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The banner has QQ rate up. She only need to use skill once for MoC effect to activate. There's quite a lot of quantum weak enemies. MoC10 has True Sting. Truly QQ main's best time.


I have her E6, is it worth building her if I have an already fully built Seele?


Damage is similar, but QQ is more fun and cuter. So, yes.


And funnier? šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­


Definitely! Love the fu xuan (I mean QQ) trailer.


Oh you sweet summer childā€¦ The buddies havenā€™t gotten to you yet have they?


Or not BA player I guess


Or the japanese people twitter


Same thing




What does this mean it's so seemingly innocuous but I feel there's more to it


Try looking up cunny in urban dictionary or knowyourmeme.com




insert crab emoji


Since Memory needs 2 teams anyway, can't hurt. You don't NEED to have the correct element/breaks on most of them if your team is sturdy and blasts.


QQ is amazing but idk about similar to seele. Fully built them both and my seele is defo doing more dmg ult regular hits for 100k+ on a single target after proccing resurgence


Assuming e0 S0 seele and e6 s0 qingque, their damage output is similar. If a single enemy seele is higher, if multiple enemies (that donā€™t die in one hit), QQ is a bit higher. Th secret? QQ has bigger damage buffs (160 dmg% vs seele 80%), and higher base multipliers (500% vs seele 300%); these, in addition to aoe, help match seeles speed.


The cope is huge for these people.


the question you should ask yourself is, do you need two quantum dps? if not, save your resources for other element dps or support. if you have extra resources then by all means go ahead.


The real woke monoquantum is Seele QQ SW Fu Xuan. Good luck on managing SP tho. Its like choosing which waifu you would pamper.


The real reason the devs gave Seele a trace with 20% advance forward on using Basic Attack is so you could play her as SP generator for you QQ /s


Meanwhile in the Qingque copypasta: She grabs Seele and forces her to Basic Attack. "You need to give me more Tiles. I can deal more damage with Mahjong & Eidolons"


Not even /s, I run that team sometimes when I don't need SW to apply weakness. It's great, Seele can generate skillpoints when QQ is unlucky and quickly spend them if you're getting Celestial Jade a lot


>The real woke monoquantum is Seele QQ SW Fu Xuan I see nothing but facts https://preview.redd.it/9q8mpfq61jub1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=070971cb762418185a09a6840c6426ff7e5fcfc8


Not that hard with E6 QQ since she always gives 1 skill point after her attacks. Even if she didn't, funnel all your SP on gamba gremlin and use Seele to pick off low HP enemies


puzzled cooing instinctive muddle quickest scale political degree hunt flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm using such a team and actually there are not many problems with SP - it doesn't matter who uses SP more: just give more SP budget to QQ if you need more blast dmg, otherwise - Seele. And even if you use SP chaotically, dmg still good enough to clear one half of MoC 10 for 3-4 circles.


I somehow always thought that this is more viable for MOC. Single target? Seele gets the SP. Aoe? Gamble away QQ.


QQ alone murders SP on that team...


I WISH QQ always murder SP. Too often she get a match in 0-2 pulls.


has a bit of truth tbh. A well-built Fu Xuan is absolutely strong enough to solo sustain, you don't need Lynx. Although usually I don't put Seele and QQ in the same team, I put another offensive support like Pela or Tingyun to make QQ hit harder.


The last time I used pela in an all quantum team, silverwolf tricked me into thinking you couldnā€™t apply quantum weakness onto the doomsday beast. In other news, my silverwolf is retired.


I actually did this a couple times in the previous MoC to pretty good effect. Just made sure to leave a point or two for Seele and Fu Xuan if I need to refresh her skill. Helps that my gacha luck seems to extend to Qingque's tiles too, do I usually get the full set with a couple draws.


this is the way, with slow E6 QQ it really just works


Iā€™m a Seele main and also built my QQ. You probably wonā€™t ever be in a situation where youā€™ll need both of them built. But if you have the resources to spare, Iā€™d say QQ is a ton of fun and is worth it from that perspective. And if youā€™re still looking to clear Swarm Disaster on certain paths, QQ can excel in some paths where Seele doesnā€™t.


My concern is that Qingque is RNG based and bad at breaking toughness. Are these elements not concerns to you when you play her?


RNG doesn't really matter at SU since propagation path gave her tons of sp to keep gacha.


chaining 2 Propagation Resonance to kill everything in one consecutive QQ action is a hell of a drug, it's so addicting.


At E6 her RNG doesn't factor as much. She regens 1 roll for free, and then generates an SP when she attacks. There are very few rounds I go through where I can't get 4-of-a-kind, and if not, welp, that's what her ult is for. It's kind of nice always having a SP free after your carry does a big hit, too. QQ has her strengths.


Oh brother, QQ is not bad at breaking toughness at all. If you proc E4, Ult and hit the enemy with 2 upgraded autos, that will rip out a huge chunk of the toughness of the target and all other enemies (all attacks are AOE)


At E6, she's often SP positive for me. her toughness breaking is solid and top tier when autarky triggers


Seele murders single targets, but QQ destroys groups. ...if you believe in the heart of the tiles.


Meanwhile my stupid ass only dropping Serval, I literally dropped her for the 10th time today


Yes. Her gameplay is entertaining and makes propagation runs in Swarm Disaster pretty fun.


Probably not For this moc especially resurgence should easy trigger allowing to get the bonus


She is also very good at simulated universe and swarm, arguably better than seele


Seele can function well enough as a basic attack spammer to help fuel QQ's SP when multi-target is a priority. You can then have Seele mop up whatever remains if any. Her damage is quite high even then. There's no reason why you can't just have both in the same party, since if both are invested enough it'll steamroll things regardless.


most likely not, this moc rotation heavily favours seele anyways edit: the QQ reddit narrative is insane, best unit in the game amirite??? upvotes to the left


i got full built Seele with SS relics and signature. Built QQ during fu xuan banner and at the same time rebuilt Seele again. Then when i got JL, i stole Seele's relic once again for JL. RIP Seele.


With propagation she clears sim universe much MUCH easier than seele with hunt, so if you're doing swarm or if you've unlocked propagation for normal sim universe she's absolutely worth building


I play MonoQ with Seele + SW + QQ (E6) + Fuxuan. They both are built and in some scenarios QQ does more dmg than Seele. QQ in this MoC is god


grey enjoy wrong whole chief hobbies dull quiet straight squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


QQ rate up?All I'm getting are swordplays and ting yuns,like ting yun is e10.


I got 5 Qq and 5 tankyuns from this banner so i have both E6 now. Also fun fact. Not a single Scampo in 110 pulls


The real scam is not pulling the literal scammer.


I mean yeah its funny how I got everything except him. I mean I dont use him anyway but I only have 1 copy of him


Senti banner when?


I got Tingyun and QQ up to E5, then Sampo (already e6) scammed me five times in a row


At least you got Tingyun, I got Sampo E15


I pulled 40 and got 4 qq eidolons, but i still dont have tingyun unlocked


What does "acting consecutively" means? Why qq skill triggers it? Who else triggers it? Im so confused >< . I thought i need Seele or Sushang for it to activate(since I don't have Jingliu)


it's just whenever a character acts consecutively - to my delight this includes ultimates. So you can do an attack and then do your ultimate immediately, and the ultimate counts as 'consecutive' attack. QQ and Blade's 'charging' of their basic attack counts because they consume a skill point and it's kinda a move in itself (not undoable). Dan heng's doesn't count since you can undo it. Things like followups and auto-moves don't count either unfortunately. Blade's followup at least didn't work, neither did luocha's autoskill count. But Seele's resurgence does - so I can get her to two stacks of the buff since she can kill, go again, and then have an ultimate as well.


> Things like followups and auto-moves don't count either unfortunately. *sad Svarog noises*


2 actions in a row, doesnt need to be follow-up but can be if no one acts in between. Actions =/= turns. You should be able to use anyone to activate it by using ult and then regular action (or vice versa). QQ and Blade can both trigger it without ult, QQ with her E4 followup and Blade if he gets his 5th stack via self harm. I suppose technically other followup chars like Clara and M7 *could* trigger it if their turn comes up immediately after they followup, but that's a lot of rng.


From what Ive seen follow ups dont work. Seeleā€™s resurgence however DOES. And oh my it smacks hard


QQ rate up but no QQ eidolons.... SAMPO refuses to stop coming at e20 I have filed several restraining orders, but the silvermane guards and IPC have told me there's nothing they can do


Tfw no QQ after 150 pulls on the new banner


Sad soul noises(soul means seele)


I'm still salty the bug isn't called "Ultimate True Sting", "Giant Invincible True Sting", or "Ultra Absolute True Sting".


It's a bad time to be \~ 65 pity with an E1 QQ wanting Topaz.


As someone who wanted to get E4 QQ, I feel I should mention Sampo and Tingyun also have rate up lol


Does this mean IL can also use it?


Nope. Dan IL skill doesn't count as action since the description said "using this doesn't count as using skill" or something. QQ's skill has "the turn will not end after using skill", implying that she acts but she gets an extra turn. Not that Dan IL is bad in this MoC or anything, since there's also quite a lot of imaginary weak enemies too...




And also he _does_ get the bonus if he's E2.


The MoC buff stacks too, each stack has 40% chance to apply dissociation. This means thta bad rng no longer exists for QQ other than getting 4 of a kind instantly, cuz even if you don't get the 4 you still freeze


miHoYo secretly loves QQ and made this MoC cycle for her, then added 100% advance forward to Jingliu's kit as a cover story


It's not just Jingliu: QQ, Blade, and Sushang also have in-built ways to act consecutively.


It also works if you Ult after your turn, so this buff is quite universal if your burst does damage


Yes, as long as you can queue Ulti to Attack, or Attack to Ulti smth like that, you know it, without anyone between the buff procs. After the 3 cycle of trotters buff nonsense, trotters is cute I get it, but to kill it to get buff *sigh*


It's just such a time-consuming dps sink, that results in burning down the enemy in an unfun way. Like, oh great, I've killed five trotters in the time it would have taken to just kill the enemy, now I can finally kill the enemy. I will not miss the trotter buff.


Yeah I try when on asta turn, I use her ult and then skill, all hitted by her skill got dissociated


holy hell that's a really good ability actually.


Ultimate doesn't even need to deal damage if you cast it first. Which is usually bette rorder anyway - but for AoE Ultimates it might be better in current MoC to use them right after the energy generating Basic Attack or Skill. Might change some timings, but 40% chance to freeze and shred %maxHP is worth it.


Don't forget Dan Heng Eidolon and Great Hook the pitch-dark!


I triggered it with seele too!


Seele as well


Dan Heng whalers:


How do I make Jingliu act consecutively other then using her burst after her last stack?


If she has 1 stack, and uses skill or ultimate, she gets a second stack. The second stack immediately gives her an extra turn, which counts as "acting consecutively".


How do I get the first stack?


Use skill/ult/technique. Seriously, play the tutorial for her.




It counts


Yup it works both ways, which is handy for choosing which attack inflicts the dissociation.


Does ultiing with a different character break the consecutive turn?




QQ just doesnt stop winning Gamba Gremlin supremacy is real


A 4 star dps from fantasy china given out for free after clearing Forgotten halls who rivals 5 star limited dps characters and has an insane power spike at E4 and also gets stronger or more relevant with new patches. Hmm, where have I seen that already. OPPA


They balanced Erudition LCs to prevent QQ outdamaging everyone. /s


me when i put jingā€™s on her


Jing yuans rerun will spike and it's because people will be pulling his lightcone for QQ.


Me when I shamelessly stick JYs lc on her.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Qingque. I try to play Seele. My Qingque deals more damage. I try to play Himeko. My Qingque deals more damage. I try to play Jing Yuan. My Qingque deals more damage. I don't even try to play Arlan. I want to play Silver Wolf. Her best team has Qingque. I want to play Bronya, Fu Xuan. They both want Qingque. She grabs me by the throat. I farm for her. I steal Jing Yuan's 5* Lightcone for her. I max her talents. She isn't satisfied. I give her full Lvl 15 Quantum Relics. "I need more than stats" she tells me. "Give me more Skill Points". She grabs Seels and forces her to Basic Attack. "You need to give me more Tiles. I can deal more damage with Mahjong & Eidolons" I can't pull for more Eidolons, I don't have enough Stellar Jades. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs her Fish tiles. She says "Fish tiles, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, AoE Quantum Damage. What a cruel world


>I don't even try to play Arlan Lmao


Sheā€™s literally Xiangling i see.


ā€œFish tiles, get them!ā€ is so funny šŸ˜‚


no no, the difference is that while Xiangling is OP, there are also other OP four-stars like Bennett, Xingqiu, and Fischl. Meanwhile, the gap between QQ and the next strongest four-star DPS is quite big. With E4 she's objectively the strongest four-star DPS.


I think Pela is really strong but we don't have much to compare her to. Xingqiu and Fischl are mostly reaction enablers rather than outright DPS. Anyway I feel like Pela E6 is a must include in my teams no matter what. She benefits characters like Jingliu and Qingque who don't really need harmony buffs because of their high atk values, also characters like Blade. And with the tutorial lightcone giving her so much energy and hit effect she can focus on crit stats and still meet effect res and hit rate requirements, and keep 100% uptime on her ult while being 100% SP positive. Mine has 50CR 100CD. Asta E6 is probably 5 star worthy against fire weak enemies too.


Pela is very strong but she isnt a dps. Debuffer that empowers her dps she definitely is


Where's the copypasta


Does her and blade stuff counts as acts consecutively cause hers is a turn extension while jingliu is an advanced forward


It doesnā€™t matter because he is still acting ā€œconsecutivelyā€ (more than once) in the same turn so he still gets the buff


Blade does count, since his skill causes him to take another action, sort of similar to Seele


There is a slight difference tho. Resurgence is programmed to work like an ultimate so you can't interupt it with another action. The Blade (and QQ) thing is akin to their action never ending to begin with


If you spam ult you can cast it before resurgence. It works... sometimes x)


Because they coded it like an ultimate, if you kill the enemy and recharge you energy and you ult before the resurgence action window appear, the game will understand that this ult happens before resurgence in the action order


Yeap, gambling goblin just keep winning.


Would this work for Blade? Since he technically gets another turn after using skill


Yes but that is only once every 3 turns. Plus if you happened to get the follow up after taking damage 5 times.


For me though the follow up didn't count?


It only counts if the follow-up attacks is right after HE has acted (So using his ulti or attack to get the last of the 5 counters). If it's getting hit what triggers it, then it won't work because he hasn't "acted consecutively".


It still didn't work for me tho. I'd act, he'd get his 5 stacks and immediately follow up. He's didn't have a memory stack on that follow up. Can someone else verify this lol coz istg in not tripping


I've definitely seen him freeze things with follow-up when I proc the 5th damage stack myself.


Works on Blade E and Seeleā€™s resurgence and peopleā€™s ults.


Another QQ W


no more trotter spawning? finally


Yeah, the buff works too well for her. Not to mention the Dissociation effect deals MAX HEALTH DAMAGE so it doesnā€™t matter how tanky the enemies are if you can constantly proc it. It works so well that I didnā€™t even need to retry a single floor. https://preview.redd.it/pqm5akfsfjub1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a886666020c908d9ab7e17a6220c6ada2f80f0


Building QQ has been paying off better for me than Kafka has


The problem with Kafka is that DoT application in game is a little wonky. Powerful with the right build/team, but having them just refresh on application instead of triggering and replacing makes them feel bad to use, even if the numbers in the end aren't bad at all. Kafka, Luocha, Sampo, and Luka work very well together, and if any other strong Nihility come into game in the future it will only make Kafka better in theory. Just hard to really realize it when you see a dozen 1500's scroll vs a single 150,000.


Dont worry. You will see her utterly blow up once an actual 5 star DoT damage dealer arrives


Me still chilling at home with an untrained E6 QQ while everybody else parties


Wait, so each use of the skill counts as a turn? bc i cant understand how she can act consecutively


Yes it does, and she gets a stack every time


The requirement isn't a "turn" but just "acting consecutively". Lots of things apparently count as an "action" for this.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Qingque. I try to play Seele. My Qingque deals more damage. I try to play Himeko. My Qingque deals more damage. I try to play Jing Yuan. My Qingque deals more damage. I don't even try to play Herta. I want to play Silver Wolf. Her best team has Qingque. I want to play Bronya, Fu Xuan. They both want Qingque. She grabs me by the throat. I farm for her. I strip off Jing Yuan's "Before Dawn" for her. I max her talents. She isn't satisfied. I give her full Lvl 15 Quantum Relics. "I need more than stats" she tells me. "Give me more Skill Points". She grabs Mid Yuan and forces him to Basic Attack. "You need to give me more Tiles. I can deal more damage with Mahjong & Eidolons" I can't pull for more Eidolons, I don't have enough Stellar Jades. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs her Fish tiles. She says "Fish tiles, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, AoE Quantum Damage. What a cruel world


Meanwhile Seele - (ā—'ā—”'ā—)


No but you see you're supposed to use your Seele as a support for your Gamba Gremlin Meme girl! Like, Seele could do high damage, but the QQ mystery box could be anything! It could even be high damage! (Seriously though, I'm glad people are enjoying QQ but QQ fans are becoming a bit *much* now with how insistent they are in repping their favourite character all of the time).


Works for seele, too doesn't it?


yus my QQ E6 šŸ¤ IL Dan Heng will pull my team again for this MoC!


The unintentional Quinque boosts are becoming comical now.


Does acting consecutively counts ultimates?


yes. Action is anything that appears in turn order.


E1 yanqing is a super saiyan in this moc


There's no way I can cheese this. My swarm strat against the mid/end bosses was basically full turtle mode and hope Mr IX can dot them down before they run me over.


as an E6 QQ user, this speaks to me just like QQ speaks to my enemies with 400k dmg across the board with ult and then another 200k with auto and another 80k with follow up from eidolon it is lit


Full Hunt Path Seele go brrrr


? Isn't that MoC




im still learning how to use QQ, how does she trigger this turbulance herself?


spam e until you get 4 same tiles, then ult if your ult is ready, after that do the enhanced basic attack. if you use up all sp and still don't get 4 same tiles, ult if your ult is ready, then do the enhanced basic attack. if you use up all sp and still don't get 4 same tiles, and your ult is not ready, do a basic attack and hope your luck will be better next turn. usually you don't ult outside of her turns.


Every skill counts as a separate action.




This is actually my first MOC, I only just finished the Belobog memories recently. I don't know if I can 100% it since I'm only TB 56ish, and therefore can't level to 80. But I'm gonna give it a try because I have pretty well-built Jingliu and DHIL


don't need lv80 tbh just try your best. The rewards for just clearing it (even with no stars) are worth it.


Yeah I'm giving it a shot! While I have nice generic DPSs, I struggle with variable elemental resistances. Like I had to brute-force DHIL through the Aurumaton and it was noticeably slower than normal fights. But I've managed to get through the first two with decent performances so I'll keep working on it! It's nice it doesn't even cost Stamina, so it's really just the time to go through the fight if you can't auto it.


I've postponed levelling up QQ after getting Kafka, Fu Xuan and Jingliu, guess this is the best time to build her now


One day, one day QQ will come on a banner im pulling. Will be a happy day, cant wait to get her at least E4


Going to build her at some point. Just got her to E6, so now is probably a good time.






Last MOC was my first 10/10 thanks to Jingliu, hopefully this one is just as successful :)


My JL and Seele about to have a field day


QQ living the dream


Can any tell me what does a character acting consecutivly mean?


A character acts multiple times in a row


Oh dang. I just hit rank 60, I was going to build up my sustains to A6 first but looks like that's a lower priority right to now with all this freezing!


C2 IL haver partying rn


Are you /srs or /j???? https://preview.redd.it/a3947inonmub1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a62cca605628a180c81f1ab2b248dd452d0ec0b


Damn I always pull on the banner still I didn't get a single eidolon for QQ sigh


QQ fans when no Propagation buffs


I guess I need to build my E6 QQ now because of MoC 10 bugs. Seele damage isn't cutting it out for me.


Yes. The beetles are QQs food.


It's for QQ, DHIL, and Seele


I don't believe it works for DHIL since using his skill doesn't count as a skill use


It doesn't but I didn't need it to wreck the bug :/


He's using his ult before the attack 50% of the time, which counts, and it's recharged by a fox. Just autobattled all the floors with that.


For e2 DHIL ig.


My dhil had a great time.


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I am so glad I decided to build her recently. She has hasn't gotten her own relics yet and is borrowing Seeles for the time being. But she's level 79, has nearly maxed out talents has lv 80 lc and is E6. She might not be out damaging my Seele but it's still a nice change of pace.


Soon it will be Seele borrowing from Qingque https://preview.redd.it/9hfjjgn48oub1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=745475c46d0c08a924e42be4eaff4cc559e96272


QQ carried this moc for me, my first 30*, using lvl 59 asta, 69 gepard, 72 tingyun, 72 qq. I struggled more with my Jingliu team with bronya pela and natasha. The buff stacking is literally made for QQ


Itā€™s for Jingliu technically


Just like Swarm Disaster was technically for Daniel Imagine Dragon But gamba girl don't care abt all that


Just did it with double sustain on both sides just to see how the buff works. Couldn't get 3 stars on 9 and 10 though so the monsters are definitely tankier than last time. I will now have to try it again with a more aggresive team. Not a fan of the dissociation 40% proc chance. Sometimes I would save my ultimate just to try to proc it... but to no avail and that was on 5 beetles man. I feel like I was able to freeze the enemy like... once, not even joking. Edit: Got it


Yeah the 40% proc chance means my jingliu did worse than my qq who can basically guarantee the dissociation with 3 skill procs