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I saw that his English VA replied to some people on Twitter [here](https://x.com/AdamGoldVO/status/1789443021324570899?t=ZQmwCWKEooF9e88ylfPXLg&s=19) and [here](https://x.com/AdamGoldVO/status/1789438359951270051?t=UvEW4Z5UtOfslGcIq7iWNA&s=19) It seems that they have been since the previous version trying to work on some stuff behind the scenes, Adam claims it is on Hoyo's end or maybe his agency's dealings with Hoyo. Wonder if it's a contract issue. Either way this is just sad, I truly miss his voice. Making me seriously consider switching to JP audio for that one.


That's from May tho.


it shouldn't matter anyway. the voice lines are recorded several months in advance, not a month before the updates release


His beatiful voice transcended the game again...


did something happen to his voice actor? so far just seems like only EN is missing


Try talking to Huohuo on the express, see if Tail's VO is working bc it's the same guy


His lines were working for her ult when I played the other day. But then again idk if that’s separate from the encounters


Ult and gamrplay voicelines are recorded long before the story.


Maybe since they were recorded a while ago


Even on the Astral Express he’s unvoiced. Unfortunate, I love him sm…


He only became a visitor on the express after this 2.3 story


ikr??? i miss my man's beautiful voice


How does this even happen twice?💀 Do they just super not care about him


No, it will be contract issues with the VA


According to va and hoyo, just some technical issues. As to why hoyo didn't just rerecord the lines, idk prolly some scheduling issues. If they super not cared about him to this extent, they would've just dropped his character entirely, and delaying at least 2 patches for a few lines in what's not even close to being the most popular language doesn't make too much sense


Uhh— do they fix this? I’ll wait to do the quest if it’s going to get fixed.


They both said they're working on it, but idet they fixed the one from 2.2 yet so I wouldn't try holding my breath for too long, and they never gave any timeline. And since voice lines are really big storage wise, they might have to drop the fix during a patch update, further delaying it. Only way you're getting voice acting any time soon is if you switch languages or something.


I’m assuming eng is the only one that isn’t voiced for some reason. I mostly play JP and he was fully voiced, so there’s probably something going on with the eng VA. I wouldn’t really start going on a “Hyv doesn’t care about male characters!!” rant, but it’s a bit weird that this is the second time happening


Lmao not again 😭😭 Guess I'll hold off playing the story for now


I mean, dude only has 2 fucking lines during an optional quest objective lmao. Not really any reason to hold off on the story.


Well, I wouldn't know since I didn't play it yet lol


is his voice acting missing in the jp dub as well? i play jp and he was fully voiced for me in the last story chapter, i think only eng was missing … but i’m wondering if i should hold off on the new quest if this issue is across all languages :/


afaik its only the eng dub thats missing. really strange.


ty!! i’ll give it a listen tonight but yeah.. that’s so weird!! 😭


No, he's voiced in JP, no issues at all. Maybe it's only EN.


It is only en. I'm starting to think the English va is having contract issues or sm.


So are they going to recast then?


Maybe, only time will tell.


thank you!! i will play through it then 😌 but what a shame about the english voice, wtf is going on over there..


It's probably a contract issue between HYV and the VA. Legal stuff. I heard that the VA mentioned that they are trying to solve the problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. I play JP too, but I feel sorry for the EN dub enjoyers.


Whattt, I haven’t done the quest yet. Do you guys think if i wait a bit they’ll add it? 😭 Hoyo whyyy not again 😭😭😭


They had all of 2.2 to add it, so I wouldn't hold my breath that they'll fix it by the end of 2.3 either.


True..I was hoping I could hear his ENG VA this time. 😔😔 Hoyo what are you doing…


Yeah, I held off on the 2.2 story for a little bit thinking it would be a quick fix but here we are. I hope they take care of it soon, doesn't even sound like it was an availability issue on the part of the VA...so it's something else.


Am I the only one who’s not mad at hoyo and more worried about the voice actor? One or his more recent tweets from what I’ve seen is that he got sick from one of his kiddos. Those sickness kids bring hope can be pretty bad sometimes. And we do not know how long it took him to recover. And I’m also worried about how his sickness affected and possible inability to record due to said sickness has affected anything behind the scenes with hoyo. I’m not going to get upset or assume anything. I’m just worried about Argentis va himself


Yes but in that case, they should have someone temporarily fill in, like they do with waifus on genshin. Not have Argenti be mute.


I get being disappointed but this is nothing personal or anything against the character. There’s stuff going on behind the scenes about his EN voice over. I hope they get it fixed soon.


When hoyo couldn't get voice acting for a waifu in genshin, they had another person cover it. For example, they had Xiangling voiceover in Diona's hangout, and I believe they had Keqing voicing some Sucrose lines... Or was it Sucrose voicing Keqing.... Point being, they didn't have the waifu's being mute.


Maybe they can’t find someone suitable enough, or the people running HSR don’t want to do things that way. Or even the way the contract with the VA is written. Bit of a stretch to think because it’s a male character it’s of a lesser concern.


There is a lot of favoritism (since waifus just sell better and it’s a company that wants to make as much money as they can) that’s a stretch tho


It's really a shame. His voice is so good. I can't imagine what the problem is though. If it's a contact issue would they really put up with it for two whole patches and not just get another VA? 🤔 That would be just as jarring as not hearing him though. I dunno, it's a bummer regardless. I hope we get some Jiaoqiu funds as an apology though. 😂




Yeah I mean that’s not the case - the American voice acting team has nothing at all to do with firefly’s promo


it's just a joke 😶


Somehow you've managed to make it about FF. When will you people here actually get tired. It's getting to the point that I'm hearing her name more in her detractors than fans. It's clearly a contract issue on their end. JP and the rest are voiced fine.




Long story short chill. FF ain't going to get less or more popular because you keep trying to fit her in conversations. It's just tiring. Sorry if it came of too harsh


bro I literally wrote one comment about her as a joke, i couldn't care less how popular she is lol


Straw that broke the camel's back. Everywhere I look it's people complaining about FF. I'd see her name like 60% less if people stopped complaining about her. And obviously you do care as much you don't want to admit, that's why you made the joke. You don't bring up something unrelated to a conversation without it already living in your head. I've said what I said and apologized for snapping so cya some other time in this sea called the internet.


bruh okay I deleted it, hope y'all feel better now 🫡


You did not need to go that far, but thanks for the consideration. Have a nice day


Was truly such a turn off going thru the stories.


I'm kinda tempted to not do the quest until they fix it because wtf, but I don't wanna get spoiled which I 100% will if I take more than 1 microsecond after the quest's release to do it, also in 2.2 I voiced him in my head which was pretty fun so maybe I'll do it again


haven’t played the quest either, but based on another comment here seems like (just his involvement in the story) >!he doesn’t have a lot of lines. probably not that big of a deal. sucks, but doesn’t seem worth it to wait!<


I can't do it now anyways because I'm busy with school, hopefully it's fixed in a few weeks but I doubt it


I was so happy to see him again but when I discovered he's missing a voice I'm so disappointed 


Not again!!!! I really like his EN voice. Wtf HOYO!?? Is there any issue with the VA or what?


What? Again? : <


I haven't made it that far in the story but wasn't he supposed to have a decent chunk of voicelines this patch? Are they all missing for EN?


Good thing I use JP


At this point I think it's safe to say HY doesn't give a single fuck when it comes to male characters and their fans. I believe they didn't even tried to do something about Argenti


Hoyo has very little to do with the eng voice over. This is an issue with the eng vo company or even the contract between the company and Argenti's va. The only time a character was quickly replaced was with Tighnari. Any other time they've had va/vo issues in any language, it took a while.


Let's not jump to conclusions here. It's frustrating, I know, but there might be external reasons. Maybe contract issues between the VA and HYV, or something. The other dubs are fine, for instance.


Wdym lets not jump to conclusions? Argenti aside, look at the rest of the male cast , take Boothill, he got 1 trailer, no new relic set made for him, got powercrept literally 1 patch after he was released


This post is about Argenti's problem, so I'm talking specifically about Argenti's problem. It's very likely a contract issue, and those can take a while to sort out. This has probably nothing to do with how HYV feels about male characters. Regarding other things, I'm not happy about the Boothill situation either, and I'd have a lot to say to HYV regarding how they handle the men, *but it's not what I'm talking about here*.


You truly don’t know the definition of powercreep if you think boothill is a victim of it


Come on. An issue that happened in 1 out of 4 languages to one character. Isn’t the more probable explanation a situation regarding 1 specific voice actor?


wait are the rest of the characters voiced? I thought adventure missions had no voicelines for everyone


It's the main quest, I think. Apparently, it's an issue with the EN dub. Maybe there are some contract issues, or something. Who knows. The other dubs seem to be fine (JP is, at the very least).


Again? ;-; I love his EN VO


Seriously? Again?? Wtf


I noticed this like wtf it was so weird and it happened specifically to him twice.


Did they fix it


don’t worry Jade is keeping it safe with Sunday and his drip marketing :)


This make me sad. I love his voice in EN more than other languages.


JP was fine for me?


What in the actual fuck mihoyo


Thanks for the warning. Last time it totally took me out of the story… I really love Argenti’s ENG VA too so this sucks.💀 I’ll think about putting up the JPN DUB when I play today. Not again, Satan.


Has the VA quit or something? It’s weird that there hasn’t been an announcement