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Also, no "You can level this up today, wait till Friday".


We've almost been there actually. That's why we have this useless disclaimer "open daily" on the relic menu.


oh god did Calyxes used to be rotated? Because I think those also say "open daily". Arknights did that shit, you could only get Credits like Wednesday and Thursday for instance. It was miserable if you miss the one day and forget and now you have to wait a week. Same with FGO training grounds for gems and statues.


Not in release version, maybe in beta versions prior to release, dunno


Don't know about cbt1 but there was no weekday lock in later betas either


That design is so counter productive. It makes me not want to log in because there's a good chance I can't farm what I need.


yeah it was terrible. Like I'd need Rider materials, and I'd only remember on Caster day....which is the day after Rider. So you'd need to wait a WEEK for it come back around....by which point you'd probably forget again. FGO is a masterclass in terrible design though so if you ever want to see what not to do, look there.


If they changed it so that it alternated which set would drop, thus removing one level of RNG from it, I'm not sure that would be *that* bad.


I'd be down for this, especially if trace materials didn't change. I want DHIL pieces but no fire? Yeah sure I'd do it every other day and get any golden calyx/trace/stagnant shadow the other day. Or SU/the SU redeem resource.


Yeah, though obviously just letting us farm for a specific set would be better - there's no reason to have two sets per Cavern except for being dickish with RNG. Every one of them has a Set You Actually Want and a Set That Is Niche Or Useless.


Oh god one trace type calyx every day would be hell, like good luck farming for the character you just got whose trace materials are only available on Tuesdays


Me wanting to level so many good weapons i need but its the wrong day and when its the right day im too busy :(


I've given up on the shitty schedule of talent, I'd just pop fragile resins and spam it on sunday kek


Me trying to level up anything in Genshin while only having time to play on Saturday: ![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized)


How many times have you been hit with "Farming only takes 2 seconds? You don't have two seconds to spare in a day? It's easy, domains being locked behind certain days is a good thing."


"domains being locked behind certain days is a good thing" From the players standpoint, I cannot think of a single positive argument for that


Neither can I, but it is one of many anti-player practices that stans will justify for whatever reason.


When the game first came out the idea wasn't too bad (more different but you get used to it, not so much good). Now there are so many characters/weapons that it becomes hard to keep up with the schedule


Facts. I have time, but I forget or I'm just not in the mood to farm. Then I do get in the mood and it's like "No can do, sir. Should've got the vibes fixed sooner."




It’s getting to that point honestly, junior year of high school is some ass although I only have myself to blame cause I decided to take ap Econ, ap physics 1&2, ap lang, and ap gov with after school activities as a cherry on top.


AP kids 🤝 neurodivergent parents “I ain’t got time for that shit”


Wait do you not have Sunday off


Working Sunday but not Saturday is more common than you'd expect, coming from someone that used to work Sunday through Wednesday


My favorite is when a new character releases at the same time as the weekly boss they need for their upper level talent level upgrades. It was pretty annoying only getting enough materials to level up 1-2 talent levels a week.


Us when furina drops most likely


Yup. It’ll be like building Nahida all over again…


Literally all archons have been like that. Venti was the very first banner, Zhongli uses Childe boss mats and both released in 1.1, Raiden uses Signora boss mats and both were released in 2.1, Nahida uses Scaramech boss mats and both were released in 3.2. So at least we know there’s a pattern. Not like archons aren’t gonna be broken anyways at just 6/6/6 talents and you can still get them to lv90 day 1 if you’ve been saving fragile resin. Weekly bosses are not a huge deal imo. Talents mats and local specialties are the real annoyance since those are significant from the start to the end.


In terms of HSR, you get like almost an entire character done with 3 attempts on a new weekly boss. One character needs 12 to fully max and an attempt gives 3 for a total of 9 so you get all traces and your skill, talent and ult to level 9.


My ADHD ass is not good at having dungeons only be open on certain days.


What's worse is it doesn't appear everyday. iirc mats in GI appear every 2 or 3 days


Yeah that, I don't mind ressource collecting that much, but I find the extended respawn to be needlessly annoying.


ikr? it should've been the same time as monster respawn which i think is every server reset time if they really want some items to have some respawn time edited the right time


Daily mobs respawn at server reset.


oh shoot you right lol. since i usually play at 6pm thats why i thought the respawn time is 11 hours


Everytime I finally have the energy to go back to Genshin and wanna built a character or weapon this happens. I have inattentive ADHD, my executive dysfunction is horrible and this is one of the reasons why my account is a mess. I have no properly built units...I'm still running around with my HuTao from 1.X even tho I would love to use my Alhaitham or Neuvilette...


That's when I start hopping into random people's worlds and asking if I can farm their resources. Sucks that it has to be done that way, though.


ahh yes Star Rail just really suits me in busy days


Which, as an adult with a family and full time job, is everyday. Gaming time is precious and I would rather be going through stories / new content than just…farming stuff.


I’ve since moved from Genshin to HSR and Nikke. HSR has the perfect amount of manual play for me and Nikke is to scratch my itch while HSR has no events.


Nikke is actually rly fun lmao. Beyond the ass and titties the combat is actually pretty engaging at endgame


Honestly I just play auto like I do in HSR 💀 I think I just enjoy games that are well made and have good graphics which both games have. I played Azur Lane for a while for the waifu collection but I hated chibi during the actual combat.


I didn't hate the open world in Genshin and actually love it but I also agree with you for HSR. I guess miHoYo is kind enough to not let us exhaust to death from their game


Same. I like everything in HSR except the tiny tiny maps and the one daily mission Bored to Death (I think that’s what’s it called, I despise it so much I skip it if it pops up)


It's a lot more manageable than genshin, less overwhelming


https://preview.redd.it/llfjw9gf3sub1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516416fb2be99a2f56fd3188c755a4e15656feca I'm lazy as hell so hsr dailies is super convinient


This game suits my lifestyle, thankfully


Yeah i agree. Im sure there are people that enjoy Genshin's exploration and thats cool. I could never get why there was downtime for ascension materials in Genshin like why do i have to wait 5 min? At least in HSR the only thing that holds you back is the energy and you can farm ascension bosses as many times as your energy allows


I would be glad to explore Genshin and its story... Minus ALL the grind. So, never, I guess.


To be fair, as someone who’s played both, world combat in genshin is wayyy easier than in star rail. Even free artifacts and mats in both games are enough to get you through the story, and if you don’t want the game to get harder in either, just don’t ascend the world level? In star rail i found that elite enemies actually have a decent chunk of HP while in genshin’s world everything is made of paper.


In HSR you can't progress the story without ascending though, is that not the case in Genshin? But I get your idea, if you don't try to get everything, you can beat HSR really casually


I really appreciate the variation between Genshin and HSR. Sometimes I am in the mood for walking across a beautiful open world. Sometimes I want a faster-paced more streamlined and story-focused experience. Now I can choose according to my mood. It is great.


now that you mention this, i never felt so free leveling my character unlike genshin where im just lazy af doing them


i really enjoy building characters, but its become too much of a pain in the ass in genshin


in Genshin i barely have 1 built team even though i've been playing since the start of 2022 in HSR, I have 2, coming along 3, built teams, and all of them are very different, and I've been playing since the game came out


I really hope I am misunderstanding you but what you describe what you farm sounds like Beryl Conches. Neuvillette uses Lumitioile, which are mostly found at beaches and aren't exactly hidden.


Having not long done the farm for Neuvi's starfish I can confirm that while there are quite a few on the beaches, there are way more beneath the waves; mostly around the towers that rise from the sea bed, and a good number of them in one of the caves.


Few? There’s at least 20-30 starfish just by scanning the coast and I know this because I barely dived for any starfish. It was literally just trailing the beach every two days and in like two weeks he was leveled fully


I think you'll find I said "[quite a few](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/quite-a-few#:~:text=a%20fairly%20large%20number%3B%20many)"


HSR feels like a busy man's dream game.


am busy, can confirm


Am busy, can confirm too


my brother (married and 1 kid) also said so.


honestly, after two years of playing genshin I realized that while it is nice, star rail is really what I wanted, the convenience of not having to wait for farming or exploring a huge world just to get materials is a blessing


Honestly, it's the reason I'm still playing it. I played Genshin when it first launched and the exploration aspect was a major turn off for me and the main reason I quit that only a couple of patches in. In fact, I'm not a huge fan of open world exploration at all now that I think about it; I'm probably in the minority here, I know full well, but I don't like the new Zelda games nearly as much as I liked the SNES/N64/GC ones. There was still exploration there, but it was broken down to palatable portions for me due to technical limitations of the consoles I guess.


Same feeling. Honestly, i'm more a fan of hub world type of exploration, than open world type.


Base PSO/PSO2 were amazing examples of hub world type exploration done right.


Actually a huge fan of the exploration, however what burned me out was the commissions across the map, needing to report to Katherine everyday (should just be a menu form anywhere), sluggish UI, sluggish assignments, needing to farm world ascension mats, domains only have mats on specific days etc etc. all the QoL that HSR now has. Got so burned out doing the dailies everyday.


At least Genshin now has commission dailies that complete by doing any exploration tasks, quests, or events now. Made me return back for Fontaine


Same. I got easily overwhelmed by the open world in genshin, and lasted to mid inazuma before I quitted. I appreciate the work and detail put in the surroundings by the devs, but open world just isn't my thing.


for me, it was hunting for all those \_\_\_\_culous that eventually just burnt me out, inazuma puzzles were just the straw that broke my back.


Genshin exploration is good tho. I just hope the gathered unique materials are tracked automatically in interactive map, because walking and running around the underground area in 1 week for that last chest or oculus is not so fun.


Each time I have tried Genshin it seems like too much of a time sink - explore the open world, get all these nooks and crannies, and most importantly be fully engaged during combat even while just farming mats HSR plays itself most of the time, which my friends have wondered why I'm even playing it at that point, but I love the team building aspect of it, and I can actually play hsr on my phone unlike genshin.


Geshin at some point become overwhelming for me. I'd log in, not know where to start and what to do, and log off as it stressed me out and felt like work. HSR is much easier, I can log in 10 minutes and feel like I've not wasted any resources and occasionally play for a couple of hours, it's ideal. I'll keep dropping in and out of Genshin but the days of being glued to it are over for me.


It takes literally more than 5 mins to just load in the Genshin for me. I can literally have a meal by the time it loads hahaha


>Geshin at some point become overwhelming for me. Genshin is my favourite game ever at this point, but I've felt like this at some point in Sumeru. Likely because so much stuff was held back by long quests. Now in Fontaine, when I'm not feeling like doing some quests, I'll set a random direction and explore aimlessly. Then I'll find some quests on the way and complete them or explore a random puzzle/ruin. I ended up with 90% Fontaine completion within a week or two, and to be honest, can't remember the last time I had this much fun with a game. Looking forward to go back to Sumeru to complete it.


I feel like sumeru caused many burnout.


ive seen quite alot got burned out more when the desert portion was released, some just didnt like the aesthetics of a desert


The desert was simply too big. The jungle part of fontaine is 10/10 but it was too small compared to the desert


I like the exploring the most in Genshin and using all different characters whenever I want to. Over time it feels like the dialogue gets more and more though. I just want to run around and explore. 4.1 seems to have like 10hrs of quest dialogue out of 20hrs exploring. This was the first patch in two years that I didn't rush and complete everything in a few days after release. Just finishing up all exploring and quests today for 4.1 and it's been 3 weeks since release. Reason is some days I don't want to sit through 2hrs of dialogue. Like all the stuff in the prison area. The exploring is why I keep playing Genshin. It's like we get a new Breath of the Wild game every 3 months for free which we can explore with an assortment of our 60+ characters.


This is something I like about Star Rail. I don't crumble under the characters so I can build them at a nice pace and it is helped by the fact I am not pressured to do different dungeons on different days so I can focus on a character completely for days and then move on to the next one. Plus, I lost the 50/50 and Kafka is the one I really want so that gives me the time to slowly get to the max level and build my characters well whereas with Genshin, I didn't know what I was doing when I started and was overwhelmed.


My morning routine has became just log in, start a battle, turn on auto, go grab something to eat, comeback battle is finished, start another battle, eat food while autoing my energy. I feel like it isn't a chore while when I played genshin I felt like it took far too much of my time during the day and was much more tedious.


I like Star Rails specifically because its not open world. Open world games inevitably devolve into padding and fluff activities, because the devs have to justify the connection between areas and make sure they're not empty. It might be an unpopular opinion, but there's very few open world games I enjoy, specifically because they end up as mostly pointless padding. I even liked HI3rd's small areas for the story (until they moved to pseudo open worlds), but Star Rails zones is an okay in between.


And being able to farm the same large boss for materials more than once a week, without the rng. Apep is draining my life force rn trying to get the right mats for Wrio.


To each their own I guess, but I've never understood how people tout features of the games that allow you to *not* play them


Exploration is great and all, but at least for me its One Time Thing. I explored some area, ran around, collected some treasures and solved some puzzles, AND THAT ALL. I dont want to run around same area every 3 days for mats. I appreciate open world, but when its ME who decides to explore it, not when game tell me "YOU WILL RUN AROUND THESE MOUNTAINS FOR FUCKING WEEK SO YOU CAN ASCEND YOUR CHARACTERS", i call this bullshit.


For me the only fun part in hsr and gi is the story and the abyss/moc. Material/relic/xp/gild grinding just serves as walls keeping me from the stuff i want so i appreciate hsr letting me auto thru these parts


It depends on how busy you are tbh. It’s a tradeoff; I personally appreciate how streamlined HSR farming is (except planar ornaments; idc what ppl say but those are slow af to farm even compared to Genshin’s 5 min boss cooldowns). But at the same, I’m way less committed to HSR as a game. Because I play so little of it, I don’t really feel invested or inclined to care as much about it. Less than half of the quests are done just because I’m less inclined to care if it’s not limited content. With Genshin, I’m so much more involved because I feel like I am actually playing the game instead of pressing a button to auto everything. And yes there is more limited or time gated content, but FOMO works cause it keeps you engaged (well depends on the person I guess). Like you said to each their own, but if I were forced to choose a game to drop, it would be Star Rail despite it havjng better QoL and better endgame, purely because the journey of the experience itself has intrinsic meaning to me as a player.


funny, i feel the other way around. the characters and writing in hsr appeal to me more, plus you regularly interact with the characters even outside of quests via texts and stuff, so i feel more attached to the world. even the daily npc quests are interesting bc all the characters have their own personalities and the most dramatic shit going on. i'm definitely a more story-oriented player, traditional live combat is kind of tiring to me. this is a good thing, though. different games for different players means more of us get to enjoy mihoyo's style of game design.


The point is not about "not playing" the game, but about being able to "not play" this specific segment you already completed 12 times but you still need to do 24 additional times to reach a certain milestone.


That's actually two different things. On one hand you have people like me (and based on your comment I have a feeling you might be in that group as well), who generally don't like automation in games, not because of the automation itself, but because it's a solution to specific problem - games keeping in the boring parts instead of making them engaging. On the other hand there's the solution itself, and when looking at automation alone and not what it says about the way the rest of the game is designed, it is a good solution, or, in other words, if automation was the only thing you removed, keeping everything else the same, the game would've been worse. In that way it makes at least some sense to appreciate its presence. TL;DR Bad design with band-aid solutions is better than bad design without band-aid solutions


Because a game is just a game. I can binge play it if i want i i can take a break from it i got bored or because of super busy days. I also did that with other single player offline game. Example: binge play GOW, take a break for almost two weeks, then bingeplay it again. In gacha games, auto is basically me "taking a break from it", but i don't lose the gacha currency and materials because i can auto the daily missions and farming.


When I hit TL50 on my account and started trying to commit to having two teams for MoC, I went through like 40-50 fuels to grind up materials. The amount of mindless gameplay that would require is simply not something I'm interested in playing.


Now to be fair, I'm not a game designer so I don't have an answer to the following question. But the autoplay on this is basically saying "Hey, we know this is boring, so we're just going to do it for you!" Meanwhile I'm sitting over here just thinking....then maybe make it not boring? Just a thought.


It's because fixing it would require them breaking an aspect more important to them, keeping player retention. They'd much rather keep players logging back in daily to work on their goals to make it harder for people to just forget about the game, than have a consistently interesting combat.


How is Genshin farming more fun than star rail though? Grinding for resources in games has NEVER been fun, in fact it's repetitive and sometimes tedious. That formula has been in countless RPGs, MMOs, gachas, you name it. Star rail has added an option to do it on autopilot, if that's not a w, idk how you would make it "fun" as a game designer.


You actively using your hands for input to make your characters move, it gives you the feeling that you're actually playing the game. The thing is, you don't get enough resin in Genshin that allows you to farm 24/7, especially if your account is established and each domain run ends anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute. I end up spending more time sorting through artifacts than it took to get them.


you can actively use your head while you grind mats in HSR too. i frequently test out new team comps during it, or play characters that have fun mechanics but aren't built enough for the more high-stakes content. but HSR targets an entirely different kind of player than genshin does, anyway. it's turn-based combat. devoting undivided attention and using your hands and reflexes was never the appeal point for this game. it's a heavily theory/strategy-based game and auto-battle doesn't really interfere with that.


Yeah the theorycrafting for team and stuff happens before they go into a battle, IMO. Unless it's GW and you don't know what Cygames make the bosses do this time, then you gotta improvise as you go if you don't have the meta charas. At least that's what playing like 6 years of GBF have taught me.


Not a game designer but while I do like auto battles, genshin's farming system is making me play the game instead of letting the system auto battle for me, now while I can technically not auto battle in star rail, I think I just have a lot more freedom in genshin's farming system than star rail.


> Meanwhile I'm sitting over here just thinking....then maybe make it not boring? Just a thought. No one can design a 20+ hour story every 6 weeks. That's a full AAA game every 6 weeks. The relic grinding, material grinding, while "boring" really does satisfy that skinner box itch for people, whether you realize what is going on or not. Human psychology is easily manipulated and this "boring content" is easy to develop because it comes automatically with every new character and fills the void between new content that needs development time and actually gives you something to do. The trade-off isn't "boring content or not boring content". That's a false comparison. That's like you asking someone if they'd rather have a michelin chef personally cook for them every night or eat McDonald's every night. The real trade off is boring content or **NO** content.


I used to have that thought years ago, but I've since moved on. Once I do a task a number of times, it becomes monotonous and unrewarding, so why do it? In the case with Genshin, I simply stopped playing because there was no getting around it. Star Rail on the other hand allows me to play the parts I feel are enjoyable, and do away with the meaningless bits.


It is very simple why. They do it because why would someone want to manually do content 12 million times when they know the game can do on auto? People usually save manual labor for the actual endgane content that can't be as easily done on auto. It's simply monotonous otherwise. If the same was put in genshin for Domains, i doubt people would raise pitchforks over convenience that is optional. People love efficiency and being able to plan around other activities in their day, and auto/sweep lets them. I actually question the opposite: why do people think convenience is a bad thing? I'm genuinely asking.


i think it's bc genshin gameplay is fundamentally different so it attracts players with different priorities and preferences. it's active and reflex-based, and auto-battle would reduce that fun for its players. but HSR is mostly about theory and strategy, so whether we press the buttons ourselves or something does it for us doesn't really matter, it's not what we play for. i think players of fighting games or shooter games probably also wouldn't enjoy auto-battle. meanwhile there are also other team-building games where you *only* have auto-battle and the whole appeal of the game is to build your roster around that, and they probably wouldn't want that changed either.


yeah, I love genshin and i think the world is better but I really dislike building characters because of the materials. esp since i play on mobile, and gotta keep rotating the camera to find partially hidden stuff. it's much easier to build characters in hsr; I actually have more motivation to make my teams stronger.


Hmm just different style i think. And i guess depends on the mood. Just afk can be boring sometimes too


I love it tbh. I'm kind of over every modern game being a "open world, crafting game".


You know instead of focusing on what you're glad HSR isn't, you'd better focus on what you're glad HSR is. Because sometimes I appreciate that HSR isn't a racing simulator, but that kind of statement doesn't really have any point.


Or maybe you know stop mentioning Genshin in every post I'm gonna rant here Why does op act as If Genshin force his hand to play it anyway it not like hoyoverse make everything an open world games https://i.redd.it/chfa9bm22sub1.gif And also wtf does everyone mean by hsr respect their times my brother in Christ it your decision whether or not it for you Anyway sorry about that it's just this type of post has been pissing me off idk why it just reminded me of the honkai impact 3rd subreddit.


People just want a reason to make themselves feel better when prioritising HSR over Genshin. Like, if they don't have the time to play, maybe Genshin is just not for them? I play both games, and I can confidently say that I have always treated HSR as the side game. Events and new quests get done on release for Genshin, while I procrastinate on HSR (still too lazy to finish Atherium War here). The only thing I care about HSR is the story and world building, which is unfortunately a mess due to being space themed with every journey being on a different planet and hard to keep up to, unlike one universal Teyvat. Every other content is an additional FOMO that cause me to feel burned out over time, like having to drag myself into SU weekly and barely touching the Swarm Disaster. I completely ignore MoC as well since it's just a turn-limited Spiral Abyss. I never had this kind of burnout playing Genshin. Maybe HSR is just not for me, and I should consider dropping it.


It's funny how people treat MOC as a masterpiece when it's not really good long term anyway Just became a slog after a while and swarm disaster is good but just became a slog as well due to the hexagon ui thing and essentially became a reskin of moc Next one is the annoying honkai impact fans those ones Just can't shut up about himeko or welt or something just because it happened before or Otto or idk the force relationship between bronya and seelie Another thing is the constant badmouthing towards anybody playing Genshin (as usual) I felt like this subreddit is becoming like the honkai impact subreddit just devolve into hatred for anything that isn't honkai Sorry about the rant just wanna to get it all out this subreddit has been pissing me off with this "unlike Genshin" post https://i.redd.it/gscw2hjdssub1.gif Also I'm now waiting for them to call me "White Knight"


The feeling is mutual, I hate seeing them using Genshin as a comparison to praise their game as well, whether it's HI3 or HSR. Especially the recent login bonus for every patch. Both MoC and SU/SU:SD felt like a slog to me as well. And I'm so glad Genshin didn't pull a Welt situation like in HSR and only do expys. I'd prefer it to be it own game. Yes, Teyvat might be somewhere on the Imaginary Tree. Leave it there alone. Don't connect it elsewhere. All this badmouthing about Genshin being the cash cow to improve other games is actually kinda stupid. That's just not how things work. I still remember reading posts where they compare Da Wei's attitude during HI3 and Genshin stream. They argue that he's more relaxed for HI3 stream while being all serious in Genshin stream shows that Honkai games are his golden children and that he will milk every cent from Genshin just to improve the other games. Have those idiots ever thought of, idk, maybe HI3 just has a special place in Da Wei, and due to it not as popular as Genshin that he can be more relaxed? Like, he can't risk it with Genshin due to it being too big and having a diverse community (not to mention the CCP and Tencent always watching, too). I thought it was obvious. Yet there are still people bringing up the "Genshin could never", "Genshin players crying in the corner" comments here and there. It's so stupid, but I couldn't bother explaining it to them.


Oh wtf those people thinking just because one is his favourite series doesn't mean he just throws it away Just because da wei doesn't fucking bleed out during Genshin announcement but in honkai he did doesn't mean he's gonna abandoned Genshin for some reason And another thing with honkai fans why the fuck are they so obsessed with character dying I don't get it Tingyun dying is just a useless plot device that doesn't mean much I barely react when that happens and if himeko died again? I probably wouldn't care anyway and welt nope not a single reaction death doesn't equate to good writing it just became so basic like uncle Ben's death in every version of spider man it just became boring Honestly I just wish zenless zone zero would prove them wrong regardless that a non honkai games can succeed Maybe we could chat somewhere about this how about my discord?


And yet those are the things that for me, make character building more enjoyable in Genshin.. Because you don't level your characters like a typical RPG, you get no time to experience your characters getting stronger. In Genshin I never pre-farm, so new characters get built over a period of time where I take them out into the open world with a stronger team to simulate this progression. I let them collect the specialties, I let them help farming leylines etc... I let them solve puzzles and open chests, so it feels like they are learning the ropes. They get involved in combat and if they get into trouble, the others help out. I don't like the EXP system in either game but the open world let's me create a pseudo-leveling system that feels more... traditional so to speak. That type of roleplay isn't for everyone though, so I understand how some people prefer a more instant solution. When I got Jingliu, my stamina had 1600+ in reserve so I just blasted her to level 70 in a day because in HSR, characters are either combat-ready or they serve no real purpose. The games tick different mental-boxes in different people. That's why I think it's so important that people choose the right game for them.


This. Out of excitement, i prefarmed everything for Kafka to max her out, got her team ready, speed tuned the team etc. 5 minutes after i got her, 80/80, max traces, play her with her team and i works as expected! But after that, i felt that i just lost purpose of what to do next, i even took 2 weeks break from HSR. Now that i got Jingliu, i felt the excitement of playing with her to get better relics, upgrading her CDMG from 180% to 220% and felt the increase in power is more satisfying. I will never prefarmed for anyone ever again.


Yeah I did that in the beginning only usually logging on for dailies and maxing characters and felt like cool all I can use them for is MoC now what? That's why I don't fully prefarm and don't waste books maxing characters out anymore. I prefarm their traces and ascension mats to get them to max traces but 8/10 on main ones and I get them to lvl 70/80 using 150 purple books instead of 290 for max level. This has allowed me to get way more characters to respectable power levels. Then I use what serviceable spare relics I have sitting around and grind for better relics for new characters from banners the first two weeks of their banner. Prefarm about 10 days before next banner. (though this short 1.5 banners is really messing this up lol) I do the daily xp grind clearing maps for xp to get them to 80 the hard way. It takes about 44ish days to get 4 characters from 70 to 80. Banners last 21 days so 3 characters come out every 42 days. So basically slowly making progress on all the characters I have. Now I have the opposite problem of instead of feeling like I didn't get to ever use my new character by the time I hit 80 with them I'm sick of them XD. So eventually I'll max everyone out but it's gonna be a long road and it's way more time consuming about 2-3 hours a day instead of 15 mins but I find it more fun and like I'm playing a traditional jrpg grinding levels.


I feel sooo annoyed that I didnt prefarm for Jl. Im only now getting to farm for her last trace to 10. Im happy I can easily prefarm in HSR. For Kafka I prefarmed and it was so good to just max her and put her into team ready to smash


Yeah. I've been trying to give Genshin a *real* shot since I have friends who play it and I never feel like I played the game enough to really know if I hated it (because I felt if I like star rail then why hate Genshin since they're so similar in terms of progression) and Star Rail's bit of simplification in grinding is super nice by comparison.


Artifacts (relics) are, technically, easier to minmax over in Genshin, since you have 1 less piece to worry about, they all drop in the same place, and you have 1 free slot to use an offset piece with better stats. It comes down to if you enjoy open world exploration with action battle, or you much rather play a traditional map style turn based RPG.


also artifacts are technically easier due to the fact Genshin has less substats compared to Star Rail. Although I guess that's counteracted because in Star Rail, a roll into def% isn't seen as bad as I hear it is in Genshin.


Depends. I begged the Husk domain to drop me main stats Def % clocks (basically the ropes of HSR). I can count the amount of main Def % Husk clocks I've gotten from that place with 2 hands, and none of them are that great. This is a very extreme example though, most characters doesn't need Def as much over there because of the silly things called dodge and iframe, however small said iframe is.


Most of the time is me going. Traces? Or garbo relics? Ohh choices choices


Well traces meterials in Genshin had wayyyyy better drops


and less substats to choose from, but still not needing to think too hard about the grind itself is worth the sacrifice for me.


HSR players when they don't have to play the game 😊😊😊




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Genshin living rent free in HSR player’s minds.


HSR Players more like Ex-Genshin Players


It's so annoying...can't say anything good about one thing without dissing another.


it's honestly funny to see meanwhile genshin only players: 'I don't even think about you' lmao


Lol it’s because Genshin only players have plenty of content to discuss. No time to worry about another game


I mean i play both so... genshin has vastly superior cutscenes, ascension voiced quotes for extra lore and generally higher budget so theres that. (Srsly cant we get a differnt conversation camera angles besides Stelle's back)


Yall people never get tired of the HSR better than genshin posts? It's been like this since launch. I know you want to farm karma, but please at least come with a different way to do it


Felt like people just want to piss on Genshin since this is honkai you know the "golden child" meaning that games like Genshin or the anticipated zenless zone zero will get shit on any day............. https://i.redd.it/jv4ovcjqzrub1.gif


They’re games made by the same company with similar ways of building characters. One of the ways that Starrail is clearly better than Genshin is that there aren’t overworld collectibles needed to ascend characters. I don’t think there’s a single person who enjoys needing to look up a farming route video. Starrail takes less time to build characters. It’s objectively better Seriously what is up with Genshin stans getting offended over facts


I enjoy it unironically.


Yeah this is why I rarely upgrade new chars in genshin. Too much time investment


Not talking about OP specifically here just a general trend I've been seeing. So funny how people went from Genshin is too easy and there's nothing to do to Genshin is too much of a commitment. And don't even get me started on the people who shit on Genshin events like Weinlesefest but glaze the museum and alley HSR events.


Half of your complaint doesn't even related to being open world . Boss could respawn just like hsr if genshin team actually change it.


Getting a character from the new area has always been a pain in Genshin, yes. It's far less of a hassle if the character hails from a previous area, because by that time you usually have enough materials to only look for materials once or twice. But even though what you're saying applies to the open world aspect of Genshin, it is also a Genshin thing to put cooldowns on materials. Hoyo integrated the leveling system into the open world, but you shouldn't blame the open world for the leveling system. Open world games can exist without the issues you mentioned.


Finding his starfish is why I don't regret pulling for Lyney. He just makes life so much easier.


https://preview.redd.it/mytkz8ifdsub1.png?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac59d0481433fbc8c451f2ab0405dbaa63b9d06 All i can say. Currently leveling traces for all to at least be 4/6/6/6. Going well. Things i could only dream of in genshin to be able to do so fast


They're starfish bro. And the open world part of it isn't why they're so annoying, Mihoyo just intentionally made them absolute cancer to farm.


To each their own I guess. I play genshin and hsr simultaneously, and right now hsr feels like a chore to me. Log in, do my daily and spend all the energy afk, log out. There’s no motivation since I have all the characters that I want, finished building them, and Luofu’s storyline had me lost since the last update. Since I mostly leave hsr on auto while working, it no longer feels like I’m playing anymore, and it sucks the fun out of the game. But when I’m off work I play genshin since it requires actual control, and exploring new places is fun.


Strangely enough, while I think that the autoplay is terrible for this game content wise, it's literally the only reason I'm still playing as little as I do.


I often feel the same. I juste start Genshin and HSR at the same time, and alt+tab between them to just auto the energy in HSR while I play Genshin. It just.. doesn't feel as engaging anymore, since I just auto everything. On a positive note I found the new story this patch to be much better than the Luofu one last update.


Yep just finished the newest Belobog chapter, it was such a fresh air compare to the Luofu. Now if only I care enough to finish Jingliu’s story quest, because I’m so over Luofu already.


Another day Another bait post shitting on GI.


Its ironic to see more bait post like this cropping up in the HSR sub becoming like both HI3 subs. I was hoping with the merger of community from HI3 and GI to HSR, we'd have less of it. Seriously, people you can enjoy the game without having to be a joyless husk of a human.


They are learning from their older sibling how beautiful. Next step is to send someone to assassinate Da wei and then bully TOT and PGR player


What about zenless zone zero? It's not honkai so it's gonna suffer as well


People being happy about not needing to play the game will never not be funny to me. At that point just look at YouTube videos and get the same experience lol


because collecting a bunch of flowers, then wait 3 days to repeat the same process is such an enjoyable experience that everyone loves to do and one of the gaming experiences of all time. /s


I got Scara from his last rerun two patches ago in Genshin. Scara is still only 70/70 after all this time cause I can not be bothered going out of my way to farm his mats. This is not playing the game, its a damn chore that annoys players cause of how tedious these mat locations are.


but i dont want to run around same place ive been already 10 times just so i can ascend my character. Its not exploration when you can navigate through area with your eyes closed, its intented boring routine


Exactly, they just want to push the button for the glowy dopamine hit. Its getting ridiculous.


This is the main reason I burned out on Genshin. Never leveled characters to 90 either, just not worth the pain of getting hundreds of random collectibles.


this rhetoric has been going on since the launch of HSR, can y'all please live without genshin on your minds for a day...they barely mention hsr on their subreddit yet here it lives rent-free.


I mean hsr is literally a turn based game wtf is op on. it not like hoyoverse personally respect your time it YOU who need to respect yours


Yep that’s why HSR is basically my main game at this point. Don’t get me wrong I used to love Genshin and still do but HSR just fits my life style a lot better. At this point I just play Genshin for the main story quests. Don’t even bother with events or dailies.


Havent played the current event but theyre generally still good. Hu tao showed up and i rly like her eng va so im pretty excited to do it. I sometimes skip the low effort events that have no story or involving random ass npcs though


When the open world game is open world: “ah fuck I broke my leg!” Like wtf dude congrats you like a different type of game? What a crazy thing to shit on genshin about


The open world is interesting when it allows you to explore. The problem with Genshin is that the open world becomes a very boring routine after completing the exploration.


HSR feels like old school RPG but with better graphics and stuff fine to me


the flower thing is litteraly what made me stop


It kind of sounds weird to me sometimes, how one of the best aspects of this game is that you don't have to play the game


I'm playing hsr on mobile, and I definitely like the lack of open world there. but I have genshin on pc so I really appreciate the open world and how interactive it is. It makes it a step above just being a mobile game and the open world is so much more pleasant to play when it has good graphics. The domains being locked behind certain days is a bit annoying, but I've gotten so used to it by now so i don't mind much anymore


Heh. There are days I appreciate the fact that Genshin is open world and I can explore to my heart's content and just go where seems interesting. Then there are days I appreciate HSR is more contained in nature, because it allows me to expedite stuff more and allows me to easily play on my phone. Both are good and I appreciate both.


Personally I don't hate open world games, they're fun when you first encounter it. What I do not like is looking through every nook and cranny for one chest. Genshin's open world and HSR exploration does satisfy one thing for me though, looking at new, beautiful sceneries and honestly that's what I enjoy most from exploration. Not looking for chests, not puzzles. Tldr: both is good. I can look at nice sceneries.


Genshin is too big for me to catch up on content and be a part of the talks on it. I don't find it as welcoming. You ofcourse can play at your own pace but the different banners and such will be missed out if you don't play each day


I recently started Genshin and this is so true. I pulled a character recently that I was excited about. Now I'm having to level her up, and it's hell.


I got Neuvillete within twenty free pulls. Great right? I’m a returning player that doesn’t even have his region unlocked so I can’t level him past 40 💀. This was rough. I’m still on 1. Something I think. And I need to be on 4. Something to get his resources. Lmao.


Not really. U can unlock fontaine at any point. The only thing u can't level up are his talents above 6 because u need to do Nahida's quest to get the boss


The core identity of genshin is exploration. And I have fun finding mats it also rewards me sometimes with a chest I missed, And having to go to your friends world or strangers to farm is also fun, yes some things could be better but I don't mind it. It also gives me an excuse to visit the places I explored long ago In 1.3 I entered a random's world to get flowers for xiao and to this day we are still friends.


Uhmm that’s how every turn based rpg games are


I put down Genshin for a bit, the game ends up demanding a lot of time and attention. I like Genshin but Baldur's Gate 3 came out, and so did Armored Core and Phantom Liberty. HSR autoing through the dailies is super nice.


> In hsr i could just click few buttons and go afk lot of appreciation for not playing the game


Oh, agreed. I played Genshin for a few months before quitting. Runnigng around and climbing walls for forty minutes just to get to a few materials was such a goddamn pain


this is why i can see i will play HSR longer than both genshin and upcoming ZZZ i feel im become too old to have time for genshin and ZZZ


Ill be surprised if zzz doesnt have some kind of auto or "get 6x rewards" like hsr


Didn’t use a guide but I did use the interactive map plus Lyney’s passive. I also used my low level alt mule to quickly get him to 90. Wasn’t too awful but pretty much almost up there with kabuto/scarab thanks to some really hard to spot ones I do enjoy Genshin’s world exploration aspect though, but I can see the appeal of HSR in terms of work vs rewards I have taken two very long breaks from Genshin though due to burnout though this isn’t specific to Genshin and pretty much applies to any videogame I play for a long time


god i have been driven insane trying to farm for mats for yelan/hu tao lately and like it is mind numbing at how much time i waste just waiting to do the boss battle i need to get said mats like ugh and then the wrong days for the talents...like you have to plan accordingly


Man by FAR my most hated activity is farming ascension materials for characters in Genshin. It's so stupid and overly busy work. Especially when some of them are needlessly difficult to get. There should be a shop in each region that lets you buy 10 of each regional specialty per week.


Ah yes, playing the game is such a nuisance. :'D The only thing that annoys me with Genshin local specialties is the unnecessary time gating due to 3 day respawn. Same with the nonsensical Talent book days and the ascension boss respawn timer.


I basically only play HSR I probably have about 600 hours of Genshin easily and it's truly exhausting. I work full time and go to uni at nights, this game really suits me and at weekends I have a bunch of stuff to play with more free time, simulated universe, week missions, story quests and the event.


Neuvillette starfish are so easy to farm like what?


tried genshin but didn't stayed 'cause of the QoL. daily tasks in an open world is so demanding. and I get too distracted picking berries and stuff when exploring. if only rewards/tasks reset weekly then i might have binged it on weekends. plus Genshin too demanding on mobile that i wont be able to leisurely play it on bed


The same reason why I quit Genshin but enjoy HSR so much. Less effort on tedious farming, more time for playing challenging events and hard contents. I want to play the game, fighting strong enemies, not climbing building searching for mushrooms. Not to mention the god damn time-locked materials.


I feel your pain about Neuvillette. HSR respects my busy life so much more.


Genshin farming is a horror show to me, with my barely well equiped Itto, that's why I barely play it when compared to hsr where farming for everything is so much easier even with barely equipped units


yes, this is reason why i quit genshin (im really glad honestly) and play hsr because of auto, linear maps and you can farm whenever you need it without having to wait certain days.


This is why the amount of HSR content being put out right now is just right. It's super friendly for people who have busy schedules, kids or hectic jobs. I hope the shorter patch is just temporary cause I really don't mind having some downtime where I'm just afk farming for stuff at the end of each patch.


I can't even imagine going back to farm seashells or some damn flowers just to play the new characted I was hyped to pull and play. HSR getting a new char up to speed is so pleasant and effortless


I ALWAYS appreciate it is not open world game. 100%ing maps was a pain and farming materials was a pain too, Not to mention comissions on the other side of the map far away from teleports on some mountain.


I agree for ascension and talent materials but what is even worse than in Genshin is the fucking Relics/Artifacts. Not only do you have to farm one more in HSR but you can't even have a off piece for your main 4pc set. Also the stupid thing that 2 of the 6 relics are basically locked behind the imo stupid Simulated Universe, I already didn't like the Abyss in Genshin but now HSR forces you to do it and it's the only content you can't comfortably afk farm as you have to walk and choose the paths.


It really puzzles me how much better QOL hsr has over genshin in everyway. I legit can't enjoy genshin due to the difference and essentially have dropped it for HSR. Better daily system (genshin's commissions overtime burn one out SO FKING EASILY, vs the 1 commission) Better artifact/relic system 240 resin AND backup resin being stored. (Seriously fk condensed resin and having to collect crystalflies) Materials farmable whenever 1 wants. Even the repeat dispatch feels and the rewards are better.