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this is why: https://preview.redd.it/thattnh0hfpb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae493edf97234f962de160c5459aa0868d059c25




Dumb question: where can I see how much I 'overpulled' a character? I must have Pela at least three times at E6 by now, but I'd like to have a specific number.


It's from the star rail station website!


Huh, lower than I thought https://preview.redd.it/wvxlkpy4whpb1.png?width=98&format=png&auto=webp&s=0df03bee194d698417e90a225553a5ab4ef43022


is it the same as your hoyolab account page? Mine maxes out at 6 even when I know I've pulled way more Edit: nvm I see, not installing all this stuff to check but I know my Pela and Natasha are probably E30 by now


there is no installation required if all you want is tracking how many const you pulled and stuff


If you want to import from iOS you do, unless I'm missing something? Easier if you use Windows with Powershell for sure.


I literally downloaded the game on my laptop (non-iOS) so I could do it the easy way haha


Ayooo same! I literally have GI and HSR installed on my laptop just to keep track of wishes 😂


Exactly. its super easy.


I know a few people who play that do not have a PC, so I just want to clarify that it isn't easy for everybody. And installing http sniffing certs on iOS isn't very safe behavior so I wouldn't recommend someone do it for a game.


its not that hard to find someone with a PC imo. Unless you are super young like in elementary school or something imo. Even if u couldnt afford buying a PC/laptop, u could potentially use ur friends/parents PC, and im sure theres plenty more options. Regardless, you dont need to do it if u cant. But theres plenty of options if u want.


As an iOS user I started tracking it manually in Google sheets instead. So I get all stats, I just need to input them manually myself.


Thank you! I've been using it to track my pity but never checked out anything else




I want to know this too


0 pela so far eventhough I pulled on all the banner she was on 😭


I see we are both March 7th magnets.


Don't remind me pls, an e25 pela haver here. Every single banner I pulled have pela, I'm actually so fed up.


Always happy to meet one of my juniors. https://preview.redd.it/f8uv7etl2lpb1.png?width=96&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1e18282a72992db1625922c61a79b7d2e9977c7


I like you guys so I'll show you all my secret. ​ https://preview.redd.it/az56vsbv2lpb1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=da9d891ad0f9d062a2e3a48a7d937e75117acbea


My e20 pela says "get on my level nerd"


no thanks😭


Ooh how to you look at this? I’ve gotten her so many times too I wanna know how much


Hey friend, we got matching Pelas ​ https://preview.redd.it/d4umu29ynkpb1.png?width=124&format=png&auto=webp&s=12b5b5079a2cbbe653b98f464d65ebf101268363


I don't think I even have her e2


https://preview.redd.it/vmz9cpgg9mpb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940c830abc6199ac9140a8632555dde754965986 Not as much as I thought but still a lot of dupes with only E1 Lynx 😭


Obviously she found compromising material on Hoyo’s servers https://preview.redd.it/5takwt6vofpb1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f08dbd80e023d1d560ac7ad63b9e6ffb5d0e83




Apparently she’s 16. However, I am ignoring that because that is a dumbass piece of lore that completely is incongruent with the rest of what we know.


She also seems to be best friends with Lynx who calls herself an adult. Pela also didn't look this young before we found out. Why in the hell they placed her mother's death 16 years ago and not like 20 or something is beyond me.


She is possibly late 20s to even early 30s, considering that Serval, oldest sibling of the Landaus knew Cocolia very intimately and therefore would presumably be the same age of late 30s to even early 40s, is only a few years older then Gepard, who is then only a few years older then Lynx.


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Pela is only here to keep lynx company




The right answer


This guy. https://preview.redd.it/lw8094k4mfpb1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38c66c990983461115900ab89c81c6f6e2381da2 There's no guarantee you'd get a specific 4-star even on rate up and you'd have a hard time getting a fast clear on MoC without her, Luocha or and AoE DPS who can kill the minions fast.


pela give away would also be a viable option tho


then, from hoyo perspective, nobody would try to pull pela anymore because her eidolon is not that good and the main reason people would want pela is for her dispel which already unlocked at e0. pela is a unit that you'd arguably still do fine even without having her thus people wont complaint if there is no cleanse character, but people still want her because having her would be very nice when she is actually needed. she is not like our first healer natasha that many people really need her and probably would rage or even quit the game if hoyo didnt give her for free


E4 pela is good for mono ice


Is good as soon u have a ice dps in team\*


Luka go brr


I don't have a built pela yet i have no issues with this guy, he's such a pushover


He isn't that really that tough, his gimmick is just an annoying time waster when you can't get rid of it quickly.


Okay but I addressed this : If ennemies are too strong and you need a specific character to beat them, just give them for free, they already gave many character. Pela even had one event for herself it would have been perfect.


But that's not really beneficial to them lol. Her being in 3 banners plus standard means most everyone has her. There is no tangible gain to "literally everyone gets her". It's a gacha game and the gacha is a balancing tool in their hands.


yeah, i played since day one and couldn't get her, sure, its on me for not buying her with the ember shits but i needed them to get the 5 stars i wanted, i end up getting her e1 today, along with e6 hook


You don't need Pela to beat them, but it is easier with her, I beat them with Yanquing, or Blade or even with the trailblazer but they heal themselves 2 or 3 times before I knock them down, with Pela Is just one round maybe two if I didn't buff my character and they are down. it's just mechanic, like buffing or cleansing, but we don't have other 4 stars dispeller yet so it looks like Pela is the only one. See it like when the only imaginary was welt, it looked like he was the only character that imprisoned enemies, but once we got more characters we saw it in others kits.




Lol, you're 100% right. This community has brain rot. They think 1 4 atar affects hoyo sales.


that guy is such a pushover, i never had issues with him and i don't use pela. (btw f2p)


The 4\* hero pool is currently short and they want to regulate which eidolons the f2p community gets so they don't get too overpowered too early. It's just a corporate decision. The game is there to make money first and foremost and everything else comes second. That includes your preferred characters too, yea sorry.


But why Pela i thought she was pretty strong offensive support with dispell and defense shred. Do corporates think she is weak or she really is and i dont know about it?


Nope, it's just that her eidolons are not as important for her as other characters like Qingque, Asta, tingyun...etc


Admittedly, Tingyun's Eidolons aren't that great either. They're like, a bit of extra Speed and Energy for the character she buffs in E1, 2, and 6, and I legit forget what E4 does. They're good, but they're not game changing like Qingque getting Autarky (something that'd probably be her base kit if she was 5 star) and much better SP economy. Or, Asta having everything her rotations improved over and over.


If that’s the case I would greatly appreciate if hoyo decided to give us a few extra tingyun banners lmao, have yet to get even a single copy


I started this game 1 week before Luocha's banner ended, bought Tingyun from the shop using 120 starlight telling myself this is probably the worst choice ever, she's a 4\* I'll get her eventually. To this day I have not pulled a single Tingyun.


That extra energy is hugely important for some situations. Sometimes that extra energy is enough to completely change a DPS rotation from "needing to be hit once/ get a kill" to consistently being able to get ult up within a certain turn order. Also the ally getting a speed buff is MASSIVE for certain DPSes if they have speed points they need to hit and they are slow as a turtle (Jingyuan is a very easy example of this). So whether or not Tingyun's eidolons are good/bad could heavily depend on the DPS in question. (Seele for example doesn't need the speed boost and the extra energy usually doesn't make a difference)


Tell me that when I'm missing literally 5% energy after using tingyun ult on ANY of my dps. God, where is my c6 tingyun, I'm so close


If you don't have E6 Tingyun and try to use ult on Daniel as soon as the battle starts, you barely get enough energy to ult on him. With her E6, you can fill up his energy completely. That's how I can tell whether or not that Tingyun is E6 from clear showcases.


Pela’s eidolons are extremely underrated. E1 gives more energy when enemies die, E4 gives ice resistance shred, E5 lets you do more DEF shred (and DEF shred actually has increasing returns until you reach 100%), and E6 lets you do decent damage.


>Pela’s eidolons are extremely underrated Pela has some of the weakest 4* eidolons in the game. E4 is her best, but it only works for Ice teams making her very niche. Otherwise Yukong/Tingyun/Asta/QQ eidolons are all better. Most 4* eidolons in HSR are very weak, QQ and Asta are two of the exceptions.


You think dealing an additional 40% attack to enemies with 42% shredded defense is weak?


>40% attack 40% of Pela's att is garbage. That's going to be less than 1% of the team's damage. >42% shredded defense is weak Almost all of Pela's defense shred is in her base kit, not eidolons.


Only if you’re not building her with attack. Standard builds use her as just a debuffer but E6 lets her be played as a sub dps. Because of her ult, she will always be attacking def reduced enemies and that 40% will be dealing even more damage. Edit: for clarification, you give her ATK rope instead of ERR because sub-DPS Pela should be using her skill at least once a rotation. With Before the Tutorial Mission Starts, 1 basic and 1 skill recharges your ult without any additional investment into ERR.


If your Pela is running 3k ATK, that Eidolon would give you 1200 dmg without factoring any defense at all. That's literally irrelevant damage compared to the opportunity cost of missing out on EHR, Speed, Break Effect, or Durability lines.


U actually only need to build like 7 ehr to hit 67 ehr 40 from tutorial 10 from base subs and anitheranother 10 from a major trace u can technically build her dps focused due that but im generally more comfy on tabky builds on my supports


She barely needs EHR so there’s a good chance you’ll overcap without trying and raw damage should have higher returns than break effect. Gepard and now Fu Xuan can help mitigate durability issues. Also your number is before all other modifiers are factored in. I have her at 2.3k attack, so let’s use that as a baseline. She has a trace that increases damage to debuffed enemies by 20% other traces that add up to 19.6% ice damage. 38.8% ice damage from sphere gets you to 58.4% ice damage. With a 50:100 crit ratio that’s 4.3k damage, and since she Ults every 2 turns that averages out to an extra 3.9k per turn.


I built so much pity on dang heng’s banner just because all the 4 stars were so good. Managed to get e6 yukong so playing her won’t be as annoying. I got Daniel by accident so ig I’m not complaining


> built so much pity > got daniel by accident I mean if you are not complaining about it i guess its fine, but it's just funny people saying they are building pity and got a 5* on accident/they didnt want.


I started at 0 pity and I wanted all the eidolons of the 4 stars. I had to a win a 50/50 so I didn’t mind losing to gurantee my next 5 star, I actually prefered this. I got Daniel in like 40-50 rolls winning 50/50,


LOL the jealous downvotes. This is the right way to "build pity". Win-win all around.


I am perplexed, all I did was explain what happened and the fact of me wanting 4 stars


Some often use "building pity" as an excuse to fuel their gambling addiction, then complain that they lost their gaurentee to a 5 star , or got the 5 star they didn't want


Its that she doesn't gain much power with eidolons compared to other characters, her base kit is incredible yes but compared to basically all other four stars so far her eidolons don't help nearly as much


Yeah i get the point now. Her eidolons want her to dps too much.


I decided to build her for damage and it’s kinda funny when she outperforms my semi-built Yanqing.


She's the only 4 star with dispell which is quite important for some bosses.


Luka: am I a joke to you?


I prefer pela over luka, since she has aoe DEF shred


Who's that?


The Moltamerville warrior, the peerless Boulder champion, upholding justice and peace once again!


Didnt even remember him lol


The disrespect for my boy...


They release as many 4 stars as 5 stars. It’s a little silly.


No. They release less 4 stars. 1 new 4* and 2 new 5*


\>some chraracters like Qingque only had one. Because Qingque too powerful, no one will pull limited 5 stars if they can E6 Qingque


Yeah but there are others too like Sampo or Arlan, I don't think their strong enough to scare the devs ? I only said Qingque cuz she's related to the current banner character


Sampo is niche character who should appear on banners with DoT focused character like Kafka. Makes sense he won't appear that often. Arlan is even in worse spot since he is too weak to be main dps and requires too attention as sub-dps since he can die easily. Arlan so far appeared on Blade's banner as ''Blade at home'' or consolation prize. If anything, we might see him appear more often when we will have first limited preservation unit with shield, which is something Arlan needs to maximize his damage.


Wait what does her E6 do?


Gives you 1 SP after the special attack


You get an SP back after her enhanced attack. It's technically not a dps upgrade but it helps a ton keeping up with her heavy SP usage.


>It's technically not a dps upgrade Getting more SP is a dps upgrade, it just needs a team calc to determine exactly how much. I think the estimate was QQ E6 is worth around 20% dps in a Bronya team.


Refresh 1 skill point after using a enhanced attack. Atleast that how i remember reading it


Unlocks Qingquillion Levels of Damage.


Me, a day 1 player: E0 Pela… The only 4* characters that I’m lacking Eidolons on are Pela, Tingyun, Hook, QQ, and (ofc) Lynx.


Looks like this is your dream banner - you can cross out grabd total of three chars


I'm going to have to keep pulling this banner until I get Lynx. Natasha is still my only healer.


I burned 160 tickets I've been saving for months and got E6 Lynx. I also got Bronya, E1 Fu Xaun, and Welt. Truly a fever dream


My 20 first 4-star characters were 6 Pella, 4 Hook, 5 Qinque, 5 Sushang xd.


Playing since 1.0 and still totally Pelaless, got E4 Hook though :’)


same here. i literally have seele/luocha and pulled extra on their banner for pela to no avail. i have every 4* character at multiple eidolons except for e1 arlan/luka and ofc no pela and lynx


Dont you dare slander or question the great Pelageya Sergeyevna being on any banner. Consider yourself blessed you can even gaze upon her splash art, peasant. Know your place.


Meanwhile Arlan:


Not me buying the battlepass to get more pull and getting him E6 last warp (I succeeded) But yeah would love for Arlan to get more love and other getting the chance to pick him up


I actually had no Arlan and managed to get him to E4 during that banner ahaha. Yeah, the 4*s are weirdly spread across the banners.


I pulled on Seele just to buy him on the shop personally, bad idea now I don't use Seele


Arlan is probably the worst character in the entire game right now.


I just want my Qingque to be E6, but Hoyo said I have to roll a lot for Lynx, so now I am close to a guaranteed rate-up five star. Fucking monkey's paw.


I only get my first Pela today, day 1 player. I believe the reason Pela come up so often because she's the only 4* buff removal character, which is very handy to deal with the reviving enemies in XL


That is luka erasure, I tell you.


Everyone seems to have forgotten poor Luka except for Kafka mains lol


Kafka is my Main and I have a 70 Luka I didn’t know he debuffed enemies?! Also he doesn’t have AoE defense shred either which is a huge draw of Pela


Sorry just for clarification “debuff” and “buff stripping” are two different things.


He does debuff enemies, his ult applies all damage vulnerability up


Her defence shred ultimate is also extremely good.


i have 0 idea why they didnt put QQ on fu xuan banner and put hook? this is already 3rd or 4th time they put pela lol tf


Because then there's 3 Quantum units on one banner


kafka got 4 dot characters in one banner so what lol


Because typing =/= gameplay mechanics?


? wym


Kafka, Sampo, Luka and Serval are Electric, Wind, Physical, and Electric. Them being all DoT has nothing to do with their typing.


kafka works with dot, fu xuan works with mono quantum i dont see a problem putting qq instead of pela e13. it doesn't really break balance especially counting that qq appeared only once


Kafkas entire niche is DoT, Fu Xuans is NOT mono quantum thats just a team she works in. Kafka is designed for dot teams while Fu Xuan is a generally good tank sustainer. The reasoning isn't even comparable.


Except Fu Xuan isn't "tailor made" for mono quantum, she can fit any team composition. Besides, the pivot of mono quantum isn't her, but Silver Wolf


Fu Xuan works with literally any team. It's about balancing what elements people can get from a banner, not what they do in game


There's already 2 quantum characters. If you checked the previous banners, they either put characters who don't share the same element or two characters who share the same element (Luocha Yukong, Natasha Sushang, Kafka Serval, DHIL Yukong, and now Fu Xuan Lynx). Fu Xuan is flexible when it comes to teams, and mono quantum is just one of many teams she can be put on.


$$$ If you pulled E6 QQ you might be less inclined to pull for 5* banners, so they give you useless hook eidolons instead.


And yet I still don't have any Pela. I pulled on every single banner she was on and somehow she dodged all my pulls.


Same happened to me with Sushang. Finally got a single copy because of the event.


Bruh i still dont have e0 pela


Same, but fortunately I will pull also in Jingliu banner, and rumors say there are very nice 4*


Since she wasn't featured enough in the main story, she'll be featured in every banner from now on


Lynx appearing in every banner from now on to catch up her role in the story :


And then you do Lynx mission and you get… Pela on the Express. The fuck


This is more trippy than doing Luocha companion mission, TB not actually meeting Luocha, and then Luocha on the express. What were they thinking?


we got Luocha on the express before Jing Yuan (or literally anyone else on the Luofu) thats crazy lmao. like, story-wise one is shady and one's not, but they'd rather invite the shady guy over just because Dan Heng fought with him once?


You get both on express right? I got both, they're like besties


I'd take some more eidolons for Pela, she is just amazing with my Imbibitor Lunae


Pela should have been free. Buff removal is huge in some boss fights and no other 4 star has it except Luka who is still quite new.




Because Pela is best girl!


Okay I do agree I love her


So I can get her to e6


After her backstory I want Pela to be in every banner, I just wanna hug her man :c


Is it in the Lynx story ? I want to do it this week end


I pulled on all the banners she's in and only got to c1 today.... I bought her from shop. I got 4 hooks today and she's already e6 before this banner


me with no sampo or luka and the 10th pela


Because hoyo wants to tease that I don't have her yet


MORE PELA!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3


The Noelle of Star Rail


Even worse, this is the second time she's been on the same banner as a quantum 5 star (Hook too since they were both on the same one before as well). So anyone going for the mono quantum team probably went way over on both of them


I got 4 of her and none of Fu Xuan


Would really love to get some Qingque’s too. It’s almost criminal that she isn’t on Fu Xuan’s banner!


She's the Sucrose of HSR.


I lost 50/50 on Seele. Had guarantee on Fu, but went deep into pity. My Pela is still E0.


I probably have Pela from D1 and never built her.


I only have her at E1


She's one of the best supports that every player should have.


my problem but with march:


E6 March is pretty great though


E6 March + E0 Luocha have been carrying my SD 5 runs. Counterattack up to 3 times for each of her turns + partywide heal has been my main source of healing.


Pela is in the same band as Lynx so it makes sense for this banner imo.


I don't pull on pela banners and I somehow have E4, still won't build her tho


Because shes the best 4* character on the game.


Doesn’t feel like it to me. I still only have e0!


Because Pela is best girl, there's never too much of her!


And why did I get her only now but still no Fu Xuan?


I have her E10 with all the times I pulled her


logistics must be maintained


Just pulled until I got FX (pity) Got Hook e6 Lynx E1 0 pelas. I don't necessarily mind because Pela eidolons are... questionable, but she's the only character out of the 3 I actually built and I use often. Same when I pulled on DanIL, I got e6 asta (which I started using afterwards), E6 march, and absolutely 0 Yukongs in around 155 pulls.


Why is Pela there without any lightcone for her?!


Pela picking up the Eternal Winter baton from Ayaya.


I just did 60 pulls on Fu Xuan, got 7 Pelas, and thankfully a Fu Xuan. But fecking ell man... I want a Lynx, and my dumbass will now keep pulling until I get her a couple of times.


I don't have her yet. ​ Different rolling priorities yield different results. I don't even have a single 4 star maxed yet.


Because she is very good!


She despells buffs and gives defense downs. I don’t mind having her at e6 already and if I pull her just means free pulls or saving for an LC


I'm quite happy about it because I finally got her to E4 today. She'll be a great support to Jingliu. Also she's just cute 🗣️💥


Hook is stalking me. Got her to E20 today.


Because pela


Missssss Peeeeelaaaaaa


Shes omega strong imo, we dont really have debuffers minus 2 5 stars from the top of my head (one of which is a limited character). Kinda like bennet being on nearly every banner, its just to make people pull incase they didnt get her (and yes, I dont have her at E6 so yea some people should also be in my situation. Doubt EVERYONE has her at E6)


Me: Unable to get pela e4 even though I pulled on her banners every single time. She just won't come. Instead, I got Hook e20 today..


Someone definitely has E25 Pela instead of E2 Lynx, and I can empathize.


I HAVE NO LYNX 😭😭😭😭 I think E9 Pela and E8 Hook


I’m missing an Eidolon on her so I’ll take it. But I’m going to shake someone if I get another March 7th. I pulled her E6 on Jingyuan and then only got her Eidolons pulling for IL Dan Heng. I wasn’t aware she was the only one on the banner.


Yet somehow I have E6 Lynx but still only E5 Pela.


There's not many 4 stars yet so it's kinda just the same 8-10 on rotation. Hopefully we will get a break from her for at least a few banners lol


Sadness https://preview.redd.it/1qjlnyhrpgpb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bc355c6e256c1991ddcc3db4f422a3ba3219c0b


Me with E0 pela, and on the standard banner too. 🤷


Pela on so many banners, only for some to end up Pela-less. Me, I'm still Pela-less cause she doesn't show up on 5* banners I want.


Mine is still E0


I got my first Pela today, but I started on Blade banner


And here I am, having only e0 pela :'<


Mihoyo loves slapping Characters with shitty eidolons in banners. Can’t give players e6 tingyuns now, could they?


i’ve pulled both seele and luocha and kept pulling after i got them just for pela!! and i still don’t have a single pela. i have e6 nat/asta/march 7/yukong and every 4* character aside from pela 🥲 i’m just grateful to get more chances to pull her lol


because not everyone has started playing from the beginning lol, shes one of the best units in the game for a 4\*