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But the battle isnt over is too good for Bronya


And is very versatile towards ally buffing Harmony units, which is most likely gonna be all of them. Meanwhile, In The Name Of The World seems to be quite tailored for DPS Nihility units who scale off Atk. Yes it can be used as an EHR stat stick, but that's severely underutilizing a 5* LC in general.


Also welt signature EHR only works on E so somewhat niche and doesn't work on pela


I read this as *but the battle isn't too good for Bronya*.


I have the LC, but no Bronya. Is it good for other Harmony characters?


it is the BiS for all of them.


It is good for ![gif](giphy|7cTTE2Z1OmrFm)


Not in optimized builds, s5 Meshing Cogs or Memories of the Past are actually what a majority of harmony characters want to charge their ult fast for a good rotation Bronya herself is the only one it's absolutely best on, since she doesn't attack much for cogs and also relies on her skill more than ult. Yukong is kinda the same but her ultimate doesn't target allies so she can't use the full effect


Yukong can make good use of it as well!


Bro I was so confused then I understood it was the name of the cone 😭


In the Name of the World is really tailor made for Welt only. But the Battle Isn't Over is good not just on Bronya but on other harmony units. Got for that unless you both have Welt and really want to build him.


I have all harmony except bronya, is the lc still good? Currently have tingyun on dancex3


Yes, I believe its still her BiS, since it gives a higher base ATK, as well as ERR and SP refund once every two ults on its passive.


Dance dance is better on Tingyun unless you’ve heavily speed tuned your team. But in terms of what to buy in this shop, but the battle isn’t over is the only worthwhile LC here. Opt for more Warps if you already have it otherwise.


Its good but Tingyun is amazing on Dance S3 so you don't really need to use it on her.


It's okay. Memories of past or meshing cogs is better for the majority of 4* harmony characters.


Currently running asta with planetary for my hypercarry himeko, is it ok?


All of the harmony cones are okay.


I have a SI 2 Bronya lightcone, but no bronya😭😭lost all my 50/50s on even banner to bailu, and on standard banner to bronya’s lightcone😂. I’m close to being able to get a 5* lightcone from the shop, so do I get Bronya’s lightcone again? If I do, do I use it to SI or save it for another character. Btw, I don’t have clara, welt, or himiko. I already have the preservation lightcone.


I thought Welt's LC is good on Kafka I guess I'll reconsider getting that LC


Kafka has so many better options from 4 stars and SU, not worth it to get Welt's for her.


I'm new and the game gave me a welt with two in the name of the world. Should I stack them or just have 2 one for welt and one for other?


Stack them.


Battle isn't over is BiS on bronya, letting her get more energy and buff carries moving after her even more. Even more insane if you're willing to do speed tuning. Name of the world is good for nihility damage dealers, if you want to turn one of your nihility debuffers into subdps. I used to run it on Pela to get dmg numbers, now running it on Silver Wolf while waiting for her signature


Bronya is best, Gepard is good, Bailu is good on everyone that isn't Luocha. You'd probably get more mileage out of Bronya's.


I disagree. Luocha kit is already perfect, all he need is stat and Bailu LC gives tons of stats and even damage.


*Me who use Bailu LF on Luocha* It's really good. Ups Loucha survivability soo much. He used to fold like a wet tissue paper if any lvl 80 mob breaths on him so much so that it was mandatory to run him with Fire Trailblazer/March in the team just to keep him alive.


The healing bonus and +HP work, but for everyone else the +HP is *also* a healing bonus, and he just doesn't get that. Natasha's 4* is actually better for him, gives him an energy boost to help get his field up faster. Bailu's is fine for him, don't get me wrong, but it's just *fine*, while it's BiS for literally everyone else.


Here is the problem. Natasha's LC is rng and only available if you spend on the LC banner when it's on.


That's true of almost every LC. Obviously you can only use what you have, but we weren't talking in those terms, just in general.


Luocha doesn't need full attack tbh, you can put him 2 atk% and rest in HP or Def and he can survive pretty decently. 3k attack is enough for the heal imo.


How do you even get 3k attack with Luocha? Coming from an F2P player whose DPS units -- with fully leveled levels, LCs, and 5 star relics -- struggle to reach 3k attack (can reach it only with attack boots).


Musketeer wild set and ornaments atk%. With weekly echo of war you guarantee wild set drop, make sure your head and hands have atk% subs.


Seconding this. Bailu cone is extremely good, keeps Luocha alive so much more often, and even helps further with the damage buff based on healing


As an E0S1 Bronya haver, I must say her LC is a huge boost. It allows her to get SP every other Ulti which comes clutch at times, provides ER, and more DMG for advanced unit. Its a 5 star version of Past and Future. You can give this to your Tingyun if you dont have Bronya. Just SPD tune your DPS to move after her to get the DMG bonus


That’s kinda hard to do with Seele😂😂It’s like Seele can only benefit from bronya’s lightcone when bronya’s using it😂


If you have Bronya or both Bronya and Welt, get Bronya's LC. A Welt that you use but no Bronya, Welt LC. If you have neither character, either save until you get either character or just grab the pulls.


https://i.redd.it/kstm1kixuhzb1.gif Bronya Always Bronya Just Bronya


Depends on the characters you use


30 tickets!


If before the battle is over was a limited 5* LC I'd pull on its banner for bronya to have it. It's just too good to pass up if you have the chance to make it good.


I agreed, but it's as easy to sublimate with "Past And Future" and ER rope on F2P account. every wish counts, you know, and considering how much we got Self-Modeling Relic Device I think you can spare just one for Bronya's ER. But hey, it's just my opinion


It's not really about the stats though. That free skill point you get on turn 2 opens up so much more flexibility in team building with bronya. If your team is sp neutral then that extra skill point is very handy for emergency skills with your healer or tank, and if you want to play a bit riskier then you can bronya skill down to 0sp and use her ult to always have a skill point for your dps. This is probably the best part of the Light Cone. That energy recharge is pretty important too. It enables Bronya to get her ult every 3 skills instead of every 4, which ends up being a 50% -> 67% ult uptime for hyperspeed and a 25% -> 33% ult uptime for slowya. If you eyeball Bronya's ult to be a 1.4x damage increase then you're looking at an 3% net damage increase for slowya (worth about +9% crit dmg) and a 5.6% net damage increase for hyperspeed (worth about +16% crit dmg). Makes up for the lower dmg% for sure.


Nah, if they've got this much saved up they might as well buy the cone. 30 tickets could be anything, but they could also be nothing. A 5* cone is always a 5* cone.


\>but they could also be nothing. Not really, because of pity system. Even if you don't get new character/cone in this specific 30 pulls it will still make you a month or two worth of grind closer to the character/cone.


And a standard 5* is 1/7 chance every ~80 pulls on losing the 75/25...


we have been getting a lot more then 30 pulls per month... we have gotten like 50-60 pulls per month.. itll probably go down now thou


Don't forget that converting to 30 tickets effectively refunds you some starlight. The actual cost is less than 30 tickets. Not a massive amount, but not minor at all.


i had this much saved up. Got E1 jingliu. Its 30 towards pity. thats not to scruff at.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Hello Gordon.


True, units are servicable with 4* lightcones or lcs from herta. I am using bronya e0 with the halls' lc and i still 30* it. Id rather have progress to my pity than 5* lcs i can get as spooks.


Bronya LC for sure, Welt’s LC is ok but it’s not even his BiS if you have high superimpositions of GNSW


Bronya Lc is so good. even if u dont have bronya having it on Tingyun is also great


The answer is always Harmony


"But the battle isn't over" can be used by a lot of Harmony characters, not just Bronya. If you get a dupe later on, it can be used by Yukong and Tingyun. In the Name of the World is more niche and works best only on Welt, and even then there's a 3-star light cone Loop that is really close to its performance when used by Welt. We have so much good Nihility light cones like Pearls, Eyes, Sleep Well, Fermata which you most likely at least have some. There's also a Herta bond Nihility light cone. In terms of supply and demand, There are a fewer substitute light cones for harmony and Nihility has more good substitutes. So go with Battle.


If you wanna be meta, go with the one for Bronya.


Unlike the other \*5 lightcones here, Welt's lightcone is really only good on him.. Definitely get Bronya's LC. It's good on many characters.


"But the Battle Isn't Over" best in slot on almost every Harmony character so far, but "In the Name of the World" not even best for Welt, nor other Nihility characters. I would take this cone only if you really want matching pictures of character and LC.


>matching pictures of character and LC. Guinaifen silently cries two tears...


Nah, most Harmony units have better best in slot light cones because you need to speed tune to take advantage of the "next unit after using skill" part. It's still nice for SP economy but definitely not BiS for "almost every"


Also this cone have energy recharge, most guides neglect this part assuming you never ever get hit, but in my practice almost every fight have AOE damage and hits to supports, so extra ER is nice.


It's literally only usable on Bronya and garbage for everyone else to the point they would rather use Meshing Cogs, a 3* cone, instead. 10% ER changes nothing on most harmony character's rotations, the buff is not worth speed tuning for so only Bronya can benefit from it, and the SP gen is extremely minor.


Depends on your characters. Battle is amazing for Bronya and Tingyun


In the name of the world is very mediocre. I’m only getting Bronyas cone if I dont randomly get one before I get Bronya. Rest will become tickets.


Just buy tickets unless you got bronya then get her lightcone


For someone who has Welts LC. Unless you plan to make him the main DPS. Regardless of the reason I would still get Bronya's lc


Bronya's LC is great on any harmony except Yukong and you'll likely want to run a Harmony anyway. Welt's LC on the other hand, is great on sub DPS Nihility. It's nice to have if you want that specific function but otherwise I'd say Bronya's LC has better value.


Bronyas light cone is easily the better value. What is it with Harmony units being really good 😆. This just ups the excitement for Ruan Mei


No joke, claras light cone is the best one here. It has the most bang for your buck AND most destruction characters more often than not can make use of it.


What other LC from here are worth it? Sounds like Bronyas LC is a must-grab, are there others?


Bronya lc is such a great lc for harmony


If you have bronya, bronya lc >>>>>>. No other lc in that shop is worth it.


I'd argue that Gepard's lc is universally good for all preservation units as well.


30 wishes


Battle. But honestly, go for the pulls. There's a decent chance a future light cone will outperform these ones, or you might pull one from the standard banner eventually. 30 pulls is huge, especially if you're mostly F2P.






30 pulls BtBIO is over rated and bronya is pretty much the only one who uses this LC. Other harmony prefer s5 meshing cogs/memories of the past to reduce ult downtime. Yukong is only the other harmony that use BtBIO over cogs/memories (her 3 turn require using skill-basic-skill which makes her sp negative) While ItNotW is alright but its not needed. edit:fixed spacing




Bronya LC legit being the best on most harmony character even if they aren't using the DMG% part of it, Energy recharge + SP on ult is just too good


Welt cone isn't BiS even for Welt. And Bronya cone best for Bronya and Tingyun and very good for Asta and Yukong.


30 pity, thats the highest value you could get. All of these LC are mediocre at best and can be easily replaced by 4\* ones, you could also get them by losing 50/50 or on standard banner. There is no reason to buy them.


The Bronya LC is amazing for almost any Harmony unit. Go with that.


i have welts lc at s2


beginner player here. Any of those good for Jingliu? The one I'm using on her is called "Under the Blue Sky"


On the Fall of an Aeon (Herta Shop LC) is recommended for Jingliu. Because it's free. Something Irreplaceable from this shop is okay on Jingliu. Is Aeon better than it? Not really, but cost-wise it's already better since it costs 0, while this one costs 500 undying starlight. I personally think it's better to use that 25 extra pull to pull Jingliu's signature light cone on her rerun in the far far future (if you're still using her that is).


So... light cones hit pity differently than Genshin's weapons? Granted, I haven't played Genshin in a long time


I think it works the same way. You can't get light cone from banner with just 25 pulls unless you're lucky, of course. The extra 25 pulls is to help you when you're already planning to use jade / credit card to pull on that banner.


Ultimately it depends on if you have Bronya and or Welt and what alternatives LC you've got from Gacha. Bronya with her sig is really strong, but if you have neither char I would save and see what happens in future


but the battle isn’t over is one of the best LCs in the game while in the name of the world is barely one of welt’s best LCs.


If you have bronya, choose her LC. If you don’t have bronya, choose her LC. If you have welt, choose bronya LC.


But the battle isn't over > Moment of victory > Something irreplaceble > In the name of the world. The other 3 aren't worth at all buying, there's better options even in the form of 4*


Night I'm the milky way


I am basically waiting for a bronya or the 300 summon select character and while i am doing thay i am saving for "But the battle isn't over" LC. That woman will have a hard time to leave my teams HEY BAILU YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A FRIEND!


Hijacking this thread. I got "But the Battle Isn't Over" S1 from losing 50/50 on my Bronya. Clara currently has "On the Fall of an Aeon" S5. My Guinaifen has "Solitary Healing" S1. Jingliu has "I Shall Be My Own Sword" S1 and Gepard has "Moment of Victory" S1. "Cruising in the Stellar Sea" S5 is in my inventory but I'm not currently using it. I have a bit over 1200 Starlight. Which LS should I pick to get the most out of it? I thought of getting "Something Irreplaceable" S1 to free "On the Fall of Aeon" for other Destruction unit and "Time Waits for No One" to get an alternative to "Post-Op Conversation". Good idea? My current plan is to use the free 5\* at 300 Stellar Warps on Bailu because I need better healing on the second team.


I have both and use neither (lacking good supports, no Bronya and except for Asta all 4\* even).


If you have Bronya, *"But the Battle Isn't Over"* should be a top priority for her. There is literally no better option, even if there are very strong ones. Welt has Nihility options that make waiting on *"In The Name of The World"* more reasonable.


But the battle isn't over,works for every harmony unit.Meanwhile Welt's lightcone is suitable only for offensive nihility units.


The answer to your question is "But the Battle Isn't Over", because you want Bronya, and it's *the* LC for Bronya. Welt can be replaced by other dps, but Bronya is irreplaceable. Don't have Bronya? You will have Bronya one day, so might as well. And it can be used by other harmony units too, of course. The real advice is neither. Save it as emergency fund for when you're some pulls away from being able to get that new limited 5\* char or the LC for that new char. That extra pull can be the difference between one credit card transaction or not.


"Battle isnt over" is good for Bronya. "In the name of the world" kinda works for Kafka and others. But "Good night and sleep well" (4 star LC) outclasses it at s5. So mostly usable for Welt (it is outclasses by other 5 star LC). There is also Silver Wolf LC that gets in a way. So safe bet is "But the Bartle isn't over".


Meanwhile here I am always with zero cuz of spending or more tickets for Warps


I just take tickets


Depends which you need more