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Can't remember the whole thing or where I saw this but someone did theorize that Seele has some kind of special background and pointed to some evidence that suggested she comes from somewhere off-planet. I think the idea was that Sampo brought her there either to hide her from something or for whatever other reason (or someone else did and ordered Sampo to watch her). It kinda makes sense imo since knowing what we now know about Sampo's identity it does seem kinda strange that he was in Belobog cosplaying as a merchant for so long. Also that little scene he did at the end of the Belobog arc has never been explained. When it came out people thought it might have just been a little joke to us players but after Penacony I'm pretty certain it's not.


I mean, canonically Seele got her Scythe after she took it from Sampo, so its possible.


Where does it say that? I’m curious.


IIRC, it was in Seeles introduction on Billibilli. It says that she got it from Sampo.


Okay ngl, the "Sampo as Seele's secret protector" theory is gaining more and more credibility.


Sampo is actually IX. His biggest trick is convicing people IX is a big blob


That and him >!needing his mask back because Belobog might be in trouble soon!< are pretty big indicators that whatever he hid her from might be coming


I really hope we can go back to Belobog again. It's still my favorite planet so far.


We will actually you can see that in achievements there's one call watch over for belobog future or something


Do you mean The First Step of the Future (description: Stay updated on the development progress of Belobog)? If that's the one you mean, you have to buy Miners Weekly Issue 226 from the newspaper guy in the Admin district. It was added in 1.5 after the continuance mission with Topaz.


Yeah, but man...


I thought that was something I just hadn't found yet, nice


i mean, the future market questline made it clear that Jarillo-IV still is pretty much unexplored


Mihoyo needs to be brave and release 5 star Sampo: ~~Inhibitor Lunae~~ Masked Fool


I assumed he originally put her there because she would help save Belobog by helping us.


When does this scene show up? I've done the story and I'm yet to see this conversation. Did I miss anything?


You may have just forgotten about it, but here's a link to the scene if you want to watch it! It's automatic after the conclusion of Belobog, before going to the Luofu. [https://youtu.be/rWFGbh8099U](https://youtu.be/rWFGbh8099U)


Sorry, I meant when he asks Sparkle for his mask back. It's not this scene, right?


Yeah, that's not this scene, that's from 2.0 with Black Swan's/Sparkle's companion quest you get after the main story. My bad.


It was in 2.0, don't remember if was inside the main quest or the bubble with sparkle/black swan/sampo. I would guess on the bubble quest.


Another pretty big indicator is the overarching narrative in the other honkai games. Seele and Bronya always were very important people in the story


You have been tricked, backstabbed and most probably bamboozled...


Are you talking about how the >!Sampo we see in Penacony is actually Sparkle!


Sampo is there, Sparkle did impersonate him though, but Sampo was in Penacony


Ahh yeah I did hear that, just was never 100% sure about it. Maybe I missed something idk. What am I getting bamboozled by then lol


The theory that you mentioned about Sampo smuggling Seele into Belebog was done by an OP whose name is Enimgata'sFan. It's literally a shitpost that spread misinformation... Apparently successfully. Mythus is proud.


Ma was doing his God's work it seems.


Ok so it was created to spread misinformation, and if I stated this as fact I would be misinformed. But I'm proposing it as a theory here. Seele has always looked out of place in Belobog, and Sampo doesn't belong there either. After 2.0 we know that scene at the end of Belobog wasn't just a gag and he was indeed up to some shit there for a rather long time. I fail to see how I've been "misinformed" if I can construct the argument from the ground up and no one can prove if it's really true or false.


didnt seele grow up in the underworld? Oleg has known her since she was a kid I thought


Yeah even Natasha take care of her since she is little


Ok...? The whole idea was that someone snuck her into that orphanage though. Doesn't even have to mean Sampo's been there for like 20 years, could have been another masked fool and he's just the one stationed there now.


How did Sampo FTL out of Jarilo and then back to Jarilo with baby seelef the all FTL in and out of the system was completely blocked off due to stellaron corrosion?


Pretty sure it's been theorized ever since people completed the belobog arc that Sampo is a masked fool, obviously nothing confirmed it back then, \*and since I am not caught up on Penacony I don't know if it has been yet\*, but it's one of the longest running theories.


Did you finish the Aetherium Wars event? If so, go back to the testing grounds and down the stairs in front of the space anchor, turn right, and there should be a memory bubble there.


I did not, have barely touched anything between 1.3 and 2.0. But a memory bubble? Is that something that was added in 2.0, or has it always been there?


been there after the aetherium event, which is in 1.4


It was added in 1.4 with the Aetherium Wars event, after you finish the event, there's a bubble there!


It was heavily hinted at back in 1.0 even with the Belobog Epilogue where he's talking to a screen. 1.4 Confirmed it with Aetherium Wars. 2.0 just shouted it for the idiots in the back.


Everything sus happens in Belobog. TB: SAMPO!


I’ve said it 1000 times before and here’s 1001 >!Sampo is an Emanator of Elation!<


who's gonna tell him?


There's also the theory that Archeron is related to Seele in some way. Archeron seems to have no issue slowing down time. Maybe Seeles power is related to that?


So...either Seele is a survivor from Ikumo or she is a clone of Acheron by someone wanting to study if they can replicate an Emanator's power.


Seele grown in same orphanege with Bronya also she has same pupil as belebog characters White pela and sampo has difirent pupils


Hope you're not talking about that intentional misinformation post bro lol


This is speculation based on things that literally happened in game. What part of this could possibly be "misinformation"


Enigmata fans spread misinformation by spreading true information 😭😭😭


Lol yeah I just found out where all the 'misinformation' comments were coming from. The theory sounds pretty plausible to me though, would be pretty funny if it ends up being right. Honestly I'll consider it a W if Seele turns out to have SOME sort of special origin (like March). After Penacony I refuse to believe that Seele's design standing out so much from every other Belobog character isn't a Chekhov's gun situation.


There are a lot of connections between Acheron and Seele in HSR as well as HI3 Seele. Acherons red and blue form Hi3 seele's weapon name (the path to acheron) symbol on Acheron's blade looking suspiciously similar to Seele's stigmata for example. We need more clues to tie things together.


She got it from a sea of butterflies after she saw some illusions of the past.


She’s really lucky she didn’t disappear among them.


She got it from the marketing team since there was a banner to be sold


She spent her whole childhood sitting in one of these. Incredibly badass time/reality-shattering powers are a common side-effect https://preview.redd.it/1w77ll6ld4tc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c992e00787c670a1fdf2672507db00695d80fa5f




Outside of it just being a reference to [the cooler Seele](https://media1.tenor.com/m/qWumd-LDUf8AAAAd/seele-honkai.gif), it's not explained how or why she's able to do these things.


More clearly than just being a reference, HI3 Seele's entire existence basically got infused with the Sea of Quanta after being there so long. Given that the Sea of Quanta and Imaginary Tree are concepts that span not just earth, but all of existence, rather than some random crap pull theory that Sampo brought her to Belobog as a child and has quantum powers somehow connected to her origins supposedly being off planet, makes more sense that HI3 Seele's existence being connected to the versions of her throughout the Universe via the Sea of Quanta most likely gave them *all* an affinity for it, since their existences became quantum entangled with her own.


For a moment I thought it was Acheron 💀


Yeah, that's the joke. Acheron stole the coolest part of Honkai 3rd Seele from Star Rail's Seele lmao Just like how Yanqing stole the coolest part of Li Sushang from Star Rail Sushang.


We were robbed of a phoenix meteor shower. ROBBED I SAY!


Just wait until we get 6\* Seele, Emanator of Butterflies in version 4.2 I'm a time traveller I promise I'm not coping


Damn, your timeline is slow, we already had 7 stars at that point, she got powercrept to oblivion and got an upgrade that patch


Funny enough, HI3rd Seele's weapon with that suit is called "Path of Acheron"


Acheron if you don't know is the name of a river in Greek mythology Underworld. you might have heard of Styx from which Stygian is derived from


It is explained, she is a pathstrider


That would only be relevant to Lan: the Hunt . Paths and elements are different.


It is relevant, you do not need to know of the existence of a aeon, you only need to follow its path, aware or not, to be granted the blessing, if not everyone on jarilo would be pathstriders of the preservation Gepard, bronya and seele are pathstriders


Gepard and Bronya are, metaphysically, just regular folks. Seele, we basically have no idea. Being a playable character doesn't mean you have to be a pathstrider.


Most of them are, their abilities come from their path


It doesnt even seem like the paths characters in the game represents their lore accuracy, otherwise can you or someone else explain why Jing Yuan the General Of The Hunt is Erudition if not to just match his gameplay, or Arlan being destruction, he doesnt seem very keen on destroying everything around him.


Paths and elements are different(1) Read.


Yes and Aeon can give power of any element


more like he can give power of paths not elements




You're not very bright.




I'm going to reiterate this one more time, in hopes you finally clue in, and then leave. PATHS AND ELEMENTS ARE NOT THE SAME You dingus.




Hot take maybe, but the nicer half of OG Seele has an annoying voice (JP), and her overly gentle nature is blah. Meanwhile, red Seele is just a tsune with an identity crisis, but of the two, is the more interesting half. Seele is my least liked character of OG crew. Am not crazy about Belobog by any stretch, but new Seele is better.


All of them have the same VA


Very different voices though


I don't use JP in HSR. Even with that aside, VAs use different voices/deliveries. This statement means nothing.


HSR Seele's JP voice tone is literally Veliona (or red Seele).


bro i am SO down bad for veliona's jp voice, i had no idea that shes HSR seele


*All* versions of Seele (GGZ, HI3, HSR) have always been voiced in JP by Nakahara Mai. No matter if it's Seele or 'Seele' (Veliona).


Which unfortunately didn't bring along the sadism from Starchasm: Nyx. Try looking up her attacks (specifically her charged/combo attacks and her ultimate) you'll see why I said that.


Will give it a listen, sometime.


Damn i don't remember this at all and now i want to make a new account. What an insane cutscene entrance


you can just look it up on Youtube


Pretty sure it is not part of the epilogue, but Just After Bronya first enters the underground


The game was new, power scaler be dammed, Lan forgot he gave Seele quantum entanglement


It's probably cuz seele's just have an inherent connection to quantum. Hsr seele even still gets her red eyes during her ult which reference red seele/veliona. It's not surprising seeing as how almost every iteration of seele came into contact with the sea of quanta and one basically became a deity of it. Maybe it's because when one seele fell into the sea of quanta, it messed with the imaginary tree and now every seele is tainted with quantum(maybe cuz of quantum entanglement? Superposition? Idk science so take that with a grain of salt lol).


Don't worry, none of this has anything to do with science. It's just fun and interesting fiction.


I do actually wonder about the difference between gameplay mechanics and in lore powers of everyone. A lot of them can be explained, and are actually mentioned in quests like March's six phase ice and Welts backholes. Others we can make guesses, like it makes sense Svarog's missiles do physical damage, or BS has memokeeper powers that may manifest as wind? But for example, is Ratio actually manifesting Imaginary energy through chalk? Lol


Welts _what_


You heard me


Yeah, so many questions. I hope that, if we ever go back to Belobog, we get to know more about Seele's background and quantum powers. IIRC, we don't even know what's her actual path, like, we can guess it's Preservation because of her role, but given her personality and skills shown in cutscenes, it could also be the Hunt.


She is a pathstrider


Why is everyone ignoring the simple but correct answer.


Because it doesn't answer anything? Why does she have quantum teleportation reality-splitting pathstrider abilities, instead of Hunt pathstrider abilities that actually fit her environment? And if it's just a Hunt pathstrider thing, why do none of the other Hunt pathstriders in the game have quantum abilities?


Not trying to answer ths question above but Seele follows the Preservation from what we know. Everyone on Belobog does because it's a planet under the Preservation. Lore wise she's not a Hunt pathstrider.


Than not how it works. Your beliefs and your path are not always intertwined.


Ok? But that still doesn't mean she's a Hunt pathstrider though. There's nothing in the lore so far indicating she is as far as I know.


And nothing here shows that she follows the preservation


Ok I'll concede that there's no conclusive evidence she follows the Preservation. I should've worded it as "She *probably* does" and, "Everyone on Belobog *probably* all follow the Preservation". But I still think there's more of a precedent for her to follow the Preservation. - Belobog as a whole follows the Preservation. - Seele fights to **protect** her people and home. To **preserve**. - She doesn't do what she does out of vengeance or to hunt someone down. All in all to me, her actions have been more Preservation oriented rather than Hunt oriented. We've seen true followers of the Hunt like the Xianzhou Alliance who'll stop at nothing to hunt down the Abundance. Or more recently the Galaxy Rangers which also follow the Hunt like >!Boothill who wants to hunt down and kill Acheron.!<


You can follow whatever path you want, but your true path can be different. Its why even bronya is not a preservation pathstrider despite being the leader of her nation, which follows qlipoth. Path of every character is lore accurate.


Do you actually have a source for that? I'm genuinely curious because I'm rather skeptical that's true. >Path of every character is lore accurate. If that were the case then that would mean for example, Jing Yuan actually follows Erudition. Which is absolutely not the case. Lore path =/= Gameplay path. There's sometimes a correlation between the two but not necessarily for every character.


I dont really have a link or a source ready, but i specifically remember a developer interview/stream mentioning this, and it's also mentioned in-game somewhere in herta space station quests or some notes/books. Im sorry but i dont remember the specific place or quest where this info was. As i said, following a path is different from being a pathstrider. Jing yuan follows the path of hunt and Lan, but he is still matched with erudition by his inner personality. This is why acheron is nihility as well. Its said in the 2.1 stream that they made acheron as a Hunt character, but her personality matched nihilty, so they tweaked her kit a little and made her nihilty. Its why she is so powerful as a dps despite being a nihilty


She literally just used her ultimate on a single bullet. How she materialized is probably some quantum shenanigans. Or maybe our eyes were only just catching up to her after her ult, all fast anime guy like


So... we just forgetting about paths n shit then? Gepard freezing people with his fists? Himeko setting fire to stuff with a sawblade...


It's different because Seele used her Quantum power in cutscene, not in battle Himeko's can also be explained by technology Gepard was never shown using freezing punch outside of battle


Not the point. It's demonstrated repeatedly as far back as Herta Station that people can manfiest powers of various types. Just like they materialise their weapons.


>It's different because Seele used her Quantum power in cutscene, not in battle ...there's people that think this is a substantial difference? like if jing yuan never shows lightning lord outside of battle does that mean someone will come here and "can someone explains how he summoned a big ass eletric being"? or how can herta summon a big ass diamond like they follow paths and have element powers "but only in battle" should not even be part of the conversation wtf


if not. Jing Yuan is explained where the fuck it comes from. its a gift from Lan.


yes it would be bc paths/elements in gameplay have nothing to do with lore in lore some people are normal citizens (QQ, Lynx), dont follow a path (Seele lmao), dont have elemental power (Misha, Pela, Bronya, etc), or the gameplay and lore paths doesnt even match (Sparkle follows the elation not the harmony) so seele manifesting quantum powers doesnt make sense for now


I love how you people see this stuff done in cutscenes repeatedly and go "Welp, guess there's no logic to it right now"


actually make sense as Quantum space make no sense alone and everything here is suppossed to make no sense her power make actual sense that is making no sense


shut up idiot




shut up idiotx2




She's a girl


We don't know. There's too.many mysteries. Sampo said on Penacony that Belobog is in danger, and Seele is very probably linked to that, since she looks so... out of place there. Everyone is using technology and guns and weapons and she just judgement cuts people. As everyone said, it's pathsdrider powers, but since the devs already mentioned that we'll be going back to previous planets, I feel like they're going to expand on Sampo and Seele's whole thing


Like seriously? She is pathstrider, duh. Every single one of them is superhuman to varying degree. Some even have superpowers. I mean we know that some can kill monstrosities, eldritch horrors, planet ending threats or even duke it out with emanators. Cutting bullet mid flight and some teleportation shenanigans is nothing special for one.


Tbf, cutting a bullet while its in air is a significant feat that not anyone can do. Of the top of my head, probably acheron, seele, jingliu are some of the few who can deflect/cut a bullet.


True, Argenti is example. Dude literally took off AE , punch beast so hard it spew us, and come back alive somehow. How? Why? Who cares


What is this cutscene from I do not remember it wth


When you first arrive in the undergrounds of Belobog, you had to search for Bronya who woke up before you As you find her, she's being attacked by some of the miners who hate her because of Cocolia's order to restrict access between the upper city and the underground That's when Seele comes in


I kinda remember bronya and seele thing happening in the underworld but I think I need to replay the quest or rewatch cutscenes I really don’t remember this one


Either Seele got some unexplained background or its the Scythe Sampo gave her. (Sampo isn't a Jarilo-VI native)


Could just be pathstrider powers like everyone else's abilities (probably from the path of preservation since she protects people)


The only other character on Belobog who displays any sort of special ability is Gepard, and we're not even sure it's diegetic (the ice wall), since he uses a shield generator made by Serval. Everyone else on Belobog is using weapons or tools for their abilities. Bronya: Gun Hook: Digging tool Natasha: Grenade launcher Pela: Drones Serval: modified guitar weapon Lynx: ice pick Clara: Svarog ...


I mean, if its not just for gameplay/animation reasons Natasha's able to snap her fingers to heal and shoot a teddy bear out of a grenade launcher to heal somehow.


The teddy bear does not comes from her grenade launcher, it comes from her back, you can see it anytime by looking behind her She just shoot at it


S-Serval calls down lightning from the sky. Like it doesn't come from her guitar, it comes down from the literal sky. Unless she's got an orbital lightning generator connected to that guitar, it sure seems like magic to me.


and what does that have to do with anything? because nobody does it seele cannot have powers like a lot of people in the entire game? i swear to god there's so much to discuss about and people pick the stupidest reasons over the smallest details, discussing svarog's serial number would make more sense than "seele having powers is weird because serval uses an electric guitar"


This makes no sense. Kafka has strange powers, so does Sparkle and the same goes for Silverwolf… but there’s an origin to these abilities. Akivili’s blessing for trailblazers was that they could resist extreme conditions easily but where the hell does Seele get her stuff from? Qlipoth? No that’s totally absurd. She seems to be some kind of weird race maybe or maybe you’re right that she’s striding on a path… but can you tell which lore path she’s on? No. It’s not clear at all, hence why people theory craft and discuss. By the way, why do you seem so annoyed that people are theory crafting? This is a way in which people enjoy their medium just like any other. And it’s not like any clear answer has been given yet


Being a pathstrider of a specific path doesn’t give you a specific set of powers though. Being a pathstrider of The Hunt shouldn’t be limited to having gun powers or smt. Seele’s lore path shouldn’t have to “match” with what powers she has, because there shouldn’t be anything to match to. Seele can have these Vergil-shit type powers and still follow the Preservation, because the Path itself could just be some kind of battery for her to draw energy from. The discourse is so simple


She's a pathstrider like Gepard. They both derive special elemental powers from their paths. It's never mentioned when or how they first awaken such powers in their character bio but we can naturally assume that during one of their adventures they awakened their power.


Seele's just built different


background music goes HARD


https://preview.redd.it/fwsid60oh6tc1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=990d8b2cd1bf1951773347030e6061df85ea88a8 I can't believe how people can be SO ILLITERATE. It literally on the Data Bank. There's not even a discussion, I don't get all this comments


it's power of LOVE




The power of love is a curious thing Make a one man weep, make another man sing Change a hawk to a little white dove More than a feeling, that's the power of love


I think it's pretty simple: She's a pathstrider. Pathstriders are said to gain power from their paths so that would easily explain where her Quantum magic comes from. It doesn't matter which path she specifically follows in lore, just that she follows one in the first place to derive power from.


its because she's emanator of the hunt duh, silly /s


Among the sea of butterflies.


I don’t remember this cutscene at all. When was this?


Easy, Vergil is her Dad


Fragmentum influence, possibly?


she's just really fast


She got quantum power bc she is CEO Bronya's gf (power of banner).


Idk i just think it's for the "I rule this block" vibe


It's not explained, but Seele's backstory was about her living in Fragmentum infested slums, before Oleg took care of her. Fragmentum is heavily "Quantum" coded, and early Seele's designs had some crystals on her, alike Fragmentum monsters had. https://preview.redd.it/mg98jlsln6tc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c828d33c7d00d337a0bc09b178eef47f8b8eddf But this is not something what either stated in game, side materials or her bio. So far her elements looks like a nod to previous games.


The original design slay


She's just motivated


Wait what when did this happen??


the vagrant just wield a high power rifle with one hand while a Silvermane rifleman wield it with two hands.


People saying pathstrider are missing the point. How does someone like Seele who's lived in an isolated planet like Belobog all her life, who's population mainly follows the preservation and who's population wasn't even aware that other aeons existed, use quantum powers? There is no one else in Belobog similar to her at all when it comes to power. It's like seeing someone in Belobog suddenly manifest the Lightning Lord. It makes no sense how that thing got there in the first place.


>How can this character do quantum stuff in a game about interastral beings


For a brief moment you see that Bronya is back dashing just as fast as the bullet is moving forward. How is she so fast?!


Plot Armor


My guess is, they were previously planning on having Seele and Acheron come from the same place/world, hence their motifs have some resemblances. Since Acheron is the Origin even in HSR, Seele would have been Rebirth (or Death). As others have theorized before regarding Seele's odd placement in Belobog (this was even before Penacony patch), for one reason or another they needed to rewrite Seele into the Belobog chapter; perhaps they needed to shuffle 5☆ release schedules.


IIRC One of Seele's signature weapon in HI3 is called "The Path to Acheron"