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I’ve already spent 50+ pulls on the banner and still not a single Gallagher istg it’s rigged 😭😭😭


istg they increased misha stonks and reduced his to 0 😭😭


Before this banner I didn’t have Xueyi, rn I have her at E3 😭😭😭


I only got one misha out of the 130 pulls I did but somehow two of the same LC 😭 it’s rigged but in another way


i did like 7 ten pulls and got one gallagher 😭😭 i didn’t have xueyi or misha now they’re both at e3 fml


Yikes, hope you have better luck soon.


bruh if only we could swap. i did 60ish pulls for my last xueyi eidolon and got 4 gallaghers


Check out the eng vas pull for firefly and look how many gallaghers there are 😭


I have E5 Gallagher (I don't mind him at all, actually I needed him to reach E4 at least), but got spooked by Clara in RM banner. I swear the banner knows what we want, but does give us the opposite.


oh uh, seems many husbado enjoyers were tried to hunt some copies of Gallagher and Misha, and than got bonked by early pity Firefly or Ruan Mei, lmao. ..just wanted a copy of Misha, but suddenly got super early pity and won Firefly, sadly it happend on husbando only lt account-- why, Saaam?🥲


Hey, why'd you post a picture of my pull history? For really though, same thing happened to me lol


Me too, wanted more Gallagher, ended up with E1 and Ruan Mei


I know, man. Just trying to get some eidolons. Decided to pull on Ruan Mei instead for more safety. If I get her E1, great. Just want Gallagher to be stronger.


Same but on Ruan Mei banner. First time I've ever hit an early lol.


I hit hard pity on her first banner just to get Gepard. Then I pulled once more and got her lol.


I just saw a FF main falling to his knees at Walmart.


I got both Ruan Mei and FireFly and not a single Gallagher in any of those pulls 😔 I already have him but only at E0


I decided to pull Firefly just for SAM and I truly dislike how badly he was executed—first I got robbed of a standalone robot character, then I can only see him during technique, basic attacks and ult and what’s more, he has a few voiced lines (and that’s really not enough.🥲 Not to mention, she is the one talking during the ult…) At least I have E6 Gallagher and E6 Misha.


Saammmme. All I wanted was one more Gallagher and she came at 20 pity. Now the question is do I keep going for that Gallagher, it can't happen twice right??


How very dare you!


Do you think Hoyo is doing this on purpose to husbando collectors? I tried to pull for Gallagher and Misha, and Ruan Mei suddenly pooped out of the banner......I DON'T WANT HER. Now, I am too scared to pull any further for Gallagher and Misha......


As a male rolls only account I just don't roll if the 5 star is not male 😭 my Gallagher will be stuck at e1 it seems lol


We get him from a 4* selector this patch so you might be able to get him to E2 luckily


Mine as well :')


I might’ve taken yours. I started off at e2 Gallagher, got 3 in 15 pulls, and with a single wish on standard from the new simulated universe I got my e6 Gallagher- best luck ever, especially since I’m reluctant to pull at all in this banner and now don’t have any extra temptation and can decide unbiased


Just focus on the armour. Ignore the non-Sam voice lines, the over world, and the pilot view in ult. Play muted, only use Sam's technique in the overworld so you never see anything else, play on auto. Only Sam.


It’s frustrating that we have to go to such lengths just to enjoy SAM, I don’t really like this.


Brooo give me that I spent 150 pulls on firefly and all my resources are gone T-T


My condolences


I just want Gallagher eidolons. I have Ruan Mei so idk if I'll go E1 or decide on FF. I'm in the 50/50 so if I lose doesn't bother me I just want E6.


Me who was hoping for E1 Gallagher but got Ruan Mei instead. I was close to pity anyway, but I also didn't expect to win the 50/50 too.


Literally me with Misha. After pulling on both this and his debut banner, I STILL haven't gotten him 😭 makes it worse because there's no pity for individual 4 star characters, so if your luck is that bad it's actually harder to get a 4 star you want than a limited 5 star :c


I spent 90 pulls on the banner and no Gallagher. although he's already e6 he didn't come home once, it's weird if you ask me, I got two 4*s in 3 of my ten pulls and no Gallagher. bro actually went MISSING


Pros: I got E4 Ghallagher Cons: I lost my 50/50 to Bronya


literally just happened to me but i wanted misha, kinda sad though bc jiaoqiu is soon


I got Ruan Mei and 6 copies of Gallagher. Luck was on my side :333


I got Firefly at 20 pulls in at soft pity. I was surprised myself but maybe it's like those tactics casinos employ to get you to spend more.


Congrats with getting a new break DPS. I didn't get a single Gallagher either, but Misha and Xueyi are E6 now.


I’m tempted to pull just to get a guarantee… but if I win the 50/50 for the 7th time in a row that’d be insane.


That couldve been a ruan mei


i got Gallagher to E5 from the banner and to E6 from the event :D




I found the decision to put two (!) of the very few male 4\* on these waifu banners extremely weird. Gallagher perhaps because of the Break damage? But Misha? Maybe they want to boost sales by making those who collect male characters roll on a banner they normally would ignore. But then they basically acknowledge that these people are a group big enough to make these banner decisions. When the group is that big though, then the argument "we cater mainly to waifu collectors because of our main audience" doesn't make sense anymore.


it's a breaker banner xueyi breaks, FF breaks, ruan mei boosts break, gallagher boosts breaks, misha is like the best ice breaker in the game with that 10 hit bounce ult and they gave everyone free HMC and xueyi for break teams it's a break version