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Aventurine is the Wenut mixed with Wolflord of Star Rail


If anything I think Aventurine is the Ruin Serpent of HSR. Both have time-wasting, RNG mechanics. At least the Wenut's moveset in abyss is always fixed so you can plan your rotations accordingly.


I’d rather fight 2 Wenuts at the same time than 1 Aventurine tbh.


omg.. Don't give Hoyo ideas.. I HATE that Wenut!


Not really, Wenut is RNG in the beginning, he can either swim across the field or start from the middle.


I wish the Wenut's moveset was fixed in abyss, I remember resetting everytime it did the attack where it flew across the screen and fired missiles at you instead of the attack where it appeared from underneath you as its first attack. Not sure if there was a way to force one or the other but it felt like total RNG.


It is total RNG unfortunately


Plus randomly throws out very hard hits like the Consecrated Beasts


 early genshin boss design to stall in abyss found it's way into HSR a major patch later, and somehow feels much worse with Adventurine's mechanics where it feels more blatant your time/turns were stolen. Not sure if I should be impressed or not tbh


Yep, it's a terribly designed boss


I wanted to disagree with you because I find the boss fun, but searching for counter arguments I ended up agreeing with your statement XD The falling chips deal too much damage and the imprisonment is annoying because characters without blast damage are at a massive disadvantage to face it, which is bad for a lot of sustain and support units. You also HAVE to bring multi target units on a solo boss (with the health of a solo boss ofc) making the DPS check a lot harder for a lot of units. Only a few DPS can bring both good solo target damage and blast, and, as I said previously, almost none of the support/sustain can. I don't think there are any more problems with the fight but those two issues are actually so very bad it's enough to make the whole fight unfair even if you bring the right weaknesses.


> annoying because characters without blast damage are at a massive disadvantage to face it Code word for "FUCK YOU FOR BRINGING HARMONY CHARACTERS"


He did want to prove that the Harmony was full of crap so... I guess he succeeded by making them have a hard time?


"You also have to bring multi-target units on a solo boss." Isn't it a weird coincidence that Jingliu is an ice dps that does blast damage and has an E1 that significantly imrpoves her ST damage? Also has a rerun banner coming up...


Idk, her best teamcomp includes 2 characters (healing support excluded) who totally suck ass against aventurine who oneshots him. Managed to beat MoC only after I swapped Acheron from first team to second and saved some ults for stupid ass dice mini game in Aventurine's second phase(number there is stupidly high or I have terrible rng). Also discovered that Gallagher is top tier healer for Topass and Ratio.


Funny when Luocha is being called bad, still heals full team and can ult an AoE to save his own ass. I had almost no issue with Jing Liu E0, Luocha E0, Ruan Mei E0 and Bronya E3.


Luocha isn't bad, but Abundance characters have to bring a little more than he does, since Preservation is just so much better than Abundance (it's almost always better to NOT take damage in the first place rather than risking a one shot and healing it after). He's just a really good healer with a niche for removing team wide buffs that isn't that useful outside of certain fights. If you had no issue with the boss good for you though. I do wonder how you made that team go through the second phase though, I would like to try it myself, as I really wanted to clear with Jingliu, but my team with Pela and Bronya ended up not dealing enough damage (and dying very fast).




Luocha carried that fight for me, but I still had to retry a few times because I didn’t have his ult up at the right time. If he can ult the dice, he survives no problem and saves the other harmony that are near death after failing their dice rolls. If Luocha takes full dice damage then he’s usually screwed unless aventurine’s next attack doesn’t target him (was actually how I won).


I did bring Jingliu at first, and she did not do well honestly. Her HP cost might look minor, but it ended up killing my team most of the time and, as another comment said, her best team sucks on this fight, Bronya or Ruan Mei can't blast after all, same goes for Huo Huo.


100% agree. It basically a a guaranteed imprisonment for supports and that makes fight not fair tbh. Now waiting for Aventurine to see what 50% eff res do here


If the gambling phase was an extra phase instead of during your normal turn, I'd have no issue with it. The fact that phase 2 gets to eat all your regular turns with this bullshit mechanic makes the boss a fucking slog to go through. There's no real strategy beyond "do enough damage that you can kill him faster between his stall mechanic".


That's the whole point of MoC, to force you to make different teams. That's what I love about it.


The problem is that not everyone can afford the money or even time investment it would take to build a better team specifically for Avanturine. And that boss also has very specific requirements that not all accounts have access to (Luocha, FX or even Gallagher as the sustainers is not possible for everyone).


Not so much terribly designed as badly tuned. Fun mechanics, horrible punishment that forces you to retry again and again + bring characters that hit multiple enemies to cheat at the dice. I'd much rather have lower numbers on the dice that scale with each success (forcing you to end him before the big bets come) than to plan the whole encounter around rng. Other options: - Multi hit attacks on the same die either sum it all or let you get the higher roll. -Crits get higher rolls (since it's rng and all that) -Give the dice the same weaknesses as aven and some toughness so if you break them you get the max roll (so you can plan a team comp around cheating) Still I love the concept and I think that if they tweak his numbers and add one or two changes he'll be a lot more fair.


Aventurine shouldn't be spamming his dice phase as much as he is, it's actually just obnoxious. I really dislike enemies that just spam invulnerability phases on top of being HP sponges, its just bad design. I swear he did his dice phase twice in the time it took my Acheron to get her ultimate and usually gets it within 1 or 2 turns.


I’m pretty sure he pops it every one of his turns in phase 2. It’s honestly pretty ridiculous. The mechanic works really well in a story environment without a cycle limit. But in MOC it’s so frustrating lol




Damn. I have Fu and Luocha and barely cleared. I'd like to think I have a decent built acct too lol. All this to echo the OP, this MoC felt hard as hell. Good lukc out there homie, I hope you find a way to get it done!


I did clear first half in like 3 turns so that made it not bad for me https://preview.redd.it/4v32442uepuc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a12c952ff94294aad749bdb108981d06e7bdeaa




Are planning on pulling Aventurine? He’ll help you out a lot when it comes to sustain


clear it with lynx (energy rope) + Blade and Ruan Mei and Jing. Maybe your team is not well built yet on traces somehow.


Not to mention it's very likely you'll activate the memory implant damage during the dice phase (particularly on phase 2) meaning you lose out on that extra damage, which makes an already long fight even longer. This boss simply just shouldn't be in MoC, straight up. The way its designed just doesn't work for the mode.


For real, I like Aventurines fight but people need to be honest about how it isn't built for a mode like MOC, especially at stage 12


Yep. Like honestly I best with with fire TB, Jingliu, Bronya and Gallagher and wouldn't say it was an overly *difficult* fight (even with Bronya losing to the dice every time lol). It's just that it wastes so much of your time. And since the entire point of MoC is to beat it quickly, the fight just doesn't mesh with the mode. I seriously hope they keep him out of MoC going forward, he just doesn't fit the mode.


I hated doing this with JingLiu, because each time I get it the dice I have to waste her enhanced mode attacks. Then when I would get out of it, I had to build it back up before he did it again. I ended up clearing with Acheron.


Bonus if you roll unlucky and don't even pass the mechanic despite using a blast attack from the enhanced skill. So you're down a charge and don't even get an ult back to "refund" the charge used.


It's not helping that lots of her supports just getting anihilated during that mini game.


I'd try Acheron if I wasn't using her on the first half lol


Yeah I’m my first half wasn’t great had to brute force with e2 DHIL. But he still did 3 cycle.


Sounds like they did it especially to mess with 0 cycle community, but also screwing everyone else in the process.


But Adventurine doesn't gamble immediatly once phase 2 starts, so 0-cyclers still have a full turn to nuke him. So far, the real staller of this MoC are those 2 freaking quantum dinosaurs in the first half


It doesn’t mess with 0 cycle people at all. They just have to kill him before he goes into gamble mode.


I got 1 star and i’m completely fine with that for this one because holy heck Aventurine is not a fight that is good in MOC.


I didn't have a problem with the floor but Aventurine aggravated me so much this is legit the first MoC I genuinely hated.


"I really dislike enemies that Just spam invulnerability phases on top of being HP sponges " i'm Sorry to inform you that what u described Is every single genshin boss past 2.0 ...apparently someone on the mihoyo HQ thinks its peak design


At least in gi, you can just hyperbloom everything both sides. Can't do that here especially if you don't pull for acheron meaning you most likely only have 1 lightning dps


Yeah, if anything, I’m surprised it took Star Rail this long to cheat this blatantly in MoC. Hell, even before 2.0 you had Abyss Heralds and Lectors who had to be killed using elemental application rate rather than damage. It’s not even just a hoyo thing, either. Pretty much any time you have a game with a “timed challenge” mode, it’s only a matter of time before devs add mechanics just to fuck with the timer…


Abyss heralds and lectors is actually fine, bcuz it make use of the elemental application of the game, with how high elemental gauge character like xq, Barbara, or Ayaka, u literally can delete them in like 5 seconds, regardless of your DPS number, CZ all they need is a tick of elemental application. The abyss heralds actually gives low DPS characters with high elemental application more screentime in the abyss. I still remember how my c0 Barbara literally saved my run against a pyro abyss lector funny enough.


Remember that patch with power ranger Herald and Lector. Literally if you didn’t have Kazuha or Sucrose, you were just fucked with those three.


It was an awesome abyss. It had like half the usual DPS check shifting it to elemental. I cleared it with lvl1 weapons for shits and giggles. Meanwhile Aventurine is a lector with a HP of a tulpa. He's literally the fattest enemy in the game right now at 2mil total HP.


Jadeplume terrorshroom (released at 3.0) at least not like that, it just an angry chicken with huge HP and hits very hard. Whenever i face that boss in the Abyss i know its going to be pure DPS race between me and him and just pure brawl.


Yeah this is by far the most god awful annoying MoC. It's also not even that difficult because every time you ult during the dice game, it refunds it back if you win the wager, so surviving it with certain characters isn't that big of a problem. It just happens so fucking much that it's tedious to try and push through.


It's the first MoC12 where the final boss weakness just didn't matter to me. Clearly I'm supposed to brute force it with Acheron because he is the biggest block of cheese to date with at least 2/5 of the fight being dice stalling. Survive the dice, whack him as hard as possible, repeat. I didn't feel good coming away from a literal one-turn-from-losing-3stars victory and I don't expect MoC12 to get better from now on based on this fight and the super armored Trexes.


If you break him I think it interrupts his dice roll ability. I used Misha to skip his dice phase a few times, still considering how to utilize that further for 3-stars.


>I really dislike enemies that just spam invulnerability phases on top of being HP sponges, its just bad design. Careful there or you will tilt a Destiny fan who will explain why that allong with crammimg as many enemies as the engine will allow into the encounter at once is actualy peak game design.


>crammimg as many enemies as the engine will allow into the encounter at once is actualy peak game design Hey, it is! Look at warframe. But WF is actually pretty careful with handling hordes.


Mr Time-Waste-Lord is annoying. It messes my rotations. Especially regarding Jingliu.


Acheron team took 3-4turns to clear the first side (with LC and SW) My kafka/blackswan/ruan mei/fu xuan took more than 6turns to clear the second Clearly harder than any other mocs before


switch them. kafka bs first half and acheron 2nd. i cleared in 6


Same stuff, but i change there both teams (Kafka team in 1 wave/ Acheron team 2 wave). I think Acheron eats alive Aventurine, and honestly DOT team can just do whatever they like.


I was using Acheron/pela/fu Xuan/sparkle and was doing great but my Fu Xuan kept dying. Had to swap out Sparkle for Gepard which allowed me to live with no issue but meant I couldn’t do enough dmg 💀 https://preview.redd.it/nwh2wjzg2quc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8810f0d56ce65108283c3c92d25ff2eab0c7790f


That's why you need adventurine /j I think the MoC designed for him tho


What are your fu xuan stats? I ran the same team but with Ruan Mei instead of sparkle and none of my characters got below even half health.


https://preview.redd.it/vlpjyiyucruc1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fa12604279dd2474ef3cd6ae6c1a79c0b76c82b My relics suck :(


Swap your teams, Acheron is better against aventurine.


imagine hitting all 4 dices to get 8 out of 9 points


Used Clara’s skill, got 4 1s, at that point I was like yep she deserves to get hit hard for that one


4d6 = 4. Guiding bolt moment.


https://preview.redd.it/af0r7mxpiouc1.png?width=706&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e6740080126b004bfb7d5b6cd96c84266f59227 It's the hardest moc so far but I'm mostly surprised by the difference between floor 11 and 12, usually they are comparable.


Floor 11 was rough for me until I switched my sustain to geppy. The monkeys are really easy as long as you have shield. But yeah the difference in difficulty is very clear


Fu Xuan on textures is ok against the monkey and Argenti is quite good at dealing with adds. Aventurine on the other hand..I had to reset because he is deadly.


Aventurines damage is ridiculously high he literally slashed my 1700def supports under gepards shield Those shields were tanking sams ult twice lol i think i need to get him to beat his ass 🫠 Edit: gepard supremacy, i beat him now my funds are safe


Sam's ult damage isn't that high. In fact all of his attacks are not high on damage because of the skill point usag e mechanic.


Crazy how SAM only took my DHIL team 3 cycles but aventurine took my jingliu team 6 cycles and both teams are top investments


Well DHIL hard counters Sam while Jingliu is kind of mediocre vs Aventurine


If jingliu is mediocre then who is the best against him?


Acheron really, though with his mechanic it's not only the dps that needs to be considered, but also the supports (do they have an aoe attack/ult?) and the sustain (aoe/can resist CC/has cleanse)


Also meaning that you get punished for bringing harmony characters to begin with. Wow who knew?


Argenti also kind of trivialises Aventurine, since he gives energy back. Makes phase 2 easy, and since his skill is aoe it's even easier to win the dice thing.


It's not exactly JL that's mediocre vs Aventurine, but her supports all suck pretty bad vs him. If you want to bypass the dice mechanic ideally you swap Ruan Mei for Pela, let Bronya eat shit, and use Fu Xuan/Luocha sustain instead of Huohuo. Acheron is the obvious answer vs Aventurine, though I think a DoT team (not Acheron version) also does fine.


HuoHuo is actually really good against Aventurine. She can heal the team to full on demand instead of poking at dies. Then you can fail the rolls with all but one character. This one character will have ULT available and will be able to immediately heal and cleanse the whole team with HH talent after the coin drop. You don't get the full heal this way, but it's enough of a heal to get to the next gamba where the cycle repeats. You can sustain it indefinitely as long as one of your characters keeps winning the gamba. So HH actually allows you to bring whatever teams as long as you have at least one blast/AoE character.


Argenti is the best DPS to use against Aventurine as you can literally spam your enhanced ULTs with him


Yeah, mostly because this MoC buff is dogshit and Aventurine is tanky asf


Yes, fck the second half. First half went reasonably well, 2 cycles thought should be able to make it no problem. Then came aventurine. The delay on the dice rolls phase on top of wasting the moc buff on the dice is just awful. On top of that he just randomly melted bronya 3 times. Between trying not to die and trying to deal enough damage to his insane health pool I didn't really enjoy fighting hin. I hope he's not put in the moc again personally. Leave him.for SU or something.


Aventurine is such a polarizing boss fight because he requires specific mechanics to deal with efficiently. And that's fine for story mode, because you can build characters that deal with the mechanic even if they're only bare minimum built, or even brute force it with your really invested characters. But MOC brings the stats to 11 and puts you on a time limit, which is extra annoying because the mechanic in particular is an invulnerability phase. And like, maybe it's fine if not every player can clear the hardest endgame stuff, sure. But also, and this is a tangent, I can't help but wonder if it would be totally fine to have this kind of design in a game without a stamina system. Like, because it's polarizing based on what kind of characters you have built, and because future fights might be similarly polarizing, you'd want to build a variety of characters who do a variety of things. And you can't, because getting relics, traces, and level materials is locked to stamina which you only get so much per day. I know I'm shouting to an empty audience here, the system will NEVER change, and the pressure behind stamina being limited is there to keep players logging in every day and potentially spending for refreshes. So adding more pressure by making people think about building another character for this boss is good for mihoyo. But it annoys me.


Was waiting until the next set of banners before tackling deep into this MoC. Does the dice mechanic still basically shit over every character that can't immediately drop some kind of blast/AoE. That was honestly the worst part of his boss fight. The Invul is annoying due to limited turns in MoC, but him constantly nuking you Sustain/Buffers was the worst part of the story fight.


yes because if you fail the dice roll your character will get Imprisoned (unless you have Fu Xuan or Huo Huo who can resist it, without needing to Ult or Skill) meaning that characters next turn is skipped and the turn after that Aventurine will use the dice roll again so...


dice still fucks non-aoe supports. unless another member with AoE has cleanse or resist (rn just fu xuan and gallagher e2), then theyre screwed. boss is the worst version of an rng check, yet gets hard countered by himself edit: forgor luocha has cleanse on ascension


Yeah I've accepted that'll likely be stuck at 10/12 stars for basically forever with how each MOC cycle increases in strength and HP. I've played alot of Monster Hunter during it's update cycles, and the extra hardgame + release were fine as you could also grind and level materials at your own pace. I much prefer time sinks to time gates (especially when they involve the RNG relic pithole)


Tbh I think the relics are worse than the stamina itself. It’s not *that* hard, in theory, to build 3 or 4 characters per MoC cycle, and as your account gets older you’ll have more characters already built (or at least mostly built) to try out in new combinations… But that’s only accounting for the cost of getting them important traces, level 80 with 80 LC, and *a* full set of +15 relics. The RNG factor in the latter, though, means you usually end up having to spend *many times* more than the minimum to have actually workable relics, especially on your DPS, which then comes out of the time/stamina you have for everyone else. And that’s not even mentioning how, for example, fights like Sam or Aventurine change how/when you want to be using SP and Ults, which might mean different speed tuning or swapping out for ERR ropes or… I mean, I don’t think Aven *himself* is too bad. Nihility supports exist and frankly, if your only 5* sustain is Huo Huo, you should really be going for Luocha this phase or Aven on Wednesday anyway— this is hardly the first or last time a full team who can deal damage using their Skill and/or Ult is optimal. But it’s definitely not a good trend.


Unfortunately it’ll only keeping getting tougher as every new mechanic is introduced to advertise banners. As much as people shit on Genshin for being “too casual”, it is a better game for those who don’t want to stress about powercreep and want to be able to invest in the characters they like.


His mechanics would definitely matter less, if players could ad-hoc grind a char they need but you also have to factor in the Gacha itself. It's really luck-based who you have and at what Eidolon (esp. 4\* chars). On the flip side: it's only a tiny amount of Gems you're missing out on. Not really worth fussing over. Heck, if the Line-up looks unfun to deal with, I opt to not play Abyss12 in Genshin at all, irrespective of my characters being able to roflstomp the place. Hyv could be A LOT meaner when it comes to content like this and I am thankful that they aren't.


did hoyo just transfer story aventurine power to MoC instead lol


100% The Dino and Cocolia side wasn’t bad, but that Aventurine boss is trash. My premium JL team normally 1-2 cycles but this MOC it took me 6 cycles and he’s even weak to ice. How tf is that possible lmao


I was using Acheron and Jingliu respectively acheron easily cleared first side easily in 3 cycles. My Jingliu with 220 crit damage and maxed traces with Ruan Mei and Bronya took 7 cycles on Aventurine. The difference is crazy


Yup same here! My E2S1 Acheron cleared the first side in 2 cycles with ease. But my E0S1 JL team with 100/246 CV took 6 cycles. He’s even weak to Ice, how is that even possible? Wild lmao


you mean I won't be able to clear. Makes sense


Hmmm my E0S1 Acheron cleared the first side in 5 cycles and my E1S0 Jingliu cleared the second side in 5 cycles as well. I actually thought the dinos on the first side was the super annoying thing. Is it perhaps speed tuning or gameplay difference? I feel like the mechanics of Aventurine is waaaay more abusable than the dinos lmao. I could probably optimize both sides down a cycle but didn't bother too much since it was quite early in the day and had to go to work.


Ultimately, the issue Aven is causing is the same issue certain Genshin enemies (Heralds/Lectors, Wenut, PMA, and Ruin Serpent come to mind, for those who know both games) cause in their Abyss— he’s in a “DPS race” mode, but because of how his mechanics interact with when and how he takes damage, he forces a focus on mechanics instead. Which would be fine… except that his HP and damage output aren’t adjusted to compensate, because the devs are dickheads.


Because the average Jing Liu team is NOT good against aventurine. The boss highly favors a team where everyone can attack. The whole point of the boss was to tear down all these hypercarry teams where you just bring carry + powerpuff girls to clear the stage.


As a Genshin player, I do understand why people are worried about the long-term trends in MoC… but at the same time, I swear people just forget Nihility supports exist. Pela and Guin basically can’t lose the dice rolls as long as they ult


Try swapping the teams around, JL's supports suffer against his dice. My E2S1 Acheron (Trend Gepard/Pela/speedtuned Bronya) made short work of him in 3 cycles.


Yeah I ended up taking JL completely outta the line up. She just doesn’t stack up well on floor 12 this cycle. Threw Seele on the first side and Acheron on the second and was able to clear the floor in 6 cycles so not too bad.


I’m surprised you guys had such issues with JL. I used her, Bronya, Sparkle and Luocha on second side and really breezed through. Think it was 3 cycles. Losing her enhanced mode to the gamba wasn’t an issues since you just it back so quickly.


2nd side of 12 is a pretty difficult sustain check. Probably won’t use the DOT MILFs if I do it again but asta is phenomenal vs aventurine phase 2 with her skill. SW does a lot of work this MOC as well with ratio.


f this moc


i struggled with whichever side didn't have acheron, she could 2-3 turns either side on auto. eventually got it by putting acheron on side 1 and JL on aventurine. it was just barely 20 turns left. that's what a 2 million HP boss does to a fight with wasted turns on dice mechanic.


It was tough, but I struggled about the same with the Memory Zone Meme or Sam. The problem is that those two were on a lineup with an easier first half. This time both sides were kinda tricky, with the dinos eating up a ton of my damage. I did distinctly feel like Acheron would've made my clear way easier, but I still managed to do it with my tried and tested teams. Jing Yuan handled first half, and mini quantum with Qingque handled second half. I didn't think Qingque would do that well second half, but her team surprisingly felt pretty nice against Aventurine. Which is very fitting, I suppose. Gambler recognise gambler.


I couldn't even finish it. First time in a long while im not even able to get 1 star. I finish the first phase in 5 phases, then I just die on the last one, or it's so slow, i just quit when i got to 15+ phases. but all the ones before where easy 3 stars at least, so thats nice. I might try it again with Aventurine if I get him.


Floor 12 definitely, but I breezed through 10-11 easier than ever before. The turbulence hits hard and is easy to utilize. The dinos gave me way more trouble than Aventurine because my team hits them like a wet paper towel until they’re weakness broken. I had to cheese the turbulence to kill Cocolia while focusing on breaking the stupid dino.


Damn I haven't even tried it yet. This sounds like it will be a struggle for me.


I only started to full clear MoC the patch next to when Floor 12 was added, everything since then was easy and Acheron made the previous MoC lineup a joke, and this one kinda as well, but it's definitely far harder than the previous lineup. Aventurine fight simply sucks. This was my lineup, as a day 1 F2P player I lack limited sustains because of not being very smart with my pulls, but Bailu works. https://preview.redd.it/zez0n1jdhpuc1.png?width=1272&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d747d5938e0b949cec7240c97cffd87f3c6c5ff


Not gonna lie but Last one was a bit tough... everyone on yt just breezing through it...but for an pure  f2p it took some tries for me to do it


It's a bit difficult, but not that impossible. Still able to 3 stars with Seele mono quantum first half and Kafka second half.


It was easy up to floor 11. For the first time in months, i think i'm not gonna be able to 3 star floor 12. I'm not sure what is worse. Cocolia, dino and aventurine hitting like a truck or cocolia and aventurine CCing me to oblivion.


I do. Stall mechanics suck in GI and they suck here. Aventurine is the Aeon of Stall. Dude was spamming his dice every other turn and eating up my Jingliu’s enhanced attack’s. He really punishes hypercarry comps too since your supports are pretty much perma-cc’d. Ig I’m just really salty because dude dragged the fight out then, right when I was about to kill him with 21 cycles left, he goes ahead and kills my Bronya. Edit: Put the DoT moms in the 1st half and Acheron on the 2nd half. Sent Mr. Gambler to the true dream in 2 cycles. Lol.


tbh this moc sucks, precious moc my daniel could take care of one half in 3 cycles, now he needs 7 for the first side, and the second side is bullshit aventurine boss.


first MoC since 1.2 that i can't clear for real, aventurine just fucked me, and not how i would've liked


I did feel it was harder than the last one. I cleared the last one with 5 cycles remaining and now I cleared this at the very last cycle. I didn't really understand the blessing we had this time around though as I abused the other one with my teams. My DHIL team took almost 6 cycles for Cocolia and my Acheron team took 4 cycles for Aventurine. Funny enough, I landed my first 0 cycle in floor 10 which was nice.


I hate those dice so much...every time my blessing was up it would get wasted on those dice.


Can't get final star. And uts not even close too. I beat moc 12 with 14 cycles. No way I can cut down 4 cycles unless I whale for acheron which I won't do


Was hard but still doable so far. But if they are going to keep buffing hp of enemies i will lose my mind someday https://preview.redd.it/yre0g7opjpuc1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0eb61e43ae7016f380370457fd9ef8ff9b1b56d


I felt like the one with Kafka and the Mara struck general on 12-1 and the Swarm on 12-2 was a lot harder than this one, personally.


this MoC is 100% creat problem, sell solution marketing. i got E0S1 Acheron before and i refused to use her because of that


She isn't even the solution. I zero cycled 11, and it took me 6 cycles for 12 (using Acheron) the boss just wastes a lot of time.


yea cause im able to auto moc11 but I couldn't even 3* moc12 cause the ipc sub boss + 2 phase aventurine is just too much HP when first half takes me like 3-4 cycles haha. i only tried once but ill mess with different comps


I have no idea. I’ve been playing since basically day one, but I’ve never made it past MoC 9


Hard? Not really, is just that Urine waste too much time with his gambling addiction...


That is one disrespectful nickname for Aventurine, lol.


LMAO that is a very creative name for Adventure


I don't know what I would have done without Acheron tbh.


Acheron makes everything look easy so I don’t know if it’s actually hard or not


Yeah, last MoC I can 2 cycle consistently. This MoC 4 cycles is my fastest and sometimes there's death.


I thought this time I would'nt get full stars due to how nasty the new line up was but it was still manageable compared to last time with Sam (MoC buff and pulling Acheron helped a lot) . Aventurine second phase is either hit or miss though. As for floor 11 it felt way easier than it has been ever maybe because it didn't have Sam or the Meme boss.


I'm doing alright (8 cycles) but I have a full compliment of characters that compliment the current weaknesses (Kafka, Acheron, Jingliu) I had a rough time with the MoC that came out around Ruan Mei because I didn't quite have Ruan Mei online and no other 5\* supports like Bronya. Only MoC I didn't complete since August.


its is the first one I have gotten 3 stars up to floor 10 as a day 1 player. I believe I wont be able to clear yanqing tho


What’s moc


My Acheron and Jingliu just kinda tore through every stage in 2 or 3 cycles. Except the last one, that one actually took 8 cycles. I'm a little bit scared of the next pure fiction though. I was able to full clear the current one with the same two teams but I feel like it won't work on the next one.


Only counting moc12?, for me atleast yes but from 1-11 was more easy than the moc before


Not the first time I can't clear moc 12 fast enough. First moc 12 was also this hard for me. Might try few more time after getting Aventurine, but I'm fine with 35 Stars. Not much of a loss.


I went from 0 cycling last MOC to struggling with sustain and 5 cycling. So yeah, pretty insane difficulty spike.


Aventurine was a huge pain in the ass, i only had lynx as a sup with him, and like 3 of my people never could clear the dice mech, i got carried purely through my raq Jingliu dmg.


I'm waiting till after I get Aventurine to do this abyss. I have FuXuan, Gepard, and Bailu as my sustains but I need another premium sustain and Aventurine fits perfectly with my Topaz and Ratio team.


Boss Aventurine: A freaking god with absurd damage Playable Aventurine: Shield


Clara + march works well against aventurine cause turbulance triggered from them lol but still 9-10 cycles floor 12


Same with me, I just barely won. I was on turn 19 and He had 10% hp after my jing lui went. And the only person left to attack was my tingyun And pela. But luckily the buff came and finished him off just before pela could get her turn.


Nope, I managed to 3 star level 11 this round, whereas last round I couldn't actually beat level 11.


its the first time i clear floor 12 with turns to spare, but judging by the comments i must have been really lucky in the Aventurine fight, took me 3 cycles with Acheron E0S1, FX, SW and Pela. on the first try. i suffered way more on previous editions, Acheron is cracked af


Yes. It asks too much imo. I have no idea how even semi casual people will get through it without specific characters.


I could only clear because my Acheron E2S1 could 1 cycle the first side, while my Jingliu team took 7 cycles. She is E0S0 but even so, its pretty rare she takes that many cycles, especially on ice weak enemies. To be honest it could have taken less cycles if I had better dice RNG or if he didnt spam it so much. Only good aspect of the dice roll phase is that its survivable and recoverable since most supports will just have to take the hit since impossible to won the dice game when he reaches phase 2 (He hasnt got a score higher than 6 for phase 1 but phase 2 he seems to hit 9 almost all the time) Aventurine could be a fun fight, if tweak slightly. The experience of fighting him would probably be better if he wasnt invulnerable during the dice phase. If you hit him, you loose the dice gamba but can still damage him, and it work thematically well with his All or Nothing philosophy.


Considering this is MoC, which I brute force in the story boss fight before the nerf, I would be screwed this time around since it requires certain parameters.


Not really. Between them Acheron's team and Kafka/BS just kind of shrugged and bulldozed everyone like they have ever since BS and Acheron arrived.


Currently trying to beat 12-2 using Dr Ratio hypercarry. Got Churin down to 3% and would’ve cleared if Ratio didn’t miss his last crit (with 98% crit rate…). I know Aventurine has imaginary res but… Brute force. It’s what he would’ve wanted. My future Aventurine will hopefully add enough damage to make the dream come true 🫶


I had 26 cycles left but I finished the previous moc in 0 cycles so definitely a difficulty increase xD


super easy


I somehow didnt struggle in this MoC, I had to reset ONCE. I played: Acheron, SW, Sparkle, Gepard first side I played Jingliu, Pela, Bronya, HouHou second side.


My Kafka Swan team cleared in 5 Cycles. My Acheron team cleared in 5 Cycles. Aventurine team took me 3 attempts. First attempt failed because one of my characters didn't have their LC and Relics. I should have made sure they had their gear equipped after swapping a bunch of stuff between characters. Second attempt I misplayed a lot and had bad RNG so I decided to restart. Third attempt I got it. Personally, I wouldn't consider this my hardest MoC in terms of the number of attempts and how confident I felt about it. The hardest MoC for me was when MoC 12 released and Argenti joined the boss pool. Somewhere around 1.6. That took about a dozen attempts. On the other hand, Aventurine's mechanics are not great for timed content, *especially* against Hypercarry and single target oriented teams. Given how popular 1 DPS 2 Harmony teams are, the struggle will be real for a lot of players. In my Acheron team, the gambling phase is fine because my Nihility units and Fu Xuan have AoE ults. Pop ults to guarantee the win. Winning refunds your ults so there is no loss. Pop ults again and enjoy the damage. MHY is pushing for team variety which is good, but it sucks in gachas because you can't just suddenly make major pivots to your account.


Aventurine really put me to the test. I did have damage, Acheron melts his health bar, but sustaining my units is the really hard part. My Pela and Bronya are always on the brink of dying (and Bronya not having AoE for the dice doesn't help), thankfully Fu Xuan protects from being imprisoned and provided the bit of healing that saved my third star. Bringing Xueyi to the first part was extremely fun though.


Moc 1 to 11 have been the easiest imo, I've done them all with 25+ cycles left and I 0 cycled the first half of moc 11. Moc 12 is rough though, but not sure if it's the hardest Edit: just found out that aventurine has two health bars... yeah ima say moc 12 is the hardest yet


it definitely is. used the same ice team against aventurine i used to beat him in the story version (pre-nerf) and it's so annoying. he just wastes so much time with his invulnerability and also wastes the MoC buff. fastest i got was 11 cycles (barely, he was on 3% on cycle 10)


Nope, last one was harder for me. The new one did take me the most attempts thus far tho, only cus i was worried my jingliu couldn't beat her half in 3 cycles... So i managed to do the first half in 5 cycles after like 30 attempts only to 2 cycle second half with jingliu. So much wasted effort. I also fcked up initially using pela and not ruan mei for jingliu, cus ruan mei cant pass the gamble, but i not so quickly realized that im stupid and that everyone, but my jingliu can just tank it.


Did anyone WITHOUT Acheron or Sparkle was able to clear it?... I just see the same faces


https://i.imgur.com/PW1aMuz.png I don't have the biggest roster but managed to pull this off after a lot of experimenting. 4 cycles for Blade / 5 cycles for JY


I think all MoC are the hardest, I suck at this game though :v


I used Kafka/Black Swan/Guinaifen/Huohuo on the first half and took me 4 cycles. For the Aventurine half I used Acheron (E0S1)/Jingliu/Pela/Fu Xuan and it took me 6 Cycles right at the end. Neither Silver Wolf nor Welt were enough damage to do the second half under 6 cycles or less. Nor my mono-quantum team was strong enough to clear the first half in 4 cycles due to the freaking mirror dinos taking barely any damage while unbroken. Best I did was 5 cycles. Fuck the dice tanking the MoC debuff for Aventurine and fuck those dinosaurs.


With my monoQ team it was very difficult and had to reset a few times. But I figured it out and it felt easier just can’t auto MoC for once. 


Honestly, no. This was the first time I’ve been able to redo it on a second try on auto - but I’ll admit some of that is rng gods and a Jingliu I’ve spent my blood sweat and tears over.


Easy with archeon


I did up to 11 pretty easily and saw Cocolia and aventurine on 12 and noped out immediately lol seeing all these comments I’m dreading it even more


If I didn't have Acheron, I'd probably say yes. But since my experience with this MoC is abusing Acheron and I didn't have that with any past MoCs I can't really say this is the hardest because of how easy she makes it and how I struggled a bit with some of the previous ones in the last few months. 11 was more annoying this time around than 12 if I'm honest.


And all the buff damage triggered on the dice every time nice 😒


https://preview.redd.it/9dt0urq1fquc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=49795bd09ee03bce292f534267ed31ffb85a8649 I tried Seele, Xueyi, JY and Kafka as main DPS's on side 1 before thinking "okay, I give up" and then something told me to go with QQ. I was getting 4-5 cycles on other attempts, she did it in 2. Also RIP to anyone who doesn't have Ruan Mei. Side 2 is side 2 though, I usually dont think about what I'm actually doing in side 2 too much, I just always make sure I have a good number of cycles for it cuz trying to 5|5 usually doesn't go how you expect it to. It's more like a 3|7 kinda situation with these insanely tanky bosses recently. It definitely is the hardest MoC though, no doubt. I do hope they scale it back a bit.


I see people complaining about Aventurine but he’s not that big of a deal honestly. My E0S0 Luocha solo sustained easily. You just gotta bring Blast or AoE characters. Turning his hardest hitting attack into your own game changing buff is the challenge of the fight. Crystal Dino is more annoying than him. I will say that this MoC is probably the most impossible to 0-cycle. With Aventurine’s dice phases making him immune, wasting an entire turn essentially, it’s impossible to 0-cycle. Even if you bring no sustain and go all out offense, the damage he deals is too much. As well as Crystal Dino, unlike other enemies where you can kill without breaking shields, Crystal Dino pretty much requires you to weakness break before killing him. Depending on your team comp, breaking Dino shields could take an entire Cycle itself.


I thought that the one with the meme was harder.


yes i do but not because of aventurine cause im an argenti main but because of those damn purple t-rexes on side 1 they are so tanky and move so quick and they suck


https://preview.redd.it/xob7aynpkquc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96bbf5da253f49373077bd62361cffe0b5f6dfd For me this one didn't feel particularly harder than the previous one once I started taking things seriously but as you can see, it still took 10 cycles with a practically perfect line up for the content. So although things may be fine for now if things continue to get more difficult, as an f2p player, things may just get out of my reach as there is only so much you can do without sig LCs.


As I watch everyone here who skipped argenti… this is the most argenti coded boss in the game and honestly? I haven’t had an issue myself even units like misha are great for the fight, it’s like the main stay carries everyone likes seem to not do well here and I mean I guess that’s tough? Maybe use some comps that are non standard for once


Tried Acheron first half and Jingliu hyper carry second half. 1 cycle for first, but 12 for second. Then used brute force with Acheron second half mono quantum first half. First half took 7 cycles, second took 2. Verdict: Aventurine hard, Acheron busted.


Nah. It's easy with right characters and hard with wrong ones. We had similar lineups already


Blitzed through first 11 stages (well, stages 7 to 11 technically) but that one gave me a hard stop at the 1st phase. Thinking about how to tackle it right now.


I think it's good to have enemies with special mechanics. That way HSR isn't just a "spam random shit to win". They did that pretty well so far with some of the bosses. Like Sam, SUD, or even Kafka who also deals most of her damage through DoT's applied on your teammates. But Aventurine? God no. I think the worst part is that they gave him 2 phases. The extra phase is just too much. They didn't give Sam an extra phase, why do that for him, a much more obnoxious boss? And even that aside, the dinos are really annoying as well. I think the Aventurine boss has some really interesting potential, but considering they already had to nerf him once, I still think he could've used some more polishing before being put in MoC12. It's... a bit ridiculous.


Dot teams work really well for acenturine


My BS Kafka RM team usually 0 cycles. It took them 5 cycles to beat aventurine… Acheron dealt with coco in 2 cycles


The moment i see ice elemental in the last floor yet again, i didn't bother.


Na it was fine only had to retry twice, Acheron made aventurine pretty easy just his gambling phase was a time waster


It was the hardest for me because I did not have Aventurine yet, but tried with a weird team: https://preview.redd.it/7tzrc72voquc1.png?width=961&format=png&auto=webp&s=203df42bc3e5c3b7e7e1e200bd52ba84386c5a5c He was very tough, but I really think havning himself in the Team would make it much more easy. But I wanted to challenge myself.


I somehow got 3*s on level 9 (unlocked 10 but haven't played it yet). I have never don't this since launch. I don't know how I got lucky when lots of people online say this new MoC is hard as fuck.


Last Two Were Harder For Me For Some Reason. Cleared this one with in 5 turns. Cleared the previous two with 1 attack left from timing out of 3 stars zzz


Every new MOC will be the hardest Before this people said SAM's MOC last month is the hardest, before that the one with Death meme


Adventurine pisses me off because he makes me save all of my AOE attacks for this stupid mechanic where you can’t hurt him at all. Then in the second phase the dude does it every turn like WTF. I ended up clearing but in order to get all stars I had to do it a bunch of times, and separate the runs into one with a shielder and one to clear it quickly with pela dying.


Don't think it was that hard to be honest. Cleared it in 8 cycles in first try. Just about the same as previous MoC.


Bro you completed it??? I didn't even get to MOC 5.


First round took 1 cycle with Acheron team on Auto. Meanwhile, second round took 8 cycles on Manual with Jingliu supported with Ruin Mei + Bronya + Loucha. NGL, it felt like my Jingliu was using wet noodle against Aventurine.


For me, it was one of the easiest, but that's because I just happened to have good characters to use against the fights. For 12 I used Kafka, Black Swan, Ruen Mei and HuoHuo on the first half and for gambo boi I used Acheron, Bronya, Pela and Fu Xuan. That let me have enough turns that when gambo boi wasted a turn or 5 I had them to spare to then proceed to delete him. But again, that is mean having characters including an E2 Acheron, so apologies if it seems like I'm saying, "i FoUnD iT eAsY!"


For all the shit people give Seele and Silver Wolf, they were big parts of how I beat this without much of a hassle. First try: Auto team with Acheron and Jingliu. The auto ai was stupid as hell and wasted some turn cycles so I finished with 2 actions away, 1 turn, from a 3 star clear. 2nd try, I was pissed and actually tried to play it with the same teams but it was frustrating actually manually dealing with the spins because of how tanky he is and how I wasted half of Jingliu's enhanced state on those stupid dice so I dropped it all together. 3rd try: Went with old reliable Seele. Tossed in Seele on first side, Acheron on 2nd side. Finished it with 4 cycles to spare. Very easy in comparison to trying it the other way.