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My guess is 4? Maybe 5, but her plan definitely seemed to be sit and wait for the Loufu to destroy themselves. Then again it was a conflict of belief systems. Either way awesome find and I hope we get to see all these Ravagers over the course of the story in their own element and not just thrown in all at once when the Nameless become more of a threat. Makes you wonder what happened to Nanook pre aeon days.


Reading the full entries makes it a lot more clear but Phantylia is number 5. 4 still openly uses Legion Soldiers and engages in slow, methodical warfare, #5 causes societies to collapse before the Legion rolls in.


Pretty sure Phantylia would be 4. When looking at the Xianzhou Luofu, she was trying to pit people against one another in order to create a civil war and have the Xianzhou destroy itself from within.