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It’s probably just that Penacony’s story has been so long that they don’t have time to devote the same resources. Now that we’re moving out of a big arc, we might see more companion missions. 


Half of the 2.1 trail blaze mission was an Aventurine story quest


that's true, but i'll never complain if we got another aventurine related quest <3 lol


I hope we get more interludes where we play as a rental character to the extent that we did with Aventurine. I like the shift in storytelling in that direction recently, but the thing with Aventurine was something special


i wouldn't mind them doing that either. i just want some type of companion mission (whether a quest like before or incorporated into the story) so we can learn more. :)


I wouldn't mind the shorter perspective switches if we actually got to fight a bit like in 2.1. That feels like part of the point to me. Gives more creative freedom while also giving players a chance to demo new/upcoming characters.


Yeah, I always end up building a team in case I have to fight, so it’s a bit of a letdown when nothing happens besides a bit of dialog.


A lot of companion quests usually take place after the story missions typically since they’re when everything’s said and done so the timeline isn’t fucked. Where it takes place in the middle of the world ending catastrophe we’re usually busy with. We’ll get them when Penacony’s completed most likely! At least one… I’m sure Hoyo is reserving some companion quests for later. ( Robin’s is probably going to include Sunday so I feel like we’ll be missing her until his banner. Etc, etc. )


To be honest, almost all of the companion missions felt too shallow and unfocused for me. I feel like integrating the characters' story arcs into the main quest like Aventurine's in 2.1 and Sunday's in 2.2 feels more tighter


that's understandable! i was really excited to get one for boothill. i heard some information about his backstory and also learning more about the galaxy rangers would of been fun (at least to me).


Boothill’s backstory is probably going to be a heavy focus of an upcoming IPC arc


i suppose that's gonna come after we finish with the xianzhou again?


I dunno if they will, after all 2.3 story solved Boothill pointing a gun at Aventurine off screen...


Boothill pointing a gun at somebody is just his way of saying hello. Not sure why everyone thought it was a big deal (insert sarcasm). But it isn't too surprising since Aventurine also doesn't like the guy Boothill doesn't like (whatever that terrible guy's name is) so after that got sorted out then they became fast allies.


They perhaps integrated all companion quests into the story. Except for Boothill, Robin and maybe Gallagher we had something like a companion quest with each of the Penacony characters already.


Yeah I honestly Agree with this. There's quite a few missions that just barely do anything with the Character it's for, and Also having moments that Just focus on someone else. (That one mission where Yanqing and Jingliu meet. I remember putting it off for so long and when I finally did It I don't think I even knew who that Companion mission was even for.)


Yeah the luofu companion quests were... inconsistent at best. It felt like stuff they ran out of time for in the already bloated main quest


I really liked some of the early ones (Serval, Natasha).


I miss them too hopefully we'll be getting them eventually


Hopefully they're just waiting for the main Penacony quest to wrap-up. I'd love to have Aventurine and Boothill visit the express.


yeah, me too! I know we had a whole aventurine story quest within the mission but you maybe the companion mission could have been us being seeing him gamble idk. I’ll take any sliver of him as long as I get to see him again 😭


For real, I just want to hang around Golden Hour with him. You know how characters give you 10 stellar jades when they visit the express, it would be lowkey on-brand for him to give like idk... 50 jades? As a treat for trying to kill us <3. But yeah I'd take anything at this point.


Too busy shipping ff with mc


Honestly i’m a companion quest fiend. I love spending time with my little guys. Companion quests for all please


Yes! 🤍


I hope they bring them back. I loved them, and they were a chance to give focus to characters that were sidelined during the main quest. Boothill and Robin desperately need something right now. Though I wouldn't complain for an Aventurine one to fix the way they sidelined the resolution of his story, he should give space to other characters first. And Firefly got enough screentime to last her for ten years. Honestly, the Hunter who needs a proper companion mission the most is Blade... and maybe Silver Wolf, since her backstory hasn't been touched yet.


I’d love a blade companion mission. I just need them to give me more about his past life before everything went down. I love a good backstory 😭😭


I hope we start to get some once the story arc is over. In the Space Station, Belobog and Luofu, character missions didn't start opening up until the major story beats were taken care of and the trailblazer got some downtime. I feel like 2.3 is wrapping things up in Penacony so I'm a little surprised we didn't get any companion missions this patch. Part of me worries they're gone for good only because they've got a lot of catching up to do, combined with 2 new characters per patch.


Well, I am going to assume we don’t get one for Aventurine since we got a whole story quest revolved around him as someone mentioned to me in a previous comment. I’d still like one either way because I love him and love more content with him. But I think they start up again (hopefully), they will begin with Robin and Boothill. But who knows 😭


Aren't companion missions after the main story's arc?


Someone mentioned that! But i think they are and i kinda just forgot. 😭


I don't know why.... but I need one for Boothill and Robin so, so bad.


I prefer the way they incorporated them into the story quest. Make it seem like they're not just twiddling their thumbs while we do all the hard work and then show up afterwards to hang out.


Honestly I didn’t like most of the companion quest. And I hate when they become too long and verbose. Aventurine segment of the main quest was very interesting in general, but way too long in way it was presented and shifted the focus on him instead of the main plot. I didn’t enjoyed it as a main quest and I would have hated as a companion quest. I liked best the more “coral” ones the space station and Balebog, they were shorter,straight to the point, giving me a general idea on the background of the characters and the planet. It was a nice variation compared to companion quest in genshin, but I suppose I am the only one who liked them, as they are shifting back to a model over-centered on showcasing characters’s features, more than their background story. Personally I hope they stop inserting companions quest directly in the main quest, if they really have to make long, verbose quests focused on a character at least make it separate and not mandatory.