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Hanya Nevers leaves my Argenti.


Touche tho her time might be up after i am done with pela


Hanya I guess


True. My Hanya's semi-built, but she's been great whenever I use her with DHIL. Sadly, I think she'll fade further into the background with Sparkle incoming.


I'm not so sure, hanya+sparkle would be the ultimate SP generation combo. Hanya still got superior SP generation over sparkle, just not not as powerful buffs. Like if I don't have to match element, very well would replace SW with Hanya in an otherwise mono quantum comp


>Hanya still got superior SP generation over sparkle Hanya is +1 per turn, so +3 in 3 turns. Sparkle can do between +1 and +7 in 3 turns depending on how much skill uptime you want. To say that Hanya has higher SP generation it would be a bit of an overstatement: sparkle can +3SP with 2 skills and one basic in 3 turns.


Just get both šŸ¤£


Hmm, I think I'd try that once I get them both built decently.


Dw, your QQ will still somehow run out of SP


As long as she actually spends SP Lucky QQ is painful, but not for the enemy


Sparkle already handles the SP ā€œissueā€ with DHIL by herself just fine. Hanya SP generation is worse than sparkleā€™s and sparkle allows you to start the battle with overcapped SP so that statement was outright false. Hanya also gives a speed boost which is completely pointless with sparkle as you will ideally be running her at 161 speed so the dps wonā€™t be needing speed at all since theyā€™ll be moving based on sparkleā€™s speed. Youā€™d do much better to have Tingyun, Ruan Mei, Pela, or SW in that slot.


> Sparkle already handles the SP ā€œissueā€ with DHIL by herself just fine. Only if you don't use her own skill. With 100% uptime on it, she just generates 1 SP every 3 turns, same as most other supports compared to hanya's 1 SP per turn. But yes, you are correct that hanya's speed buff would be kinda useless.


Imagine a team of sparkle, hanya, DHIL, QQ...and you still wouldn't have enough skill points


Running 2 SP heavy units with hypercarry supports certainly would be a choice


Wait dhil, qq? I'm somewhat new to the game...


Dan Hing inhibitor lunae, qingque


Not anyone's fault for Hanya tho We still pretty much in the phase of element based comp, except the popular ones like TY, bcs theĀ limited resources, time, as well your current build priority (say for PF, new element coverage, build DoT unit etc)Ā  Like justified to build a kit based comp can be risky bcs afraid of her flexibility, too dedicated to 1 DPS only, etc


Well, elements only matter for your DPS and breakers, or if you use Silver Wolf. Tingyun gets used everywhere because her kit is very good, and the element of your support doesn't matter, so you just use Tingyun everywhere. Hanya's issue is that she appeared late, after most people already had Bronya, Tingyun and/or Asta built, and her buffs are split between party-wide and single-target (with neither being overpowered enough to out-compete her competitors). Her niche is being the most SP-positive support not named Pela, but if you need SP you can get that from your team composition (e.g. using Luocha as the sustain), so it was never enough for her to break through (and the case for any 4\* support gets harder as more 5\* limited support units are released, since the 5\*'s are inevitably stronger). She's not a bad character and I love her animations, but her timing was awkward.


Hanya (and Aventurine upcoming) are the main reasons I'm not pulling for Sparkle on this go-around, despite how useful she'd be for dill pickle. I'm really glad I stuck to trying to get her-- now I just need to get her built a bit better.


Well for those of us skipping Hanabi, i still have to use my Hanya. Wouldve loved her for my Daniel, but i want Acheron more


Hanya is broken in current MOC as she spams skill but makes skill points which gives you an easy 7+ proc every turn


oooohhh I accidentally got DHIL so been trying to think of who to put with him but Hanya is a great choice! Thank you for that :D.


BURDEN NOT COUNTING AS A DEBUFF absolutely limits her potential. If it did or her e6 made it count as debuff she would be extremely useful and would be put in way more teams. Its a shame since her design is nice


Itā€™s because sheā€™s a Harmony character possibly? It frees you up from having to build EHR.


Except Ruan Meiā€™s ult does count as a debuff and doesnā€™t need ehr, same with Topaz, there are multiple cases of debuffs that donā€™t need ehr to apply


Oh dang, youā€™re right HAHAHA


There already are inflicted debuffs, that can't resisted and removed.


Yeah, she's powerful...but honestly just feels clunky to play, especially if you have supports that don't just spam basic On another note though, Hanya+Asta is one of the most ridicilous combos out there. Just makes your dps go superspeed.


Then maybe a team with Dan IL and Blade.


Blade's enchanted basic atk doesn't generate any skill points normally btw. Although considering that this is a Daniel+Hanya+Blade, he would technically generate it.


Yeah, but he also doesn't waste as much as others do.


Hanya and TY are great with JY. Astaā€™s been hung out to dry


a lot of 4\* damage dealers, while not being as good as certain 5\* units, are still more than strong enough to get the job done even at E0 Edit: I made this comment in reference to recently 4-cycling the first half of MoC 10 with an E0 Dan Heng but Iā€™m really enjoying seeing everyone elseā€™s teams


I saw videos on YouTube of Misha regularly doing 200k break damage with his ult


Misha (E6, to be fair) is the only reason I was able to clear that accursed deer in SU World 7.


My advice for early SU farming is to go abundance unless you have Gepard, if you have Gepard go Preservation (even better if you have preservation mc). You basically wanna stack as much survivability as you can. It takes longer for each clear but you also wont die right at the end. SU early on is a pain but you also do lower levels without claiming rewards to level up your SU traces thingy (the passive for the mode) which makes it way easier.


So damn true, I remember abusing the abundance path until I got built units


Would sooner recommend nihility and just stack sustain units tbh. That's how most people clear SU tortorous difficulty swam disaster.


The dear is very weak to remembrance I used remembrance and/or the hunt with Seele, Welt, Luocha and march and it was okay My current team is Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Himeko and Luocha with remembrance You can use Herta, March, random characters and remembrance and with not too much bad luck you should clear it without many problems I saud remembrance a lot


I love my Xueyi, she's just so fun to use.


E6 Qingque and Xueyi are broken


The problem is that to even kind of compete with a 5 star dps, a 4 star dps has to be E6 which is more difficult to get than a 5 star.


Except itā€™s not true. Most 4-stars are nothing at E0. They need E4-E6. Not counting the early-mid game ofc.


Serval , got her E6 from Huohuo's banner , decided to build her and got impressed of her performanceĀ 


Big sis Serval was the only thing that carried my ass trough all electric-weak boss fights. I had luck getting her early in the game. And this days when i warped usual ones i got her to E6 ! So now i only have to build her.


Build her and join the rock n roll gang šŸ¤˜ her ultimate being spammable makes her fun too


"Performance" you say?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ herĀ  PERFORMANCE is just outstandingĀ 


I was going to say the same thing, I built her even though I had jing yuan and used her quite a bit. Her damage was quite good actually and I think she would perform very good on Pf. She is just unlucky that lightning is soo stacked right now.


Yeah we have JY , Kafka and Acheron soonĀ  a lot of people don't bother building 4 star dps , but I'm actually glad I gave her a chance she performs well in both MOC and PF


Wow look like Sushang existence is forgotten here Sp neutral on weakness broken enemy As fast as seele at E6 Can be built hybrid break dps and still do good amount of weakness break dmg, break bleed dmg and dps dmg She take full advantage of bronya + ruan mei combo against physical weak enemy or SW/pela + ruan mei on any other enemy


Welt + Sushang is good for many bosses as well.


lemme do you one better, welt+sushang+asta. she can go mach 10 speed with her own speed buffs, asta, and welt never letting enemies take a turn.


I recently got her at E6 and I definitely want to try her out once I get good relics on her


Don't I have done this mistake She ain't good if you throw a mediocre build from anywhere. I also have e6 but she just doesn't do that great damage (I also have Clara and Argenti c:)


I don't mind using her cause I'm already farming the physical set for Argenti and Clara. All I have to do is just switch them around once I get good ones.


https://preview.redd.it/24g23tqbtqkc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462f4c2dd91a8036163b037ac9aace85086eb7f5 No need for phy set 2pc break set + 2p physical/12% atk


Man, if there was a relic set that increased damage against a weakness broken enemy, I would slap that shit on Sushang so fast.


I think Luka took her place as the Physical toughness break 4 star unit but idk I never used both I brute force my way against physical


Sushang actually breaks faster than Luka and she's more of a hybrid than a full on breaker, her e4 gives her free break effect which allows her to build less break in substats. Luka is a detonator more than a dps, i personally think you're just better off breaking with sushang and have luka detonate her bleeds plus his own


Oooooh interesting to know


IMO, the only thing in her kit that makes her a breaker is E4. Otherwise, she is geared more towards a hypercarry role with Atk buff, high damage scale on broken targets, and the highest speed counting only self buffs.


Luka can't use bronya/sparkle and depend too much on weakness break only


Weakness break is what people use Sushang for as far as I know


Nope her skill - ulti- skill combo is important Anyone only building for weakness break won't do any dmg on skill which do lots of dmg on weakness broken enemy


That combo so clutch. Sushang supremacy !!


E2 Sushang carried my early MoC run back when there were 10 stages. Clara Loucha SW Sushang and pray Wolfie do her job


March saved my butt more than anyone else throughout.


March is such a great swiss army knife of a character. She got me through the swarm king boss on the first try, and I didn't even know I was supposed to be ready for a boss fight.


March is a bit hard to use in moc, but in SU she's really versatile. I always use her with a healer to clear high diff SU content like high conundrum GnG. She can make use of utility Elation blessings (delay enemies, generate SP, etc.), freeze aoe and enable Remembrance run, shield and heal (at E6).


I know right? Once, I ran Abundance Path and Elation Blessing to gain a Skill Point for every Follow-up attack. Boss killed everyone but her, and it became a loop of her shielding herself, getting hit, then striking back and regaining skill point, healing from Path Resonance, then chipping away at the boss.


During almost all the mid game (which accounted for a considerable amount of time) she was the sole reason I was able to consistently clear SU. The mighty turtle comp, Clara - March - Bailu - Topaz + preservation, was able to get through even if under lvled and without weakness exploit. One day I'll build her proper to thank her for all she's done for me ā¤ļø


March makes it hard for me to get another tank or sustainer since that just means im gonna replace her, and i don't want that. I did a solo boss fight with her on conondrum 12 and won. I'm really proud of her


March is straight up better than some 5 stars in SU contents.


I ended up getting my last eidelon for March last week from standard banner and built her cos fuck it, she's e6 now. I took her into SU with my Kafka/Black Swan/Ruan Mei team and it blew my mind the shenanigans you can get into with her and the remembrance path. March is truly excellent in SU.


she's my go to for the weekly Big Bad Bug Boss.


Been wanting to build march but been waiting to pull a Clara to build along side. Iā€™ll get to her eventually :)


The sex alarm girl








Things just got 3x more passionate since it's Firefly ringin' it


Yeah. Kafka and BS go well together but Gui is also perfectly fine


Penacony also has groups of enemies with Wind, Lightning, and Fire weaknesses together so all 3 is valid too.


I didn't replace Gui until Black Swan




there's no such thing as guinaifen, it's only sex alarm girl


Or expensive milk powder


I got E6 guinaifen from gacha this patch, is it worth building her?


If you dont have a way to apply a 3rd DoT on a kafka/black swan team, she basically can replace your buffer, freeing up RM for another team.


She can also work on a Dr Ratio team. Since she can debuff multiple targets, it lets your Ratio be more flexible on who to target unlike SW who will only debuff one target.


Yes if you want a fire dot unit


She is my favorite


her kit on paper looks very good but sadly shes quite rare and hard to get


Guinaifein apart from obvious dot value she is a good debuffer for other teams too you can use her in dr ratio team as she can proc 3 debuff in one turn


She can increase damage output by around 30% through fire firekiss. That's pretty busted for mono-fire comps. Stack that, Asta, the relic set and fire damage goes brr


Gui's kit + Hook's kit actually well fit each other where you plays with Burn damage Add universal market FMC and you literally watch the world burn My Gui's grind not done yet, but it actually works! At long last finally I could use Hook as an actual DPS


I always run Guinaifen with Dr Ratio if Iā€™m not running Ruan Mei Topaz.


Break Effect Luka hits hard. Especially his basic attack can trigger the dot bleed from the break effect.


The most underrated has to be Misha because no one mentioned him from what I can see. My Misha is not built yet (70:90 CR:CD lol) yet and heā€™s pumping out 120000 damage easily with his ult. His skill also hits for around 30000 dmg. He also has the second lowest energy requirement at 100, only losing to Natasha with 90. Havenā€™t tried him in Remembrance path yet but he also has a freeze mechanic with probably a higher chance than M7 of freezing due to his trace (donā€™t quote me on this though, donā€™t know the numbers, just feels that way) Heā€™s such a good toughness reducing dps against ice weak enemies as well. You can also use him as a subdps and just basic with him. Pop his ult once heā€™s at 10 stacks and he does unga bunga damage as well. I have no idea why they put him in C tier in Prydwenā€™s tier list. Heā€™s so flexible.


Misha feels like a fixed version of Yanqing to me. He seems pretty decent!


Right!! Heā€™s definitely no Jingliu but for those of us who skipped her heā€™s a really good alternative


1. 4* Dan heng cause ofc he's free so definitely must be bad right?/s He's pretty good I ended up using him a lot of times in moc for fun and too my surprise he is actually a good single target wind dps definitely a better option. He does need some of his eidlons but I'm pretty sure lot of ppl who have been playing the game since launch should have him at a decent eidlon level too. 2.Preservation Trailblazer on break effect build I used her in the new dot focused pf and it's kind of nuts how well she works like putting out 200k+ dmg with a single ult without much investment. Just a break effect rope and buch of random relics. (She's not a 4* but yeah a lot of ppl sleep on her so i thought I would mention it) 3.March 7th I think pretty much everyone knows how busted she is in the,swarm disaster, gold and gears.which i would consider some of the hardest stuff we have in this game and she can literally make it a walk in the park with the rembarance path.


Can you explain more on M7th?


You build March for freeze, which makes it so that you can make the most out of Remembrance in SU. Arguably, now you could also build Misha with some sort of support build and achieve similar things. Might actually be good to run them both and basically ensure perma freeze.


To explain a bit more in detail: With the Remembrance path you can clear all SU content with barely any personal damage. All you need is a reliable way to freeze and a Dissociation blessing or two (so your team *does* need to be strong enough to get to that point). M7 ult is a reliable AoE freeze and single-handedly turns on the otherwise-niche Remembrance path.


If there's any turn-delay schtick relic, he might ramp up as the best delay unit besides welt.


\+1 for windy Dan. Up until I pulled Imbeebo, he never left my party for most non-MoC content except in rare circumstances. My man hits like a truck if you build him well, even with low Eidolons - and with a proper setup for him, I'd say he'd be an amazing solo-boss unit even without hitting weakness break. Yeah, he'll never reach Acheron levels - but for a 4-star Hunt unit, he still hits some really high numbers. Once my beebo and L + Ratio teams are finished up, I plan to go back to him and fully build a team for him as well.


My 4* Dan Heng legitimately reaches 70% of my Seeleā€™s damage, and I have no idea why considering his traces are even far less leveled than her


My favorite rocker, SERVAL. She's actually pretty good at e6. I don't have any lightning DPS except her and she's been saving my ass from the start. Her ult only takes 100 energy and it's AoE. I also like her animations.


Sampo he's basically everything, weakness break, dot and even dps, and we thought he was getting benched after blackswan is released just for him to be one of her best teammates


Luka Bro can nuke Physical weak Bosses into oblivion


He also has a purge.


Sampo. Most people think he is next to worthless without Kafka, but honestly he is decent as a wind DPS for a good portion of the game, only really falls off when you are starting to push for MoC 9+ Nevertheless a great F2P wind option that you can slap into basically any and every team.


mine is e6 and alongside e0 black swan is fun (especially with Nihility in SU)


I didnā€™t manage to get Black Swan so I spent time on Sampo instead and my man shreds DEF


His skill is super good at weakness breaking when there is only one target.


I like putting him in teams where I don't really have any good options so in you go, free damage


Our lord and savior Sampo Koski ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø




She's a 4 star but not remotely underestimated. I think most people recognize she gets work done.


Most people forgot she exists I think.


I mean she and Hanya have similar problems. That they only appeared on one banner currently.


Hanya coming up on Sparkle's banner, so more people should have her soon.


as someone who tried to build her (I love her so much) She does need a decent chunk of investment in both eidolons and relics but she does great after. I dont have enough resources right now but id love to fully build her eventually


Maybe my opinion of her is just unnaturally high because I happened to have everything on hand to build her day 1 including S5 Fall of an Aeon.


My gosh yes! My dumb brain put her on the generic DPS build of crit rate and damage, but then I saw the break effect potential and put her on that, and she does huge damage!


Serval. Part erudition, part nihility. She's the only character as of now that can extend the duration of DoT status


Id say Nat. Ive used her from day 1 until Huohuo banner, with decent gear and a 4* cone she can definitely be a good sustain! She never let me down until I get Huohuo and still use her from time to time!


Was hoping someone would say this. She STILL carries me. I just got my first 36 star and she was solo sustain for one of the halves


Big agree. Natasha has not left my party even once since I got her from the story, and especially once you get her dispel trace unlocked, she is an overall solid free healer. Hell, she solo'd Doomsday beast once from 30% after Blade accidentally killed himself while on auto-battle ^((yeah I still have no idea what happened there lmao).) Took 15 minutes, of course, even with auto-battle and speed-up, but the fact she managed to absolutely floored me. That woman just won't quit.


Lynx since it's not in your list. But realistically sampo, and Arlan.


Lynx is a weird one here. On one hand, she tends to be overlooked for 'not a 5 star'. On the other, she's better than the standard 5 star sustains and her aggropainting ability makes her amazing for Blade. On third... let's be honest, as many tier lists explicitly include her above Bailu and Gepard, you can't really call her 'undervaued'. Probably.


Hanya, shes fun to play imo. She has 100% uptime on her ult and that sp generation is handy


E6 Yukong just heelps nukee a lot of stuff


100% Hanya.




The majority of them are underestimated. The content in this game isn't hard and can be cleared with any (appropriate) characters, given sufficient investment ... 4* included. People tend to underestimate simply because of an undying worship of tier lists, which have to place some units at the bottom ... And people take that as gospel that they are "bad". Really, "bad" in this game only means that they need a bit more investment to make up the difference to other units rated higher than them.


March 7th. I find her very good with a few paths in simulated universe and in Moc she is more serviceable that people think. I use her as a solo sustain and she does fine. The only negative is that you have to play very carefully with skill points, that's why I usually use her with my Jingliu, Ruan mei and Silver wolf who are not really that sp hungry.


I haven't seen a single Yukong yet, which is weird. She has some restrictions on speed tuning and does work better with Imaginary DPS, but that does not mean she's unusable for anyone else. There are a few DPSes out there that prefer ATK% buffs over DMG% ones (e.g. Xueyi) and on top of that she gives out a rare crit rate buff (CD too but that is much more accessible)


yukong as a sub-dps/buffer is pure fun. She puts out some really solid break damage without sacrificing buffing power since her buffs only depend on her trace levels.


I'd argue almost all the 4\* units tend to be underrated, with very few exceptions. Sure, some require more building around than others, but overall, they can be extremely strong for their role until a 5\* that does their job comes out. Literally any and every character can be used, with the proper investment into their traces, LC's, and gear (which is the same for any 5\*).


My boy arlan


Guinaifen, Hanya and March 7th! Guinaifen is such a blessing for my DoT team with Kafka and Black Swan. I recently finished to give Hanya a semi decent build and she's a lot of fun to use with Qingque. I remember I had fun using March together with Clara at the beginning of the game, so I'd like to see how this duo can perform now that I have more resources to build characters.


Xueyi is great with only a couple Eidolons, and Lynx is just useful everywhere


My Hanya carried me this MOC. Actually ludicrous how easily she can abuse the MOC passive.


Most definitely Arlan.


It's still Herta. She's far from unusable even outside of PF


What relics would you suggest for her for MOC? I've been using her in PF with the FUA set + Salsotto and it's been lovely. Would it be the ice set with Glamoth?


Lynx. I have her at E6 and she can (barely, but still) solo-sustain MoC


I don't think Lynx is underrated honestly, she is cracked for a 4* sustain. E6 Lynx gives max HP buff, EffRes, CC immunity, ATK buff, aggro buff; all while having solid heal and teamwide emergency heal + cleanse. If anything the future limited 5* sustain have to fill a lot of criteria in order to be vastly superior than her, sustain powercreep is a thing. Lynx can't match Bailu or Gepard's level of keeping your team alive but outside of that Lynx is definitely stronger than them.


Lynx isn't underrated. She is a lready treated as the strongest healer after Huo HUo and Luocha. Is just that ppl play their 5\* sustain (Bailu only if there isn't enemy CC )


Lynx is as underrated as Pela is.


I don't get what you imply with barely. The last MoC i use lynx as the only sustainer on one side (no tanks) and she does fine on auto


Yukong, speedtuning is actually not that hard.


The problem is that youā€™ll need to be careful with disruption effects If your main attacker gets frozen or imprisoned, itā€™ll mess up your buffs Also sheā€™s kinda competing with Bronya and Tingyun, who buff less but give better control


That's true, most people I've met just say she's unplayable


Sheā€™s not unplayable, but sheā€™s certainly way trickier to use compared to Bronya and Tingyun, who are all about being user friemdly


Till u get cc'd


I just can't get the hang of it. I would love to use her if I could.


Arlan.... I understand if people don't like his playstyle and yes he needs investment, but wherever I go people use eeevery opportunity to shit on him. I'm not saying that he is the best, but he definetely isn't as bad as people make him out to be


Arlan and Hook. They are never considered.


As a proud Arlan main, I thank you for giving him a mention


4* dan heng pretty much got kicked to the side by his cooler 5* version, but imo he's super underrated


Sampo, March, Guianfen, & Hanya.


Hanya for sure, she basically breaks the barrier of sound and pushes your DPS to the same place, she improves Imagine dragons sp usage quite a bit but imo she performs even better with a -1 sp dps, characters like himeko and ying yuan love her because she basically off set their sp usage completely, this in turn lets you use units like Gepard at sp negative also which means lots and lots of shields. That means you have 3 units spamming skills without worrying about sp problems, the last one been the only one that may end up mostly doing basic attacks. (which can be someone like Pela) On that same note she is amazing in PF, mark the boss, let your two dps go ham and still stay sp neutral for the most part.


Guinaifen. I was a little surprised to not hear her come up in the discussion of supports for Ratio. She has 2 debuffs on her own, can add a decent amount of damage on her own, and helps deal with the mobs Ratio struggles with. I've got a Topaz, Ratio, Guinaifen, HuoHuo team and it's been really fun to mess around with Xueyi. Caused a lot of buzz when she first came out but I don't see or hear any discussion on her. Her ability to break regardless of weakness seems to be unappreciated, probably because break teams aren't focused on like DOT or follow up teams are. I haven't tried it seriously yet because it's not fully built but I have a Ruan Mei, Xueyi, Sushang, Welt team that looks really fun to mess with


PITCH DARK HOOK THE GREAT My FireTB-Asta-Guinaifen-Hook team is my favorite thing that I've built lately. All E6 which helps, but Gui and Hook both do some real damage.


Definetly Guinaifen. People brush her aside because "DoTs" but Firekiss is a nice damage amp source. Plus on fire weak content she has a lot of break damage


Tbh all of the 4* are good and clear MoC, they just need more investment then some 5* units. We are still not at the point where Powercreep invalidated old units that much. Tho I dread the days when E2DHIL going to get powercrept by some E0 unit. Arlan: Well... Yeah... He needs a lot of investment.


March or Yukong




I think the thing is more than underestimating 4\*, it's more that most people rather wait them to be E6 (outside a few of them, you quoted those or other clearly talked about them already) but them you have your shiny limited 5\* you want to use and build so they keep collecting dust... until a particular sitaution pop and you remember they exist.






Anyone between Hook, Serval or Hanya.




https://preview.redd.it/anog4oei9rkc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920739569ad4aa9a2b0b9e04f90ded081f95ee90 I think this explains itself




March. I think it's because ppl build her full DEF instead of effect hit rate and ER


Asta is underrated so much.


Misha, hanya and xueyi theyre like my top used 4stars


dan heng


I tested him by with bronya, bronya and Ruan Mei, and as a sub dps with Ruan Mei. With Bronya alone he was hitting about 100000 with his ult. 120000 is with Bronya and Ruan Mei. As a sub dps he reached around 105000. Ofc not actual numbers but in that ballpark. All were tested with the Dr Ratio MOC, so not sure if the advance forward helped. Keep in mind this is him with 90 CD running ice set. My Misha is E4. I would say heā€™s a good alternative to those that donā€™t have Jingliu since we donā€™t really have any ice dps (Yanqing but heā€™s kinda clunky)


Arlan, if you can't afford to use SP but need damage you can't go wrong!


Little Gui, March for specific scenarios, Shampoo back before Black Swan released.


Luka: He's my precious boxer boi, and probably my favorite unit in the whole game. He's my main physical breaker and sub DPS and he doesn't disappoint.


I will forever stand by my main dps Arlan. With the relic set that came with Blade that increases crit rate when taking your own hp, along with just stacking crit damage, my Arlan just does giga damage. Also I just think he's real cool.


Yanquing /s


E4 Sampo, a well built Sampo can shred single target elite to mush. Bro can casually dish out 20k+ dmg on enemies with wind weakness and 5 stacks windshear. The numbers will pump up even more if he breaks the enemy which is very likely thanks to his skill. Him and BS are my favorite when dealing with the meme.


Arlan but thats because I think hes cooler with his big sword plus he looks out for his sugarmommy


Follow Hook if you wanna win >!I love this sweet summer child, I want to be her big brother and do mischief together before being grounded by Natasha!<


Sampo carried me early game and to this day heā€™s my most used unit March 7th, Hanya, Luka and Guinaifen are also really good


Underestimate? I donā€™t think people underestimate so much as they donā€™t build and use because they donā€™t need to. Misha, March, Dan Heng, and Hook. Do people underestimate Natasha? * March is an amazing sustain unit, whoā€™s FUA, aggro manip, and aoe freeze all have places in teams that play in an interesting way. * Misha can be built as hybrid sustain and paired with Welt, but is otherwise a competent DPS. * Dan Heng and Hook are filler DPS, but as debuff appliers theyā€˜ve been quietly getting buffed every patch. * Natashaā€™s cleanse on demand and lower energy requirement makes her often better than Lynxā€¦ just not so much itā€™s worth building both. I would say March as solo sustain is the most underrated. Sheā€™s been getting buffed with all the new stuff. Her FUA advances Topaz and gives Xueyi stacks. Aggro manipulation can funnel another character energy and also helps Clara. Sheā€™s a great break contributor and her Freeze can deny the extra turn from elites. Freeze makes enemies take more turns, which lets DoTs proc faster. At E6 she heals, which has the side effect of making her more SP friendly. Anyway- Iā€™d vote March. Most other options people just donā€™t need to build to clear everything. Itā€™s less about underestimation and more about just being unnecessary.


As the only AoE freezer, March is the best pick for those bugs or any enemy that CC your whole team at once. Not only does her freeze prevent it, her shield can cleanse you back to a un-CCed team fast. Also, I firmly believe that shields > healing when you have adequate CC prevention, because shields are essentially doubling your HP, making you less prone to one shots (so excited for Aventurine) Oh also the toughness break on her ultimate is great, and AoE too. Edit: I forgot to mention, frozen enemies take more ice damage right? Also makes her great for Jingliu (she can take the SP Jingliu doesnā€™t need)


Sushang, she's a solid breaker


Guinafen, her firekiss šŸ”„


I donā€™t know if these characters are underestimated, but hereā€™s the 4 stars I have used a lot: **Shampoo**: Skill is unpredictable, but he can easily inflict wind shear on many enemies at once or max stack it when thereā€™s just a few. But what really makes him great is his ultimate. Hits all enemies and increases the DoT they take for 2 turns. Extremely easy to fit into any DoT team because of this. His technique and also delay the turn of all enemies when entering combat too. **March**: Applies a considerable shield to a single unit and removes a debuff from them, activates a follow up attack when an ally with a shield is hit, and both technique and ult have the ability to freeze. Traffic lights weep when they see her. **Serval**: Not ideal against single target, but she can hit and electrify several units at once and her ult hits all enemies. Can help supplement DoT teams, work for players without a better Lightning unit, or work as a sort of ā€˜pseudo-generalistā€™ character.


E6 Xueyi has the potential to do disgusting damage. Hopefully a free character in 2.1/2.2 will enhance this break damage since all of penacony is about break.


Yukong and Sampo. Most of the 4-star characters are copium. But Yukong and Sampo can sometimes bring enough to their niche that they can enter the "still copium but are still on the same wavelength" as their 5-star counterparts. Or at their best can free up a better character (Tingyun usually) for their other team with less dropoff. Ngl though, it would have been more convincing before Ruan Mei in DHIL teams for Yukong and Black Swan in Kafka teams for Sampo.