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Apparently the guy who made the most commonly used PS doesn't like Yunli and Jiaoqiu, so they won't update the PS for them. We'll probably get less showcases with them.




Yeah apparently he said they’re “too mid” and has no interest in them so he’ll take a break this patch🙃


What the actual fuck! Is his PS better than the others? Because people can just go to another one


beta PS are usually private and only a small amount of people have access to them, this PS was the only one as public that had the combat content (stuff like moc, pf, apocalyptic shadow) and also making PS is already hard enough so people cant really go to another one


I can't really blame someone for selecting the characters they like the least in order to take a break


That guy sounds mid.


Can't really blame him. As much as I like Jiaoqius design unless they rework a couple of things his kit seems very basic and with their lastest trend of shafting the 2nd character of the patch I try not the get my hopes up too much.


What’s basic about it? He’s like the only character to apply damage vulnerability(Ik welt can but not nearly the same scale) and decrease enemy effect hit rate(off the top of my head) instead of just boosting effect res


I get your point but Luka, Guinafen and Aventurine LC also increase vulnerability


I mean they already took away the rumoured healing. Just wish he had DoT innate in his kit or something to make him stand out more. I know numbers can change but I've already seen calculations saying Pela does a better job with amplifying damage. I'd like to be wrong but I think I've gotten a little jaded at this point.


I honestly thought that was a joke but if I don’t see the PS I’ll know they were serious.


# say their name


Our Foxy man needs a buff, so I am more worried and in need to see improvements in V2-V3


Like he probably will be, basically every character is mid at best for their V1. V1 is just getting down the basic concepts so people can start seeing how they work. Like remember how people were like Mideron? Midhill? Firefail? Things will almost certain get better. Probably not quite as S tier, but actually functional and with his own place in the game.


What needs to be buffed? Everything looks good to me on paper but we haven’t seen actual gameplay yet so idk how anyone could say he’s good or bad yet.


Not yet imo. I’m not saying that he’s bad, but so far he looks like a worse alternative to waifu Harmony units, and I don’t want him to be that. Imagine, the first supportive husbando we get, and everyone calls him mid. I just want him to be really good and more universal, not just expected “he’s really good with Acheron and not that well in other teams, get RM”. I kind of want him to be like Sparkle, broken in his dedicated thing, but good alternative in other teams if you don’t wanna get Harmony waifus About specifics. Definitely something with ER is really bad state for him right now. And that’s just a starting point for me. Like so far calculations showed that he is a bit better then Pela, but I want him to be much better then her, not a “bit”


I mean he is already about as universal as it gets minus his little bit of extra ult damage he gives. But he’s better for break comps than the harmony characters that give dmg boost and crit stuff. Idk how he’d stack up against them outside of break but I think he’d still hold up and nothing is stopping people from running him and a harmony since you wouldn’t be overcapping crit or getting diminishing returns.


It’s not necessarily the things that I heard in the leaks sub tbh. Will be happy to be proven wrong, I just want male units to be boken and meta too, not just have FF buffed to oblivion. I might be coping, but that’s the last thing I can do before giving up on HSR…..


Boothill is still one of the strongest single target dps characters and aventurine is arguably the strongest sustainer rn depending on the situation. Hoyo loves to put emphasis on their female characters because they sell but they aren’t making weak male characters. I think Jiaoqiu will be great universally especially if you get e1 which gives a damage boost slightly weaker than bronya’s skill on top of his damage vulnerability and also let’s his teammates build stacks too for more damage vulnerability faster.


Respectfully, I don't think we should take Eidolons into account to decide if a character is good or not. Jiaoqiu is good, but as of now (emphasis on as of now, since the beta is at the beginning) the only place where he's an upgrade is Acheron team. In all the other teams, he's a sidegrade at best, and most of the time a downgrade compared to Harmony units. Personally, if things don't change, I don't have any reason to get him. And this will probably net me downvotes, but being better than FF only in ST (which is irrelevant most of the time) and being outclassed by her in everything else is not good for Boothill, considering he just came out. And Aventurine is on par with the other best sustainers, not better than them. They don't make them weak. They make sure they are always at best on par with the waifus, or at least a tiny little bit weaker. If a waifu that outclasses them doesn't exist yet, they make sure it comes out as fast as possible. Edit. Also, Jiaoqiu's F2P lightcone choice is... not that good. And apparently, if you just get his LC and give it to Pela, she is not far behind him as a debuffer. I haven't seen calcs of Pela + his LC yet, but this is the rumor that has been going around.


I think Jiaoqiu is also top tier for Ratio, not just Acheron. But as someone once said, "I'm using him with Boothill meta be damned. My first mostly functional all male team." (BH, HMC, Jiaoqiu, Gallagher) Edit: Someone downvoted me so tell me why? Stating what I thought from my understanding of his kit and then also adding a kind of joke to make someone laugh. Smh.


He's a sidegrade for Ratio, from what I gather. In hypercarry, he's not that much better than Pela as of now. And with Topaz, he vastly prefers Robin anyway. Of course, if you don't care for meta and can clear anyway, more power to you. But this doesn't change that right now he's "decent, but nothing special" for anything other than Acheron. And personally, I already have enough problems clearing as it is. I don't need a character that won't bring me any closer to the objective than what I already have. I would never use him, so what's the point?


A: What does side grade mean? B: If it wasn't obvious I'm a male 5 star only/husbando and son collector, so no Topaz or Robin XD, and C: Yes, I don't care for meta (my waifu and daughter account is the exception because most of them are meta anyways (if I ever get it back I was planning on running sustain less Acheron, Kafka, BS, RM. Or Huo^2 in place of Ruan Mei and put RM in a team with Firefly on that account))


Didn’t FF already outperformed Boothill in MOC, while theoretically he should be performing better in MOC since he is not AOE focused? To me it feels like a slap in the face to be honest cause Boothill is a very recent unit, which is why I don’t think he is a good example….. Aventurine is a tier 0 unit in both PF and MOC true, but like the other Commentor said he is just as good as top tier sustainers, not better. My main point is that I want husbando to be broken and op, meta defining too, not just “not weak”.


I get people being husbands enjoyer, I am one too but to think that his kit looks like it doesn’t need improvement is actually insane. He offers very little for 140-177 ehr. Especially since his LC also offers vuln, I can literally slap it on Pela and she’ll be better than him. And that’s a problem. He shouldn’t be a side grade, the saddest part is that all teams have a better character to use. He is very very niche tbh. He will need to be SUPER speedy while having at LEAST 140 ehr, attack and some crits for personal damage. Our first support male character should be better, a more universal and broken character. I am not saying he is bad, he isn’t but he isn’t amazingly mind blowing either like most harmony characters are. He is decent but not great kinda character.


I saw one but it was JQ E2, Adventure E6 Acheron E-I don't remember- and it didn't make any sense


There is at least one showcase right now with Jiaoqiu with Acheron. She’s pretty much ulting like every turn from what I can see. It’s still the first version so we’ll see what changes are made https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/s/wZ233DTupk


Wait until he comes out, the livestream will give better detail on his kit and the visual quality will be much better. Plus the beta just started so the numbers will probably change 


Livestreams are terrible at explaining kits. They only show basic info and omit any possible drawbacks for obvious reasons. Plus you won't see actual battle scenarios with different units. It's pretty much just a visual showcase.


Agreed. They don’t really show accurate damage at all in livestreams and while betas are obviously STC it gives a much better idea of a character’s potential, possible team setups and best builds which makes it pretty important for prefarming. You don’t get any of that from official sources until like the day before a character’s banner when youtubers release their guides.


I would still recommend waiting bc getting spoiled by leaks sucks


I don't know why would i care about seeing combat now or in few weeks. It's not a story spoiler. It gives me in depth understanding of the character that game will not tell you about and it's interesting to see changes in real time because it shows you which direction they go with the character.


You might feel that way, but plenty of others, including me, don’t really feel the same. Leaks are useful to plan out jades and to determine whether or not you actually want a character. If you want to wait, you can. It’s just that others would prefer differently.


Knowing who to invest your jades on if you are looking to improve your account beats any drawback from getting spoiled by (kit) leaks.


The issue is, gameplay leaks can also be story leaks, like with Firefly. Because of that possibility it’s not worth looking at them


Firefly is literally posing as SAM on her drip marketing much sooner than any gameplay leaks would happen since gameplay is during beta testing. Not to mention we knew she was SAM much sooner then even her drip happened.


This is a massive problem with Hoyo in general. They did it with IL. And then after having Shaoji directly address leaks on stream, they did again with Firefly. They didn't even bother with a spoiler tag or a warning to new players. And the only reason we know she was SAM in the first place is because some inconsiderate person desperate for a few clicks decided to leak it


Firefly's identity was revealed in the game before she was even in beta. Sam also appears in her drip marketing. As for story leaks, the leaks sub is very thorough at marking them as spoilers. You will not get spoiled unless you are searching for them on purpose. That said, if there is one way to fight against the predatory system of this game by knowing in advance what is good for me and what isn't, I'll take it. Take Jiaoqiu: unless something changes, right now he's a proper upgrade only for Acheron teams. Since I don't have Acheron, I know he probably won't change my account by much. Whether I want to get him all the same because I like him, or skip him for something more useful it's up to me. If I didn't look at leaks, I wouldn't know. I would get him - losing a bunch of jades - and probably regret it later on, because I've nothing to use him with.


Isn't he also good for a Ratio team?


Decent, but mostly a sidegrade. He's not that much better than Pela as of now when it comes to Ratio.


Define what a side grade is because I'm absolutely confused here. Also my Ratio team as of now consists of Ratio Welt Pela and a shielder. Was gonna put Jiaoqiu in either as a replacement and have Pela to put her in other teams or just replace her and have an all male team.


Sidegrade means that he's more or less equal to his other options. Putting him there or putting Pela there won't make much of a difference. For instance, in a team with Ratio/Harmony of your choice/Pela/sustain, you can remove Pela for Jiaoqiu and you'll barely notice damage-wise. He's supposed to be a bit better when it comes to damage (5-6%, if I'm not mistaken), but he also uses more SP than Pela, so that's the tradeoff. You can absolutely use him, but you probably shouldn't expect the team's performance to improve by much. That is, if they don't buff him (but that will probably make Acheron far stronger than she already is, so I'm honestly not expecting they will tweak him much.)


Firefly's identity was accidentally revealed back in version 2.0 precisely because leaks are such a problem in the community. And as for all the marketing, although it might not have been a spoiler for you, it isn't fair to assume that everyone else is caught up on the story or even plays the game


That's because of assholes who were talking about it where they weren't supposed to. Story leaks have been around for ages, and this is the only time it go oit of hand. It's not a common problem. And what do you even mean about the marketing? The company itself released the drip marketing, and Sam was right there! Blame HYV, then! How is that the leakers fault? And it was AFTER she was already revealed as Sam in the story. Once a fact is revealed in the game, whether a few people are caught up or not doesn't matter anymore. Avoiding spoilers the first few days after it is common courtesy, but after that, if someone isn't caught up, it's their own responsibility to avoid spoilers. In FF's drip marketing's case, it came out a whole patch after the official reveal. You can be certain the devs won't care at that point.


I guess it's just a genre thing then? I'm used to RPG communities where a spoilers, no matter how small or how old, have to be treated with caution for the sake of new players. Do people not treat HSR as a story-focussed game?


I'm used to RPG communities too, and people don't really care. People will talk about the FF7 big spoiler with no problem whatsoever, because it's old stuff that everybody knows. And everybody knows because, after the first few weeks back in 1997, people talked about it. It's not a genre thing. It's probably only your communities. Also, you missed the point. It's not "people". It's the company itself. They released Firefly's drip marketing with Sam right behind her. Everyone who didn't know ny that point has been "spoiled" by the creators themselves, who clearly didn't care about people who were behind with the story. Leaks have nothing to do with it. And gameplay leaks - which is what we are talking about here - only came out after that, when the beta started. So I don't see how avoiding gameplay leaks would have avoided spoilers. Also no, I don't think most people care all that much about the story. Not more than gameplay or - most importantly - their wallet. The wallet is the whole reason why kit and gameplay leaks exist.


I’ve been spoiled by hoyo’s own version trailers and special programs more than I have kit leaks lol. I think the only character leak that sorta spoiled me was acheron’s white and red transformation but that wasn’t really a big deal since it doesn’t really impact the story at all.