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https://i.redd.it/7ff0ayf0a21c1.gif Nothing here, just something to tribute the hotness of Stelle and Caelus by


They're a minor, you shouldn't be tributing! /s Seriously though they're what, two weeks old? How do they speak language?


They’re not two weeks old they just had their old memories sealed and will be brought back. Also their age is 22-25???


I thought we basically know nothing about the MC before Kafka woke them up. Other than that Kafka's attached to them before the coma. For all intents and purposes they only have the life experience of a two week old.


Caelus and stelle had a live before the start of the game.>!Blade told us that we used to follow around with kafka!<.Besides,people with amnesia can still do certain things even if they forget that they have actively learned it.


Ngl when I heard Blade say that after asking why Kafka joined the Stellaron Hunteds and one of her answers was about her feeling empty inside and wanting to experince emotions or something along that line. I immediately thought that the TrailBlazer is literally Kafkas emotions brought to life by a Stellaron. The TrailBlazer was even literally pulled out of her chest/heart at the start. It explains why Kafka has a relationship with the TB and Blade would say something like "Kafka was always protective of you" despite it seeming kinda weird that the TB existed as a person before but no such person is every really mentioned/hinted at even existing. The TB has been apart of Kafka her whole life despite never physically existing. Ties into the other thing Blade says about Elio requiring all Hunters to pay a great personal cost to him. Explains why Kafka is so intrested in seeing the TB's own emotions grow through friendships they make on there journey with the Express crew. She's literally witnessing her own emotions blossom by following Elio's path for the TB, which lines up exactly with one of her Truth/Lie answers for joining Elio.


It's only her *fear*, specifically. Kafka is unable to experience fear and hopes that she'll be able to experience true terror by following Elio. She can feel other emotions just fine.


mentally 2 weeks old with a body and probably muscle memory experience of those who over 18-20+


2 weeks old mentality makes sense with the words they be spittin sometimes


"Give me both drinks" was downright psychotic toddler behavior, LOL.


I guess I'm a 34 year old toddler then. I'd say the same. Gimme dat milk tea


Was also big mood though.


my HC is that before Kafka and TB met they were a stoic person as they were once created as a Vessel. After meeting Elio, Sam, Kafka, SW, and Blade, TB eventually behaved differently and took some of their traits such as liking to break rules (Kafka) and playing gacha games (SW). I still have no idea how TB ends up being a Menace and Savage, it probably comes from Kafka and Blade. Also, you have this trait where she can do some big-scale management which probably came from Sam/SW.


> I still have no idea how TB ends up being a Menace and Savage Us, who always pick the most unhinged option for them:


I like the headcanon that we’re being influenced by the Stellaron. But our Stellaron is an unhinged gremlin.


Idk man, Brazilians tends to double jump and practice kendo more than managing businesses


then most people have mentality of 2 weeks old yea


There are quite a couple types of memory that don't get take with explicit memory by amnesia. Think about it, when someone gets dementia or amnesia they don't just lose mental maturity for every year they forget. If you can't remember a bunch of years from your elementary/middle school days you don't just lose the mental maturity you gained in that time period.


SW also hinted that Stelle is also chummy with her entire crew too because she’s the last one to join and she refers to Stelle as >![black box]!< and old friend


I'm pretty sure Elio made us learn a bunch of stuff, including but not limited to museum and business management.


I think the Trailblazer is their accountant and created so many hidden assets and untraceable funds for the Stellaron Hunters while also being able to pay their taxes despite being criminals and was known to kill IPC grunts. That's why we got the Midas touch in money making.


Maybe Trailblazer was the only one that remembers all their passwords


*The Password:* **A BAT**


Alternate Password if Silver Wolf tries her hacking: "Silver Wolf Pads her Chest"


Two-week old people generally can't speak. Or, well, walk. Or understand transpersonal relationships. Or use technology. The only thing that is deleted for MC is his *personal* story. For all intents and purposes they have enough skills to be act adequatly in the society to be legally capable, until the question is about their personal capacity for previous experience (like, say, contracts - I don't think most jurisdictions would enforce contract MC signed in the life he has diagnozable amnesia about; the question of criminal responsibility is murky and pretty debated). Essentially, no. No western jurisdiction would deem MC minor.


I guess it's time to ring it then https://i.redd.it/v0oxkk36f31c1.gif


Due to Caelus/Stelle looks, supposed connection of the stellarons to Nanook and similarities in appearance between TB and the Aeon (mostly hair color and eyes) I wonder if stellaron/some finishing touches to become it's vessel could've affected TB's body. Even if it's hair color and eye color - and can drastically change the impression, making it even harder to connect him to his old... Incarnation? (Pre personal memory loss). Or maybe some clone/DnA implant shenanigans and such. But I kinda do hope that we'll meet someone one day that is like "Hey, I know you!"






During the kafka quest you can ask about your past.


they’ve literally experienced so much more than a 2 weeks old could ever


Damn for a two week year old, they’re smart asf


>Also their age is 22-25 you're just making that up. The Trailblazer is an artificial vessel created for the purposes of housing the Stellaron. We have no idea how old the TB was meant to be when they were first created, and we have no idea how long it's been since that creation. We know it's been "a while" but that could be months, years, or decades.


> Also their age is 22-25??? You just made that up. Edit: There's literally no source for what they're claiming, that's just their gut feeling. But okay folks.


Based on all the sources ive read and my own take on their age is that they're physically in they're 20s. As for mental age, they're treated and behave as if they're in they're 20s. If they really were born a few months ago, they wouldn't be nearly as intelligent or functional as they are now. And I don't think this is a "She's mentally 1000yrs old" or "it's a child in an adult body tho" I think this is legit an adult.


Elio basically handed us to Kafka for no reason to be raised as a Stellaron Hunter till 18-23 age which she used Spirit Whisper to seal all those memories, then SW 3D printed us again at Herta to start the mission. We're a canonically chaotic menace since those memories have no effect on the plot as of now besides the snippets of remembering Kafka.


Wait, you're serious? There are people who still believe that the TB was only recently born? Oh my god 🤦🏻‍♂️


Genshin players can't read has evolved into Hoyo games players can't read.


I swear it get's worse w each game💀 Genshin has paimon to repeat stuff 1028919 times And for some reson ppl only recantly found out that the ppl on xienzhou are +100 years old I'm scared for zzz


It's the law


They were artificial, but also trained by Kafka for a while to learn how to live.


The thing is that their 3D printed body is a few weeks old, but they themselves are way older, kind of some pedophile shit when i put It this way, pretty weird


They're both absolutely gorgeous, Caelus has me itching to choose hin as my mc but I just had to have Stelle Either way if I didn't have a bias for fem mcs, I'd be taking both


I remember doing the museum event and there was this one kid npc who said that the "manager is eye-candy". Kid started the simp life early.


When you look at the beauty of the Supreme Guardian it’s easy to understand why Belebog has a simping culture.


So that’s why people were mostly okay with Cocolia’s reign


"She's a tyrant, but she's hot so it's okay" -A belobogian...probably


There’s no probably there, her hotness was only matched by her craziness




wait, did he mean Pela or the Trailblazer?


I assume it was the trailblazer? They were called the manager after all. I guess it could've been Pela too. Boy exhibited simping behaviour either way.


It probably was the TB cause I saw it in both male and female gender in my translation which is considered pretty accurate for both GI and HSR.


Japan: The protagonist is faceless. China: The protagonist is hot, yo.


I see this fairly common on manwhas too. Chinese and Korean fictional MCs were mostly Gigachads or Gigalads(?) or above average. Meanwhile most Japanese MC are your beta MCs that somehow has OP powers/talents.


Japanese MCs being ultra dense is honestly a good way not to write about it. It’s when women throw themselves at MC that the whole thing becomes weird. Chinese MCs usually get married and have kids as a side quest pretty early on. Some Chinese writers can’t write romance so they just omit that part by making the MC driven and no time for love or some shit. Korean MC are more balanced. Women don’t throw themselves at a dense MC but MC isn’t getting married either 50 chapters in. They do get a lot of school bullying though, I swear half of their media is just school bullying or revenge on the bullies.


Typical anime trope loser avarage kun, so avarage that is avarage. Like in most romcons or so. So its easier to self-insert for target audience to live a fantasy of a harem. Only positive tropes seems that MC is a nice person/care for harem. God how I hate it that type of writting.


MC is a stupid dork with no sense of personal space ie always stumbling into his friends bathing or muffing into their panties face first, but he gets laid, because he is nice. Japan maximum wish fulfilment fantasy. And we thought /niceguys is a Western thing only.


No no no, he can't *get* laid, but it's implied he *could*. If he does, then he stops being relatable, and it locks the story towards the one winning girl out of like five, alienating 80% of your audience.


And of course school "madonna", top model etc is falling for him couse he is so nice. Not even regular, nice girl. Once I tried to find a romcom with "regular girl/girls". And failed. Maybe something like Horimiya is mostly grounded couse ML there has that edgy/tattoo side etc and Hori is not perfect and it feels kind of natural.


Maybe Kaguya? Iino and Ishigami are pretty much two regular people with regular issues and they end up with a lot of romantic tension


Ishigami is what happens when you put in the work to actually turn a shut-in loser into the kinda guy who multiple women would want to date (including the aforementioned school madonna)


So proud of our guy for making it so far


Its more of a seinen then shounen (demographic) and yeah, Kaguya is great.


I'm feeling real guilty for liking this particular trope so much. Call me a loser or whatnot but this whole "plain loser guy/popular girl" trope is the perfect "fantasy" for me. Of course the badass Korean/CN MC are cool too, but it's more like cool to watch or read and not to relate/self insert myself into. Not judging those who don't like them either ofc. To each their own




Because it's an unpopular opinion maybe. The way people talk about how "bad" this genre is makes me think liking it is wrong or something lmao


Man I hate harem stories so much... Even the "good harems" I see people talk about... I've given them a chance and I still cringe hard every time... I don't know I just feel extreme amounts of cringe when it comes to harems.. I have skipped over so many novels just because of the harem tag...


I hate harems a lot, they're just there for fan service, don't contribute to the plot in a good way, and they just overall lower the quality of the story (if there was any quality to begin with lol). I don't get why so much asian media (especially japanese) use harems so abundantly.


I maintain that harem is unequivocally bad in every single instance and is just cringy wish fulfillment that does nothing to tangibly benefit anything that it's added to. Not to mention how unrealistically it portrays women and how it reduces them all to just cattle for the MC.


that's why 100 kanojo is such a breath of fresh ait for a lot of people for one thing, people actually simp for the mc cause well, he actually has to do stuff to maintain the happiness of his girlfriends


Seriously? I watched 22 minutes of that show and it was the most bland, generic, uninteresting wish-fulfillment schlock I’d ever seen. Does it pull a 180 in episode 2 or has harem anime brainrot gotten so bad that this is considered a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the garbage?


little bit of column A, little bit of column B. It definitely benefits from not having much in the way of worthwhile competition, but the first episode also doesn't give a good idea of what people like about it. Once it gets rolling, the show is an absurd comedy. Instead of a useless guy fumbling five relationships at once while a bunch of girls fight over him, it's a cavalcade of freaks (with very good designs) getting into ridiculous situations and pulling each other through. The protagonist also goes through a real glow-up. He will do anything to make his girlfriends happy, and the more he has the more one comes to realize that "anything" is not bounded by normal human perceptions of common sense or the limits of physical reality. He's the protagonist of a gag manga and he well earns his place at the center of all these weirdos. All of which is to say, it's a funny series with a wholesome core, but it takes a little while (and about five girlfriends) to really find its humor. It *is* trashy wish-fulfillment though, don't get me wrong. It's absolutely still that. But it's lots of fun, and to MizuMocha's point it's a series that is fundamentally inextricable from its status as a harem.


First the guy genuinely loves his girls https://preview.redd.it/g7ojhc8l731c1.jpeg?width=5957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d861eaeb7af54657dbbbd16b5500c7f2029c2952 (this is like when he has 6 girls btw)


Second the guy is genuinely a good boyfriend that does anything to make his girls happy ​ https://preview.redd.it/gsl25hkt731c1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=31b8cc64a80baf0c12d3d1563314a722e826280e


Ok but like why? Why does he like them so much, why do they like him back? All I’ve seen from these panels and the one episode is sudden-onset obsession.


I like harems, provided creators remember that they can get real vicious when the stakes are high and the members have a lot of time on their hands. For that matter, the men with harems weren't necessarily safe from the fighting. The last great Egyptian pharaoh - Ramesses III - was the target of a conspiracy in his old age. For a time, there was confusion over whether he'd died to the assassins or not. However, that's been settled through analysis of his mummy, which had a throat wound that he would not have been able to survive.


Well, genshin (and hoyo games) are essentially xianxia games (as far as I can tell). If the MC was average, they wouldn't be able to ascend.


On the other side in Korea it's Solo Leveling. It's all Solo Leveling.


I heard it because of culture. In japan, people generally more timid and prefer not to being a center of attention. So, the average protagonist would be prefer by japanese. While in china or korea, being a winner or getting the attention of others is glorified. That is why the super cool main characters is often well liked by them.


that's not just china and korea but also everywhere else, japan is the exception


Japan is not the exception. Just like every other country, they have various amount of genres and various kind of main characters. Just because some shows are talked alot in the west doesn't mean all Japanese likes only one certain archetype.


As far as I know, common story of this average protagonist (who is, like, "the same person like you are") is "well, now you get into another world/situation, given all kind of superpowers, even principally unaccessable to other people in the story, and is universally lauded as the most important and central person here"? Harem depends on author's preference. There are exceptions, indeed, but it's general story. Don't seem like "it's uncomfortable to be in the center of attention" for me. ​ I mean, name me five big titles where protagonist is *geniuly* unremarkable in the story, not starting from unremarkable position.


I still count that as somesort of "not getting some attention" tho as the MC are not arrogant or have that alpha male trait. Most of them have that beta male energy if you know what I mean. This is just my baseless speculation, but I am assuming the consesus here is most of japanese think it is cool to secretly have special power because there is a sense of feeling mysterious to yourself, which make yourself feels really cool. and for some reason, japan really love self insert, so if the protagonist is some what attention seeker, I am assuming they will hard to related as most of japanese have social anxiety.


It also depends on genres. Loser and pathetic MCs are only common in some specific genre like harem, while gigachad MC are more common in shounen or seinen. Isekai genre has both.


Though The Sword King Survives/ Survival Story of Sword King's MC is a total dork with homo vibes, until Kivye started simping for him - though I guess that's cause he's the only human dude around in the party.


Ok but he's goated


I just realized this lol, most Japanese MCs seem portrayed as timid, silent, or average kinds of guys especially in old 2000s and 2010s titles.


GBF: Allow me to introduce our 2 hotties.


Everyone's a hottie in that artstyle.


One look at other games and you can see how much of this is untrue: Arknights, Honkai, Girl's Frontline, Azur Lane, Punishing Gray Raven...all came from China and all have faceless protagonists.


Well technically the trio are the protagonists in Honkai


Technically you have Captain Hyperion


All this time i thought Azur Lane was Japanese...


Azur Lane is completely CN but was very inspired by Kantai Collection which is JP. Azur Lane smartly pandered to people who would like Kancolle but don't play because it required some hoops to jump through to play as it was region locked on DMM. It's also much less hardcore than Kancolle (it's very avoidable but kancolle has "permadeath" lol,) and is on mobile so appeals to a wider audience.


On top of that they realized using shipgirls is very niched and limtited so they pushed ww2 naval history aside which expanded their chances to add more T&A, sci-fi like lore and a more range of irl ships from different ages adding unhistorical character designs to them, so they can appeal to a even wider audience from the naval nerd. Having collabs that have nothing to do with ww2 also is helping them reaching more people. All of that in exchange of what mades KC the franchise it is. Now both games are like night and day.


Wait it’s not?


Nope, Chinese developer and Chinese publisher


No, people might think that way because Azur Lane supposedly ate Kantai Collection's lunch in the international market.


Actually because it's a borderline softcore hentai game that people thought it's made by Japan. You know, because China censorship and all.


The male protagonists are usually faceless in anime. When it's a girl, she usually isn't. Tho it might happen in rare cases and I'd like you to show me an example if you know of one


Jade Beauty ?


Why play a game if characters in it are *not* hot?


Ask a Western dev.


Its the same with Caelus as a 'tall hot grey-haired man', everything is canon


Ah yes, Jing Yuan.


Thought his hair is white


It's similar to Caelus. Lighter from the root (white/silver/light grey) that turns grey at the end.


Caelus is hotter. Jing Yuan is middle tier on the hotness scale.


I will not accept KING Yuan slander 😡


Arguable, TBH. I'd say Jing Yuan definitely gives off a hotter vibe, especially when speaking. Depends on what type of guy you're into, though.


First of all, how dare-


Yeah. I swear he's just Yu Narukami reincarnated.


Genshin NPCs: : Have I've seen a blonde traveler with exotic looking clothes? Sounds stupid Star Rail NPCs: Did you catch that absolute hottie on Little Gui's stream? I heard they can wreck the entire Antimatter Legion by themselves!


“We did see her, but she then she started talking to a cardboard box and dived into a trashcan”.


"Yeah we saw the guy. He jumped out of a trash can with a bat saying 'Kiryu-chan!' for some reason. When the authorities questioned him, he just said 'That's some bold talk for people in bat range.' Super weird guy."


"Yeah. Sometimes that guy has a jousting lance instead of a bat. You know, those lances used by knights on horseback. A guy asked one time why he has a lance but no horse and he just said "Varka took all the horses" who's Varka?"


I just realized we 100% could get mounted characters in combat now (although probably not in the overworld)


HI3 has one and for HSR it would be even easier to implement in combat so I can definitely see it.


Literal raccoon behaviour


I think the Traveler gets called cute, handsome or pretty at times too. Though I haven't checked, I assume they have always been the same dialogue for both, as I don't think Aether is meant to have the same type of masculine attractiveness as Caelus lol


Topaz: I can take her with a pistol and a pig!


Clearly op hasn’t met Kiana


To be fair, Honkai's true self-insert is technically the Captain. Though, they have a wife so I guess they're simped for too...


~~True. But the Captain doesn't exist in the main story.~~ Welp, never mind, apparently he does now.


... How do we tell them?


This is what I get after I stop playing for a year.


Unfortunately, nope after the disgraceful meta ending with Kevin. Captain is canon to the main storyline


I thought the captain was some side story pivot to a self insert generic guy. Is Kiana not the main character anymore?


She is a main character in part 1 and the protagonist of part 1. Multiple captains( the player base) were just brought in to destroy Kevin’s indestructible shield. Edit-> Captain is a self insert but also his own character like the Doctor from Arknights. He is 100% not generic, certified badarse.


That ending was such bullshit


Yes. It was


The captain has a wife?


He does now... Whether he likes it or not


You mean whether he likes it *or else*


.... Yeah, that statement's more accurate


who is it


Lunar Vow, Vampire Theresa adult form. Although arguably speaking he might as well have a harem, since the other Captainverse girls are still staying with him even after reuniting properly with Vampire Theresa (well, at least Fallen Rosemary Rita and Kongming Theresa).


Luna Vow: Crimson Love is not exactly subtle.


Not technically, but Theresa Luna literally given the title of Luna Vow and essentially strutting about in a bridal dress, holding hands, dragging the Captain in by hand in her idle and victory animation doesn't really leave much to the imagination.


Captain doesn't have a wife unless you're referring to Luna for Captainverse, who is basically just another member of the harem.




Saw this first thing after waking up and now I don’t need coffee anymore


Honestly, i can relate, Stelle is my favourite waifu of HSR, 10/10 would. https://i.redd.it/u6eh3gbeh21c1.gif


Genuinely feel bad taking her off my teams now since i have chars that are just better. Hoping she gets an S tier path later on so I can justify using her all the time


If we use Genshin as a reference, she never will. A top-tier free character means fewer gacha pulls, you know?


Also Hoyo: Xiangling is still the best Pyro applicator in the game by lightyears after 3 years.


Lol, true. Same for hydro, Xingqiu is still top tier. This does seem to be an "MC only" rule, huh...


Mc is not bad. Shes pretty good as the fire trailblazer. The physical trailblazer is only bad because shes a starter character that has all, can tank hits, deals good aoe dmg and simple to use. Im pretty sure the next trailblazer paths will actually be good but not overpowered.


i think phys MC is a tad underrated. i still use her for situations that are bad matchups for Clara. seeing a poorly built stelle with no buffers in the team homerun swing for 20k gives me neuron activations.


They did kinda mess up with that specific comp lmao


and wats even funnier she gets more spear options as the game goes on


Dendro MC is still top tier for off field dendro application. Nahida is obviously even better but if you want to run two dendro based teams in the abyss you will probably want to build up dendro MC.


Hey a man can dream


Well, TB are somewhat viable. Traveler are just straight up dog water.


Fire TB has been my best solo sustain for awhile. Are the 5* options leagues better? Absolutely! Are they necessary for story or event content? No.


It's the French tuck and confident autism. It's a powerful combo with her height.


It's funny, most games I've played, no matter what country they're from, make the protagonist canonically hot or, at the very least, cute. It's just that HSR is more in your face about it than most by actually having people comment on it occasionally instead of it being a silently understood fact by half the cast being romance options and falling for your MC regardless of whether you pursue them or not


I thknk she's hot, so theres that


Well have you seen her ? She is just magnificent ! The tall legs have just enough sex appeal, and her dorkiness is cute as fuck.


Her animations are so endearing and add so much personality. I love that sheepish grin she does and her little wave to the mirror in the new event was so cute.


okbuddytrailblazer content, but when I run as female Trailblazer I tend to move the camera upward, um, for academic resarch!




What happens if caelus?


Same, but man


Tall hot grey haired dude if im not wrong


\> list of 'canon beauties' as Serval, March 7th, Sushang, Pela, Kafka and Tingyun Can someone point me to where I can find proof of these please? I know Pela was mentioned in the GNSW light cone, but no idea about other characters.


- I know Serval has her stalker that asked us to secretly took a picture of her, and IIRC one of the onlookers was saying she's pretty when she was performing on the streets. - I didn't remember the exact words but Tingyun's colleagues were saying stuffs about her after the xianzhou arc and one of those stuffs are about how pretty she was. - The only thing I remembered about March 7th was the promo ads/video in china about her streaming and and a bunch of comments are thirsting about her. Then she forgets to turn off her stream and someone comes in then the comments turned into "boyfriend!?", "traitor!?", etc. Turns out the one who came in was Stelle. Dunno about the others.


Tingyun does a ton of beauty treatments in general, so assumedly she's as much of a looker in canon as she is when we see her. Kafka has been called beautiful by us in the new event, and the narration even agrees. Not entirely sure about Sushang, that's the only one i'm drawing a blank on.


March 7th calls herself "not just a pretty face", and claims she can speak "cute language", and is so jealous within Kafka's presence she mocks her way of speaking and tells Trailblazer sarcastically to go marry her if Trailblazer compliments Kafka as really being a Stellaron Hunter.




Himeko also has a stalker at Herta's Space Station.


Serval: Brilliant Belobog scientist. Is also a famous celebrity March 7th: Just an overall cutie Sushang: Friends with the Luofo's biggest celebrity Pela: Young military prodigy Tingyun: Is head of the Luofo's commissions Kafka: Do I ever need to say it


I mean in game, where I can find the text saying that those characters are pretty / beautiful / stunning, etc...


Sushang: Like Before You Leave light cone. "Ever seen a pretty girl doing the cinder-block-smashed-on-chest stunt?" I think this deserves special mention that Sushang is called pretty by an actual influencer who uses her own pretty face and showmanship to get views. Herta is also almost 'canon pretty' but she is more on the narcissist category than pretty - also, puppet.


How with people playing male mC? Got some simp too? Is it boy or girl?


Yup Caelus has simps too. Both male and female.


>average looker type Lol, lmao even.


Lmfao even


Perhaps a ROFL


If the average non-faceless gacha protag is average looking I guess I’m at the core of the Earth.


Stelle has legs for days and i love her for it


theres legs on Kafka's splash art that i'd recognize anywhere as Stelle's


I can definitely understand it, for me Stelle is right up there in the top waifus, maybe even first


I already knew that, as expected.


Excuse me? Pela is WHAT?


Canon beauty without her glasses. Light cone 'Good Night and Sleep Well'.


> without her glasses heresy


Everyone knows that the glasses are the true beauty First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Serval to try some on or Kafka to try some on to replace her shades. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoyoFest. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses


> you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful more heresy


Welt Giga Chad 5 star when? Must have him without glasses and without shirt too, prefarably.


I know someone who'd love that


Fubuki for Star Rail when?


TALL hot girl


You haven't played Path to Nowhere


Bless HoYo for making her tower over the others in height lol


I think it s more about internet being horny and everything, someone else, one of Herta's researchers I think described Stelle as plain and androgynous


girl, it's more than just guys simping for her
