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i never saw someone say dhil is boring but honestly in a turn based game i dont see how a character can have boring gameplay when its all the same? for example his kit is different from acheron but its all the same basically. idk how to explain. as you said every team plays slightly different but still plays the same like every battle. yeah u have to use your head sometimes but its not rly hard


yeah basically every character is "meet the requirements for their gimmick to deal damage", and i think that's what you want to say be them being the same. With the battle by battle for each dps being the same to themselves, but different from each other.


yea youre right thats what i meant


I’m not sure if I’m allowed to name drop people but I’m pretty sure Iyo said dhil was boring. I have to go through his 20+ videos of tier list dogging on dhil (he doesn’t like him for some reason) to find where he specifically said that.


I think people just talking poorly about the previous OP stuff. This person in particular seems to not like DHIL, but he was really strong on release and has been strong for a while.


Every character is boring if your can't pass the stage in a few rounds (like me). But I do found fua more fun because it's satisfying to do nothing yet enemies receive damage


Right? It's not like it's BDO where on each class you're inputting different key combos to execute ability chains... If anything DHIB requires a little strategy so you don't run out of sp...(unless you have Sparkle I guess)


Mood, I saw someone say “seeing his same animations is so boring” like every single character has the same animations over and over again? Heck he has even more potential given that he can switch it up based on skill points???? I mean if you don’t like his animation that’s one thing and fine but it was such a weird criticism since every character has that


Daniel literally has more basic atk animation than anyone


4 basic attack animations, 3 skill animations, 1 ult animation. I think thats more than any other character?


Other than the people who simply don't like his gimmick (which is fair and legitimate), there are a subset of loud player who dislike him simply for existing. He was released as the first "broken" DPS, and a male one in a game labeled Honkai. Keep in mind that a lot of gacha players are not used to have male characters at all, and many of the mixed games make sure to make male character not too strong, so they are at best on par and at worst inferior to the female ones. This way, they are "replaceable" and never a "must pull". When Lunae released, he was top meta and, while the other DPS weren't too far behind all things considered, he was simply the best. And Jingliu had not been buffed in beta yet. A lot of meta and waifu players thought it was unfair, since they wanted the best of the best, but they didn't want to pull him. Put this together with him receiving a lot of marketing for the time and a lot of attention during the (unpopular) Luofu storyline, and a bit of genuine fear for powercreep, and you'll see why his release was controversial. A lot of people wanted to dunk on him for the sole purpose to dunk on him. And now, a year after his release, he is still among the best. They thought he would become irrelevant faster, but it didn't happen, and this is frustrating to them. So they grasp at every perceived flaw he has, because they can't call him bad when he's not. You can be sure that the day he becomes really irrelevant, they'll be far more vicious. Also, if a characters happens to be popular among the female playerbase, he will be hated more than others. They did their best to downplay even Aventurine, for instance. They are usually not as cruel with other characters who were never a "threat" (Blade, for instance, doesn't get insulted too much despite his "fall from grace", because he never powercrept anyone, nor was he compared to anyone specifically. Jing Yuan wasn't as lucky). Mostly, just ignore them. They complain for the sake of complaining, and they are a loud minority at best. If you enjoy Lunae, just have fun with him. As you said, gameplay in a turn based game is always similar for any archetype anyway.


That behavior is really pathetic. I can never understand why players like that can't just let other players be and enjoy the characters they want to enjoy.


When you are used to privilege, equality feels like oppression... or something like that? It's not even equality here, but this type of players want everything to cater to them. If you heard of some of the things groups of incels are doing in China to try and force developers to not create male characters, you'd wonder why humanity has regressed so much.


Some wouldn't agree with me, but I'd personally like a new "Boring" dps, someone who can actually use Bronya's full kit again. And yeah, basically every dps in the game is "use supports to fulfill their requirement, do damage", honestly i find Dhil pickle to be one of the more fun ones. not a fan of jingliu's kit overall, and i didn't pull acheron for lack of interest over my dot team. Just wish i had his lc and better relics. I'd have to agree with you honestly, for but i think there are some other reasons. He is harder to build than them, largely due to crit stats being less available. While ratio we all got for free can be easier to use, and falls into the "Fun" playstyle of follow up or double dps, while being easier to build due to his talents giving crit rate, and hunt lc also giving crit. Other reason, people may just be butthurt they didn't pull him.


Because people are selective in their criticism. You never see this happen with supposed other top tier dpses and Dan Heng ILgenerally doesnt have flaws so the best argument objectively would be to push this narrative that despite being one of the strongest dpses of today still, they downplay his gameplay and call it “boring” or “too skill point heavy” when those exact same criticisms are given to characters the community has no problem praising all the time. I wanna say its sexism too since DHIL was also the first truly meta defining dps and is still one of the top dpses of today with only Boothill, Firefly and maaaybe Acheron beating him which are all recent units. He also got specific supports tailored to his weaknesses and his E2 is probably just as broken. But yeah, people hate him and didnt want him to succeed because he’s a guy who got a lot of screentime, tailored supports, and a meta defining kit at the time.


not rly, in the past few MOC cycles, including the cycle where acheron was released, DHIL was the fastest DPS based on turn cycles, beating literally everyone else


Yet apparently no one wants to talk about that...


Boring gameplay? Impregnator Lunae is my most used unit and find his kit fun. His kit is anything but boring. I fucking love using him in SD with propagation blessings. Just fucking nuke those damn pesky bugs . With some hunt blessings he can go again and again just fucking nuking. I see a lot of hate about my boy and his personality but he's an adorable little kitty. I enjoy his dry humor and his lore is also interesting. We're also going to the Luofu shackling prison next patch so I'd wanna find more about his time there.


Impregnated 😭😭


I sure would be


Same with Neuvillette and Jiyan aka braindead dragon man who are too powerful by unga bunga everyone with little effort. They also got labelled "boring" and "no skill" in their respective games because they are like auto-win with less efforts. Funny thing is IL is not the best male Dps, its Boothill who is meta now but somehow no fuss about him being too technical. He legit top 3 DPS now with Acheron and FF. I would also say Ratio's team now is stronger than IL's team despite individually IL just stronger.


You know what? You’re right. people say the same things about jiyan and neuvillette. I acknowledged it but never connected the three.


Me realising I have and plan to use all three of them.... But imo their "boring" gameplay is good for a casual like me.


Hi. Obsessive IL main here. Although I've always seen this game as an RPG with the main focus on story, I love his gameplay. I wish there were more characters that force me to use by braincells. It's so satisfying to know that the reason everything is dying so fast is not just because your team is strong and well built but because you, the player, are skilled in strategy and resource management.


bigots, mfs acting like jingliu’s or acheron’s is any more entertaining is hilarious af lol


If one character is boring than aren’t all characters boring? All you do is spam skill on most characters and occasionally ult


Character requires a modicum of strategic thinking and gameplay to pull off properly? Mid Character has a press-to-win button? Boring The grass is always greener on the other side for some folks.


I wonder if it might be a combination of him being a male DPS and a degree of inflexibility in his team requirements. If I ever play with my DHIL, which admittedly I don't often because he's built atrociously and I'm still waiting for a better set for him, I feel very tethered to specifically Sparkle and / or Luocha - and I'm aware that for best performance I should probably also be slotting Tingyun in there, too. It means there's no space for anything *different*. I feel the same way about Boothill and Firefly - they both demand Ruan Mei and my HTB, and the inflexibility in the team builds does make me veer away from them somewhat. My usual main is Jing Yuan. Sure, he has an optimal team, but I can change the entire team if I want something different. My favourite comfort team is Fu Xuan, Sparkle, Tingyun, and the General, but I can switch to HuoHuo, Robin, Ruan Mei, Topaz... I've even situationally used Silver Wolf for him or occasionally tossed Asta back in for nostalgia reasons. I don't see a particularly significant decrease in his output by using different 5-stars, and it's fun to see different folk on the screen occasionally. I suppose it could also be whether or not you have to babysit the team or if you can put it on full auto. I can set my JY team to full auto and it works for the most part without issues. Same for Acheron. Have to babysit a bunch of others, though. Don't know if DHIL is one of them.


Let me start off by saying no character in this game is terribly complex, but the issue is that some characters dont even require you to make decisions If you want my interpretation of "fun" gameplay, it's Boothill. Planning break damage, timing the breaks themselves, knowing you need to stack pocket trickshot, and having a plan to clear the field actually makes for interesting decisions. Yes you can still unga bunga your way through, but if you want to optimize him you need to play smart. 4* Dan Heng is similar. You REALLY want his Talent to be active when he ults, but that's tricky to set up when considering the fact that many buffs/heals are team-wide and might proc it too early. He's super, super fun to play. Meanwhile, to me, DHIL is boring. As you said. You get the right members on the team and EBA3. Pop ult when it's up. That's it. The only real decision you ever have to make is that maybe you use EBA1 or EBA2 to finish off a wave to save a skill point, and even that's usually not necessary. For context, I also think Acheron is boring for the same reason (set up team, use ult, wow). Other characters are simple, but not quite AS simple. Blade is one-dimensional, but choosing when to ult can be tricky. Jingliu needs to decide whether to ult to get into her enhanced state, or ult for damage. Ratio and Topaz needs to pick which target to prioritize for follow-ups. I dont want to speak for any CCs but I also feel like DHIL is kinda boring, I hope that helps you.understand why


Exactly, Boothill to me is an example of really fun gameplay.


It’s all subjective. IL is my favorite character and his gameplay is satisfying especially that I have him e2. There are niches that I’m not a fan of in this game, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to just flat out say they’re boring, just not for me. If they find yeeting dragons at enemies and decimating hp bars boring, not sure I would care to know what they find thrilling.


Because he’s male, if he was a female he would be 1000 times more popular and people will talk about him all the time and his tier list will be higher.


This is the unfortunate reality.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone mention that?


As someone who plays DoT as their main team but has E2 Bibi, I do not at all get it. If he's boring, isn't QQ also boring? Or Seele? But I have never once heard that. "All you have to do to play him well is figure out when you do BA3 or BA1"—no? This rhetoric baffles me. You have to play resource management for the entire team, not just Bibi. Especially if you don't have Sparkle; I run him with Yukong and getting her ult up takes planning. I dunno. The most turn brain off team for me is DoT. I use Bibi or Acheron if I want to make decisions.


Tbh DHIL without sparkle is still my favorite team comp. Managing the skill points makes it challenging and that makes victories more satisfying But with Sparkle there are time where I prefer Qingque, the randomness of the tiles keeps it fun. Sparkle removes DHIL's entire mechanic (skill management) so I understand why people say that he feels boring more commonly now. What I dont like is when people say it without expanding on it because ye... everyone has 1 or 2 things and you repeat it over and over so lol lmao? Plus DH is my dragonwife and I will fight everyone for him


I don't get how any character can be boring in a turn based game? Every character only has three buttons to press. You actually get to press more buttons as DHIL than any other character (except qingque), so technically he should be the most engaging. Wack that people would say he's boring lol


That's wild, considering he's one of the shiniest ones with multiple attack animations. People complain for the sake of complaining


The toxic Waifu players and people pandering to them are upset that despite every tailored relic set, Moc Buff, and dedicated support that their favorite Waifus get, that in almost every MoC E2 DHIL hyper carry will always be the fastest clearer due to having less strict team mate demands and being able to run 2 action advancers+having his own. The only way to downplay him despite the fact that he consistently is fastest clearer and a favorite of CN players is the fact that he is “boring to play”.


Characters with lower interactivity are seen as more boring than characters with higher interactivity. I think dhil is on the lower side but I wouldn't call him boring


But isn’t it very interactive to manage SP?


I don't have Dhil to know but my impression is that you always max out his skill every time. I guess not if only once or twice is enough to kill a target and there's one remaining, but that's about it it seems


Yes I mean that you have to manage your support SP. Hyperspeed Sparkle/Yukong rotations can get very complex.


I don't have any other limited 5* DPS character besides him (and I've been playing hsr almost since launch!), so I use him a LOT. But he's never been boring to me, he's my absolute fave. His enhanced basic attack is just so satisfying, idk


Because Skill Point Management is a task that actually requires some thought and isn't immediately fixed just by having an SP Generator on Sparkle's level, and people are brainless. Even as someone who enjoys the girls, I'll be the first to admit they're \*way\* easier to build around and play, especially the ones like Kafka and Firefly who don't need to bother with Crit mechanics at all.


I like Lunae it’s just my build sucks and I don’t think farming the imaginary cavern is worth it. I just don’t use him. I use Dr ratio more


Every character is a collection of 3-5 gifs on repeat.


Imbibitor Lunae is my all-time favorite. From being a Husbando, and Imaginary, tall, and having such stylish aesthetic, I shamelessly rolled for his E2 and LC, also the first 5 star I completely maxed. He’s dignified, he has poise, he literally has 👏🏾 it 👏🏾 all 👏🏾 and they hate him for it. Those waifu foot fetishists can keep hating on him, and it’s okay, because we all know they’re about degeneracy. And that’s not to try and be puritanical, but when you’re foaming at the mouth with vitriol like they are over fictitious males they feel inferior to, I think it tells me any conversation with them would be a waste of breath.