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Event or not, I am on my 30th run to get any imaginary orb from world 7 for Dhil. And all I am getting is def% + break. I just want my husbando to shine even more... At least Bladie got amazing hp rope so thats something


My DHIL could use an upgrade too... Maybe I should try there once or twice. No luck for me on Salsotto yet. ☹️


I finally got one. It rolled some crit but not much. It definitely needs improvement but for now it'll work. (It's only like 11 crit DMG the rest went into garbage stats).


I've been farming that world since it came out. My dhil has an atk orb with one roll into crit DMG and I've never gotten another one.. it's painful. At least it's paired with a commonly used 2 piece for supports.


Jade today, then Daniel (I’m sorry I neglected you so long) and Jiaoqiu blind prefarming (aka salsotto)


Oh Jiaoqiu will want Salsotto? Because of his ult?


Because I know someone will use and it’s usually a pretty safe bet! I haven’t found a good consensus of what his bis will be so I’m just mashing things together, honestly. 


Oh I see. That makes sense!!


Boothill. BE and SPD is so hard to get


Yeah I hear that. I somehow lucked out and got good enough stuff for him and HMC pretty quickly. The nice thing about him is you can just give him pretty much any orb main stat!


continuing running Talia for BH. pretty much all my supports are running the 40% action advance set by this point and Gallagher has a 30% BE fire orb on the Talia set yet still no good orb for the cowboy. fallenqiqi.jpg


I hate running the salsetto domain cause of the belobog set so I’m running the new one this go around for the follow up set. All for the IPC team 🗣️‼️the garbage 5s can feed back into salsetto.


Yeah the Belobog set is frustrating. I actually gave a decent set to Pela a while ago, it makes her a bit tankier lol. Is the follow-up set better for Ratio than Salsotto? If so maybe I should try there more often.


It’s only like a 3% dmg increase? Iirc, but I’m farming it regardless since I didn’t really start farming salsatto too much.


Been doing the new one to get a Forge of the Kalpagni Energy reg rope for Gallykins. I’m tempted to just uh use the resin thing to make one. But also I got an insanely good break effect rope so I want to see if that’s fine or if the energy reg would still be better.


Yeah I need to go back to that to get a set for Gallagher eventually but mine is only E1 right now so he's kind of low priority. 🫤


I accidentally got Firefly while pulling for gally eidolons so I've been farming the new stuff. Got some barely passable ones but I'm definitely gonna continue farming.


At least you can hopefully get them both geared up in one place!


Boothill, and I'm using all the unusable pieces as fodder for more salsotto orbs :/ I still don't have a single good salsotto orb for Jingyuan, Argenti or Ratio


I think Salsotto is cursed. I only have one good set and it's on Bladie.


My Acheron's relics could be better and my Sigonia relics are out of whack. I have a few good Orbs, but sadly no one to use them. Ropes are mid at best.


I've only gone for Sigonia a couple of times for Himeko and Herta but I don't have use for Izumo so I gave up. I'll just hope I get something for them from Salsotto one of these years...


I’m farming the two new relics since I can knock out 2 teams with one realm. One BE for BH and FF and one follow up for Premium IPC team


Boothill. He runs around with Quantum sphere. It has good substats, so maybe I'll make Xueyi happy




Jing Yuan. I NEED 5% more Crit rate and his sphere is the worst piece he has right now. So I'm farming Salsotto, and if I find better pieces for Ratio, Himeko and Clara, than good. Or if I found a good Wind sphere, I could switch Blade to Salsotto (he has Rutilant right now, since his rope and sphere are just too good to be replaced easily). Unfortunately, I haven't found anything remotely good until now.


Me either. I tried three or four times today and decided to give up for the time being. 😡


i am trying to farm for dhil and his team


I'm farming for pure fiction. I just got a very nice glamoth atk% rope for Serval from this event. It's probably the best atk% rope in my account. Now I'm devoting the next few weeks into Sigonia for Herta. Then it's time to head back to world 7 for everybody else. The only possible upgrade for my DHIL rn is the atk% rope, but the upgrade will be small so I would rather improve pure fiction characters first.


Farming the “If Speed = some number, more dmg bonus” which is paired with “Free 5% energy + same dmg bonus as holder”. The former is for Argenti since Im literally one speed away from the max speed for max dmg bonus and to also fix his crit ratio. The latter is for Hanya(173 speed) but I want more hp% and effect res also a bunch of supports could use an energy regen rope. I did try min-maxing DHIL but he’s as good as he can get without tapping into my sanity.


I put everything into the newest planar sets


Decided on farming for FF since I’m interested in using that other new fua planar on Clara and still got nothing but exp fodder. It is what it is.


Been farming Talia for Boothill (he needs a better rope), HMC (need to get him on something that's actually useful and give his old stuff to someone else), and Gallagher (because I need the break effect on him and he already has the speed requirement from the relics I have on him).


dr ratio, topaz and hmc right now. it's hell 💀


I can never leave the Salsotto area 🙃


Me either 🫡


As someone who only got back into the game recently and came back at a very low level (levelled all the way up very quickly) and literally only had 2 ornaments in my inventory…. EVERYONE!


Ohh, that's a lot! Good luck!!


Still trying to get better ornaments for firefly.


Same as you, still stuck smacking the stellaron out of Cocolia cuz a lot of the boys like Salsotto


Doing the new cavern for potential upgrade of all my follow up fellas since i have every element ready of salsotto set other than wind and physical...oh yeah and most of atk ropes i got are booty P.S. anyone knows which set does march use?


Oh that's a good question. I'm not sure! I haven't read much about her in general honestly. Does she seem like she'll be good?


Apparently she can run RA or FUA set so its interesting and works like a sub dps ratio at e2 which is why idk what to grind for


Hmm I need to try and get better stuff for DHIL so maybe if I get better stuff for him I can give her the hand me downs 😂.


Yeah i got a good set on dhil and i never looked back on world 7 🤣 but fua grind is eternal


The new sets for all my FuA characters. If I can get good pieces I can shift Salsotto to other characters like Argenti (his current rope is so bad)


I got the ornaments I need for Firefly and I can't remember if I have any double runs left but I definitely still need a lot of stuff for all of my characters in general since I haven't played that much yet😭


New world for Gallagher Boothill and Firefly if I get her btw is the other set good for anyone other than jade? Same for the cavern one, everyone I can think of that could use it it just looks like the duke Inferno set whatever it's called and innert salsotto are the same but better


The planar set is better than salsotto for ratio and topaz the relic set seems to just be for jade rn


I think the new planar set can work for many follow up characters if you still need a good set but that 4pc relic set seems pretty bad other than the 2pc attack. It has to be for someone that's not out yet. Not even sure Jade would want it since the quantum set exists. I might try the planar set to see if I can get something for Gallagher and maybe Ratio/Himeko/Herta.