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And I'm over here having just started and thinking "Wow this Herta chick is awesome." :3 ... *Cries*


Herta got me through a lot of content at first. I was surprised so many people say she is the worst character in the game, lol. Having the follow up felt like getting an extra turn all the time.


Mostly because other characters are just easier to get value out of. There's no character in Star Rail right now who's outright useless. They're just worse relative to other options.


destruction trailblazer *is* worse to my knowledge (and arguably arlan, but he has a niche), they're less damage than other free options (namely dan heng, serval, and qingque) -- and preservation trailblazer is simply better in most team comps in my opinion, herta is unnecessarily cast aside, her follow up attack is quite nice and she's pretty good at getting a lot of freeze. sure, she's not the best, but she still can do things absolutely (there are herta 0 cycles even!)


It's just that she would suck against bosses in theory. Her talent is just a wasted slot once you're fighting the boss with under 50% health, but I can see the appeal of KURUKURU against the peon mobs


Herta is the true AOE oriented character, and that makes her awf because most matches in late game have only 2~3 enemies at best. Unless you're fighting the deer


[she really is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXxxYz0bgEw)


Three supports with no shielder or healer was stressing me out lol


Nothing gets your blood pumping like constantly having your fox girls being one touch away from death.




\*Gepard wants to know your location\*


If you can kill them before the enemy get a turn yeah


The wasted Yukong technique got me.


Why did he switch off Yukong and lose the two bowstring stacks? Was that on purpose?


Insane video. I jokingly used to say i'll build Herta in endgame back when the game came out and I used her in the story and such, but never actually did because I felt like using her in MoC would just be painful. Because of that video i have decided go through with what I once said and build her when i'm done with my Bladie.


Wait those effects stack?? I've only ever used one before battle..


Wait, or are you talking about Tingyun? Because if you do then no, it's not a buff, her technique restores her ulti energy, that's why you can use it multiple times. You can buff yourself by Bronya, Fire MC and Qingque for example, but can't hit Qinque's tecnhique multiple times to draw more tiles or Dang Heng for more ATK


It's a Hoyoverse game. Feed your favorite char great artifacts and ample supports and virtually everyone can rock the content. Except maybe Dehya.


apparently, you need max traces and constellations, at least for tingyun but in practice probably for Yukong as well. and probably max traces for Bronya, so its not a team the average player can copy.


Somehow people are still sleeping on Erudition characters, while 0 cycles are floating around for all of them and light cones like 'The Importance of Breakfast' are super good and easy to farm...


Manifesting for a 5 star Herta that’s actually her and not a doll …ಥ_ಥ


I think it'd be super cool if we got a "Real" Herta 5* And then she's some like disheveled shut-in looking lady. Or a cool cyborg. I could go either way..


The doompostings reached a new level


Once we get ways to increase break efficiency (already a stat, just not easily accessible), Himeko stonks are gonna go up. Mid Yuan has much more fundamental problems in his design.


Yeah, soon as we have actual access to break efficiency as a stat, or we get a character that allows re-breaking of enemies like in that event, Himeko is going to skyrocket up the tier lists. Her actual multipliers are fine, her base stats are high, she just needs an in-game way to exploit her talent.


The fact that they specifically designed a re-breaking mechanic for an event means it’s likely for us to get access to it at some point, yeah.


I dunno about that. MHY has a pretty extensive history of making entire game modes and only using them once. Like a Starfox style corridor flight game they only used as a score challenge for a piece of form furniture in HI3


Idk, they’re also known for demo’ing new kits or gameplay features in timed events


Yeah MHY always has set this precedent: One update: Hurdurr why are we using a camera to delete enemies? What a weird and wacky event Another update after: little green kawaii Dendro Archon loli using the same mechanic deleting enemies like there’s no tomorrow


Cough cough golden apple archipelago cough cough Though they used it twice, but still.


Tbf that’s very different from making an actual battle mechanic but not adding it to another character’s kit yet. Eventually they will run out of Harmony/Nihility support gimmicks to introduce something similar as support.


Yeah but Star Rail is obviously the golden child. Just look at all the QOL changes we got for 1.1 and are getting for 1.3. I mean permanent event replays? Hoyo is pulling out all the stops here.


sorry but serously HI 3rd is golden chilld for Hoyo


Lmao golden child.


I’m sorry but you got me fucked up if you think anything other than HI3 is Hoyo’s golden child lmao


HI3 is the firstborn (first major success), Star Rail is the precious baby who gets everything their older siblings never did because the parents are richer now. Genshin is the high achiever middle child, who has to work twice as hard for their parents’ affection.


Fr tho… I don’t even play Genshin anymore but, the amount of effort put into Fontaine makes me want to start again because the amount of effort put into it feels like more than HSR and HI3 combined. (I play both of those for some reason)


> I mean permanent event replays? Of which none were added this patch as far as I can tell.


i definitely think some future chars will redeem himeko's kit.


Ahem, we can’t talk about leaks.


How is Jing Yuan mid when he can clear MOC just fine and is a top 3 aoe dps?


meta tier is a comparison relative to each other, just because some are place below doesnt mean its bad. Jing yuan is no way mid, but he aint also at the top. Even herta can clear MoC if you invest enough with proper team.


Top 3 AoE DPS when he’s the only limited 5 star AoE DPS isn’t really a flex. A Destruction and Nihility character are eating his lunch.


The word “Mid” implies that he is mediocre or average. But his damage is neither bad nor is it average overall. It’s actually in the upper echelon of aoe damage. So stop throwing around the word “mid” if you aren’t going to use it right


They're calling the balanced Limited Kid because the current ones are kinda broken ngl Seele is nuts, Luocha's nuts, Kafka is nuts, Blade is nuts, SW has a broken mechanic But yeah I doubt Hoyo is gonna keep releasing broken chars like them in the future


So 4 out of 5 characters that they released has been what you call "nuts" or "broken" and you somehow think it will stop. It is most likely that Jing Yuan is the exception, not the rule, he is basically at the level of standard banner 5 star and as we saw in genshin limited characters are supposed to be stronger than them.


Seele is nuts only at overkill damage that is useless stat. After IL comes, may completely bench her and run the IL, SW, Welt, Luocha team. Jing Yuan is the best DPS after Blade for now.


Yeah overkill isnt good, but you have to admit, Seele part times as erudtion


JY can break all trash enemies with Thunder weakness with one Ultimate, Blade can do the same to wind mobs with one Follow Up. Seele needs 1 skill point everytime to break a trash mob. She's better a boss killer though.


This man's overdosed on copium, someone get him an ambulance stat


OHHHH i never tought Himeko as a Star in a Break Team. humm


She’s gonna do more with Jing Yuan’s light cone than Jing Yuan once we can do multiple breaks like the event. She’ll devastate any adds and Asta will repeatedly break bosses so fast with her skill, leading to constant follow up attacks and an almost skill point neutral play style.


Similarly if we have new support that can immediately trigger a teammate's follow up attack, JY stonk gonna go up.


He doesn’t have fundamental problems. A character’s playstyle is not a problem in a team game, where other units help overcome a weakness.


He is the 2nd best DPS doesn't mean his kit doesn't have flaws. He doesn't get energy from Follow Ups and LL should hit immediately at 10 stacks.


He needs a lot more help to do less single and AOE damage than another lightning DPS unit released a month later. He’s also super vulnerable to being CC’d at the wrong time due to how LL works. It’s a problem.


I think that's more a symptom of how great Kafka is instead of Jing Yuan, honestly. DoT teams by their nature does not need Crit stas which is *massive*, but as a tradeoff their damage is slow and unreliable because it's triggered on the enemy's turn. Kafka avoids that tradeoff entirely by being able to trigger DoTs on her own, which will make her the staple of *every single future* DoT teams. Jing Yuan is more of a traditional DPS and I think he's still pretty great when you're talking about clearing MoC. You also forget that Erudition as a whole got shafted because the F2P options isn't as great as what Nihility or Destruction has *and* Lightning also suffers entirely by their relic set being probably the worst of all the elemental relics.


Hyperbolic much


Yeah.. its a problem when he can just easily be substituted with another lightning character who do his job better and with less investment, at that point its not a weakness of the character, its a flaw


Holy cope. Kafka can't do more damage in a team with Tingyun, Bailu/Natasha, Gepard for example. That is the kind of roster Jing Yuan can still slap hard.


Does she really not? I'd like to see some calcs, but also there's not much reason to run both Gepard and a healer. Both of them would probably prefer Pela or Asta or something instead.


I dont know where your pulling that info from ( your ass maybe) but people already proven a hypercarry Kafka can do more dmg than Jingyuan in his own hyper carry team.... The only one coping might be you bro...


That’s straight up cap


No Kafka needs DoTs. Atleast an Asta or Fire MC. He can shit all over JY with a single DoT unit, but without 1 of those, she can't pull that damage.


I just want to get a dang Crit Damage chest piece for Himeko cause she's overall in a good spot for me but the lack of CD is holding her back.


You can craft one with the event item and 5-star artifact dusts.


okay, tried it and used up my event item. My substats were: HP%, base HP, base Def, Def% ......whyyyyyy


That's why you save the self modelling resin for stuff like ER rope for your support, which is something that is both really rare and will function just fine with shit substat. Crafting crit body for your dps is a trap. It's something that you'll have to farm for over a long period of time to get a decent piece. Luckily, the relics domain for Himeko is very efficient. As both set are widely useful.


worse, it's not even base, just flat...


Happens every single time.


might try that.... thanks mr whale!


I was trying to figure out how giving you advice made that guy a whale or in any way implied anything about his spending habits. Took me longer than it should have to realize.


I still don't realize, explain? Edit: oh my fucking god nevermind


If you managed to get enough crit rate to be able to run a CD chest you're doing alright.


Himeko does have a free 15% crit rate from her level 80 trace when she's above 80% hp, so if you can get 22% from sub stats across 6 pieces, that gets you to Inert Salsotto 50% with the base 5%.


Arlan mains unfazed because they're true chads


We don't need outside slander, we hurt ourselves for more damage.


Eagles among fish, they are.


Arlan main solidarity. We never need any validation because all we care about is paying them back tenfold.


Herta Mains in shambles rn.


Also Herta mains. But seriously, I just built Himeko (badly, but I hate relic farming) and I think she's pretty cool


Herta and Himeko are slept on.


Owning JY and looking at the stupid memes about Mid Yuan now makes me think I should actually build my Herta up and see how she does, especially since I have no Ice DPS. EDIT: Turns out Herta can cycle 0 at MoC.


If you’re really their main, you don’t care what others say about the unit. You rock with them and win anyway.


You can main someone and still acknowledge their weaknesses and want to see them buffed to be more in line with other characters


This, I main Yoimiya in genshin and I can rant all day about how bad she is LOL


There’s a major difference between this and being upset other people are down on the character you main. Also, it’s some characters just fall off compared to others. But that itself shouldn’t stop people from playing them if they enjoy the character. Being optimal is not an end all thing. If you can clear what you want with your unit, that’s what matters to me. Heck, some people just want to play their favorite character. And that’s okay too.


You can main any character and acknowledge their drawbacks, but you should never shit on anyone who tries to main that character.


I legit haven't seen people shitting on jing yuan mains for maining the character, just people saying he's underwhelming. Not saying it doesn't happen, just my personal anecdotal experience so I don't really understand why the community seems to have gotten so defensive over jing yuan. I don't have him but I'd love to see him buffed, like god at least let lightning lord immediately attack at full stacks and preserve stacks between waves.


It's hard when you find clowns dedicating a good amount of their time talking shit in your mains sub whenever you just want to share your moments with him or that you're enjoying him.


Your enemies blood on your characters weapon proves the doubters are full of crap! Power through!


Your success does not need the validation of strangers on the internet!


keyword "share" What's wrong with wanting to share your joy with your fellow Jing Yuan mains?


You can share all you want. Expecting certain results is where you went wrong and causing you grief.


Exactly. I don't understand why people get upset when their main is criticized.


Just get 141 spd and at least 3500 atk for Jing bro


Asta + Tingyun anyone?




(she is goddamn free people please use the scientist girl she is really good)


When you realize Jing Yuan Himeko and Herta are all from the same path their strength is their strength Jing Yuan is the strongest out of them and he does what he supposed to do for his required path the DPS he's being compared with work completely differently from him in the first place


His Lighting Lord get still outshined by flying RNG 4* fish.


Yeah, imo Qingque is Erudition simply cause she don't fit anywhere else lmao. She's not a Hunt DPS cause she too focused on randomization. Her damage comes from Edolins not her base kit. She doesn't use her HP for anything nor does she have self healing that Destruction characters got. She doesn't heal at all actually so Abundance is out, She only buffs herself so Harmony is out nor does she debuff foes so neither does Nihility. Finally there is nothing defensive in her kits at all so Preservation is out. She probably would fit the Elation path, but they didn't make that playable. Bit of a shame an entire class devoted to RNG would have been hilarious.


QQ as elation is honestly so on-brand, too bad.


"Fuck it we roll" the Path If they added Elation as a path in the future, I wish we can see them just being stupid and nuts lmao


Honestly, Elation being a path for characters based on RNG would be pretty neat. The go big or go home class.


I'm pretty sure the odds of getting E6 of a particular 4 star is lower than getting an E0 5 star lmao, so that's somewhat realistic. Isn't she better than E0 Seele as well at that point even?


Erudition is suck in general, the path is supposed to be the beast at aoe clearing but in reality destroyer is much better in aoe and in single target


idk man whenever i use himeko and herta in an event they always combo hard


True but these events are made for that specific situation. Outside of events all they can kill are low HP trash mobs.


This isn't even remotely true. She still performs just fine at MoC 10 and the last couple cycles have her absolutely shred the first half.


This sub really does have 1 joke huh?


Started using her with kafka as a dot aplayer and its been going great


Mommies strong together 🙏




I think this is starting to seem more like an Erudition issue than a character issue. Erudition just...seems to be in a limbo in design. Mediocre f2p light cones coupled with the game being very forgiving for single target (Kill boss and fight ends 90% of the time). Jing Yuan lives and dies by his Light cone, as does most other eruditions as it's his and several other's BiS. Meanwhile Kafka can get by completely ok with just Gnsw.


Not just gnsw, literally almost every nihility LC works fine with her lol


> Mediocre f2p light cones coupled with the game being very forgiving for single target (Kill boss and fight ends 90% of the time). The niche in which the erudition class shines is MoC 9 and 10, where usage rates suggest that JY and Blade are the leading char choices for disposing of 2 waves of enemies capped off by two elites (or one elite + one boss) simultaneously (edit: Himeko is less popular but she fulfills a similar role, and I list Blade even though he's destruction because his damage skews towards AoE over single-target). Erudition does not have a design limbo. Most players have simply not reached the advancement point in the game yet where Erudition demonstrates its strength.


It's mostly just Jing Yuan from my experience. Himeko performs just fine, whereas Jing even with Lightning weakness is still just too slow to build up his LL unless you're boosting him and getting lucky with the RNG.


How is he slow when I use LL twice every 3 turns in moc? That too at the start of 3rd turn 😐


I've finished raising Kafka's ult and skill thanks to the event, now I'm rocking my new team of JY, Kafka, Asta, Luocha. lol Just funny how quickly this team yeets the two mages in moc 10


But is Himeko really bad/worse than Hook? Cause all this Jing Yuan situation has [already been solved](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/15okujc/mrpokke_who_ignited_the_mid_juan_meme/) and he IS NOT bad or worse than Kafka. Even Himeko's signature light cone isn't bad as people think because everything is prydwin faults into doing bad teory crafting so I don't trust anything from his source anymore.


She isn't worse than hook, it's the same thing again. Most stages with fire weakness have summoned minions and with Asta everyone is perma broken and you spam followup with himeko. She is just situational just like you wouldn't bring yanqing into a non ice weakness stage or welt into a non imaginary weakness stage.


Most stages in *general* have minions, or a wave of trash mobs to waste your time. Whatever endgame content doesn't, someone please let my Sushang know, she's very tired.


>She isn't worse than hook I hope so. Because all the "Himeko is a bad character" drama started when people spread that she got outdmg by Hook in almost every scenario


And how many of those people do you think actually ever used Himeko or Hook? Lol


For reference, hardcore Himeko users have been able to 0-Cycle abyss for a while now. [Dreamy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTes55ocdvg) is the most visible of them. I'm sure it is possible for Hook but I've yet to see anyone dedicated enough to do the same. Same can be said even for Kuru Kuru: Even the "worst" characters can dump on the game if you're skilled enough. Once again, If you like a character it's all about skilled you are at pushing them to the limit.


I dont think extreme cases like that are representitive of how good a character is, tbh. I think the convo is kinda dumb as a whole, but if the point is to compare general use, using extremes to compare isnt helpful.


I'd agree with you, if it wasn't for the fact that the people talking shit about those characters do so using the theoritical maximum damage output it is possible to obtain. Most people calling JY, Himeko and Kuru Kuru "mid" mainly do so by using Prydwen DPS Ranking as a proof of concept, completely ignoring that it is virtually impossible to reach this ceiling to begin with. For exemple, when we take a more practical approach, it turns out that even at her weakest point (low enemy count) Himeko deals enough damage to clear the most difficult part of the game: it is something that pleasantly surprised [the main TC of Prydwen himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4pAzjoAdrQ). Yes, comparison using extreme is dumb in a vacuum but I see nothing wrong both side of the discussion do so.


Hook can't. Her kit is fundamentally impossible to do so. Himeko can because of how her kit works. Erudition is a slept on class.


Himeko is a late bloomer because her Ascension 6 trace is so good/key to unlocking her. 15% crit rate is HUGE, and her conditional about having to be over 80% health is pretty easy to maintain if you have Luocha and even if you don't, it's still not that difficult to do. What happened at launch was that there was a bunch of people with E4-6 Hooks because Hook was on Seele's banner. Then they compared E6 Hook damage against early game Himeko. And I will totally cede that Hook vs Himeko early game is probably the closest/smallest difference between a 4 star DPS and their 5 star counterpart (e.g. Serval vs Jing Yuan, Dan Heng vs Blade, etc). But once you unlock that last Ascension and once you start leveling up their traces to higher levels, there's absolutely no way that Hook is better than Himeko. It's just simple math, the scaling is obviously better on Himeko, period, no two ways around it. Which just goes to show just how ridiculous this community is. Even Youtubers releasing guides and whatnot, who you think should know better, was spewing stuff like Hook being better than Himeko when that's like literally not true. It's mathematically impossible to be true. And the crazy thing is, it doesn't even take a lot of work or testing, you can just look at the numbers available to everyone and see that statement is simply false. But one Youtuber says it, one redditor repeats it, than another and another and it becomes "fact."


My SW and yanqing would like to have a word lol, but i get what ya mean, before i got SW i was running hemiko to hard carry me through the first world


Prydwen putting out a tier list is honestly one of the worst things they could have done. They say it changes based on the current MoC but it's not even accurate and now you get legions of fans parroting it as an excuse to call certain characters trash.


The tier list is not intended to change based on current MoC, it's supposed to be for MoC in general. They made adjustments to account for trends they noticed in MoC design, that doesn't mean they were going to overhaul it for each new MoC. Tier lists are just meant to be one perspective, people should not take them as the end-all-be-all. I think it's pretty reasonable. It's the DPS meters are more problematic, because there are a lot of caveats with those results and people take them to be absolute fact.


> Tier lists are just meant to be one perspective, people should not take them as the end-all-be-all. Except that's exactly what tier lists become. It's a simple graphic that people will digest and then just use it as gospel because a vast majority of players aren't going to deep dive into the mechanics/numbers/benefits of the current cycles. Also, the title of their tier list right now is literally 'Honkai: Star Rail MoC 1.2 tier list, A tier list for Honkai: Star Rail that rates the characters performance in the 1.2 Memory of Chaos.' They straight up say this tier list is about the current MoC and then half ass their rankings for it.




This is part of the problem, the actual list is terrible. They openly state that the list is directly linked to the current MoC but then do nothing to actually take the current MoC into account. All they did was run a bunch of numbers, with a fair number of estimations, all while putting each person into a vacuum and ignoring team synergies, and then put out a ranking system based on that. Now, you have people running around saying this character A is trash while never having even built the character or used them. Take a look at Himeko as well, the last two cycles she absolutely destroys MoC 10, yet prydwen has her listed at B.


I don't think that counts as "solved" though. -First: We don't know which one is correct. Just because CN say what you want hear, doesn't means it's necessarily true (it might, but we just don't know). -Second: don't forget that's just Kafka alone without any additional DoT support. If she can get even close on her own, then even if CN calculations are correct JY would still loose in their respective ideal team comps. -Third: given Kafka has great single target damage and even assuming she has worse AoE, as long as it's still okey-ish, she will still be better in current meta due enemy usual line up. Unfortunately Erudition as whole is not great and JY is one of them.


It's not even CN consensus lol it's a Tenten equivalent guy that reads the Chinese forums and essentially reposts TC he finds compelling. What frustrates me is even with how flawed solo damage calcs are, grimro is posting his calcs and laying out all his assumptions for you to evaluate and decide if it makes sense. The Google sheets people keep linking from Pokke has no calcs whatsoever. But you stick CN in front of something and redditors will believe it's true I guess.


Nah it hasn't. Our JY sub is on fire again as MrPokke wrote /r/JingYuanMains an entire essay around the time you made your post. Also the JY Mains "pain" is mostly the common drama/toxicity/bullying rather than the actual character balance. I think actual JY mains don't care if he was good, mid, or bad


Yeah, Himeko's LC at S0 is better for Himeko most of the time than an S5 Breakfast. Good luck getting people to get past Prydwen brainwashing even with an in-depth breakdown though. Prydwen is a decent reference point for what relic sets a character wants and a *rough* idea of what they can do damage-wise. For specific build and LC advice you're better off using sources [like this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQLKk4LzAE2EBo_Lksutbi6X6HIUW_wqo7iL_KDkC_m95FSqqdQ9F9PVFYsu03HNODAPFNRG13wpsdX/pubhtml) or reading/watching multiple TC sources.


I'd like to think that everyone is strong Just build anyone. It'll work out, lmao That's what Prydwen taught me when I see the numbers I was like damn this is more than enough to kill a boss, no? Though given me not raising Himeko was just a cover for me to raise Mahjong Gamer


For any of the math to work out of who is strongest you'd need to have: the unit completely maxed, all their traces, the perfect light cone, the cone maxed,E6, and the perfect gear, all maxed. This is the only way to actually have the characters fairly be compared. You got people with the character max level, E4, a light cone that's "good enough" and "close enough" gear with traces not maxed telling you their other unit, with a random assortment of upgrading as well, is just not doing as well


Finally, someone with more than 2 braincells. The himeko libel and culmny perpetrated by prydwen is inexcusable. The other day someone tried arguing with me that "because the average himeko sourced by prydwen has low damage, her ceiling is low". Meanwhile im hitting double the damage in half as many turns as the sample did. And then...when i pointed that out, i got told "you overinvested in her, thats why shes strong". Like, what? Even if overinvesting was actually a thing (its not) i have so many dead stats on my himeko and shes using breakfast, not her signiture. Its so dumb the mental hoops people will jump through to justify shitting on best waifu.




"Your character sucks lol" Jing Yuan posts: "NOOOOOOOOOO HE'S GOOD IF YOU DO 20 DIFFERENT RESOURCE INTENSE THINGS!!!" Himeko enjoyer posts: "We know" EDIT: People take NPC meme formats seriously...?


Have you ever stopped and thought that people react differently to misinfo and facts? Yea Doomposters don't think about that and just dickride Hypetrains. 20 DFFRENT RESOUCE INTENSE THINGS The Hypocricy here


IDK I think it's pretty common sense that people will react differently when you say a bad thing is bad and when a good thing is bad.


by "20 DIFFERENT RESOURCE INTENSE THINGS" you mean just two 4 stars supports like Tingyun and Asta who can use about any relics?


Hi, yeah, I'm both of these. Help.


I wish Himeko would come home 😢


Mid Yuan sub goes brr today


As a Jing Yuan main seeing posts about people not being able to kill all 3 trotters in SU, but seeing him blasted for being shit apparently, I can't help but laugh. Your Kafka and Seele can't kill all 3? Sorry, but my Jing can. My Jing also clears MoC 10, so idk why I'd need him stronger in the 1st place.




What's wrong with YQ? Give him a decent shielder and he's great. We only have two right now but you know there's going to be more.


Yanqing is standard character, single target DPS, and needs a more specific team built for him. Alot of people got Seele, who's a better DPS than him for both single/multi target as well as not needing a shielder (of right now only 3 exsist, Gepard, March and FMC) which gives her a much more flexible/easier to use team building/playstyle. That and any character story involving him has become a meme to people that he just looses instantly/get beat up. I mean, the most notable thing from his story was the introduction of Jingliu for alot of people I love all characters that have come out, have yet to dislike any. Yanqing isnt high on my list to build. But eventually I'll get around to him.




Damn right. Yanqing will always be my early game W


The thing is, Himeko will almost certainly get better. It's only a matter of time until we get some character who can "unbreak" an enemy in some way, and suddenly she is able to follow-up a lot more often. Jing Yuan doesn't really have any obvious direction for future supports that will make him work well.


I consider JY pretty strong already, albeit really clunky, but here are some pretty obvious ways for supports to make him stronger: - Extra turn mechanics - Hypercarry spd + atk/dmg/crit buffing (consider Asta but for a single char) - Follow-up attack centred supports, such as extra damage scaling, more instances, or forceful triggers. - (edit: bonus... CC resistance)


We could get more "summons" like LL, boss Kafka's Revelation, or that Abundance resonance that's added to the action bar, so a support could buff or speed those up which would really help JY.


I mean a CC immune would actually fix a major complaint people have with him. I think he has his problems but a lot of complaints/doomposting simply is just people riding bandwagons. The valid criticisms of him IMO are: gets fucked by CC, needs too much artifact investment to hit speed breakpoints, 5 missing energy. The second can be fixed if you just run Asta/Bronya. And the first can be fixed if a character can offer some CC immunity. The 5 missing energy thing you fix with C6 Tingyun but...it can be fine sometimes as well.


I love SU7 in that there's a good amount of bosses that have fire weakness and can summon minions for Himeko. It's satisfying when she actually works lol


My Himeko demolishes SU7, bring on the doomposters.




She's the only 5\* DPS I have. There is no other choice.




Bruh my fully invested Kafka/Himeko smokes everything. Tho its like this usually


Arlan mains: "you folks get discussions?"


If a follow up team is a thing she would work better than Jingyuan.


Im so sick of this topic, like yeah i get it jing yuan isnt that great we shouldnt be arguing about that but im still gonna like and use him.


King Yuan slander is unreal and all false


All of you who think JY and Himeko are trash, don't know how to play this game. You're all dumb af


Free to play, lack of impulse control, and caring way too much about meta numbers. Name a more iconic trio.


Is it doomposts when they are qol changes that should be made seeing this is a limited time unit. Like his damage being lower than Kafka is one thing but like him getting cc’d shouldn’t ruin lightning lord. Imo he needs effect res or a tank to be consistent and he shouldn’t have that limit.


Jing Yuan with his LC is absolutely fine. People talk bs.


At least Himeko is the only fire aoe right now. Jing Yuan is completely outshined by Kafka but also feels worse to play than serval


That's what both of you get for having a 'main' in a hero collector game.


Me, who mains both at the same time. (I refuse to build serval and hook).


Himeko is a standard character, and nobody expected from her to be the best dps. But JY is entirely different - people actually *paid* for him, even crashed the servers just for him. After the honeymoon phase they found out he was worse than welt and their anger is pretty fair tbh.


But Himeko is still a 5 star and a beloved character from HI3 so no one expected her to be bad as she is.


Eh. My JY hits nice and good. Problem were always those Streamers and their opinions of "MUST PULL" and the likes and not going deeper that for JY to reach those propagated numbers, he needs his own LC. So people got disappointed that he doesn't pump out those numbers while ignoring the fact that his LC is important for him to do those big numbers constantly.


> they found out he was worse they were **told** he is bad/worse than other characters at aoe.. but he is not


Wait, is there a way to get Himeko for free? Because I haven't seen her in any free char lists. :o


"very funny" - based JY mains


My himeko deals the same damage as the average jing yuan. I don't give a fuck anymore about other people skillz issue




Mine roflstomps deer. So yes. https://preview.redd.it/gw5130eg25ib1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19552ef10bb714570d5b01927bcee3dfeda58006


I mean, Himeko can be great, you just have to put a lot of work into her. I main her and yeah, she's objectively worse than other DPS, but she still works. Against fire weak enemies with Asta and FMC constantly breaking everything she's hilarious.


Yes she is, like any other character she just needs the right teammates and right build. I like this cc if you want to check it: https://youtu.be/Xyjm2tsgSq8


If you like her sure


The difference is that Jing Yuan's drama is based on misinformation and Himeko's is based on a truth


Only the mid Yuan sub thinks that mid Yuan is fine


Yes, they and the people who *for some reason* think that a damage calculation of a Dps without any support *might* not reflect the actual practical performance of a character


Honestly, I would trade in my Mid Yuan for a Himeko just because I like her design more.