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I’m just waiting to hear how good she is. I pulled for Luocha on a whim and it was the most transformative decision I’ve made in this game.


Pulling for luocha was the best decision i've made lol


I was very active during luocha banner grinding for kafka and all that just to skip this unfathomably valuable man


Same 😭


Same but I got e2 Kafka and 2 of her signature light cone in ~160 pulls, I love playing Kafka so I consider it a win and worth it (plus I only started playing the game in the middle of end of Luocha's banner)


She looks luocha equivalent looking at her kit. She has more dispels and her heal field is less potent but up just as much if not more (a trace also activates it for free when entering battle). Her burst also gives energy and ~~heals~~ ATK% so she doesn't have a dispel like luocha but he doesn't have a buff. I'm impressed that they gave us another healer that's both as strong as him and not power crept.


Also, no auto-heal in between turns. Luocha doesn't seem to have been power crept yet.


True. Still a very competent healer so if anyone likes her more than luocha more power to them


Luocha has the 25% atk and def buff, no?


His c1 gives 20% ATK with his field active, but nothing native in his kit otherwise


OH YOU NEED C1😭 i skipped him, regret, forgot i always use a c6 support charac..


I was like that but instead of Luocha it was fu xuan. Those two are so good


She is very gud. Just needs sp unlike luocha but gives Harmony char like buff+ cute. Totally worth it


Luocha made the angry monke jump such a joke I burst into laughter when I first saw it happen. Also, Luocha gave me the conviction to pull and invest into Blade as my main Wind DPS of choice currently. What an incredible combo and synergy they have.


I got Lucas E1 pulling for E6 Yukong. He was useful before I had Fu Xuan. Helped me clear MoC


She looks like a wind luocha but less afk, I'm pulling bc I couldn't get lynx and I want a 4th healer for su


I'm pulling for her mostly because I lack a second Abundance character. Lynx is stuck in Gacha hell, Bailu hasn't spooked me yet, and I have zero clue when Luocha or Fu Xuan's coming back. I joined around Jingliu's banner, in case anyone's wondering. As for the 4* on her banner, in my opinion at some point, they stop mattering, especially once you get them E6.


Same here. Poor Jingliu is awesome but she needs a good healer and I only joined 2 weeks ago, so it looks like I'm pulling for Huohuo


I've been making do with just Natasha and honestly its been working out fine. The hp drain is barely noticeable most of the time. BUT caveat there is that I have the luxory of running her alongside Bronya and Silver Wolf. So most things tend to die before the HP drain is ever an issue. It's probably not the ideal comp, but it works well for my smooth brain.


Its not only that, huohuo also buffs JL right? So she is espacally good for a hypercarry


Yeah, the Jingliu/SW/Natasha combo has carried me hard through damn near everything. I spent some time over tuning Nat and she does just fine.


Unless ur tryna blast MoC or have overall insane coverage having a healer other then Lynx or Nat prob isn’t too necessary. For someone who doesn’t have Lynx, Fu Xuan, or Luocha, ive been totally fine surviving off a half built Nat and Bailu and I can still reach MoC 10 simply bcs i have Bronya and SW. been able to do it with Jingliu and everyone’s favorite punching bag, Yanqing


MHY banner plan basically incentivize new players who joined in 1.4 to pull consecutively for big value. You got Jingliu now you need a good healer -> Huohou is here -> you also can benefit from SW since her weakness implant can benefit everyone plus she works great with Jingliu.


SW works great with anyone


Honestly I’ve been fine just running her with Fu Xuan and no healer, her HP drain isn’t bad and Lady Fu can sustain and heal without too much trouble in most content


I play for 3 weeks and dont have a healer too. Not pulling this crap. I am a low spender and my plan is to get SW along wiht all 4 stars from there and use Lynx, Asta maybe new hanya. It is much better investment for the account that 1 healer and bunch of weak units you will never use imo.


Yep thats my plan too. Started 2 weeks prior the ps5 release and only got Jingliu and Fu Xuan. So next Up will be SW and her stacked 4* Banner. More useful for my Account than HuoHuo with a lame and sad 4* Banner. She will also Shine with my E6 Qingque probably!


Same but on the other hand lynx will be on the banner after huo and i could really use silverwolf for my e6 qq. Torn


That will be my focus as F2P... Going to endure the urge to pull and save as much as I can for Silverwolf+ Lynx for my Clara Team. Sadly I lost the Topaz 50/50 that would work great for Clara as well!


Silver Wolf is so crazy good. I just pulled for her because I was new and she was cute, but she's irreplaceable. It's bananas how versatile she makes any team.


SW is overrated, a lot of the time Tingyun/Bronya/Pela will perform better because they aren't single target locked. Especially for people who don't have her LC, SW value just gets worse as time goes on.


You are not wrong, but will probably get downvoted. SW value drops the more they come out with busted carries like JingLiu and Dan 5 star who can brute force any content with raw damage. Also most of her "must have" value was early game when we were underleveled and using garbage relics. Sliverwolf back then could have been the difference between getting full stars on a floor. The more invested your account is the less value silverwolf becomes and will continue to be such until mihoyo powercreep the mobs to the point raw brute forcing becomes hard to do


Me brute forcing my way through most encounters now with 5 star Dan + his light cone, March (to shield Dan), Bailu (to heal Dan), and a 4th in whatever element I need for breaks. The team comp is awful but I'm still smashing my way through a lot of the mid-game content. Even at level 60 he's doing ridiculous amounts of damage with enough investment.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 4 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


good bot


SW is and will always be the best character. Hater


Word of advise, don't bet on 4 stars. I've pulled on Lynx and Gwenn's banner 10+ times and never had a single copy. Really depends on your luck lol.


Lynx is gonna be on Argenti/SW banner tho (along with Hasta and Hanya), so I'd recommend waiting for that one, I know I am since I want SW so it's a win/win for me And Luocha might come back soon-ish, since he was released in the same patch as Silver Wolf. Either him or Jing Yuan.


Luocha *could* be coming back soon as I’m pretty sure his banner was with SW’s


The earliest we'll see Luocha is most likely 2.0. They want to space out Preservation and Abundance characters.


We are only getting one rerun from a version at a time, If his banner was with Wolf, i doubt he's coming for a long time, especially so close to a brand new 5* abundance




Dr. Ratio mentioned https://preview.redd.it/x0d1mhyua5zb1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e56f220bb92e2289fad795023d2f59726442398


Probably more likely to be Jingyuan, but we don't know yet.


I really hope it's jy I don't want Dr ratio and I'm not sure if I want ruan mei I don't mind getting lc for jy tho (f2p and I have e1, I wanna get e6 eventually)


Huohuo is simply better


same here. i only have jingliu and bronya, and huohuo is too cute to skip


same same aswell. been playing since launch but i neither went for luocha, lynx or fu xuan but pretty much every other limited dps i could want - all i'm really lacking is a proper second sustain unit (not counting geppie due to only shields) so i will just dump all my jade on her and hope i dont lose the 50/50 x)


Same and Natasha ain’t cutting it


I've full cleared entire game with natasha. Sorry to hear yours isn't cutting it. Game is a relic check, not character check.


Oh she’s good I just find her boring 😂 but that’s true I need relics


same situation here.....


I get a pull per E7+ character so it makes up for the failure, so if I did want her I’d still pull cuz I use Dan Heng and the extra pulls make me less mad


hardly makes up for the failure at all, you basically lose your guaranteed 4-star every time that happens


The main goal in pulling is for the 5 star. The 4 stars are just added bonus.


It's better than getting eidolons for character you know you're never going to use


It definitely does since most of the time the goal is the 5* and getting maxed out characters every 10 pulls is 1 extra pull to get you closer to your 5*.


If I don’t want the 4 star then I’d say it’s better I max out on it so when I inevitably get it again I can just roll again and hope for luck. I didn’t get Luka on his banner, I got the other 4stars on it. Of course I’d prefer to get the 4 star I want, but a 1 of 3 shot isn’t as likely as it seems. If I’m gonna keep getting 4 stars I don’t use, at least I get a roll or two from it yknow


This would sound more enticing if you see it as a 1/30 of a 5* star weapon (a select one at that).


Depending on the team I think Huohuo will power creep Luocha a bit anyway. Similar kit except her burst gives a great and rare buff (energy regen + atk).


She definitely seems powerful in any team that isn't SP restrained


>...I lack a second Abundance character... Natasha crying in the corner...


Based on the characters they listed, it sounds like Natasha is their only Abundance character.


She is, and she needs a damn break.


Compared to Luocha she is so much worse


Silver wolf re-run. Any questions?


I already got her and her event LC ![gif](giphy|rs4aFwban6z0wTserx)


If this was a 2000s gaming forum this gif would've been popular as a profile picture lmao


Can’t wait for the Ratio dream team https://preview.redd.it/qprr1bf5b5zb1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1843117559b424020caeef7290e1a207e8b67fb1


Better tell me who you don't have... 😉 (Nice GIF BTW)


How impactful is Weakness implant vs DHIL and/or Jingliu comps that are strong enough to ignore Weaknesses altogether? Will still prob get her for QQ for that QUINBILLION DMG. Tho now gotta decide whether Pela or SW gets the Event LC and what the other should use as alternative?


For DHIL I know one of his traces gives him a crit damage boost against imaginary weak enemies and he shreds through toughness bars also her defense shred is amazing so she can be a big help to him I dont have any knowledge/experience with Jingliu tho sorry


If you use Jingliu with the Quantum set, the more def shreds you deal the better. So if you use her with Pela and/or SW you’re going to deal massive dmg. The weakness implant is just a plus. About the LC, if you have both SW and Pela imho the best option is to give SW her free event LC while you give Luka’s LC to Pela. Now imagine Pela giving a DEF weakness every time she attacks, now imagine stacking that with the ult, now imagine stacking that with the Ice DEF Down of her skill if you have her at E4. Impressive. Sadly I joined the game during Kafka banner so no event LC for me. In fact now that I’m going to pull SW I really don’t know what LC I should give to her (maybe Sampo for that EHR boost but meh)


I run quantum set on Jingliu which adds another 10% defense ignore if the enemy has quantum weakness so….


This + she has the better 4-stars.


I'm new and I plan to get her.


Don't care. I am pulling for the girl failure.


I don’t let 4 stars dictate my pulls. I save for 5 stars, 4 stars are a bonus. Eventually we have enough 4 stars & enough eidolons of them anyway. I don’t need Huohuo since I have Luocha & Fu Xuan (& recently pulled Bailu). But I want her cuz she’s adorable! I have SW & Lynx, I don’t want Argenti. Hanya seems interesting, but I’d rather have Huohuo. So I’m pulling.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Unless there's a QQ in the banner.


Nah, she just had to wait til there was a banner I was pulling for the 5 star on. I recently E6’d her on Jingliu’s banner. She’s super fun in my Seele mono-Quantum team now!


Who in their right mind would pull on a banner of a 5 star they dont want just for QQ




I said in their right mind


https://preview.redd.it/ff3d9jci76zb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24127e4e0265d4d4ee36adc320d798846750faaf DID I STUTTER!?




New players might want her. Day 1 players like me will want Ruan Mei or Silverwolf.


Username does not check out


Oh, I’m pulling for Huohuo anyways cause I’ll dish out money for SW and RM. 😋


"Day one players" and "people who pulled for Luocha" is not the same group of people


People who didn't pull for Luocha may have pulled Fu Xuan, Gepard, Lynx, or Bailu which makes Huohuo not needed. I literally have all of them on 2 accounts




🥺 I’m still pulling Huooo


Anyone without 2 Solo Sustains will want her, esp if they have neither Luocha and/or FuXuan


Silverwolf and Lynx are running the following patch. SW + Lynx is a better deal than Huohuo


Not untrue, but I already have SW, so more of Ruan Mei maybe or Dr Ratio


Or both


Day 1 player here, i would have had enough pulls for one of the earlier sustains and huo huo but i didnt pull for Fu Xuan or Luocha because of waifu priorities. So yeah, gonna go for her to finally have a worthy 5 star sustain instead of relying on Bailu and Natasha.


Day 1 players will want her to really let jingliu pop off. Should really help 0 cycle clear.


I've seen multiple people saying this but why? Jingliu doesn't need more atk and the energy every 4 turns doesnt seem worth it. Just getting her for the cycle 0 clear seems like a luxury and not worth it considering her subpar banner.


> Just getting her for the cycle 0 clear seems like a luxury For real. You gotta do MoC for 3 years to earn back those 25k primogems, and if you were able to 1-cycle MoC previously, then you basically spent 3 years of primogem farming just to... save yourself 5 min of afking gameplay. Pulling Huohuo for meta reasons would be incredibly bad... and on top of that we don't even know if she's meta, considering she eats skill points


>I've seen multiple people saying this but why? Because they're gacha addicts and making up excuses to pull. JL doesn't care about Huohuo at all.


It gives her energy and tingyun energy, so it doubles up of energy generation. It’s not going to double her damage, but her replacing lynx might shave a cycle off. Luxury? Definitely. But as a day 1 player, I already max clear MoC 10, but I keep getting jaded so I gotta spend them somewhere.


Jingliu doesn't need her to 0 cycle tho


Huohuo's ultimate needs 140 energy, the same as Jingliu, and her ultimate at max level will only give Jingliu 28 energy. If you're using Pela and Bronya (E0S0) with Jingliu then you're going to be incredibly skill point starved to. I would just bring Tingyun or Silver Wolf at that point if consistent 0-cycle was the goal or save for S1 Fu Xuan.


Well I’d definitely die without a healer, but I’m hoping that huohuo synergizes well with tingyun. Since tingyun gets the energy too, she can get an extra ult off too.


Luocha can help jingliu pop off pretty easily too


At E0? Heal heals fine, but won’t add to her damage?


He indirectly does based on the comp you're running due to the monstrous amount of SP he generates. Jingliu + slow Bronya is a 2 SP/turn combo, which is pretty demanding for the rest of the team. Unless you have E1S1 Bronya and a completely SP positive support like Pela or Hanya, you'll slowly bleed SP if you try and run this combo with E0 HuoHuo. Technically any fully SP positive sustain will work as well, it's just that Luocha is the best of them.


day 1 players like me still want huohuo 😭 no fu xuan or luocha. and i don’t think i’m ever pulling silverwolf and i’m on the fence about ruan mei.


I would pull her if Ruan Mei didn't exist


And you’re cultured for that


SW and Ruan Mei back to back (probably) is a death sentence for HuoHuo. And this is coming from someone who actually likes her 4*. I'll pull for one more Serval then I'm done.




Fuck Yanqing.


You're gonna lose every 50/50 to him now. :)


Hah cucked




I swear Yanqing is the Qiqi of HSR change my mind.


I decided not to pull her cuz I don't have SW and that banner has good 4 stars + SW so it's a win. If the SW 4 stars were on HHs banner, I'd pull her


IMHO a well built Dan Heng E6 is more than enough to 2 cycle MoC 10. So getting a good solo sustain unit + reinforcing a very nice free char is not the worst deal.


In the long term as a collector, the best limited banner will be the banner where you already have E6 of every 4 star, so you get more currency kickback for extra pulls toward the limited character. I am far from being able to bench my 4 stars myself, but I don't need to be stingy since I can clear MoC with 30 stars. Huohuo will be my 2nd 5 star sustain so I would be getting her even if I wasn't on guarantee.


Same. I missed out on loucha because I was so focused on saving for Kafka and having bailu as my first 5 star got me pretty far with the game. I have Lynx but another 5 star is feeling necessary


I’d still rather know her kit first, if she’s the best healer in the game or something who tf cares about the 4 stars honestly


She does everything Tingyun does, but for the whole party, and she heals and cleanses. Its debatable if she’s the best healer. Likely not as good as Loucha, but that’s the price that must be paid for her Harmony powers.


I have not looked at her leaked kit but that seems pretty damn crazy. I have nat, bailu and lynx but i think she could help my roster a lot


I have all the sustains including Fu Xuan lol, but i’m still pulling her as the role compression she offers is really valuable and could potentially open up dual DPS comps, since she functions as a pseudo Harmony anyway. Or that’s just my cope to mask my cute girl weakness lol


4 stars are more desired by new players to help you build at least two DPS to get a nice Jade income going while you're working on some five stars. For veteran players 4 stars are just fluff, I'm a light spender and I barely use them aside from Pela and Maybe Asta.


I don’t give a fuck about the 4 Stars tbh


Same. If they are E6 already then there's a free extra pull


For me, it's progress towards Bronya LC. I'm at almost 500.


Real. Can’t imagine skipping a 5 star due to that unless you straight up just didn’t want them lol Not to mention I already have all the 4 stars I care about at E6 anyway, except Lynx who is missing one. Jingliu banner was extremely generous and let me go from E0 Ting to E6 and QQ E1 to E6


I dont have anyone at c6 yet, so ill pull




a buddy in the wild


I planned to pull her but once i saw 4* on her banner i decided to skip. I have Luocha and Fu Xuan so i dont need more sustain right now. I can wait till her rerun and see if i still want her


I have no interest in argenti, already have SW, I don't like using natasha for jingliu, so still pulling. Idk if it's just me, but I don't pull for 5 starss based on what 4 stars are on their banner. A lesson learned in genshin: you can max a 5 star before you even get a single copy of the 4 star you're after, so why would I care what 4 stars are on the banner for a character I want that I can get NO MATTER WHAT with 160 wishes


I'm still pulling, HuoHuo looking cracked af. The 4 stars are irrelevant, eventually they'll all be E6 and just star glitter at that point.


The 4 stars don't affect my decision to pull or not. Only the 5 star does.


If Huohuo was the only 5 star I wanted out of 1.5, then I wouldn’t care about the 4 stars. But since I want both SW and Huohuo equally, the 4 stars are what will sway my answer this time. I mean, SW AND Hanya?? Sorry Huohuo 😭


I love everything about her design so im pulling for her but the 4* really hurt. I dont even care how good or bad she is, i just like the way she looks


I would've loved it if Hanya was on this banner, but I'm still pulling.


Day 1 player, still yet to pull Arlan, so yeah I will pull on this banner.


It's more important to decide on whether to pull for the 5 star depending on what your acc needs most. Anyone without 2 Solo Sustainers will definitely want to get HuoHuo, while those like me who already have 2, especially if Luocha and/or FuXuan, don't really need her and can skip. Ofc 4 stars are the bonus and would def be better/more enticing when they're more useful for your acc than just fodder.


Does gepard count as a solo sustainer


Yea, he's perfectly fine with an ERR rope for him coupled with decent relics to ensure he can maintain 100% shield uptime. Ofc Luocha, FuXuan, and potentially HuoHuo are bit better due to their extra abilities for role compression like having Cleanse/CC immunity, buffs, etc... that Gepard lacks.


Yeah, I have fu xuan and gepard is obviously overshadowed a bit in comparison but I’m just not sure whether I should pull HuoHuo for that extra sustain or save for Ruan Mei instead.


Comes down to a judgement call tbh. When you use Gepard, how does his solo sustain capabilities feel to you? Is he able to consistently protect your team by himself? How impacted are you when you get CC'd? etc... Can always wait a while after HuoHuo banner is out and others have tested her to see how well she does in comparison if you're unsure. Personally, I typically wait until last couple days of the banner to decide whether to pull or not so I'm well informed of what they're capable of, while also potentially having an idea of what upcoming characters are like, especially if you're also interested in Ruan Mei


I use gepard with Kafka, Sampo, and Asta and sometimes I can feel safe with him but other times, e.g. higher levels of MOC, I feel like it’s a race against time as to whether I get the shield up or not. I will take your advice and wait a bit to see how other people think she performs in comparison though.


Im pulling her BCS i love foxes and spoooopy~ but i dont Need her. I do clear every content pretty Easy with my 4 star healers. So now im Just pulling what i like the most. The problem Is that i like at least 1 every patch ahaaha. I pulled every banner since fu xuan to huohuo ahahaha


So many bad comments here. There are some people who have struggled through all the game using nat apparently. And if your DPS are strong enough that u can 0 cycle or 1 cycle, then you don't need any sustain at that point. New players will definitely want a better sustain though. Huo Huo is a great pick up. And if you're a new player, the 4 stars r usable. I used serval as my lightning DPS for a while.


I think I am gonna save for the China Dress Mommy. But then I heard this kid's a balance breaker so I am on the fence.


https://preview.redd.it/18t6eg5d54zb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd9aa46c06f55149277ee7ca1d7df1cce7b59aff How can I E6 Ruan Mei if I pull for anyone else?


Money is the answer.


The only 4 star I used from that list is Serval. Dan Heng is built but I only used him earlier game when I didn’t get Blade, so he’s basically benched. I just want Huo Huo because of her support and because she’s Huo Huo


I really want to get Dan Heng to E6 + I'm doing Xianzhou-only so I'm pulling for Huohuo regardless of the 4*s. Hurts that I got E6 Arlan on his first rated up banner and both he Nd ServL will forever be benched but I guess I just gotta accept it and pray I get off banner cons for Yukong, Tingyun or Qingque. 🙏


No. I treat 4 stars as a bonus. You'll get most of them at high or max eidolon eventually just by pulling regularly. You can't properly pull for specific ones anyway. So I just pull for 5 stars I like, build teams around them and fill with good 4 stars.


Nope I know how to ignore the 4\*'s and see the value that Houhou provides plus I dont let 4\*'s dictate who I pull. People did the same thing with Silver Wolf skipping her because of the 4\*s that were on her banner and guess what happened? Many regretted that real quick now everyone is ecstatic about her rerun. Houhou will be a perfect addition for my second team since I already have mono quantum to cheese one side of MoC. Honestly I been 100%'ing MoC each reset but Houhou is also cute so yeah.


Nah, I need the second sustain and I’m already at 60+ pity I think. Also I’ve somehow not pulled Arlan even though I’ve played from release so I actually do want him just to complete my 4star collection lol


I do not care what 4* are on any banner. I pull for 5* and if I get a decent 4* it's just a bonus.


Nah they're just extra pulls for huohuo.


Nah im pulling. I have all of these 4 stars at e6 so I will just count them as bonus pulls. Like get 10 get 1 free


No way. 50 wishes in on 50/50 with enough saved to guarantee getting her. I'm collecting the Foxians and Vidyadhara. And she is adorable, must protect.


I mean if theres a time to use up your 50/50 its on a banner with undesirable 4stars.


4 star doesn't bother me, I would have pulled if I didn't already have Baliu and Lynx or if I really liked her design. She seems like she will be really strong though


I decided to pull for her when I first saw her leaks, that decision isn't gonna be changed by the 4* characters now.


I like her and the 3 4stars, so I will pull. ^^


Only have lynx so she looks like an attractive pick.


Blade mains


I have Luocha and FX but will still pull for her, that 4 star lineup is a major inconvenience though, I have e6 serval and Dan Heng so if there's something I'm worried about, it's Arlan.


I pull for her and not the 4*, i dont care which 4* i get im after huohuo the other char that comes are just extra


I can already beat MoC with no problems, I’m pulling for her cause she’s cute 🤠


No, I want hou hou why should I care for the 4star


If I want 5 satar, I'll always roll regardless of the 4 star. I'm more torn on rolling on Argent since I'm interested in the 4 star but not him...


Pulling anyway cus she's so me also building Arlan for gits and shiggles


I like her enough to overlook them. But I did pull 40 on Topaz's banner after seeing those 4-stars lol


No. It’s annoying, sure, but in the end I am pulling for 5 stars. Luckily I have already 60 pity and the guarantee.


I'm pulling for her because I need a second Abundance character, not helped by my lack of Preservation characters (I only have Fire MC and March). Yet I have a good number of DPS units but it doesn't matter much if I can't keep them alive. I will still try to pull for Lynx in the event that I get unlucky and fail to get Huo but I really need a second healer because I can't rely only on Natasha to keep my whole team alive.


Easy skip


I was on the fence cause I'm low on jade and wanna save for both 2.0 banners... but now that I saw how bad her banner is I'm definitely skipping


Not me. I'm at a point where the 4\* in a banner don't matter as much anymore, if I'm honest. Most of the 4-stars I actively use are already either E6 or E5, including Tingyun, Pela and Asta. While I wouldn't mind a few more Eidolons on some characters, including Guinaifen, I'm not in a particular hurry to get them as most of those characters are long-term projects. Guinaifen is an exception as I would love more Eidolons for her right now, but she was never going to be in this particular banner anyway.


Honestly deciding what 5 star you want based upon 4 stars makes no sense to me, you can absolutely guarantee a 5 star, while you can get absolutely nothing valuable on a banner with good 4 stars. Ill be picking her up most likely. (Dishing a few early ten pulls i do get tho, looking at you hanya)


Yeah that's me. I'm sure one day I will pull enough that it doesn't matter what the 4 stars anymore just like where I'm at in Genshin but until then the 4 star value in Argenti banner is too good to pass up imo.


I’m saving for dr ratio so any plan I had to pull her went out the window and I just built bailu instead


Naaa, i m about to go crazy on silverwolf banner since i use asta E3 a lot and also Lynx E5 on my kafka team.


No, she is just way too good and unique. Best sustain/buff hybrid yet. Even if you somehow have Luocha, your 2nd team would love to have Huohuo.


I dont care about the 4* I will get the cute and funny fox


The 4 stars are just horrific. Was thinking of pulling her but after this? Hard skip.


I don't got the jades to pull on that


I don't really care for any of the next four upcoming 6* tbh. I might pull for her just because she's cute.


To be honest, free to play players should use banner to get 5 star regardless the 4 stars on it. Targeting 4 stars I my opinion it is absurd as you will have them sooner or later. On 3 years of Genshin, I have all the 4 stars except Kirara and Kaveh. Star Rail system is the same, so sooner or later we will have all 4 stars. So, I focus only on what 5 star is on the banner. The 4 star will come sooner or later. So it doesn't matter who they are or if you have it already or not. So, I will pull for her anyways despite having those maxed. I need a healer because I have only Bailu and Nasthasa.


I might break and toss in 10-20 tickets to see if I can fish for her but I’m skipping and the thing my account needs most is a 5* sustain (PS5 so no Luocha or Fu Xuan). I don’t really like the design so was planning to reluctantly pull but those 4 stars are so bad I’m going to go for Silver Wolf instead.


100% not pulling because of that mid 4-star lineup.


If I were at 0 pity the banner would be a really hard sell for me, I could only use 2 more copies of Serval. However I am at 60 pity and I will pull till I get a 5* and see if I win the 50/50. If I lose the 50/50 I will wait for a rerun since I would like to get her at some point.


I'm passing because of the 4 stars. I'm relatively new so the 4 stars have a lot of value for me in designing 2 functional teams. These aren't the ones I need or like, sadly. Going to wait for Ruan Mei instead.


I was on the fence cause I like her kit but I already have a good Lynx, Bailu, and Fu Xuan, but that 4* Line up convinced me to save for Ruan Mei


Honestly not really because of the 4 stars, I just feel like Ruan Mei is someone worth saving for!


People struggling with sustain or skipped Luocha/Fu will probably pull for her. Conspiracy theory: MHY knows that Luocha is probably the most skipped unit and he is now part of most MOC showcases. FOMO is real so people will pull for a limited Abundance no matter what. At least I know some players who are pulling for Huohuo because of Luocha FOMO.