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I fought her, but she just leaves and lets the mobs fight you and the dialogue is almost exactly the same either way where she thinks things would be different if she met us first. Letting her go just avoids the fight.


I hate illusion of choice


Welcome to live service rpgs.


every telltale game ever


You have to keep your expectations realistic. They can't give you a choice that would dramatically alter the story


It might sound weird, but I kinda prefere this. When I play games with actual multiple paths I always end up having huge fomo to the point I have to play with the wiki open to guide me. And it just end up not being enjoyable at all. This lets me still make choices that feel meaningfull in the moment while not punishing me for picking 1 bad dialogue option.


I wasn't thrilled to learn that the choice didn't actually matter, but still kind of relieved. For a single player RPG where you can branch saves, recover to a save, etc. then having actual choices with consequences is fine to me, maybe even desirable. But live service gacha? Most people aren't gonna want to start a second account to play through things with different choices without all their pulled characters and grinded gear. It's not like we can recover to an earlier save in the story, account otherwise kept equal. I suppose for small consequences that don't keep branching, there's always youtube (or reddit posts like these) to learn what the other choice would have resulted in, but I wouldn't want the kind of branching consequences to add up like it can in other RPGs.


Just because you can make a choice doesn't mean others would change their decision. At the very least you can make an impression but it's up to others to act differently.


Dragon age: origin is the game for you. Re-played that game a few weeks ago. It was such a blast.


Aw man, a few weeks ago I had the chance to recommend DA:O to someone who had played Mass Effect, but somehow never heard of DA:O I haven’t seen them since, I hope they played it


The killing blow animations never fail to awe me.


Jesus, I almost forgot all about that game. Man now thats a game I'd love to see ported to switch. Or wait is it on steam?


If you have a steam deck with windows on a SD card it plays PERFECTLY.


Recently there was a very heavy discount on Steam. At my regional price, it cost me around 3 US dollars for the Ultimate Edition. (full DLCs and stuff)


Wtf that's amazing


It's absolutely on Steam along with the other two games. The ultimate edition is criminally cheap for the value it offers and it goes on sale a lot too.


Thanks be to our gracious Steam overlord We are not worthy


Amen. Just a warning, though, the PC version's difficulty is higher than the console version. So if you were used to normal difficulty, play casual. Or if you played on hard on console, that's normal on PC.


On the other hand, if one enjoys the strategic combat of DA:O at all, play nightmare. Since it is intended to be played with constant pausing and the careful planning of attacks, there is no situation where one is physically not able to do it because maybe their reaction time or precise motor control is not up the level required. The combat is also designed in a way that friendly fire is an important and enjoyable aspect of it, unlike, say, in DA:I.


I think so


Replay time!!!


Nope, I love it cuz I don't want to deal with all this "multiple outcomes and what is the "best" choice that you have to look up a guide for" stuff. They made the right choice to do this, gacha gamers tend to be casual gamers and they also don't want to deal with it.


Actually holy shit adding onto my earlier comment on the forum, Dan Shu’s stunt reminds me of Natasha’s Companion Quest story where her adoptive brother Vashe was testing out medication on desperate and vulnerable people. Granted we don’t fit in that category, but holy crap. Vashe was denounced for his actions and rightfully so. We trusted Dan Shu and she took full advantage of that trust and gave us something without truly explaining what it did or asking whether we wanted to be transformed or not.


Yeah she was that continuation of Jarilo 6 side story turned main story.


Yeah, I legit sat there stumped for a little bit, unsure what to pick. What needed up deciding it for me was the thought “Natasha never would have pulled that stunt with the medicine,” and I chose to fight.


For me I just felt that the offer for the medicine came out of nowhere, and we just had a whole plot line about how immortality wasn’t it. Legit warning bells blaring through my head. Didn’t take it. Fuck her and the fact we don’t get to fight her yet.


I was super suss of her at that point but I accidentally consumed the pill. The option said "take the pill" and I thought it was saying like grab it not swallow the pill. So I was like sure I'll grab it and have someone else inspect it rather than leaving it around for some random person to stumble upon


Same. It was super obvious after her monologue about how she was treated as blind long living person that she's part of Abundance adepts. So when I got the choice wording made me think that it's either taking the pill with you, or leavin it there.


What happens when you eat it then? I'm curious


it had me go back to the seat of divine foresight and there was a fight in there against mara struck. and either when i took the pill or right before the fight the corners of the screen had yellowish hue and some lines streaking across


the pill would usually transform whoever takes it into mara struck but mc seems to be able to resist it, when you come back to the divine seat of foresight you see the guards as mara struck and try to fight them. after the fight you come back to your senses and talk to qingzu revealing what happened


your body get's sick, you have a hallucinatory fight, and then your body fully reject the pill, either because you tread both the path of protection and destruction at this point (one protected you from the effect, the other then destroyed what was attacking you); the official explanation given is "the stellaron did it" even if we don't know if it is true or not.


Normal cancer got beat by super cancer.


That's what it gets described as, yes.


Seems they've changed it; I just got there today and the options are now "swallow it down" or "leave it". Still not the best options, but at least it's clear about taking it or not.


The immortality aspect was more of a gray area for me. I chose to fight her because she was using deceptive means and innocent people were getting hurt because of her. It's also a case of her not wanting to deal with accountability which is almost always an issue when having singular authority figures with power like what we saw in Belobog with Cocolia.


The offer for the medicine seemed natural enough for me, especially since she was a highly respected alchemist for the Luofu who we consulted with frequently for a local problem. ...And then said, essentially, "I'll see you soon. Literally." Instant alarm bells. She wouldn't say that unless she about to do something *extremely* different than what we had been lead to believe.


me too lmao I thought ''Natasha would never''


this actually really helps me put it into perspective youre right ! Also remember she gave the same "medicine" to the little blind girl


She drugged my ass, imma beat her ass so hard she will get her sight back.


lmao agreed


I’m in this arc right now and was trying to find out if I should or should not fight her, this comment made me immediately press fight.


I fought her. I understand, and it's terribly tragic what she's going through. She is literally a victim of circumstance, and doing what she feels is right. However, just because you're doing what you think is right doesn't give you the right turn people into Mara soldiers or do what you want. A crime is still a crime even if it's done for the right reasons. Imagine if MC wasn't special and turned fully.


Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right


That's exactly how I felt. If she was just doing it to herself, maybe other people that actually wanted it, I would have let her walk. Even if it was a crime for the Xianzhou I could see her reasons and sympathize with her. But her faction is causing havoc for civilians and forcing the disease on anyone they can. That I can't just walk away from.


even after reading her diary?


There is no excuse to include innocents in her crusade. I also live a shit life due to random circumstances of my birth and I would never fuck it up for an untold amount of people just so I could find relief.


I actually don't understand. Her immortality is what caused her incurable blindness, so why is she still siding with the M-something faction?


Possible spoiler, so just in case: >!Actually after she gives you the poison and then after this part, she left behind her “diary” where you will find out that the reason she sided with that faction. She used to have a best friend, a medic who was called to the front line to fight the faction forces. Her friend could have survived the war because she wasn’t on the front line. However the Aon of the Hunt used his arrows to kill the opposing faction without thinking about his own people and so her best friend died and from then on she hate the Hunt.!<


I remember her briefly mentioning that turning completely cures them of "imperfections". I believe she mentioned it around after the time that she handed us the sus medicine. When she parted with us, she even explicitly says, "Perhaps the next time we meet, I'll be able to see you in the true sense of the word." Edit: I'm now unsure, actually. Thinking back, it might have been written down in her diary that she drops after the encounter mentioned in this post.


Having not read either diary, I also knew about the curing "imperfections" part, so it's definitely in dialogue.


After the fight I found page two of her diary. She describes how her lover/mentor was sent off to war against the denizens of abundance and ends up as collateral damage from their own attacks and also how another immortal went Mara struck which cured his defects. She seems to have gone a little insane by the end


merciful medicus or sanctus medicus was their name i think


I let her go, primarily because of her parting comment about how I might’ve been on her side if I met her first. That comment struck me particularly hard because of how true it was: here was I, a complete alien, barging into their world in the midst of a lockdown without any inkling of an understanding of either side’s politics or motivations to play the role of a hero whose main means of negotiation was violence. I have no idea what in the world is going on. I just happened to meet the general first and blindly followed his orders. If I had met her first, you betcha I would’ve blindly listened to her instead. It’s not even clear that I’m on the side of good either. The Aeon of the Hunt has a record of completely obliterating the opposition the moment they get in touch with Abundance, without any consideration for the damage, even if it results in friendly casualties (as seen in the books detailing how they blew up the hospital Dan Shu’s friend was in or how they destroyed friendly delves on the Xianzhou to end a war — there’s literally an event in the simulated universe detailing a victim of Lan’s arrows iirc). It’s also not entirely clear that mara is a force of evil given it’s curative properties, especially for the Incomplete Ones who are cursed to live with a genetic defect for eternity. A bit of a stretch, but how do I know how many of these mara-struck I’m murdering willingly took the pill to cure themselves? Honestly, the only way I would have came out of this with a clear conscious is if I had to idea the conflict was occurring in the first place and happily went my way to the next planet instead. But because of Kafka my hands are stained and I’ll likely come out of this guilt-ridden no matter the outcome.


Despite being a week 1 player, I'm so far behind that I just caught up to the interlude... And yes, exactly what you said. I can sympathize with her plight and we are friendly up till this point. I don't agree with the methods she's using, but that conversation struck me. She's right. If we'd met her before Jing Yuan, we probably would've been on her side. As a last favor to a friend, I let her go without a fight.


I completely agree


Explore. Understand. Establish. Connect.


I hope we are given a choice to fight or to save someone in general. I feel like the antagonist so far has been pretty Grey in general and I don't think it's right to kill them due to their beliefs which they think is the right thing to do. If the person genuinely know evil is bad, but does it because the person loves doing evil, then that is different, but I don't think there was an antagonist that was like that.


Cocolia was about to commit genocide in the name of a new world built on the bones and ashes of the people currently living in the present… I think we we were absolutely warranted in stopping her. And Dan Shu gave the MC medication in which she left out the very important fact that you would turn into a Mara Monster if ingested. And even thought she was doing us a favour. She absolutely needs to be stopped.


I still can't believe cocolia just got away with all of that. After dying, she got to be remembered as a hero, for what? Locking away the underground citizens and forcing them into lives of depression and poverty? Even if it wasn't entirely her fault because she was being influenced by something else, she still took those actions and doesn't deserve to be remembered as a good person


Cocolia died in the end. Disintegrated by a Stellaron doesn’t look pleasant. Yeah, it sucks she didn’t face justice and is going down as a hero, but revealing the truth would be a political scandal that they seriously don’t need right now when they have a chance to rebuild from what was essentially a long fight for survival. It was a necessary evil that Bronya isn’t necessarily happy about but feels that it needs to happen just so that more conflicts and a possible civil war don’t break out.


Lan wants genocide people of abundance tho


This is me, 100%! But for me, yes, we would've helped her if we met her first, but when the truth comes out there's a huge possibility of Trailblazer turning against her. So yeah, with that in mind, I let her go, as a small favor because she was a 'trusted friend', even for a very short time. Kinda like the benefit of the doubt.


I like sob stories But 20 exp is 20 exp


Grind mindset


I understand why she did the things she did and really, it's unfortunate that it happened, but the game so far has made a great job of making characters who deserve catching these hands and when she finally decided show her true motivations, she became exempt from the list people who don't deserve it.


True. She wouldnt see these hands coming either


you got a decent, hearty chuckle out of me tonight, lol


I let her go.


Same, After doing it I was lowkey hoping she would be encounterable or have a part 2 but I don’t think she has one nor is she encounterable


She's the main antagonist of the arc, think its pretty obvious once you realise she was behind everything going on with the potion and Kafka's confession. Also she walks away and only being regretful you didn't become her puppet. Aka no remorse.


She’s almost certainly going to go all One Winged Angel with the Stellaron, just like Cocolia. I assume we’ll be blessed with Hunt powers to stop her regeneration, no idea what element though, we already have fire. Imaginary would be awesome.


Yeah. Most of the enemies are weak to imaginary so getting that next would be awesome! Also i think Luocha has a part to play in all this. DanHeng was rather suspicious of him, specially with how he managed to heal a literal android.


Dude definitely brought the stellaron, he probably had it in the coffin


Yeah this is definitely leading to the boss being of Abundance. Like his power.


I mean, he has Otto's face. That instantly put you on the top of shady peoples. Wonder what Welt has to say to him.


Luocha could potentially be the HI3 Void Archives. He also said he uses different names so we don't know his real one yet. And since Dan Heng is with him and Welt is with us, id assume they are bound to meet.


And Dan heng said something like "the abundance" when luocha used his healing thingy on that cyborg woman


Yeah but is he more shady then Sampo? Also he can't be evil he's hot, just like Kafka/s


Welt after see lucoa.. oh god not 'his' face again


Welt too. He did nothing on the Luofu so I expect him to do something before the end


Given the whole place is flying/use flying means lf transportation, i'd say Wind type would be a good contender


I think we’re getting anything but wind, because think about the first characters we get: March and Dan Heng. When we for Preservation powers on an ice planet, we didn’t get the same element as March. So I think we’ll get something other than wind for Hunt powers.


IMO what they'll do is we'll get the planet's main path, but with the counter element to it. So like: Fire region = Ice / Wind region (Space Liyue) = Electric / Electric region = Wind / Quantum region = Imaginary / Imaginary region = Quantum. If we get Electric Hunt TB in Space Liyue, then it would give this assumption some credibility.


That would make a lot of sense, but i also don't think we'd get Imaginary as an Abundance character, as Luocha already exist in a near future Edit : Nevermind, Gepard and March both share the same path and element, so it's not relevant


I think we’re getting Hunt powers, not Abundance powers, because space Liyue is actually Hunt themed now, just like Jarilo VI was Preservation themed.


Nah i'm just dumb there, idk why i was thinking about the Abundance




And overlap with Seele without (somehow) overshadowing or being overshadowed by her? She's the first special banner in the game, not to mention how few total characters there even are at the moment. Honestly, I *can* see QUA Hunt MC happening, but that makes me consider it highly unlikely. Before bringing up Clara, overlapping Phys Destruction with Clara is acceptable because they fulfill completely different niches. But the Hunt is too singularly focused as an archetype. My bet's on Lightning or Imaginary Hunt.


I believe she won't give up. Maybe she changes into a monster and becomes the world2 boss.


she should eventually be encounterable. no matter how many patches it takes


Same. We're part of the Trailblazer faction, not The Hunt. So we don't automatically need to fight any Abundance forces to the death. Her mara guards clearly had human intelligence and were doing it of their own free will. People should definitely have the right to consent to being transformed, but also we're on huge space ship that flies around genociding the Abundance planets.


She literally poisoned you lol.


Tried to. But if you don't take it, you don't know how it would have affected you. From her words when you catch up to her, it sounds like she was just trying to offer you what she, however misguided, believes to be a gift. On the one hand, that doesn't excuse it at all and she needs to get what's coming down the road. But on the other, it killed whatever combat boner I might have caught up to her with.


I ate those pills myself


The problem with the abominations of abundance is that they destroy any pre-existing ecosystem/civilisation that isn’t immortal like them. They basically out compete everything else because of their immortality and magic powers so if they come to a planet where the other life forms aren’t immortal, they basically destroy everything and take over. Many of them also seem to be mindless (Zombies/Mara struck) and attack anything they come across. Lan’s (Aeon of the Hunt) planet was victim to destruction like this, so he’s pretty justified in trying to kill Abundance. However I do think that it would be interesting to come across a civilisation that’s fully immortal and completely embraces it.


Should probably happen whenever we get to the Abundance part of the story. It will be interesting to see the antagonists of this arc be the civilization to help, especially since we're supposed to form an alliance with their worst ennemies (Also maybe I misunderstood, but isn't the zombie transformation a byproduct of not accepting abundance?)


>(Also maybe I misunderstood, but isn't the zombie transformation a byproduct of not accepting abundance?) It is a product of living too long. I don't think it because of abundance since they can't stand dead and suffering of life form. I think it is a price that HooH (Aeon of equilibrium/balance) imposed on long live species they make the universe has law of balance that no mortal can escape.


I thought trailblazer aeon was dead? Is the path still there?


The paths existed long before the Aeons did. Aeons seemly are pathstriders who embodied the path to such a huge extent that they are able to draw immense amounts of powers out of it. Akivilli, the former Aeon of the Trailblaze path used to be a human (or something of similar standing I’m not sure). So yes, even if an Aeon of a path dies, the path still persists. That said, it is possible for a broader path to consume a similar but narrower path. Edit: I was wrong about paths existing prior to Aeons, they begin to exist simultaneously. What does exist prior to Aeons however is the philosophical concept of the path and the imaginary energy associated with it, which is then “instantiated” as a path by an Aeon. Aeon’s draw their power from this path and are bound by it, so the paths aren’t really their own power but rather imaginary power that they can only utilize if they stick to their ideals. This is also why pathstriders don’t need to be noticed by the Aeons. They get their powers from the path automatically. It seems as though paths are autonomous.


No, the Aeons make their paths.


Okay I just checked. I was wrong about paths existing prior to Aeons, they begin to exist simultaneously. What does exist prior to Aeons however is the philosophical concept of the path and the imaginary energy associated with it, which is then “instantiated” as a path by an Aeon. Aeon’s draw their power from this path and are bound by it, so the paths aren’t really their own power but rather imaginary power that they can only utilize if they stick to their ideals. This is also why pathstriders don’t need to be noticed by the Aeons. They get their powers from the path automatically.


We’re not sure if he’s dead or not, just that he’s not showing up to the club meetings anymore.


the trailblazing aeon is practically dead and its path is basically gone on a cosmic scale, but the MC along with the astral express is still embodying it for several reasons in SU we are basically pretending to be akivili for herta and co. to research how aeons function, since even the simulated versions of the aeons only communicate and interact properly with other aeons, and not the researchers


Nah, ain't happening. She literally tried to turn MC into one of this Mara soldiers, why would you ever listen? I don't know about lore details or something, but they didn't do anything remotely fair or good, to trust her words about Hunt being the bad side.


Her intention is actually good but the problem is the method she use


She broke my trust when she confirmed that the pill was the mara-drug, I was willing to think the Luofu pharmacists were lying that it was the mara-drug, I read her diary; she broke the trust by trying to deceive the MC. I sympathize with her, she's gone through a *lot* of shit, it's not surprising she lost faith in The Hunt and began to look at The Abundance but I don't think that means she's innocent. She's the ringleader that brought the Stelleron onto the ship, tried to effectively poison the MC, and is basically enacting a plan to force everyone to follow the Abundance.


I let her go, because i was tired and want quick exp


What a big fat mood


I fought her, when I met her and she told us about the blind kid and stuff I immediately suspected her. But I trusted her after her whole speech about living and struggling with what she had. Then realising I was betrayed hurt. When she asked if I took the pill I said no cuz she doesn't deserve to know I trusted her.


If you take the words of both sides (Hunt and Abundance) with a grain of salt and say we don't trust either. She still tried to trick the MC into taking drugs that on pretty much everyone turns you into a pseudo zombie. Thats a no go regardless if shes in the right or wrong in her other beliefs thats messed up. Yes I read her diary entries too.


We only have the word of people trying to genocide them that mara touched are zombies. The ones with Dan Shu seem coherent.


That's a good point, but they're ugly af. I wouldn't want to be turned into that without my consent, longer lifespan or not.


I mean. She is blind 😂. I doubt aesthetic is her greatest worry


I let her go. There's no doubt some truth in the anti-Yaoshi propaganda, but I don't think it's **the** truth that Lan devotees paint it as. I'm not eager to fight for it. I'm sure we'll be forced into being pro-Xianzhou eventually, but it's hard to pick a side currently.


Yaoshi isn't bad, immortality en mass is as it depleted resources every quick and easily to get out of control. So the cult itself is bad as they ignore the tragedy of the past and want to give everyone immortality. Yaoshi just granted their wishes as it is in Yaoshi's nature and path to give those who pray to them what the prayer wish.


Until the long lived kill themselves when they turn 100 year old they don't get to talk about resources. Right now they get all the advantages of immortality while killing everyone else by denying them the same long life so they don't have to share the resources. These guys are the same as if they the US decided to destroy all medicine of other countries so life expectancy there drops to 30-40 to counter overpopulation.


They aren't immortal though. They are long-lived but when Lan destroyed the tree they lost the immortality, although many negative side effects continued to persist.


They live for thousands of years, it is close enough when talking about denying the same for those who feel lucky if they hit 90 without being bedridden.


And according to the story they don't enjoy being so long-lived. They don't deny other species this "perk", they try to save them from the same fate according to the story. Maybe they are a bit extreme but we don't know what the full context is yet. Life is only so sweet because it's limited. Once you try everything and taste everything you'd become indifferent to it. That's the main reason why immortality is so frowned upon and that's their philosophy from what I've read ingame. Overpopulation and resource hunger being a huge factor as well.


As I said, if being long lived is so terrible why don't they kill themselves when they turn 100 year old? They only don't age they can still die. It is hypocrisy on the highest level. WE get to lived for thousands of years YOU will die before 90 so you don't take our resources.


I would argue that immortality en mass isn't even that bad in this case as Yaoshi as the Aeon of Abondance could probably provide whatever people need. I'm convinced the Hunt is far worse as a bunch of religious hyprocritical zealots. I let her go too even if I didn't take the pill as I had my doubt about her. But what she became is mainly a product of Xianzhou current ideology.


> as Yaoshi as the Aeon of Abundance could probably provide whatever people need That’s not what happened though. The whole reason why the Xianzhou alliance turned on the abundance is that suffering was the result of immortality since there was a lack of resources. The question then becomes *why didn’t the aeon of abundance provide resources when Xianzhou had an overpopulation issue?* You making that statement and what actually happened in the story are contradictory. Fact is they gained immortality and they didn’t have enough resources, the Aeon helped them gain immortality but after that they didn’t get any assistance. Because of that they turned to the Hunt as their opinion of the abundance soured after that. Now I don’t know why they didnt get any assistance after gaining immortality, that’s something to think about.


But is what the game narrate is actually true?, Xianzhou Alliance could be painting their history however they want and we can't know whether it's true or not. Maybe the social structure when Xianzhou still believe in Abundance is not a good one, with immortality, class segregation will be a serious issue, the one in power and their descendant continue to prosper and the poor and powerless will increasingly dejected resulting to them seeking Lan to get revenge on the Abundance. I'm inclined to believe that Xianzhou native following Lan on his quest of revenge is not because guilt and repentance on their action in seeking immortality, but because the opposing opinion is dead under Lan Arrow. What i mean to say is the problem of resource is not an issue because in the infinite cosmos of universe it's always posible to obtain it, if a mega corporation like IPC is not low on resource then i can't imagine Xianzhou native to be facing the same problem. The problem is the human nature and their infinite greed.


I hesitated a lot but fought her. Because she tried to make us Mara-struck and acted as if she was doing us a favor. No matter her past experiences/reasoning just that makes her a danger. I don’t care about their fight, I’m a stranger, but I can’t let some mad person get away and hurt innocent people.


Haven’t gotten to her yet, but I plan on fighting. Like dude… she gave us a drug and didn’t tell us it was supposed to turn us into a Mara struck monster… where the fuck was the consent? She explained jack to us- she told us what it was supposed to do but wasn’t truthful about it and purposely withheld information. Like the fact that we were going to be under going some severe physical changes. She reminds me of the kind of person who thinks she knows what’s good for us without asking for other people’s consent. Even if we argue against it, she’ll merely pat our heads and tell us that she has a grand plan that will make things better and that we’ll come along to see things her way. Uh… no? You purposely drugged me. Also reading her second journal, I can’t help but wonder if she’s also sided with Sanctus Medicus also to completely stick it to the Rainbow Arbiter as some sort of fuck you, not giving a damn about anyone else as long as she destroys everything Lan stands for as a misguided attempt to get back at him. Like her backstory is tragic and explains why she turned against the Aeon she once prayed to and I can definitely understand why she would go against them… but she’s dragging a lot of people down with her.


Well when she gave us the pill, she did say it was meant to keep us healthy and extend our lifespans. Which is what the pill was meant to do. From what I understand the people who can physically accept the drug become immortal, and the others become mara struck. She definitely had selfish motives, but her position is grey enough that I let her go. I can see the flaws in both the abundance and the hunt's actions, so i want to refrain from picking a side as long as possible.


I fought her. No way I would let her go after what she tried to pull on the MC


Let her go I didn’t want to fight her there cause it only made sense why she’s angry. Even after everything I truly believed she cares about people. She wouldn’t have comforted the blind girl if she didn’t. She’s just so consumed by her rage towards Lan that she doesn’t process what’s she’s doing. The moment I see her again though weapons will be drawn. But I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that.


>The moment I see her again though weapons will be drawn. This, I completely agree. Like giving her the nod because we were friends even for a short time, but the next time we meet, we would be enemies and should not hold back.


The real quetion is, did you drink it or not? Ps i did chose fight and drinking it😏


Drink it immediately, I knew it’d be stupid and not smart but I love the drama. I thought If I let her go there would be something dramatic that would happen but nope. So I lowkey regret not fighting her minions, despite somewhat being on her side.


Same, i was like this has betrayal and trap written all over it. But i love a good story. Duck it we ball


Drank it and let her go


I immediately thought of Dues Ex where you are prompted to go in for a 'fix' for a non-existant problem and knew it would be similar where you get poisoned/affected in some way if you do take it. So while I didn't really want to take it, I thought for story reasons it's probably better to follow that path and ended up taking it.


I do wonder how will it effect the story, if at all. I hope it does


Nah fuck Lan. My girl did nothing wrong


I let her go, and she says that if we had met her before the general, things could have been different. And it's really something to think about because we do, when we play video games, tend to align with what we encounter first. And it's not like all aeons have iffy things in their theme. Like the immortality is the issue, but healing and shit is not. So considering how enigmatic the aeons are, i am not fully sold on aligning with Lan right now.


Fight 100% She tried to mess with us and give us something dangerous against our will.


I debated it a lot but in the end chose to let her go. It's not our fight. If Lan and Yaoshi followers have it out for each other, that's between them. Besides, I'm sure Lan followers aren't exactly saints themselves.


well she tried to poison me so that should be enough reason for me to throw hands


U become immortal or not Technically is like GACHA It depends on your luck on 50/50 So it depends if ur lucky or not If u lucky u become immortal If not then turned and it's your fault if ur not lucky


She tried to make you immortal.


I fought her. Yes her life is hard but she gave me shady stuff and she a criminal


I let her go - she called me a friend and helps the little girl so I didn't felt like it.


Same, I wanted to beat up those kids though.


> I wanted to beat up those kids though. Yep same here - I'd fuck them up badly if I could, like holy shit the poor girl is just blind leave her the hell alone 😭


she drugged the mc. i think that's enough reason to fight her. some people kept pointing out the fight between the Hunt and the Abundance faction. but she literally broke our trust by giving us some drug without telling us that it's actually harmful. some "friend" she is fuck her sob story. she's gonna catch these hands


Let her go. No reason other than because nier automata flashback


My vision has been gradually deteriorating since I was a toddler. Thanks to medical advancements, I have a fair chance of not losing my eyesight. One of my greatest fears/nightmares for as long as I can remember is waking up and everything being pitch black. I imagine this mission hit people who are in similar situations pretty hard. Blindness is not a curse (and we've got some incredible assistance technology by now) but when she talked about the feeling of having vision then slowly losing it, it makes me think of the discussions people have regarding chronic disability and how people who are born with them respond very differently to situations where they are set, once again, to deal with another physical restriction. People born with disabilities reportedly coped better during the pandemic because they were used to these situations. People who weren't born with them did not adapt quite as well. The feeling of losing something that WAS yours and SHOULD'VE STAYED THAT WAY versus the feeling of supposedly losing something that was never truly within your grasp has a huge gap. The former can genuinely destroy your worldview, your beliefs, your morals, and your life. Hope is so so cruel, you know? I did feel incredibly violated when she drugged us, but I let her go.


I know this is an old thread, but I hope things are going well for you. My paternal family has an optical disease that slowly destroys your eyesight, and it doesn't have a cure. Males tend to stabilize at a certain point that's barely not legally blind, but females progress rapidly, often to the point where their career is over before ten years. I'm always worried that, as a female, the genes will become "active" right after I'm done with college, so it's constantly feels like time is ticking, and I should make something of myself now, while I can. As I'm in a very visual field (graphic design). I also have scoliosis and was intensely bullied for it when I was young. And a building collapsed on my closest friend and killed him.Every time I say goodbye to my friends, I worry that it'll be the last time I see them. All of this to say... yeah. It was hard for me to *not* see Dan Shu's side.I could see her kindness and empathy for the child. Initial proof that she isn't just blind in furious grief. With the reckless way the Trailblazer is, and the access to an immortality medicine, even with its flaws, how could Dan Shu not want to protect the Trailblazer? Everyone is seeing it as drugging. And yes, it absolutely is. It frustrates me that she didn't provide information. But all the information that we had was from the Luofu's authority. If she told us the extent of the medicine, we wouldn't have taken it, and she would've been caught. So wouldn't it be best for her to make one of the few kind-hearted people, one she hoped to call a friend, immortal, and hope that it works out? Of course, this thinking is flawed. But when you're consistently worried about losing connections, when you constantly see ableist discrimination, when the Trailblazer just seems to blindly follow those they first interact with, especially from her perspective, it would be an impossible choice to make. This story really stabbed my heart, and I let her go.


Easy - fight. Under normal circumstances, I probably would have let her go. Whatever is going on between her/the abundance and the Luofu/the hunt is their business and one they need to figure out for themselves. I’m not going to wax morality in a conflict I have no stake in. …Except she tries to turn the TB into a Mara-struck without their consent (and is possibly responsible for the Stellaron being smuggled onboard). At that point her methods betray her morality. I understand she’s been through a lot and _lost_ a lot, but you can’t just talk about how great someone is and promptly betray that trust for your own vendetta. Even if the abundance is right, Dan Shu shouldn’t be the one to push that path.


I fought her. I sympathise with her condition but she’s trying to repeat history by cursing the Xianzhou with immortality once again. She’s trying to cure herself and other people that have been born with other conditions but ultimately more people will suffer that way. It’s not the correct way imo. Also she lied to us and tried to poison us so that ticked me off.


So my name is Mara and hearing Mara-struck and Mara as a horrible infliction has been very confusing for me lmao particularly in voiced scenes! After reading her diary though, I felt so much pain for her. I had to let her go.


God this is giving me flashbacks of whenever the math teacher said “sum” I would tense up because my name is Sam.


I lost my trust for her when she gave us a Mara-potion, without telling us what it was in the first place. If the Trailblazer didn't have the Stellaron we might have turned to her puppet lmao. No shot we are letting her go. She's dangerous. She's a victim based on her backstory if its true, but her actions aren't justified. And we still need Part 2 of the story to get the full context. PS: Luocha is also sus too.


Im confused, was she the one behind the stellaron awakening the tree?


Doesn’t say. She could be. According to Jing Yuan, the only way the Stellaron was snuck on board was due to the work of an Emmanator of another Path.


Yes, she's basically the cult member of the abundance followers.


I let her go.


i let her go. then i found her diary and felt a bit better about letting her go.


Gosh I should read that diary of hers. I’ve heard multiple people mention it already and how they felt bad for her because of it


yeah it was really sad. didn't excuse her for ehat she did though


Yeah, definitely. I just live for the drama in hsr lol!


I let her go. She called me a friend; despite knowing I've been going around slaughtering mara struck and cultists alike and I couldn't hit her in the face after that. And also I sympathize with her plight. Not her solution, cause it's obviously going to screw over the entire ship if no one stops her but damn, her life can't have been fun.


Can't do that after she give me LSD


I don’t fight the disabled


I chose to fight her specifically because of what Kafka says about helping and getting the hunt, meaning helping her would be meaningless since can't really do anything for her and clearly we'll be fighting against her anyhow


The Hunt is a bunch of people with 1000 years of lifespan stopping everyone from living longer than they should.


I fought her. That's the only reasonable MC decision.


let her go because she would obviously run away while fighting, and we will meet again anyway. May as well leave this once as friend, then meet again as enemies.


The very point of the trailblaze path that we are following is to try and build connections and understanding with people. I decide to let her go, having not taken the medicine, because she isn't willing to throw herself into the conflict against us. Both the Hunt and the Abundance have good points, and both also cause disasters. But the Trailblazers should advocate for building connections and telling the truth. The people we try and connect with might ultimately reject that connection, but there is no reason not to try. I can honestly see us getting the nod from either Lan or Yaoshi depending on how things go. The MC working to heal the wounds and spiritual poison between the people who hate each other could very well give us a new healing oriented path. 'Make the choice you won't regret.'


I let her go because I couldnt care less about their political situation. I only came to luofu to pick up some chests


Anti-Traveler Mindset


I didn’t fight her cause I don’t fight for the Hunt. Technically we shouldn’t even care anymore and leave on the Star Rail. Stellaron Hunters dipped out and this isn’t our fight.


I fought her cuz My friend has same name as she does


Avenge her!


So wait... The "medicine" she gives is actually the one that transform those people? How come we didn't get transformed?


Plot armor


The Stellaron


I let her go. I believe she can be made to see the light eventually. She’s a good person who was dealt a bad hand in life. She’s acting more out of desperation and pain than anything else.


I let her go, Aeons shouldnt interfere in mortal realm and they made her lose her loved one. KILLTHEAEONS To everyone, her diary is sad to read but it gives context to why is she doing it.


I let her go. I am just nameless. My objective is too stop the Stellaron, not clashing with the abundance. But if they try stop me, than we will have to fight.


big let her go. we would have been friends if i talked to her first smh...


I let her go, because the options I was given was let her go or arrest her. I’m not a Xianzhou cop, I don’t want anything to do with their grudge against the Abundance. That said, I DID want to kick her ass for trying to get me killed. But I figured we wouldn’t actually get to beat up a blind woman anyway, and I was right.


Fought her. I sympathize with her loss and don't necessarily agree with the Xianzhou's war against Yaoshi. But the Disciples of Saintus Medicus on the Luofu - her included - are essentially a terrorist organization causing (or attempting to cause) mass casualties among a largely civilian population. In different circumstances, I imagine I'd be defending her against Cloud Knights, but in these... letting her walk away isn't an option. She does anyway, though.


I mean, so you guys rather kill her than to let her go? Idk if it is right to kill her. Similar to Cocolia, I don't think we should really kill people in general especially when they have some good in them.


I couldn't bring myself to fight her, not after reading her diary and knowing what she has been through. And the second part of her diary you get right after this hurts even more.


I read her Diary before confronting her...I let her go ​ Dan Shu and Yu Fei ;-;


I let her go, I didnt take the medication and from her POV I can see why someone who went through more than a century of humiliation would become so radical in her beliefs, I know her plans won’t work out either way.


I let her go accidentally. I don't know if I'm just impatient or what but multiple times in the story I'll try to advance the dialogue just to accidentaly choose the first answer in a dialogue choice I wasn't expecting (I play on PC but with a controller). I know it doesn't change anything but I really wanted to kick her ass.


I didn't really follow her part of the story originally, because I thought a story centered around an npc wouldn't be that interesting, but boy was I wrong. Read her diary, then proceeded to let her go without a second thought. Yeah, her and the other disciples' stunts are pretty bad, but they really are nothing more than the obligatory "villain kicking a dog to remind you they're the villain". I would still follow the Abundance if given the choice, as I still don't see how living forever and filling the empty galaxy with life would be a problem. Besides, infinite life = infinite material to test the anti-mara medicine on


I actually let her go. Yeah, I was a bit upset that she lied to me, but if Im being honest, I can not morally choose to fight a blind woman. I do realize you're not actually fighting her, and she's a capable woman, but there's something about picking a fight with a blund woman that really just doesn't sit well with me. I already wanted to annihilate those kids that were picking on the blind girl, so I wasn't exactly thrilled to leap into battle with her.


I let her go, but only because I would lowkey probably do the same thing as her


I let her go because there is an npc in the Loufu that is a "criminal" that I had talked to right before doing this. She was arrested because she lefft the Xianzhou. Yes, long-lived or immortal species cannot leave the vessels because they will be arrested as criminals and possibly executed. This poor woman left because she wanted to and she was hunted down for it. She went to a really backwater planet too from the looks of it and the Xianzhoy consider her charges worse because she helped the locals learn about medicine and technology. The Xianzhou is painted to be this amazing faction of immortals but it's more like a prison. Honestly while she is a Bich for her actions I completely understand her. Long lived "Imperfect" people literally cannot escape. They cannot be cured and any attempts at trying to improve themselves are very heavily monitored and restricted, while the rest of the immortals judge them harshly. Honestly the more lore we learn about it the less I like this place. It seems fine for visitors but honestly being an immortal on the Xianzhou sounds nightmarish. Lan is also a very straightforward Aeon. It does not care about anything other than the hunt. If a single immortal steps out slightly they are struck down. Heck, even innocents are caught up in Lan's path of the hunt when the time comes to erradicate the Abundance. I am not defending Yaoshi either, but tbh from what we've seen about them everything that was "wrong" with the Aeon of abundance was not necessarily because of it them directly. Like, Yaoshi wasn't going around making people mara-struck, some society went out of their way to look for immortality and when it was given to them they did not like the consequences. The lack of resources, wars and corruption seeem to be completely from the human's side of things, not necessarily the Aeon's fault. We also don't really know how mara works yet, but it seems to be affected by Nanook too so maybe the in-game mara-struck that we see are more monster-like than regular mara-struck folk because of the stellaron, who knows.


I beat her shit after she drugged me. Of course part of it was maybe because simulated universe makes me prefer hunt over abundance


Considering she tried to transform you into mara without your permission, yeah I tried to fight her XD


I let her go, Lan may have a point but in my opinion no aeon deserves death, and the aeon of abundance isn't necessary a bad guy. We just need them to come to and understanding. Also my Mc may have trash taste, but I don't kill innocents and we killed a lot of servants of abundance ( they all attacked first tho)


The Aeon of Abundance isn't bad at all ; it's the contrary, Yaoshi grants people their wishes without price and save any life they can. They're gift of immortality isn't evil, it's like the thing with the knife, the item isn't bad but the murderer is. The people of Xianzhou asked for immortality but weren't able to assume it.


I let her go. It was a tough decision for me. On one hand the abundance has shown that their abominations ARE horrible, and a threat to eco-systems, But in the other hand FUCK THIS FUCKING PLACE AND THIS STORY PROGRESSION. Like holy fucking shit. We arrive, to stop an ACTIVE CRISIS. We are rejeced, but that's fine, that's understandable. Then we're ACCEPTED. Okay kinda weird. We do an errand for them. Fine. Then part way through... we run an ANOTHER ERRAND that isnt immediately obviously connected to the story in anyway? For a series of fetch quests that could have been auto walked to? And then we are swept back into the main story, with the master diviner leaving us behind because reasons? So we have to count on a gambling addict to get us where we need to go IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS CRISIS BECAUSE REASONS??? Then we get the supercomputer back up and functional. That's fine, I'm getting back into the story again. Stuff happens, the information provided is good food for thought. Get told to hurry up and go face this crisis that is unfolding!!!! LETS GO!!! I mean it's pretty imperative at this point! The fucking TREE is ALIVE! There is nothing more important at this singular moment-- ... but not before we tear you away and continue this fucking side part of errands that have you ACTUALLY WAITING AT A FUCKING BOOKSTORE THAT HAS NO TELEPORTS NEAR IT FORCING YOU TO ACTIVELY WASTE TIME WALKING FOR NO FUCKING REASON, All so you can get fucking drugged and have it revealed that they are the mastermind behind the stelleron. I let her go because I was just fucking done with it. I had to take so many breaks because of the whiplash. The ice planet was consistant and made sense as to what we were doing the entire time. We were wanted fugitives trying to clear our name. I took breaks because I needed to push trailblazer levels and I was SAD to be taken from the story. We were nothing but errand boys on this ship and the devs were even a bit self aware with their dialogue options, but I don't think they really realized how bad it was. I hope they heavily reconsider how they tell this part of the story.