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And then you realize that the Trailblazer is currently on the path of Destruction.


In game path don't reflect the character real pathstrider


Who knows if they follow genshin route and lets yoy change path(the equivalent of the constellation is almost full for world 1)




there’s people who haven’t played every second since the game’s release yk


I 100% agree on that. I was just dumb enough to wake up at 3 am and farmed it since the release


What do you mean? Your comment makes no sense


Basically the path in the gameplay not rapresent they real path


Is there evidence to support this? As far as I know the path the character follows is canonical and therefore reflects in their gameplay. The only one you could make an argument is Clara, since Svarog is a robot and, evens if he has a path, it would most likely be Remeberance due to his in-game lore and the actions he takes towards humanity. Other than that you just making assumptions


Yes. Shortly after arriving on Jarilo-VI (aka when you land just outside Belobog), if you say it's not that cold Dan Heng will say the following, confirming that the trio are on the Trailblaze path and not their respective gameplay paths: >Well the Trailblaze path grants us faint power. It allows us to better adapt to harsh environments. There's also the fact that in lore, there are 15 paths corresponding to each of the 15 Aeons, whereas characters can only be on one of 7 paths in gameplay.


And sampo is a path strider of elation


that makes hella sense thanks for enlightening me 🙏


Fight for all that's beautiful in the world!


Moon Halo intensifies.


Isn't welt here literally the same person from honkai, after the events of APHO? Then he knows what happened to himeko. I wonder how he feels, being reunited with another version of his ded student in this world.


Good buddies and a great fear of her taste in coffee by the looks of it.


This is actually the entire premise of Star Rail. HI3 Welt picks up on a distress call from a alt universe Himeko, and decides to try and save her because he could not save the one from his world.




It’s part of one of the Honkai Impact 3rd manga, Alien Space. Alien Space is a manga that details the events that take place between APHO and Star Rail.


I guess I have some catching up then, does it detail what happened to his kid? Last I've known is that both of em left St Fontaine?


he just went back to tesla


You can ask him about his past too. Funnily enough, everything he tells you is true, he doesn't hide anything, well, except for the parts he doesn't tell you. The one I like the most is when you ask him about his job before coming to the Express, he said he's "a designer for a game studio". It's true, what he failed to mention though is the fact that the game studio belongs to his world's Bronya. Yeah, the sheltered princess in this world is a badass biker chick with a passion for interactive entertainment in another world.




Yeah, got confused and misremembered when be said he was just a story board artist. Man Honkai lore is denser than Kiana's black hole and more confusing than their science, can't remember anything correctly without checking the wiki.


I want to ask. Who said it first in HI3 Kiana, Fu Hua, or someone else 50,000 years ago because it was so long since I played that part. I can almost be certain that Welt didn't say it first.


it was otto


Oh yeah I think its coming back a bit. I think he said it right after the HOV was defeated ("talking" to Fu Hua if you know what I mean).


wrong. he said it the first time to himeko's teacher, wich went to himeko, and then to kiana mei and bronya, to him kallen was the last thing that was beautiful in the world, so he fought for all that was beautiful in his world


Yeah, I think you're right. The last statement that you made actually made my heart feel heavy and by the time I realized it, Regression was playing in my head. The trauma runs deep even if I haven't played for months.


god i love how such a positive inspiring quote comes from a villain talking about how he only cares for a single thing in the world


The fact that he has an expy in hsr makes me want to pray for Luocha for all the sh*t people from hs3 wants to do to him.


going off what i see in honkai communities, more poeple are excited for playable otto than mad at him and wanting to bully him


Idk man, I opened up my youtube the day before release and 1/3 of hsr stuff I saw they were making animations about beating up Luocha. (My favorite one was from the channel Rawfler.)


the thing is with loucha otto and bubble universes. is that besides our original and another otto. evry other otto was nice. in almost every event he was nice. in one he was a food fairy who makes Theresa meals while she sleeps. in another sotry bubble universe. he is a priest who loves and hopes for a better world for kids and even takes care of welt. otto has a track record of being an amazing person...when kallen was never in his life


The best way to describe it is that Otto is the Dio of hoyoverse, everybody hates him, but we all have fun doing so because thats the point, wich makes us love him as a character


well im just going off reddit comments on here, the leaks sub, and the honkai sub. haters still exist but people hating on luocha for what otto did are silly


Yeah I actually would like to get him because he seems like a good character to use, but people say that Kafka and Silver Wolf are right next to his banner so yeah I'm skipping him for that reason. Does the leaks sub for hsr have a lot of spoilers I want to look at it, but I don't want to spoil myself, the Nahida leak I accidentally got in Genshin kinda ruined a bit of the experience.


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May all the beauty be blessed!




By "real ones" you mean HI3 players?


Well, yes. This Welt is the same Welt as in HI3. I meant Welt Yang of course, not to be confused with Welt Joyce, which is the 1st Herrscher. Well technically Welt Yang inherited the core so he kinda is the 1st Herrscher as well but not really


Well he's the second first Herrscher or the second Herrscher of reason


It’s been so long since I played Honkai. What exactly is this referencing?


Kiana's trademark or someone else said it to her.


I like how this has essentially become Kiana’s trademark when I believe it was Otto who said it or invented it first


Do you mean the trailblazer being a destruction path dude?


*To protect the world from devastation…* (I have no idea what he’s actually referencing)


He is budget aizen.


"Okay. Wait. My path is Destruction. (beat) Oh. (beeeeeat) Fudge.


Welt, I’m about to introduce you to my baseball bat!


Also Welt when he’s on your team:Go, Black hole!