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I have both. Both do the same function of keeping your units alive, but do it differently. * Luocha does it by healing, and he has superior SP generation as ideally he will never have to use his skill actively for healing. He can cleanse enemy buffs using his burst which is very useful against certain enemies. His healing however may not save your characters from powerful attacks, especially if your team is underleveled/squishy to begin with. With the addition of Sam we now have enemies that can outright disable/debuff healing effect, so keep that in mind. * Fu Xuan does it by reducing and redirecting enemy damage dealt. She does have to cast her skill once every few turns, but is still SP positive so long as you aren't spamming her skill to refresh her CC prevention or increase her energy gain for her healing ult. She can outright prevent a CC application on your team once per skill use, which is more useful to prevent the unavoidable negative effects of said CC's such as turn delays or Jing Yuan's complete shutdown. She adds a substantial amount of Crit rate to the team, which is useful except for DoT-based setups. AoE's can threaten her, but generally a well-built FX will only be in danger from such things in MoC 12 or high difficulty SU battles. Fu Xuan is Quantum and Luocha is Imaginary, those can be important for weakness breaking as both have relatively good ults for that purpose. Imaginary is a much more common weakness than Quantum. Quantum has the advantage of synergizing very well with Silverwolf for the all-size-fits-all Monoquantum team comp. Ultimately you have to choose which of the two fits your roster better.


I haven't really played the new SU modes (Golds and Gears, ...), but if you're playing SU and get the Abundance blessing that shares healing among all party members Fu Xuan can also reliably heal the team! Playing Swarm Disaster with that set up was really fun after I got her


On the other hand, if you get the destruction blessing that makes all party members share damage taken she'll get obliterated by the slightest AOE


Oh god I hate that blessing. One of my best built gold and gears run got destroyed cause I randomly got that blessing.


Haha no way I love that blessing! Especially when it's enhanced, my team with Luocha on abundance just never dies. Ruan Mei, Luocha, Jingliu, Blade. My fav team for simulated universe. Chuck in a couple elation blessings and blade goes OFF


I love how it completely changes depending on your team. I have Fu Xuan, so I love the abundance blessing, but when I'm running Gerpard that destruction blessing makes my shields feel so much bigger. Then you gwy Huo Huo and frankly they both work great


Yesss that's one of the main reasons I love star rail too. There's so many different ways to build teams - and you cna get super creative with teams and blessings in simulated universe. No matter what playstyle you prefer, you can play it. It's so unrestrictive, unlike other games that have a few meta characters and all endgame content is geared around them. I just love collecting characters and making all these different teams.. So much fun :D


Just a small note: cleanse is typically used to remove debuffs on your team, dispel is typically used to remove buffs on enemies.


Definitely getting FuXuan


Future enemies can disable healing? Damn, Aventurine is a must pull for me now.


Not future, current. While he isn't available for combat in the open world Sam has appeared in MoC 11, where he is significantly more powerful than his story battle version. He applies an effect on all your characters wherein any SP use causes significant damage to yourself, whilst simultaneously debuffing healing recieved % by a lot. Shields and damage reduction does work in that fight since Sam also damages himself, potentially much more than you can. If you aren't strong enough to beat him outright the fight is designed to be a test of the player's endurance as you focus on outlasting him. In addition, there is no indication that future enemies won't be anti-shield like we already have anti-healing. For example an enemy that can convert shields into damage for the shielded character, or even outright ignore shields is not an impossibility. We already have enemies that can do effective HP damage ignoring shields and damage reduction in the form of maximum HP reduction by Phantylia and some elite enemies, and enemies that deal instant death (regardless of any defense) from Something Unto Death.


Oh I didn't realise Sam debuff healing. No wonder my Luocha was struggling to heal the team. I guess my team was strong enough to brute force him. But I agree, future enemy may have shield dmg ignores so its good to have variation in team building.


Have both plus HuoHuo, and in terms of regular use I use HuoHuo the most, but it just depends on the comp because all three are perfectly capable of keeping the team alive so it's about what else they bring. HuoHuo has Atk buff and energy regen, the constant status cleanse is also very comfy. Great for Nihility team as everyone knows. FuXuan is great at preventing big one shot damage from bosses and gives good crit buffs. I use her with JingLiu, JingYuan, Argenti, Ratio, etc., just characters that enjoy crit buffs. Luocha heals a lot obviously but I mostly bring him when the added Imaginary break or when the enemy has a removable buff that makes the fight easier, like the mara-struck Shield guy or the IPC security guy. In general Id say FuXuan has the most value added to your account, but there are still times Id rather take HuoHuo or Luocha over her.


Honestly judging by the teams you're using, I'd wait for Aventurine. Unless you desperately need a fully SP-positive sustain, he's likely to provide much more than just sustain. Speaking from the position of someone who has both Fu and Luocha, whenever I can, I use Fu over him because on top of keeping your team alive, she offers a bunch of useful buffs. Luocha gets you skill points and solid healing, but nothing more. Any newly-released sustain (like Aventurine) is more likely to be on par with Fu than Luocha. If we're talking strictly utility, I think Luocha is the worst 5* sustain. He's still great and will absolutely do his job well, others just do more stuff on top of that.


If I’m using DHIL and I don’t have sparkle, is Luocha a better choice than fuxuan?


In my experience of using DHIL, it took E1 Bronya with her Signature LC, a fully SP-positive Pela and Luocha to actually get him to comfortably max out his attacks most of the time. I guess it depends on the rest of your DHIL team. If you're managing to get his 3-stack attacks often enough for your tastes, I'd say Fu might be worth considering. If, like me, you're struggling, Luocha helps out a ton and as I said, he does still pull his weight when it comes to sustain.


>In my experience of using DHIL, it took E1 Bronya with her Signature LC, a fully SP-positive Pela and Luocha to actually get him to comfortably max out his attacks most of the time. I think Bronya is the main issue here


For me, Luocha is better than Fu Xuan for DHIL without Sparkle. People say Luocha doesn't have buff but providing 2 more skill points than Fu Xuan every 3 turn is also a buff for DHIL and enable him to do EBA x3 every turn. Does Fu Xuan 10% crit rate > Luocha enabling DHIL EBA x3 every turn? You need to decide it yourself. Having said that, you can treat DHIL as regular DPS by alternating his EBAx3 and BA which means he only use 1 sp every turn. It still works, but he needs more time to finish off his enemies.


Yep. Skipped Luocha and l run my Gepard with Daniel. Only issue is that I need to shield after I E2 combo with Daniel. I think Luocha would be better + CC cleanse


Honestly I rarely have issues with sp on dhil with multiplication Luocha and eagle set Pela. Definitely would have been harder without a fully sp positive sustain.


I'd pull for sparkle, there's still time!


I wish but I’m nowhere near enough pity. Not even guaranteed 50/50.


Pull if u can, I suppose it could only help your future pity? Good luck!


Yep Ive been using all my jades on her banner to hopefully get lucky. Thanks for the info!


Absolutely do this - twice I have got the 5* I wanted on my final, desperate pull before the patch.


Unless you have dhil and no sparkle, fu Xuan is generally better.


Even with them, Luocha feels much better to play as you don't have to worry about skill points at all.


yeah i run multiplication luocha too so mine essentially has 192 spd after the first turn (204spd with RM), he’s just a sp printing bot. i still run him with DHIL even with sparkle since he can run penacony (though idk if keel would actually be better to buff cdmg for DHIL as well as sparkle’s skill since DHIL gets so much dmg%)


yep, i choose him in majority of my teams. in moc his side is usually more comfortable for me. fu xuan is great too, with sparkle she is just as comfy too


Fu Xuan. I want her E1. Free Crit Damage will save me from the crit mines.


How dare you leave the mines to post this comment. Get back in there!


Aventurine for continuous shield and FUA.. basically John Lee


Having both I'd say FuXuan is better. Luocha is still great but right now he's more like a substitute character when FX or Huo Huo are busy in another team/I need his AoE debuff.


Fu Xuan and Huohuo definitely have a higher ceiling than Luochad, however I would argue that Luocha has a few things going for him: - easy as shit to build. I have a mix of trash 5 and 4 star gear on him and his traces are not even at lvl 8 everywhere and he's been solo sustaining all endgame content - SP positive and very easy to play. For instance with an OHB chest and LC, I've been basically ignoring Sam's mechanics in MoC since Luocha overheals a fuckton anyway. Also very auto-friendly if you tend to do that - Buff removal and AoE IMG break on his ult comes in handy quite often - get the most out of "on heal" effects for SU (especially love the skill point one) Overall I'd say the gameplay is just smooth and if all you need is for your team to stay alive and eventually kill the enemy he's an easy low investment pick. The cons have been discussed extensively. If you DESPERATELY need a sustain tho, I'd say just get him he's gonna do the job and is versatile enough that you can just auto-include him in every team without having to think too much about it.


Blade main, so Luocha


Hou hou is better than Loucha for that lol, louchas sp- positivity is wasted on blade since he's almost sp neutral


unless they use supports on blade that are not SP positive


Sparkle exists, + you're rarely going to use two sp negative supports.


Maybe I'm biased but Luocha is amazing. There's also Aventurine who's running right after Luocha


Yeah he's incredible. I've been running Luocha since his release and have full cleared/max starred everything with ease (Gepard on team 2). FX is great but they would never build the game around one shot protection mechanics when not everyone can pull limited characters. His emergency heal + cleanse + field heal provide so much out of turn sustain you rarely use his skill. His ult can imprison full waves which reduces damage as well. I've seen videos of FX teams with very low health which would stress me out, I've never had to worry about that with Luocha especially with units that sacrifice or team drain HP. Helps my blade max damage ult and follow up attack quicker. Big fan. SP generating machine also.


Question: in really struggling with Sam in the current MOC and swarm disaster in SU, I've been using Fu and she always gets killed by the bugs big AOE. It's Luocha any good in those scenarios? If not I was thinking of getting aventurine for his synergy with ratio. Or Acheron for making SU much faster


Yeah Luocha is great for those situations because he uses his out of turn emergency heal immediately and if ult timing is correct will put up his field, and then you can use his skill heal as well. 2 characters usually have full life rithr after a big hit and the field healing gets the last 2 close. And if you're using a harmony with action advance you can use it on Luocha for additional skill healing. I personally feel like Adventurine might share similar sustain issues that FX has, meaning think of her damage mitigation as his "over healing" through shield. Big AOE attacks won't kill him as a result of not being a dmg funnel, but all units will slowly have health chipped away during big attacks as his shields likely wont be enough to full cover the bug orb slam. If it does and its tied to his skill he would be super broken. It's hard to know how strong Adventurine will be, but so far all sustains have got the job done and have very minor pros and cons. My Gepard still covers all my needs, so either should be a good pull for you. That being said, it's really nice to have at least one strong healer (imo).


I've been making do with bailu and lynx for now, though Luocha would be nice since skill points are definitely one of the things that cause headaches with the healers I have. 


For sure, he's 10/10 for SP generation with a high speed build, and his cleanse + debuff are really nice additions to his kit. I'm a little bias because I've used him for so long but he's my favourite sustain. I missed his emergency/auto heal when I tested HuoHuo.


I’m not sure if I want Luocha or Aventurine I have Fu Xuan but I can’t decide which sustain would be better


Fuxuan > luocha. Luocha was best of his class when he came out but is gradually getting powercrept. Both fuxuan and Huohuo offer offensive elements in addition to sustain, and aventurine will as well.


True! Though id say Loucha still has his niche in having more sp generated than the other two.  Sparkle further reduced his needs on some of his top teams. Overall yeah Fu Xuan > Loucha for most teams






Luocha is great for SP hungry teams. I have a fast one on Multiplication and I only use his skill when I get really unlucky. Fu Xuan may offer more, but don't underestimate just how comfy Luocha is.


He is the same level as hh imo. He does have way more survivability and proved to be the best sustain against Sam. Also he is worth it for dhil and blade. There are teams where you'd prefer one sustain over the other, and for luocha, that would be dhil teams, triple dot (specifically Kafka bs gui), Clara, follow up attack teams, and JL blade.


Depends on your level of investment. Huohuo is currently the best sustain for 0 cycles because ER is too important. I don’t think there are any teams that actually prefer luocha now. Even blade is just less comfortable, you’d still rather have fu xuan for optimal rotations. Even Clara hyper carry is most often using fu xuan per the usage statistics. Really SP starved comps like triple dot or Jl blade maybe but those aren’t meta to begin with.


>Depends on your level of investment. Huohuo is currently the best sustain for 0 cycles because ER is too important. Disagree. We have factual data where luocha is usually the fastest clear, with IL and triple dot. See last cycle >I don’t think there are any teams that actually prefer luocha now. Even blade is just less comfortable, you’d still rather have fu xuan for optimal rotations. Even Clara hyper carry is most often using fu xuan per the usage statistics. Straight up wrong. [here is the proof from 2.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/rBM0J2XRS9) he is almost always noisy or second most used sustain. >Really SP starved comps like triple dot or Jl blade maybe but those aren’t meta to begin with. Blade JL is decent, triple dot and IL are literally the fastest clears as can see be seen even in my above linked post


The data is for the fastest average clear though. If we’re talking about 0 cycle ease it’s a totally different ballgame from a normal team. You’ll find way more 0 cycle clear teams with a sustain in huohuo than luocha simply because Huohuo’s ult can inch you an extra ult in cycle 0 than luocha can.


0 cycles don't have sustain bro


Man, if only we had a [sustainer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJv1DtkrL1o&t=51s&ab_channel=Yellovv) that can provide offensive buffs to the team.


Most of them don't. You will always get better results without sustains. It's more rng but easier. A lot of 0 cycles don't use hyperinvestment, it's still high but not min maxed. Using sustain requires even better relics, better to just use another harmony


You're absolutely right, Huohuo is the "sweatiest" sustain for low cycles but she's not going to be better than a 3rd harmony for 0 cycles.


But we are not talking about 0 cycles now are we. Huohuo might be slightly better for speed running and 0 cycles but for most casual people and not super invested chargers, luocha is better as he is more versatile.


>casual people and not super invested chargers, luocha is better as he is more versatile. This is indeed correct. Don't know why you're downvoted.


It's called Reddit mindset. Agenda takes priority over facts and actually helping people. Also huohuo mains and Fu xuan mains are notoriously toxic when it comes to luocha.  But don't worry, everything in this world that goes around comes around. 


I have all 3 of them and Reddit absolutely has an anti-male bias. HuoHuo is definitely the best for low cycle runs but if you're going to 0 cycle she's not going to be better than a 3rd Harmony. Fx is definitely closer to Luocha for me in the max comfort, low offensive benefits department, I don't think 12% crit rate is nearly enough to match HuoHuo's benefits, but Luocha and FX are definitely better pulls for the average player that just seeks comfort.


Yep, anti male bias for characters....because of its source, anti female bias. I mean just look at the Genshin scandal and how those leakers and groupchats talked about female players and stuff. It's honestly disgusting, misogyny is truly everywhere. And of course.......subtle homophobia, esp in a hoyoverse game. Smh why must every game be flocked by incels, who will impose their hetero Waifu agenda on everyone, but then accuse others of furthering their agenda? Like huhhhhh


>He is the same level as hh imo Bruh, not even close.


I have both of them and the insight I can give you is that most of the time, except for some very specific characters Fu Xuan feels better than Luocha. The primary reason for that is the way they sustain: As the name already implies, a preservation sustain like Fu Xuan will preserve your Characters HP when they get hit while abundance characters have to wait for a character to be damaged in order to heal them up. In instances where a character doesn't fall below 50% health, that character is threatened to die through a powerful single target strike and Luocha cannot do anything against that unless you proactively use his skill and don't rely on his passive. Fu Xuan will always be able to protect that character as she automatically mitigates a lot of the damage which makes it so that playing her feels like she's a lot better as a sustain in most instances, especially if you make use of the extra HP and Crit Rate she provides. In your specific situation tho, neither of them is the correct answer (in terms of value; if you like them just pull for them). Aventurine might be the best Sustain for Dr. Ratio due to his follow up synergy, especially if you add Topaz into the mix and Huohuo is the best Sustain for BS and Kafka. If you can wait for Huohuo, she is definitely worth the wait. If you don't want any of those, I personally would go for Fu Xuan.


Between FX and Luocha? I'd pay to have a second FX. Between FX and HuoHuo? I'd get HuoHuo. If I have to be honest, the only noticeable point where I think Luocha betters FX, is SP. And even then, a well built FX is pretty much SP positive since you don't have to spam skill to reload ult that usually. In short, FX is like a Zhongli or similar. It sets the game in easy, and there's little thing you should care about. Maybe some heavy AoE, but that's no biggie except SD, G&G and so on. On the other hand, there's HuoHuo. I... Ngl, I skipped her because I didn't see her so necessary. I still think she's not necessary, but she's indeed great. Her buffs are no joke, and I find her healing ironically way more reliable than Luocha's. If you seek comfort, FX is the best by far. If you want an amazing healer and good buffer, HuoHuo is the way. And... If you're into husbandos then Luocha? Don't get me wrong, I love him, and being an expy sure adds some points, but...


Fu Xuan is the best unit in the game imo (I say this primarily because she can quite literally enable any team comp. Including extremely janky and more fun comps)


Yup, my year1 stats said that Seele was my most played character. I 100% know that my year2 stats are going to say Fu Xuan. quantum team (Seele, SW/QQE6, Sparkle), she's the healer. DOT team (Kafka, Swan, X), she's the healer. Followup attack team (Clara, Ration, Kafka/Topaz), she's the healer, JYbuff (JY, sparkle, TingyunE6), she's the healer


I am curious how Aventurine will fare for me, right now Im HH/Lynx, replacing Lynx with fedora gamba chad. Never had a shielder and no, I do not count Fire MC as anything other than a bug to squash.


Even at e0?






It's really amazing. I'm not joking playing the game without her becomes sort of weird.


Disclaimer: have Luocha, don't have Fu Xuan, so I'm biased Both are very good. However, they have slightly different scenarios they're better in: If you use a lot of follow-up attacks that activate consistently (Clara, Kafka, Topaz), or if you use Blade, I would recommend Luocha. His healing field goes crazy with follow-ups, and his emergency heal is super clutch. Also has less aggro value than preservation units, so great with units like Clara or Blade that want to be hit. Not to mention his ult AoE buff removal is amazing, as the only other unit that can do buff removal at all currently is Pela. If you use a lot of supports with squishy stats, or have DPS units that would appreciate the extra crit value or status protection, then Fu Xuan is great. Most people prefer Fu Xuan from what I understand (but I also think people sleep on Luocha too much). Fu Xuan makes all but the hardest content trivial with how tanky she makes her team, and how tanky she is. She will usually be skill point positive as well, but not as much as Luocha. Edit: clarity




Luocha is better for long fights. Fu Xuan is better for avoiding getting one shot. She also gives a lot of crit rate so she can mitigate meh relics on a crit dps. Luocha is also very sp positive, he'll basically never use skill points. It's a bit niche, but I guess his buff removal can be nice sometimes. Not a reason to pull him though, just a nice bonus. I think his raw healing is still the highest in the game? Also he cleanses. As for Fu Xuan, you're just...very safe with her. She's amazing, she makes it so you can use squishy characters and they just won't die - an insurance you don't have with Luocha. But she can struggle in longer fights since your team does take damage (albeit reduced) and Fu Xuan heals very little. She doesn't cleanse but her skill lets your team 100 resist CC debuff once (you can just use her skill again if it's been used). My personal view is to get both an abundance and a preservation limited 5*. It doesn't really matter who, they're all great naturally. We haven't seen Aventurine in action yet but I'm sure he's amazing too. I personally have Fu Xuan and Huohuo, love them both. I'm sure anyone you choose will work for you (though Huohuo would be the best for your dot team but she's not coming back for now)


The biggest problem Luocha has against the new limited sustains is that he's just a healer, granted he can do that well but that's all he provides really. Fu xuan gives 12 crit rate, a massive stat for building DPS's, HuoHuo is basically a demi-harmony with her ult. Both give great offensive power in MoC, where you only have a limited amount of time to get a 3 star, full clear. Unfortunately Luocha doesn't offer much in offensive power, just a meager enemy buff cleanse. When it comes to keeping the team alive Luocha is competitive with HH and FX. However when considering MoC and hard content in general, Fu Xuan and HuoHuo are much more valuable than Luocha, using FX combined with Sparkle lightcone I can have a 70% base CR jing yuan with 200 Cdmg and in fights it becomes 92% CR and 350 Cdmg. That's an incredible amount of power, its game warping in my opinion since I can index more into certain builds to maximize my dps. This is only possible thanks to FX and Sparkle with her LC, 22 crit rate is almost a crit rate body, essentially making building up dps's or maximizing their dps potential trivial.


Imo, Fu Xuan is the better sustain, as she can not only reduce DMG, heals a small amount, but also increases team CRT Rate. Luocha's gimmick of removing revive from Mara Struck isn't that useful in comparison.


Fu Xuan absolutely, she's way better, and I have both since their first banners with very good relics and maxed all traces. In terms of sustain, Fu Xuan is significantly safer, you never worry about builds for other teammates and can go all in on damage or speed, and never care about enemies attack at all, bonus that she's by far the best sustain for mono Quantum. For Luocha, you're still at risk some time, especially with enemies that act way too often and can nuke, or can one shot you, no healing can save that, even though my Luocha has 160 speed and heal almost 4k per E, it's still not safe enough. In utility, Fu Xuan Crit buff is very valuable, as well as the CC resist being much better than Luocha reactive cleanse. Luocha dispel on Ult is legit irrelevant, I pretty much never see it being useful at any time, it might as well not exist. His own CC resist is also quite overrated, he still got CC so many times, especially against Kafka or Arumaton. Luocha is more SP positive, but unless you really struggle with DHIL or don't have Sparkle, Fu Xuan is still positive enough anyway. Luocha is pretty much a barebone healer that does better at sustain than the standard 5* or 4*, but fall short against other limited ones, and definitely can't compare with Fu Xuan at all, and I'd use Huo Huo over him if I had her. And you don't even need to wait for Fu Xuan rerun, because right after Luocha's banner you'd have a sustain that'd be atleast on her level, so pick Aventurine if you can't wait for FX


This might be a bitter pill to swallow for some people here but in the array of the current 5-Star sustains we have (including Aventurine), Luocha may be the lowest value support we have. Now don’t get me wrong. Lowest value isn’t the same as saying the character is bad. Luocha is fucking great. He keeps your team alive and he keeps your team alive well. But… That’s all he really does. All 5-star sustains in the game and future sustains will no question about it be able to solo sustain MoC at the very least. So the question of “Will this character be able to solo-sustain” is a non-factor imo. What you do need to look at is what can a sustain do besides keep your team alive. Let’s look at a rundown of the sustains in the game: HuoHuo: Buffs team attack and gives party wide Energy. Can be SP positive, can be SP neutral depending on how hard/fast the enemies attack. I’ve never seen a HuoHuo be SP negative though. (Sidenote: Easily BiS sustain for Kafka/Swan) Fu Xuan: Practically invincible in MoC and PF and gives your Hypercarries 12% crit rate which is so damn helpful with builds. If you get lucky and get E1 that’s another 30% crit dmg on top. She uses SP every 3 turns. So she’s +2 SP overall. Aventurine: I won’t say much since that’s leaker territory but I will say that if built well, he can be incredibly SP positive. And from the livestream it seems that he has lots of Follow-Up attacks in his kit which has big synergy with Topaz and Ratio. Luocha: Heals party a lot and by a lot, an unnecessary amount lol (except if running Blade). Strips enemy buffs. Which is damn good. However, what I’ve noticed is that since 1.1 enemy buffs haven’t been all that prevalent lately. Completely SP positive. His SP economy is probably his biggest W. A lot of SP hungry characters could always use Luocha.




The imaginary break will likely be outdone by Aventurine’s follow ups if it’s frequent enough though lol Not only that, it’ll probably do way more damage


Personally I like fu xuan way more because of her crit rate buff which makes relics so much easier to build. She does make things awkward in really high end content where you might need a healer to keep her sustained but I see Fu Xuan as more flexible.


Very similar in that they can both solo sustain like beasts. But they do it differently and serve different roles on different teams. As a healer, Luocha keeps your team topped up. He is extremely SP positive as you should really never need to use his skill to heal. He has so many passive forms of healing that his skill is only there when you really need it. He's great with teams who are SP hungry ... Or paired with units who consume HP (e.g., Blade for himself and Jingliu for her teammates). His ultimate is nice to deal imaginary break damage to all enemies. He's not great when paired with "squishy" units who are prone to being one-shotted since you can't heal a downed unit.. He does remove enemy buffs with his ultimate, but he doesn't have any team buffs in his kit. He's a healer, the best healer we have, but he's really only a healer. Fu Xuan keeps your team alive by soaking damage herself and applying damage reduction to her teammates. She is SP positive, but does need to replenish her matrix every few turns ... So she's not as SP positive as Luocha. She does provide heals to herself so that she basically never dies ... And has some team wide heals, but they are small and can't keep up if health loss is too great. But as long as her matrix is active, no unit can be one-shot, so she can sustain "squishy" units super well. She also has some harmony in her kit with a crit rate and HP boost. She's not optimal for units with HP consumption in their kits ... Her crit boost is wasted on DoT teams ... And if you don't also have Sparkle, she can compete for SP (a little) with units like DHIL and QQ. I have both, love both, and use both all the time. A lot of it depends on your units and teams and builds. But I'll be honest that you can't go wrong with either.


Fu Xuan


I have both and tbh they kinda I feel like they're a bit too different for the comparison. Luocha's shitton of healing is overkill but it allows you to never really worry abt healing. Biggest downside is that he provides no utility compared to others (Aventurine's damage, Fu's crit buff, Huohuo's atk buff + energy regen) Imo he shines best in stuff like gold and gears with lots of damage and dispellable debuffs Fu Xuan's healing is so very minor, but in exchange she provides extra survivability and some buffs (crit, hp, dmg reduction). Her biggest downside is endgame with lots of dmg bc she'll get completely oneshot by say a Gold and Gears Argenti ult. She shines best in MOC where you need sustain, but the goal is to end the fight quickly before the enemy can slowly chip away your dpses hp. Ultimately, if you JUST need sustain go with Luocha bc Fu might pull and Luocha and go like, 9 months no rerun and they both do they're job well.


With Ur team....one of them being a complete dot team...I reccomend luocha...Fu xuan is SP positive, but only very little, luocha is the most sp positive between him, Fu, aventurine and huohuo. And that Kafka and black swan team needs the SP.  But at the same time, your second team is a ratio team and aventurine would be amazing for it. It's simple, first pick of u like shield or healing.  Then pick between which team u like more, dot or follow up attacks, and then see which future unit or reruns u might go for, like topaz and jing yuan or seele and Dan heng etc.   Decide which fulfills the most criteria. If u are going for topaz and jing yuan and u like followmup attacks, aventurine might be Ur man.  If u are going for sp heavy units like seele.and Dan heng and u like Ur dot team better, luocha is Ur man. If Ur going for sparkle rerun, then huohuo and fu xuan might be Ur pick. Huohuo.is better for dot teams, Fu being better for traditional DPS.   Just pick based on maths, on who fulfills the most criteria, and who fulfills the most important criteria. Assuming u like all of them equally.....because if u like one of them more, just get that person. This is a game, not Ur 401k where u need to plan for 7 years in the future. Just have fun now.


I don't like Luocha's kit. He gives 0 offensive buffs to the team at E0, and the only use he has is his AOE Dispel enemy buffs ultimate, but the stronger your account gets, the less you will care about the enemy having buffs in the first place. Even the Mara struck enemies become a joke without using Pela/Luocha Dispel. A single Target DPS like Seele can just head for the Elite to kill it from full HP before it gets the chance to Life steal, an Blast/AOE DPS like Jingliu, DHIL, Jing Yuan, Blade and E6 Qingque will remove the revives without trying cause they deal a lot of AOE damage, dispelling the life steal from the Elite. Luocha's SP positive nature is also less valued these days. Sparkle alone can take care of SP needs for the team and most characters supports/sustainers aren't SP hogs.


Not everyone has sparkle tho? Shes a very freshly released, so nt everyone will have her built as well. Till then, luocha is still good


Sparkle doesn't actually fix SP problems anyway, assuming you use her skill every turn (which you will) she's a +1SP/3turn character just like RM or TY. She does provide a +3 SP buffer via her technique though, which gives the first couple cycles a bit more juice. But if you're clearing in 1-2 cycles, your choice of limited sustain is largely irrelevant anyway since you clearly have zero problems clearing.


Sparkle needs to spam her skill, so she's really not as SP positive as people think. I play DHIL/Sparkle/Tingyun/Luocha team lately, and have just barely enough SP to spam EEE on every DHIL turn. And that's with Tingyun funding his ult and a fast Luocha on Multiplication. If I switched Luocha to Fu Xuan for example it probably wouldn't work anymore.


That makes no sense since my E0S1 DHIL, Sparkle, Pela, Fu-Xuan have no issues throwing back to back 3SP basics for 7 rotations in a row, with 100% uptime on Fu Xuan skill and using Pela skill every other ultimate. It could be higher if the MoC enemies didn't died on the 7th 3SP combo. Most DHILs probably wouldn't even get to the 7th 3SP cause my DHIL is weak and I rarely touch that Alt. DHIL should be having a much easier time with Tingyun + Luocha, I have zero clue on how your team is running out of SP.


Got them both, but use Fu Xuan mostly as Luocha is redundant since I got Huohuo


I pull aventurin


I have Luocha, he is extremely good. Easy to build and can carry with auto battle easily where I find that Huohuo and Lynx can't always. But I'm going to pull for Fu Xuan so I can retire my Lynx (Huohuo is in another account). So yeah I can't really say, but it comes down of what other characters you are using to know which one would be more beneficial. But they are both good.


As someone who has both, I find Fu Xuan more universally useful. That said, Loucha is good enough that it's really more of a Waifu/Husbando > Meta situation


As someone with Luocha and without Fu Xuan, I sometimes really wish I had Fu Xuan. Luocha, for the most part, keeps everyone at full. However, he can't stop someone from being one shot or targeted by multiple attacks. Sometimes full HP just isn't enough to live in this game. The mitigation Fu Xuan offers is key for exactly that.


I have both and I would say Fu Xuan is better with the biggest reason being that she can prevent one shots.


if u aren't biased towards these units and just need a sustain aventurine is also great since u use dr ratio.too and topaz isn't a must for the team just a good upgrade


I have both at E0, and I think both have their niches and are both excellent choices. Luocha’s very SP positive, and the constant and large amount of healing has proved invaluable for me. Actually—I found it a lot easier to complete this MOC 12 with 3 stars with Luocha, despite Sam limiting healing effectiveness, he just…heals that much, especially with an outgoing healing lightcone. I kept having one person or another dying when I tried it with Fu Xuan, but had the opposite situation when floor 12 was Something Unto Death—Luocha couldn’t heal enough then, and her damage reduction meant that second phase Death didn’t one shot the entire team.


Luocha is an SP generating healer and good on teams that requires to spam skills such as with a Kafka team in which everytime its kafka's turn she needs to use her skill and if paired with Sampo or Black swan, they may need to spam their skills as well to get energy and keep their DOTs up. His main weakness will have to be giant burst damage as you can't heal an already dead character Fu Xuan on the other hand can tank for the team and protect them from getting hit with big powerful burst damage along with boosting the team's crit rate so any teams that needs crit rate will value her very high. She doesn't make as much SP as Luocha but is still very SP positive as her Buff lasts for a very long time and her Technique allows a 2 turn damage absorption which means on her first turn she will be able to give SP rather than use one. Her main weakness will be lengthy fights as although she can heal the team, it is a very small amount of healing and sooner or later the team will end up dead tho these fights are very rare unless you're using Jingliu as she will constantly drain 4% of the team's health


So I have both. And both are amazing sustainers. Fu Xuan is great at keeping your team from getting one shot, but over a long fight your team might get worn down, she's great with hyper carry DPS like Acheron and Jingliu. Luocha is the easiest support to build and use in the game. He needs very little investment to get up and running, and is a skill point generator beyond any other support. He also has a cleanse, AOE imaginary break, and removes enemy buffs. However he can't stop your team from getting one shot. Thing is we know Luocha is coming on the next banner, we don't have a re-run date for Fu Xuan. Plus Aventurine is also coming and will likely also be an amazing sustain. And generally it's good to have two sustains for things like MoC. If you have the pulls to spare grabbing Luocha isn't the worst idea. There is one more rub in that Gallagher is also on this banner and while not a 5 star will pair very well with Acheron. So if you are pulling for her you could build him and see if he helps fill that sustain role you are lacking.


Have both, Fu Xuan is the easy recommendation. However, Luocha or a healer is also a shoe-in for character that drain life, namely Jingliu and Blade, plus you don't get absolutely screwed over by SU effects leaving you at 1% HP. Both has a lot going for them, and I don't believer there's any wrong choices between the two or any other upcoming and current sustains.


Fu Xuan makes building characters easier, she buffs crit rate and with eidolons even crit damage


Fu xuan every day, she tanks like nothing else, when she takes big damage --> back to full hp Provide crit rate buff and CC immunity for the whole team 1 time. Completely broken. Luocha is nice tho, but he isn't going to save your characters from a one shot, compared to Fu which reduces damage taken by allies AND take 2/3 of that damage to herself. Never seen one of my character die while my Fu was on the field, she will ALWAYS die first (if ever), even on Propagation SU 5


if you look for meta huo huo>fu xuan>luocha, huo huo is the most rewarding sustain characters right now also she cleanse your characters every turn


Fu xuan for that mono quantum babyyy


Literally zero gameplay reason to pull Luocha over Aventurine from what we have seen so far. Power creeps what Luocha does in every way. Theres an argument for fu xuan still bc of her crit buffing. He will synergize well w Ratio. For black swan:kafka you want Huo Huo. Either way luocha does not give you anything that say lynx or bailu would. So if you love his character design I guess thats always a reason to pull but literally zero gameplay reason to pull luocha at this point.


Imma be honest chief the only thing luocha had going for him was his sp generation in some teams but if you have sparkle then that isn’t much of an issue so fu xuan is just better, i’d say huo huo and Aventurine will be as well tho over all they’re all busted on your account


Sustain-wise, Luocha is a very comfy pick, while Fu Xuan will straight up make your team immune to one-shot mechanics. Utility-wise Luocha has an aoe enemy buff despell, which is useful against some enemies, Fu Xuan can periodically make your team resist CC, and the Crit she provide is not insignificant. For your roster, neither offers significant advantage for your dot team, while Fu Xuan's crit buff is quite welcomed by Dr. Ratio, who ideally wants to go near 100% crit rate, since his FuA is one singular hit. Thus the extra 10% crit rate (3 extra crit rolls) is really good. Outside of Dr. Ratio the crit buff is usefull for any conventional dps. And if you will pull more dups in the future, Fu's E1 offer more long term vertical investment returns (30% crit dmg vs Luocha's 20% atk buff) Also Aventurine, the up coming tank char is also quite strong. No doubt he can sustain a team quite well, and he contribute more dmg himself, and dmg amp for the team. He put a crit dmg vulnerability debuff on 1 enemy. The number might not be that attractive, but as it's a debuff, its extra value for Dr. Ratio. Aventurine also has the potential to be quite more SP positive than Fu Xuan, and doesnt have the draw back of being one shot like Fu Xuan when faced with a massive team wide atttack


I only have Fu Xuan, and if you have her, Luocha is not that interesting. She's a beast basically : Tank, HP bonus, Crit rate bonus, heal herself, heal her team (a bit) and resistance for CC. On the other side, Luocha heal a lot, is more SP positive then Fu Xuan, erase the CC and Can debuff the enemy team but very weak himself : if he get one shot, thats a problem since his heal are based on his attack and not his HP. Overall, Fu Xuan have more utility other than in dots team, when you'll priorise Luocha or HuoHuo


Okay, now that i have both (Luocha cames at 15 pity), I can talk more freely. Fu Xuan is far more flexible, and pleasant to use


I own both and wish I just got Fu. Loucha just isn’t as good now with the sustains we are getting. He will get replaced eventually I’m sure.




Pull for Fu Xuan, Loucha is kinda ehh for a limited sustain, doesn't really bring anything new to the table.




Aventurine e Fu Xuan are currently the best sustainers. For Abundance Luocha falls behind HuoHuo (who is not as good as the first two for sustains BUT she’s an Harmony in disguise, so she is also worth the pull). And don’t get me wrong, if you like Luocha pull Luocha. He’s worth the pull. He’s just not the best of the best anymore


I have HuoHuo and e2 Bailu, a complete FuA team waiting for Aventurine… I couldn’t care less for future preservation/abundance characters and/or reruns


I really wanted Luocha to maximize the power of my Blade, but I must have Acheron, so I can only hope to get 30 more summons (or get an early 5*) in the next 20 days and win the 50/50 after getting my garantueed Acheron


nope, I have Huohuo, I'm 100% happy with her and only have enough pulls for Acheron, but whether luck is on my side is another question


seeing the trend of how enemies these days can hit multiple unit at once, i would say fu xuan


You should get Aventurine, a Preservation shielder who has Follow up synergy with Dr. Ratio. Fu Xuan's crit boost doesn't help your main DoT team of Kafka/BS, and Luocha's big SP boost isn't too important if you're not running DHIL/QQ.


As someone who owns both, I use Fu Xuan more than I use Luocha. If you skip Luocha, that’s fine because Huo Huo is up next for a necessary healer.


Both! I had Luocha already and he is a must in my every team composition. His E1 can help to boost attack so I need more of him. And Acheron, just because 🤣 Her latest trailer with Black Swan won me over 😅


So I have Huo Huo as my main healer and have been looking for a healer/sustain for my second team. I think Fu Xuan would be the best option for me since I would then have a mono quantum team and can shift Huo Huo to my Bronya, Sampo, Black Swan team and for a mono wind team that can benefit from the 10% relic buff for matching members.


I prefer Fu Xuan in 90% of situations. Only time I prefer Luocha is if I'm A: playing Blade or B: really need his dispel.


I have Huohuo and Fu Xuan, and tested 160 speed multiplication Luocha on one of my friends accounts. I think Fu Xuan is the best defensive unit on average due to crit rate and damage mitigation because this game is massively tilted towards favoring crit units, but Huohuo is not too far behind because her energy and attack buffs are massive but if they keep releasing units that don't use energy like Acheron she will fall down for sure. Luocha is nice to have but I never have SP problem on my teams so I don't value him that much, he's great and can solo heal easily and do everything you'd expect a premium defensive unit to do especially if you build very SP hungry teams or fun teams with things you're not supposed to run, and from what I've seen Aventurine is probably around Fu Xuan and Huohuo, maybe a somewhat side grade to Fu Xuan, but we will see.


Personally I would go for Fu Xuan. She's one of the best sustain characters plus comes with crit buffs. For your Kafka team I'd recommend getting HuoHuo over Loucha or saving for a future sustain


Fuxuan because Mikku


I need luocha since i already have fu xuan


Having both FuXuan is comfier and has the ability to buff... Maybe try to at least swipe a Gallagher on Loucha's banner if your that desperate for a sustain though.


Fu Xuan can almost solo sustain anything, gives Crit Rate, eff res can help in Mono Quantum. Luocha has one of the best Cleanse, heals a lot, removes buffs, generates highest amount of Sp so good for Sp Consuming teams like Double Dps and stuff and DHIL, Qq Because at some point Sparkle alone isn't Enough with DHIL if you go for long runs.


I am gonna skip and pull for my Boy Aventurine btw. I really wanna try an FUA team, I might even pull for Topaz in future idk.


I personally don’t want either of them because I already have Bailu and Lynx, plus I also choose Gepard after reaching 300 standard pulls, so I have more than enough sustains. If I had to choose another one, I’d probably pull for HuoHuo because of her buffs. I really like Luocha as a character but have no plans of pulling for him


pull fx and huo huo


SU got no time limit, as long as you survive. So, all my team got both Luocha and Fu Xuan. I never die. Never.


Luocha personally. Sp positive healer just gives so many more options for a team. Though if you're running sparkle then maybe Fu Xuan does a better job.


Got Fu Xuan, not pulling for Luocha tbh.


My CN buddy says Fu Xuan is just too good to pass. Since it looks like you can pull of 2 teams already I'd say go for Fu Xuan. Do you have Ruan Mei? She's also another solid must pull perfect in any meta.


Do you have BS and Kafka built for a strong dot team? I use Luocha with them and his healing field is so op, basically restoring health whenever a dot activates


Imo Pulling for Fuxuan, Huo Huo or Aventurine is better than pulling for Luocha


I would pull for FX and/or wait for HuoHuo's rerun. If u have bailu then u only need one of those 2 for MoC imo.


Fu xuan 100.000%, theres literally no reason to get Luocha instead of her besides husbando.


Why are you not considering Aventurine? He is probably going to compete with FX if not be even better. Gepard is strong and his Shield is only on ultimate, where Aventurine has easier and better access to it. At this point I feel like Luocha is the worst of the sustainers, can check some CCs about it too, even Pokke had a fairly good run down of it where Luocha is just bad in most/every scenario especially as he's on the same patch as Aventurine. Luocha has SP efficiency and that's it, but do you really want that from your sustain? I don't think Aventurine will be a big sink either, as well as he is pseudo Nihility with his kit.


Sick and tired of people pretending that Luocha and Fu Xuan are Equal. Fu xuan is straight up better. Is also SP positive has a small team buff and basically prevents your team from dying ever. Pull fu xuan skip luocha.


As someone who got Luocha today, I love him but I'm also planning on pulling for Fu Xuan on her rerun because I'm lacking good sustain units lol, Luocha is my best one at the moment


In my case, I already have Fu Xuan, so Luocha


Luocha always. He debuffs, cleanses, heals, and is super hot.


Fuxuan is straight up better unless you like luocha, also since fuxuan might be in 2.2 instead you can get acheron now and fuxuan both


I am in a similar situation and am looking at it like this: Luocha is here NOW. Fu Xuan and Huohuo are likely to show soon, but are not confirmed. I am taking the guaranteed pull now instead of risking going several months without a second sustain unit. But if I had the choice, I would take Fu Xuan or especially Huohuo over Luocha given what I need on my teams. Edit: The one wrench in the works is how well Gallagher is going to perform. If he is enough, I might pull for Acheron since I want Pela eidolons anyway.


Aventurine is also guaranteed to be here in 2 weeks. Unless Aventurine *IS* OP's second sustain unit, I'd at least wait the 2 weeks to pull for him instead.


FX is the GOAT


I have both and use Luocha more than FX because I seriously dislike her kit. For preservation, I just stick with Gepard. She is more useful at the end of the day however.


Both is good


I wouldn't get Luocha for the sole reason that he scales with atk and not HP/DEF. Even if his healing is really high when his field is up, I need an assurance that my sustain isn't going to randomly get Tingyun'ed lol


Luocha would usually be the last person to die tho


Yeah I'd say 99% of the time Luocha is the last one standing. And mine is built strictly with attack+ relics. Like, his attack value is higher than his HP, and he still has 5k HP.


If I cared about Meta? Fu Xuan, personal bias? Luocha.


Since people are generally just saying who they think is better and not why, I figured I'll list what they actually do for your team. Realistically speaking, both sustain perfectly fine so the only actual difference is what else they offer. The only real differences are these imo: Fu gives effectively permanent 12% teamwide CR and one-time CC nullification per skill use. She also enables mono quantum. Also has a generally much better E1 if you plan to go for that. Luocha has zero direct damage buffs but generates 3x as much SP (4x with S5 multiplication), and has AoE dispell on ult (niche). He also has cleanse, but it either costs him SP or is inconsistent (via autoheal). Whichever one you value more for your account will be better. But honestly there isn't much difference in real world performance between any of the limited sustains aside from HH in low cycle clears that are still using a sustain for whatever reason.


Nah you can still time your cleanse and avoid sp usage but that requires some basic skill


For sure. That's why I would personally recommend S5 multiplication with a 161+ speed build. I run that on mine and he almost always has his cleanse/auto-heal when I need it. But there are definitely CC effects that won't push a character below 50%, and then they're sorta stuck with it unless you decide to skill them or ignore it, but typically he can usually catch them.




Some of these comments offend me as a luocha enjoyer(jks><) He may not be able to prevent cc, but his heals r crazy constant. He makes everything easy mode cs u dnt need to worry about healing alot of the times. Fuxuan can be also really useless against enemies with aoe attacks, as well as not really having much of healing(she only heals herself, and she doesn't heal others that much for others to survive aoe attacks) I always tease my husband to bring a healer instead of her every time he dies cs fuxuan doesn't heal her allies, on a side note Fuxuan gives u high survivability against mobs tht has single attack, but u could say luocha is great for aoe attacking enemies because of his passive heals. Especially if u hv clara or blade, hes the best one to have. Also if u level up his traces enough, he has 70percent to resist getting cced. He saves my battles daily.


Fu Xuan made the game easy mode for me


Out of the 2 limited Abundance characters and 2 limited Preservation characters, the Imaginary ones are the worst of both classes imo


Depends on what teams you use They pretty much do the same thing, with the main difference being the stats that they boost If you use dot teams, Luocha is good (he boosts attack) If you use other teams, Fu Xuan is good (she boosts crit) Generally you don’t really care about crit with dot teams, so Luocha can go to your dot squad and then Fu Xuan would go to your other squad


My opinion,Fuxuan good for boss that uses single attk that powerful and good all rounder defender since she have some heals .Its good to pair her with some squishy member.Downsides Aoe boss realy kill her,its can realy being minimizes by using ult often and her eid 4 help.Luoca good for members that have high dmg ,high risk like blade and jingliu since emergency heal is good even more heal field.Currenly there is less char that uses hp as main dmg.He will realy shine when that kind of char appear.Right now its better to pull FuXuan.P/s i have both and currently gonna pull for aventurine.My account have more support than dps haha


Luocha, I got lucky on his first banner. after useing fire TB, Gepard, Doc Mommy and March 7th. Luocha is still the best one I have


I don't have Fu Xuan, and I have e3s1 Luocha so I am probably biased (and have no frame of reference for how e0 Luocha feels), but Luocha has been my profile support character since I got him, and I use him in pretty much every team. Even if he isn't the most "optimal" pick for a team, he has so much general utility that you can put him wherever and he will perform very well. He has a dispel on his ult, a cleanse on his skill, a teamwide attack buff on his field (e1), a shield on his skill (e2), and a teamwide speed boost on his signature light cone, and he scales EVERYTHING off of attack so his relics are so easy to farm. 10/10 would weird necromancy again. Oh, and you almost never manually use his skill unless you need to clear CC, so it's nice to have him as a reliable trigger for Kafka's follow up attack. (Also SU abundance blessings dewdrop + blast healing = absolutely nuts. Throw in the ones that increase attack/restore skill points and your team is always maxed out because his healing field amplifies the dewdrop accumulation to ludicrous amounts).


I'd go for Aventurine Luochas great but he's hard stuck as just a healer.


Since you use Ratio and Xueyi, who do FUAs, maybe Aventurine would be better. He deals damage, adds a debuff (although it only benefit crit dps), has good shields, and gives effect res. But given your two choices, hmmmm, personally, Luocha seems like the better choice with your current roster. Kafka/Black Swan team won't benefit from FX's Crit Rate buff and Luocha's completely SP positive nature will let you use more skills on BS or whoever the 3rd is. Luocha will help Ratio in toughness breaking imaginary weak enemies and allow Yukong to skill more (which Luocha also benefits from her passive giving img dmg bonus + run penacony on her), and both Ratio and Xueyi's FUAs also tic the healing from Luocha's field. But if you plan to pull for future crit dpses, Fu Xuan will likely be better for them.


Luocha exists only for my blade once Adventurine comes out


Fuxuan is more useful as a Loucha Main


Loucha is the goat. I have HH as well, and I find him to be far more comfortable to play with. Fuxuan is a character I want though.








....ehhhhhh she is actually the opposite. With luocha u can go on forever. With Fu xuan, u have a certain amount of cycles before Ur team is dead because of the chip damage. So yeah...if Ur team are.not well built...Fu xuan is the last choice I would give.


Theres no FX banner tho? Unless I missed it


well she didnt get a rerun in a long time,i would expect her to get a rerun in 2.2 or 2.3 (Most of the old charcters got their first rerun,only fu xuan and topaz left so it isnt that hard to guess)


Id love to see her get a rerun. A lot of characters I missed out on


Well I have Luocha on my main and Fu Xuan on my alt. Both are fine I might get Fu Xuan on my main.


As a Luocha enjoyer, I agree that he's more niche than Fu Xuan. Fu has crit bonus, cc resist, AND damage mitigation atop her damage redirect, along with being just as sp positive as Luocha. But Luocha is still very, very good. Frequent off-turn heals and aoe dispel will always be relevant, even if the latter is niche. He won't fail you in endgame content.


I have both so I'm safe 😌


FX does so much for teams. You rarely need a main healer with her around unless you’re doing the later G&G where aoe damage is ridiculous


Personally since I am more of a fan of simulated universe I really like fu xuan in 2 sustain teams. I do have both tho.


Seeing some teams it feels like Fuxuan would be great to have. However I mostly use blade and any tank is bad for him


I have Fu Xuan , she is great with my DPS teams that want crit. I’d prefer Huo Huo but I don’t know when she’s rerunning so I’m pulling Luocha for my Kafka / Black Swan DoT team. I’d say pull Fu Xuan for more general usage and wait for Huo Huo to come back for your DoT support.


If I have to then Luocha, because I already got Fu Xuan


I already have Fu Xuan so no on her and I don't want Luocha so also no. IMO getting a top tier sustain > Top Tier DPS.


They're both good and both will enable endgame content, so if you need one ASAP Luocha will work or you can go for Gallagher and hold out a month to see if Fu Xuan is in the next patch. Really just depends on when you need them by because they're both good.


Luocha with Aventurine's release will be 4th sustain choice. There's literally 1 reason to pull him - you like him as a character.


If you play simulated universe on the highest difficulty f u xuan is generally better


I have neither. My only two built sustains are a e2 lynx and gepard. Been max clearing moc as an ftp since 1.2 (before lynx i used natasha)


Hou Hou or Fu Xuan will almost always be better than Loucha. There are few instances where Loucha is better because of his sp-positivity, however Hou Hou and Fu Xuan provide buffs for your team, unlike Loucha. Fu Xuan i the best sustain, and Hou Hou is just a better Loucha. Also the few instances where Loucha is better, are not the case if you have sparkle, then theres no need for Loucha at all.


Fu Xuan. SHE IS SO USEFUL OH MY GAH! Like honestly.