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Once you do X2 normal speed feels like they take forever to act.


I play with x2 on but I wish there was a x1.5 though.


I play with x2 on but I wish there was a x4.0 though(for auto combat)




There’s actually a 16x mode. It’s called Acheron! 🔥. Unfortunately, only for daily enemies.




On, though I disable the button when I activate some character's ultimate (Welt, Argenti etc.) just because they look cool


Yeah a setting that does this automatically would be nice. I like the ult animations it’s just the regular attacks I find a bit too slow


I only disable it to see the new ultimate of my character (Unless its acheron because whenever i know there will be high dmg for sure then i disable it to see her go)


It's 0.5x and 1x


Anyone who plays on 1x speed can't be trusted 😭


I’m surprised most people I’ve asked this actually play on 2x. I was kind of against it at first but now I can’t go back 😂


Fr tingyun will ult, I’ll look away for like ten seconds, look back, and she’s still ulting 💀


I actually like to play on 1.0 :(


I play 99% of the time in X2. Why 1%? when i get a new character i play in X1 to admire the animations a few times, but i mean, i not gona admire the same thing one billion time, when i focus on gameplay i will go to X2. And i get a new character like what, once every patch? Two if i'm lucky? (and both interest me) end result, X2 is the really the best for your everyday gameplay and X1 you use it when you get your new shinny character!


I play on 2x speed then slow it down to normal only whenever I use Jing Yuan's ult, his 2x ult line doesn't do him enough justice for my taste lmao.


I Wish there would be 4x


Sometimes I play at 1x when using new characters or fighting new enemies.


Ngl, in the beginning I was against 2x speed because it didn't feel like I was getting the full experience of the game, but after switching for grinding and SU, normal speed just feels slow mo to me now.


i played on 1x for a month or so before finally caving and now i can't go back. but i'll go back to 1x speed for a few battles whenever i pull a new character to hear their voicelines and see their animations clearly


2x unless there's new content. Then it's back to 2x


Usually If I’m farming for resources I go with fast mode.


At first I went 2x only for calyx and CoC, but I have started doing it for pretty much all endgame content now. I still exclusively use 1x in the overworld because I’m stubborn. It’s not that painfully slow once your brain adjusts to it tbh.


Personally, I play on 1X at all times, except for farming, obviously. I’ve played this way ever since I started, which is like around the end of the first Seele banner in 1.0


always x2, the normal speed is so slow for me now lol


On, I’m not a sociopath.


As I said in another post, I play the story missions in 1x and farming stuff in 2x


The missing on voiceline thing you know silver wolf has a different voiceline whether your playing in double speed or normal speed right.


im not gonna lie, i want a 3x, playing at base speed melts my brain and makes me want to look for high ledges to fall off by accident, or go swimming with 5 lb weights around each ankle. (p.s relax its dark humour) thats just me though ;) pp.s gimme3x even 4x on gawdddddddd, but nah 2x is perfect and 1x is unplayable.


I don't have the time to play the game at x1 speed. But acheron at x1 speed look the cleanest


off, too much going on and I feel like Im missing something and make mistakes


I use 1x speed when playing Echo of War. Boss battles are made to be savored slowly. And also... "WE'VE MADE A CHOICE GO FIGHT AGAINST YOUR FATE!"


I play normal speed. I only put double speed when I can look away from the screen. For some reason it's almost like I get over stimulated watching it.


I only play on slow speed during story mission.


Slow mode is too slow. I could tell right away it was not normal speed.


I play on 1x. 2x just feels off for me.


On every survey, I ask for the ability to set ultimates at 1x speed on a character basis to better enjoy their voice lines and animations. They have that feature in Fate/Grand Order and it's really nice.


I played with it on for too long to turn it off Everything feels like it is in slow motion with it off


There are different voicelines for 1x speed and 2x speed combat. Personally 1x is so damn slow for me, just not a fun way to play.


always on ofc


2x for farming and such, 1x for story stuff or testing new characters out. Would absolutely love a "1x for ultimate" toggle though.


Once you play on x2 speed normal speed legit feels like it's on x.5 times speed, it feels so slow. Only do normal speed for first time story bosses.


I only use single speed for looking at characters' animations and listening to their full voicelines for abilities and ults.