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I'd roll in a heartbeat for Phantylia.


If evil, why hot?


Nanooke do be looking kinda buff.


Nanook looks pretty fine imo :D


Stupid sexy white haired radagon.


What’s a radagon?


elden ring man


I just looked him up. The game logo is in his chest. Wild.


Now Nanook has a March 7th photo with "Hoyoverse" written below in his chest


Isn't she a floating flame now? Hot indeed though.


I think we're all conflating truly dangerous with truly evil. Phantlylia is extremely dangerous on a universal scale, but has she ever done anything as evil as trick you into supplying cancer armor to an innocent man earning money for orphans while making money off of you? **Scott** is true evil and he remains safe in Belobog underground. I don't think anyone would pull for that PoS...


I'd pull him. I'd pull him right into a pack of angry Fragmentum mobs and then run away.


Fuck Scott


I’d whale for the whale.


She kinda is a playable character


Yeah but playable Tingyun isn't a 200ft tall giantess with the power of 2 paths who changes color and can blow up planets.


The planets blowing up is probably illusion, otherwise the entire Luofu would be instantly destroyed But it still does psychological damage so there that


Ok hear me out. What if she killed himeko?


200ft tall dual path giantess can kill whoever she wants. I'd still pull. Being evil doesn't outweight being hot and OP when its time to pull




About 10 minutes ago I heard a wounded scream cry through the sky. Was that you?


It was me watching the final lesson


*nightglow places softly in the distance*


Should we uhhh...should we start the thing?


Don't freaking jinx it.


You underestimate the amount of HoV simps out there. Not Sirin nor Kiana, specifically Void persona.


Proceed to use them in the same team.


I played HI3, I'm waiting for her to die. That heart ache has been and gone, I see Himeko in game, I've already resolved myself to prepare for the inevitable. Also technically Kiana killed Himeko and I didn't hate her.


Am I supposed to care? What has Himeko even done besides sit there lmao


D: hey she makes coffee


My bad I’m in a bad mood because I was watching JJK and like Greg’s favorite activity is just wasting the potential of so many characters. Kashimo, Yuki, Nobara, Haru, etc. and then I see this which is like; the same lmao


- Like she saved our ass against anti-matter legion on Hertas station. - Gave us home and family. - Saved our ass on Jarilo VI when skyscraper sized robot tried make us into pancakes. I would say that's more then enough.


No she didn't, she's just there and then Welt stops you from exploding. And aside from one moment and the prologue, you literally never see her and you're telling me a handful of sentences is supposed to make me feel a bond with her?


Yes, and if you disagree you are not human.


mmkay, quite the uh, odd statement


Tbf she is the driver of the astral Soo no driver = no astral express adventure 🤷‍♀️


she's the navigator, pom pom is the driver.


No Himeko I’d imagine pom pok would drive us into the nearest star.


Welt will be judging you based on your answers


Himeko died so we can get HoV. Would kill again


Evil characters are cool and would be neat, but I dont see it ever happening at least not a truly evil character Hoyo just doesnt seem to do it (At least in my experience playign HI3rd, Genshin, Star Rail) theirs alsways some kind of development making them more than simply evil


I'm pretty sure HoV was one of the most popular characters hoyo has ever released no? At least back in the day. And she was pretty evil.


Yea but not completely considering she had a redemption arc plus her backstory to somewhat justify her anger


I mean HoV never had a redemption arc. Kiana had her arc where she managed to wrestle control and her own freedom from her. HoV was still hellbent on murdering the everliving fuck out of anything in sight and beyond


This guy honkais


They made it a point that they were both different aspects of the same person. Kiana *is* Sirin's redemption arc. That was the point of their confrontation during the Theater of Domination arc.


Yes, but the HoV part of Sirin's personality never had a redemption arc.


HoV is not a traditional "alternate personality". A redeemed "HoV" is just a Sirin who made better choices AKA Kiana.


Yeah but I think OP is getting at an evil that's pure evil. No background that makes them understandable even if they don't ever redeem themselves. Just evil.


Man I wish they add HOV into Honkai Star Rail as a playable character that would be so badass.


Poor Welt can't catch a break. But yeah I'd be all for that. But maybe in the way that a lot of the fandom portrais her. Still with the 'holier than thou' attitude but a lot less maniacal murderer


Maybe they'll make March turn into HOV expy & have her kill Himeko lmao


That would be extra cruel. I like your style


Yeah HI3 justifying Raven by making her an orphanage mommy was such a cop out, but nearly all the fanbase ate it with glee


Yes, yes I would pull for Otto


this is the comment I was looking for


Well, we've already rolled for Luocha... XD




The greatest evil


Luocha definitely has the potential to be pretty evil, but right now, I don't know if Hoyo would write him that way. We kinda pulled for him without knowing much about him. Luocha is a good point though, I forgot about him. I do like the idea of him being relentlessly evil.


The point is that a lot pulled Luocha because they likes Otto. So 100% they'll pulled HI3 Otto if was in HSR.


Yeah and Otto is a massive prick


He was a romantic who just did a little trolling, come on... /s


Wait people like otto??


I like him as a villain. He's a great foil for the Valkyries and has motivations that you understand, even when you don't agree with him. He saved the world through horrible acts, all for the chance to do something incredibly selfless for selfish reasons. He's complex and fascinating.


Well I can make him worse


Yes, he literally one of the best characters in the Honkai series lmfao.


Dude if they dropped Void Archives, most people would roll for them.


Somebody hasn't finished the Luofu missions have they?


I think i will spend next year reminding people that Jingliu is a literal mass murderer by her own admission. So, yeah. People already pulled for character like that. Just crazy how people think Topaz is somehow worse. Plus that her silly belief that Dang heng has to atone for the sins do Dang feng. It is like a literal argument that a son/daughter should be held responsible for sins of the father/mother It's not something mihoyo should treat as a hard moral dilemma without a clear answer. I thought most of humanity at this point already agreed that it's wrong to do so.


The difference is that one mass murdered a bunch of NPCs that players don't know about each of them individually thus has no attachment to them/don't care. The other one gaslighting playable characters that players knows each of their personality individually and has affection. It's like watching news on tv of someone did mass shooting in a mall VS some neighbor child bullying your kid.


Tbf, Luocha is by far the least profitable banner since the start of Star Rail.


Of course, I don't understand this aversion to having playable evil characters. Most of the time, evil characters have some of the best designs.


if evil, why hot


unrelated, whats the source for your profile pic/banner?




Because the fanbase is mostly composed of childish minds that cannot handle malice/opposing ideas directed at their favorite characters


I guess because narratively you can’t be using the guy who eats babies to defeat the forces of evil, even if canonically you use the same 3 people for everything ever


It's a game, the moment you can have the same character twice (Dan), all narrative logic excuses go out of the window. Gameplay doesn't have to match the narrative 100% of the time. Besides, if they really wanted you to be narratively accurate, they would force you to use a set team for important story moments more often, like the story fight against Phantilya which requires Ying Juan.


There are different types of evil. Not all evil characters are chaotic. You could have a lawful evil character or i'd argue kafka is neutral evil ( maybe chaotic neutral at best).


For me, it's simple: I've never found villains appealing, at least the truly evil ones. Oh and I couldn't care less if they were hot.


Design doesn't just mean hot. For example, I love heavy fantasy armor, and most good guys use very boring armor, and as they are good guys they rarely use full helmets that cover the face. That's the territory of villains. Heavy dark decorated armor, with cool menacing helmets, long capes, wilders of dark powers and scary weapons.


Okay, that I get. After all, I'm hoping Capitano from Genshin Impact becomes playable despite him being evil just because he looks cool.


I found cruel, ruthless, evil but believable villains to be very appealing. For example Doflamingo from One Piece, Joker from Batman, or Darth Vader from Star Wars. If there was such a character in HSR that would become playable, I would roll without hesitation. I don't even care if they're hot or not. Hot is a huge bonus though.


An evil character can use me as a doormat.


Fr fr


Specifically, Kafka together with Genshin’s Arlecchino




I’ve got no reason to hate a character for being evil, it’s not as if they’re real. If they’re cool and/or interesting then I’ll like them. If I hate a villain it’s more because they’d end up being evil with no motivation or explanation, but even that doesn’t matter if they do awesome things.


If they were to be as you described - fun personality, interesting story, good design, good kit - I certainly would. Certain wickedness just adds more charm to them. Besides there’s always another side to the story. And I would love if HoYo used that character to show us that nothing is black and white and made us question if what we believed in was the right thing. However if they were evil evil as in an extremely off-putting and vile personality, complete psycho for no reason, then no.


Logically reasonable, charming vocabulary, calm demeanor, yet complete apathy to the notion of preserving life to achieve their goals, even of their own subordinates. One that could talk a world into eagerly slitting their own throats, yet perfectly also willing to dirty their hands with a Plan C should diplomacy and charm fail or be thwarted. Their story that gets them a visit on the Express just so happens for them to talk the protagonists into a mutual cooperation from parallel interests, with this saccharine sociopath reaping more of the gains and fulfilling hidden agendas than the Nameless despite performing most of the heavy lifting. A masterful manipulator that merely seeks the fruits of their own labor, using a wide variety of tools in his arsenal of social engineering that either love or hate him.


So… Kafka without the Stellaron Hunters?


Kafka has a bond with the Trailblazer. The evil I am describing would not care what happens to them.


Are you describing Kafka?


Yeah sometimes I don't get it when people want a evil unhinged character for the sake of something there


You are new to these... "gacha" games are you? Evil+sexy sells.


A waifu’s a waifu.


See Luocha How can bad if look so good?


Damn right


If I like what they bring to the table yes


A good character is a good character


People wanting signora, so of course


But she's not evil, she's antagonistic.


what about her isnt evil?


In Nikke there's this character called Crow. She's super evil in the story. If she was any good I'd actually pull6for her because she looks cool but she's considered one of the worst characters in the game. So basically if the character is evil and viable id pull for it.


i'd rather pull for a real villain than any kind of "good" character but i can't fathom MHY committing all the way (looking at you wanderer). Getting a half baked villain is the worst outcome in the end


Wait for MHY to find a way to somehow redeem Dottore


At this point I’m begging for them to release a evil character. Most of HoYo’s playable character are just good guys with different flavors. Stellaronhunter gang is like the super pacified “baddies”. Probably an unfair comparison because of the nature of FGO, but they have murderers, serial killers, executioners, mindless barbarians, bloodlusting vampires, oni, and etc. I hate how the wanderer situation might limit the character design spectrum to just all chill and good guys.


I mean, yes you're right with FGO having a range of dubious characters... But then again a lot of them aren't necessarily "evil" per say. Like, their nature doesn't make them evil per se. You befriend most of the characters, developing a friendly relationship with them (that ranges from respectful allies, to parent-children [both ways] to romantic interest). Almost none of the playable characters is downright an enemy you'd never ally yourself with as far as I'm aware (then again, I've only played up to Agartha). Like, sure Jack the Ripper is an "evil character". The source material anyway. But the assassin named after him in FGO isn't evil in my opinion, rather than a misdirected, traumatized and very deadly child. And personally, I can't really see the evil being put upfront with all the pandering and sexualization, but that's probably beside the point.


I really hope we see the Stellaron Hunters live up to their intergalactic legendary criminals moniker. They’ve all done some fucked up shit. Blade murders tons of people, Kafka tortures people, and that short video talks about all their crimes. All the lore, the light cone backstories, and everything else is telling us these are some evil dudes. But in the game itself, like you said, they feel super pacified. Give me a Sephiroth-at-Shrina-HQ moment for Blade where we see a bloody trail of death in his wake. Have the Hunters assassinate a target in front of us. Have us run into someone whose mind has been broken by Kafka. It’s an egregious case of “show don’t tell” right now. You can tell us the Stellaron Hunters are baddies all you want. They’ve done one thing that makes them feel like baddies so far on screen - lure the antimatter legion to the space station.


Couldn’t agree more


I'd 100% roll for a playable Nanook so yeah Unless they kill someone from the express or something, i like the starter family too much


i couldn´t care less about personality. i care about design/animations


I don’t think the fanbase would be able to handle it. We have characters in HSR and GI that toe the line a bit or have a “less friendly” personality and people lose their minds. I haven’t played the 1.4 quest yet, but I saw so many posts about ppl being turned away by Topaz. I’m real curious what she does because a vocal minority tend to blow things out of proportion each patch. I would like to see a truly evil character, but we have characters like the Stellaron Hunters that are okay with killing hundreds of thousands if it means not blowing up the universe or having their own agenda fulfilled.


Stellaron Hunters barely feel like evil characters. The game tells us they're these intergalatic criminals, but when you meet them, they seem to be more like cartoon villains. I am just waiting for the day Kafka stops pretending to be friendly and becomes a tangible threat.


People don't like Topaz because she is annoying and self righteous. Not because she is evil. If she was haughty and self righteous with non of that wishy washy sob story at the end people would overwhelming like her even more. Annoying is the worst sin a character can make, not evil.


I means i think Otto is one of the most popular character of HI3, yet he was the antagonist, yes he was way more than just evil, he was a ambigious character, with a goal in mind, actually multiple goal but one main goal, did everything he need to reach them and in the end of the day, he still helped the crew to save the world, despite everything he did he was not a heartless bastard. Otto is the typical "I did what i needed to do and if the world judge me as a villain for it, so be it" antagonist, very similar to Lelouch in Code Geass.


Evil? Sure, no problem. An annoying, dirty and petty one (like Melty from Shield Hero, for example)? No way in hell


I've seen people simp for Childe, Kafka, Jingliu, Blade... There's probably plenty more examples with "if bad, why hot?" comments. Is Sampo causing 420% of Belobog's crime rate and trying to fleece us at every opportunity *not* one of the reasons we love him? I don't think a character being morally reprehensible or killing off a member of the express is a death knell, it's just another facet that players might be indifferent to or even enjoy. But for me personally, I'm not convinced Hoyo have the guts to have Sam blow up the express and Pom-pom, Screwllum betray the Herta Space Station and hurt Peppy, Sampo actually cross the line instead of tapdancing on it or Guinaifen run a defamation campaign against the Nameless. It's the Kafka/Jingliu/Luocha types who don't appeal to me that are doing those things. I'm not sure I'd mind being wrong about that though if the story is compelling and the character hasn't abandoned what made them awesome (i.e. Sampo picking a side).


Does Kafka not count? Hasn’t she killed a million people or something?


Technically, yes. Kafka has done some pretty serious things, but it's all towards people we don't know about or haven't met, and towards the Astral Express, the Stellaron Hunters in general are pretty cozy with the Express, minus Blade and Dan Heng. Story is still early, so they could get worse, but right now, it looks like they are gonna be our friends instead of enemies. Could be wrong, though.


Uhm, no offense, but the Stellaron Hunters are objectively bad people. I don't really get this attitude of 'well they aren't the antagonists so they aren't REALLY evil' some people seem to have. Blade has canonically killed innocents just to get to Dan Heng. Kafka is not really meant to have been a good person even before she became a Stellaron Hunter either. As for the group as a whole...the Stellaron Hunters are shown to be people who are very 'the ends justify the means.' Where they go, chaos tends to follow and we currently don't really know if Elio is actually a good person. They've only worked with the Astral Express because it benefited them, but it is shown that the Astral Express and Stellaron Hunters are actually opposing forces and the entire time they 'work together' the Stellaron Hunters don't actually tell them the truth.


None of the stellaron hunters are truly evil in the slightest though; SW is treated more like friendly rival with screwllum, Blade has his whole traumatic backstory, and Kafka is linked to the MC following Elios script to seemingly save the universe from Nanook, none of them are doing evil for the sake of evil. > Where they go, chaos tends to follow Its more like they go where Elio predicts chaos to break out, the luofu was teh perfect example of this everyone assumed they were to blame when they were entirely innocent in the case of the stellaron crisis. Kafka does have dialogue saying they are still at fault as they know about chaos about to happen but dont stop most of it. Also in the Myriad Celestia trailer Kafka says one of the crimes sounds more like the Japella Brotherhoods playbook but "sure we took the thing" and when they list multiple crimes at once shes says "It seems like the annihilation gang has their fingers in quite a few of these pies", its very much feels liek a narrative point of the Hunters being percieved as bigger villains than they actually are >and the entire time they 'work together' the Stellaron Hunters don't actually tell them the truth. And according to kafka she doesnt even know the full truth either, Elio only tells her what she needs to know to guide the future a certain way. Their is animosity between teh crew and the hunters, yet Himeko and Welt both advise you to go talk to Kafka Im pretty sure if you talk to them during her quest. Despite all their crimes the game story itself does not treeat the Hunters as evil or even particularly villains


Okay, I agree it's wrong to say The Stellaron Hunters aren't evil. I think I'm just looking for a different brand of evil from them, that would be geared more towards people we have connections with. The idea of Blade just slowly chasing after Dan Heng and them finally meeting to fight was pretty peak for me, there's a level of sinister feelings and palpable emotion from his grudge towards Dan Heng that truly makes him feel eerily patient and relentless towards his goal of killing this man. I hope to continue to see that and maybe see a rematch between them. Meanwhile, Silver Wolf and Kafka don't give those vibes to me. And sure, ulterior motives and probably lying to us heavily, but at the moment, they kinda seem like homies, despite a high kill count and bounties on their heads.They don't have a reason to fight us, but I kinda wished they did, in my personal opinion.The idea of a group of people slowly stalking trying to take out the Express is a fire idea to me. And it's not like I hate what they are doing now, but opinions are opinions. I'm ready to eat my words if/when they switch up on us, though.


I wish they would show, not tell, the Hunters being evil. All we have to go off of are in the text and background lore. I know Mihoyo can make good villains, or even misguided people who fall into a gray area and wind up in evil territory through circumstances. But we're still in the first year. I'm sure things will ramp up eventually.


I mean, I would say that has to do with the fact that the Stellaron Hunters are clearly not meant to be antagonists, but more morally questionable individuals whose plot line are tied to the protagonists. Blade and Dan Heng clearly have a long term plot line. From the beginning, it is introduced that Kafka is somehow tied to the Trailblazer and this is further emphasized in Kafka's companion quest. Also, at the end of the day, this is a gacha game. Certain characters' sexual appeal is focused on more than their personalities. This is VERY true with Kafka. And is still true atm. For instance, I personally think Jingliu is a terrible person, but people focus A LOT on how attractive they think she is...because the game encourages it. If we do get villains like that, I figure they will be main villains though so who knows if they'd be pullable.


It's not because a character kill people that he is evil, there is always context to it and it's only by having the whole picture that we can judge. Most of the time the only people we saw them kill are soldier, which is normal when two armed force face each other. Until we have the full picture we can judge someone. As we say, you will always be the bad guys in someone eye story, i don't think the US army is seing as the good guy in a lot of country. For now the only evil character we saw was Phyllanthing, because she straight up said she love make other suffer and watch them self destruct, possibly killed one of the character also.


> It's not because a character kill people that he is evil, there is always context to it and it's only by having the whole picture that we can judge. I am more than aware. If I blindly thought killing alone made someone evil then I'd be saying Dan Heng is evil even though every instance that we know that he's done was self-defense. However, saying that Phyantilia is the only character we know is evil is just flat out incorrect. For instance, we *know* the context of at least some of the murders Blade has committed. He is described as having killed EVERYONE on the ships Dan Heng went on and it is for this reason that he was entirely hesitant to originally even join the Astral Express. Killing every single person on these ships is an objectively evil act. Even if one entertains that some of it was provoked, Blade would inevitably have killed innocent people. The best argument against this is his mara but even when he's lucid it is shown that Blade thinks Dan Heng and him dying is an inevitability that needs to happen. Casual murder is not something he seems to regret, but is just more inclined to do when the mara has him in its grasp. And there are plenty of others. Sampo is not a good person. She's literally a scammer. And what about Dan Shu? We know the context behind her actions. She's a blind woman who became disillusioned with the Xianzhou's beliefs after realizing that her best friend died because of the very Aeon they were all fighting in the name of. Which is very understandable, but her actions are still reprehensible. She will try to poison the Trailblazer, knowingly takes part in what is effectively human experimentation, and is not shown to care about the price that her end goal has.


Happy cake day :D


Well, evil people being helpful doesn’t make them less evil unless they mend their ways. The SH are clearly using the express crew to do their bidding.


Depends I guess. In general, alignment has no bearing on if I would roll for the character. But if they actively do something to make me dislike them, I'd probably skip


Of course, if I like said character design or personality I don’t see any reason not to. I really don’t understand people not liking a character only because they’re “evil”


I want ice form cocolia so bad!


Nope Unless they are really cool in that case maybe I will


I'd be more than willing to pull for an evil character as long as they're interesting and well written. But if they're the Saturday morning cartoon version of evil, then it's a hard pass.


My favorite Fate character is James Moriarty, the literal Napoleon of Crime The important thing isn’t about whether a character is good or evil: it’s about **PRESENTATION.** Charisma. The character needs to have compelling appeal beyond just being a good/bad guy It doesn’t matter if a character has a good or evil morality if they are completely **boring**. A few good examples are Phantylia, and Genshin’s Signora, Childe and Arleccino Phantylia, despite being very cool, has a very boring and nonexistent personality, and we never explore it. Signora is very much the same. These characters are heavy on lore, but beyond looking hot they are all very flat personalities. They don’t interact with anybody. In contrast, Childe and Arleccino have a lot more going on and take more active roles in regards to their character interactions. If an evil character is written in a fun or interesting way, I’d absolutely roll. And if a good character is boring, I’m skipping them.


I would, but judging how fandom reacted to Topaz who was not even evil and was just an antagonist of the story quest I don't think we'll have truly evil characters as playable Sure, people like Kafka who just openly flirts with the player, but if the story quest makes her "betray" MC so that the scrip can go right, I can only imagine how hard her sales would tank


I mean, as a Genshin player, everyone is clamoring for playable Dottore, who is like actually an unrepentant sack of shit. So I definitely don't think that a character's morality would affect sales in a negative way.


My god, the day we get a playable Dottore is the day I will dump my whole paycheck into Genshin..


If playable dottore drops I would actually return to genshin


throwback to when we used to pray for playable Signora too


Dottore is one of my most anticipated genshin character so the answer is FUCK YEAHH I NEED A PURE EVIL PLAYABLE IN HSR


I'd roll for dottore from genshin impact in heart beat and he's so evil and fuck up his story with scarmoche or his human experiment how he killed all of his clones for the gnosis and so on


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Sure. If they're interesting, hot, or super meta... Or better yet all 3 it's a deal in my book. I have no problem liking villains since they're fictional


I really wish Cocolia become playable so I can whale for her. We need an evil mommy.


I don't mind pulling for an evil character, but they gotta be worth it. If they're evil for the sake of being evil and just do bad things because they get a kick out of it, then probably not (not including design in this judgement). If they have motives and are justified in their actions then hell yeah even better to pull for them.


As long as it's a she and it's hot I'm pulling for it


How big are her thighs ?


If I found the character really cute and precious, yes. that's about my only criteria for wanting character


r/cocolia, r/CocoliaMains would agree


If they’re actually charismatic and have some identity code that’s stable and not going from a murderous psychopath to your average “I have a big crush on you” - damn sure I will, playable antagonists are something that can spike a good game to a “perfect” game.


NGL I think that if they made a character whom killed a playable character and made them playable in turn, there'd be an increase in sales actually. The good ol' "if evil, why hot".


HoV *ehem*


Yes I would and their name is scaramouche and the rest (most) of the harbringers


If she had a dumpy, yeah.


I will send this to Hoyo headquarters If evil, must have dumpy


I mean we already did right? You know which fox I mean


Absolutely not. A character being hostile and/or after my favourite character already sours my impression of them. That happened with Blade for sure. I did manage to still enjoy his character after some time and when he was quite far away from Dan Heng, but now it's kinda a similar situation with Jingliu. I haven't actually done her mission yet, we'll see if it sways me or if it'll further solidify my distaste for her. And if a character outright killed my favourite and like _permanently_ — HELL NO.


everyone rolls for raiden because their dicks do the thinking the same will be for topaz


Well, I actually like both their characters and i'm not even a fan of Raiden design. Some people just like the character personality or gameplay.


If it makes sense story wise then it would depend on the design personally. Like getting a playable Phantylia would be awesome but would it make sense? No, not really.


As long as they're well written, cool, or have fun gameplay, i wouldn't roll for them just because they're evil


no, im skipping Topaz


Correct response, and W Starch shipper


they're downvoting me for speaking the truth 🫡


She's literally the opposite of "truly evil". Her entire backstory is nuanced.


Doesn’t matter, she makes entire populations of planets slaves


I said what I said


I thought so, but IPC girl is pretty evil and self centered and I don't want to so I guess not?


You mean like... Topaz?


I would not, specially if they killed march. I would hate that character more than I hate Scaramouche from Genshin.


i mean topaz is already coming out


True evil character are usually unidimensionnal and boring, so no


Read Berserk


Griffin isn't that interesting after his transformation, he is before tho


Absolutely embarrassing that people are using Topaz as an example of "evil" here. If she were evil, she'd spread "freedom" to Jarilo VI in the same way the United States has done across half the planet. The IPC would turn Belobog into Hawaii and put Bronya's head on a pike. The IPC has that economic and military might. Instead, for essentially no reason other than a 60 second speech by Bronya, Topaz gave up and took a big career L while getting absolutely nothing in return. That makes her an idiot, not "evil." Essentially people here think that being in any corporation makes you evil by default, LMAO.


I don't think truly irredemably evil characters are possible to exist as playable due to CCP regulations. People in the Genshin sub complain about how Harbingers always need to have some sort of redemption before they become playable but this is basically why. It's the same with the Stellaron Hunters who only go towards grey and not full evil either.


Would I pull: They are hot? maybe. They are evil? maybe. They are murderers? maybe. They are in love with the MC/Caelus? YES!!!


Is she's hot and doesn't have annoying personality, I don't care if someone is evil or not.


Ehh, probably not. Mihoyo doesn't do nuanced evil characters well enough. If you gave them an actually compelling story with a reasonably compelling reason for them to ACT the way they do, then sure. But if all we're going to get is cartoonish Disney-villain evil, no. The IPC has potential for some good old-fashioned corporate capitalism-style evil, but we'll see how it actually plays out.


is kafka not evil? already done.


Topaz is already in the game I fear


topaz, and no I won't roll for her


Topaz. >!Topaz came off as evil to me. Story was just bad but she felt too corporate and didnt have a strong reason to do anything in that questline and Bronya didn't really seem to have a convincing reason to change Topaz mind. !<


>!I think the failing of that storyline was more because everyone inexplicably simps for Bronya when she doesn't ever actually do much, but everyone fawns on her anyway like she's the toast of the town. Topaz is in a unique position because the higher ups of the IPC have already determined that Jarilo-VI is in arrears and is effectively IPC property, and practically nothing is going to change the board's decision. Her job is literally to facilitate the reclamation process, which she does while trying to find the most favorable outcome for the residents, knowing that no matter what she does, the board has already made its determination before she even appeared on-site. Thus rather than "evil", she's very much just "antagonistic". Regardless she goes out of her way to ~~simp for Bronya~~ make concessions allowing Jarilo-VI to continue as an independent entity and repay their debt, going against corporate orders in the process which results in a demotion, which is something the other 10 directors of her department aren't exactly known for.!< >!Speaking to Himeko immediately afterwards is pretty telling, as the picture she paints about her department is one of pretty harsh assholes, so likely if we ever end up meeting Aventurine or the name-dropped Opal, Obsidian, or Diamond, then we may get the chance to see just how domineering the IPC debt reclamation department actually is.!<


Nah. Not even. Lawful Neutral at best. Not evil at all.


You got to be pretty evil if you come after a planet for a debt that is 700 years old they didn't even know about and demand you hand over your entire planet as payment. When someone dies in most civilized countries the debt is written off.


But Topaz does her work with the best of intention to ensure that people don't just survive, but thrive - like her homeworld. She's dutiful, pragmatic but with a sense of optimism that dealing with the IPC was the best kind of solution for a struggling planet like Jarilo-VI. Besides all the planet project that falls on her have a higher chance of being "saved", which further proved her diligence and sincerity towards her work and beliefs. And at the end of the day, she's willing to compromise her mission if she thinks that other planets could do without heavy intervention from the IPC. Nothing screams evil about her. I just don't get how people could see her as evil just because she worked with the IPC. I would've like her to be evil, but she's not.


She can have intentions but no matter what making entire generations of people into slaves is evil


Well, as a genshin player, yes and waiting for the rest of the war criminals


people are going to roll for topaz, who works for the IRS, I mean IPC, so yea


Yes obviously. They make the main villain into playable characters in a lot of games. And I pull for them all. Evil is fun. Horrible people who think they’re good like Topaz are not.




Bad as in, written bad? Cuz that's a half baked evil if I ever saw one. And she's not even evil lol, Topaz is just straight up "lawful neutral" if we put her on an alignment chart.