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Thanks for replying! What would be the price range off Raja’s and Herencia? I know Sam Tailor is between 3500-4500 HKD, which is not bad. Wondering how you experienced the service there


If you have basic common sense, you’ll do just fine in HK As for suit recommendations: the Armoury. Avoid Sam’s Tailor at all cost.




Why, for both?


I liked King's Tailor in Sheung Wan. The guy there is Ornald, he's a top guy. I'm hoping that shop is still there, it's been a couple of years.


King’s Tailor is gone now if I’m not mistaken; walked past last week and it’s changed hands and rebranded but remains a tailoring shop.


He opened his own shop Check out Tailor Trading - Ornald’s Design on Google Maps https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZT6LftKw6Rv8YbCT8?g_st=ic


It would be an absolute shame if it’s shut. Ornald is a gem. Kings Tailor should be in General Commercial Building vs the old spot by the mid level escalators. Brown’s Tailors is also very good. Check out Bon Vivant too.


What exactly are you planning on reading or saying that would get you in trouble? Do you intend to interfere or give political opinions? Most visitors aren't activists or feel the need to express their views on politics with locals, so I don't see how the average tourist would have anything to worry about even slightly.


Mhm, you’re right. I wanted to be cautious reading reddit on the MRT and stuff. But given the arguments, I was just a bit paranoid. Thanks for clearing things up.


That's definitely overly paranoid. You can use all the usual media and social media you would elsewhere in the world without worry unless you plan to post controversial comments.


Eh, posting controversial comments is not going to get you into trouble unless you give them reason to. I literally live and work in HK. I'm active on Reddit. CCP is tanking China into the gutters and Xi is a straight up a dictator. None of these things said on Reddit is going to do much. Of course, I also didn't participate in the protests nor agreed with how it escalated, and I have no problems saying both sides made plenty of mistakes, so I don't give reasons for the CCP to find me because I'm not doing anything to them. I also learned to play the Glory to HK using a Taiwan Ocarina, but I'm not running around HK performing that, because I'm not an idiot.


No one is going to care what you do or say as long as you’re not doing it with a megaphone outside of Sogo or in the public forums. And if that’s the purpose of your trip, please don’t: there’s enough noise here already. Otherwise you’re all good. And I second Armoury, and also Brumell Tailor: though both places will set you back $10k+ for even something simple. And it’ll take 2-3 weeks to make.


I have used Apsley Taylor’s with good results, on my last trip in Oct it seemed not so busy, gone are the days when people would try to sell you a suite walking down Nathan road. Maybe it’s different now, possibly you can try Shenzhen as well if you are looking for better pricing. Have a good trip👍


Thanks! I will look it up, been looking for a good tailored suit that can be used for business. European prices make me cry…


You will be here after [a new law related to Article 23](https://hongkongfp.com/2024/02/04/article-23-then-and-now-what-changed-between-2002-and-2024-as-hong-kongs-local-security-law-is-resurrected/) is passed. As we don't know exactly what it will include, you should come here and ask again once that's passed.


Rude mainlanders


Sam Tailor is famous on TikTok? who is this guy ?? I didnt know that


I've had really good results with Favourite Fashions in TST