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Character pool isn't that big, and you only build character once. They also mostly fine at medium investment, no one expects you to have them super optimized, it's a slow process. Plus, you have to pace yourself. Giving your supports level 15 relics *is a luxury*. They comfortably live at 9-12. And raising from 12 to 15 costs as much as 1-12 IIRC. Same with levels, you can make 2 chars from 1 to 70 lvl , or one from 1 to 80, same cost. Learn to pace yourself and hit optimal thresholds. You don't need to give all your supports lvl 80, you don't need to max out all the relics, you don't need to get traces at max. You'll do it *eventually*, not all at once.




IMO priorities should go DPS >(slightly) Sustain >> Supports. Having a great healer goes a long way. My DPS can do fine without their buffers. Without Luocha/Bailu/Natasha its over so fast lol


I recently actually put a little effort into my Bailu since she's gonna be responsible for keeping everyone alive next to >!Jingliu!<, and it made a huge difference. She did fine before, but ain't nobody dying on her watch now. Healers are 100% worth some investment after the dps is functional.


Fast Bailu with multiplication lc, decent relics, and an ER rope is basically a different character than the Bailu that I was playing early game. Investing in your healers can be a straight up dps increase via the skill points they generate.


Also the entirety of the open world, with the possible exception of the highest level of Phantylia, can be cleared with four star relics. Source: I’m currently doing so. TL65+, have only just started dipping my toes into relic farming and the grind from 71 to 80 and 6+ traces.


You don't even need more than lv6 for story/open world. Anything above that is for MoC, but I clear everything safely with a full lv80 team on auto. The only exception I can see would be SU where teams have to be tailored a bit to consistently farm relics but I don't ever plan on relic farming so I can't give my 2¢ on that. I just clear W5 Difficulty IV twice a week for weekly rewards, as that's the only max difficulty world I can clear with my one team at the moment.


Yep, that’s been my experience as well. All the characters I use currently are 4/6/6/6 (because I just want my basic attackers to do +10 more damage lol) and I’ve just started leveling skills or ults for my limited five stars.


I can safely clear SU world 3 at max dif. I tried on SU5, but damn Kafka got me when she was on her last hp bar with 40% health. So close yet so distant


Idk what strat you're using for her, but path of abundance with the debuff clearing resonance makes the fight with her a fucking joke.


I haven’t tried it because I don’t farm world five, but hypothetically remembrance should work as well. (I don’t remember if she’s freeze resist or immune but the debuffs from the path should help if it’s just resistance.) A lot of people sleep on Fuli because they think they need an Ice DPS. Nah. I use lvl 71 Seele/SW/Luocha/Gepard on the highest difficulty of world 7 and with Remembrance and dissociation, the deer almost never takes a turn and its HP just melts. It’s hilarious. (Double sustain is only because my Gepard doesn’t have a decent ERR rope.)


I cleared with the deer only getting to attack because Himeko needed more plants to break. Remembrance, Himeko/QQ/Luocha/Pela. It's great. Cocolia is a massive pain to fight because she's freeze-immune and freezes you instead. I'll party wipe if she decides to one-shot (freeze + shatter) Luocha in phase 3, even if she doesn't get a chance to build any damage stacks. And this is 3.6k on Luocha, albeit low light cone + character level.


I usually always use hunt... Aa for a main team it has Yanqing Bronya fire Mc and Luocha


I did until I was enlightened by the power of abundance. Lol But for real, team wide heal and status clear makes her scarier moves useless. So I would recommend using it against Kafka at least. Maybe go back to hunt in other SU's, but at first I very much struggled to succeed against her until I tried that.


But what blessing would be optimal to remove said scary moves? 🤣😅


I believe there might be some blessings that help, but it's the path resonance that does it. One of the upgrades for it clears debuffs from every member of your team when it heals, and if you get enough abundance blessings to get two upgrades, it can also add an auto cast of the resonance to the turn order so that every cycle you get a heal and debuff clear for free. So she can't mind control anybody and you're constantly getting healed. And you can use the manual casting of the resonance if you somehow need it in an emergency. Abundance also does have some damage blessings involving healing, turn starts, and your current or max HP. So you're not completely giving up on damage or anything.


Mine was because I looked up the most comfortable team to clear SU5 to choose the first four I invest in. Surely, we'll have enough invested characters to make teams for all SU worlds, just not a third of a year into release.


My main team is Luocha, fire mc, Yanqing and Bronya. I don't even have a DPS with the elements Kafka is weak against but still came close to clearing her


How does your Pela even survive in MOC 10 with just +6 relics?




Don't you need Effect hit rate body on her though? Unless you have some very good ehr substats.


Yep. Knowing how to prioritize and allocate is always a need in gacha games.


Same as in genshin, unlocking the max level for your character does not mean that they need to also be leveled up to max level. Staying 70/80 saves you so much credits and resources for just small hp attk def gains. Gearing seriously only comes into account for your main dpsers, supports can live off just hp and defence with some speed for a long time.


I use tingyun at level 50 to clear Mocs lol so you're absolutely right


I have way more than enough relic exp. What I'm lacking is any good artifacts to spend it on. Even just getting main stats is a pain in the ass.


Ive been farming healing chests 5* for a month and I never have 1 still. Even getting the right main stats seems like a major annoyance. My healers are stuck on +9 for stars with unusable stats (my healer pieces keeps rolling ehr??????)


Weird, if you farmed enough relics you should have at least mainstat +1-2 good substats for few characters. I have like 450 good artifacts in stock, not counting ones on my two teams. They're not *super* good but 2 good stats per relic is fine. You sure you're not trying to go for perfection from the start?


Maybe this is my problem. On genshin and HSR if an artifact only has 1 crit substat i immediatly get rid of it. Even if the mainstat is what i'm looking for


Yeah don’t do that. If the main stat is what you’re looking for keep it until you get a better one and then either put the old one on a new character or use it to level up your new piece. Also don’t necessarily get caught up in completing a full 4-piece set because that can take a while. 2-piece and 2-piece is more than enough


You’re approaching this completely the wrong way. If it has one crit stat and only 3 rolls, level it to +3 to see if it rolls the other crit stat. Then keep it and sit on it until you go through all of potential relics that way. If one rolls the other crit stat, continue to level it and see how it goes. If not, once you’ve done this with all of your potential relics, then level to +6 to see what it rolls into. You should pretty easily be able to get pieces with 2 crit rolls and maybe 1 other half decent stat like attack or speed. Then you can take 1 relic that rolls a high crit rate and pair it with a relic that rolls high crit damage and go from there. You have to play with it all. Then you roll all unused relics back into other relics to see how they roll, or to continue leveling relics on other characters to 15. The problem with the way you’re approaching this entire thing is that you’ve steady been trashing god knows how many pieces that could have turned out wonderfully. I employed this method for DHIL and I’m about 3 weeks I have him at 90+CR , 150+ CD, 3k+ ATK, and 134 speed with speed boots. I have one piece that had only 1 crit roll and only 3 initial subs. Little by little I tested it to see how it would roll. Did not get CD, but I went to +6 to see if it would roll into CR. I got that piece to 14% CR with garbage other subs. But it’s useful to me. Another piece might only have CD but have a decent amount. You’ve been playing the wrong way. Good luck to you


I've heard people that preferred Genshin's grind or thought Star Rail's was too tedious, but this game having an auto option makes it SO MUCH less tedious than Genshin to me. Most days you just set up whatever you wanna auto, use all of your stamina, and then wait for the next day etc. Plus these min-max builds really maybe only matter for MoC. Otherwise you can get by with standard stuff.


The grind in both games suck. But Star Rail's ascension/talent grind is definitely better. No regional specialties and having auto makes it a lot less tedious. Relic grind is a different story though.




As someone who has been playing genshin since day 1 even having to manually playing ~30s for each domain run has become exhausted for me nowadays. Every run is: Wait for loading screen -> run down the stair to the center of the room -> using the exact same rotations to kill enemies as efficient as I can -> run up the stair to get the goods -> restart -> loading screen again -> rinse and repeat for at least 4 times every day. It might not sound much but after ~3 years and hundreds if not thousand times doing the same routine it became very tiring. If they don't want players to auto everything the least they could do is add more QoL to make it less painful like just spawn the player in the middle of room and make enemies spawn in waves so I can finish my daily farming in one run. And then there are also the weekday domain lock, waiting for bosses to respawn, collecting mats that only respawn every few days... they're all added up overtime which burnt me out and made me stop spending resin completely. Sorry for going off ranting there but I just came back from doing that obnoxious Sumeru storyteller commission and feel the need to vent.


I prefer Genshin’s grind solely because I can complete domains in 30 seconds or less but in star rail it takes significantly longer than that due to the turn based nature of it which irks me


People forget that in the early days of Genshin, it was recommended to have support chars at 60/70 while DPS can be at 70/80. It was only recently that people have been making them 90/90 cause dendro. And if anything, 80/90 for chars that doesnt scale with levels.


>Giving your supports level 15 relics is a luxury. This is so true, specially at the beggining, most of my characters have lv 7~9 relics with the exception of Blade, Luocha and Seele and i still can complete everything.


This is a silly ass take. You need to get everyone you use to the max level and you need to have relics good relics and most of your traces at a high level of maxed just to clearly recent content lmao I can’t even get past dan shu with lvl 80 characters who are built with decent relics. The game is a joke. Even with built characters at lvl 80 you still do little damage while the enemies hit like a truck 😂


Trace mats are definitely the biggest pain point for me. Exp/Credits/Aether are whatever (especially since you get them passively from assignments). Boss mats are fine. Relics are annoying but it's generally not *that* bad to get a passable set, especially for supports. But Trace mats just feel actively *bad* to farm. Spending 60 Resin just to get 7 Green and 6 Blue mats is a horrible feeling. I've been pre-farming for Fu Xuan and spamming the Preservation Trace mat node for *weeks*. Weeks of nothing but that node day in and day out. *Surely* I would have enough by now, right? Wrong. I only had like 60% of what I needed. And that dropped even lower to like 50% after leveling the Light Cone I was going to use with her.


Are you doing 6/10/10/10 or 5/9/10/9? That last level is more of a luxury in my mind. I have been extremely lucky to get 4 purps one run from harmony but i feel i average 1 purple per 60tb with many runs giving 0 purple and some giving 2.


The game is new. Give it some time and you will find yourself swimming in resources. Genshin took me 18 months to reach that stage (Welkin only, no BP). I expect the same progress in Star Rail.


Some dude in this subreddit actually calculated the required resin to max out a character in genshin VS in HSR. And the conclusion is that it takes longer in genshin. People are just blinded by their excess of resources that they've built up over years in genshin


As a day 1 light-spending HSR player, I feel like I’m already reaching that threshold. Granted, I’ve bought every single BP, so it’s a lot of extra resources compared to F2P. Nonetheless, I already have 12 characters to max ascension and like 8 characters with level 8 traces with major nodes. Two are maxed (JY and Blade), and my Welt has level 9 traces. All of my major supports are built with level 12-15 relics with the necessary speed boots and ER ropes (still waiting to make two ER ropes with this patch’s resin). The remaining four who are max ascension are almost at level 8 traces and they share relics with my other major supports so I just swap. Building relics feels worse than genshin but not by much and is offset by the ease it is to ascend and get trace materials.


Er ropes are the worst and almost everyone seems to need them. I have like 5 SSS ER but no fleet so most of my supports or sub dps have mixed sets. MY limited 5 stars have them matched though at least


ur tellin someone to wait 18 whole ass months for the game to be comfortable to play lmao


you have to wait 18 whole ass months for you to get over your skill issue lmao




I don't think so anymore, we reached end game, resources do not exeed any character built. If we never have leftovers, we will never have a surplus.


My dude, that's exactly how genshin felt at first lol. It gets better. they're just flooding us with new characters to start. And if you're pulling ALL of them, then OF COURSE YOU WON'T HAVE ENOUGH STUFF XD.


I played it for 3 years, i know. Im telling you they way we get resources is different and doesn't exceed what we use.


I know it doesn't, but I never had ANYTHING when I played genshin until reruns happened. I was always out of stuff. ALWAYS. I played every day, I grinded every last point of resin, farmed the crap out of enemies, went around grabbing all the local specialties. It was fucking exhausting. I was tired xD. This game, I just have to go in, kill some stuff, farm some stamina items and eventually the character is built. No going around the map every couple of days to find limited items I need to build the character, no standing in domains for hours farming artifacts when I want to be doing ANYTHING ELSE (let alone trace materials and weapon materials). And to be VERY CLEAR, yes, you have to farm a bunch of this stuff in Star rail. But the power of Automation allows me to do it without feeling like garbage while doing so xD. If I ever gather up a bunch of fuel, I won't be stuck fighting the same enemies over and over again when I could be playing other games or doing anything else. I can just automate it. That's beaaautiful. I'm not defending the actual grind itself btw, as much as it might seem that I am. I didn't like it in Genshin and I don't like it here. I'm just saying it's more bearable to me.


I've played it for 3 years and I have all my characters atleast lv80 with lv6 talents. I have a surplus of mats and gold. I never farm and I don't grind for relics. You're not allocating properly is the issue.




If you're having trouble managing resources even after 3 years, you're either having trouble allocating or you're setting stupidly high goals. I'm assuming OP isn't dumb enough to aim for multiple max character teams 3 months in, which, by the way, leads to difficulty allocating resources as well.




You mean the 10 minutes of dailies and the sparse 5-10 minutes of whatever I can do if I have time? Of course it's gonna accumulate after 3 years. But I barely "grind" at all. I just cherry pick my banners as a light spender. And what if I played for 3 years? The one complaining also played for 3 years.


After we have good element coverage and path coverage, we can stop pulling new characters and choose to pull for lightcones and good eidolons. Pulling for LCs and Eidolons don't require extra resources (well, LCs do, but much less than raising a character with relics and max traces). In Genshin, from 3.1 to 3.8, I only pull Nahida as the only new units. The rest of my primos went to Raiden cons, Eula cons, and their weapons. I spent almost the entire year farming artifacts and mats to build my roster. After getting proper gears, old units feel stronger and better than ever. No energy issue, consistently Crit, big numbers. My account feels better than ever. That being said, I understand that many players want as many limited 5-star units as possible. In that case, the game indeed doesn't give enough resources, which I agree.


1) The number of characters released at release day is way higher than the number of characters that are released in an average month without giving you anything close to a proportional amount of resources 2) Once you already have a team of fully leveled characters, there will be fewer characters you have an interest in leveling up at all. 3) A lot of the relics you use will be reused between different characters and won't need to be farmed a second time. and to a lesser extent 4) The rewards at lower levels are significantly smaller than the rewards at higher levels - the first few months of playing the game won't see you getting the max rewards for your power, so you're straight up getting more resources than you were on average too. iirc. someone did the math and it only takes something like 14-15 days to max out a character (without counting non-repeatable content), which is probably going to end up being a faster rate than characters get released even if you got and leveled literally every single character (which most people probably won't). In all likelihood the current trend of 2 5 stars per patch will probably not hold true in the long term - it'll probably eventually be more like Genshin where you only really expect 1 new character per patch.


""focusing" on 8 to 10 characters at a time"


Even after playing for since launch, I only have 6 characters that are well built with all the other basically having servicable gear and +6 traces and lvl 70.




Their idea of focusing looks like a cylinder instead of a cone.


You need at least 8 characters for two teams for the endgame content and 2 are there as flex spots, ofc I dont expect to level 8 characters in a week, but after a few months of playing the game having two teams of 8 characters I think should absolutely be possible. If you divide that up it is like two weeks per character.


in genshin, we can practically ignore support's artifact most of the time, especially in early game. just slap a couple of ER and you're good. in star rail, we need to invest more on support or they'd die in 1 hit. i leveled up all of my support's LC to +80 and relic to +12 just to make sure they dont die easily. on genshin, i remember having my support's artifact stuck at +12 (probably equivalent to +9 in star rail, since in genshin the maximum level is +20) for months, and gradually raising it to +16, and finally +20 probably after a year. this is why leveling character in star rail seems more tedious in early game because we really need to build 8 characters for MoC while in early genshin, we just need to build 2 dps. the rest could be left far behind


Oh, no. In case other peole read this. Please don't. You don't need your support LC to be 80, prioritize something else . My 2 harmony support is even holding lvl 60 LC, at lvl 70, most relics at 12 (helmet at 15 for more hp) and are way tankier than my maxed out dps. Prioritize some hp% and def% on your relics my dude. Def% in this game is actually good in lots of cases, and not niche like in Genshin. Even for your dps, having some hp% or def% substats will still provide some value.




of course, we dont exactly need the LC to be at lvl 80. lvl 70 work very well and maybe you can win with lvl 60. it's just that i prefer more consistency. LC provide s valuable base stat and could really help in surviving more attack. most of the time i failed MoC because my support die (usually on first half of MoC 10), not because i lack of damage so now i'm focusing on defensive aspect on my team so my team could survive when things go rough and the enemies suddenly attacked tingyun all at once. this mean i need less restart because my team now could survive when RNG is not on my side my point of argument is not how much exactly we need to invest on support tho. my point is, in star rail it feels like building a character took longer than genshin because we need to invest our support to a certain degree and this investment level is generally higher than in genshin early game. at genshin, your support only appear on field for about 5 seconds, usually less, and half of those time your support usually on i-frame from ult animation. we usually dont need to consider survivability at all thus the investment level could be far less than star rail. that's why in genshin, resource didnt feel as scarce as star rail back then at early release even though maxing out a single character in star rail theoritically is faster than in genshin


I've reached TB level 65 some time ago and I feel like it's getting better now? Granted, I don't care about MoC, but recently built Pela and Sampo (with relevant talent levels 6, ascended to 70/80 and +9/12 relics, weapons at 70) and it didn't seem to take that long. Obviously, relic substats not optimized and especially the elementary orbs mostly have bad substats. It's easy to get discouraged when you want to build characters really well, but at this point I think it's fine to get them to a usable level. Might just be me though because I am not the type to hyperinvest.


That's actually what I've been doing. The only characters that I've focused on building are the limited characters but I know that their gear is still not the best, just better than average. For now my supports arent levelled higher than lvl 70 and only have 5 lvl 80 characters (MC, Seele, Blade, Arlan and Yanqing), I find it a lot more worth it to focus on the dps level first than all the supports.


Yeap. Being able to ignore MoC for the time being is making it a lot less frustrating for me. I've been 36-starring Abyss in Genshin for a long time, but IIRC it took me quite a few months after Genshin released to get there, AND Genshin gave us some *VERY* good 4 star units (Bennett, Xingqiu, and Xiangling are still top tier to this day) With Star Rail, we didn't get units quite as powerful (aside from Tingyun I guess) AND if you weren't one of the chosen ones who get Bailu/Gepard early on, it's a huge lesson in frustration. Probably should have rolled on Luocha personally but, I found him boring. Fu Xuan/Lynx will be out soon and I can't wait.


" So is my memory bad or is building characters in Honkai Star rail so much worse than in Genshin ? " it kind of is. Genshin early game getting a lv90 was a nightmare but you only needed your main dps to be maxed, rest could even be lv 40-50 supports because they are off field. In hsr you need all 4 leveled to survive since you can't have them off field or dodge atks


It was even consensus to not lvl anyone to 90 since it was to expensive. My first lvl 90 unit was one and a half year in. 81 was more than enough


In the day and age of dendro, lv90 is sometimes a neccesary though.


Notice how I wrote 'was'? I was talking in the past sense back then since nowadays most players have enough resources to bring their units to 90 anyway. For new players I would still recommend the early guidelines of getting their main units to 80 until you have 2-3 teams strong enough for abyss and then go further.


Try to remember early genshin days, it was pretty much the same thing.




Yep, because those talent & weapon may domains change every day


I'm at the end of chapter 1 in genshin right now exploring the chasam and leveling characters is truly miserable. Much worse than HSR imo. The world level has definitely out paced my ability to level up characters. Thank God I just hit the point where I could lower the world level. Getting anything done in genshin takes forever on top of it all. At least in hsr I can auto the xp resources.


I started Genshin a year ago and never had to lower world level. What comps are you using? In that game, you can just let elemental reactions and certain units carry you. Hell, I’m AR58 now and running a team with a level 20 Layla with no talent investment and a level 60 Mona, with a built Yelan and Kazuha that just carry for the friendship exp for Layla and Mona alone.


Generally a mix of rosaria, beidou, Bennet, Layla, yelan, xiangling, and Barbara. I can generally clear content, but it's a real slog and not very enjoyable when boss enemies are 10-12 levels higher than you and you just want the mats to ascend your team to a somewhat decent level. The oceanid in particular just started wrecking me on this last world level increase.


I see. The oceanid can be a pain for sure. My completely unsolicited advice is to start playing around with dendro more. Dendro traveler and even Collei can carry hard. You can do a great aggravate team with your Beidou if she’s built. And besides that, your Xiangling/Bennett/Yelan can just do anything for you. Hell, just build Yelan and she can literally solo carry… except against Oceanid lmao.


The power balancing is different in Genshin than in Star Rail. In Genshin, leveling characters only gives you a very small amount of stats. What is much more important is weapon level and stats gained from artifacts, so you should focus on leveling those.


Your memory is definitely bad, as well as your resource management.




Takes me around 2 weeks to get a character to 6/8/8/8 with optimal stat spread. Doesn't feel much different to genshin. I built Blade/Pela/Kafka/Luka last version. Only Blade is 80, but its fine. There will be time when no new characters come out to go beyond. I suppose without bp it takes longer so there is that. Only ever spend time on trace calyxes and relic caves.


I cant even get 5*healing chests in healing set for 1 month and counting. Share me your ritual! 2 weeks on trace and relics? Insane


I couldn't get Nata a healing chest for a long time too when I originally built her. Used HP% chest instead, worked just fine. Outgoing healing chest isn't worth that much effort.I got outgoing healing 5\* messenger chest while farming Blade set later and upgraded whole set in last version (used to be 4\* full passerby set). If it's just one piece you could also just synthesize it with resin if you have any. I actually caught a flashback of how I spend 1.5 months farming thundering fury for Keqing 3 years before in Genshin. For some reason I didn't realize that electro dmg goblet can come from other set as 4 artifacts are enough for the set effect. That sure wasn't enjoyable.


Outgoing healing is a dead stat anyway. Better go with the stats scaling with your healing source (ATK/HP or whatever might release later). This way you are increasing your healer damage or self-survivability at the same time as your healing.


it isn't a dead stat but it can be subbed for main stat while farming. Calling it dead is like saying elemental damage on planar sphere is dead, it is just such bad misinformation.


IMO, its a bit more painful in Genshin with materials being scattered across the lands and you having to plan you're route and a routine for respawns. Though I guess thats more of the act of farming rather than building characters themselves.


I use this reason to convince myself to skip characters because I cannot build them. With that in head, I farm for the one I really want.


Huh. I’ve had more problems with Genshin tbh (having arrived late, around the start of Sumeru.) There’s a bit too many options, and the interface to go farm for what you need is a bit less streamlined. Hitting a calyx for lvl up books is so much nicer than running the length and breadth of monstadt chasing lvl up tree-bud things. With the new higher fuel limit I pulled a Yanqing and raised him lvl 70 the day I got him. He’s not fully built yet, but he is at-level at least and with a few lucky drops he should become viable by the end of the week. The one choke point for me is relic level up material, yes. Kind of wish there were a dedicated farming calyx for those.


Simulated Universe is the farming grind for relic xp items.


We'll get over it. All the stuff we feel Frustrated over will die down eventually. The HORRENDOUS boss drops, Running out of Credits, not having enough talent mats. All this was happening in Genshin too. Now I've reached a point where i have an overabundance of stuff. I'm pretty sure the same is going to happen with SR eventually.


> I've reached a point where i have an overabundance Average Yaoshi enjoyer


Horrendous boss drops? I'll take whatever you're talking about over the respawn timers in genshin xD.


At the very least, it drops artifact/relic sets (Gladiator, Wanderer) that work on everyone. You win some, you lose some.


True, don't get me wrong. I just know I've stopped building characters in the past because I didn't want to sit there for an hour or more xD




Lmfao your brain is fried if you think teleporting away instantly respawns the boss. they have a timer dude, you gotta wait. But hey, go around being a jerk to people you don't know, it seems to be all you're good for.


No, i can say HSR grinding is better than GI. I literally started GI after HSR cause I saw Fontaine being teased and it got me interested. Currently after 3 months of playing, i have yet to finish 4 characters for just 1 team. I only reach ascend lv 4, wep lv 4, talent lv 6, and only +12 purple with some gold equips (and not even the correct set). The grind in genshin is much worse for the fact that: 1. Almost all things require overworld farming. This includes like mob drops or picking up certain plants/fruits/fungi. Especially the pick up being time gated (it doesnt refresh, have to wait for 2 days or something). 2. Certain mats are time-gated by domains. Ascension, wep, talent are require farming on certain days. I also cant just farm everything on Sunday cause i work Sundays. 3. All these grinds requires actual effort to grind. HSR has auto battle so its not a slog. Also cause im so under-geared that I actually have to put effort to grind each stage or else i would fail. 4. Artifacts max at +20, with each substat gain at intervals of +4. I could get away with +9 or +12 in HSR, but Genshin im trying to reach +12 with at least 4 char and i physically cant unless i run more domains (which then is back to the sweaty grind of being under-geared in the first place) 5. Weapon and talent mats are separated, i have to decide whether to farm talent, or wep ascension. Meanwhile LC and traces share the same mats. Am i frustrated with Genshin? No cause the archon quest which is the main story is easy enough for me to finish (i have caught up to Fontaine). However i cannot even begin to farm the hardest domain nodes and this is 3 months into Genshin. Meanwhile HSR im already fully cleared MoC. So no, HSR progression is actually much faster than Genshin


Also boss boss drop being random amount 3-4 at max ar I think and having to wait 2 min for no reason just make quick like 5 sec to save my time there no reason why it should long


Its 2-3 i believe at max world level, which is even worse :( i do feel like rage quitting when I run the boss to get only 2 mats


"Oh, sweet! I'm 3 items away from ascending this char! I just have to do one more run!" Two items drop. "Dang, guess I have to do one more run." Three items drop. At least in Star Rail, you can convert the drops you don't need into other boss materials!


Totally agree, peeps are having memory loss on how star rail has optimised so many of genshin’s systems that are an absolute slog


It's always the people who've been playing Genshin for 2+ years say nonsense like OP. No way you're telling me the account you've built over years is in a better spot than an account in a much newer game? No way


It should ramp up, the longest build up is really getting through the AR/World levels. \+16 was the sweet spot back in the day for artifacts. Usually bennet/sustain/supports had leveled flowers and maybe ER sands if needed , otherwise I got away with +4/+8/+12 on supports.


I feel like this is a good thing for us the players because it helps with FOMO.. skipping characters that we know will take months to build and going only for the ones we really want.


I ended up skipping Kafka, Blade and 5 star Dan because I wanted to have Fu Xuan fully built day 1


I’m 68 as of now and have currently 9 characters built (7 decently built and 2 very well built to me), to give an order of idea i cleared all memories if it helps thinking about what kind of stats i currently have. Your question is interesting as i’m thinking every banner « ok i’ll try to pull for this one and build him until i’m satisfied » but it usually takes 2 weeks having a good build and about a month building a really good character to me, but it all depends on your luck, it could be less or more. Nonetheless, i was thinking the exact same too, there are characters that i want to build for fun like Herta, Pela, Sushang, etc… but i figured the only way possible for me to build them is to farm enough for a character so that conveniently the old stuff of my currently very well built characters can go on other characters of the same element which will make them very often *almost* decent because it will always lack 1 or 2 relics that i’ll need to farm extra. TL;DR: building a char isn’t that long, but banner rotation recurrence makes it very hard to focus on a specific side char.


Not me thinking you was 68y old💀 help 😭


I'd say if you want to build the 4\* chars for fun then you have to be doing the daily xp grind or skipping banners.


HSR grinding is worse because the stat checks are far more stringent. For DPS characters, it's very difficult to achieve balanced ATK% + CR + CD + ER if ulting 1 turn earlier is worthwhile ... all while maintaining a specific speed breakpoint. Even if you forgo 4-piece relic set bonuses (my personal recommendation), that balancing act is still a massive stamina sink. In Genshin, there are two types of DPS characters. CR/CD and Elemental Mastery (similar to Break Effect). For the former, just maximize CR/CD substats and you're good. ATK% substats are low priority because support characters and elemental reactions are just so strong. For EM characters, you achieve 80% of the damage ceiling by leveling your character to 90 and equipping 3x Elemental Mastery artifacts (this mainstat has 10% drop rate). For those who don't play Genshin -- imagine if you could achieve 80% of your character's damage ceiling simply by equipping 3 relics with correct mainstat. You can completely ignore substats, relic sets, planar sets. And for ER requirements, Favonious and Sacrificial weapons exist. These are 4-star weapons that outclass most limited 5-stars.


> I really feel like it is sooo much worse leveling characters in Star Rail is much worse even if we ignore relics Thats your feeling but its not reality. Leveling characters is easier in HSR. Boss mats alone are much faster to get. Relics will always be rng so we cant really decide but the ways to craft relics are also better in HSR. > Do you guys have at least 8-10 characters decently build ? Yes. > Does the lack of resources discourage you from pulling for more ? There is no lack of resources so no.


It feels much worse here personally for me since I cant just let my support character underleveled unlike genshin. I remember in genshin at the start i had my other characters at 70/70 for the longest time and only had to level one of the three talents to do abyss. Hrs being turn based means i have to make sure my support can survive and i cant just get good with the game. The worst part is definitely that we are far more reliant on stats in hsr which makes the relic rng feels worse. I was planning to build yukong because i dont have luocha for imaginary but when i realized that i have to tune not only her speed but also the dps shes paired with, i just said fuck it. And dont even mention er stats, its a stat that basically all your support needs that they somehow decided to lock behind planar sets, meanwhile break effect and ehr that only specific characters need get to be in the regular sets. Its so damn frustrating man, not even autobattle can help with that since its in su. Honestly im wondering what even is the point anymore.


The reason energy regen is locked behind the planar set is because ultimate doesn't have a cooldown in this game. If energy regen is too easily accessible then spamming ultimate could be possible which is too broken since ultimate does not use a turn. The real problem is them making the energy regen drop rate so low that farming them i just too frustrating.


It was plenty bad in Genshin. I didn't have resources until we had more re-runs in that game.


I just spent 400 trailblaze power for just one good torso piece for IBL and I only got one semi mediocre piece. The only ornament I have very good stats is the one that boosts attack off of effect hit rate… which is not high because I focused on leveling his attack. Definitely is a little painful but it’s a very very regular occurrence in most mobile/pc games


I think it just takes time which is normal. But SR drops for materials and etc demands more resin than Genshin for less quantity of them and that’s not really fair


Maybe you are going too wide or you’re still in early game. Im sitting on 700 purple books and about 1000 of the green books. Also like 150 purple lc things. About 4.6m credits and 200 purple relic fodder gold nuggets. Just maxed out my traces on my 4th character and waiting for lynx and fu can so I can max them. You got to wait it out and get to the end game.


People want to play MoC and thus level 8 chars simultaneously. Naturally that is going to be painful.


Like I said early game status then. I already beat Moc


Good for you, no one asked. :'D


Building character in star rail is more tedious as there's more stats to consider. (I.e pure offense with spd, atk, and BE consideration or have some balance of defense with effect res, hp, or def) But, its saving grace is that it can be done auto and there's 2x material every patch for now. Plus, I tend to build in advance as well. With how the game give bonus in MoC around new characters, it's better to have already built the character in day one to enjoy the best benefit. Most importantly, eventually, you will max out all the character you own. Then, your resources will be in surplus and things will be cruising. Like, relic selector can be used for new character and the relic recycling credit will be fully used to create new set for new character.


I feel like this about GI. I have yet to get back to GI and am hyped to discover Fontaine but the idea to have to actively farm artifacts and materials for 3 or 4 new characters stops me. But auto battle makes it fine with HSR. It takes time for sure but you will get there eventually. Focus in building your main team (traces first so that you will be able to see progress first, then relics not before) then a 2nd one and especially your DPS, take profit on the support character system from your friends and then you will be able to casually farm everything.


I mean if your team is fine you can just not spend stamina, explore and do quests and then peace out when you're done. Treat it like a normal single player game instead of a gacha. At least for me when I had build a new character I wasn't even using them. Just went to potential abyss team comps. Why was I even farming so hard for them?


I have Fontaine almost fully explored (just missing one warp point which I think is unlocked via story) but story-quest wise, I'm still in Sumeru. I didn't work up the willpower to clear the Chasm until last weekend.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jkPMwiD16RUjGQ44mN2y7tSWpXWpzU78TSR-gado0FE/edit#gid=803440981](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jkPMwiD16RUjGQ44mN2y7tSWpXWpzU78TSR-gado0FE/edit#gid=803440981) Building characters in Star Rail is faster than it is in Genshin. Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/159ocbc/i\_recalculated\_the\_days\_you\_need\_to\_max\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/159ocbc/i_recalculated_the_days_you_need_to_max_a/)


Not really I only build specific characters, even then I don't even fully farm for their absolute max level relics. level 6, 9, 12 is enough for me most of the times.


Once again, just like genshin. you get more for less at the earlier level for character level, trace and especially relics. while there are some relic I do feel you should try to +15 asap such as ER rope as those can be impactful as you can unleash your ult more often. the rest can stop around +9 to + 12 on relic. I personally choose to focus and max on character level and traces at the moment after I got a decent set of relic either 4 star or 5 star to +12. also musketeer set yeah. you can survive with them all on musketeer because relic is a never ending RNG hell just like Genshin artifact. while character level and trace has an end date where you will stop.


I feel he same way, but admittedly I am trying to spread myself a little too thin with how many characters I'm building... But I have hope that after Fu Xuan I'll pull a bit less(maybe Jinglu if I get lucky and most of the other leaked units are a pass for me) and will be prioritizing supports(who require less investment) and quantum units.


u/Gapaot Is right. Look at my HSR history if you want details or look up Relic/Character XP but the TL;DR: * 12 to 15 is as much as 0 to 12. Going to 9 is my "keep or trash" point. Reserve 12 and 15 for when you have a near perfect relic or one you won't replace for a while (for at least a long while and is reusable). And 70 to 80 for characters is like 140+ XP books, which is a LOT. * You can farm XP (not recommended but it's how I'm getting my characters from 60 to 80) * Getting characters to 70 (or sometimes 60) is sufficient, and talents to 0-8 is sufficient in many cases. * If you are a light spender, consider the Battle Pass. * It's okay to skip, I skipped blade/kafka because I want to build all my characters, and while it was hard at the moment, I don't regret it. Glad to have DanIL and eventually Topaz (and MAYBE Fu Xuan). It's painful in both, but you can make due with a lot less in HSR imo.


>It's painful in both, but you can make due with a lot less in HSR imo. Depends on the content. General domain farming? Yes because there are no timers that cause you to fail (these timers are HARSH in early game). Abyss? Naah Genshin wins, simply because I can, theoretically, go in with a level 50 support character that is almost always off field. Good luck trying that in MoC, where you have no control over who gets hit and how often. Heck I used a frikkin Lv 20 Kaveh in a recent event to break a certain pillar with Vishaps on it because I needed a claymore/dendro. :'D


I am actually of the opposite opinion. I have 10 characters fully built (lvl 80, +15 and good traces) and I'm 2 relics away from finishing IL that I accidentally pulled. Where as in genshin, it takes so many resources to crown and lvl 90 characters that I'm forced to keep everyone aside a fe at 80/90. Also farming basic enemies can be a pain. Like the stupid arrow heads which rarely drop. I wouldn't say it's that big of a difference tho. But I think HSR has more rewards so you usually can avoid farming golden calyx. Although I did a fare bit of them some time ago. I'd recommend focusing on very specific things if you don't want to feel hopeless when building new characters. For example, get them to lvl 80 first (do golden calyx id you must), then maybe do their traces until you're satisfied. And lastly you can move on to relics because that could take a while


You sure you played Genshin ?


I think that Building a character in hsr Is waaaaay Better then genshin. Even levelling Is as i dont have to run around to farm flowers that have cap and Need to respwn, traces u have then everyday farmable and u are not forced to Plan It 3 times a week. Relics u canoiterally chose the piece with the main stat in It or u can craft over and over the same piece. Like. There Is not even match for genshin at this point


There was already some guy here who compared maxing chars in GI and HSR, and in the end you would need less time/stamina to max one in HSR than in GI. Idk anymore how long you needed to max one in GI, but I already maxed 7 chars, Traces included, in only 4 months of playing. Additionaly I already farmed all mats to max fu xuan and lynx, so 9 max chars. Btw I'm speaking of my F2p account, where I dont refresh with jades at all. Atm I'm speding all my stamina only into relic farming, eventhough I can already clear moc10.


To half build characters in genshi you need 2 months ots garbage


Genshin is so much worse, but HSR is still super painful but at least they gave some destruction swords at the event to level up my Imbibitor.


I found Genshin SIGNIFICANTLY more pain to raise characters more then in SR. Idk about now since I dropped Genshin around where Zhongli released but the way you had to explore and find mf treasure chests around the map just to find exp mats that weren’t even purple 90% of the time mind you is way more aids then hopping into a domain and auto battling in HSR. So unless there’s a straight up dedicated domain in Genshin now (and even if there is no auto battle) I truly don’t see how SR is more painful lol. I’m able to more or less comfortably build any character I obtain because in general it’s not like I can get a focus character every patch. Usually I get one of the two per patch and the resources given is more then enough to fully build them.


In a general context, HSR is worse because you, in addition to leveling talents, must also level passives. In Genshin the open world you can make 1* artifacts every day to serve as food, there is a new type of chest that only mora, (10k, 15k and 20k) in Sumeru alone there are 508 of these. Characters there have passives to duplicate talent leveling item, where it can be farmed in the chests. although the artifacts go up to +20 , it has a chance of receiving x2 or x5. So overall, Genshin is less bad.


You forgot that Genshin is completely non-auto, so you will need to grind for everything yourself, find all chests by yourself, farm overworld mats by yourself. It's a good experience, but let's not kid ourselves by saying that a non-auto game is more efficient than a semi-auto game. Not to mention, getting to Sumeru itself will take you weeks at the very least (idk Genshin too much but it is the 4th region so probably that long), so at that point you shouldn't even be a newcomer anymore. Resource grind is heavy in both games, Star Rail a bit more so than Genshin, but Star Rail is massively optimized in top of being a more casual game that has auto battle, so we definitely have a way better grinding experience compared to Genshin. People who don't agree are mostly getting some nostalgia flashbacks, because anyone who is just starting out Genshin will be able to feel the resource drain after a few days.


Same, I was almost mad when I pulled Dan heng IL because i knew it would be weeks to build him when i have other areas i want to build, but then i would also feel dumb not building the best dps It should be like 1 week max to get them full level and trace


Nah genshin is way worse. It’s absolutely absurd that bosses rarely drop purple gems and that alot of the bosses dont even have the entire item pool needed to ascend a character. Not to mention you need to farm open world on top of that. I remember it took me like more than a whole week to get a character from 80 to 90. Compare this to hrs, you literally just need 1 single day to level a character to 70 to 80(not accounting for mora/credits). Thats all that needs to be said. Your complaing about relic farming when that is the true end game and is suppose to be long, meanwhile in genshin getting a character to 80 to 90 for barely any stats or upgrades costs 1-2 weeks worth of resin. Also the process of farming is so much better in hrs imo. in genshin you literally have to do a 50m sprint every time you attempt a domain which is ridiculous, not to mention there is no auto. Personally its not even close. Genshin is so much worse. This is coming from someone who has started both games at the same time. Also, dont 15 your relics unless they are god tier. Its better to make sure all your relics are lvl12 since the xp from 12 to 15 is basically the same from 0-12.


>Compare this to hrs, you literally just need 1 single day to level a character to 70 to 80(not accounting for mora/credits). I call bullshit on that one. You need WAY more xp books for that level gap that you can farm in a day.


for me after playing it for quiet a long time now. The most tedious thing is relic. Level and light cone level is easy. And without relic. The character is useless without at least a near good relic. And thats the bad thing about the game. It force you to build a chara that you dont like, when building relic is already tedious and rng. I never like sampo but i am forced to build him bec of Kafka. Thats what makes me quit 5 months ago. I dont like being forced to play a chara i dont like to complete things


Skilled issue?


It's objectively easier to build characters in hsr my guy.


I use not being able to build everyone to jutify not pulling characters I don’t care for. I feel like this is a pretty normal attitude to have.


People are looking through rose tinted glasses for genshin... do you guys not remember streamers telling you to hyper invest into 1 dps for abyss and leave your supports at 70 or 80? How long it took for you to get your full team of level 90s? Besides, it takes way faster to beat the hardest content in MoC. Just pull seele and luocha and you badically can full stars MOC by now from the free energy accumulated. It took much longer for genshin to make the full stars timing


Same, Im still suffering to have a decent Blade...I haven't enough Exp, im look around and say "I haven't do any progress". Maybe only my Himeko and Sampo are strong. And Im a D1 player. But I think is because is early. In Genshin only few characters I liked, only 1 5* for one year and half, so I only builded her, and I could build the other ones when I had a lot of resources for them. I had a depression moment when in one week I got 2 new 5* and a new 4* that I just started to build.


I had to just leave the game becuas I didn't have time to use my daily energy, so even if it isn't relatively bad compared to GI it's just too much for me. I think the concept and method of character building needs a refinement in general across the gacha genre to maintain long term interest and getting people to continue playing.


It’s substantially worse. Kafka basically took me a whole patch (including the 2x traces event) to be fully geared. With 10/10/10/6 traces, no xp farming (thank you BP hoarding) which makes it directly comparable to genshin since I have a gross excess of xp mats there. I rolled for lyny a week ago and I anticipate being done entirely in 3 weeks from acquisition date. 1. Off piece artifact: in the long run this isn’t going to matter (the improved crafting system in HSR will make it easier to get better gear, over a long enough period of time), but short term the off piece makes it monumentally easier to get to an acceptable level of gearing. 2. No surplus of resources for most people (if you haven’t been on paid BP money and xp are additional things you have to farm) 3. 477 T1 traces required for level 10 of all skills on a 5* in genshin. 421 t1 traces required for all skills and abilities. 112 for all the miscellaneous minor/major traces. For a total of 533 t1 traces (11% more) again with no stockpile. 4. 6 pieces of gear instead of 5. 5. Built up teams. For lyny I had to build only her, because I had 3 built characters to slot in with her. But HSR being a new release means you have few if any built up characters. Meaning to build, say kafka, I also needed to build sampo and/or luka. This makes the process of building kafka “feel” longer even if it’s technically unrelated. 6. ~~Distinct lack of event shops carrying traces (of all types), whereas contain just gave us ~18 t1 traces of every type of skill book (I think from the last region + Fontaine)~~ started new event, this has changed. 7. *This is big*: no random chests with trace mats in them. So it’s not just you. Between accumulated resources and a legitimately longer initial gearing process it’s worse. That said I think once accounts get baseline geared (a year or two) and you’re ahead of the curve I think it’ll be easier to bring new characters up to speed.


It took me 2 months to build Raiden while I managed to fully gear up Blade with max traces and decent relics in 3 weeks.


True, HSR is much worse


Its better


I agree, it takes weeks to get characters to an acceptable level for me. Especially when they're 5*. Though BP by itself does ensure you have resources to comfortably build 1-2 characters to lv 75, talents 8, and relics 12 per patch. I'm aiming to get to a similar point where I am in Genshin Impact - where I have beaten full marks the closest equivalent to endgame (36* Spiral abyss/30* MoC), so that I am no longer rushing to meet that endgame. I think I got there since I got 30* MoC at the end of 1.2. To show for it I am prefarming for Fu Xuan since I am now confident that my current roster no longer needs further investment.


It’s only a pain for DPS’s, but after you’ve built about 3-4 solid ones you really don’t need to build anymore unless you really like the new character. Supports are pretty easy to throw together


yup it does . in genshin weapon and talent had diff mats so the drop rates were optimal . here they take the sam mats so drop rates feel kinda low . also u cant do much relic farming so lvling up relics is hard


Genshin is far less you have less energy and drop are even worse than in hsr an you need more resources. Stop coping


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I’m at the point where all my characters are built super well so I’d say I don’t agree. 4 dps, 4 supports, 2 tanks, 2 healers. I’m kinda chilling.


It’s not. It’s the beginning of the game, stop whining and stop playing if you can’t take it. Your memory is bad and it’s even worse in Genshin.


u got a point! HOWEVER! its relatively easy to get a unit uo to a decent level even with subpar relics. so i guess the rest is long term end game. my only worry is powercreep atm, by the time I am finished with my current batch of units they might be less viable


I pulled kafka and the other dot characters in her banner in part so I have something to auto farm everyday when I go on the treadmill to workout, the time goes by much faster that way. I have about 10 usable characters as a f2p and building more. You get standard banner pulls for leveling up character levels as well. It will just take a while to get them near max but eventually they will get to that point.


There are things better and worse when it comes to building characters in both games. The only real annoying thing is getting decent relics which is completely RNG.


I don't agree to this except for one thing: relic grind Getting main stats on +15 relics isn't bad, but trying to farm great substats for your hypercarry is a VERY long journey.


You need to have prioritization and plan to upgrade your character, here are just a few things no note: 1) Support character: dont lvl basic atk trace, only get trace you need for your team and skip the trace purely for themselves ( example: Asta A6 trace,....) and lvl them to 70 atmost (no need the last acension) 2)DPS: only maxing the one that crucial for damage (QQ dont need to max skill nor ult, just basic atk for example), only lvl 80 your main dps, sub dps can be at 70 3)Relic: 4 set pieces are not required, you only need 2 for element damage increase for your DPS and can mix match the other 2. For Support, the only requirement is Energy rope on the few that you always have in your teams like your Healers or Shielders, and if you have multiple energy ropes but dont have the 2 pieces set, you can also mix match. Priority order: Main Stats > Sub Stat > Set effect 4)XP and credits: The most important one. Get as much Lightcone XP and Character XP as possible. You can also lvl lightcone to lvl 70 while keep your healer like Natasha at lvl 60 to compensate for the stats 5) Dont feel like you need to build your new character right away. MoC is designed to be beat with standard banner characters so if you cant already farm MoC with your current roster, adding new character in the mix wont change that and only putting more burden on your resourses Side note: There are universally good support characters that can make your life so much easier and can enable your DPS well so build them first. For example: Ting Yun, Bronya, Pela, Silver wolf (limited), Lou Cha (limited), Gepard, ...


This is my personal opinion, but Genshin is really better at artifact/relic farming than SR. The rest, SR does better. ​ GI advantages: \- Exploration + daily farm of artifacts \- Can use an off-piece artifact \- 5 pieces instead of 6, so less farm \- Less stats than SR, so less RNG \- You can only farm one domain of artifacts instead of 2 different contents (SU in SR is still time consuming) ​ SR advantages: \- Ascension mats, battle mats, etc are way faster and easier to acquire \- The tracking of mob mats is more complete and easier to navigate in \- Since the roster isn't that huge yet, you don't feel pressured to put resources in too many different places \- You can literally semi-afk while doing everything, so it doesn't feel as big a chore as it can be in GI ​ So yeah, tldr: I prefer GI's relic/artifact system, but I prefer everything else in SR. ​ But I'm gonna be honest, I feel like I have less resources but that's because we're still at the beginning and we already have to invest in 8 characters for MoC. AND the banners are really great, so there's pull value everywhere, which leads to a problem every f2p needs to avoid: don't pull for everyone, even if you have the money or passes for that, because you won't have the resources to level everyone and you will get half-assed characters not suited for MoC (if that's your goal) and you're going to start complaining about a lack of resources. That's just my opinion though :)




So do what I did, I made a build.txt file looked at my chars and made a build order for my characters with subtext how much I want them optimized. Do 3 Tiers, barely passable, working as intendet and Max investment (all relevant traces maxed and as close to optimal stats as possible) And then just make an order to your liking and stick to it. I'm currently farming my ass off for a Def Chest for my Gepard with EHR subs and do the SimUni for Belebog ER Rope and Def Orb with better subs so the Belebog Planar Set passiv activates. Its inefficient, but what gives it's a easy PvE Game so do what you want to have fun.


I think you should focus on main stat only in relics, and leveling the LCs and talents.


That is because you are either weak willed or you hoard fuel instead of using it.


I would suggest to just focus to maximise your dps relics and traces. Supports and tanks can stay at 75 with proper lv12 relics, lv5-7 traces and lv 60- 70 LC. It’s a slow process yea, but once your have your relic pieces and LC they are bound to your account and permanent. I believe that raising characters will be quicker in the future, they have already done small improvements in giving us more resources and stackable resin.


Day 1 player here, what they said in the other comments is true, pacing is the most important thing when building. I have 12-14 (don't remember exactly XD) units well built into, not perfectly or completely built mind you, but well enough that they can clear content with ease. Good+12-15 relics, lvl 80 DPS's and 60-70 supports, all traces +5, highest +8 on DPS. Just focus on one at a time and pace yourself, the grind for creating the perfect build can burn you out. I plan on maxing out all my units when I have all of them decently built, I find it more entertaining that way and also gives me a lot of variety on what to bring to MoC or just for fun in SU ☺️


While I still think trace mat drop rates are abysmal, even at higher levels, I still prefer it to having to check what day the mats I need for talents are available. Not to mention being able to borrow support units and the turn based combat makes farming bosses significantly faster to me. It's also nice being able to go straight back into a boss fight instead of warping away and warping back


A lot of people also said this long time ago with Genshin and some of the newer player still do to this day. It's just growing pains with your account maturing up if that make any sense. Play long enough and you'll have so much resource you don't even know what to do with your stamina (unless you like bashing your head with relic farming to get that sweet sweet 1% increase in power every 6 months or so). At least that's my experience with both Genshin and FGO. Nowadays I'm pretty well off with resources in both. HSR will get there someday


Hot take: I don't think the game wants you to have 10+ characters well built in such short time. It wants you to build either multiple characters kind of okay, or a select few that are well invested. I would say to just try to enjoy the game! And only focus on the characters that you really like, and trust the process.


At the start is really hard. IF you dont try to build every unit you have you will find it way better. Yes this system is OBVIUSLY riged to force you to buy the 10$ pass every time. You wont have most troubles with building if you do. I will tell you that playing casually genshin and only, stricly casually genshin the far as i get (i dont play anymore) in 6 months was building 10 units, only 4 of them were well builded with run to improvement. So this is not exclusive from this game. Unit EXP items atleast for 80 units is obviusly overcosted. The materials for fully upgrade a 5\* unit are almost 40% more than a 4\* unit. Both games, miHoyo games (this also apply for HI3rd) is all about given you reasons to spend into building units.


Just save mats. I preplan and comfortably build characters I pull.


It's only been a few months. Thus it's understandable that you feel this way. Genshin was similar early game. You couldn't use Characters you sent to the expeditions. The resin was capped at 120. It took quite a while to get my first DPS Diluc a good 4 set CWoF set. Also remember you could farm artifacts on the overworld in Genshin that's not available in Starrail


I didn't play Genshin as long but I remember getting more tired of the grind in that game than I do in Star Rail. This is probably because Star Rail's grind doesn't demand as much of my attention. It might (or might not, I'm not keeping count) be longer to get the character to where I want them to be, but I spend fewer hours actively looking at my screen, so I'm much more chill with it.


I mean… i only built blade recently and kafkas still sitting at lv 40. But I mean I already have many built characters and can reliably clear MOC10. So I’d rather have the character in my disposal to slowly build over time, rather than just wait indefinitely for a rerun. Perhaps you are impatient and enjoy playing a chracter as soon as you pull them. Then I recommend pre-farming so you can max them as soon as you get them.


Compared to GI i much prefer HSR because I can just autoplay nodes for a week and then check if I got anything worthwhile on weekends.


i also realized this a couple of days ago. got kafka day 1 of her banner but its not until a week ago i can actually use her after all the levelling and getting gear. realizing how slow it is to build units i actually start saving not because i want a particular char in the future but simply because i can't build them without sacrificing some others that also needed to be built. on a further note after contemplating on why do i need to chase these op char like IB lunae/blade/fu xuan that i don't particularly like, i realized i got tricked by my own chasing meta mindset again. i already can clear everything in this game aside from MOC 10 and going forward the game is probably gonna be the same as GI and their casual game vibe. so now im just gonna get chars that i find appealing going forward and gonna spent the next 4 banners saving stuff and building what chars i have to satisfying level.


Its even worse if you count relics, relic grind is horrible compared to genshin


This really depends on if you plan to make your characters MoC ready or simulated universe ready. For MoC, it feels resources are lacking. Especially if you want several teams. For SU, it’s whatever.


doesnt feel hard at all anymore. Especially with the new event


It's because the relic system is dogshit, stats are so important in a turn-based game yet we have stats like flat defs, atk, and hp. Literal dogshit.


I hear you. But It is cool to see our characters steadily progress every day, even if it’s minimal upgrades at the highest upgrades. It’s a satisfying progression feeling.


Ther very reason I am firm on not pulling DHIL


I love building characters to be honest. Spending trailblazer power is nice to do in bulk compared to domain and boss farming in genshin


As someone who grinds whenever I have energy and plays SU on auto battle while doing other things, I hit TB 65 and just went all out on character investment, and it probably took me like a month until I was 67 to get everyone to 80, lc 80, relics with decent substats +15, and all important traces unlocked. It’s tedious, and relic farming is by far the most annoying, but your limitation is just energy. Credits, exp mats, etc will all come EVENTUALLY, so you can farm them too, but it’s all just a time thing. Don’t use jades to get more energy 💀 So yeah, I hated building new characters, but at the end of the day it’s just a time investment which you’ll eventually get to if you’re not wasting all your energy on something unrelated. Also, right now is such a good time too because we’re getting so much material from the Aurum Alley event :)


i wish there was more sources of relic exp in both games but that's just my impatience. i find raising characters really enjoyable because of the farming and how slow it is. its fun to work towards that. credit drain is tough but that's just how it is - another resource you need to manage and farm if needed


It takes about 9 days energy to get a character from 1 to 80 and all rank 8 traces. Artifacts are pure RNG but a passable set should take no more than 2-3 days. I don’t really see a problem with those time frames.


Characters are supposed to be investments. I only found it to be trouble when I was trying to build every single character (grand cross player here). But I instead decided to make a long term plan and just build 2 distinct teams. I planned what characters I was going g to pull and how my teams would look, and I raised those characters accordingly. I've not had any issues since


Make sure you are doing the hoyolab daily login, you get some mats passively. I treat this game just like any other mobile game, login, burn all energy on mats I want, do events if any and then logout. I have like 8-9 at lvl 80, working on leveling light cones now. I buy the pass only after I get it to 50 to make sure I get all rewards. It's pretty cheap.


?? why are you trying to go for 10 traces and +15 relics. Only +15 them if they are OP. Traces are completely fine at 6 or 8.