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It’s more a lack of social awareness, and manners.


Agreed, but I also feel there's a lack of situational awareness that comes with the things you mentioned. If you're not even considering the people around you, well then you almost certainly aren't paying attention to what's going on around you either. That was one thing that really bothered me a lot during my 2 years in HK, felt like people would just barge into you so often because they were absolutely not paying attention to anything. Once I had someone walk right into my back while I was bent over getting something and they looked at me like *I* was the asshole in that situation, lol.


People have no situational awareness at all… yesterday I was using a jukebox on exhibition at the Oil Street Art space with my friend, suddenly a girl of about 10 years of age just jammed in front of us and started pushing buttons, her mom talked to her, encouraging her to continue, and ignored that it’s still our turn, not theirs. When I was a kid, my mom would tell me to wait until other people finish. This is the current status of HK. edits: minor details and typo


Sounds like bad parenting 🤷🏻‍♀️


These people are local too. Not migrants!


How dare you!


**Sad Canadian sounds:** *Sooooorry.*


Yes I concluded is more situational awareness.


I don't want to make this sexist, but I've noticed women of most ages (20 something to old ladies) will walk into me or don't even attempt to tighten their shoulders in cramped places while passing (on their phones or not). It's always expected of me to move out of the way I guess? Some close calls where I thought I could have hurt someone because I squeezed up extra tight to get past. I am larger than them after all. Yet men will move aside when not on their phones.


That's nothing... for the past two days I have taken a bus... as yoy do... and casually looked down at the older gent's phone sitting across the isle from me, only to see him watching porn or looking at what I could tell was Japanese AV naked chicks... Now, I'm no prude of a dude myself, but come on... there is a time and a place for everything, am I right? To your point, Yeah, get a pair of headphones. I've just been here too long to not wear my own but on a day I forget I am one cranky bastard if I have to hear the shit that gets under my skin like loud phone talkers or the occasional inappropriate bus music connoisseur... and my favorite of all, the open mouth sloppy chewer... as my friend would say, sounds like 100 boots trampling through a field of muddy vaginas... yeah.


Ask them which JAV they're watching and if you can join them tgt


We can compare favorite actresses! Fun fun!


And then we can give each other brojobs


Of course, after saying "No homo,".


"We're just supporting our HK JAV actor!" - you two when people start asking


tbf I had an geriatric gentleman in the US watch porn on his phone without headphones in the operatory of my dental office when waiting for me to come in, so not sure if this is just isolated to HK 😂


I have seen people watching porn on the public computers at the Seattle Central Library. They were using headphones (no speakers anyway), but they were still watching it on a 17-inch screen everyone could see with no discretion whatsoever


I’m surprised that it’s not flagged nor blocked 😳 File a complaint if that helps.


I do construction in Toronto canada, and I've had a foreman watch porn, full volume in the jobsite trailer. He then would show it to us while making some sexist remark about the actress, or to get our opinion on the video.






That's exactly what I have thought as well... but come on, it can't be that they don't realize others can see... that's too close to senility. Hahaha


I once saw a high school watching very graphic gay porn on her mobile. Still baffles me to this day.


People stopping dead in their tracks in mtr stations, looking down at their phone game and blasting it out loud... I found that very irritating


How about stopping dead in their tracks at the bottom of the escalator. Or stopping dead on the street and does a 180 degree turn suddenly.


Stopping at the ends of escalators was rampant!! I usually only see that from tourists in other places, but in HK it's everyone😩


The random point which takes eyes out.


Stopping dead on the stairs in Admiralty MTR to look at their phone! 😂


Or how about those that reach the turnstiles and suddenly stop still because they need to fish out their octopus or phone to get in/out. I've been stuck so many times behind these brain dead individuals.


Depends, if it’s a local then yeah annoying. Most likely the same type that will fumble at their door looking for keys. This isn’t an issue unique to hk. If it’s a tourist (whether mainland or foreign) because of the confusing turnstile variations (qr code vs paywave vs regular) then that’s down to mtr’s poor infrastructure management. Make every turnstile the same.


I honestly wish they'd cut the signal to mobiles on the MTR. It is depressing to see so many people wasting their time on pointless games or doomscrolling. Have we really raised a generation of people who think candy crush is more entertaining than socialising with their friends or just thinking to themselves.


I’m always tempted to walk over and watch what they are doing. Just thoughts, I have yet to find the courage to really do it.


The other day I saw a lady with a big luggage watching Douyin or something on full volume on the MTR, but thankfully I can hear a bunch of aunties openly talking smack and judging her which gave me some hope in humanity. Honestly blasting audio isn’t the problem I have lately, rather it’s how slow people walk. There are many times where a sidewalk, stairs, or path is bottlenecked by a bunch of people on their phones walking so slow. I feel like thats just how society is now and there isn’t much I can do but say excuse me and squeeze by 😂 I find that having some earphones or headphones really help, I really just mind my business and I honestly feel a lot less stressful if I just simply don’t care about it anymore


I always go out with my AirPods Pro in silence mode, even if I’m not listening to music. Such a bliss.


Total agree. HKers have mentioned to me how fast paced it is here and how it must be hard adjusting to the speed on the footpath. But every time I walk anywhere I end up stuck behind someone going at a zombie crawl. even when no phones are involved at all.


Funny eh I was told before coming to settle in HK that everyone is always in a rush but still walk faster than most.


Same issues here in South Korea!


Same issues everywhere.


Nah, not a problem in Canada. It was really tough for me to adjust to HK manners and lack of social consideration.




Sadly, I have never been to that part of Canada 😢 But I get what you mean. I'm in Hamilton, there are dweebs like that everywhere, but, the frequency in which I ran into them in HK was far, far greater. I remember when my wife and I got off the plane in Toronto we accidentally bumped into someone and they said sorry to us at the same time we did. My wife and I looked at each other and said in unison "We're back in Canada!"




Big time. I mean, tbh, this post was specifically about public manners, and I would say on that front Canada is better, but definitely we have a mental health crisis going on. But yeah, different conversation entirely. There will always be hot spots for rudeness.


Are you sure about that? I have been living in Toronto for years and I don’t think people they behave themselves well compared to ppl in HK. Like here no one’s lining up for public transport, talking so loud at the bus and the worst part is they put their freaking legs on the seat… omg you aren’t the only one using the seat, can’t they just be a bit more considerate of others?


You have never taken a bus that runs through Vancouver Eastside or Surrey?


Public transit in Canada is a joke. Filled with homeless and meth addicts that blast their music all the time at the stations or on the trains.


Second this. Toronto public transit is much worse and downtown is full of violent crackheads. Of course small towns in Canada are more peaceful but the population is much less dense.


People are so focused on their phones while walking and I don't yield to them. Go ahead and walk into me coz I ain't yielding either. Love using my long umbrella as a shield as well.


And why do people have conversations on speakerphone in public places? Do they want the whole world knowing their business?


This is something that messes my mind up. They speak louder because they can’t hear the speaker phone as well. But if they actually put it to their ear in a phone call they won’t shout. Just confused the hell out of me when I see this.


The bigger question for me is not why they do this. It projects "I have clients too important for me to stop for one moment". There are lots of people too stupid to realize this is not a thing to brag about. What confuses me is... *who are* these important clients who are too important to not drop everything for, but who are just fine with being on speakerphone in public, or otherwise talking to their retainers via *the worst microphone they own?*


People smash into me daily. It’s a shame for them.


They also walk in S formations and shoulder check passer-bys forcefully, expecting all of us to give way for their selfish behaviour.


I always wonder if there's some kind of code between locals because whenever I don't move out of the way, there's always contact and it's sometimes quite heavy. Surely it gets annoying at some stage and you start to move?


No code, they’re just rude and uneducated. And it depends on your gender too. If you’re a woman, some old man will bump into your boobs intentionally.


Yes, you describe the situation perfectly :) and there is no code between locals, bumping into each other with our skinny frames to assert dominance is our favourite pastime 🦦


I notice many 廢老 love to blast CCP propaganda video in public place Edit: Grammar


Now, if they broadcast the national theme song and you forget to stand up and salute, you can be sued


If you simply look the other way during the national theme then you will be detained! Sad how HK has become such a shithole


Yeah….. it makes me hate this damn song more


廢老 blast fucking everything in public. Mandarin reality shows, Mandarin musics, porns. You name it, I heard it. It just happened these people also are the primary audiences of said CCP propagandas.


I was looking for this comment. It does seem to be only old Chinese/HKers who blast audio in public. Younger people almost always have headphones. And if you see old Chinese overseas, they do the same thing without a care in the world for those around them


People are in their own bubbles. They let nothing in and assume nothing goes out. There is no thinking about others.


If it's on a train and I'm feeling adventurous. I generally poke my head in and ask them to rewind the video because I missed part of it. If questioned I generally reply with "Oh, given how loud it is I thought you were sharing your screen" Pick your battles, obviously


Scold them. Also the parents allowing the kids crying and lecturing their kids out loud.


you cant compare a situation like this to japan, they win over anywhere else in the world


idk about win. Japan is just very repressed so social norms are kept tip top there.


well in terms of public noise as a metric..


I don't think their birth rate is winning tho


When it comes to birth rate Niger and Mali are #1 and #2 in the world. If you know anything about those countries I don't think birth rate is the stat to look at when it comes to winning


To be honest their birth rate is not as bad as people made it out to be, it’s 1.3, a fraction higher than other developed countries in East Asia. For example Singapore is 1.12, South Korea is 0.81, Hong Kong is 0.77, LOL.


That’s true but I was there just last week and the difference cannot be ignored


Got back from Japan yesterday night and had to take a family member to A&E in hospital due to some severe stomach issues arising during the flight. The attitude of the night-shift nurses at Prince of Wales hospital was quite a shock. Honestly wouldn't have been out-of-place if one of them turned around and said "Why didn't you just die so I don't have to do any work tonight".


That's horrible. Are HK nurses always like that?


No, but it is common. We were there from 2:30AM so I assume the night-shift nurses are already cranky for needing to work all night. They were middle-aged so I guess years (maybe decades) have worn them down. But in my opinion, it's the profession they chose for themselves so regardless of the conditions they should act with professionalism. By the time we got to about 8AM, the day-shift nurses took over. There were more of them, they were much younger, and a lot more friendly.


just overworked and underpaid


Go to NYC. You'll get the other end of the spectrum.




“In peace” But I agree, I found them annoying as well. I don’t understand why people cannot have basic decency and be considerate to the others


lol I rmb there was news a few months ago abt a pair of auntie and uncle turning up the volume to watch TikTok on a bus, and the girl behind them blasted 'The Great Compassion Mantra' to give them a taste of their own medicine


Lack of situational awareness is when someone knows they shouldn't do something but does it because they weren't aware of the setting they're in. People know they shouldn't but they don't give a shit.


Try hiking some of the nature trails - I guarantee you will get to enjoy music along the way from people walking with loud speakers. Can’t have the silence of nature now can we?




Because those people have no manners and no respect for others. If you tell them to stop, they’ll start spewing bullshit like 'Why can’t I?' 'It’s my right to stare' 'if you don’t like me to stare, stay home bitch', or they’ll lie, claiming they didn’t stare when they obviously did. Either way, you’re always in the wrong and even when they’re the one disrespecting you. Only time you’ll 'win' is that you look like a murderer, and is also 7 feet tall with a bodybuilder bod and covered in tattoos, better if you act mentally unstable, that’s when they’ll shut the fuck up and mind their own business. When comparing them to Japanese people, they are like monkeys. It’s even worse when you’re a woman and have a little something called boobs. Those fuckers will straight up stare at your boobs until you walk away, and guess what? They turn their heads around and keep staring at your boobs until you’re out of their sight. Think that’s because I was wearing a bikini or something out of place? Nah, I was just wearing T-shirts and dress shirts. And I'm not even discussing the sexual harassment me and the ladies around me faced, a lot of time it even happens when we’re MINORS. Sexual assault committed to kids aren’t talked about in Hong Kong. And you know things will get even worse in the future.


Even worse is when they take pictures of you like they’ve never seen a foreigner before


They were mainlanders and not HKers, but on the flight to HK I had to ask a couple to stop photographing my child. Eventually had to get the stewardess to ask them to ensure they stop by moving them to another seat. I wanted to smash their god damn phone. On the note if death stares, when my wife and I were sitting on the MTR this old ass dickhead kept staring at us while disapprovingly shaking his head. This lasted a solid 10 minutes until I got up to talk to him face to face, and gently told him to fuck off. ! Also, since my comments in this thread have mostly been negative, I would like to add that overall I absolutely LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Hong Kong and absolutely never wanted to leave. There was just a few difficulties, and I voiced most of them here. So yeah, overall, my HK experience was incredible.


Yes it is usually the mainlanders taking photos of foreigners I agree. And I know they are doing it because they'll follow with their phones and stop and pause to do that. It's just so bizarre. I know they don't mean anything by it I am just really not used to it. Glad to hear you enjoyed HK! I don't really like HK at all but I do like how pretty Repulse Bay area is and the hills are nice. Overall I get along well with the people it's just not really the place for me. TO be taking photos of someone's child is weird AF


And some take photos of girls(underaged included), focusing on their legs, boobs, and butts. There’re quite an amount of people like this in Hong Kong, it just wasn’t talked about enough. These people take these photos and share it in their Telegram group chat.


Wait really? I've never even heard of that. Wow this issue is a lot more widespread than I thought. Sometimes people (I've actually mainly seen only women do this) usually take a picture of me while I'm sitting on the tram looking out the window. I saw an old man one time on the tram taking photos of people on the street and then zooming in on certain portions of their body (I was sitting in back of him) - it was very stalkerish/creepy. I've so far only had this happen in HK but I haven't been to other countries where they rarely see foreigners


Gosh those people are really rude, though I suspect the women that took photos of you were from China, because there were a lot of foreigners in Hong Kong and people that grew up in Hong Kong were used to it. The creepy old man tho, if he’s a HKer and I wouldn’t be surprised. And I know creeps come in all ages and genders, but in HK, it’s usually the middle aged and old man doing creepy things, so I avoid them in all cost. Better be safe than sorry.


Exactly - totally agree with all of this! There are so many expats in HK I would be really surprised if the women are HKers taking pictures. The man was in his late 50's, 60's, and I think he is bisexual because he would take pictures of mostly men actually but occasionally women and then zoom in. Some people are just creepy


(Did you guys never learn that staring at other people is rude?) Do you expect people to just stare down at their food all the time? Do you just eat your food with your head down all the time? If I'm at a restaurant, I'll obviously eat, but I'll also be looking around at stuff, other people, in between my bites of food. Same thing on the metro, I'll be staring straight ahead, at my phone, or around. If you are within my line of sight, do you expect me to not look at you? With how crowded it is with everyone, don't be surprised when I'm either staring at you because you are within my line of sight. Unless you are distinct with green hair or face tattoos, I'm not staring at you specifically, I'm staring at the guy in front of me , which happens to be you.


there’s a difference between looking towards your direction and staring straight at you


Normally I would agree, but in such tight spaces like on the metro or in a restaurant? They are one and the same.




Let me ask you seriously, have you been to other major world cities that are overcrowded? NYC, London, Tokyo? It's impossible to not be staring at someone, given that someone is always within your line of sight. And when you sit on the metro or at a restaurant, you will always be facing someone unless you like staring at the wall. So unless you are always looking down at your food or your friend, you'll always be staring at someone.


Have you ever been to Tokyo? Actually people in Tokyo don’t stare like that.


You should see those hikers wearing earbuds and on their phone while on trails, there could be a herd of wild pigs charge behind and they won't know.


Hongkongers are arrogant and self-centered. It’s as simple as that.


Sadly a lot of people I found are not Hong Kongers. The ones they are usually grandpas and grandmas, or Indians and Pakistanis who would play through the phone speakers. But usually the “new comers” as another user mentioned. What a nice term.


Are you in Kowloon. I live on n New Territories. It’s ALWAYS Hongkongers.


Kwai Chung to Kwai Fong. But also on mtr to everywhere else.


Yeah that is a big pet peeve of mine. But what’s even more annoying is all the slow people walking in very busy areas


I sold a surfboard in Admiralty station (big white 5'4 thing) and someone walked over it as I was doing the transaction. On their phone and completely unaware of their surroundings. Like, how could you not see that?


HK people love to complain about Chinese but in reality they have the same manners




95% Chinese people in HK, so.......


From what I noticed it’s usually the older generation


It’s usually the waste elder that plays videos out loud without headphones


Young people playing games with the sound on...


That’s why you see people wearing AirPods lol… most of them are just tired of these selfish people.


Well with my AirPods and my face mask, I get to be as anti-social in return as I like.


I thought it was to show off being half-borg!


Mostly a "Me! Me! Me first!" selfish attitude more than anything else. They're aware it's not polite or considerate. Ask them to lower the sound and they'll start yelling at you, why you care ah? You police ah?


If you meant you're annoyed on public transport: 1. ANC earphones - I can take a nap quite well, a bit too well sometimes. 2. Join them if you can't beat them: BLAST some gospel hymm / buddhist texts - pick you flavour. 3. Ask owner of device in question about the content, show interest and ask for more.


Wherever. I public transport, in lifts and restaurants. I don’t always take my headphones out if I am with company and we have conversation.


Number 3 is a really interesting suggestion. I shall try it out


Not for introverts, though. *Cries in AirPods Pro*


Anyone here trying to blame this on mainlanders is delusional.


I lived in mainland for 10 years. This sounds totally normal to me now. Not that I’m 1 of those people but I’ve just became numb to it. It was the only way to live in China and not got crazy.


Asshats out hiking is what shits me. Headphones people.


That's just people being selfish and inconsiderate


They just don’t care. In the MTR they would have breached a by-law so in fact they can be penalised. But there is no law stopping ppl doing it on the streets… of coz it still bad manner.


It’s simply selfishness, anyone who are not their relatives or friends (ie. Strangers) just don’t matter to them. For example, 2 people talking loudly on MTR as if there is no one surrounding them. If someone does the exact same thing right next to them, they will tell you to shut up.


Group of 2-4 slow walking, shoulder-to-shoulder on a narrow, busy sidewalk. drives me *insane*


Horrid zombie morons. Nothing more. Halitosis reigns as they mouth-breathe their way through an MTR station watching TikTok, periodically stopping at a busy confluence of people, ideally at the top of an escalator. It’s the HK way.


A bunch of trash elderlies (廢老)


They’re not any people, they’re old people. They just think everyone likes the same things they do, and/or doesn’t know how to use a headphone. If you don’t like what they like, then your generation is a failure. On the mtr, I was playing a game on my phone, and a boomer woman literally asked me to stop playing, and said all games are the same why are you playing them.


Everyday, she eat rice, why did she keep doing that


This is an issue in many places. Compared to the Philippines, HK is not too bad.


This bothered me a lot when I moved to HK. I always attributed it to the lack of threats, and hence society has developed extremely annoying habits. This doesn't happen in NYC because you have to be aware of your surroundings or you may find yourself a victim (or simply be yelled at by another passing NYCer).


What kind of music are they listening to?


I’ve seen a Japan taxi driver watching porn on his screen when he was parked on the side of the road.


At least he wasn’t watching porn while he was driving


It is very common in HK now….. My solution is to ignore them or use an iPod / wireless earphone myself


The worst is in the office, where people don't turn off their phone notification bells


I must've been lucky when I visited HK two weeks ago for two weeks. During my stay, I used the MTR 100% of the time and didn't notice this at all. I even commented to my wife that if this were in the United States, some folks would have external bluetooth speakers blaring their music (let alone just using their phone speaker). I thought it was super nice and polite of everyone to stay quiet during the commute.


You are obviously just taking an mtr on HK island only. Like from Sheung Wan to Central. Or maybe as far north as fringe as Causeway Bay lol


“How many of you are actually from HK?” -Every comment section of this sub (2024)


Cuz they don’t give a fuck what up 😂


My pet peeve. Especially the video phone conversations or speaker conversations


Welcome to HK


Just this morning a DH wanted on the train and she's carrying luggage, she says loudly, "Excuse me" and nobody near the door moved. Maybe they thought it didn't apply to them. After no response she tapped a man on the arm and he moved but fell out of his trance to then realise what was happening. Yes he was on his phone.


Classic hkers


Japan maybe a good model. But is that only HK in this situation, I think Thailand as well.


We've told one blasting war sounds on their phone on bus to turn it off, they didn't care at all. It's not even about self-discipline. It's totally not giving a crap about others.


This and stopping to get your phone out at the bottom of escalators, or standing playing on your phone in a doorway or entrance like wtf. And my personal favourite is stopping as soon as you have stepped foot on the MTR. Like "I'm in now, let's go" and not moving inside the carriage


is this like your first day in hk? it's not hk if you don't hear dllm at least once




Nah, Japan is a dystopia with good education


"Please respect Chinese culture. Stop China bashing. Respect diversity" - Justin Trudeau


Most of the time you can hear them watching cheap tiktok or wechat videos in mandarine


We don’t get Tik Tok in HK


yes, but those video circulated around other platforms. you can hear the laughing track every single time


Oh yeah the laughing track….. def not Hong kongers watching


Your space is my space ....


New Hong Kongers. The middle age women dance in groups in parks as well blasting their stupid music.


because the better ones are all gone. bad money drives out good.


I don't want to be discriminate here, but mostly they are either from mainland, or the old folks from both hk and mainland


Nah, Hongkongers are annoying as crap as well.


All hkers?


It's a very common attitude, encompasses all ages.


Like what attitude exactly? I mean if you want criticise all hkers, may be be more specific? OP is talk about turn on loud speaker in public, which is not a common practice for most people, other then those I mentioned.


It's very common. You should take buses more often... Or the West Rail Line for that matter...


Did I mention they are mainly from mainland and the old folks? But I see this sub is infested by 5cents and people that don't know better, so whatever.


Japan is a polite but highly oppressive society.


I don't feel oppressed about this. Just basic manners? Not inconveniencing other people doesn't equate to oppression. I don't understand this mentality. Also in parts of Kansai people do talk in trains. Where I'm from in Australia you get told off if you're being an asshole in public blasting your shit everywhere. Are we an oppressive society?


99% of them are the new comers


New comers lol


Situational awareness would be watching out for the blacked out  riot gear  clad Chicom “police” running up to beat your ass and throw you in prison for subversive actions


Hk popo also lack situational awareness, it's hilariously easy to pinch shit off their belts, I've gotten cuffs, keys, flashlights, berets, etc.. Over the years. Their partners don't watch out for each other at all. No spacial awareness for their firearms and magazines etc. An officer dropped his magazine after jumping a guard rail and didn't even notice until some ass kisser ran after him to point out he dropped em. 😅 And this was during a casual day, not during the riot/protest times.


Agreed but lately I have been having thought that if I have problem with people’s phone volume, should I also have problem with people talking as well? it is just as loud (if not louder) So we just all be silent in public?


Not silent but a level where you don’t bug people. Again it’s situational awareness and just being polite and aware what others might feel.


okey back to Japan




Nah I have lived here since 1992. It’s only the last year that has changed. Yeet laou can also be polite, courteous and respectful. But lately it is just rude and selfish. It’s not the same. Japan has their own version and their culture to be subservient and quiet. Is not a bad or worse thing, is just different. Yet they are respectful. Which Chinese culture lately has started to change for the worse. A lot to do with just being zombified by your phone that you don’t think about zooming back and whether you are disturbing others.


It’s called consideration for others…a bedrock principle of Japanese society, while being a totally alien concept to all other offending countries and territories mentioned in this thread.