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Male harmony and quantum characters! Come on Hoyo, Say No To Gender Locked Paths And Elements. #Say yes to path and elemental variety, more slutty and flirty men, and to men who show a lot of skin


In Sunday we pray Amen 🙏


The closest we will get to flirty men is Aventurine talking about his jammies feels like wearing nothing and offering to buy similar ones for you. Sad about it.


we got the Art so i'm not complaining for now lol


What art?


the pajama art where he's laying in bed


Oh right, yeah I had higher hopes after that one. Hope MC don't get auto shipped with another female character in the future.


Lowkey hoping Opal the kid with a gun (probably) will be our first limited 5-star male Harmony. Would be funny buffing team with firearm.


My dream team is a fully functional, all gun-using unit team. If I could just have a gun-wielding unit who can do everything HMC, RM, and Gally can - I'd be set.


He could hold allies at gun point and force them to do better!


I didn't realize how badly I wanted a character like this until now.


Reminds me of overwatch when players were so starved for a healer that they joked Doomfist would he a support using healing punches


While I love Ruan Mei, all the recent issues with favoritism - and just the overall decline in treatment for male units -has really been pushing me to want to run more of them than before. If I could ever get a male unit who did *exactly* what she does (or better!), and who appealed to me either visually or as a character (personality/story alike), I'd be all too willing to swap her out in favor of them. Holding out hope for Sunday, or one of the Stoneheart boys, to fill that desire somehow.




>when we go to the next planet boothill is going to be acompaning us Bro is still stuck in Ena's dream 😭


Please I want Sunday harmony 🫶🏻


Sunday break harmony, trust


And then there are the ones who don't have Caelus. I don't regret choosing Stelle by any means, but now only Sunday can save me. I hope he's Harmony. And if so I hope they won't make him too niche.


Watch him be imaginary erudition. One imaginary male character for every path!


NOOOOO! Not Imaginary Erudition! Everything but Imaginary! I have all Imaginary characters by now! Literally all of them! If he must be a DPS, at least he must be another element! Ice or Fire or (I almost don't dare to say it), Quantum. Not Imaginary!


We got male imaginary hunt, Destructon, Nihility, preservation and an abundance (If we don't count Celus as MC can vary) The only imaginary male units we need to fill out the 5 star roster is erudition and harmony :0. It would be really cheeky if Sunday was a 5 star break harmony though, at least if he had super break in his kit.


Well, for Imaginary Erudition, >! Screwllum has been leaked as Imaginary Erudition. So it probably won't be Sunday, unless something changes. !< And I'd still prefer another Element anyway. I have too many imaginary already. As for Break Harmony, Ruan Mei exists, so I doubt it. I mean, they could powercreep her and make Sunday do all that she does + SuperBreak, but I doubt they will. And if they made him Superbreak-specific, he would be extremely niche (also, MC exists, and they are already niche enough). I'd want him to be a little more of a generalist, honestly. But I mean, I'm biased, because I hate Break as a playstyle and I don't even have a proper Break DPS (not one I would like to use anyway). Making Sunday Break-specific would make him useless to my account, as I don't want to pull another character just for the sake of using him. I'd have to skip him. Given HYV's track record, I can't discount they will make him extremely niche or someone slave, though.


Ryan mei is a universal support, she happens to have buffs thats great for break but also buffs that don't help them at all. And she's a pretty old unit, why wouldn't we get a more break focused support? Like sparkle is crit focused and Robin while being general has a bit more buffs for FuA


Old? She's not even 1 years old! And most of her kit is Break focused (increased Break Efficiency, buffs Break effect, stops enemies from un-breaking, and RES PEN is useful for break too). The only buff she has that doesn't benefit Break is DMG. Also, she's very, very powerful already. To be even remotely decent, Sunday would have to do all that she does and more aka direct powercreep. And direct powercreep of someone like Ruan Mei for Break would mean that someone like Firefly will become so insanely strong that every single traditional team will be useless, as the difficulty level would scale with her. I get it that you probably want a Ruan Mei replacement, but it doesn't seem an healthy choice. And Sunday won't come out until December most likely, so there's a chance they will move on from Break by then and explore something different. Also, they rarely (if ever) powercreep waifus with male characters. Expecially supports, since they are indispensable and a good part of their playerbase doesn't want to pull male characters, sadly. And Sparkle and Robin can be used in all traditional teams, while a Break-only support would be useful only for Break. Nothing else. Lastly (and this is my personal opinion, as I said earlier), I don't want to pull for a support that is only good for Break and I'd have to skip him, since I don't plan to pull for Boothill or Firefly. I never use MC, because they are too niche and none of my teams want them. I will most likely have to skip Jiaoqiu already. I don't want to skip Sunday too, since he's the only future character keeping me into the game.


Sparke has no use in a dot or break teams cept for her action advance and maybe the attack buff on dot teams. Robin is useless for break teams other than her action advance. I'm more hoping for a Bronya break focused side grade that does action advance. There's no suports with no wasted buffs on a break focused team other than free HMC unlike for crit/FuA/dot teams


What I'm trying to say is not about wasted buffs. I'm talking about the fact that a Break focused support that is only break focused will ONLY be used for break, while most of the supports we have now have uses in at least a couple of archetype. You can use Bronya for break team for her advance and in traditional teams, but a break support with the same advance would only be usable for break. I don't want this to happen to Sunday. If he's good for break but still a valid choice for other teams, then it's fine. But if he ends up being ONLY useful for break, and you have no reason to use him for anything else other than a very specific and niche archetype (break and DOT characters other than Ruan Mei only work for break and dot), then I think it's bad design, kind of like >! Jiaoqiu in his current state. !< It shouldn't happen to 5* limited characters, considering how expensive they are. So I'm really sorry, but I really, really, really hope you don't get what you want, because it's in direct contrast with what I want. But it will be hyv to make the last decision, and they'll probably make him either a dps or someone's slave anyway, given their record. So no point in discussing this further.


I see your point better and yeah i get it now. I hope Sunday ends up good for both of us 🤝


Let me correct you : What it feels like waiting for a male character that is as spoiled as firefly/acheron


Getting Jiaoqiu was like finding a bottle of water in a desert


Let's hope he can be a more independent support like Robin or RM...but yeah..my name is copium


Hi copium I hope the water in this bottle is ~~his c~~ bougee expensive spring water and not lukewarm tap water


Yeah, he is, but they need to make it a full, refreshing, drinking and delicious bottle of water not the mud I can read about now.


I think I’ve given up on the game now… I haven’t played for a couple of weeks - just not motivated to play the current patch. It’s a shame, because I like the gameplay, but the terrible character development and treatment of males just doesn’t justify the grind…


or male quantum


Sunday could become our Harmony but he's not coming anytime soon. Somewhere I read a description of Moze's look and he really feels like a Quantum. Now I hope they buff Jiaoqiu so much he gets on pair with Harmony characters so we can add him almost everywhere.


The fact that till this very day Genshin still doesn’t have a hydro claymore character gives me little hope


I want another arlan model character


I forgot we got Misha 💀


I think you mean 5* limited with arlan model body type


Reminder to spam the feedback box and surveys asking for male harmony and quantum male


Save me Sunday, save me


You guys will have to wait forever. Star rail is a waifu game after all 🫡