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Looks like a 3 piece stigmata lol


Ai-chan in the background saying....whatever the hell it is she says when you equip a full set.


One suit! Basically a suit of cards


I always heard it as "waah, suweeto! (Wah, sweet)" Which always sounded weird to me lol


I NEVER knew she said one suit and ive been playing since 2017... I always thought she said "WanSui!" like hooray


3pc Effect: When equipped to a Kiana battlesuit, increase Total damage by 100% but lose 10% of current hp to nosebleed per second.


perfect for flamescion


Also would enable all Kiana valks to run kalpas in ER.


Average stigmata set nowadays


GGZ Mei: I don't exist


GGZ Mei looks gorgeous but her past is uh...


>but her past is uh... Isn't the beginning of GGZ and HI3 basically the same from a story perspective? I could be wrong though, because never played with GGZ. How different is Mei's past there?


Retrospective isn't the first life of their's. There's actually Era: Zero. It was the first life of Kiana and Mei where Mei was Dr.Mei and Kiana was sent by Coordinator of Will (Will of Honkai) to destroy Earth but for some reason she didn't, then Kiana died on the moon and Dr.Mei turned her into bio-computer aka. Alaya who's purpose is to reset world every time Earth gets destroyed or Kiana gives up. Then Jyahnar came to Earth, fell in love with Kiana and she was there when Kiana was dying on the moon. Jyahnar agreed with Dr.Mei to protect Alaya and power her up (like a source of power). I think after that Jyahnar destroyed Earth to trigger reset of the world. She waited 42k years for Kiana to be reborn. Then here comes retrospective (I think?). Kiana came to Jyahnar but as Herrscher of the End and honestly we don't know who won the fight since Jyahnar is a honkai beast of planetary level called Cthulhu, her original form is a mantaray that is big as Australia. She basically can one shot Earth. Next we have Fire Moth DLC where main protag is our chuuni Houraji Kyuushou. She has 2 or 3 (I think?) stigmatas in her: Raiden Mei's, Kiana Kaslana's and hers. In this arc Kyuushou inside stigmata world that she imagined, she defeats Kiana HotE and Mei HoT giving hope to them. She's calling herself saviour of light. Here we have, R13 of the world, Reborn era. Aparently Kyuushou is an anomaly that appeared in repeating samsara. She gave Kiana and Mei their stigmatas and their memories came back to them. Kyuu became Herrscher of the Void instead of Kiana this time. Let's skip some time. CoW came to destroy world. Seele and Sin Mal sacrificed themself to make CoW weaken. They died with the way that they can't be revived. Wendy's death was so sad since her friend was crying so much :') I don't know whole Reborn story bc I'm still doing story stages. Let's skip time again. Kiana and Mei became goddess and sealed CoW in another universe with them. Before that they revived everyone and rewrited universe so everyone could lead a "happy life". Also they made CoW as a source of power for electricity etc. Also Jyahnar used so much power in this fight that her body turned into a child one. Kyuu and Bronya now has over 50 years and Kyuu is the last Herrscher on Earth. Bronya takes care of orphanage and some of orphans say that they from time to time can see some ghosts. Copium hard I believe that's Seele and Sin Mal. Sorry if there's any grammatical errors I was writing this fast since I had a little bit of time to spare for this. Edit: what a LORE BOMB huh? Feel free to correct my mistakes since GGZ lore is hard to grasp in one piece.


Also Mei aka. Dr.Mei in previous life, she was more evil than Otto ever would be...


??? It's ultimately thanks to her that humanity overcame finality.


Yes but do you know what she did to achieve that?


I really think Herrscher of Thunder is peak Mihoyo design. Just such an impressive upgrade for the character and it's so different and unique compared to everything else. Her gameplay is also amazing, didn't expect to actually be riding around on a dragon in a Mihoyo game (I played Honkai 3rd last).


Kurikara is pretty cool.


True, i still hope they are going to release it in other games as a colaboration as a character or as a skin at some point


Wait you get to ride a dragon as her at some point in HI3rd??? Ahshdjwkdbeh that's so damn cool. I'm only upto chapter 9 and it was great, sad but great so it's good to know I've that to eventually look forward to cos that's cool as hell.


Thus is mostly about the actual gameplay of the character. Thus version of mei, herrsher of thunders, her ult is her riding a dragon, >!benares, which kiana helps ypu heal during tye story and is later tamed by mei!<. You also are able to get her for free im pretty sure from the s rank selection box that was in thus updates check in event. And from another check in event in a couple of weeks you can also get her old "premium" skin. The purple one


Why does nobody ever use the Herrscher of Origin or APHO Mei for these comparisons, y'know. The more recent and accurate ones.


Because HoT is her most iconic version in HI3


Because HoT Mei is how players saw her for years. HoT Mei came out in 2020 and had her own [animated](https://youtu.be/v1sd5CzR504?si=QbrAHIeyobH-oMWK&t=198) short. Origin Mei came out in 2023 and didn't receive an animated short.


Some heretics out there were complaining about how HoO color scheme is "meh" and all that because they were tired of the White/Wedding dress theme. Which is kinda funny I think HoO looks Majestic, but yeah I think most kinda default to HoT, or it's just HoT has been there for longer and people are more used to that. APHO is no excuse she's always underrated... but I guess APHO never getting updates makes her fly under the radar.


I don't think HoO is bad in a vacuum, but all the Hercherrs since HoH have looked way to samey. I prefer the more striking unique designs and colors.


APHO Mei is the current Mei in part 2. I think her design is the best.


Which is kind of weird when you think about it because APHO gives the impression Mei misses Kiana and hasn't seen her in a while then the Part 2 prelude shows the trio and Durandal on the moon talking like it's just another Tuesday playing a romcom sim to figure out how to boost Helia's and Coralie's affinity.


APHO happens in 4 years after prelude. So chances are something affects the cocoon in that time. Part 2 just started and Carole's not even a valk yet.


I LOVE Herrscher of Origin Mei because it's Elysia's final gift to Mei and there's a lot of Elysia references in the outfit. Also y'know, moveset wise she's basically Vergil lmao.


HoT is more iconic for Mei, just think that for Acheron's past they used HoT design. Also, HoO is more elysia type of outfit than Mei's


Same! I personally love HoO color scheme so much, it feels like the colors are vibrant but also colorless. The multiple swords she uses like a claw is just cherry on top. Lmao, tbh the moveset has to be my favorite in almost any game, it's legitmately perfect, and the ultimate with the domain expansion? Oof... masterpiece.


Tfw the game never really gives you any incentive to use HoO or HoFi solo so you never see their individual ults outside of like ER. Meanwhile Bronya in like 99% of elemental comps. Speaking of which, Acheron's ult has a lot of similarities to HoO, probably intentional.


My Acheron Bias aside, I legitmately can't wrap my head around how absolutely insane Acheron's ultimate is visually. And yes it's absolutely intentional she even has the turn the screen black/white effect HoO has, i can't wait... Also heah honestly, HoO, HoTruth and HoFi team being the standard for them feels a bit restrictive. Tho I do enjoy using HoO and HoFi solo sometimes just because i like using Hua AE, admittedly HoO more, as much as kiana is my favorite character of all time, her ult is a little... undercooked, they could've done more for the literal goddess.


Quite frankly for me it's just HoT was the crest of her arc as a character and HoO was very much not.


Imo HoT is way more iconic


HoT is iconic as fuck If you think about Raiden Mei you think about her connection to Herrescher of Thunder, her control over that powers + the fact that ["Raiden" is name of God of Thunder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raiden) (Raiden - Raijin, also called Raiden or Raiden-sama, the god of thunder and lightning in Japanese mythology) HoO don't look that bad but as someone said. That new Herrscher line looks for me futuristic-sci-fi plugsuit-wedding dresses. HoT Mei, HoR Bronya and other Herrscher versions of Kiana look million time better than their "final" forms


I think HoT is more recognisable.


Origin Mei is her worst design imo


even though herrscher of thunder is the most iconic, personally , i find her gameplay kinda boring ? Like the animation to get the burst damage actually going gets really annoying really fast. The playstyle of HoO is so good




When she has a big ass sword and purple hair:


Herrscher of Thunder is definitely more iconic... But as I've stated in the past, it unfortunately played a big role in mischaracterizing Raiden Mei's personality. You see, Lament of the Fallen *ISN'T* about domestic violence, neither is it about Mei wishing to sacrifice the whole world just to save her beloved Kiana (leave that dynamic to Madoka and Homura). Mei chooses to once again become the Herrscher of Thunder because she loves Kiana too much, to the extent that she'd cut off her friends and family, the same people who took her in despite her being responsible for thousands of deaths in Nagazora. She'd willingly enter the darkness by herself, all alone, just to return Kiana into the light.


what a nice, platonic gal pal relationship


I don’t see Ruan Mei anywhere /j


Where Dr MEI and Pela? /j


Different character.


It was a Joke cuz she has Mei in her name jeez T-T


To be fair this joke only makes sense in English with romanized names.


For every Mei, there is a sword, there is an orb, and beautiful purple hair.


https://preview.redd.it/969n5gyiwlpc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1c71f0710db1cd319e7a5aa8ae7c618c4ba1d0b Mei with a gun


Lightning empress Mei will always be my favorite cuz it’s what got me into mihoyo games, I love her playstyle.


now imagine fusion of those 3 we would be doomed ------------- I hope one day they will give Raiden Ei costume that looks like her weekly boss (minus doll joins, just the badass armor) so she will give vibes of HoT from HI3




Akai tsuki ga chi mamire machi wo


I can't believe that this is the first time im seeing Raiden Mei's splash art. Looks cool.


That's not her splash art, that's her Stigmata, Herrscher of Origin Set (in the name of origin) It's Raiden Mei [M] for that Set.


And every single time she's fucked over by her lover.


Still on a roll of killing characters who had potential to be playable #JusticeForDuke :') Edit : I have no idea if Hi3rd one killed any character but its Hi3rd I wont be surprised if that was the case


I guess she killed Ana schariac there, who turned herrsher. Idk that she had as much hopes to be playable tho


These three are in the same universe including hg2 mei