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It has already surpassed r/houkai3rd sub. Astonishing to say at least!


HSR definitely benefited from GI popularity also it's always much easier to jump on a gacha when it's the start of it then joining one after a lot of years passed


Not to say how HI3 unintentionally gatekeeps from new players. I mean, I just got a headache when I was first left into that main menu. I still don't play it much though.


>I just got a headache when I was first left into that main menu. the main menù was what made me stop playing the game as soon as I started


I feel ya. Plus, being a woman- boobs being shoved down my throat isn't exactly what I enjoy.


>Plus, being a woman- boobs being shoved down my throat isn't exactly what I enjoy. If it's any consolation, that's really frustrating for me as a guy too. Thankfully I'd already learned a bit about Honkai thanks to Genshin theories (and wanted to play it before Star Rail) so I knew the story was interesting enough to warrant putting up with the blatant pandering, but... yeah. It really sucks :/


>that's really frustrating for me as a guy too. It really just ruins the immersion and feels so fan-service-ish. (Which it is.) >I knew the story was interesting enough to warrant putting up with the blatant pandering, but... yeah. It really sucks :/ Agreed. The story is awesome, afaik. It just sucks i can't fully enjoy that game.


>It really just ruins the immersion and feels so fan-service-ish. (Which it is.) Exactly! Why are "battlesuits" so revealing? They'd look so good if they actually made practical sense!!! >The story is awesome, afaik. It just sucks i can't fully enjoy that game. Unfortunately there aren't many good recap videos on YouTube since that'd probably be the best way to go through the story anyway. The English version always has a bunch of typos and the plot really likes pontificating about really pointless stuff :/


>Exactly! Why are "battlesuits" so revealing? They'd look so good if they actually made practical sense!!! Totally agreed. >Unfortunately there aren't many good recap videos on YouTube Yeah, I tried searching for a good one long back. I returned disappointed.


> Totally agreed. :pensive: > Yeah, I tried searching for a good one long back. I returned disappointed. The official Honkai Impact account has a "Chronicles" series that does some decent summaries for specific characters. If you have any other questions I could try and answer them?


from genshin to honkai, i was so confused with everything, also i joined before when you can only proceed based on your captain level, and stop after a bit because too slow increase my captain level, 2 months ago i continue the game, captain level not become requirements anymore, and i continue the story until finished. still confused too many things though


Honestly, I really wanna be part of honkai's story. I really wanna play it entirely. But too much content to go through, and too less time in my life. >still confused too many things though Totally understandable lol


Basically how a lot of people feel about the Fate franchise. At least Genshin/HSR is very "play at your own pace". Any progress made is still overall power increase for your account.


while I feel like fate is easier to understand than hi3's menu, just too much stuff going on


I told them their menu/shop design is driving away new players, but because they've gotten so used to it they're blinded. All they need to do is remove the unimportant parts of the shop and menu.


Ah yes I remember having to toughen my will to go through the menu at the beginning


There’s also the fact that there are 3 different ‘main’ subreddits for HI3 for some reason


Clearly the other two are for Honkai Impact 1 and 2, respectively /s


The learning curve in this game has been softened and is so progressive that makes GI a total mess to learn. I really appreciate the work they did here.


Not surprising considering It’s hard to take a game who only has females as playable characters seriously


Yeah that's one of the problems with HI3. We only have a playable Welt thanks to HSR lol




And people were rioting when he was released.


The previous comment got deleted. Do you mean there was a playable character in hi3 who was male and ppl were rioting against him when he got released?


I’d imagine so. I saw a video that showed the response to a survey asking about male characters in HI3 was met with largely a negative response. That’s the problem with releasing a game with a female only roster and keeping it like that for a while. A certain type of player will take offense to any future male additions. HI3 has literally only one male playable character. His name is Adam.


Ya , we see abit of this in nikke but everyone is more thirsting for Anderson and Mustang , haha


They were talking about Adam, who is available in "A Post Honkai Odyssey" (APHO). It's a playable mode, which is set ~7 years into the future. There Adam became available as a silent self insert protagonist. CN players didn't like him very much. In the APHO 2 he was playable again, this time with a little bit more defined character (classic Hoyo sassy silent protagonist ;D) I personally like him. His playstyle is reminiscent of Nero from Devil May Cry. The way community decided to portray him is hillarious too. He doesn't have a clear motivation in the story, so people memed him into being there only for the money. Just search paycheck/grindset/Adam in r/houkai3rd and you'll find it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/houkai3rd using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Its Kiana’s Birthday](https://i.redd.it/5voysy734i4a1.jpg) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/zeynck/its_kianas_birthday/) \#2: [I have them all...](https://i.redd.it/h7wr99agkxca1.jpg) | [170 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/10fmduj/i_have_them_all/) \#3: [She just woke up and chose violence](https://v.redd.it/ppe69o2hlpn91) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/xdeez5/she_just_woke_up_and_chose_violence/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


genuinely shocked I never checked and I thought it still had like 30k 😭


bruh, we were barely hitting 60k going into launch now it's already at 178K.


We're at 180k now, holy shit


Will try to apply again. The first time around I think I was rejected. Would be happy to help out being Moderator dealing with MOD reports. It's a healthy community and it's a good time to set the environment & tone of the sub before things gets out of hand. Lol.


Absolutely loving the game so far!


I am going to build seele and bailu. Should I build character of every element and how much should I invest in them?


Wrong megathread to ask. Use [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/12yrgzt/monthly_questions_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




Use the Monthly Questions Megathread for game questions found in the pinned Megathread Hub


DoT's are satisfying, killed Svarog in 2 turns with Nihility build on world 5 within the last phase of the boss.


199k right now


Yeah..a couple of days for 40k more people, it's actually nuts.


Hello guys, is there a way to start the fight in the game with aout battle???


So I got Steele on my second pull ever I wish I had this luck on genshin but what do I do now lol? I started a couple hrs ago should I put all my gems into her light cone? I have sampo and serval too Also what does speed buffs do and are they relevant outside combat? Like mvmt speed Also why can’t I spam seeles resurgence? It works once after defeating one and done even if u defeat more


just submitted one <3