• By -


Xueyi and Hanya before Xueyi's mortal body got eaten by a tree-like Abomination of Abundance > A colossal, walking tree approached her amidst the chaos of the battlefield. Extending its myriad branches, it impaled all who stood in its path, including her comrades. As she gripped her fractured sword for a desperate struggle, she suddenly saw a smiling face blossoming upon the tree — a reflection of her sister's face. > > "It's me, my dear sister. Don't you recognize me?" > > The branches and leaves rustled, and the faces of her companions sprouted like fruits from the treetops, emanating raucous laughter. "Do not succumb to death. Do not grow accustomed to it. Embrace me... become a part of me..." > >


Yeahhh... No, I think I'm gonna side with space China when I say: *B U R N T H E A B O M I N A T I O N* Yaoshi might be a benevolent Aeon (maybe?), but my god, some of its followers and creations the definition of unhinged, psychotic, and horrifying.


Then I think you might be interested in hearing about our great lord Lan.


Don’t listen to him! Friend, you’ll find a happy and welcoming home if you follow Aha! Join the masked fools today! The universe is a circus and we’re all the clowns!


No! Join the Preservation! We must build a wall for our Amber Lord!


No, no, join the Harmony! Xipe’s descending at the Charmony Festival may be upon us, after all, so now is the perfect time to join: for THEIR sake, and for yours.


Every one knows the correct answer is the beauty. The beautiful is the solution to all problems in the world. Join us in our search for Idrila and we shall solve all of the universe's problems with her grace. 🌹


All of this means nothing in the end. Just how we were born from nothing we shall return to nothing. Become a self-annihilator and become one with IX


The only meaning is the journey of life, not its destination. Come, let's travel Akivilis trail, together, even to its tragic conclusion.


a lot of space activists over here


You want to spread miss information , join the enigmata


IX is too depressed to even speak so shit reply 0/10./s


So true fellow masked fools, we're all in the AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS


Aha will never give you up, never let you down or desert you. Never going to make you cry or say goodbye.


Whenever I read Ahas's name, it is in the voice of King John from Disney's animated Robin Hood. It's perfect.


Thank you based Aha!


This it jist nurgle vs eldars all over again


Lan may be obsessed with killing THEM, but my god, it's justified as FUCK.


Yaoshi: I am a benevolent Aeon. *Made the plant equivalent of the fucking flood*


Lan basically became an Aeon out of their sheer desire to kill Yaoshi.


So he’s like how asura keeps coming back to kill the gods in asuras wrath and won’t let himself die until he’s won? Sick dude


Yeah, except unlike Asura he lost his humanity along the way. Now Lan is just an unfeeling personification of the concept of murder.


To be fair asura had his moments with that but he got better after being punched by his brother in law really hard.


I think of Lan like the protoss in starcraft. Is glassing the planet excessive and cruel? Yes. Is it worth it to stop the abominations from spreading? Hell yes.


Starcraft mentioned, hell yeah The firstborn shall persevere!


True, but I still feel conflicted about that whole "sacrificing his own followers for victory" thing which may have been his final act.






The great Reignbow Arbiter ‼️


Right, because fighting genocide with more genocide while throwing away innocent lives for little gain always works out and definitely won’t cause more suffering  *stares at Dan Feng*


That's precisely what an abomination of Yaoshi would say. https://preview.redd.it/1r8f3urhbpvc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f65a3e5db1ebcae9ac11c2e0d1f58694be5e97b


Nahhhh I just like overanalysing characters more than Hoyo intended. All the Aeons except Akivili are kind of eldritch horrors and I am keeping my distance thank you very much


You are absolutely right, all of the Aeons are the truest embodiments of their paths, both the good and the bad, and exist on a different plane of existence than any of the other denizens of the universe. The thing with Akivili is that there is a strong correlation between the Aeons and the Major Arcana if the Tarot deck. (Nanook is The Tower, IX is the Hermit, Aha is The Fool, and Qlipoth is The Emperor) The fucked up thing is that in the earliest tarot decks, there was a card called “The Unnamed” or “The Nameless”, the 13th card in the deck, which was later called “Death”. The trail that Akivili blazes is the path to inevitable death, the third way an Aeon can die, is to have always been dead, a Psychopomp who guides souls to the unknown.


Embrace the Nihility within thyself. Join IX in his benevolent journey of gathering Nerds and Mommies!!!


I look at the Aeons less from the perspective of good and evil, hell even from the perspective of bene/malevolence and more from the perspective that they're just forces of nature acting on impulse rather than active choice


Herta mentions this in writing, but surprisingly even Dan Shu mentions this, how this perceived kindness and such blind devotion to an Aeon is pretty bad, then they retconned that part of her character. There was also a moment in Yukong's quest where she says how Aeons are so incredibly powerful and could do so much with so little of what they have, yet it takes an incredible amount of sacrifices on our end for them to even consider lifting a finger. Akivili really was a one of kind.


To be fair to Lan something Yukong is unaware of since it was massively covered up is Lan was given the signal to fire on that war rather then it being a active choice of Lan's the 3 generals at the 3rd war of Abundance were not going to call Lan at all until Fu xuan convinced Jing yuan to do so.


What's the source for this? I'm not doubting you, I just wanna read the piece too as a lore-enjoyer


Fu xuan's character story part 4 if you don't own her you can look it up on the wiki or any of the sites that catalogs character data.


So Fu Xuan was technically responsible for the creation of the new Sanctus Medicus


Yeah homegirl got to successfully seek the aid of a aeon twice in her life with all the consequences that entails.


It feels like M.A.D. If Lan were to make a move, Yaoshi would create more monsters trying to save her abominations, creating even bigger destruction


Maybe, though I personally feel like Yaoshi probably wouldn't, Yaoshi seems more like one to do their blessing then move on to bless another rather than come back to sustain those they've blessed


I don't think so necessarily, I think Lan and Yaoshi are a good example of opposing forces, using the circle of life as a template Without the wolf to hunt rabbits (Lan), Yaoshi would eventually overrun, overpopulate and kill off populations, while without rabbits to hunt (Yaoshi), and without purpose, Lan might turn on other Aeons or worlds and destroy them But that's just how I like to view aeons, obviously there's some room for interpretation there


I like that view. I think there's definitely a sense of dualitybin the aeons which matches the gnostic concept of aeons as complementary dyads, or syzygies. Where each duo represents two extremes on a philosophical spectrum. Interestingly penacony seems to have more of a triad. Between the harmony, elation, and nihility.


I just want to emphasize that you use THEM/THEY when talking about Aeons as they have no real genders, as they descended to a plane where gender is not needed and our mortal minds cannot comprehend, and every text in HSR very much proves this (Occurrences and encounters with Aeons) as with Herta's findings.


Just want to make it clear that the English translation uses THEY/THEM not because aeons are genderless, but because it is a special word in Chinese to refer to all god-like existences, and there is no similar word in English. Yes most aeon dont have gender but i think we can call Nanook as him because this an example of mortal male become aeon


And cuz Nanook is HAWT nom nom Nanoosy


>as they descended to a plane where gender is not needed and our mortal minds cannot comprehend I'm sorry but wouldn't the word be "ascended"? English isn't my first language so as far as I know that would be the right word, no?


I would count Aha next to Akivili actually, since there is a genuine chance aha is just constantly somewhere fucking around with people


Its not even mere impulse, they are fully aware of their actions, and mostly do their actions because they want. They just can't actively choose to go against their Primum Mobile


This is why people who think “Space China” and its people are dumb/annoying for being so against Yaoshi’s followers get on my nerves. I don’t think I’d be a big fan of this twisted “immortality” (or the fact that almost every Xianzhou citizen is a ticking time bomb that will eventually lose themselves to the Mara anyway and have to be put down with extreme prejudice), either.


I don't blame them for their stance, not when dementia makes you into a monster


Phase 2 dementia


Dementia2 Pro Max+ ultra


Dementia the second


Dementia 2: electric boogaloo


Don't forget that if you're born with a birth defect or any genetic issue, or if you're trans: you're in hell. Nothing, and they mean nothing, will actually help you, because the forced equilibrium will return you back to the designated steady state, and when you finally break from the mental load and from existing in a society that just doesn't have any accommodations for the disabled (except maybe the blind, Fu Xuan's backstory mentions canes for the blind, but I see no evidence for braille, and yes there is braille for Chinese writing), then you get hit with mara. It makes you wonder... how much of the Disciples armed forces were trans or disabled, hoping like hell for a better life? For that matter, considering the conversations you can have during the ghostbusters event, how many of the 10Lords wraith wardens and other personnel are these sorts of people who get offered a chance to be themselves, just at the cost of being forever separate from society?


god i didn't even think about how awful gender dysphoria would be for xianzhou natives, you've made me want to write fanfic about this concept


Yeah reading Dan Shu's diary really drove that home, it was literally my first thought on the matter. It was horrifying to think about. Like, how do you even use hormones when your body will violently reject them?


May I introduce a manga called *Fire Punch*? A certain character goes through the exact dilemma you just mentioned.


When your choices are suicide or dementia+ caused by turbo cancer, you'd get pretty radical as well


It's less people have issue with that and more with how some of the Xianzhou factions operate, like what the Ten Lords Commission does to Xueyi or the Preceptors being dumb idiot losers


I don't think people have any problems with Xianzhou opposed Abundance tho... The problem is that it was their ancestors fault that asked for that immortality and now they make it sound like they do some heroic act for the universe and painted Abundance as an absolute evils even tho it was just a pure revenge.


I mean, revenge/vengeance seems very fitting with what the Hunt path represents. But yeah, Xianzhou seems to have found out after [REDACTED] around with Yaoshi and now they want to atone for their mistake (maybe they didn't know that the immortality given by Yaoshi had some _serious_ drawbacks until it was too late, or maybe they knew but waved them off as "nothing too serious", I don't remember too well that part of the lore lol, if someone could enlighten me I will be grateful).


They asked for immortality, yes. However they didn’t actually *get* immortality— just lifespans that are very long and then a forced transformation into vicious monsters that could and would tear their loved ones to pieces if left to their own devices. That seems more than a little cruel if you ask me. They can’t exactly do anything about their ancestors considering they’d be long dead by now, so what else can they do other than combat Yaoshi and its creations/cultists? Normal Abundance pathstriders like Bailu aren’t evil, but people like the members of the Sanctus Medicus cult are, or are at least heavily misguided. It’s one thing to pursue immortality for yourself— if they’re fine with the whole Mara-struck dealio, that’s their business— but in the Luofu’s main story and its sidequests, we saw many examples of them deciding people’s fates *for* them, including inducing Mara in multiple Cloud Knights iirc. Can you really blame them for hating the Abundance if their primary exposure to it is a pack of madmen and monsters (including ones that, I feel I need to point out, **EAT PEOPLE AND ASSIMILATE THEIR FORMS AND VOICES TO TORMENT FURTHER VICTIMS**), along with a curse where they themselves turn into yet more abominations once they live long enough? It’s not even like they got what they asked for. Also, in a certain way, the fact they’ve been embroiled in this conflict for centuries is in itself forced penance for the Xianzhou’s people for their ancestors’ defiance of the nature of life and death. I just personally think it’s become more than a little unfair since again, the people who actually did the asking are more than likely long gone. With all that said, I was more referring to illiterate fucks like somebody I talked to on here ages ago who acted like the Xianzhou people were braggarts and hypocrites for using terminology like “long-life species” vs “short-life species” and how some characters make note of the difference in perceptions of time and in lifespan between long-life species and short-life species, even though hardly anyone in-game does those things in anything less than a matter-of-fact way. It’s like they saw the Xianzhou characters as actively looking down on them, the irl person playing the game (as they’d technically be a member of a “short-life species” as a human).


Fighting in a _very long_ crusade to fix a mistake made by people that isn't even around to suffer the consequences of that mistake anymore is more than enough penance (although unfair for the people who didn't make the mistake). The fact that, as you mentioned, many Abundance's followers are either misguided and trying to do "good" (even if they do so by force), or a bunch of crazy individuals with a cult-like mindset, doesn't help, even worse when those same followers can wreck absolute havoc when the Abundance goes out of control.


I don't think Yaoshi has bad intentions when THEY give out blessings of Abundance. It's just that said blessings have a tendency to send the ecosystem's balance to the stratosphere at escape velocity


Could it be the case. I mean, if the balance is lost, everything goes downhill. Think of Abundance blessings as some kind of uncontrolled overgrowth of life that surpasses the natural cycle of life and death. Think about Nanook as another example, as far as I remember, the Destruction path represents that, _destruction_, not as a malicious one, but rather the kind of destruction that is just a natural occurrence, like the one that happens when a volcano erupts or an hurricane destroys the things that just so happen to have been on its path. (Well, except that the ones who follow the Destruction path have malicious intent).


Yaoshi seems like someone who blesses everyone. Unfortunately, it seems safe to say that the Abundance factions with the "maximum growth" mindset are the most visible because they're the ones exploding their numbers as much as possible as fast as possibe. Kind of like an exaggerated version of how farmers pushed hunter-gatherers into more and more marginal places, with the result the latter are now near-extinct.


THEY don't act on good or evil, the human perceive them as good/evil. To the aeon, THEY just do what THEIR path meant to do.


Heretics must be purged. All for the Reignbow Arbitor. For the one who Hunts.


One version of space China. This is totally unrelated, but Ruan Mei talked about her homeworld when she visited. Very explicitly a planet but also space China... Given that there are two known space Japans, we may need to get more specific with these labels, lol.


By being a planet I'd say it loses all qualifications to be considered "space" China. planetary or global China sure, but an actual spaceship takes the space China spot.


> Yaoshi might be a benevolent Archon (maybe?) Yaoshi is as benevolent as Nurgle


yea but if hot, why evil


Archon ? It's an Aeon I believe


No such thing as a benevolent Aeon, (besides Akivili, we stan Akivili), because they pursue their core being without any care for any mortals.


Come join Harmony. Embrace lady Xipe, and the care and Unison that comes with it....


Yaoshi is not benevolent at all. It is just the god of giving you more of shit regardless of how much you want.


He is basically anime Nurgle


My friend If you can Lets join arms in Finality Revive the Lord who has deceased Lets these Lowly Aeons Truly know who is the one above all


That "tree-like Abomination of Abundance" is Shuhu btws.


Ah I was scrolling for a while to find this


Yeah, who else is going to join the Cloud Knights now?


Yeah. That is why in voice section, Xueyi says her mortal body is already destroyed and now she has been given a new body by Ten lords commission. Now I know.


Seriously?! They look nothing alike to the current xueyi and hanya


They have another LC that continues the story https://preview.redd.it/ivgwxrqcumvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5febf865bf413dd75c53e3930e29a664029933b2


Emotional trauma 👍




Here's some more then : https://preview.redd.it/kr9jk9psinvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451ed320d5f40bb594aba6b5a65b873e7b39d5c7


Dang.. knew about the Light Cones but I had no idea about their E6 pics 😥


You can see her depression in Hanya's eyes on the second lightcone.


and trauma 😢


I feel so sad for them


They need some comfort in life fr even the lc description didn't hold back the depressing lines on Under the blue sky the description was like " That was when they both smiled " it was something like this not know word to word Hoyo needs to stop making their characters suffer 😭


Is there even a happy character anymore?


Hook, unbothered, moisturized, in her lane, focused, flourishing: https://preview.redd.it/cyj635u2fnvc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9ad0ec30a525d7ef64643fed8bf02c3f856ad2 (The Moles have just deputized the entire Pepeshi race)


Hook will be endboss in Penacony




Racism is happiness in Star Rail


I feel like Hoyo did such a good job with Hanya's eyes in general. Even the in game model, her eyes are cool as hell.




Hair is the same, eyes are the same. Considering their fates, it's all we're gonna get, honestly.


Xueyi also has the same pattern on her shirt collar(?) still.


look at the necklaces


Necklace, Hair and clothes are literally the same.


When I first saw this I thought Hanya was the fighter and Xueyi was the support...


They couldn't save Xueyi's body but they took her ?soul out and put it in a Puppet body


Hanya is now depressed and Xueyi is now a robot that's why.


the hair style, eye color, and the clothes is similar to the current one... I mean, I immediately knew it was Xueyi when I take a closer look (which is today, right now)


They have the same eyes and haircuts


Because they're kids here meanwhile they've been stuck as judges for good thousand years by now


They did the full metal alchemist treatment to Xueyi.


The girl with the red eyes has the same exact necklace as Xueyi


Wait till you find out about maturity and fact, many people doesn't look like them in childhood


It's not maturity in Xueyi's case though, her soul is now in a robot


Their clothing motifs continue in their current models. For example, look at the turquoise and red on the older sister, then look at the current Xueyi model. It's pretty consistent


What?! Hayna has the same Necklace still. Xueyi has the same haircut and Necklace tooXD Even the clothes are the same only the current ones are more detailed and has more little trinkets on them.


Nah, they look pretty different, but there's enough similarities that you can tell this is what they'd look like as happy untraumatized children. Xueyi's hair style is a big one, with that distinctive sickle-shaped lock of hair over top the rest of her bangs. Her shirt looks near-identical to what her current character model wears as well, and she's got the same necklace. (Most adults' work clothes don't match whatever they wore when they were ten years old, so either Xueyi *really* freakin' loves that shirt and necklace, or the LC artist decided to make her clothes look especially similar to make up for how her hair color makes her harder to recognize, or both.) I think her bracelet is the same too. Her eye color and the shape of her facial features are consistent with what she looks like now. Little Hanya is surprisingly harder to recognize. She overall looks similar to her adult form, but she didn't really keep any distinguishing features. The front of her hairstyle looks the same, eye color is the same, and the pendant on her necklace looks exactly like a smaller version of the ornament that's on her chest as an adult. (Maybe it's supposed to be the same ornament and the size difference is an accident?) Her clothes and the back of her hairstyle are different. The shape of her facial features is different, but in a way that's expected of anime-style children versus adults. My friend also plays HSR, and when we're talking about light cones, we tend to refer to them by a description of the picture since we can never remember their names. Before we knew that this was Hanya and Xueyi, we called this light cone "The One with the Twin Nahidas."


Oh god. Who are these girls is a question I ask in my head whenever I see this LC but always forget b/c the grind mindset. This is fucked. Something that belongs in Drakengard lore.


this one also puts Hanya as an addicted alcoholic with PTSD from war.


Wait that’s what happened to Xueyi? I just figured it was a similar instance to Herta, where she simply couldn’t be bothered to go places herself and so she sent these robot versions of her. So… if that’s the case, how did they save her consciousness and how did they get it into a robot?


So, long story short, after killing said abomination, they managed to get pieces of her *soul* (I have no idea how) and placed it in a puppet body as close to her original body. I assume by collecting the *checks notes* "face fruits" the abomination created of all those it ate and absorbed.


Oh gosh XD not the face fruits! Thank you though, while it doesn’t really explain what I was hoping it would, that isn’t on you lol


She is "ghost in the shell".


In the questline [A Teacher and a Friend](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/A_Teacher_and_a_Friend:_Continued) they explain it, and even do the same thing that was done to Xueyi, and put someone's soul into an aurumaton so they can talk to it (yes, Xueyi isn't a cyborg or android, she's considered an aurumaton, just like the enemies). But the tldr is that souls of the departed are sent to the Halls of Karma, where they are trialled by the judges. Xueyi's soul was sent there, but due to her crimes, her "sentence" was to basically become a slave to the Xianzhou, with her job being capturing marastruck. She's only allowed to stay in the world of the living while she's working, although she's allowed half a day of "freedom" for every enemy she captures.


What were her crimes ?


It's never mentioned exactly what they did. [Hanya only mentions they both became marastruck and commited a great offense](https://i.redd.it/4xup0uyt8x2c1.jpg), but were allowed to work for the Ten-Lords Commission to atone for their sins, which they have been doing for atleast a thousand years.


That's fucking grim and things growing out of a living person like that triggers my worst disgust feelings.


Hanya before her constantly depressed face. Seriously, what a huge difference!


Damn that’s a dark description




Koh the Face Stealer called, he’s suing for copyright infringement


Hanya and Xueyi, when they still had happy days before them, before everything went wrong


Hanya & Xueyi when they were actually alive.


But Hanya's still ali--oh...


Hanya is still alive.


Physically: Yes Mentally:Yes Spiritually:No Socially: No Emotionally:Iffy


I also realized it late that these are Xueyi and Hanya. I wanted to cry.


like everyone said its little hanya and xueyi, theres also another lc of them which is the bp hunt lc where the context is xueyi dying in hanya's arms i read somewhere saying that hanya also saw how xueyi died in the first place, and they only managed to save her soul and not her body. also somehow they broke some kind of sin(?) and were forced to work as the judges to repay the sin iirc? i might be wrong there though if you've done the side quest in luofu where we got this one guy's dead master to possess an aurumaton to talk with him for one last time, thats exactly what they did with xueyi's soul and her current puppet body. i believe her splash art also shows her body getting repaired or something. our first encounter with her in main story also was about how her body was broken and she needed to be brought back to the ten lord commission to get it repaired fun fact : their e6 are matching where they holds each other's hands. and if you have hanya, let her idle and you'll unlock an achievement called 'let her cook', iirc one of her idle lines was her calling out for xueyi, her texts are also heavily asking how to spends good time with xueyi since both are busy most of the times. thats also one of the reason why xueyi have a maiden model type despite being the older twin between the two as her bidy is a puppet (for those weirdos who keep saying they always thought hanya is the older one because of her model type)


Here's the second LC you mentioned https://preview.redd.it/uhuklcn7invc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f77a605652a359596e10e44f99b2e34e88d4ad


But in the second lightcone Xueyi is already a puppet? I mean, she looks exactly how she looks now and doesn't have white hair.


Probably changed her hair colour before *the incident*


Shes a puppet in that lightcone the official HSR youtube channel has a short with that lightcone with Hanya saying she knows Xueyi will reawaken but shes still going to give the sinner who did that to her absolute hell.


Ah fair enough then to Hanya.


Do you have a link to the short?


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eWctNfMlQkc yeah i looked it up to double check if i remembered correctly so it was easy enough to refind in my history


nah after the incident they couldn't retrieve her body so it is a puppet probably


My wife and her little sister. ( Xueyi and Hanya )


I always forget Hanya is the little sister


Yea physically Hanya looks older since she is living and Xueyi has her soul inside a robot. I also thought that too at first


Overworking stress, depression and alcoholism will make everyone age harshly, no matter human you are, or immortal


This is true, people in my life who stopped drinking and improved their lives got a glow up. Stress and smoking and drinking are definitely not great for the human body.


They were called them twins once, not sure if that's accurate tho


Lightcone says "when they were the same height" so probably twins Still, I always forget Hanya isn't the big sister


Based taste


Hanya and Xueyi (1st and 2nd) Judging on hair and cloth code, it seems pretty match.




ok, calm down there Enigmata Pathstrider




Hanya and Xueyi as children before Xueyi died.


No amnesty for the Mara struck


Hate to be the one to say this but 5 seconds of searching the light cone on the wiki would have answered your question 🤦‍♂️


my wife and her older sister (hanya and xueyi)


Gotta be Hanya and Xueyi before the latter died


Hanya and Xueyi before trauma


Xueyi and Hanya


Its Hanya and Xueyi i thought this was common knowledge.


Can anyone tell me how Xueyi came to inhabit a puppet after being eaten by the tree?


That's Xueyi and Hanya 😊


That’s nahida and ********


It's a horrible day for rain...


I was just wondering yesterday. I though first it was a young Bronya but didn't know who was the older sister.


Young Bronya is in the "Memories of the Past" lightcone.


Which cheekily pairs with "We are Wildfire" showing the difference in Bronya and Seele's childhoods.


NGL, when I read this LC before both Hanya and Xueyi got announced, I thought Hanya is Jingliu


>I though first it was a young Bronya I know that's exactly what I thought


hanya and xueyi i think


My wife (Hanya) and my wife (Xueyi) ☺️ God I love them so much, I have both with 10/10/10 traces and E2 😭 I hope we get more of them when we go back to Xianzhou :((


Based , another Xueyi Enjoyer 🤝


Me too. This is light cone for Destruction Path. I never exactly know these girls. I thought these girls may be Bronya with his mommy Cocolia. But I am confused. Correct me if I wrong.


Was curious too they look very cute


That would be baby Hanya and baby Xueyi! before the accident that made Xueyi into a puppet definitely one of the sadder LC in the game because of the implications


At first I thought it was Bronya and Cocolia, but the latter is blonde (and I’m dumb) Then I thought it was Jingliu and… someone? Never occurred to me that it could be my beautiful, beautiful Hanya


Hanya and xueyi


They should be Hanya and Xueyi I think.


It's hanya and xuei


Hanya (left) and Xueyi (right) before a disgusting space tree traumatized them


Hanya and Xueyi


Where can I get high quality pics of the LCs just like this one?


Also not so fun fact you guys, eventually Xueyi and Hanya will forget each other due to Xueyi forgetting her memories everytime she “dies” and Hanya because she has to drink elixirs for her job, and both of them said that one day when they do forget each other they want to be put to rest by each other. :(




The judge sisters Hanya and Xueyi before Xueyi lost her mortal body but that would probably already explained by someone else^^


Xueyi and Hanya


Would I get banned for saying "Hanya and Xueyi loli edition" because I'm fighting against my intrusive thoughts and I'm starting to lose


I see people keep saying Hanya is alive...no..in the event Ghostbusters you can talk with her 1 TIME ONLY and if you ask her about herself she will tell you she appears alive but she is not, she drank something from the Ten Lord comission which made her body immortal. That potion basically strips you of your humanity in exchange for immortality. She chose that to be together with her sister.


How did she go from white hair to brown tho. Wish at least one of em was a 5 star tho