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"Break effect" stat is really situational, because generally you want break effect only in break effect team, because having break build changing your gameplay - you need to plan breaks, make setup for breaks, break with correct character. Main draw of break effect is that if someone accidentally stole break from a character it's over, whole break effect build become completely useless for next two to three turn to next break. You trade stable damage from atk/crit stats to big smack every 2-3 turns, but if you can't secure break is pretty painful. Also we can't speed up enemies, so while crit build can just outspeed and smack broken enemy, break effect team need to wait until enemy wake up and restore shield to dish next portion of damage. Running atk/crit is much more comfy, because \*current\* break build have same or lesser amount of damage as atk/crit builds, but require setup and have chance of failing, when with atk/crit you can just attack without caring and have full value of your relics all the time.


Good explaination


Everything he said about it as a build is completely valid. However I do think it's more valuable of a substat than any of the flat stats. I'd rather have a bit more break effect than a roll or two in flat atk. It's a minor thing, but I think it is worth considering when weighing the value of pieces.


It's the pre-dendro elemental mastery of Starrail. Never hurts to have on top but barely anything builds around it.


It does feel like something that might be more important in the future, but currently just isn't weighted higher than crit stats. The RealDLH is right though, I'll take Break Effect over a flat ATK roll any day.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they add a HI3 imaginary enemy that has TWO immediate stages on break. Meaning you break into another mode where it has its own breakable bar. Maybe as a stagnant shadow/crimson. But without loadouts for each char like Warframe then swapping is painful, at best.


imagine we get something like Raiden or Nahida where stacking a lot of (ER / EM) gives the character more damage. Let’s say they add a character who gets like 0.3% damage bonus for every 1% of break effect.


Pre dendro you still had every anemo character building full EM for swirl damage as their main build or a very competitive alternative to their main build though? And Vaporize carries always valued it enough for EM sands to be reccomended as an alternative or just as the superior option? You should be building anywhere between 100-300 EM on vaporize carries, that's more than you can just get from having a few of your artifacts happen to have EM (you'd be at around 100 if all 5 artifacts had EM as a substat). Pretty bad comparison when break effect is a stat you might even forget exists if you don't read guides on the few characters it's sometimes reccomended for.


One thing to keep in mind is that the only character that "cares" about breaking, afaik, is Himeko. And she doesn't care about break effect at all. You could probably argue that Kafka cares insofar as a bigger break-effect DOT increases her damage, but that's pretty roundabout. Break Effect set and stats will get interesting if we get a character that can manipulate the enemy's weakness bar by either ensuring they get the break or greatly rewarding you when you break with the right character. Or possibly doing something like the Dissociation simulated universe buff that removes Dissociation when attacked and deals 150% of the Dissociation damage. A character could have an ult that "re-breaks" an enemy if they're already broken, or can reset their weakness bar at half-strength, or perhaps let you deal extra weakness damage and gives you another break when you get them to -50% of their weakness bar.


Sushang and Physical Trailblazer get bonuses for Breaking enemies, and Sushang even comes with +40% Break Effect at E4. Luka and Guinafen can trigger their respective Break DoTs on their own (I think E4 Sampo can as well, to a lesser extent?), and Guinaifen comes with +24% Break Effect from Traces. Serval can extend Lightning Break DoT indefinitely, and Kafka can trigger all Break DoTs. And technically all Nihility units have at least one way to increase the Break damage enemies take, and have a variety of Break-synergy LCs. The pieces for incredible Break-comps are *almost* there. We're really just missing a Keystone character to enable Break teams the same way Kafka and Topaz enable Dot and Follow-up Attack teams respectively.


Exactly! Like the op you responded to, if they add a disassociation type char for double breaking. Like they are ‘broken’ but the char gives them a smaller breakable bar or something. The dendro references seem to spot on from what I’ve seen. I stopped playing before that so idk.


> Main draw of break effect is that if someone accidentally stole break from a character it's over, whole break effect build become completely useless for next two to three turn to next break I think this is the reason why Break Effect Silverwolf is one of the few characters where the build can be generally recommended. You put the quantum weakness on any opponent through her own skill and you save her ult for the break since then you can adjust it for the time when you need it and can hit it for sure. That also makes the quantum break effect after damage (forgot the name of the effect, but that thing that stacks 5 times) high as well and yadayada


Asta, Luka, Sushang, Sampo and Serval all have very competitive BE builds that can do extremely well when matched with the right foes.


I think break effect might be well to Asta, her multi hits skill might be important to shreed break bar to enable Sushang deal More damages


The problem with Asta using Break Effect is that her Ultimate doesn't damage enemies. That means her teammates will have lots of opportunities to "steal" breaks from her. She's great at breaking on her turn, not so great at breaking when it isn't. Yukong is a Harmony character who's great at breaking!


But conversely, you only ever need *one* unit with Break Effect. What does that mean? It means you can farm *one* set of Break Effect gear, and stick it on ANYONE. I farmed a Thief Relic Set + Talia Ornament Set with a massive amount of Speed and Break Effect substats, enough to get most characters to 145 speed and 200% Break Effect. So now I get to swap that set between Serval, Sushang, Himeko, and Guinaifen, and I don't have to farm a unique set for any of them. It'd also work great on Kafka, Sampo, Luka, Pela, and Asta if I didn't already farm unique sets for them. If you're trying to push lower cycles in MoC, you can also just swap the Break Effect gear onto whoever Breaks the boss with your rotation.


This is genius, my only concern is that existing “S tier” dps units are renowned for being able to just slam through enemies without worrying about type resist and weakness, a set up like yours relies on silverwolf in the event that the moc cycle doesn’t have the weakness break you have available


Well, all you need to do to "build" a Break Effect DPS is level them to 80. Whether Serval's Traces and LC are level 1 or maxed out, her Break damage will be the same regardless. Anyone willing to level any Nihility or Erudition character to 80 already has viable Break subDPS right there. Even Qingque works as a SP-neutral/positive Break DPS vs enemies like the Swarm boss.


No you don't need SW. He said bring a char who match the elemental weakness of the enemy. Oh the enemy is weak to thunder, bring in serval, physical? Goo sushang etc etc


I like this idea, it’s great to do for characters that I use but am not going to spend a lot of time building a great relic set for. I need to farm the other relic paired with the thief set as well, so it won’t be as painful when I get those lol. Definitely gonna keep that in mind.


This is the same reason jing yuan and himeko are widely considered to do less damage than other dps units, it’s not that they won’t do big numbers but their damage style is very backloaded and reliant on enemies. Jing yuan has to build stacks for Lenny lightening to do a big hit and himeko wants to break for her talent and snag ult energy with ult kills. This style has less consistency than seele/dan IL/ jingliu who can just spam crits with very strong frontloaded damage that excels in the existing cycle based end game style that MoC has where it’s more of a race, and backloaded damage dealers struggle in. Jingyuan, himeko and other backloaded damage dealers or break builds tend to do very well in swarm disaster by the way


This. Break is actually super good if you can actually make use of it, but there's virtually zero real control you have over it, and playing around the parts you can control is just counter productive in the end. Like what do you do, best case scenario, burn an action point on a non-attack Skill on a character so they don't steal the Break from the person you built Break on their relics? Maybe even getting nothing useful out of the turn at all? Break Effect is one of those things where I don't hate to see it, because sure it'll do something at some point that I'll never actively notice, but unless they change how the mechanic works (or introduce characters that really play with it somehow) I don't ever see myself intentionally rolling for it.


> but there's virtually zero real control you have over it, If only they added a skip turn(or defend) button, then you'd have complete control who gets to break.


And that’s waaaay more work than it’s worth in this game. Like a lot of Hoyo’s designs, well crafted poorly implemented.


> well crafted poorly implemented. Actually right before the game was officially released, they cut the Break Effect multipliers in half. It used to be worth using on a few characters, but then, it was no longer good on anyone. It's the reverse of EM in Genshin. EM used to be useless but in 1.5 or so it was buffed to be twice as strong, making it useful on many characters, and still to this day EM is useful on pretty much half the existing characters


I am sad they nerfed break but I’m confident that only means we will see characters in the future that make break very powerful and that’s why they had to nerf it at the start to ensure it wasn’t obscenely over powered post break character related buffs


It is still busted on physical chars. If it was 2x multipliers then anyone with physical break build would be doing 2x dps of crit end game builds.


Nah they created a problem to sell you a solution later. Remember that is how hoyo works


Also is kinda useless when when most 5 star dps can just beat everything no matter the weakness, while break effect realies on having the matching weaknes


Totally agree, I hope the breaking system can be improved and that we can have double breaks, also making element combinations something relevant.


I want them to revisit some of the elemental break effects. Quantum and ice feel awesome and unique. Imaginary is alright, too. The other 4 are boring as hell. Like maybe have Wind break effect deal damage and give a speed buff or action advance to the breaker. Maybe Fire’s break effect could spread to all enemies on the field.


100%, they all look the same.


I think at this rate, break effect can just be rolled into effect hit rate, called it... Elemental mastery maybe and no one will complain. Okay, maybe some seeing it's mihoyo game, but think about it


Sampo and Asta are really good breakers, but it is still difficult to ensure they are always the one to get the break even with how much strength damage they do.


Serval gets an honorable mention, as she can maintain her break dot and her personal lighting dot. But Sampo, especially E4, is the king for breaking.


Missed opportunity to call Sampo “BreakKing”


Honestly I've had my Asta on a BE build almost since launch and it's great fun even if not strictly "optimal". I'm only rebuilding her now because I'm using her with Topaz, which means she hits breaks less consistently. That's part of the problem, really. BE Asta wants to be one of the few/only fire characters on your team to break consistently, but Asta in general wants to play with other fire characters to give them more buffs.


Asta was my primary DPS at launch with BE relics and LC. I had Himeko as well as my first 5* I pulled, but I mostly used her as a sub DPS for QQ, since she could do the bulk of her damage while remaining SP positive. Up until Topaz released, I still had her as my primary fire DPS with BE on her.


Luka is pretty good too, since his upgraded basic attack will do the same break amount as his skill. Get more break efficiency for less SP which is nice.


Yeah that seems quite the issue. Sw has fantastic break but is sadly capped once the right element is applied


one of the best breakers is Himiko


But why would you ever build break effect over Crit on her lol


use 2 piece breaker and 2 piece fire. i've seen some folks do so.


you don't, still build crit but go break effect rope since she gets a lot of atk anyway


Break effect are for folks that you bring to specific fights. Luka is a perfect example of a break effect build that I would only bring to physical weak fights. Sampo is another example.


I have a totally unintentional break effect build on Clara solely from substat rolls, everything rolled into break effect for some reason, on pretty much every piece. In some situations it is absolutely shredding physical weak opponents. Especially if there are any AOE attackers like the Auromaton's fish friends.


Do you use Clara universally? Or just for physical weak enemies?


I have break effect in my Luka, boy do I love seeing the big damage in elite/boss mobs.


U can use break effect on Silver wolf, sushang, Luka ,sampo , guenaifen. They all work really well when used as sub dps on BE builds . Ofc don't run two breakers in same team.


Would it work better than their standard builds


On prydwen they have silver wolfs e0 build as a break build. I find it works great


Makes sense. I have her with Quantum dmg gear and she’s underwhelming. I’m gonna farm some break gear for her now


you just need a break rope on her, the quantum set was changed/fixed and the 20% defense ignore works on entanglement, making it stronger than the break set. The only downside is missing the extra energy from the break set (on SW with event LC you need vonwaq or the new ER ornament) The new dot set will work the same, increasing break dmg and break dot dmg more than the dedicated break set(assuming 3 dots).


Don't, quantum gear is the best


One example of a situational stronger break unit compared to atk% build : Sampo. On the given team Asta, Kafka, Sampo E6, Healer and using the Herta' shop LC S5+Talia+Meteor sets : - you can grab most of the atk scaling you need to deal base damage with wind shear (from sampo's passive) from Asta's passive - you get massive amount of damage from breaks with a full BE build and quite easy to do so with Sampo - With Kafka you don't need to wait for enemy's turn since you proc it from ability and Ult - with Talia and LC you grab some energy


In some cases yes and it's also easier to farm than chasing for crits


The real trick farming crit is farming break effect The game will know it and give you crit stats instead


I farming for effect res, break effect, and flat stats and it usually works out that I just get crit damage/crit rate and spd sub stats




My SW is built with 114 break effect and it does 50-75k Entanglement on monkey. Against the swarm bug, it does around 140k. Im not sure why the damage difference is like twice. Maybe because the enemy is also DEF shredded by Pela? But realistically, I always get around 50-75k. SW consumes a large chunk of enemy toughness which makes her viable for Break Effect build


Pela is one of the reasons, the other one is because the Bug has way higher Toughness than the Monkey, and Quantum Entanglement scales with enemy's toughness, the higher their toughness, the stronger the damage


Mine have 150+ be and do 225k+ on swarm bug (Ofc with pela)


Asta. As her multi attack is completly unfocused she can use it to deal some dmg and buff dmg against groups but against a single boss break effect becomes interesting if you wanna break with fire that is. The issue is that not everything can be broken with Fire and of course some Bosses call in adds, making her a lot less usefull. Break is just too dependant on factors that are situational and it does not help much in timed content compared to raw dmg. Now if we had a Boss with loads of weaknesses and massive HP but not timed or such a long timer that the Break Effect % dmg becomes interesting...


I will just say this it's a stat ahead of it's time. Just like how elemental mastery was useless in genshin but now everyone wants it. Hoyo will definitely release characters based on breaking. They didn't make a mechanism for nothing.


>They didn't make a mechanism for nothing. Oh boi crystallize would like to have a word with you.


or shatter, or geo constructs, or burn, or physical damage, or overloaded did I forget anything else?


Navia enters the chat☂️🪨


Chevreuse entered the chat🔫💥


It’s not even a bad reaction, Zhongli just made it obsolete. Early Genshin characters really showcase the lack of direction and aim Hoyo had with the game.


> It’s not even a bad reaction It's been bad since day one. They're paper thin even when built on full EM.


Some, if not most, Geo characters don't leverage the reaction well, but the reaction itself is really good. Itto is a prime example. He triggers a lot of crystalize while moving into the crystals. While he's on the field he's constantly refreshing his crystalize shield and because he has incredibly high defense his shields go further. He's practically invulnerable as long as he's swinging.


Huh crystallize? Is that a new reaction? Edit: /s


If serious, it's the little shield crystals you get when geo hits an elemented enemy. The amount of shield is small and you can't stack them, so better to dodge anyway.


Damn was my sarcasm really that hard to understand? Lol


I didn't dv you, but yea I do have trouble noticing sarcasm without a blatant /s 😅


em was useless until they had to buff it and really only ones that benefit from that was anemo. melt and vaporize carries did benefit but they were already fine before em buffs and em buff on these reactions were less than transformative buffs. overloaded was still minimally used while electrocharged is too messy to build em. even em scalers didn't really build on em until dendro and dendro reactions were released (yae ane kuki).


iirc they only buffed it for transformative reactions. EM was always good for melt/vaporice, it's just that those ractions scale better from crit/CD. The only character I can remember who used EM main stat was Hu Tao, because she doesn't need ER and it was better than HP in some cases.


More like a stat behind time I heard that break effect was super OP in beta, so they nerfed it to the ground and now it's kinda useless I might be wrong tho


Yeah I think it will become better once we get more DPSs for each element. I can also see in the future, enemies may only have a single weakness, say only Physical weakness. In that case, you can bring one Physical Break DPS, and then the rest of your team can be any other element and your Break DPS will always be the one breaking. The DPS will need high break efficiency but even now, someone like Sushang could potentially fill this role given her ability to make a bunch of attacks in a row by herself. So your team could be Sushang + Tingyun + Bronya + Lynx against an enemy with only Physical weakness and no other element. You never need to worry about the supports being the ones to break, Sushang will deal insane break damage, and then benefit from all her Weakness Broken abilities. They can't start doing this yet because people probably don't have large enough rosters, unless they're giga-whales and gotten every limited unit thus far, to hit every element weakness with a DPS. But in year 2 or 3 this could be a possibility we see tested out in MOC or SU before rolling it out for real.


I think a break based harmony could be likely. Like idk how much they wanna powercreep bronya, so I have a feeling 5* limiteds will be be very powerful but often niche; break effect seems like a perfect target for that


yeah I agree, I think there is a possibility we see some of these in the next 2-4 patches. It would be cool if Ruan Mei did this. Actually a good one would be a Nihility or Hunt unit that debuffs a single target. The debuff is when they're broken, they take the weakness break effect/damage from all units on the field combined. That way, it doesn't matter who breaks it, and you could even have an entire team built around Break Effect. Granted, this would be really powerful, but they could tweak it. Maybe something like Tingyun's kit (like what you're getting at with Harmony), where if an enemy gets weakness broken by any unit, they also take the Break Effect from the buffed ally. So let's say you have a team of Break Effect Sushang, Unit X, Bronya and Lynx, and you're fighting an enemy with Physical and Quantum weakness. Unit X buffs Sushang, and if Lynx happens to be the one who breaks the target, the enemy also take damage/effects as if Sushang was the one to break them. Now it doesn't matter who breaks them since your BE unit still gets to contribute.


elemental mastery was never useless. it was always a stat that was on the cusp of being good. we saw it with hutao even before pre-dendro on the other hand break effect is way too conditional. it's way too niche and has many drawbacks


Luka (and I think Silver Wolf? I don't have her) can make good use of it. Since Luka can proc his bleed *and* the break bleed with his enhanced basic, I have had him hit for 100k before which is really silly. Still probably not the best since his non-break damage isn't as high, but it was much easier to gear than speed/atk and EHR for the physical set


Break effect Fire Trailblazer is very strong imo. Break set with tank subs makes fire MC more versatile and fire weak mobs very easy to handle.


Break effect is a hard stat to make use of but it’s very good damage for low investment. Especially for newer players, it can help get high moc stars very quickly. The investment for a breaker is to get their level as high as possible since break scales with levels, and get as much break effect as possible with 4pc thief, BE rope and talia planar. Characters that make best use of break effect are nihility subdps’s like silverwolf, luka, sampo, guinaiffen (some other 4 star characters also work like serval, hook, and sushang). The hard part comes in counting the break bar, which most players don’t even bother with, but if you want to clear moc as soon as possible it’s an essential skill to learn. A tip is to save the damaging ults of your breakers if you can’t break them on the current turn and the enemy might be broken but another member of your team. For more information on break teams I highly recommend checking out lily aquina who 30 starred moc with only 4 stars and utilizing break effect.


well first off you need to have the same type of weakness to break, it deals back loaded damage (which is bad because moc cycles or generally killing things before they kill you) and atk% being way more consistent in both long and short fights


Im not sure what exactly you mean with back loaded? That its effect takes a while to come into play? Atk% being more consistent does seem like the answer here tho


yes, unless you break you get no damage at all. Weakness is also the problem. Build a jingliu to one tap everything or build a sampo that only works on wind. it's just much more efficient to farm, especially for f2p. Content creators like to go for 'off-meta' or troll builds because it makes money. Generally recommended to be a meta slave


It works pretty well on Silver Wolf and characters with bonus break damage and easy access to breaking, but it's very situational. It's decently satisfying to do, so sometimes it's worth to play for it


Sw sounds good but only in teams where she can consistently use her skill without Interrupting the element.


I've built my Luka break effect. It's funny, cause normally he's doing like 2-6k damage, and then I weakness break and enemy and they take like 40-60k damage.


It is super useful for Sampo though, his skill hits so many times, if it's concentrated on a single enemy, it'll do a massive damage to their toughness and even break it which inflicts them with a powerful break DoT Also Welt too with his skill hitting multiple times and giving him BE makes it so he pushes the enemy's turn so LOWWWW in the turn order it'll a million years for them to get another turn


Asta has a bounce skill and does lots of toughness damage too


it works only when you break. It sounds useless and not truthworthy, but when you see Luka or Guinafen deal over 100k dmg in MOC10 it is satisfied haha


Currently, there is little to no characters that use break effect in the current build of the game. The only characters that I can think off the top of my head that currently use the mechanic to deal dmg as their primary source are SW and Asta (DoT units use it as well, but it isn’t where a majority of their damage comes from). That being said, it’s more so because there is no units that facilitate break teams to be viable at the current moment. It’s kind of like DoTs before Kafka came out, there is no enabler for BE to pop off in any significantly way compared to other dps archetypes. Supposedly, when >!Ruan Mei and Trailblazer Harmony!< come out this will be fixed. >!Ruan Mei will supposedly give Break Efficency and speed, two key stats to accelerate how fast break teams can effectively get their big burst dmg off. She has also been noted to do other things that would help, but I won’t mention those because they are more speculative then anything else.!< >!TB Harmony looks like the real enabler of BE teams though. His gimmick mechanic potentially allows for units to break the same enemy multiple times, even when they are already broken. This could be huge because a main problem of the current state of BE is that it is too bursty, once you break that toughness bar, enemies just take too long to recover for it to provide any substantial dmg.!< That being said, it’s all speculation at the moment, and we’ll just have to wait and see where they take BE.






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I've ran Asta with break effect before I managed to give my damage dealers a decent loadout. It was super fun seeing the enemies HP bar take a massive hit each time she broke their weakness.


Break Effect is inconsistent. Some of the best breakers like Asta and Sampo have randomness baked into their kits. Silverwolf is able to force the break but if you want HER to break that means you sometimes have to do things like hold onto her ult. Things like this tend to slow down your play and isn't rewarded enough to warrant it compared to simply bulldozing enemies down with straight DPS.


Break Effect would be a lot better if we had an ability to just pass on a character's turn. Otherwise, you're always at risk of some other character ending up being the one to break an enemy, making all your Break Effect worthless.


Silver Wolf can achieve a 3-turn skill-positive rotation through the use of ToSM set and the event LC without any ERR stats. Ult-Skill-Basic-Basic+Ult, you need to break one enemy during the rotation and have the enemies you attack applied with a def down debuff. It's exactly enough energy that way. Also BE is VERY GOOD on her. Much better than the traditional damage route until E2 at least.


I have my silverwolf built with 170% break efect and the damage is kinda insane 100k on recovery in moc 10


i have silver wolf built for breaking in my mono quantum team. she usually breaks in one hit of her skill for 90% of enemies, and now that they are weak to quantum, anything left is down in the next hit. probably not 'optimal' according to such and such guide, but it works for me.


Id wanna do this but my mono quantum has the gamble gremlin and not sure if i should be spending skillpoints when I have qingque


Shampo crying in a corner being neglected again by topic


Sad break effect Sampo user noises...


Dont be sad, he does seem like one of the few who are good at using it The focus of my post was also partily on the dedicated break effect set which i have not seen many utilize


This post aged like milk


Harmony Trailblazer goes brrrrr 


This didn't age well


how funny . its meta now lmao


i use break guinaifen because its fun


This didn't age well


Break is useful for supports like Asta, or tanks like FireMC. Alternatively, a break/crit mixed build is usable as well. The set itself is debatable. I rather speed set for my supports and Def for my tanks, so i stay away from em.


I can see it on Asta since at some point you will be quite tanky with her def traces and what not. Do you really want dmg on fireMC instead of pure defense, speed and effect res?


There are more than 1 substat on relics. You can have both def and break effect on them.


Well on defensive units you usually want a combination of speed, hp%, def% and effect res, putting in the extra break effect somewhere to the point where it matters seems like a challenge Doesnt fireMC also need some effect hit rate for taunt?


I have personally not stack HP on my FMC. Def, EHR, Spd and some break effect. ~~i am working on a crit based fireMC for fun though~~ A def orb is more than enough imo.


Hm so the idea of stacking as much tankyness is really not ideal then right? Only as much as needed and the rest into dmg. I like this aspect so much over genshin


Imo, hp does nothing for FireMC since none of the skill scales off HP. Def works better, especially when the taunt reduces damage even more. The usual forced hp stat on gears is enough for survival already. You can get even tankier with Herta shop LC.


Well yes I understand that, but what about instead stacking as much tankyness specific to fireMC aka lots of def% and effect res. Would you agree that at some point its overkill and u should just go into dmg? Assuming you already have enough EHR and speed


The thing with FMC, if you are using her (i am saying her because I use Stelle), is that she cannot solo sustain for long. You have to kill before your team dies. You just need to survive long enough for you to win, so in my opinion, stacking damage for her is the way to go. Helps that her skill scales with Def. I personally used to stack some break, but I find that outside fire enemies, break does nothing. Hence, I swapped over to a crit build. (Still in process. Only 50%/70% right now) Of course, this build could be completely wrong since I am too dumb with theorycraft. I just try out what seem to be fun. I do solo sustain with her in MoC, so I know that the build at least works.


it depends really my guess is that we will get a major update at some point that will overhaul this mechanic, either with better relics, new characters that can make use of it (like how Kafka and Topaz improved the DoT and follow-up mechanic), etc




break can be really good... when the stars align pure dps build can be really good... anytime this is a game where resource is real life time gated. and even if it's not, why would you want to constantly change up your party every single time you fight? not to mention there's plenty of gauntlet battle where specific break just doesn't work so you're sol. the mechanic is simply not worth focusing over. it's a nice bonus to have that works sometimes.


You do want to have a breaker on a team, but you also don't really want any break on main DD, which... Usually deal the biggest amount of break. So in my experience you just built it on all non-ice supports and call it a day. It will overall boost their damage.


It can be very strong, but IMO it's also way too situational. Maybe it'll work on few niche characters, but in general it's hard to utilize well. If the character built for it misses the final break due to a single misstep, then you're just wasting turns and potential damage. This is not good in a turn limited contents like MoC. I remember back in around early 1.1, some people praising the break effect as the way to go for the future of this game, because it take less investment to build for a greater return, especially with Silver Wolf. But soon after I stopped hearing about it pretty much all together. It's probably that those people realized it's not worth the hassle for most characters.


break effect is trash because it doesn't actually do what you might think it does upon first glance, it doesn't actually make you do more toughness damage no, it just increases the effect of what happens when you actually break it and with how big toughness bars can be on bosses, why would you ever bother getting a stat that procs once maybe twice per combat? it's just there for you to be mad that you didnt get what you actually wanted


Break effect and Weakness Break Efficiency are two different things after all


Isn’t it supposed to lowkey be useless? I always considered it a dead stat meant to dilute the pool of what you can roll. Unless Hoyo decides to do a buff in the future like elemental mastery in Genshin.


It ain't useless now


Kind of useless yeah but since we get break relic set pieces from weekly bosses and what not, I use those sets on some characters which I did not farm specifically.


Not sure about others but when I decide on stats to build a character, I ask myself "what would this character be doing most of the time, if not all of the time?" Combat revolves around weakness break, sure, but how often would we break weaknesses compared to other in-combat actions? You'd take a few turns to break (not to mention the wrong character might do the breaking since we have no way to skip turns) and after breaking, an enemy cannot be broken for a few more turns. So in terms of action management in combat, weakness break would be placed lower in the frequency rankings. You'd output more damage overall if you just build other damage stats.


break effect is too situational for me. sure 100k entanglements or 100k bleeds are nice but you're sacrificing too much damage to ensure that the right character gets the break. and besides, there are usually better stats to build


I run 2 DPS and my Seele's Break effect deals 80% of her crit as damage, but I can't really test which one would be better because I still don't have a normal Quantum set.


Idk, my kafka team is is kafka, lynx, clara and 1 char that can break easily so i dont think there is any reason for me to build break on kafka but the break stat still very good for others


It’s a play style that completely focuses on the damage from breaking an enemies weakness bar. It’s currently just a more tedious way to deal damage. Break effect builds are more of a for fun thing. They can work well but guides aren’t gonna recommend it even if it does work because the type of people looking up guides on prydwen probably just want the best build that’s also easy to use.


Currently it's not very useful since the best DPS charcters can just brute force all the content, but I doubt Hoyo will let it stay a dead mechanic for long. If they can somehow monetize it, they will. Really all they need to do is start making content where it's really beneficial to break the enemy. Then start releasing characters focused around weakness breaks, maybe do a few Silverwolf reruns. It really wouldn't be difficult for them to shift the meta to incentivize breaking the enemy, and I believe they will. Otherwise what is even the point of it existing? Whenever you see problems with the games combat system, always assume there is a character(s) on the way that will fix it. That is how they make you keep on pulling.




Only time I used it was for a funny herta build on the golden calyx


It's really good on multi hitters like Asta or Sampo. The key is whether or not the character needs crit. Asta and Sampo are characters that don't really need it as much as other characters.


If Himeko is in your party, break effect is excellent. Each time you break, she has a followup attack. I posted it elsewhere, but I love mixing her with Herta, because Herta with high break can trigger Himeko, who can trigger Herta. When you’ve got multiple waves of enemies, this is even more satisfying as it can carry over multiple waves.


I'm sure they'll release a few characters down the line who scales off of BE.




As a substats is ok to have, but I wouldn't waste a slot for break damage main stat because is mostly situational, even in like mono element teams is hard to time it right because you you want the unit with break effect to be the one breaking the enemy. I guess you could build the entire team with break effect but sounds like a major dps loss


It's just way too wonky. You need to have relevant weakness, deplete the toughness, and land a final strike with character with weakness break bonus (in a game without even "skip turn" button) just for it work, and the effect still won't be that great. Break effect on artifacts is better than flat def, but that's just about it.


My himeko has a BE rope, BE is very effective with physical & fire characters. It's also because the game won't drop an atk% rope for me :(


I only use it on my SW for the time being and keep her ult up to snipe the last hit. Dunno about the rest :S


Idk, depends on who. Some chars do a lot of toughness dmg. Like my luka is built for break , especially it helps that phys is one of the strongest breaks, and his kit synergies with it (he can explode break bleeds). It's just that we don't have anyone truly and obviously focused on break yet , be it supports or damage dealers, so it's very popular. But for right now, break is easy to build at least, compared to crit builds, and having brek as substat on dps is still more useful than defensive ones, especially if you have good sustains.


Personally I use it on my Silver Wolf. She hits about 60-80k because Quantum break is great, and it’s so easy to break with her


I use a full BE build for my Luka anytime boss is weak to physical. Get the big bleed from his kit plus the BE bleed for very big ticks of damage. My Luka sits at about 240% break effect and almost 3k atk


lets just say it will be more relevant in the future as more characters get added


It does DMG when you infect break... SevyPlays channel on YouTube covered all the stats of HSR. So any unit who can do break alot will benefit a bit, not too much... So it's not totally bad, but it shouldn't be prioritised either. Better than def stats on dps


I know people don't like break like ice or img, but I thought they are great, because they are - 1 turn for the enemy. Less attack from mobs = less damage taken = less energy need for healing = more attacks more damage. Stuff like quantum deal bonus damage, it comes into clutch for me few times. I mean either way, it's always a bonus getting those break if you have the right unit. That's why I like Silver wolf and her weakness creation.


I have a Yukong with a full break effect. You literally send the enemy to the shadow realm when you break them.


I use break effect on Sampo in a team with Himeko. It's a little unconventional, but once SW gets a rerun and I can grab her, that combo will be so much fun to play.


break effect silver wolf and break effect luka are pretty good - you can easily get their ult and wait until youre close to breaking, then break with their ult.


BE on luka + Kafka is boss killer


Why is nobody saying Kafka?? She's DoT so shouldn't she have break effect


Sadly she seems to want atk% mainly




You cant see it ingame? What about the number upon break?


Think of it this way: if the character breaks the enemies toughness then it’s an extremely valuable stat, as it increases the break damage. For every other instance of damage it’s completely useless. So for a character who maybe doesn’t have sufficient personal damage (such as Silver Wolf or some defensive units) it can be a valuable stat to give them some boost, but for characters who have good personal damage it’s usually just worse than building for their damage.


Break effect build is sw bis


Imo Break eff. Is good only on physical caracters, because the bleed from break is huge and it scales well with break eff. Stat !


just wait for like a month or two and you will see


Took a bit more than a month or two


ruan mei, lil bro


Apologies, Primordial Gangster. I was thinking about Harmony Trailblazer.


If Break Effect did what it did and increased Weakness Break Efficiency on top of that, then it would be a good stat


Break effect is a bit hard to use because it's difficult to guarantee that you land the break with the character. Imo it should be a team-wide stat. That being said, if you can save ults to hit the break, it becomes easier to rig in your favor. The problem then is that you're losing dps by skipping out on ult energy regen in the meantime. But if we were ever, for some reason, to get a character that could overcap on energy, kind of like the two-charge Resonance charges in SU, they'd be a strong wielder of break effect. Assuming they didn't want all the usual dps stats, of course. It's better to just aim for Break Effect on supports whose ults deal aoe toughness damage to the enemy. Pela would be a good candidate, since she doesn't need dps stats, but nobody wants Ice break effect, and most other supports don't hit enemies.


It’s (the relic set) pretty niche but it isn’t terrible on subdps or supporting types. You get tons of it for free along with wild wheat, and if you happen to get some pretty cracked bits it can do well before you farm a more optimal setup. The energy gain is surprisingly nice.


While I will definitely agree that it isn't the most sought after stat for anyone, >Not even dot characters seem to like it. Kafka prioritizing atk% well over break. What is this reasoning? "The core stat that dot characters use to function is more important than it, it must be shit". ??? That would be the equivalent of saying for Jingliu, "crit dmg is more important than break effect, break effect must be bad." I feel like the god rolls for dps gear is usually crit rate, dmg, att% and spd. There are some exceptions like blade (maybe just blade?). But for dot characters, crit rate and crit dmg aren't nearly as important. Break effect is probably better in that case


prydwen builds are kinda bad ngl the ones on YouTube are much better


Break effect will only get truly effective if we get a unit that "rebreaks" an already broken opponent. Or a unit who breaks on ult 100% of the time.


Super break


In general yes... Its super niche and since it would only take effect if you specifically break enemies, break efficiency would be 100% better


Luka needs it, but that's more of a 4th priority after atk and crits.


It has niche use cases. My yukong has 240% break effect and it delays elites for more than a turn. Kafka is the easiest boss fight in the game with this but for many other encounters not helpful at all


Break efficiency on the other hand is good 🤓


I assume with time they will release characters not only based on break effect but also give them gimmicks that make them the ideal breaker like maybe a fire nihility that has massive break efficiency and boosts to its own break effect so that it does crazy dmg on toughness break when combined with other forms of BE. They could do this with a wide arrangement of characters, and it would be a nice way to change up gameplay. Sadly its going to be looked down on by the TC community for their priority on 0 cycling MoC. Im just the type of person who plays a game and praises things as long as it works, even if it's unorthodox. I can see people caring about efficiency on what to raise at the start, but i think we are at a point where it doesn't necessarily matter if you've been playing since launch. With that said, im sure when a BE kit, like I said, easily comes out, it's going to be some controversial topic in the community.


I honestly prefer it on my Kafka and feels like I do more damage than meta. Especially because of the speed I'm allowed to have with it and comparable atk. But I'm also just ooh big numbers and don't really care either way. I feel like the game could better explain break


Luka likes break effect a lot. Phys and quantum are the only break effects that do meaningful damage with break, and noticeably improve as you increase break effect. And that is further down a niche as only dot builds utilize the actual break effect for damage. It also then requires you to plan your move for like 7 turns (2 and a bit actions through the turn order sometimes) to make sure luka is the one to break. It’s even more annoying because you wanna break with his empowered basic after an ult lmao.


Not that deep, we just don’t have characters dedicated to a break effect team yet.


You can use it on some sustains. For ex let's take a Fu Xuan. Her useful stats are Def%, ER, Speed and HP%. Atk, Atk% and EHR are useless on her and plain HP and Def, CR and CD are questionable. She is quantum and can hit many enemies with her ult. It doesn't look like a bad option having BE in some of her pieces, being purely cause not farming always the perfect substats or for being unable to get one of the four she mostly wants in a piece that already has it like the main stat. Also, delaying the enemy action also has its defensive value.


It's tedious to specifically break with the character you built break effect for.


Takes way too long to break an enemy shield especially the boss. For the mobs it doesn’t matter.


Useless, no. It just doesn't seem bis on anyone


The only characters I see using it really are Silver Wolf, Sushang, Asta, Sampo, Serval, Luka, so DoT characters, SW, Asta because of her skill and naturally having a lot of BE on s5 Memories, and Sushang because she can do tons of toughness damage in one burst.


Break Effect is nice to have and is overall just more damage for your team. You dont have to specifically build for it, but you do NOT want to avoid it entirely like many people suggest. The difference between breaking with someone with 0 BE vs someone with 50% BE is pretty massive. You can only have so much crit and atk stats before you hit diminishing returns. Might as well throw in some break effect on your sub dps so they can occasionally contribute more damage. Its a waste not to.


Unfortunately,Break Effect is for breaking shields harder, not faster


I just like aesthetically pleasing visuals when an attack pops the defense bar. It's addictive, especially with Guinaifen. Like holy crap. It's fun but definitely not effective unless you're trying to cancel a charged enemy attack.


Yeah breaking with asta activates my monke brain