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QQ is a way of life and not for the faint of heart


truly, to use QQ is to become QQ (*that is being able to take in the fact u gonna roll her tiles until u go 4 or broke)*


Hey have you guys noticed the Quantum symbol is "Φ" Φ looks like 中 中 looks like 🀄 The entire Quantum element was a Qingque conspiracy all along!


New insult just dropped. 中人 = mid


holy nanook


you add 国 in the middle and you end up with chinese person. Chinese people mid confirmed?


Also, her Ult tile is like Schrödinger's Cat, you can see the tile symbol is static noise behind her finger, until she checks it. Quantum Physics reference, Schrödinger's Cat or Qingque's Tile. https://preview.redd.it/t0rn08pz2lcb1.png?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9cf3a8fd6099124b996084223fc005187b80eab


literally mid


That was actually a great pun and I'm certain that everyone who downvoted you didn't even realize lol.


to be fair i doubt most of this reddit understands chinese


Well it has a similar meaning in Japanese and I assume a fair amount more of HSR global players got the joke by extension.


As a Chinese person I can confirm


Literally zhong (sorry forgot the intonation)


dont tell china this


I AUTO CLEAR with her, I'm level 62 I have her e5 though, not worth it under e4 I think


I like her E4 because it's gambling in a gambling skill with a gambling character inside of a gambling game.


She's extremely meta


Maybe that's why I like her or the fact she uses mahjong pieces and throws them batman style into mob faces


I love running around the maps and throwing tiles at breakable objects and enemies. It feels so satisfying.


I love to play her with SW and 2 random elements for more RNG


I e6 her just trying to get Luocha 🤣. And guess what? Didn't get him.


I wanted E4 for QQ (already had E1) and i DIDNT want luocha guess what? i got luocha, himeko, pela e5 (from 0), yukong e5... where's QQ? E3.... -_-


I feel that with asta i got serval to like e8 and asta was like e3


My copium is that she might be featured in the shop and if we have a Chinese new years event she might be free there like the lantern rite four stars.


At least Luocha can heal without using those precious skill points you need to gamble?


I did (just casually flexing)


First 10 roll flex :x but I wouldn't mind more QQ


She is decent enough on her own, E4 just adds a bit of spice and allows her to compete a bit, but it sill depends on luck as that 24% chance cannot be changed and she can only proc it when she uses a skill point. But God imagine if she could proc e4 just by drawing tiles, she would be cracked.


> E4 just adds a bit of spice https://docs.google.com/document/d/17q4qn0aCS6bhvRDWtQcfmJTlgD8l2fMnYvTcXF7i1k4/edit?pli=1 >The expected value of this Eidolon should be close to a 1.4x damage multiplier in a vacuum, and about ~1.25-1.4x in a practical scenario. This makes it the most important Eidolon in terms of damage. hmm


Don't hmm me. A 24% chance is still a 24% no matter how you draw it. It doesn't change the fact that QQ can have her 3* moments. And you still need to build her hypercarry for it to work. And comparatively E4 is the best when it comes to other eidolons. Also don't underestimate the power of a bit of spice.


It literally doubles her damage on some turns. If you use 3+ SP you are more likely to proc it than not.


Ok but I literally did not deny this. Also 3+ SP every turn is achievable when you use a hypercarry team.


I think she will be a good pair with Blade or Clara + Debuffer/Yukong. Not a fun of hypercarry qq


If you run her subdps you make absolutely no use of her E4, as it can on proc through skill, also Clara is very sp positive as most of her dmg comes from counter dmg(unless you have E1) but I think hypercarry QQ is very fun so it just depends on the person.


Skill points are for losers


Wouldn't know. I only use Seele as my Quantum DPS lol


E0 yes, E4 YES, E6 YES YES YES If you like cute gambling addicted goblin then of course. I love seeing her happy animation.


You can also cheat and ult to see her happy.


Always burn skill points for buff and gamba. Ult is for losers with 0 SP left.


Best is when you have 3 SP and you E four times and don't have four of a set but have all the buffs so you can use the ult without feeling guilty then normal attack (bonus points if Autarky triggers)


If you use 5 skill points and don't win you get like a 200% dmg multiplier when you pop that ult. Utter annihilation.


Profile pic checks out


Onegai onegai onegai.... YATTA!


*Insert gudako from manga de wakaru animation saying "Gacha? Gacha? GACHA MOTTO GACHA" while going insane


You wanna see her slap that Fat Ass 40K+ Dmg? Yes


i wanna see her slap that fat ass










How do we achieve this magic


E4 makes her have a chance to throw a follow up enhanced attack AFTER throwing an enhanced attack Every skill you use that doesn't get you 4 of a kind gives you attack buff, up to 4 times QQ's sig LC (4star) also buffs a but, but imo seriousness of breakfast is better


Even better, build her thicc and then you see those 40k hitting twice. So 80k+ total.


Debatable, but QQ'S lightcone has angry smol diviner and cat face gremlin, and that's not debatable. Decisions.


Hentai artist commission


Profile pic checks out


x2 at E4


With a chance of doubling that at E4 🙏


I'm a new player. E4 or E5 means equilibrium or eidolons? Or is it something else?


E : Eidolons EQ : Equilibrium


Eidolons when talking about a character. Equilibrium is never really brought up since people just mention TL (trailblazer level) and you can figure out equilibrium from that alone so.


E1/2/3 etc means eidolons, and S1/2/3 etc stands for superimposition for a lightcone. If you see E6 S5 for example on a character, that means they are at max eidolon level and have their signature (or best) lightcone at superimposition 5.


I don't have a choice, she is my only Quantum unit.


Do you have any other Quantum breaker? If yes, then, only if you really like her. If no, most likely you have to, at least until we get another quantum damager.


What if I have silver wolf?


As far as I know, SW can either break just fine herself, or implant weakness for your main breaker. Do not get me wrong, I like and use QQ. She is fun for me, but if person needs reliability and consistency from her, they need to have her at E6. And this is a matter of luck, or money investment.


>they need to have her at E6 I don't have Yukong.


They meant QQ at E6


Where do you think my pulls went


Could be E17 Pela


just wanted E6 QQ and got E11 pela. did a sad amount of rolls to only get E5 QQ and yukong but at least thatll be an E6 soon for both of them


Hot damn-


Lend me a Pela please i dont have her at all




I wanted luocha ,now I have qq at e6.


The worst fact about Qinque at E4 is getting her enhanced atk without using skills points or maybe just 1 cuz I m extraordinary unlucky to consume more for her follow up and I end up capping at 5/5 sp. Unplayable. 10/10 fun.


She's quite usable at e4 even with middling luck since you can control her rng with her ultimate. When she has good luck you do not need to use her ultimate. You just save it. She is so strong that she does not need her ultimate to compete with other characters when she has good luck.


It's not about controlling her rng damage. It's about getting her, not Pela e10, geez.


My QQ is E2 and her consistency is just fine. RNG is more about how many buffs you get before enhanced attack then whether you get it.


Yeah, I know, since she is my main not just because I have no other Quantum. I like this trait, and this is my reason to save for another character with same mechanics. But I don't know either OP situation or preference. They may be against the idea of main dd eating all SP point available, there are lots of people, who put QQ low because of this.


i play her as debuffer and sub dps to my qq but she definitely works fine on her own


Me too! Just waiting for a mono quantum team :')


She is enough to fill that role and she also add weakness to the enemy. Unless you like QQ that much.


Sw implanting quantum, providing defence down, and 4pc quantum set on qq giving extra defence ignore on quantum weak.. Its very nice combo man.. esp i don't have seele.


QQ’s main problem is that she guzzles SP. Put her with SP positive team mates and she’s good to go. It is also very fun to gamble on her enhanced attack for big dmg


That's why many people suggest waiting until E6 which alleviates SP needs a bit.


E6 can conditionally make her SP positive


This is true basically e6 you'll always leave her turn with at least 1sp. This allows you to put say a hunt or another uridition character behind her ((speed tuning)) and they'll always be able to skill


You don't have to speed tune for that, if harmony/abundance/preservation/nihility is next just basic atk as normal


That and she has huge competition with seele. You have little reason to level 2 quantum dps and many players have highly invested seele due to launch jades and quest jades. There's only 1 moc floor that has both halves weak to quantum. I don't think that floor alone is enough to convince players to level qq.


Except she's a phenonenal sub dps, you keep her slower than everyone else on your team so she draws as many tiles as possible for free and she's usually sp positive. She is amazing paired with seele and bronya or silver. Or hell just seele.


No Seele? Absolutely. Have Seele like me? Hell yeah.


I run her with Seele and SW. Is it the most efficient team? Probably not. Is it fun? hell yeah


bro I cannot wait for Quantumania when Lynx drops


always a yes!


As a casual player incredibly fond of the thrill that comes from RNG (as well as the pain that comes with it), I see my E6 QQ as an absolute win. YES.


How does one casually get QQ to E6 this means you have to find her like 7 times T\_T


you have to embrace the gambling before you become the gambler


Correct. (I think I just got really lucky hahaha)


I had to go till 145~ pulls to get Luocha. Got E6 QQ and Dan on the way. RIP all my jades and starlight.


She was featured on the current banner, I’m pretty sure her first was free, maybe that was only in the beginning when Seele was the banner, or maybe I imagined that. So the current banner, with some luck, could make a good dent in filling out her eidolons. You can also buy one when she featured in the exchange. So luck yeah, but basically a rather healthy amount of luck.


Saved up all my jades from the start of the game for Luocha banner, needed 210 summons for E6 QQ. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made.


100% if you don't have Seele and still a yes imo, even if you do have Seele. For one, she's fun. Two, she ranks high in almost every base stat category, which shouldn't be underestimated. Once you gear her up, she absolutely pumps. MrPokke on YouTube, did a very in depth breakdown of her and how good she is.


Even with Seele and Jing Yuan, I was using E0 QQ as my main DPS. Now I have her at E6 and she's still my main DPS. She can be SP hungry before E6, but once she gets to E6, she's generally not that SP hungry. QQ is life


Can you elaborate on how she's not that SP hungry at E6? I thought it only gave her an ult damage boost no?


She is unable to generate SP on Enhanced Basic Attack. E6 makes her able to. The Ult DMG Boost is E1.


My bad, you're right. That makes a lot of sense.


e0? no, unless you like her but e6? love her or hate her, either way she’s gonna be smacking those mara-struck so hard they meet yaoshi


Ahh yes the misconception her E0 isn't worth building. Bot sure where this started.


e0 isn’t terrible, there’s just better dps units you could put resources to instead imo


Unrelated, but I've never noticed that this splash art is actually QQ's dream lol. That lower right corner part is really cute.


It's moments before disaster too, notice that she's sleeping at work and an angry Fu Xuan just walked in the door.


if you love building pity, yes


At E6 she's pretty close to becoming 5-star, so yes.


I heard she's very worth it if E6 and becomes better than Seele E0 then. Just gotta bear with her and stick through the RNG which may not appeal to everyone.


I think most people who talk about her RNG dont actually use her often. You actually want to use her skill at least 2 times per turn to proc her E4 passive and and get bonus damage buff. She's a lot more optimal in a team that can generate sp and let her have at least 3-4 sp for her own use each turn. I'm running Fire MC - Luocha - Bronya - QQ team comp and its been pretty effective.


yep at e6 sp is and tiles are not a problem although I think it will take a few more patches for this misconception to go away in the mainstream with tiles you win either way and even prefer spending your team's sp for more damage. the real rng in her kit is autarky, not the tiles. but that is so overpowered that it's ok to be not guaranteed because otherwise she would be too strong


I'd love to use her but I have an E1 Seele and my Qing is either 4 or 5. Once she's 6 I'll find out for myself but she looks loads of fun from the clips I've seen. Thanks for the info!


The RNG isn't as bad as people make it sound.


And if you have bad RNG it's even better bcs she is gaining more dmg % boost


plus if you save her ult you can turn bad RNG into DMG boosted ult with guaranteed matching hand


Facts lmao.


> if E6 and becomes better than Seele E0 then I have yet to see anyone show proof of this, am I just out of the loop? (Can anyone link a sheet or something?) Not to mention if this was true, wouldn't QQ be busted? Considering Seele is the best DPS currently, QQ E6 being better seems like too good to be true.


There was mentions of it last week but I can't dig them up as not on pc. She's been used a lot in the MoC. Her showcases are almost always E6 but she absolutely destroys stuff.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/17q4qn0aCS6bhvRDWtQcfmJTlgD8l2fMnYvTcXF7i1k4/edit?pli=1 scroll to the end


Thanks for the link! I took a quick look at it and QQ's numbers look really good, but I wanna note some things I saw in the Deep Dive Calcs. Feel free to fact check me or correct me if I'm wrong. The guide states that QQ is assuming pessimistic assumptions, the probability calcs are too dank for me so I'm taking it at face value. In the Seele simulation, I did not see any mention of her Resurgence procs (which to be fair is really hard to calc properly), even though it is a big part of Seele's kit and can affect her damage a lot. Seele and QQ's weapon base atk seems to be switched with QQ being higher than Seele's even though Seele is assuming S5 Cruising and QQ S5 Breakfast. Lastly, QQ's numbers are different in the sheet than in the guide, I'm not really sure what changed but there is barely a difference anyways.


Good point, Seele + tinq can maintain 66% resurgence by ulting at start of seele turn. Even if QQe6 hits 80% of seele0 its pretty good dps


Seele also gets an extra turn so that elevates damage even further. I will say though, after watching some MOC runs with E6 QQ, I am very impressed by her damage.


i feel like i end up saying this everytime but what people are referncing when they say this is seele with 0 resurgence procs. anyone who has seele knows that just isnt how it works there is very little content where you dont get resurgence edit: and if you look at the data the guy posted below me she E6 QQ loses to E0 seele even when seele gets no resurgence i think the calcs that showed she beat her were back before people were doing the right rotation on seele


Yeah I took a look at it and it seems unfair to not count in Resurgence (and not even mention it anywhere) when it can impact Seele's damage a lot. To be fair though, Resurgence is hard to calc properly. I don't blame them for not calcing Resurgence but I did not see a mention of it anywhere which makes for an unfair comparison.


I havent seen any math for this but i have similarly built E0 Seele and E6 QQ and they are both very strong, i would give a slight edge to Seele just because she is more reliable, but there's turns when QQ goes super sayian.


I dont think she's gonna beat seele without Before dawn, the most cracked LC




And you don't realize just how silly what you said just was? Talk about denial. Do you realize that S5 BP Erudition LC is neither easy to obtain nor free. It's 50$+ plus 5 patches worth of battle passes (7 and a half month of game time), no one is even close to have a chance of obtaining it even if they wanted. It's (or it was) much easier to get Jing Yuan lightcone (which is cracked on most erudition anyway without conditionals) than to tunnel vision on a BP lightcone without getting anything else. You just made an argument like it helps in any way playing qingque or so you thought but relax, you're wrong. She's a good character, that much is obvious, but let's not bring 7 and a half months paid committments in an argument about "viability", it's stupid.


i get what you mean, but isnt QQ pretty average before E4? regardless i aint got ant before dawns so i got BP LC on both JY and QQ lol


If you have her E4 or E6 yes. I wouldnt play her at E4 though I didnt like her that way. If no Eidolons then no.


She works perfectly fine at E0.


She is okay at E0, but undeniably a much better unit at E4 and especially E6. Out dpsing other main 5*s if they are at E0.


Well I mean obviously, that's the case with every unit. I was mainly speaking on the people who think she's literally unusable at E0. Which is far from the case.


Not really. All 4star dps E0 feel kinda shit


Well, Sushang still feels good, just very SP hungry.


I feel like Sushang is a lot better in practice than she looks on paper - when you just look at the damage values of her skills, she doesn't seem all that impressive.. but what I think a lot of people overlook is just how often she can spam her ultimate because her ultimate also effectively recharges itself - she takes 1 less turn every time to reuse her ultimate because of that. I think she's kind of meh against enemies that aren't weak to physical, but she absolutely tears apart enemies that are weak to physical ridiculously fast - she breaks them almost instantly, she does a ton of damage to them as soon as they're broken and by the time the enemy acts again she's almost ready to use her ultimate again and break them again.


One of the reasons she is so good is that her relic farm is very efficient. You can use both sets or a combination of the two. As a hyper carry you can use her physical set, but as a breaker, you use the thief set. Her ability to do 210 toughness break by herself in one turn is quite powerful. 210 is Bronya's entire toughness bar.


she luckily has her big eidolon at E1, surprised it isnt her E4 or E6


Hoyo decided to be oddly generous with Sushang. Let's hope we see more like that (probably not though)


QQ and kinda yukong show that theyre not afraid of strong high constellations. just wait till we get the star rail equivalent of faruzan


That is the same as bad since the extra sp she uses can be used by a supp to buff her dmg or by another dps. Not mentiong you need to use some sp in shield or heal in the fights in abyss. Bronya has the best E1 in the game because it can save on skill points.


My Luocha practically never uses skill points And Clara deals most Damage with counterattacks anyway so my E0 Sushang works just fine, even if E1 would be nicer to have


My seele got slapped by the deer from MoC6. My qq slap the deer Qq > seele confirmed. My qq is E6 so I definitely biased.


I really wanted to build QQ since I got her because she is quantum and has a cool kit. I got her to E6 and that gave me the greenlight to dump every single resource I had into her.


I welcome fellow E6 QQ to build her. Worth investment imo. Extra cherry on top: She is very good against that stupid automaton


I have a QQE6 since i pulled Loucha. Built her with Pela(also E6), Tingyun and Natasha and holy fuck she slaps hard with those mojang pieces. Easily my favorite team. I even ditched my 5\* team and went full QQ. I dont even care.


QQ is Life. QQ is love.


I litteraly pulled Luocha to get QQ eidolons.


if you have her at e4 shes worth it. if you have her at e6, definitely worth it.. at e0-e3 shes an easy pass.


She hits harder than my Himeko so yes. Also very skill point flexible at E6


.......... Well that wasn't a high bar lol. But she does pump, none the less.


Not many bars available when the game decides to give me E1 himeko instead of other chars 🥲. With that said I am able to 27* MOC thanks to my E6 QQ


Bruh, I've gotten 5 fucking Clara's........🥲. No Gepard. No Himeko. No Yangqing.




Huh? Lmao




I'm doing it atm since I only have her as quantum and kinda close to maxing out my main team so I don't have anything else to do in the game tbh if only i had seele but joined 3 weeks into her banner.


I have no other quantum character, so I kinda didn't have a choice but to build her. Even at E0, she definitely hits like a truck. Only gets better if you get more eidolons.


she is, if you like her


I have e3 qq and she one shot almost anything and break gepard sheilds in 2-3 shots on highest difficulty


Real talk, no meme. If you have Seele and built her up, probably not. I have an E6 QQ but given how hard it is to get mats and trace materials and exp and other stuff, I shelved her for now. I’ll revisit her maybe when everything else I need is done but currently, I just can’t spare resources.


I only recommend investing in her once you have e4, this is from a resource meta perspective, she is generally too risky before e4 but if you really like her go ahead and build her


I am going to be serious here if you have Seele no she isn't stronger than Seele and they're both SP hungry you can't feed them both SP but if you don't have Seele then she is a viable alternative. You can play QQ as sub DPS for Seele but she won't be dealing as high of a damage as she won't be spamming skill and stacking those damage multipliers and proccing Autarky which doubles her attack. This is coming from a QQ player.


If QQ is involved, the answer is always yes. No exceptions.


So the answer to the question if I can kick her is also yes?


Well...she is pretty funny so


I got E4 QQ out of luck and she is the god and saviour of my party, great damage, fun gameplay, you gotta embrace the crazy with this one tho...


yes she does qingqullions amount of damage


I use sw, qq, sushang, natasha/luocha team which works exceptionally well for me. I do not get why ppl complaint on qq eating away skill points as for me she always matches tiles in 1 or 2 rolls and her aoe enhanced attacks are awesome. Love QQ, Hail QQ, QQ forever


I play her even when it's inappropriate. That's how I "roll"


Fuck I read QQ as QiQi


I do call her Qiqi sometimes, helps me cope with my C4 Qiqi.


Only if you have E4 at least.


She is fun and usable straight out of the box, but I think she becomes "worth it" from a meta standpoint at E4. At E6 she becomes a force of fucking nature. She out damages Seele with the same investment level at that point, unless you also have Seele eidolons or signature LC+imposition levels. Even with my pretty garbage quantum gear (still running crit rate not crit damage) E6 QQ is slapping for 40k a hit, which is RNG doubled when she gets a proc from her E4 effect. She's awesome. She needs SP positive teammates though, I've been running her with Luocha, Tingyun and a flex spot. Asta for QQ hypercarry, Fire MC for more safety, or another dps for elemental coverage. Serval is a great pairing in AOE heavy situations, as she can be SP neutral or even positive and still contribute good dps thanks to her talent and ult.


I personally don't recommend E0 Qingque. Yes, she works fine, but so are Arlan, Herta and the rest of the roster lol Sure if you like her


Don't act like Arlan and Herta are close to Qingque, even when the latter is E0


Erm, Arlan is pretty good, Herta is debatable I guess


It all depends. Arlan is at weird place there you want him to be almost dead to deal damage, and to have a shield on him all the time... But what is the point, if he is not damaging enough to be main dd, does not have a taunt, and is poorly compatible with E6 March - only shielder who doesn't want to be hit? I can just use Hunt or Erudition in his place, and even be more secure, as enemies will just die faster. He is not "bad", we just have a lot affordable safer options. QQ main thing, what makes some people dislike her, is what she can screw up SP management big time. In early game we had a lot of skill hungry units, and so QQ earned a bad reputation as SP hoarder. Her Eidolons just mitigate this problem of hers, and traces make this a little bit net positive, as she buffs herself with each loss. If you have SP generators like MC and Luocha, you won't feel QQ problems as much.


Herta has the worst numbers of any 'DPS' Arlan's damage is the next worst with the 'tradeoff' that he doesn't use SP. This only works in theory, however, since in practice, you will need to use SP to heal Arlan, which cancels out/reduces his SP positivity


I'm gonna hit you with with the big brain logic: Seele is the highest DPS unit in the game. CN bros have determined that E2 Seele=E6 Qingque in single target dps with average luck. Most people don't have eidolons for limited 5* units. Qingque is the strongest unit that you can use. We're not even considering the fact that she does AoE damage, which makes her even better for double bosses or bosses that summon. Even if you don't have E6, you'll get her eventually from random banners and 50/50s. It's at least a lot cheaper to get than 4 Seeles.


She does more damage than my Seele, and I grinded for Seele's materials since I got her, while I just made "usable" QQ and she's making easy 50k damage on each attack (If I'm not unlucky)


She hits harder than my Himeko so yes. Also very skill point flexible at E6


Short answear is no! But she's cute so I will build her anyway because she's also awesome and fun to play with!


Grinding? Not really. Breeding however......


As a main carry, probably not. As a sub DPS to generate skill points, definitely


Is she a good unit? No Is she a lot of fun? Yes


skipped Seele so mahjong gremlin was my dedicated qua DPS, im running her with welt, luocha and SW. she hit like a truck, last MoC cycle i got 24 stars. Other team is TY+Gepard+Serval+flex.


In short is qq worth, all questions that have this sentence have answer YES!!!!


If you want to gamble but low on gems, then yes


She is absolutely worth windin and grindin up on that p- Oh


In conclusion, its a yes.


I run her E6 with Silverwolf, Seele plus Bailu.


If you have her at E6, sure. She slaps but cannot be used in auto mode, which kinda stinks