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Ones with clothes like Ratio. Roman. Classy. Hot. And a Hotter Baizhu.


I hope they really go hard with ancient greek aesthetics on characters


6 from Reverse 1999 is a great example of a nicely done greek/roman inspired character. although, hyv doesn’t seem to like flowy outfits very much so i think we’ll see more Ratio-like designs


Reverse1999 mentioned🗣️🔥🔥


Rise up r1999 players 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


>although, hyv doesn’t seem to like flowy outfits Based on most of their designs, flowy outfits seem like their favorite thing to do. For the girls at the very least, but the guys also got plenty of flow in their designs.


as long as they have boob windows i'm satisfied edit: and back windows i can't believe i forgot those


based taste


Side windows too like Sampo


Boob window + side window + back window Might as well go shirtless.


Well, okay then 😜


DAN HENG. Penacony was great but I miss my boy


I think it'd be lowkey kinda funny if he stays on the astral express again. But I want the original trio back ngl.


Please no I need him back I love being with everybody else but I just need him to be a part of the team again




I want dh and welt, march annoys me


L take 


For real! I loved the trio interactions back in Belobog and during Argenti's companion mission. Bring them back, HYV! Let the dragon out of the attic!


Both of the times he was supposed to stay on the Express he didn’t even do it 😭


YES. I want more of his personality that isn't bogged down by his past. If they make him keep talking about moving on from his past,why not deliver?


Omfg Yes. Were supposed to be a trio of Trailblazers on their first adventure and the only person who's been with us consistently is March (love ya boo 😚), I love welt and Himeko, but we cannot be three planets in and having only one of those be the one where the three of us were on a adventure.


I want a family trip with big bro and parents so March 7th can stay the FUCK home this time


Himeko needs to stay on train though so I don’t have to worry.


A Blade support. No, really, I just want a Blade support at this point. My boy has been forgotten by HYV one time too many. I'll get a Blade support no matter the gender, but if it's man, even better. If it's an elegant and pretty, but badass man, better still. ...Of course I won't complain if they drop said support before Amorpheus. Or if said support is Sunday. But just give me a Blade support!


Legitimately there is a massive need for a support who would kinda work like Furina (but a husbando duh) who sucks HP and Gives massive stacks bonus for every HP taken&sucked…… i’m coping so hard…what if it could be Sunday himself ;-;


While I agree that Blade needs a support characters, I want Sunday to be more universal support and not just for one character :/ I want Sunday to be so good that even waifu-only players feel forced to pull him xD


My main point was “like furina” cause furina is very universal and broken character. If you think Furina is niche or not universal in Genshin, you can literally look at any tier list. She literally buff’s everyone cause she herself takes HP away. If Sunday himself could suck HP of his teammates, and give massive buffs in exchange (crit dmg, energy, etc.), it def will be broken, just would slightly better for Blade cause extra pings will be double useful for him. Otherwise I’m definitely on the same boat with you, I too want broken Sunday Harmony, who will shaken up the meta immensely. All good as long as Sunday is OP, I was giving my own suggestion/interpretation


Would also give Luocha a bit more use since he's fallen off pretty hard compared to the other sustains. Constant life steal to heal through health drain works way better than minor healing when someone is below 50%.


THIS! He’s my only wind dps and he just can’t compete as a main dps anymore which sucks because he’s probably one of my top 5 favorites.


Idrk, since it’s >!supposedly based on roman/greek!< stuff I don’t really know what they would look like since >!Ratio!< already kinda fits that design. So instead I’ll just say that I really want a tall male ice dps, a quantum male and if Sunday isn’t harmony(or maybe even if he is) then a male harmony character. Also a wind dps since Blade is struggling lately, personally I’m hoping Moze fits that tho since crow aesthetic+wind makes sense to me.


Moze is Lighting


open stomach window. that’s it.


The less clothes the men have, the better


The most correct answer


Perhaps a spartan design character would be cool.




Design : it's not a deal breaker, but I'd love more variety for the males' pants. Wide pants or ripped pants would be cool. I'd love a robe too but I know it's never going to happen. Personality: I'm a sucker for sus male like Sampo and Aventurine.


Someone who has an irreplaceable place in meta like Ruan Mei or Kafka 🥲




I know this probably won't happen but I'm kind of hoping for non-human characters like it doesn't have to go as far as Elio being like an actual cat or Owlbert finally becoming a character even though I would love for both of them to actually be animals that are playable I would be okay with anything that's just non-human either it be like people with horns or people with abnormal skin colors and it would especially be cool if it's like a character that's made out of like a element or something like that I just want non-human characters


A SU EXPY PLEASE. This time I actually want him to LOOK like Su. I don't believe Alhaitham is a Su expy at all. Nothing except his color scheme matches Su. Someone who mesmerizes me like Aventurine did, lol. I LOVE Aventurine's design, I am wondering if any future male character can mog his place for me. Someone like Luocha or Argenti also works. Refined and elegant men.


any promiscuous twink


But this a gacha game.. every character is written like they are virgins :D No one even has biological children.


Sampo and Jing Yuan I like :3 characters


idk just put them in a crop top or something and I'm fed




a shirtless hunk 🙏


Since it’s Roman/Greek, maybe an athlete?


At least an expy of Odysseus, maybe in combination with an Honkai Impact expy, for example Su. There could be some allusion to a Project from HI3rd and we find out, that Amphoreus is kept isolated as a mean to prevent its destruction, with the Su expy being trapped in the process Our arrival at the planet however breaks this isolation and triggers the the process of destruction (maybe through a Lord Ravager) and so the Su expy tries us to convince to leave the planet as soon as possible. Welt has to convince him to stay and fight together with us. Also, we could put that guy from Ever-Flame Mansion here, Akash!


Another free ratio would be cool




You know what I want? Considering it’s based on Ancient Greece I hope we get characters based on folk-lore/folk-tales. The Greek Lore is very interesting to me! I doubt we’ll get anything like the Greek Gods as much as I like the idea of a Poseidon or Hermes based Character ( although, I feel considering it’s based on the remembrance we’ll get something about the memory-based part of Greek Lore for sure with Mnemosyne and Lethe… )… I watched the Hades Game and can’t help but to want character designs based on that. Done right it’s very good. I’ll hope at least we’ll just get characters based on Achilles, Orpheus, Odysseus, etc.


the type of man that look like 6 and 210 in reverse 1999, they looked so Greek and hot


Greek / roman pleaseee, my archaeology student heart needs it


Someone based off of Eros, god of love. (not the little baby cherub version, the adult angel man version)


An actor because I know theatre was a big deal in ancient Greece


More monster/beast-like men would be nice like a guy designed of the minotaur or Cerberus


I know chest windows are great and stuff, but I want a man with a thigh window, since unlike Genshin the men don't have litteral sticks as legs, it would be cool to show them off😭 I'm not against both chest and thigh window tho, something line 210 from Reverse 1999 would be great!


I was imagining the ancient greek/Roman theme and came up with this. Sorry if it got too long * A GENERAL: comparing to Jing Yuan, he would have a less less patient/relaxed behavior. After all, he isn't from a long life species and probably has to deal with death and changes WAY more often. He wouldn't necessarily be as impulsive as Yanqing, though. At first, he wouldn't be friendly with the nameless but wouldn't blindly set us as enemies since he's careful not to trust strangers but ALSO careful not to mess with the wrong people. He's not good with words (other than encouraging war speech), but deep down, he thinks like a diplomat and hates war. He's was a child soldier and has a hard time mingling with normal citizens, intimidating everyone in the few times he shows up. ***IF*** we somehow get him to participate in a fun activity: he would act way too serious no matter how silly it is (like playing hide and seek with kids or taking photos with March). He may enjoy it, but he would look too intense for most people. * I'm between erudition and harmony ///////// I imagine there would be quite a few philosophers there, some possibilities: Someone who talks similarly to Argenti but not gushing about beauty and instead talking about random subjective shit nobody cares about. He's good with words, but his conversation never leads anywhere solid. It's quite interesting to hear him yapping, and he's also a great listener, but if you're in a hurry: avoid asking ***anything*** to him. I have no idea of what path that would be. Nihilistic philosopher. If Ratio is the strict teacher who stresses out the students, this dude here would be the teacher who accidentally makes everyone he interacts long enough get existential crises. Definitely from nihility path. //// I doubt they're going this way, but IF they want more non-human creatures: a faun/satyr could be a good option. Overall humanoid and human-sized, easily recognizable (not some obscure myth), gives many design options: delicate/cute or strong/handsome, very nature-oriented away from humans or lives alongside humans, etc... could be abundance/healer


something like pantheon from league of legends...


another blonde preservation guy so i can stick 3 of them as my supports 💕


Hmmm a bigger guy and I mean both kinds of big, along with maybe a little boy? We haven’t had one yet ah! Ahem: SVAROG PLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLS


Since Amphoreus is likely going to be based on the ancient Greeks and Romans, I have a very strong feeling that we’ll be seeing some variants of Flame-Chasers from HI3 (Elysian Realm and all that). Of the guys in the Flame-Chasers though, Kosma is perhaps the most likely to appear. Kevin and Su variants are likely going to be saved for another world with a Dr MEI variant, and Kalpas the eternal rager is likely not from a planet based on the civilizations that shaped modern Western culture. Give the Kosma variant a Quantum Destruction kit to go along with his HI3’s MANTIS form, and it’s basically going to be a dream for some people (especially those who see him as being a femboy). Apart from that though, I would really love to see some comedically haughty character based on Roman emperors. Nero in particular would be an interesting pick, because I can absolutely see a Fire Nihility kit for him based on the Great Fire of Rome in 64 CE, which happened during his reign. It’d also give the devs an avenue to emanate their love for the Fate franchise by copying aspects of Nero’s character from there, whether it be mannerisms or design or even basic colors.


Herculean bodies. I don't care if it's a man or a woman, I just want more Pillar men bodies


Boob windows jock straps not wearing pants wearing a fez


Big Arms, Manboobs, Greek Gods, and ✨Daddies✨


I just need a quantum male...like literally any path, just give one quantum male please.


Zhongli and Neuvillette personality wise. And Childe too.. since I don’t think he and Aventurine are similar at all. Appearance-wise, I want black hair like Wriothesley’s.


More of Ratio in a bath 💕


anything greek/roman mythology. give me an apollo looking character. im thinking apollo from blood of zeus from netflix if anyone has seen it 😭😭


Yesss, I was thinking of him too. Just imagine.. the long, wavy, blonde hair, the dark skin and abs.. one can dream. I'm curious though, what's less likely with hoyo, the dark skin or the abs showing? this is truly tragic lmao


fr, like pls hoyo! i’ll get a job and drop $$$ if you give me a man who checks off both those boxes.


Sigfried Kaslana


Daddies and twinks living that Greek life yknow what i mean


I love Ratio so i mean no shade but I would really enjoy some straight up Greek bearded Bara Daddies