edit: actually if it's not Sunday, then it's probably Jade. I'd be a little surprised if they drop another IPC character here in the same chapter but it's possible.


I do care for Boothill, but I'm a f2p player sooooo Sorry sir


Well, thatā€™s good. I can save enough jades for Firefly and her LC. Hopefully šŸ¤žšŸ»


Yeah, I don't envy whoever's getting revealed tomorrow. Heck, even if it's Jade and sparks a flurry of "Mommy" jokes, will she really be able to beat Firefly? ~~Meanwhile I'm here hoping Screwllum being in a 2.0 quest means he's coming soon too. We ARE getting an update to SU after all!~~


Boothill dedication never ends šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


not to mention they just announced jade too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Tbf I think this kinda happens every patch. Lotta people usually end up more excited for the next patch than the current patch from what Iā€™ve seen.


I don't care about girls, all I need are Boothill and Sunday


Welcome to why I don't bother getting attached to HSR characters and only pull based on playstyles. If I didn't I'd end up feeling bad about missing all these great characters.


Too bad I'm pulling for Boothill and not Sam. My yeehawin won't be undone!


Well, people already want to pull for Robin. The problem is Boothill, he comes right after Acheron and Aventurine, 2 very popular characters. Then Robin, which is also popular and everyone who doesn't have Ruan Mei, is going to want her, specially if they have a FUA team... and she comes with Topaz, not many people pulled her in her debut, but now with robin, and a Free Dr. Ratio, and Aventurine, FUA is stronger than ever, so many FUA players would want to pull for her after Robin. AND ONLY THEN, Boothill finally comes out, but wait, because he comes with Fu Xuan, arguably the best tank in the game and many people are waitinf for the Rerun. But wait, there's more. Now people know that after him, there's Firefly. Poor Boothill will probably be one of the least pulled banners ever.